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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>Timeline of events
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, narrative now claims 'not the one shooter was on top of'
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear, remote detonator device
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #10 >>474693031
/ASLG/ #9 >>474633734
/ASLG/ #8 >>474610426
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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New video shows Crooks located at the rally 1 hour prior to shooting

You might want to check this....

fence breach video of USSS / Pennsylvania State Police:

Last time the media was very fast on the draw to blame $badthing on the Russians. But now that we have a category-6 $badthing, not a single peep about "Russian Collusion".

I find that highly suspicious. The Media keeps avoiding the Russians as chief suspect of the Assassination attempt on donald Trump
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glowies were staged inside this building with clear overwatch of the roof
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Zogbot patches
Posting schizo theory again:

>Shooter cooked up plot on his own (impressive, but not unreasonable)
>Glowies get wind (they are recording all of your google searches)
>Decide to let the kid take his shot because fuck Drumpf
>Mossad gets wind
>Decide to warn Donnie boy because he's Israel's NUMBAH WON FAN
>Trump says let the kid shoot, willing to risk a bullet for Israel.
>Give him radio earpiece instead.
>Mossad spotter warns him to turn his head right as the kid takes a shot.

This is how it went down.
Crooks' parents were "looking for their son" and called the cops day of the assassination attempt:

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>just shoot me in the ear
>yes, like William Tell
>don't worry it'll be great. HUUUGE.
That is retarded. You are retarded.
Trump would 100% risk a bullet to the head for Israel.
these threads attract the worst kind of retards, like flies on shit
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Except they would have been positioned towards the other corner for a better view of attendees.

We don't know if they had a clear view of the shooter's roofline. Otherwise, why let him set up his shot?
So this guy was active on steam, onlyfans and discord but has no significant digital footprint.?
probably fake
maybe real
at RNC convention, USSS Kimberly Cheatle confronted by Senators:

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>completely ignores the reports of guy on the roof many minutes before the shooting
u are a retarded monkey beast, enjoy ur (you)
Dude has no idea what he's taking about. Every frame counts at events like that. Every frame is your fame and fortune. You go max or you lose to the guy next to you who did.

That idiot is reaching for something that does not exist to justify his conspiratard hallucinations.
>Calling cops because your 20 year old son didn't tell you where he went.
Perfectly normal.
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they've retracted the steam story lol
Local police told USSS they could not secure the building used by Trump rally shooter:

They've already floated blaming Iran. That is the same thing as blaming Russia.
>at work
>trying to listen to my favorite true crime podcast
>some asshole banging on the metal roof
ugh... like nobody's even supposed to be there i don't think...
the Butler Township PD has only 12 police officers, and they state that their delegated tasks for the 7/13 Trump rally were 'strictly traffic detail'
yet USSS insists the building on which roof the shooter fired from was
>"the responsibility of the local police department"
But the reports didn't come from the USSS, shithead.

They came from the local cops... the one who fell and injured his leg. They called it in.
do you have a non cropped image
>That sniper in the fisherman hat is a woman.
kek i thought the same too, whos got the clear pic?
Discords first statement that he was already banned X time ago for TOS violations and they have no data
I agree with >>474723227 that camera man knowing ahead of time sounds kinda dumb. Even from the opsec angle, it's stupid.
not my image
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can someone foia that shit? fbi glowies have the archive
Sen. Blackburn on confronting director Kimberly Cheatle last night at RNC:

The question bugging me is...How did he know to go on that roof specifically? There were probably a lot of potential vantage points. But he chose that one. How did he know there wouldn't be any cops up there? He brought the ladder, or was the ladder already there and he just found it? It's just weird to me that, of all the places he could have picked, he just so happened to pick the one spot that didn't have police presence.
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Stop spamming your gay rumble channel. You cloutchasing whores are the lowest of scum.
imagine the smell
What's your theory?
That God saved him?
USSS was responsible for everything. If they chose to not bother with the AGR buildings & leave that with "local police then it's down to USSS as they were in charge of the security planning. Local, county & state police are only there to follow any planning. That rooftop should have been covered by USSS as it was a perfect sniper point
shut the fuck up glowing it may be retarded but it's 100% valid unlike your psyops
Aye Tone, what about that big ass watah towah
That roof can be accessed without a ladder even, and it easy to get on top of in general. Any typically active kid would find it trivial to climb that.

Where else would be choose if scouting that location? Is there anywhere else? It looks to be the only game around.

That the cops left it open is another thing, that who knows. But as to why choose that roof, it seems obvious.
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>it may be retarded but it's 100% valid
Its confirmed then. I thought they didn't find anything political on it though. Was he too edgy or something?
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It wasn't in play in any way. We know where the bullets came from. Be less retarded.
Did he just have amazing luck to pick the one building with no cops AND the best location to be hidden from the closest sniper team?

AND apparently not be seen by the sniper team deployed in the second floor window of the building almost directly behind him?

