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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.


Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

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Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78960628 >>78960628
first for sneed and chuck
second for chuck and sneed
third for fuck and suck
wait till page 10 you FUCKING RETARD.

"like 4chan" as in what? Because there's several eras to 4chan's posting habits.

If you mean "current day 4chan" there's none, modern 4chan just absorbs all userbase since the agreggation that comes from speed is it's main attractive.

I recall a weeb-oriented IB from a few years ago trying to be like 2006ish /b/, but you could tell it was all forced LARP by /a/-types trying to create another of their elitist community and not create a comedy oriented enviroment. weebsphere altchans are hilariously tryhard.
The worst thing about discord and modding scenes is when the retarded owner has a meltdown, deletes the entire server, and the only link to the mod was hidden in the server.
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>wait till page 10 you FUCKING RETARD.
/qa/ lost shartfag
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I feel like i know where this is coming from
that never happens
that would imply 4chan still exists as a cohesive community, so no. If they talk about 4chan at all it means they are likely 4chan exiles ie sharty still seething like 6 years later

Ibs today are doomed projects by people trying to capture the spark of the past. Inevitably the pressure from the mainstream internet - that whether they like it or not offers the same validation for less effort, inevitably dries the site up
question: why do people sometimes capitalize words like "though"? like here >>>/a/271438625
>The best selling is actually Kimetsu THOUGH.
i see it every now and then and i'm not sure if it's a meme i don't get or what.
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>that never happens
it's not the same as what the other anon said, but it reminds me of the owner of the MSPA discord server accidentally opening a virus file and corrupting years worth of community content that wasn't archived anywhere else.
well that's not intentional
there used to be a mexican on /int/ who seethed at the word "though" so it became a meme

people like to quote >though with jaks so I assumed capitalizing it was a way of preemptively acknowledging that
kind of like a "I already know what your inane substanceless response is going to be"
i feel the exact same way whenever anyone gets busted for having a whole library's worth of pizza lazily scattered in a google drive, versus people who get special phone camera covers and use a VPN over Tor just to watch basic missionary porn (and of course never save any pictures or videos).
Unironically cultural imperialism. The twitter format represents like half the overlap the site has with the rest of internet. Twitter addicts naturally started bringing in terms and manners of speech to 4chan due to how similar both posting formats are specially if you post from your phone.

I only realized the impact twitter had in 4chan post-elections after it ate 4chan entirely so I can't really tell what's what, I've never opened twitter until it became more bots than people.
I know a lost of ironic weeb culture around 2012 was straight up copied from anime twitter down to the smug anime girl reaction faces they used to troll people on /v/

man fucking robot, won't even let me fix my posts
>copied from anime twitter
>smug anime girl reaction faces
wait am i reading this wrong? are smug anime girls a twitter immigrant thing all along?
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the fact it's easier to find a download on a 15 year old forum that doesn't even have cdn hosting any more and has dead mediafire links everywhere, than it is a 3 day old shitcord kills me inside every time i'm forced to confront it.
the fuck, so it has the same etymology as thoughever? these modern terms man, i can't keep up...
>wait till page 10 you FUCKING RETARD.
forced OP is forced, big surprise
Eeeh I can only give you rough dates. if you check typical weeb twitter posts from 2012-2015 and compared to the typical 4chan OP from anywhere after 2014 then you'd be surprised how similar they are. There was a legit encroachment of Twitter... let's call them "anime normies" on /a/ culture. Truth be told, twitter more or less invented modern anime culture.

Actually, encroachment is a loaded word. Weeb culture just mutated and /a/ followed suit. Some (like me) are just sour they did this while bragging about the whole elite gatekeeper thing they had when they were basically becoming normies in front of our eyes.

> are smug anime girls a twitter immigrant thing all along?
smug anime face posters where one of those ironic shitposting trolling groups running rampant in the early 2010s. But they brand of irony compared to typical ALLCAPS XDXDDXDXD ironic shitposting was copied from twitter anime aesthetics.

This is straight up how the whole "anime site" argument started. People would demand the cunts to stop trolling, hijacking threads and spamming their shitty OPs and they would scream shit along the lines of "4chan is an anime site so it's my right to post anime however i want". They legit gave /a/ a terrible reputation back then, when they were 100% innocent.
Mine is more experiences of multiple meltdowns ranging from someone raging about feeling no one was grateful, someone getting mad that someone improved their mod (but wasn't claiming the mod), to a grooming incident.
Exactly. At least I can find something that works compared to some discord owner melting down and deleting everything because "no one felt grateful" and having to ask if others had downloaded the CC.
wow, genuinely had no idea. i always assumed it was the other way round, and that the anime community's overall behavior of libertarian edginess came from here and spread out to other places.

>Some (like me) are just sour they did this while bragging about the whole elite gatekeeper thing they had when they were basically becoming normies in front of our eyes.
that makes sense at least. anime being something you could "gatekeep" stopped making sense like a decade ago anyway, nowadays anime is probably the most mainstream nerd hobby next to gaming.

>This is straight up how the whole "anime site" argument started.
interesting, i thought it was because of /pol/ newfags complaining about degeneracy (i.e. anime), or at least i remember seeing stuff like that on places like /bant/ back when it was getting started.
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What is the /hap/ take on the new shadow implemented filter that blocks the words "nigger, faggot, and tranny" from being posted more than 3 times in a single post. Yes it's real.

Good change or bad change?
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should have been a public autoban like it was in old /k/
>I recall a weeb-oriented IB from a few years ago trying to be like 2006ish /b/, but you could tell it was all forced LARP by /a/-types trying to create another of their elitist community and not create a comedy oriented enviroment.
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> i always assumed it was the other way round
Nah senpai, /a/ and all the OG boards are firmly products of the 00s internet - their love was sincere and cringe.

Thing is, to cope with site wide culture changes in the early 2010s /a/ adopted bunker mindset where anyone who didn't comply with board culture was an acceptable target. Didn't help that they had heavily autistic mods nannying the board 24/7 and taking sides on every flamewar.

>that makes sense at least. anime being something you could "gatekeep" stopped making sense
That's not the whole picture - /a/ was *always* the "cool weeb secret club" that saw itself as better than all other weebs. their identity was heavily anti-mainstream trends and dedicated to gatekeep other weebs, not other 4channers (who all like anime to some degree). desu to some degree /a/ had the completed projects, associated big names and OC to prove they weren't all talk.
This "gatekeep lesser weebs" take just got more and more extreme with time to the point killing threads was seen as acceptable if you didn't comply with accepted OP formatting, it got to the point CP spam was not unheard of. one day even moot had enough and stickied a naruto thread for like a week, it was hilarious.

Didn't help when ironic shitposting came in and started using anime to troll people, when accusations of trolling / raiding started flying the bunker mindset simple redirected to gatekeep culture from other boards

>i thought it was because of /pol/ newfags complaining about degeneracy
/pol/ doesn't implode until the alt-right and the culture war go full swing around 2014. Before that they were at best /int/ and /co/'s problem. by then ironic shitposting and all those (allegedly) IRC troll groups were disbanded.

This is all stuff that happened over 10 years ago. People today don't even remember things ever being different and I can give you at best 40% of the full picture, disinfo was rampant: everyone was screaming about invisible boogeymen
yeah it's that one.
>and that the anime community's overall behavior of libertarian edginess came from here and spread out to other places.
fff fuck no. we were already a "boomer website" by 2012 and all analytics pointed at visible userbase shrinking. Then the entire fucking internet decided to wake us from our whiskey sours & hardcore hentai stupor and take us by the ear to their retarded culture wars.
Has anyone seen moot?
It's fantastic.
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I'm actually inclined to agree. While I don't have a problem with those words in any sense like you'd imagine your typical Tumblr type or left winger or libtard or whatever the term is nowadays, I know for a fact that posts that mindlessly spam those words are not quality posts. What I'm actually more excited to see more than not seeing them, is the community's creative use of new slurs or ways to get past it. Rather than spamming the word over and over, I dream of creative and funny uses of it instead, Iike pic related.
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earth shattering /ck/ happenings
I saw him last night after fucking his mother.
you are worse
There's nothing more annoying than catching stray bans damn
100% needed, should have been done about a decade ago during the MAGA migrations
hory shet it's real
catching herpes
Good overall, since the quality of posts that use the same words over and over is generally very low. However, the word list is cringe and retarded.
based change but they should have gone farther
Hap not very active today. Nothing seems to be happening.
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>50 posts in
>metadiscussion personal blog fags whining about how they hate offtopic (while being offtopic ITT), whining about the OP being made too early and cumguzzling the jannies and their wordfilters

