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Not gonna lie, this is probably one of his better ideas so far. He wants to set aside some of our most prime federal land (which is about 30% of America’s land) to build 10 new cities, not only to alleviate the housing crisis but also to encourage a baby boom.

He's proposing 'baby bonuses' for Americans who want to start families in these new cities. I mean, that on top of plans to carry out the largest mass deportation of illegal aliens in American history, I can bet some people are seriously seething over this
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>Asian Indian American TFR 1.0
>non Hispanic Black TFR 1.6
>Hispanic or Latino of any race TFR 1.9
>niggers/spics qualifying for home loans
>Freedom Cities
AKA slave cities
No doubt it will be for mixed races only
we had baby bonuses since 2015 and our birthrate dropped harder than ever

this is the biggest commie shit to ever be said in america, it really makes it seem trump being bolshevik asset
Community service would be the best one. Something that requires working with your hands, with other people, for the betterment of the area. Something the rich can't buy or talk their way out of. They have to get their hands dirty with the community.

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what type of men do the best where you live ?

I live in the most diverse city in thr world

When it comes to men it goes

Yes in terms of male popularity

1 mulatto/lightskin black
2 southern European
3 black ( west African/ carib)
4 castizo/lighterskinned Hispanics
5 northern Europeans
6 middle eastern
7 mestizos

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In Tronno, the white women are visibly medicated. Like you see them a lot bein visibly tranquilized or all fucking jittery, in broad daylight.
I would be surprised if fewer than 60% of them are on regular meds.
2 is not, provided they are not small. I have no idea what 4 even looks like.

Maybe, it is funny a Muslim woman that is thinking of herself as feminist usually by our standards still qualifies as one of the good girls.

Sigh, not a big fan in case you have not noted it.
>Maybe, it is funny a Muslim woman that is thinking of herself as feminist usually by our standards still qualifies as one of the good girls.

As long as this version of feminism isnt some delusional shit i m all for it. Or on a different note, there is this personal shit and their personal connections and there is the overall culture. That shouldnt be seclusive, the main problem esp. with reddit libtards and "feminists" is that they seperate themselves on a very visceral level, in a way like those psychopathic incels and rats. Well some are naturally that way.
Reddit is full of male feminists, I don't even know what they hope to get out of it.
weak bait

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What's up with trans people seeking attention? I don't understand this.

Some context:

I run a music community and there are about 500-600 people in there. There are no rules as such except just "don't be an asshole".

>Trans: Hi, I'm a trans person. Am I allowed to post here?
>Me: Uh, this is a music community. We really aren't asking anyone for their gender or orientation and just talk about music. While it is not uncommon for someone to reveal something about their personal life, the one thing that unites all of us is our love for music.
>Trans: That's your privilege talking. I'm trans and I don't feel like I'm welcome in most communities because many people are bigots.
>Me: I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. I have not seen anyone mistreat anyone here.
>Trans: I don't see anything mentioned in the community rules about equality.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
And narcissistic supply.

might as well shut it down. the rot is setting in now that the troons have arrived
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
same thing thats wrong with religious people
Why are you replying to someone who uses the term "trans people" as if it is an inherent trait and not chosen? Fuck off. Either let the thread prune or tell OP to kill himself with sage. Fucking idiots

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Shower smoking.
Long line, I have been told, stretching back to Shakespeare. Etc
The FUCKING English you know?
"Name your favorite philosopher" and LO AND BEHOLD, HE'S ENLISH.
, but all I see is him and Amis Kingsley.
(I do not count Amis' son as I do not care for his writing. His dad though? AMAZING ATTENTION TO DETAIL.)

drunk safe-edgy philosemitic redditor
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Being a fat, drunk, miserable, unsmiling, joyless asshole who is likely in Hell but who knows because God is merciful and works in mysterious ways. If Hitchens' brand of atheism - or Harris or Dawkins for that matter - is what atheism has to offer, count me out. I'll continue to worship Christ and live a fulfilling life.

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I fell for the silver scam thanks you stupid faggots on here, well two more weeks have come and gone and these retarded fucking rocks are just sitting here not even staying ahead of inflation.

FUCK SETF scammers for suckering innocent anons into wasting their precious fiat currency on worthless boomer rocks. I could have bought BTC, more guns, tech stocks.. ANYTHING but this dumb ass metal
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Angry replies in 3 2 1.
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>All about that lbs price point.
One ton of copper is: $10,140.00
One ton of silver is: $904,168.00
One ton of gold is: $70,000,080.00
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when the op says "silver ends the fed" the thread about silver is removed.
when the op says "silver is a jewish scam" the thread about silver stays up
Anything silver related or any account promoted by with Elon/Grimes is subversion or controlled opposition.