Too many happy coincidences...
looks like it
whats the source of that screencap
I don't know who glows here, but all he said was threads like this attract retards, which is true. Schizo /pol/ is best /pol/ though
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Discord done 3 different narratives now.
> if you dont believe Israel did this, then you must believe in divine intervention!!!
Please fuck off and do not post on my boards anymore
>Did he just have amazing luck to pick the one building with no cops AND the best location to be hidden from the closest sniper team
>AND apparently not be seen by the sniper team deployed in the second floor window of the building almost directly behind him
>Too many happy coincidences
this this and this
>we found no incriminating evidence
>therefore we decided to scrub it
sounds about right
hear me out.
either way, DEI is responsible.
1. They tried to take Trump out but were so retarded with DEI hires they couldn't pull it off
2. They were so retarded with DEI that someone was able to make an assassination attempt
Either way jew, roastie and nigger alike all lose.
I'm trying to unite the non NPC factions of /pol/ to accept that no matter what happened, DEI was responsible.
The roasties I've approached irl with this were instantly seething and had to storm off.
Put Cheatle's feet to the fire and the whole 30% vagina hires and you can use DEI to explain any scenario.
>conspiracy theories 1-112
>well, if you look hard enough, all the people trying to pull the hit off were diversity hires
>Did he just have amazing luck to pick the one building with no cops AND the best location to be hidden from the closest sniper team?
We don't know. We still do not have the evidence to make a solid determination there.It glows majorly, but we don't know.

I still say likely LIHOP, but they are being stingy with info, and have put out contradictory info often thus far, so we don't even know. Frustrating.

As to luck picking the best building, it, as I said, was probably the only place to choose. That in itself is not necessarily spooky. If that were me, that'd be the first place I'd go. I would never think it would work though, as it is so obvious. It should not have been possible.
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Monday and Tuesday next week the USSS director and local LE appear before Congress
yes it absolutely was USSS's call to have roof of that building locked down
fuck off shitposter faggot.
(it's not "my" channel and the clip was from corp media, about 50 secs long)
Just shut the fucking fuck up and go elsewhere to pollute the internet with (You)r filthy bandwidthwaste.

oh and p.s.
FUCK (You)
lel so u upscaled it with AI?
its still a woman then
until we find proper pic
No, I screencapped an avif
IHOP or WaffleHouse,
DEI is the problem.
>It was only because of the DEI, goy

Of course the MIC being at risk of losing juicy profits if Trump gets elected has nothing to do with it
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Does anyone know the steam profile?
whether or not they were trying to take Trump out or not, they failed because of their own ideology and judging by the reactions it has to fucking sting so hard to know if they had just been White Men they could have pulled it off.
Is your theory that the 20 year old with two shrinks as parents was on SSRI's or other medication?
his handle was
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okie i take it back
its still a gay sniper for not taking the shot earlier
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Needs to have her face while keeping the afro, otherwise it's crap meme.
Not my pic but you're absolutely right. It needs to be her face
New Toss
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There never was a steam profile. We're back to "he only used the internet to look at photos of Trump, Biden, and the dates of rallies."
FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke with U.S. Congressmembers on telephone today:

>the shooter looked for information on where the Democratic National Convention would be held this year
>a tactical vest was in the the shooter's cart
>he used encrypted apps lined to Germany, Belgium, and New Zealand

Shooter's cell phone had a snapshot of live online coverage of Trump's 7/13 Pennsylvania rally taken at 6:01 p.m. the day of the shooting :

A: because Americans are fat and incapable of climbing over a head high fence
did he play Doki Doki LC though?
>how did he get a ladder over a fence
damn that is real retarded sir.
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better image
appear to be screencap from a vid i havent seen yet
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> games "Mr. President!" 132 hours and "Aimlabs" 0 hours

fuuking gold
Crooks was skinny and athletic though… so your statement is a non sequitur
twitter water tower video shows a shadow moving on the water tower then ~14 sec mark a flash

A lot of warehouse type buildings have upper windows to let light in. That pic doesn't necessarily mean that building has 2 floors
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Are people really gullible enough to belief this obvious fake pap?
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yes but how do u think this pic was taken yum yum
>yum yum
Thinking about cock again huh?
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'We got the virgin dumb patsy"
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The camera shook and the 10 pixels that compose the water tower shook with it.

No bullets - neither from shooter or snipers - came from that tower: that can be proven conclusively.

Don't be retarded.
>I’ve heard it all now
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Every time someone replies to a memeflag the thread gets shittier.
>Mfw I've conquered walking on inclines
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Seems like it was taken from one of the corner windows.
What’s does any of this mean in non nerd terms?
Nothing, the guy is wrong. He's trying to justify his pet conspiracy theory by stretching reality to fit it.