>2 happenings in sight, one reply acknowledging the /ck/ one
nod gud DD:
It's clear you care a lot about the Wendy's krabby patty secret formula so I'll give you a you.
Bold text sighting: >>>/mu/123866349
of course it would be the kpoop threads
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>report it, hiro is getting shit from idol agencies because of you gook worshipers gooning to idol cp
>>but we do, you never respond to them
>you expect us to respond to reports? use the janny bypass, moron
classic unpaid workforce moment
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Kpop general is unironically the worst on the site in terms of how destructive it is. Not even /dbs/ or the entire catalog of /g/, /vg/, /aco/ or /trash/ combined rival its catastrophic effect on its home board. /mu/ used to have such a unique culture from the rest of 4chan and now its a complete zoomer ghost town. There are at least 3 Kpoop threads on the /mu/ catalog at any given time. Fuck the mods.
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>/a/ - screencaps and gossip from other social media
>/vt/ has a bot lurking the catalog
>it spams images related to OP when thred's close to bump limit
has this shit happened elsewhere? could mods do anything about this?
At least the /a/ jannies delete Twitter screencap threads
isn't the point of
>ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.
to generate metadiscussion?
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>how are things in your city? anything interesting or unusual going on?
a happening can be a meta event, but metadiscussion is not a happening.
So why would I want to post Happenings(tm) in the Happenings(tm) thread if it's not to see what thread regulars think of it?
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/co/'s meme about punishing the Joker by raping him became real. In the new Joker movie the Joker is raped by security guards until he drops his anarchist identity.
>I'm not sure why so many anons here are celebrating it
Consider what board we moved to, and the tourist users of it visiting the thread. /r9k/ is long past it's wizchan-lite years.
yes it is ignore the other fag
hap has always treasured metadiscussion when there is no happenings. Nothing better than talking about 4chan on the 4chan happenings thread
nah, >>>/nah/
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Might be a one-off, but a possible early report of a happening rolling out, some tor ranges are blocked from viewing 4chan (not just a blanket block on posting).
Hopping circuit works for now (so it doesn't seem to be many), but just in case you guys weren't aware. Will report more if it develops further (since it's definitely new and replicable as of a few weeks back that you now have to pass a captcha to view images in their own standalone tab).

Guessing they really want that location data in combination with viewing patterns.
I remember a lot of threads ago someone was talking about 4chan-isms that people use here, and I just remembered how some boards are just used as words a lot of the time. Like how someone doesn't just say work out, they'll say get /fit/, or they don't go for a walk, they go /out/, or of course being /fa/ (sometimes phoneticized to "effay") instead of just looking nice.
You don't see it all the time but when it shows up it's pretty fun..
>>>/k/ys >>>/n/ow >>>/fa/ggot
What's more likely? /kr/ - Korea or /ai/ - Artificial Intelligence? Both are hated on their retrospective boards
Don't know I'm not a mod. Go ask them on irc
we already have /kr/ but it's named /mu/.
the dall-e threads really all hate each other so it would be hilarious to fuse them.
why would they hate each other? I thought they'd be buddies in crime.
/aco/ is commonly blamed for the Taylorgeddon. They had an obsession with posting Emma Watson eating cow shit, being in toilets and Taylor Swift being put in situations where she's gangbanged by US football players or other fetish. Then those obsessed with Taylor found out these ai images, sperged out hard enough for Taylor to find out and enter a rage which brought down the harshest filters. de3 on /g/ is mostly tripfags and avatarfags blogposting with the occasional argument like yesterday whether ai art was real art, and the brief argument about some retards debating if it's ethical to eat Octopus. Otherwise /de3/ is dead. /v/ has arguments between those who created OCs instead of posting vidya, sometimes discord drama, and the ones who want to post video game characters, lots of peach spamming. Don't know much about /co/'s general
too much to read
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reposting from last bread
I wonder if you'll still get banned for posting "bump" in a thread even if you sage it
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Only one way to find out!
/ai/ for sure. It becomes increasingly relevant every day and it's emerging technology that we're going to have to adapt to. Definitely needs it's own board.
never going to happen: citation, /biz/ - Business and Finance being left to rot for cryptocurrencies (which is neither business nor finance, instead, currency)
Cryptocurrency is finance
I don't get why not both besides the straining of mods and jannies. Korea can have some sort of ponyfag rule where you can't post kpop, kdramas, or anything outside of korea.
My parents are getting divorced
Sorry to hear big dog. You're going to be fine though since I'm assuming you're in your mid 20s at the earliest. My parents got separated when I was 8 and divorced when I was 10. Fucked me up for life.
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>mark kern/grummz outrage thread on /v/
>everyone in it tries to pretend they're completely on board with his engagement bait and they litcherally didn't know who he was before the thread

kike kike kike kike kike kike
I'm sorry to hear, anon. Mine got an ugly divorce in the 2008 recession.
We won. /qa2/ won, and we won't stop at it. You can either join us, or wait for DOTR to hang you. Cry all you want about it, but Trump is fuhrer. We stand by trump forever. If he dies, we die with him. SlEG HElL. The basedsphere is already dead, if you think there is still hope you are wrong. Basedjaks will die like every other meme, but pepe is eternal. You wont last long either weabs, once moot buys back 4chan you are all gone. Moot will delete all weabshit and kike boards, and there will only be /qa2/. /qa2/ is the white mans home, it has always been, and will be forever. Trump is about to serve a third term, and all unwantables will be deported, and the worst will be hanged. Im talking to you cereanegro, your goons and you are the great cancer to this world. Infact, for your actions, you will be put through the most painful torture mankind can imagine. We will show no remorse, just make it easy and kill yourself. Trump won, get over it.
I've been a huge mark kern fan for a long time. The games he worked on at blizzard were some of my favorites and arguably some of the best games ever. Incredibly sad to see where he's at now.
unfortunately he was a useless tool at blizzard too employees corroborate that he didn't really do anything but micromanage while he was there
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>Imagine actively working to shut down smaller communities, attacking anyone who dares to create their own space, all to protect the monopoly of a datamining, user-exploiting imageboard. It's a sad irony. Going against the very principles of individuality, diversity, and freedom that imageboards were built on, just to preserve a toxic cesspool flooded by right-wing teenage Twitter and TikTok rejects who have no understanding of what the culture of the community they've only recently entered even is.
It's never been more back.
Checked and kek'd.
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Would just become diet Kiwifarms like /vt/ or /trash/'s artist rant generals, doxxing would still be rampant for fags too lazy to use the Sharty.
Good choice, no complaints here. Ban all 1024x1024 images as well.
>the others
I could care less about but manhua is a question that needs to be dealt with and /trash/ should have lolisho allowed due to how many banished /co/ shows there are on that board.
JAVchads would take over the board
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You don't realize how much it affects you until you're an adult and stop feeling normal
Btw I had to rewrite this post multiple times so it actually goes through. What an awful change, kill yourself cereanigger, you and your goons are a cancer on the entirety of 4chan.
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id dis... habbenigs?
or just... u bloggig :DDD (agen ;DDDDD)
hi faggot OP
You will not wake up tomorrow.
we should be so lucky
this general died when /qa/ died. now it's just underages larping as oldfags. there's nothing of value here.
Giving a shit about oldfag/newfag in 2024 is the most newfag thing I can possibly imagine.

t. oldfag. Or am I a newfag?!?!?!
>gatekeeping is bad... b-because it JUST IS OK?!
>deleted after a whole month
The bumpfag on /trash/.
that must feel hella good if your a 1 month old report
i've been laughing all night over this
>now it's just underages larping as oldfags.
speak for yerself
I meant to quote >>79008174
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Incredibly funny. Furfags should know that their place (which is IT and cyber security)
Funny, some weeks ago on /co/ a fur thread got made the janny was actively deleting all people trying to troll the thread