Battle of the Huckleberry

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Funny how the more companies have fired all that dead weight trump had them hire, the better theyre doing
Turns out when the government isnt making it into socialism, communism works just fine
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make leaf shitposts great again (you fucking suck at your job)
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you mean all those people that were fired and replaced with immigrants since the HB-1s no longer have to be paid the top salary to be highered.
Yeah I guess I kind of overreached with that one
>economy is better than ever
>50-60% of white males are suckling mommy's boob instead of working

Which is it kike?
If you want inflation reduced, stop buying stuff
its on you that your consumption lust pushes you so far
remeber what happened to gas when you stopped driving over the fake virus?

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>irrelevant time-wasting question
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Pig nose.
Would not fuck.
WTF? Why is this so funny
>what am I missing?
her ribs
. I'd fuck her until my dick was worn down to nub. If you know what I mean...

Trump is polling the highest black votes for a Republican candidate ever. He’s rumored to nominate Tim Scott as his Vp. Was he actually a genius when he pardoned violent criminal rappers?
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Source? What do you mean source? You republikikes need to stop drinking your own Kool Aid. Niggers hate you and just want free shit.
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>blacks might remember they were doing better under trump than biden

Yeah, they will remember George Floyd riot and Covid lockdown ... great years
Not “ever” GOP routinely got 60% of Whites, 25% of Blacks, and 40% of non Black minorities until Obama. Between then and now 100% of Black women, 100% of divorced women, and 100% of White college grads vote.
This poll is just incorrect though as it’s a Biden plus 10 and the 2020 electorate was 72% White
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No amount of cope is going to make niggers like you. Stop sucking up to them. Stop making them part of your party platform. It will never work.
Only way Trump wins is if he drops the abortion shit. Every femcel will vote Biden. They'll even lie to their husband's because they're body reminds them about it every 4 weeks.

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What is wrong with Irish zoomers?
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O thos little plockers
Kek, absolutely rekt.
It be funny if they would remind them of 911 24 hrs a day.
Based, they're flipping off the semites in New York
I love how Americans think the whole world adheres to their retard Jewish stereotypes of Europeans

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Didn't he go to jail for that?
You have the right to bare arms, you don't have the right to use them.
why were the parents concerned enough to contact the school 20 times but not pull their kid out of school or go and talk to the principle in person
lmao theres no way you are not a subhuman
I know a Tim, his dad taught him judo.
faggots be like, "I would totally beat up niggers"

yet don't shoot up AIPAC

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When I hear these countries mentioned I always think somewhere closer to the Middle East but there they are beside all the good European countries. Is it shitty there or am I missing out? If it's shitty, how'd it get all fucked up?
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They are very racist and funny, love Balkan telegram
has good reputation i guess, they are poor and did nothing for 2000 years but they have good tourism
they had cool history between after the turk colonizators and before the ottomans, now its a gypsyfied shithole
>serbia bosnia montenegro and kosovo
the same fucking shithole filled with subhuman arguing between each other
montenegro might be cool
bulgars larping
muslim communist shithole, they are nationalistic rats but always live in italy or switzerland. a pest
serbs but whiter and has good tourism

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it was better when it was the ussr's problem all around

same with eastern and "central" europe
It had to be broken up, otherwise the EU would have never happened
That's where you go to find a young qt village girl when you've got capital

>New data revealing that barely any Ukrainian refugees are actually working in Germany has the left-liberal government struggling to explain the failure, despite promises from the government that this refugee group would help fill in for the country’s declining labor pool.
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Even worse than the turks tho the turks had decades now and still over half are unemployed (they just sell drugs )
So? They're refugees, not economic immigrants
This is a good deal for France.
They will get some of their surplus of niggers to fuck off to Ukraine with their new Ukrainian brides once the war is over.
And West Ukraine will get African men and their engineering prowess and work ethic to rebuild it.
I highly doubt there are any jobs for them to begin with. There are no jobs
I dont like hohols but atleast the majority are white fairing enough to not completely displace the genepool