He's reposting Bill Mitchell. He's obviously an idiot, as if that wasn't obvious by the MAGA cap and 'patriot' in his name.
I read it to mean the camera settings were set to catch a whizzing bullet instead of a guy talking on stage in the bright sun so the photographer knew there'd be a whizzing bullet
>How did he know to go on that roof specifically
How did he know the layout of the rally event,
how did he know the stage would be placed in that location
>"oh, he was filmed there at least an hour prior to shots being fired, walking around the grounds 'scouting'"
Is that all there is? He drove out to a place he'd rarely if ever been before, walked around for a half hour or so, and then climbed up on the one roof that wasn't secured by SS and started shooting?

this was a setup.
>File: Sniper_Pic
good one
he would have got away with it too, if they hadn't hired a schizo jew to do a White Human Man's job.
Or the most likely order of events the shooter can't control were the rally is or were the place himself
yeah ok. Kid just decides 'well today is the day I go off to shoot at a presidential campaign rally', gets up drives with his rifle to the fairground, is spotted by SS/other security-LE but is not detained, gets thru screening and ends up on a tactically-not-secured building roof with a clear shot to the podium stage while 'sniper teams' are located either directly beneath him or adjacent-to-in-next-bldg the roof he's actually on.
>so the photographer knew there'd be a whizzing bullet
>assasination attemps work best when you tell everyone, including the photographer
Do you really believe this?
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thats not just any photographer
Bongino now saying that the decision for (local police) counter-snipers to be deployed "in 2nd story window" rather than on high ground or roof itself was made by the USSS advance team approximately 1 week prior to the 7/13 event.
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KEK he likes cock
>Bongino now saying that the decision for (local police) counter-snipers to be deployed "in 2nd story window" rather than on high ground or roof itself was made by the USSS advance team approximately 1 week prior to the 7/13 event.
true if big
There were reportedly 4 conter-sniper teams on site:
>2 USSS teams
>2 'local police' [unspecified] teams
Those are just mirrors, Tate. Those black guys you are seeing are your reflection.
if USSS already knew no one was supposed to be on the roof then why didn't they open fire
I think these new modern cameras you can just take high quality video and then extract still shots from that.
I doubt he was out there snapping off with a 1972 Minolta.
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you dont need ladder when there are pallets everywhere
Can someone give me the rundown on the secret service probably a larp story that started here?
Bullet trajectory - alternative aerial photo.
picrel might be the 3rd sniper team then

Who is this green uniformed glownegress? The camo zogbots and even the paramedic have actual patches but she just has what looks like a flag
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>picrel might be the 3rd sniper team then
Intentionally or reliably capturing a photo of a bullet, with a zoom lens, without the camera being triggered by the shooter or technical means, is not possible.
It is possible to capture by chance however, especially if you're just spamming photos of the exact spot it moves through, with the light behind you (because without the light reflecting off the bullet it would be nearly invisible still).
It's a coincidence, and a far less impressive one than Trump dodging 2 or 3 rounds.
non usss sniper team*
is there any confirmation who took the killshot? usss or other teams?
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he climbed on roof using pallet that was lying around
Yeah right.
Feds told them to do that so they wouldn't get dragged into a trial for Involuntary Manslaughter like Crumbley's parents, which would then out the whole mistaken identity plan.
neato but missing two casualties
Bongino also says there is a text msg exchange record that the threat was recognized an hour before Trump got on stage, but there was a "failure" to get the information to USSS
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>Still no detailed interview with the parents.
Just tell them you had no idea your son spends all of his free time fantasizing about killing the former president. Give me something!
>"Uhh we don't actually know anything about our son. He always eats dinner in his room and we never talk to him. We see him carrying up bombs and shit to his bedroom but we didn't think anything of it durr."
Who the fuck is bongo bongo
Butler Township (Pennsylvania) cops now saying the USSS 'threw us under the bus' and that USSS is 'uninformed, lying or covering their own backsides' and 'passing the buck'
>but there was a "failure" to get the information to USSS
the finger pointing continues...
Dan Bongino
former SS agent
>Butler Township (Pennsylvania) cops now saying the USSS 'threw us under the bus' and that USSS is 'uninformed, lying or covering their own backsides' and 'passing the buck'
would explain why theres been so many leaks, glowies are trying to blame local pd
I think this was team #3. They were on the other side of the field, near the back of the event.