Probably what made some furfags think they were allowed now.
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Would you say nerd culture is no longer the most dominate form of culture on the internet?
2014 was the inflection point.
that's the styled cloudflare block page, could be whatever ranges those are are being used to attack CF protected sites and 4chan didn't specifically change anything
also sticky >>>/mlp/41488044
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Isn't "loser" culture the up-and-coming thing with the underageb& normalnigs, now the broccolihead zoomer faggots are getting their dues?
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>realize i don't care halfway through writing a reply
>delete it all, call him gay and close the tab
i don't get it someone made an ai ib why don't they use it?
definitely not if your a gen z loser your getting bullied
>sister messages me "IT'S UP" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKjfw77cxeQ
where did she get this habbit... wtf
Would you say Fandom cultures peaked in the 10s?
are there any boards besides the anime ones that aren't filled with pepe/jak crap?
no, they're all shit and gay, don't bother looking, just ask for spoonfeeding in the happenings thread
if i ever kill myself ill make sure to post it in this thread so something happens
We appreciate it
i have looked, and like i mentioned besides the /a/ partitions and some slow boards almost every board is filled with this garbage
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shkatanaina ne....
[TL: I guess it can't be helped then....]
I'd take
>implying implications
With bum bazzled memes over our current three-words-that-all-mean-tranny response meta any day, if I'm being perfectly honest.
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>seeing those ironic trollfaces triggers my ptsd to this day.
>implying this isn't the of 4chan comedy
>They were spammed ALL OVER for many, many months in a row.
trolling the fuck out of the mods was a site-wide pastime back them

that said a chunk of it was organized, iirc they were called the /outlaw/s or something?
>Bum bazzled
Bring back the /jp/ shit like pooper peeved, anal annihilated, buttmad, rump roasted etc. I can't even find that shit in Google anymore.
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>>implying this isn't the of 4chan comedy
>implying implications
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>still being stuck in the past
Anus-related insults used to be all the rage, but now that I think about it I can't remember the last time I saw or heard anyone say even the most popular ones, like butthurt or douchebag. I'm sure people still use them, but at this point it's like they're relics of the past in how infrequently they show up.
sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands
I call people assmad and butt frustrated all the time
My favorite was booty bothered
a lot of these insults are now covered under the cope & seethe umbrella
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assblasted and assdevastated is a permanent fixture in my vocabulary

>from jp
huh a have a bunch of them spread around my board folders, never knew it was from there.
lmao i keep forgetting the internet's obsessive hatred of justin bieber in the early 2010s. it and "still a better love story than twilight" echo in my head every now and then
I'm begging you to post more of these, they are incredibly hard to find nowadays. And yeah it started as a /jp/ thing but /a/ jumped in on it and it spread.
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sure here you go man
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NTA, but I also have this one. Pretty sure these two are the only ones I have.
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I barely have anime themed ones, just the western evolution

this was the ancestor to doge speech, wasn't it?
I still can't believe doge originated on 4chan
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the one last hurrah before social media completely subsumed us

Requiem for our heroes
Late happening but /co/ it's having it's yearly spooktober


>the fuck is this shit
fuck if i know it started as scoobydoo coomershit but now it's arguably /co/'s biggest thing.
This. This is the one.
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I saw a Pragmata thread on /g/ a while ago.
Were they embedding 'P in their files?
Will clicking those arch.b4k.co links get me v&?
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oh hey, yet another anon here I have some more
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>this was the ancestor to doge speech, wasn't it?
I always associated them with the original form of "ironic shitposting" e.g. the copypastas that would show up in the flanfly threads
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anyways, the metadata says I saved these in 2018, likely from an /a/ nostalgia thread back then
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just a couple more left. I don't like to clog up the thread but someone literally asked so hopefully this is interesting to more than one person
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it would be embarrassing if these images were in fact already cataloged on somewhere like KYM or whatever, I maybe should've checked but it's too late now. I chose to trust that anon who said they're hard to find
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And capping it off with a non-anime one
show and tell is over, we can resume the happenings.
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ironic shitposting was sort of a anti-mod movement.

Dunno where it started or if it's traced from a meme but sp, int and v had threads about it all the time.

this shit, #outlaws, was spammed hard
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somewhere on my drive I have the typical ""ironic"" shitpost showcase. AH FOUND IT

WITNESS: ironic shitposting, or "how to put half the 4chan staff on the psychward"

It basically started as an anon rebellion to all the "gb2 reddit" autism and culture gatekeeping that started happened with the rage face autism (when reddit/ifunny stole the FUUUUU macro).

It was catchy because it was basically telling all the people with a stick up their ass to fuck off but holy shit they nearly took down the whole site with them
Yep and people don't post fedoras any more either
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Or maybe my memory's playing tricks on me. Did I say everyone around this team was screaming to invisible boogeymen?
does "troon" count as an intentional evasion of spam filters now
No. The mods don't acknowledge this new filter and claim it is a "bug".
maybe it's related to the outage when a mod was monkeying with live 4chan a few days ago? i'm gonna kneel and suck off whichever mod instated it either way because it's desperately needed and it's actually really funny watching people specifically use only two of the no-no words in a post and then switch to some other lazy epithet that won't get their post eaten like "troon"
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this is the oldest /v/ happening that I remember clearly. it's a fagatron. thanks for reading
I feel like I'm the only person on the internet who still calls people faggotron. Thanks, anon.
the fuck is wrong with 4stats? it keeps giving me the board timeline tab instead of the avg/post count, which btw is set to 0 in their meta section
nice fat brapper on the left
same, I simply don't trust anyone anymore
/diy/ and /xs/
>get banned for breaking global rule 1 like a month ago
>have absolutely no idea what post i made was illegal
>posts i made containing a link weren't even removed
It'd have helped to know if they'd at least displayed what board I made the post on.
Oh well, I'm finally free. Here's hoping I'm not getting arrested for false charges.
no one missed you
I missed you THOUGH
>only 10m
glitch bros?
irritating quirk chungus nonsense
Weakest episode so far imo
Still at #1 trending though
right at home on 4chan..........
>Thread about joker 2
>gets moved to /b/ instead of /tv/
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The loli artist CasyTay made this tweet asking if anyone close wanted to go fuck her at her house and a /trash/ virgin anon got chosen
He lost his virginity to her but came in seconds
I refuse to believe this is real, but I t
>he thinks it's real
fraudulent and homosexual
that is some dogshit pen marker editing
That was fake and gay as well.
Now THIS is a happening. Holy shit good for anon, what a life changing experience for him.
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What would a 4chan smoothie taste like?
it would taste and look abominable as all fuck, but it'd have an extremely addictive bittersweet aftertaste that'd keep you coming back for more
/k/ meetup brownies
I've been getting mass reported by jeets much like the ukie troons. It's afraid (after shitting in the street)
Uh, I can see her...you know...
that is clearly photoshop??? surely people don't actually believe this, right?
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Noticing this post.
will we ever see the return of the cum chocalatier, bros
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did they change the spacing between each post on mobile? it looks like shit.
Who uses the browser on phone? Just use Chance
>Who uses the browser on phone?
me. NTA btw.
>just download load the code man, install it onto your blackmail brick

saw this on bluesky earlier, didn't think interesting enough to share.
An article based off two posts barely passes for news.
lady who wrote that article has the last name of Gould thats an automatic evil in my book!
I've been around lots of anons in person and the majority I've seen use the mobile website. I do think this could be skewed, and those anons are just ones who don't normally use 4chan when they aren't at home so they never bothered with the apps.
rotate your phone to landscape, moron
/v/ had a pretty big number today but the post wasn't interesting
many such cases, fortunately your own full house made up for it
there are now 10 /aicg/ threads in /g/ and all of them are being hit by the same spammer
AI and e-celeb boards when?
we have one, it's called /trash/
we've already got one that does both at once, it's called /vt/ and it's horrible.
at the same time the mods stop cockwaving about AI threads being productive (so far the only interesting thing to ever come out of it is a bunch of /g/ posters getting honeypotted)
>Page 10
Time to bump with something that's not a happening but otherwise kinda related!
I found this Lucky Star topic from '09 in a long-dead forum guild, it mentions 4chan which was pretty funny to see https://web.archive.org/web/20111206034956/http://www.ginnunga.org/forums/t/17935/lucky-star/
anyone facing issues like downloading pictures?
I wish ai was fucking banned from this website or put into a containment board..
How long are they going to keep the birthday announcement up?
a happening will occur tomorrow, I can feel it.
where has everyone gone? it's sunday
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>calm before the storm
I'm not feeling to well about it, doc.
for the last month, picture thumbnails fail to downloads and I have to open them separately
nigger nigger nigger
testing testing is the nagger filter still active
[Good news] It is.
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based on the constitution desu
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locked happening
i don't see why anyone would want to say those words more than once per post anwyays
FFXIV (yes, again) put into some weird limbo, 4chan/API thinks it still exists, posting in it tells you the thread doesn't exist, arch.b4k.co thinks the thread wasn't deleted
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>the toilet's clogged and the shit wont flush anymore
well? go get the plunger jannies
NAH: shit gave me vietnam flashbacks when I saw it on 'log
At first I thought it was the weird latin american dictator incest comic that used to get spammed on /b/ in YLYL threads
>latin american dictator incest comic
post it
The author is CasyTay, the same one who anon pretended to do a sex to earlier in the thread. Unless he's thinking of some other chibified incest comic.
Did normalfags find out about CasyTay or something?
I can't really explain why, but I've always loved the aesthetic of the original Mario Kart.
Death to the Jew spam