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>Confrontations continue between local protesters and workers preparing a field for asylum plantation in Clonmel. Local travellers have joined the protest. Reports emerging now that Irish workers have abandoned the site. A fire broke out at the protesters with camp, unconfirmed reports of machinery also set on fire and security guard assaulted.
>Thousands of male migrants set to be housed in tents at a site formerly earmarked for a new prison at Thornton Hall, North.Co Dublin.
>In Newtownmountkennedy, security guard at the plantation centre has been hospitalised after a brawl with migrants. Further local protests planned in the coming weeks.
>Modular homes for migrants have been brought in at 5am last night in the village of Coole, Westmeath
>Antifa lunatic arrested after threatening to kill Malachy Steenson, anti-immigration MEP candidate.
>Over 90 tents now pitched along the grand canal in Dublin
>Two thirds say they want a more closed immigration system according to recent poll. 38% say they’re more likely to vote for an anti-immigration candidate
>Local and European elections three weeks away
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McAuliffe could use a brick to the face.
Dia duit
wow i might move to ireland, its getting based. I dont look brown at all fyi
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The war in ukraine is crazy
And that is exactly what agent provocateurs will do in this situation. You have to be wary of plants trying to escalate in ways that make the native Irish appear aggressive.

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A 17 year old coon got a doctoral degree! Is it over, polbros?
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Home schooled until going to college at 10.

Some commies found a nigger queen with an IQ above 80 and gave her the royal treatment. She even admits she doesn't know exactly what she wants to do in life.

She's an identity prop.
She went to all online degree mills.
She got a 'BSc in Liberal Arts' from Excelsior online degree which req 1 math course.
MSc from Unity online deg farm.
ASU doesn't even offer her PhD https://newcollege.asu.edu/graduate-degrees-school-social-and-behavioral-sciences so it was either done privately with a mentor or this is all fake and gay
>Dorothy Jeanius STEAM Leadership Institute
Good research leaf. You will be spared on the Day of The Rake.
I dug around and found it, online meme degree https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/graduate/doctor-behavioral-health-clinical/

Not that I don't think she can get a real PhD but online degree mills are fake and gay credential buying

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Yeah, he just needs to own it, since he is one. The other day my girlfriend called me a pedophile. I said, "that's a big word coming from a 12 year old". I didn't mad like this faggot.
>Imagine getting owned this hard by a kid you bought
Did he actuary adopt him, or is it the classic "I married and knocked up a chick while I was in the closet" Thing?
>Now I know what it's like for Black People to be called a Nigger
So the punishment for calling his dad a faggot was 1/3 demerit points towards reduced ipad privileges? Kek, what a fucking faggot father.
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>I’m not sure if I got this right, but the first thing I did not do was flinch. The second thing I did not do was ignore it. No, flinching would mean that I was scared of him, and ignoring it would mean that I was afraid to react. I said calmly, “At least I don't play on a fucking iPad"

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Trump is campaigning in the South Bronx!
(39% niggers, 60% spics, 1% other)
Let's flip NY red Mt. President!
they are going to mug him
screencap this
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Why did democracy fail?
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The basic underlying premise of democracy (and Americanism) is that all men are equal. This premise is wrong. Men and people are far from equal. A massive % of the population should absolutely have no say on how government is run. 15% of the population have IQs under 80 (probably even worse for america in actuality). That is a massive # of people that are functionally retarded. According to american democracy, these people are equal to you and I, and should have a say on topics such as economics and government affairs. So just like a building with a weak foundation, democracy crumbles as its foundation is flawed. The founding fathers were WRONG.
Take a wild guess.
he has the to typical gay face. why do gays all have the same face?

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Yo, Aussies, explain this
>kikes drag you into war
>psycho soldiers murder little kids for fun in village
>gov covers it up, give soldiers MEDALS for their actions
>tell military lawyer to prosecute some random kid to pin the blamed on him.
>refuse, whistleblow
>get sent to life in prison
LMAO the absolute state of aussies
aussies are brain damaged
that's your explanation

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Don't let the Aussie govt take my VPN away. I now summon all youtubers with vpn sponsorships, the CIA "anonymous" homosexual gang, and based polsters to do something about this because I am helpess with smoll penis.
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Fuck off glowpig
Buy crypto and buy VPNs with Monero.
Also study Tor and i2p
I don't care if USA have guns they are the biggest faggots of all. The Biden coup is embarrassing and now they just let blacks steal everything and open the borders to let millions come in and USA is still sleeping
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Peoples have the government they deserve (the government they tolerate).
No you are just cuntry 125 of importance to them

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How cucked is this place?
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