Team #4 was in the 2nd floor of the building behind where the shooter was. Unclear why they didn't see him until after the shooting started. Except for the pic they took of him earlier on the wall under the window.
So he doesn’t have any current information on the subject, he’s just some retired talking head giving opinions and conjecture?

agree with this assessment
and yeah the team inside the building is what remains a mystery
I mean at the end of the day it’s on the secret service. Even if PD fucked up, it’s still on the secret service.
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SS new about the guy, he's some spook asset groomed by the state, former 4ch poster where he communicated with his handlers, they knew he was on the roof and got ordered to stand down unless he shot first
He shot three times, then sniper team 2 took him out, probably DHS, then a third shooter fires two shots, no one knows who it was or where it came from
Trump is only alive because he turned his head and now he's putting together a cabinet that 100 percent watches Alex Jones, Musk is giving him $45 million/month to campaign
Democrats are no longer campaigning for Biden, focusing on down-ballot campaigns, no clue what's happening in the Presidential race
All because of this photo
>Even if PD fucked up, it’s still on the secret service.
100% they planned the defense ahead of time, they are complicit in this failure, intentional or not
Bongino is the closest any of us, including members of the U.S. Congress who are hosting the USSS director Cheatle in testimony before them on this coming Mon 7/22, are going to get on an inside line to whistleblowers/others in the SS.
He's a reliable source when it comes to SS downlow.

Watch this video >>474723135
to see what happens when U.S. Senators attempt to get answers from the USSS director
>opinions and conjecture
No he has confidential sources. See >>474732755
Especially since they apparently couldn't see the shooter setting up, even tho the North and South teams seemed to have eyes on?
But did they take the kill shot, once they realized he was there (started firing)?
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The local PD was only there to direct traffic, they even told the SS that there was a gunman
Here's a message for the glowniggers and faggots who ^&ged this thread:
>only there to direct traffic
This restriction on their role at the event was placed deliberately so that SS could deflect blame from their own selves
Kek seething faggot
the smoking gun i think will come once we can confirm who was staged inside the building, possibly glowie contractors

yep but who the fuck are those qrf/swat teams we see on the vids and pics
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how do you carry a ladder on a bicycle?
This event was fucked so badly by the feds even normies are openly talking about them being involved. Any talk about of other shooter or bullshit like that is glowniggers.
>SS new about the guy, he's some spook asset groomed by the state, former 4ch poster where he communicated with his handlers, they knew he was on the roof and got ordered to stand down unless he shot first

What strikes me is that if this is true, and he knew about all of this, why go just to 4chan to leak it?

I mean, 4chan now is largely irrelevant to the internets collective consciousness. Wouldn’t it make more sense to use as many outlets as possible?

Seems like for something like this, you’d want as many people as possible to know the truth as soon as possible

>my source: I made it up
What tangible proof does he have for any of what he’s said on this?
How certain are we that the alleged shooter was a troon?
>Any talk about of other shooter or bullshit like that is glowniggers.
I have a discord account I barely use and I’m into all manner of unspeakable perversions.
One of the two fisherman hats may still be a woman.
New leaks coming out on corporate media
>claims that the 2nd USSS sniper team from roof immediately south of 1st team, directly behind stage/trump, were the ones that neutralized him
>[cartoon video animation *still* shows shooter on west side of building roof]
>Crooks visited the site at least once (no date mentioned-specified) prior to the day of the rally

Why is the shooter's position shown different almost at every pic I see?
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telescoping ladder ?

but he didnt need it...
yer gunna hav er bad time if you place a ladder like this.
>hurt feelings
Many such cases. Sad!
>shooter's position

See >>474733968
(new video cartoon which shows incorrect position of shooter on west side of building roof)
They keep fudging the position of the shooter.
His dead body is located on the eastern end of the building; presumably, this is also where he took his shots from, because after firing them he was dead within seconds from counter-sniper fire.
Unless ? there was
No one has produced a definitive photograph or video showing him located (we assume on east side of) on the building roof at the time of opening fire
It was most likely not the first bullet, trump is seen with his hand moving up. If the photo is real, and the photographer had no knowledge ahead of time, then he started holding down multishot and got a good photo out of the many that were taken.
That is interesting. If he was the only photographer present with Bush, I could see something. If we assume someone else who worked in the industry for a long time got the bullet photo, it's not out of the question that they would have taken a snap of Bush during the tower explosions as well.
Go to another corner of the internet to shitpost.
or, keep it up with the free bumps plebbitor F A G G O T
Fuck the glownigger FAGGOTS s^*ing this topic.
Don't worry ladderbros they will reveal he had an RV parked next to the building and was camping there for a week. The ladder was stored in the RV.
Snipers inside the building noticed him and took a photo of him.
with security like this, he could have just parachuted in like some Hamas Muzzies

Also, why didn't he use a drone and just drop something? Nobody could have done anything against that
NYT - How Law Enforcement Failed to Protect Trump from an Assasination Attempt

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They were therapists according to this.
Why can't they get that basic fact correct?
We have pictures where his body (and the gun) ended up, on the east side of the building.
This isn't that hard.
>2nd USSS sniper team from roof immediately south of 1st team, directly behind stage/trump, were the ones that neutralized him
dunno if i buy this, i mean they had good sight on on the roof but from the 8-9th shot i heard in multiple vids i dont think it was from a suppressed barrel, only the last one a few sec later appears to be suppressed
>>Crooks visited the site at least once (no date mentioned-specified) prior to the day of the rally
isnt the precise location announced day or two before the event?
>I was RVING the other day and
Me too, my first feels were ftm troon and water tower or tree nearby. When I said troon due to a feminine feel to Crooks image, everyone LOL at me. OK could just be a femboy but still.