keep pol out of hap!
amerilards can't go 5 seconds without talking about politics (yid circus)
anyone else notice that a lot of their posts are just not being seen by anyone or getting any replies? I've felt like my posts just get hidden. Interstingly, I recently signed up to reddit and all of my posts appear normally when I'm logged in, but if I view my profile all of my posts say [Removed]. I thought all that dead internet stuff was schizobabble but I'm starting to believe it more and more.
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Keep seething, raghead.
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Which mod is friends with Sam Hyde?
Why was this thread deleted? >>>/v/691092527
Another win for /qa2/, TheRibbitRally and the right-wing. You love to see it
Oh no, it's page 10!
Even in 2024 I fucking love this website and I'm glad it's still here working largely how it did in 2003 and I can post with an active userbase and talk about whatever I want and say almost whatever I want with zero repercussions to my online life, my personal life, or my professional life. As much (or as little) as it changes throughout the years, this is the best website on the net and I hope to be here 10 years down the road and I hope whoever reading this is too. God bless moot and the psychotic unpaid volunteer staff who maintain this chaotic shithole. For fucking real.
Frankly, I share your optimism and positivity anon, and I hope you carry that to other things in other places.
Quoting because it was deleted:
>no i mean are there any altchans that the general userbase of that altchan maintains a positive relationship / view of 4chan and are generally friendly with 4chan users?
i was not asking if there are any altchans which are similar. sorry for the confusion.

The closest would be the so_teens, although they'd deny it. They "benefit" (4chan users that hate wojaks excluded obviously) from a shared culture and shared values, so osmosis happens freely.
When people leave 4chan to post on a slower board they are exchanging speed for something else, and typically that's some sort of quality that 4chan lacks. People are very paranoid that interaction with 4chan will contaminate and destroy that quality, so much so that they'd prefer their board die over time than risk 4chan AIDS. If they were fine with the typical 4chan user then they would already be posting on 4chan exclusively. "You're not on 4chan" is a boilerplate moderation rule, really.
The goal of other imageboards is to siphon away 4chan's few good users since you can't really pull people from twitter or discord (if those people ever left those spaces), but it's an uphill battle. It's needed, though. I'll mention the one the one I'm involved in occasionally, but only when appropriate and confident someone is honestly searching for one instead of dumping everywhere like a penis pill ad. A steady stream of new blood that can acclimate and assimilate is better than getting a surge that dissipates the next day after clashing with the "locals".
I'd raise my previous post as a counterpoint: >>79007592

>Ibs today are doomed projects by people trying to capture the spark of the past. Inevitably the pressure from the mainstream internet - that whether they like it or not offers the same validation for less effort, inevitably dries the site up

The "qualities" imageboards had have been replaced by Ds, Twitter & Reddit. Leaving only speed as the deciding factor.

dumb anon got himself nuked and made a mess of the interesting conversaiton.
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>anonymity isn't a quality of an anonymous imageboard
>not needing to sign in every 13 seconds on any new device isn't a quality of an anonymous imageboard
>being able to call a nigger a nigger or being able to tell the janny to fuck off isn't a quality of an anonymous imageboard
You really don't belong here, do you.
>that whether they like it or not offers the same validation for less effort, inevitably dries the site up

That's simply an unreachable demographic and one that's quite undesirable anyway. "Will my post have outreach and get the algorithm so I get sponsorship?" isn't the kind of thought process that's desirable on a community-oriented site instead of something like twitter or youtube where monetization or fame plays a role. People still make youtube videos even if they "only" get a few hundred views since it's the desire to create and share that matters to them. People will still make stupid drawings or edits in a 4chan thread seen by a dozen people at best when they could post it on twitter and potentially get millions of views.
People love the internet-destroying nature of discord that sequesters everything away from everyone else, too. Discord is almost more anonymous than 4chan since discord is total information death that no one can search for, damning the internet to never return to the free exchange of ideas and creations again (alongside AI and SEO stuff of course).
I have a potential (very) minor happening to report. Some /a/nons started scanlating a manga called "Koibumi to 13-sai no Joyuu", which is about a drama about a lonely and precocious child actress and her 27 year-old manager and the delicate nature of their relationship; the first few threads were great but as the series has gotten more attention the quality of the threads have begun to deteriorate precipitously and attract pedo/hebephiles (as in, multiple people blogposting about relationships they had with teenage girls as adults and widespread shit-flinging over the ethics of underage pussy) and the threads are 100% on the radar of the mods. This situation is complicated by the fact that the manga is legitimately good and the fact that the scanlators take feedback and editorial commentary from the threads and therefore it's already a cult classic; if the mods start taking a heavy-handed approach either through retardation or if they're obliged to do so the threads start getting raided or something then I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up with a minor riot. Just something worth looking out for if you keep tabs on /a/.

>Good change or bad change?
God-fucking-awful change and sign of the end times that hurts effortposting more than it hurts anything else and whoever came up with it should kill themselves. I should be able to post a story where someone given the alias of "niggerfaggot" is mentioned by name half a dozen times.

Seriously, I get that the intent was to head off spam but the kind of shit that this filter was nominally intended to deal with was ALREADY AGAINST THE RULES; I would like the people running the site to do their fucking jobs and ban the individuals shitting things up instead of implementing reddit-tier moderation policies.

I must be losing my mind; I glanced at the thumbnail and thought it was George Lucas from that episode of South Park.
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gud habpenin repord

> first few threads were great but as the series has gotten more attention the quality of the threads have begun to deteriorate precipitously and attract pedo/hebephiles
remins me of nagadoro when id was neu :DDD
dime is a flad sercl :DDDD
we ar forsed to rebead misteaks foreba an eba :DDDDDDD
edernal dormend :DDD DD: :D
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aldo remindedid me of ghaindaw man :DDDD
>remins me of nagadoro when id was neu :DDD
Yeah, no; not even close. This manga is basically the closest thing to Kodomo no Jikan that I can think of off the top of my head. If the threads keep deteriorating and more people keep finding out about it then sooner or later we're going to have a trainwreck.

>dime is a flad sercl :DDDD
Rip Kris.
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Wasn't Nagatoro's comic book artist an ex-porn guy?
IIRC it was the beret guy with a huge rotting maggot-writhing smegma cheese fetish, where the chimp gangbang rape zoo-exhibition knocks the pre-teen schoolgirl up? That one?
I'd imagine there was at least some degree of low-quality reputation that would have initially followed such an auteur of the finest "it's all normal if it's just a drawing and doesn't say anything about the artist or masturbator" japanese lewd arts.
>Wasn't Nagatoro's comic book artist an ex-porn guy?
Correct. So is the author of this one except that this one is female.

>IIRC it was the beret guy with a huge rotting maggot-writhing smegma cheese fetish, where the chimp gangbang rape zoo-exhibition knocks the pre-teen schoolgirl up? That one?
Yep, that's him.
>I'd imagine there was at least some degree of low-quality reputation that would have initially followed such an auteur of the finest "it's all normal if it's just a drawing and doesn't say anything about the artist or masturbator" japanese lewd arts.
Nagatoro started as porn, in fact. Many porn artists do non-porno manga and vice versa and nobody cares; it's not an issue. What I've been trying to emphasize is that this current title is well-executed and genuine in both its approach and subject matter and isdripping with restrained eroticism and as such it's drawing actual diddlers to the threads like flies. It's not just "uohhhh teenage girl chest erotic ToT", it's the multiple instances of variations on "this manga really reminds me of when I was 20 and I fucked a 14 year-old and got arrested for it and now I'm a sex offender reee society is bullshit". In the last thread there were multiple people posting pedo copypastas and counter-pedo copypastas; it was a god-awful mess by the time it finally autosaged and each thread has been faster and more active than the last.
is this even confirmed or just speculation? i'm assuming there's some /tv/ lore i'm unfamiliar with
NTA but the fish tank general being allowed seens a little bit fishy
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Here's your happenings update, live from page 9!
I had considered picking up that manga but if the threads are just a blogposting shit show now just like incest threads then I'll just read it when it's done in my free time
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This is my first time watching this show
feels like lame desu
are you stupid? we are talking about altchans not surviving. My argument is that "there's nothing left to use them for but fast, anonymous discussion and 4chan is better at that"
> attract pedo/hebephiles (as in, multiple people blogposting about relationships they had with teenage girls as adults and widespread shit-flinging over the ethics of underage pussy)
I'm afraid what you described is exactly what the scanlators wanted.

Don't kid yourself, the large breasts and catgirls don't make cookie cutter romance mangas extra sophisticated.
There's no point in being in anonymous in a 20 regulars altchan whose posting patters you instantly identify, and ALSO likely know all of them personally on the site's IRC / discord (which was common to all altchans, and 4chan in it's early days)

Altchans die because they no longer have niches to fill that other pseudonym sites have, and 4chan demolishes all competition in the "anonymous + fast discussion" niche.

Keeping an altchan alive is fighting against the current, it's simply conditioned to bleed members. That's why the only altchans to survive beyond the 2010s were non-english ones that essentially became their country's 4chan.
KEK can you give an archive link to one of the threads? I could only find one from early September and it was relatively normal. Is LRD in the threads as well?
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Severe Weather Happening
Florida is going to get destroyed by a category 5 hurricane
>personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)
That is all.
But it's a thread about anime?
hey didn't there used to be an option for reporting "lolikon/shota porn outside of /b/" on /r9k/? or am i misremembering?
the option only shows if the post has an image
Sounds like a bummer. It sounds interesting, in a Lolita sort of way, but it's gonna crash and burn thanks to the endless epic battles between perverts and puritans.

Well, even if the story gets derailed and purged from the web, denying me the chance to ever read it, at least I'll have what's sure to be an epic meltdown to remember it by.
oh lol of course, thanks
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Looks like the captcha changed again.
so just wanted to let you guys know a quirk of the 'no file uploads from incognito' block: it doesn't apply to thread creation
>God bless moot
make your own thread on /trash/ or something, or just close your fucking eyes when somebody posts something you don't like
Nigger, the problem is that there's a troll that keeps posting rulebreaking content (female/tranny characters on /cm/, /d/trash/-tier images on a sfw board for "cute media") while the mods do nothing.
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I think you're missing the point of the first half of faggot's post; /cm/ is /c/ for gays, they don't wanna see women or gender bender stuff (because they're gay) (unironically).
this isn't customer service, piss off cunt.
and you're breaking the announcing report rule, right?
schizo image above me
we katrina now
Neat. I'm not sure this is an exploitable discovery, but knowledge is good even if largely useless.
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I see we're avoiding the filter to try and contribute...nothing to these threads. Thanks for all the hard work, Caesar.
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Katrina was a Category 3 when she hit Louisiana and did all her most famous damage. Problem was, the storm surge she brought was still huge and (if my memory serves) she also was somewhat slow so she dumped shitloads of rain. New Orleans being a bowl just made it worse.
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>watching every single fucking loser and neckbeard on 4chan drop "race theory" and embrace "anti-DEI" overnight
my favorite chud opinion is believing jews arent white except for jesus christ for some reason
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Dayum...the 4chan hacker looks like THAT
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Bi-weekly veepee meltie thread.
Things move so fast nowadays, I thought they were stuck on wokeness and TRAs still, but then they start bringing in acronyms like ESG that I've literally never fucking seen anywhere else. They're trying way too hard to recapture the lightning-in-a-bottle acronym of SJW.
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troll logic fucking lied to us
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the larry fink screencap that popularised the term ESG / DEI was posted in late 2021 and fully took off in early 2022. you're 3 years late to the party. the term might have just caught in the mainstream amongst normalnigger content farmers, but it's far from an "overnight" thing in the primordial memetic goop of 4chan. sure, it might be an extremely low-common-denominator catchall term that appeals to schizos and retards looking for a monolith to blame all their wores on, but it's not a new or forced thing, it was pretty clearly organic among those types of users; and certainly not to the extent of genuinely forced memes (eg zoomer), an offsite trend that moved onsite then grew in greater popularity (eg cunny) or a genuinely directed overnight-push (eg discord).

lurk moar (because it's either that, as a forgiving assumption, or your political bias is showing, and you're the exact same breed of cancer albeit swinging in the opposite way)
Imagine not having a passu
despite it all their asses still get really chapped if you just call them "anti-SJWs"
actually some of them even dunno what to do with that acronym because they weren't actually around for it
i was complaining about something that happened a couple years ago yes
>it was pretty clearly organic among those types of users
i guess it depends on your definition of "organic" because it's marketing terminology being presented as an alphabet agency, at best it's parroted by boatloads of people that don't actually know what they're complaining about and aren't really interested in the hows or whys of it. how many people bitch about "DEI" and "ESG" as interexchangeable ideas and as actual entities and not the irrelevant investment strategies they actually are is mindnumbing. think back to fox news trying to bitch about DEI/ESG to curry the reactionary crowd and they got a bunch of calls from old folks who have no fucking idea what they're talking about and couldn't care less about what goes on in the stock exchange and venture capitalism
This is the happenings thread, not a place for you to cry about politics. Back to >>>/pol/ with you, faggot.
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/r9k/ doesn't let me just respond with a gif so i am unfortunately forced to type something
culture war thread moved to /pol/ >>>/v/691256827
please dear god do more of this mods
All the threads about this game are filled with culture warriors
What makes that thread different
warning shot probably but it has no bite if they only do it once
\nah\ but one of Junko Furuta killers is casually posting on twitter
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>You will die alone. You will never be free from the sins you have committed, nor will you ever rest in peace. You deserve hell, and you will face far worse. You will never be free, and you have no right to belong anywhere. Burn in hell, you sick, murderous rapist.
>ai dungeon thread
>proxies inevitably come up
>340 posts
>nobody mentioned the happening last month exposing the proxies as honeypots
I took it upon myself to inform them.
Is arch.b4k.co down for anyone else rn?
Has anyone tried reporting these for violating US law? I mean, that's what they're doing by using these stolen keys, right?
Down here, too.
1. Unapproved access to software isn't theft, it's closer to piracy / fraud.
2. If they're honeypotted by the corporation itself, it's none of the above apply because there are specific preventions against entrapment and manufacturing crimes (at least, when it's not them doing it).
3. You are a bootlicking lawcuck, and when you have a run-in with the law, I hope you get exactly what you fucking deserve. The law isn't your friend, it's a public militia that enforces the will of governance that you have near non-existant influence over.
>Unapproved access to software isn't theft, it's closer to piracy / fraud
...Both of which are illegal. You are aware of that right? That piracy and fraud violate US law?
>If they're honeypotted by the corporation itself, it's none of the above apply because there are specific preventions against entrapment and manufacturing crimes (at least, when it's not them doing it).
Literally irrelevant.
>You are a bootlicking lawcuck, etc
Asking if something can be reported for being against the site's rules isn't bootlicking and you're arguing with something nobody said. If there's anything I can do to get AI threads off the site I'll do it and I don't care that you've just read babby's intro to libertarian ethics.
Their servers die constantly, presumably due to abuse notifications, but they just use cheap third-world vps solutions so it's trivial to spin another one up. What they're doing is a lot closer to hosting pirated movies as opposed to something really bad like cp so nobody takes it too seriously
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>ban things I don't like, and if they don't ban them THEY SHOULD BE PROSECUTED INSTEAD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My0lzMuNcHI
These the kinda niggas that get pulled over, refuse to cooperate, get arrested, refuse to work with the public defender because he's "part of the system," get convicted, and then bitch about how the system is rigged and anyone who does smoke weed, drink moonshine, and drive down the center of the road at 70 is a sheep to fatten his oligarchical masters.
So apparently, the no generals on v* rule got changed specifically to exile /gsg/, the oldest (and shittiest) general on /vg/ out of the board.


It isn't the first time a general is killed, but it's the first time it's killed in such a spectacular way, and punishing another board for it.
Perinigger made a script and has been spamming a stonetoss thread for over an hour
I don't know whether to root for, or against him. However, I do know to have a larf and a harf at the incompetence of the "mods" and "jannies".
Why did a general on grand strategy games merit this?
nice find
I guess the however many games it was supposed to house splintered all over /vst/ as a result
Paradox threads are the worst part of an otherwise decent board.
I wish the mods would just ban the general instead.
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>the oldest
IIRC I think /dsg/ (currently /fsg/), /2hug/ or /tf2g/ are the oldest standing gens on that board
>(and shittiest) general on /vg/ out of the board.
Not even close. Gachaspam aside, /lolg/ and /gw2g/ have both also incurred direct janny wrath, and are far, far worse than the problems /gsg/ has caused. /gsg/ might be up there, but is nowhere near the worse.
i thought stonetoss threads weren't allowed on /co/ anyway?
dsg is younger, tf2g i dunno
i know for a fact gsg is a pre /vg/ thing because i was there when /vg/ happened and we got moved out of /v/. By my count, it was oldest general
gsg has been consistently the top 5 worse generals since basically 2015. as soon as johan/turk posting started the general became unusable.
funny thing, many of the most damaged generals on vg tend to adopt /brit/ like posting where people just blog single sentences directed at no one in particular. All the more schizophrenic generals adopted similar posting habits.