I was seeing trees/water tower--so could have been trees near water tower.
My theory is the SS couldn't fire on Crooks even though they saw him because the shot at Trump hadn't been fired yet. They needed Crooks to take his shot so he could be patsy. He missed of course, but REAL shooter popped off right after and Trump narrowly missed getting a head shot when he tilted/turned his head.

AFTER those shots THEN the SS fired. But I don't think they're the ones who actually shot Crooks. He was shot in the BACK of the neck. Couldn't have been the mouth front to back because he had his face /mouth behind the gun. So Water Tower Tree dude shot Trump then Crooks, the bounced in the chaos.
Depends on WHICH cement wall he was on. It was taken from above, either out a window or from a higher perspective like water tower zoomed in. See pic for other cement wall location--near where he was sighted on the roof by civilians.
They locate the shooter correctly in their video's cartoon map of the event
>Snipers inside the building
this alone sounds like the most retarded strategy ever.
The building had no windows and if it had, they would have all looked at Trump's stage, not away from it to actually see a sniper
Dad was a gun owning Libertarian.
I bet he wasn't happy his son was a troon.
the NYT (finally) show it correct here >>474734801
watch the NYT video I just ^^posted
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They're claiming that the south roof Team #2 were the ones who deliverd the kill shot
The second floor of the taller building had a decent view of the entire southwest area of the event.
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"Butler Township is cooperating with an investigation into former township Commissioner Dave Zarnick that is being conducted by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office."
If he accessed the roof from there, he wouldn't need a ladder.
A drone would have seen him easily.
Why didn't they have drones?
That's why I hated how the FakeNews Mainstream Media kept stating "HE HAD TRUMP SIGNS IN HIS YARD!!"
It was his PARENTS HOUSE he was still living with his parents at 20 years old, his parents liked Trump and hated their own son probably hence the signs and hence the hatred of the son for anything his parents stood for.
This bad kitty thread


Lots of hot sauce here. Any way to capture all of it?
>his parents liked Trump
Probably dad, at least
Mom could be a crazy liberal encouraging his troon fantasies.
Many such cases
>his parents liked Trump
Sauce? All I got was kike media
Explains why he registered Republican and so forth
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Stupid retard question but… what’s the phenomenon of the eyes not closing all the way at death? Every time I look at this image the eyes are still slightly open. Especially the one on the right.. creeps me the fuck out. It just the muscle in the eye that doesn’t close the lid all the way or what? Fucking scary. Makes me think he’s still alive in there somewhere.
>if there was a second shooter it would have been a professional glownigger,
You mean like the black skinny jeans wearing dude that rolled up on a Harley before the shooting and went into THE shooter's building pictured? took the shot, and bounced? leaving his Harley? it was parked in the same place it was witnessed parking the day of the shooting.

Where is Yearick glownigger? Did Yearick ride a Harley and wear skinny jeans?Was he a trained marksman? Was Crooks his patsy? groomed?
She most certainly does say "shot the guy in the water tower".


I tried a timestampe not sure if will work on live.

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Well that was kinda wrong. Not Russian agent, and SCOTUS scuppered any arrest.

A few days before tho...picrel.
good summary but that sound expert conveniently leaves out the last shot seconds later
i prefer to listen to the raw videos

again for the record, i dont think the penultimate shot was suppressed, only the last
Hood rats can clear that chain link fence at a trot with that many popo milling around.
yeah (audio analyses) I haven't gone down that rabbit hole
I was surprised the NYT vid seemed pretty accurate overall
they got his location on the roof, finally
Even without a spotter, a single non-sniper cop on top of AGR would've been enough to dissuade Crooks from getting up there.
I've seen popstar concert security detail being more thorough than this... and that's down here in the third world.
They had 3 cops inside... what's the point of having three inside a one-story building? Leave one or two in there and have the rest on the fucking roof, for fuck's sake.
You glow faggot and your buddy >>474722317 does too.
You faggots suck each other off then ram each other taking turns in the back of the cruiser?
I bet you do.
Faggots glow harder than Tokyo (shits visible from space).
Pathetic shills for the old man and his crack addict son, not to mention niggers.
They look light-colored too (like blue) and not shit-brown like crooks' eye color.
Maxwell Yearick had blue eyes.
I also think it's so blatantly obvious, we're going to see a lot of guts spilled on Mon 7/22 when USSS director testifies to Congress
they've only got a few more days of keeping a lid on this
we need more sound analysts
i posted my interpretation couple days ago >>474463000
penultimate shot sounds unsuppressed
>I've seen popstar concert security detail being more thorough than this
decrepit and shoddy
on purpose? ...
Mean this guy:
Faggot glows
First three shots crooks and the remainder are SS
Where is Saddam Hussein in this?
Oh for sure
>yep but who the fuck are those qrf/swat teams we see on the vids and pics
There are at least two parties involved that haven't been identified, the other police/swat on the ground and the possible "Ukrainian" shooter on the water tower
>sloped roof
that was already done during the LA riots. lame
What’s your hypothesis?
Where were the two injured sitting anon?
work on ur reading comprehension yum yum

Glownigger groomers deleted everything BEFORE the shooting. They fear us. They're getting smarter.