I hope none of the schizos there move to the normal paradox threads on /vst/
Why is this guy spitting out walls of random letters?

Also, this news was inevitable but still fucking sucks. Last time I tried to "upgrade," from Windows 8 to 10, it bricked my laptop. Not looking forward to choosing between steady obsolescence or buying a whole fucking new laptop.
>Why is this guy spitting out walls of random letters?
Because mods filtered his copypasta (a full dox of one of the mods, forgot which one).
Also only masochists and cucks still use winlol.
>trying to revert a w11 pre-install to w7
>so deliberately obstinate at every fucking turn, that I make a drink and skim through my lurks
>see this
It's like fate has it out for me. Considering just sending it to a shop so they can deal with the bullshit.
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>the Apple mod spammer counts as a happening now
Next time a bait thread with a picture of a loli as the OP image that quickly turns into arguing about pedophilia reaches the bump limit on /g/, post it. It happens less.
*cough cough*...... bumo.... *wheeze*
No happenings below this post
No happenings above this post
maybe a hapening after this post
Nope, no happenings here
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oh shit 4chan XT tells me *why* it hid a comment now. based based based based based
favorite sticky?
longcat on /an/
>you have been banned for breaking global rule 1
>"w-what? okay, sure, but which post of mine broke what law? i'd like to know so i won't make the same mistake tw-"
Oh. Okay then.
This happened months ago, of course.
Here's a brilliant idea; go through the posts you made in the archives and see which got deleted.
Fucking moron.
you have to be an advanced level of stupid to break gr1 and not be able to figure out which post it was
>In Quitman, Georgia
Then it wouldn't be US law, idiot.
Federal and Stare are separate.
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Cry about it lawcuck
it's cool but is there any way to turn it off while still keeping it hidden as a stub? i liked how simple the old way looked.
What do you think the first thing I did was?
NONE of them were deleted. That's why I bothered to appeal in the first place.
Bizarre then.
I've catched a few of these but every time while it didn't show the post itself it was clear that it wasn't me.
page 10 in 17 minutes
we're under attack /hap/

Ban of the day.
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It's a White people thing, you wouldn't get it.
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yeah you can turn off the filter reason, it's "always active" regardless and hovering over with it disabled can still tell you what it's for
Why was that guy spamming the midwest thread with random contact info and haikus
imagine being a filtercuck
objectively funny ban
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Is NTR otaku culture? /a/ mods agree that it is.
dogshit article made by latinx tranny but you have to wonder why kenya is the fourth most interested country worldwide in the Great Replacement
I'd wager click/engagement farmz.
You can no longer bump your own threads

Try to make a very dull uninteresting thread that no one will touch then let it slide down the board. Bump it before it's archived. Refresh the catalog and you won't find it in the top pages but it'll still stay below
this has been a thing since forever idiot
just adding a bit to my earlier post but it was literally a literature review that somehow missed the point of the articles it cited. Don't share such horrible quality articles about 4chan anon, it's just a waste of time.
I wonder if that one project that did really good articles on 4chan just died after they published their book.
ah thanks, didn't see that there.
also, unrelated btu does anyone have the userscript that lets you see what your post looks like before it's posted?
i don't think "/b/ is under FBI control" was ever actually true at any point seeing as /b/ being populated near-exclusively by retards and indian incest caption enthusiasts doesn't serve any kind of interests
it's also hilarious because it assumes the FBI wouldn't just be able to run their own scraper to more easily and cheaply analyze all of /b/ instead of paying government agents to read and moderate a board that's 99% meme spam. anything they find and don't like is basically a phone call away from being removed anyway, unless you think 4chan won't respond to government requests for deletion but will give them complete control over their site lmao.
Very nice edit.
1. /b/ is the only board that doesn't accept janny applications.
2. /b/ is also filled day and night with racebait threads in an attempt to lure out violent threat posts and pictures of mature women with the captions THE BEST LOLI PORN, so e of the most obvious honeytraps known to man.
3. They don't need control of the entire site, they just need 1 agent with mod access to instantly grab an IP, no call necessary.

/b/ has been fed controlled for years and you're a stupid bitch for denying it. In fact, I think you're one of those feds.
>/b/ is the only board that doesn't accept janny applications
None of the "off-topic" boards accept janny applications, you fool.
i'd call him a newfag but i think it's more a case of "i rarely if ever venture outside my 'home board'"
/v/ /an/ thread gets monkey death webm edgelord before assumedly being permabanned, then mod deletes thread anyways
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>/b/ has been fed controlled for years and you're a stupid bitch for denying it. In fact, I think you're one of those feds.
did you read that decade and a half old pasta about feds controlling 4chan and actually believed it?
Uhhhmm what do you mean?? "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." Doesn't apply to things I agree with!
/pol/tards aren't known for being smart:
There is no way in hell you got a 30 day ban for that post. A global rule 1 warning for it would be incredibly funny though. Seriously though if you have a denied appeal ban for a rule breaking post that you don't even know what it was, go to IRC and contact a mod and give them your IP
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>Why did a general on grand strategy games merit this?
the revolution failed, comrade ;_;
/gsg/ was a grand example of the idea that by pretending to be retarded you will eventually become surrounded by actual retards who believe themselves to be in good company.
and once it reached that point it was too late.
what I specifically remember them for were their attempts to colonize other generals. I remember one time Mega Man General got hit hard with their willy waggler raid copypasta. I think it was after they had gotten a GET. It took around 12 hours for the mods to start deleting posts, and it was a hellscape the entire time.
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jesus christ they're so fucking stupid. it's like when they thought the unique IP count was taken down just to destabilize /pol/ in the upcoming election season.
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/pol/ is so obsessed with wanting to be right that they can't accept that they're getting fucked with.
any of them that believe a fucking "shillomatic" domain is real outright deserves to be lied to
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i stopped browsing it around 2015, but i have visible memories of deterioration. The general's culture got completely destroyed in a sort of war between a gsg steamgroup led by this schizo named turkslayer and the local thread only schizos

This lowered the tone of the general and ran out all the early userbase. What you had left was the alt-right types that unironically believed in remove kebab. gsg more or less never recovered, i guess somewhere before vst got created it had already become that willy circlejerk
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lmao when did this get made

rapeape 'avin' a giggle at some /v/ mod's expense?
no, it's the owner of arch.b4k, he's been doing it for awhile now. it's just some script that auto changes all text of any thread moved from /v/ to /pol/ to the text in that pic.
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and now it's cringe
these niggas thinking their anonymous 4chan dumps are anonymous are about to g
imagine completely destroying your archive's reputation with one automatic filter because your ass hurts at culture war junk getting moved to the culture warrior board
He's based stfu
Nah, that anon is right.
An archiver should archive. Nothing else.
it is now completely useless as an archive because the owner can and will change your posts if his ass hurts
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I live nowhere near hurricane milton but I still feel scared of it
what gives?
Worst hurricane Florida has seen in ages, the infamous Hurricane Katrina was a category 3 and this is a category 5
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>archive.org shows up when i search my email in haveibeenpwned
>i used my real name email so now the hackers will be able to correlate that username to my real name
Hasn't it been downclassed back to a 3?
imagine getting butthurt by a stock message on a 4chan archive
"this thread has been moved" is a stock message, "UHHH I'M A TRANNY AND DILATING" is colon crankiness
the archive owner edited the stock message for the lulz, and you got assblasted
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he sure trolled me hard, same as you did
If it had a BLM/trans rights message instead, you'd shit your pants.
the diaper fetish board is this way, faggot >>>/trash/
Since it's dark out. I think the idea of being in a hurricane at night sounds really fucking scary
Here's an overweight NEET livestreaming the storm
The good news is that, if his house floods, he'll probably just float away
What if he's too massive? What if he sinks like a stone?
To be on your own, with no direction home
A complete unknown, like a rolling stone
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looking through this guy's channel makes me think:
It could always be worse
b4k admin started doing that when the sweetbaby threads started getting moved en masse
what a dumbshit, i have no idea why "canadian consultancy firm" made waves just because a brazilian favela goblin made a steam group