Can't have any more "Entropy" mistakes like they did with Payton.
>feeling suicidal
>why not make it count?
>What strikes me is that if this is true, and he knew about all of this, why go just to 4chan to leak it?
I dunno why they decided to use this to communicate
But it is 4ch which makes it fake and gay and no one will believe it, even with the Thomas was here photo
Work on your answering skills. You didn’t answer my question so there’s nothing for me to read you dumb kike retarded faggot
What's up with the chinkwriting?
So the Yearick did it faggot make a steam account to troll?
PA DA is deepest of deep state
Just watched the video anon posted earlier and the guy mentions there was a SWAT team posted in the second story of AGR. So it was a two-story building actually... still, they should've posted someone up on that roof.
So far we have no evidence of any shots from the water tower, and no clear pictures of anyone there either.

Why have a second shooter if they aren't going to take care of business?
There were two sets of "snipers" the floppy hat dudes in your pic and the ballcap dudes.
not problem u cant read
but here what i hear;
crooks first fires 3 shots one sec or less apart, followed by a quick burst of 3 or 4 shots fired in less than a sec
then we hear a single unsupressed shot, then we hear the suppressed shot few secs later
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I think they were here. It's where the picture of him was taken.
Possibly explains why that team didn't see him on the roof. They were watching the crowd, and he was too far to their left.
It totally depends on WHICH cement wall he was sitting on. There's a lot of them. There's one right under the place he was spotted on the roof by civilians. That cement wall is not near the others being offered as THE wall.
>we hear the suppressed shot few secs later
Was it suppressed, or just far from crowd taking videos?
If it came from inside the building, it would have been naturally quieter.
Trump is a Russian agent.
DEI, just like all other left-wing sociopolitical issues, is a distraction from the real problems at hand
>should've posted someone up on that roof
even if they didn't have a station on roof itself, they should have had 1 or 2 agents/officers assigned specifically to observe or overwatch just that roof. No that's not counter-sniper Teams #1 or #2's specific job either
They clearly thought SOMETHING was going to happen. They all showed up whereas they never had before.

They claim it was because they thought he was going to announce VP...but they'd been claiming Trump was going to announce that at every appearance for weeks.
>Was it suppressed, or just far from crowd taking videos?
this is also a possibility but we hear similar ping with echo in both videos here >>474736415
>who took the killshot
watch the NYT video posted ^^^upthread
it was the south roof USSS Team #2
>it was the south roof USSS Team #2
this is what they claim but i dont buy it
i still have my ears intact
Exactly, a cop from the local enforcement since the building is located outside of the 'primary circle' or whatever.
And goddamn it, it's not like Crooks dropped from above to that spot, he was seen quite some time before with a fucking range finder and later on, common eventgoers saw him with the rifle.
>Clearly seen: a guy that's not a cop or SS with a rifle in a political rally
That's a threat, no question about it. Hell, if you pull out a decorative cosplay weapon in an airport, you'll probably end up like a colander.
Scrolled through the entire thread and there is no NYT video posted numb nuts
Audio suggests there were multiple sniper shots. Why need the second one, if the first was a killshot?

Seems more likely the South team #2 hobbled him, and then team #4 completed the job with a shot to the back of the head.

Why won't they provide a ballistics report?
maybe ? someone else from the rally has another viewpoint mobile phone vid not yet surfaced which could further help confirm

What was total public attendance at the 7/13 rally btw
You notice how there was no fact-based reporting in the following days, just eyewitness interviews
Intelligence agencies provide the bulk of press releases and press reels to wire services who make that available to news agencies
They were prepped for a different story...
Hello, Amiri.
>Seems more likely the South team #2 hobbled him, and then team #4 completed the job with a shot to the back of the head.
both usss sniper teams have suppressed rifles
someone fired a shot at crooks before the last suppressed shot
the fact that a dozen or more rally goers were loudly yelling to alert police/officers about "someone climbing on roof" minutes prior to shots fired proves how crappy and retard-tier this security operation was
>someone else*
Stop posting the skewed image.
>NYT video

HERE: >>474734801
What image is from a Jap news video. Here's another one taken the day after the shooting by the eyewitnesses who went back to look.