Revolving door of scapegoats. They need a new thing to blame everything on.
i don't even get why the b4k admin cares whether the post is on /v/ or /pol/ when either way it's not being deleted and you can still fucking talk about it. seriously why are /v/ermin so much stupider than other hobby board anons?
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
fat makes you float
the owner of b4k is notoriously thin skinned and got into that equally embarrassing slap fight with the pedo image embed script guy. i dont doubt one of the posts in this thread defending the cringe move message is him. most of the archivers are absolutely autistic morons, 4chan would be much better off without them.
What the hell is b4k why do I not know what people are talking about
a very important website that costs hundreds of dollars to run that saves every 4chan post because theyre incredibly precious and unique and need to be preserved for future generations. im crying right now thinking of even a SINGLE life changing bump post not being available for absolutely nobody to read in the year 2355. im sobbing its so fucked up. every 4chan post must be saved!
These threads are full of fags sharing code for dehashing the leaked passwords.
I like archives but one unintentional negative is that they killed the spirit of thread screencaps
obviously people still make them but they lose some of the flare when you're able to view the thread in its entirety on an archive
there's just something beautifully quaint about how a lot of old threads only survive through those screenscaps being shared around throughout the years, like tribes people passing down stories
>code for dehashing the leaked passwords
>he doesn't know
I'm not a fan of archives at all to be honest, a huge portion of the original appeal of 4chan was it's ephemeral nature, how you either saw the thread or you didn't and when it died it was gone forever. Back in the day there was a website called 4chanarchive where people had to actually go to the website and enter the thread ID (Typically OP's post #) to vote to archive the thread and it took around 8 or 9 votes to actually archive, ensuring that only the best content got archived. That's the way to do it.
Is there anything more to this spammer or not really? He posts streamable links too.

Look at your link, it was dead for over a week then someone made game screenshots general which the janny deleted 3 times before remaking grand strategy. Now it's just some weird back and forth with the janny trying to make it look like the thread still exists and is being exiled because I guess they didn't want to bump it on vg but also don't want someone else to use the name.
>anon buys a "lifetime supply" of steel balls from China for his crafty projects
>parcel finally arrives
>finds out that the balls are microscopic and barely fill half a teaspoon

The hurricane general on /pol/ seems to have disappeared the moment it made landfall.
I didn't even know this could happen, who browses these threads, why would the mods care so much? https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/494473890/#q494929981
Thread is definitely surviving only cause of a few dedicated autists, but the biggest gap i saw was a 5 day one 20 days before the general for first deleted, and it got deleted like 200 posts in so it's def intentional

I could be a janny trying to make his autism general a think, or it could be some elaborate attempt to delete gsg clandestinely. But I'm inclined to say it got the kerbal space program general treatment.
is 4plebs the only archive with an actually competent staff? i don't think i've heard anything bad from them and they also seem to be by far the most feature-packed archive.
I think he got mad that the regulars let the thread die before archive limit then bumped the game screenshots one because it all kind of goes to shit after that part and that's when the ops start getting deleted constantly.
>I could be a janny trying to make his autism general a think
It does seem that way to me. Especially this part >>79081137
Look at this poll posted in the last one, it's definitely just a few autists fighting but one of them somehow has mod powers. https://poal.me/15xbuf
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>already more people in this poll than the one for the fate of /gsg/
That's rough
the Kerbal Space Program general was the worst /vg/ general, bar none
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That's I believe from the willy waggler raids, according to an anon here they've been targetting other generals.
More damming I'd say is all the screenshot threads getting deleted too. To me it confirms that it's not a janny but a mad gsger rebelling against their circlejerk.

There IS precedent for generals that rape the report queue by sheer volume of reported posts to get canned. That's what happened to the Kerbal Space Program Genera

To summarize:

gsg screenshots: mad autist, not a janny
gsg proper: nearly dead but raiding other threads
gsg killed: /kspg/'d
gsg nearly dead: /vst/ did them in, likely because that willy circlejerk ran everyone else off the thread.

I don't think it's a janny because they'd get immediately caught. Janny power abuse can at best hope to delete posts in small boards, making threads is instantly noticed, mods care far more about OPs than posts for some reason. AND it's a v family board, the most tightly moderated group. If it was indeed a janny he'd have been noticed and fired within the week, but the threads are still getting made and gsg is still getting deleted.
That's what you'd think but when 3 people are browsing a thread trying to make it seem like a thing then anything goes. You can see that he also deleted old ops that had shitposty op pics so I so personally think it was a janny trying to control the thread and he is having a shit fit at losing control. Just saw the new anti spam requirements on vg too so id say something is kind of going down right now.
>new anti spam requirements on vg
Wow that is a happening: >>>/vg/497900378
its actually useful faggot
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Now we watch the 4stats for /vg/ and see if it does a /biz/.

Make your bets now ladies and gentlemen, what % dropoff are we expecting?
based now put this on every board
oh nononononono
welcome to 4reddit
Too bad they don't clarify for shit what problem this is meant to solve or what kind of spam is happening like the useless 4chan jannies they are.
>buys balls with 0.5mm diameter
Sending the gacha generals to /vmg/ would lower /vg/'s activity too.
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>/vg/fags need to wait 15 minutes
>genuine users can't even make a post in the time it takes their thread to go from Pg1->Pg10 autosage
>nolifes that 24/7 the gens are unphased

And it's already gone
they replaced it >>>/vg/497902254
Mods forgot to upload the image, lol
Exactly, this isn't going to solve generals that just get permabumped by 1 person so I wonder what kind of spam was happening that they implemented this.
>ms paint
high art
They added points to the post too.
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>how many 4chan mods does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
I can only think of the "angry dedicated schizo hopping through vpns after getting banned" kind of spam
Big Lenny died
I assume they just want to save $0 on jannies or sell email addresses to 3rd parties
oh, and the fact that this is happening right before American elections also raises some eyebrows
BBC poster in /lolg/ was a menace
bodybuilders always be dying
it pays off to be a lanklet femboy
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>vg rule change
>co allows furry threads and micromderates them while v has public mod posts telling furries to fuck off
>now this

... is there a mod civil war going on? what the fuck is happening?
/vg/ pivotal in american elections
thank you, video games
It's definitely a janny, you can see on the 3rd page of the archive that he fucks up the formatting so he deletes the op (which a user can't do) and reposts it properly which is honestly pretty funny. Also it had the n slur in all the ops if you didn't notice.
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Now, gentlemen.
>/vg/ average posts per day (average over 4 weeks)
How much will /vg/'s PPD decrease as a result of these measures? Give your forecast and a general time range.

For reference, after /biz/ implemented these measures, in 2 months they went from 11k PPD to equalizing around 4k PPD, a reduction of 74%.
If /vg/ proves the same, in 2 months it will be around 40k PPD, though surprisingly it would still be in the top 5 fastest boards after losing 3/4ths of its PPD. Of course, board dynamics on /vg/ are completely different to /biz/.

Consider these points.
1. Unlike other boards, posters in /vg/ generally remain in very few threads.
For example, a /ck/ connoisseur would generally see all the threads on the board while browsing. This relationship is inverted on /vg/.
2. Each individual general on /vg/ has very few individual posters relative to the board's total PPD.

Considering both of these points, it is easy to imagine a scenario where /vg/ hemorrhages generals. If each general only has a few users, each individual user is vital to keeping the general alive. How many people will bother to keep their general alive if it only has 2 or 3 people in it?
As we all know from the Pareto Principle, most of the traffic on /vg/ is consolidated in a few big generals. They may be able to withstand the culling, but every other general is at high risk.

If there were any generals on /vg/ you cared about, I would consider heading over. Reminisce the good times and maybe say your goodbyes because few generals live long with only 2 posters.
/biz/ actually had a huge spam problem. I don't think /vg/'s traffic will decrease nearly that much
/biz/ and /vg/ may be used for testing for later use of email verification
imagine this shit getting enabled on /pol/ on election night
actually, I won't be surprised if hiro just wants to annoy users into buying nigger pass
surprised he made it this long considering the shit he was doing
Generals with 3 or fewer posters won't have a problem, this will just lower the posts per second in busy generals and means people can't chain together posts within the post time limit to build consensus. If anything it's probably a response to advertisers using gacha threads to try and promote new characters since that's already 90 percent of the boards activity and as you can see by /gsg/ above even relatively well known generals can't crack five dedicated users. As for what amount it will drop by I have no idea because it's not as cut and dry as biz where the spam was obviously crypto pump and dumps, people do sometimes just unironically spam their waifu for no financial gain.
Imagine having a gacha general permanently open on your browser, impulsively checking it every few minutes for the whole day.
Couldn't be me!
banning phoneposters is objectively the best thing moderation could.