Why tf is no one interested in this dude?
off the top of my head it was
>Crooks Crooks Crooks
>team 2
>Crooks 5x
>unknown unknown
What’s the difference faggot. One is vertical and one is horizontal but it’s the SAME IMAGE
He did put it in simple terms. You're too stupid to understand. Are you another DEI glownigger?
Crooks was walking around behind the venue fence and around the buildings without ANY gear visible for at least an hour before the shooting.
listen to both vids here >>474736415 from two different perspective, one close to the shooter and other close to trump
u can easily tell whats incoming and outgoing
Not really
First the FBI say they aren't able to access his phone. Their story keeps changing
>They were prepped for a different story...
This would appear to be an accurate assessment. I wonder if anyone will leak the "tragic assassination" pre-written story? IE like the pre-written obits for some famous people.
I've already watched a few audio analysts that's why I said off the top of my head
how many bullet have u had coming ur direction?
that building was owned by BlackRock. It also had a ladder set up for him to use
17 during the Bosnia-Serb war
that nyt sound expert didnt even mention the last suppressed shot
we need more unbiased professional analysis
I know faggot but it skews the perspective and the upright image was used by the Yearick faggot to skew the narrative. There's no reason to use the faggot's image that was made specifically to skew the narrative when the real image is available.
And these were just normal people attending the event... If there's one thing I give credit to the smartphone generation, it's that anyone can take up a role of cameraman quickly and easily. Thanks to that, there will be some proper measures taken to correct this massive sec failure.
Back in the Rittenhouse case, videos filmed there showed every aspect of his confrontations with SkateOrDie, the abuser and that other guy who survived. Some were questioning a woman behind Trump in the video who started pointing with her phone camera, but she was probably already recording stuff before the shot, even. Pretty sure several members of the crowd have multiple photos or videos of the rally in general, hopefully more useful info comes out of these.
And he was in that blackrock promo vid
I'm starting to think that blackrock is the govt
Butler Township pushes back on USSS, how communications were set up, it wasn't their "job to secure the [roof] building"


He mentions these agencies on site:
>Pennsylvania State Police
>Butler County Sheriff's Dept
>Butler Township Police
kek then u should know
wasn't Trump an hour late to the stage as well? Crooks probably was wondering where he was & had to waste time
IDF uniform
Here's the best summary of the coverup I've found so far
It's long but worth it when you have time enough
And this is what I meant when I talked about other smartphone videos popping up. Maybe he was scoping the climbing location?
Still, looks sus as hell. If he had a cop uniform that'd be another thing entirely. How the fuck did they not question him ("hey kid, the rally's over there") or tail his whereabouts?
Jesus they even had observers present
Anyone who says this wasn't a planned orchestrated event is either stupid or lying
>I'm starting to think that blackrock is the govt
Interesting - was he walking around trying to find a way onto the roof, or was he walking around killing time until Trump was ready to come onstage?

Would suggest he already knew exactly where he would go and how to get there.
> "It's long"
> 11 minutes

found the zoomer
it'd be nice if you posted actual receipts instead of some other fucking building
A local cop with a pump action just chilling on the roof would have been the end of any attempt
It is such a catastrophic retard tier failure I cannot believe it is anything but intentional
We don't know who that is.
It was a setup and everybody knows it which has pretty insane implications for the future.
Walking around pretending to look like a plain-clothes policeman "inspecting the perimeter" probably.

Glownigger probably told him to do that
The image of crooks taken from above was from one of those windows or a camera between them when he was crouching on the half wall
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*New Information*
the local Butler Township police called to the building about shooter-on-roof, the officer:
>was *not climbing a ladder*
>he was actually being hoisted by a fellow officer to get a view up on roof surface
>he was holding on to the edge of the roof
>to try to get his head up over the edge of the roof, so he could see what was going on
>the suspect turned his rifle on the officer
>the officer was not able to retrieve his own weapon, but unable to and fell backwards/down

He's been asked:
>why didn't the responding officers use the ladder the shooter did
>the other officer helping his colleague, was using the 'cupped hands' method allowing him to step on and upward to the roof
>was it a Secret Service perimeter (that building/its roof) - Township police had no responsibility for this

also, this Butler Township commissioner admits:
>"I don't have a law enforcement background"
thx watched the sound analysis part
we need more of this from multiple audio sources...
Like TACKLE HIS ASS for fucks sake.
No excuses to not have at least approached him
>according to my calculations, the fucking orange man turned his head
Fuck, sorry wrong one, here's the full length one

I fucked up here's the whole thing it's 2h long
>what's the point of having three inside a one-story building? Leave one or two in there and have the rest on the fucking roof, for fuck's sake.
It was 95 degrees F out. They said it was too hot for that.