But that may legitimately shit on ad earnings and put the site at risk.
Range banning all mobile ips across every board would destroy the site in a day.
we should range ban all mobile ips across every board
finally, freedom
the word you are looking for is save
My understanding of the sticky is that only new users to 4chan have to wait before posting as a one time thing. A fucking fifteen minute wait, god have mercy. Even if you don't want to wait the UNBEARABLE, and COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE, OUTLANDISH time period of 15 minutes to post, there are other ways provided to skip it. This is the most minor fucking thing and people are acting like it's the end of the world. Am I retarded and reading this wrong? Doesn't fucking matter though because I have passu
I say phone posters just shouldn't be allowed to make threads
yeah you're right, most generals are already used to being slow, this is just gonna filter phoneposters and tourists
>imagine this shit getting enabled on /pol/ on election night
100% going to happen for the lulz and passu sales
Is that true? Those nsfw images on /v/ with a weird noise filter applied are added by a proxy?
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>>cleaving off casual users would "destroy" the site
A bit melodramatic, don't you think? The running costs aren't that high, most of the staff work for free and the servers are hosted on arrays of cheap apple modems.
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>Am I retarded
>I have passu
answered yer own question mate
Yes, otherwise they'd be IP banned many times over by now
it mostly affects people who hop IPs to spam, which is to say the most annoying fags on the site. naturally those same people will be inclined to sperg the fuck out when their toy is taken away from them
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are the mods preparing for a trump victory or harris victory?
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JEB! victory is assured.
There is quite literally nothing wrong with mobile posting and the elitism regarding it is rooted in "us vs them" mentality where people are angry that normies have access to the Internet and they want to return to the era where only rich/tech savvy nerds had internet access and while i understand that and yearn for that era too, the original iPhone launched in 2007 and it is almost 2025 so it's been close to 18 years. Move the fuck on.

Posting via mobile by the way.
>Considering both of these points, it is easy to imagine a scenario where /vg/ hemorrhages generals. If each general only has a few users, each individual user is vital to keeping the general alive. How many people will bother to keep their general alive if it only has 2 or 3 people in it?
LOSING generals, i dunno
losing a general's QUALITY, i can think of at least one thread that will.

What I think, as technical as I can put it:

Non-gacha Generals that depend on Phoneposters that are:
* Casual -> that post once a week or month
* With a permanently dynamic IP -> that post from work, house, conmute, etc and therefore never have a single IP and therefore have to wait 15 minutes every time they want to post

Will be severely negative affected, basically losing this demographic entirely.

>As we all know from the Pareto Principle, most of the traffic on /vg/ is consolidated in a few big generals. They may be able to withstand the culling, but every other general is at high risk.
I'm a regular on a mid sized non gacha general with a large number of casual posters. It won't die because we have a handful of regulars and dedicated OPs, but it may become repetitive to the point of becoming a circlejerk (right on a time when there's been people accusing us of talking the same topics over and over again).

Other generals ie /domg/ which is a multiplayer geared general will not lose a single player, as in order to participate you *already* need to be a regular will simply not be affected.

Gachas of course get fucked

With that said, i don't know whether this will save my general from having to permanently bump to survive, or make it even harder since we will no longer have casuals to create discussion. Here's to hoping this turns out good
>Wait 15 minutes as a new user.
>If you are a new user of 4chan, simply browse for 15 minutes before attempting to post.
are these different? does the biz sticky imply new user of biz in contrast to the vg sticky explicitly saying user of 4chan? also lurking for 15 minutes is different than going to post clicking get captcha then waiting 15 minutes so does it automatically start counting 15 minutes from the first captcha you submit on any board?
>There is quite literally nothing wrong with mobile posting
incentivizes single line posts and specially shitpost.

no phonefag is gonna post something like >>79082327
As a mobile poster, mobile posting promotes a certain type of constant chatroom like interaction with threads which can result in a ton of spam and low effort liveblogging but it's not like every single desktop user is putting tonight into their posts or vice versa.
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moderators please add verification to /g/ and then every other fast board as well. and raise the timer to at least 90 minutes. thank you.
What the actual fuck are these retards doing
Most of the remaining non gacha circle jerky generals that I used to browse were already at the point where they were being bumped hourly or only when the thread is about to archive and even then with off topic crap of just 'bump' so I doubt it will change much even if they are on their phone. Domg is a bit unique in that their dedicated posters are actually beyond autistically obsessed with every aspect of the game.
i agree but there definitely are things at least associate with mobile use that decrease post quality in general. others already pointed out some but mobile posting is primarily done by younger people (i.e. under 18s) now that PCs are falling out of favor with the youth, and it makes it that much easier for them to treat this place like twitter or instagram where sentences that are in fact maybe a couple of lines are stacked on top of each other in a way that makes them look far longer than they really are, incentivizing unnecessary brevity instead of elaborating on your opinions.
phonefags are typically just banevaders making dogshit posts
shocking that they're actually making a real effort to clean shit up
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>Domg is a bit unique in that their dedicated posters are actually beyond autistically obsessed with every aspect of the game.
I post out incredibly well thought out, multi paragraph posts on mobile all the fucking time. The only difference is whether I type them on a keyboard or tap on my phone's screen.
Sounds like a personal problem. I don't use /vg/ and I'm not even referring to /vg/ when talking about mobile, more that the constant bitching about posters using their phones is irritating and the people who do it are unable to move on and accept the world we live in nowadays. In a hypothetical event where somehow every single post made from a mobile device was blocked, the site would die overnight. I don't have any statistics on how many posts are made on PC and how many are made on mobile but I'd guess around 40% of all posts every day are phone posters, maybe more.
Not enough. There's loads of people that this won't affect at all spamming boards with trash and porn.
would be very interesting to see the results of it on /b/ and /v/
I almost went insane with certain manga until I filtered it
There's a load of people this won't affect at all on /vg/ itself who do nothing but spam trash and porn in their generals.
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>retire google captcha to replace it with one that can be cracked by AI in a millisecond
>proceed to force everyone to go through a million flaming hoops to make a post
>actual spam isn't affected in the slightest
what's the endgame
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>sponsored /generals/ taking over

Coming to your favourite board soon :)
>I post out incredibly well thought out, multi paragraph posts on mobile all the fucking time.
I'm not gonna be an ass and say i don't believe you, but even if you did, you are not even the 1st percentile in the bell curve. vast majority of phoneposts are twitter tier shitposts.
>making an appeal for google captcha
and as shit as it was aside, don't forget that google started charging for you to train their map ai for them if it was implemented en masse, so cutting that probably saved 4chan a solid dime or two.
What happening? i'm a little scared 4chan is dying and dead
so only Board /biz/ and /vg/ new post in 15 minutes and new thread 20 minutes

all board normally new post in 1 minute (60 seconds) and new thread in 5 minutes
>This level of reading comprehension
The fact that people like you are allowed to vote terrifies me.
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well yeah it sucked dick, but you know what? this one sucks even more dicks, in sole virtue of the devs needing to add millions of additional obstacles to make the captcha sufficiently efficient at its only job
I know the switchover was more about cost cutting, but still, at this point by next year it'll be harder to post here than during the gcaptcha era
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>sees a captcha
>thinks about suckin dick
>wants to wait 17 minutes for the fire hydrant to fade into view then get a try again before trying an audio one and just getting cookie blocked
i prefer this captcha to google, far easier to use.
Filter test:
nigger nigger nigger nigger 4 times
faggot faggot faggot faggot 4 times
tranny tranny tranny tranny 4 times
no fucky unicode characters or anything like that
will it go through?
>wants to wait 17 minutes for the fire hydrant to fade into view then get a try again before trying an audio one and just getting cookie blocked
never happened to me, I had easy captchas all the time despite having uBO
sounds like a skill issue
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>nigger nigger nigger nigger 4 times
This is a filter test post checking to see if this anon is a wizard or the shadow filter has been removed.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger
Faggot faggot faggot faggot
Tranny tranny tranny tranny
So the filter is gone now? Two happenings in one day? :O
Filter looks like it's gone but I wish it were a permanent feature if I'm being honest.
>the search function was down for a bit but stopped working right as the filter was added
>the filter was removed right as they added the restrictions to /vg/
They keep trading one for another, exactly one at a time. It's all connected.
When their dev fixes one thing, he breaks another. Job security (even though he probably makes a janny salary).
Somebody bake a new thread. I will fuck it up somehow.
I never got to see what would happen if I typed nigger nigger nigger nigger.

here, didn't see it went past 500

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