They should have propped a canopy on there to cover under. The roof was flat enough for a it. It would have been quite hot, but it is sort of an important job.
why didnt they ask the guys with 50x scopes to check him out?
give timestamp if theres more gun sound analysis lol
but will try to watch later
>best summary of the coverup


yep Gouveia rocks
his channel https://rumble.com/c/RobertGouveia
today's 7/18 stream rn https://rumble.com/v57h9vh
the guy sounds pretty well infomred ngl
15 mins in
Exactly. Why did they just take pictures of the suspicious person and not say
>Hey Butler PD can you send a couple uniforms to check this guy?
much better. Thank you.
They did send two guys
The one cop pushed the other cop up, Crooks turned around to shoot him in the face, he let go of the edge of the roof and IIRC broke his ankle
That's when the shooting started
The SS actually tried floating the excuse that they didn't shoot the sniper because there might have been police behind him
he's excellent
followed closely the J6/Proud Boys trial also Rittenhouse, he's an expert on the Lawfare cases against Trump
puts other lawtubers to shame
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The water tower didn't have a great view of the stage or crowd - the ground level would have been largely blocked by trees.
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Found this reconstruction, seems better than the others. But the animation lags a bit behind the second shot.
yea really
WHY this has been an ongoing topic for what 5 days now?! and they never can make this godamn picture correct. That's why I ignored it. Its something to distract you from everything else like their lack of action about it afterwards or the whole, the magic bullet camera woh bro that proves it even more to me that it was a REAL bullet. holy shit it itself makes me think this is fake when I was thinking it wasn't. Guess who btw took that pic? same guy who took the one of bush at the school when 9/11 happened.
thx anons
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There's an alternate timeline somewhere where Gouviea throws hands with LegalEagle and the whole thing gets caught on video
>gouviea: "that's what i thought, bitch"
yea nevermind the snipers over on the other higher sloped roof in broad daylight. no, ss good excuse I totally am convinced this isn't intentional.
I don't know for sure but Trump is indeed routinely late. He was late to the Elipse by an hour. I don't watch his stuff so can't say for certain. I only know re the Elipse because that day got so famous. Jan 6.
indeed its somewhat obscured by tree line here is another perspective
hm yeah pretty good
It's crooks. Check clothing. Shorts, hightops, t-shirt.

I'm wondering if the shot that got the hydraulic hose is the one that blew the head off of the dead firefighter.
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Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard Board members control most of the US companies. Your 401k and company retirement funds buy the funds that buy the stock, and they get to make the decisions as to who runs each company. Here is a really good video on the topic.
Which is exactly why the only possible scenarios are : inside job to take trump out. dude shows up that day with no plan, and the most insane set of circumstances and luck all happened to line up not only for the shooter, but Trump himself, allowing the shooter to take the shot and Trump survive.

Or the whole thing is fake and gay and a shining example of the fake and gay clown world we currently live in. I lean towards the first two options.>>474730801
Well the original excuse was they were supposed to be on roof, but it was just too dang hot. (According to SS) Seems like that's gone now, and SS is saying they never had anyone up there because it was too sloped lmao. Expert sniper dude with longest recorded kill said it is 100% SS duty to secure the location, decide which buildings to secure, a week or two before. So SS 100% decided to not have anyone on that roof.
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>Seems like that's gone now
is it?
Nigger, there isn't even confirmation how many, and who was in said sniper teams. It's gone from 2 to 3 to now 4. It was 2 SS and 1 local PD, then it was 2 and 2. Now it's who knows because local PD claims all they were asked to do was some kind of traffic detail involving 7 officers.
This is completely wrong - I'll try and explain.
If you're recording at 30fps, each frame is 1/30th of a second. But if you leave the shutter open the entire time (360 degree shutter angle), the video will look really blurry - and you're also letting a ton of light in which will overload most cameras with outdoor lighting.
It's "standard" for movies and TV to be shot with a 180 degree shutter angle (IE, 1/60th of a second for 30 fps) which lets in light half the time. This provides the "normal" motion blur we're used to.
However, this still lets a ton of light into the camera, especially outdoors.
You can deal with this in 3 ways: 1) "neutral density" filters which are fogged glass that reduce the amount of light let in, 2) reduce the size of the iris (increase the F/stop) to let more light in, or 3) decrease the time the shutter is open (smaller shutter angle).
Consumer cameras and go-pros do not even have adjustable F/stops, so this isn't even always an option. However, professional cameras have it adjustable. The problem is, a higher F/stop (smaller iris) increases the area that's in focus because optics are complicated. So if you're trying to make Trump stand out from the crowd behind him, you want to keep your Iris wide open (low F/stop). This looks better but lets in a ton of light. So you have to go to option 1 or 3.
Option 3, increasing the shutter speed, is the easiest to do. When there's a ton of motion, this can make the video look "choppy", but it really isn't a problem in low motion environments.
But the reason why it makes motion look choppy is why it'd actually be TERRIBLE for catching a bullet in motion.
When your shutter speed is 1/8000 of a second for 30fps, this means that for each frame of video, 99% of the time the shutter is CLOSED and not capturing light. It's only at the last 8000th of a second the shutter opens, and lets in some light. So, the chance of the shutter being open when the bullet went by was under 1%
i know i know
need more corroborating reports

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