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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

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How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512#

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79937955# >>79937955 (Cross-thread)#
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fuckk i forgot to screenshot the popular threads
>OP forgot to link his thread in the old thread and now we have a thread on /int/ as well
All according to plan you did well OP
OP thank you very much. All the other boards won't work
/hap/ supports the trans community with full sincerity
A thread for every board. Choose your destiny.
/hap/ will SPREAD
>The /int/ version is more active than this shithole
Owari da sasuga gyatt rizz
/r9k / is annoying anyway because no reposts we should move to /int/ or /bant/
Unirionically deanonymizing some parts of our identity (geolocation) makes the average 4cucker to be more humble and not be an outright jackass.
there's also /bant/ which has an ID system similar to /pol/ which could be even more useful to weed out spammers and samefags (at the cost of no archive)
Good luck keeping that one bumped lolol
It's up
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we need to be on more boards
to be honest i really do not like that word
we are not romans pls try not to be retarded
Try /jp/
Ok i am sorry anon
they did the same shit in mediaeval times though
trvth nvke
Make the r*ddit wuzraeli leave.

Troll the spammers
we vvill colonise
kind of surprised it even got this far with mods known to be lurking the thread
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*drools on your /hap/*
>Part of me knows that this is what will finally get this general killed
It could. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the threads were made by the raiders. And of course, the two furfaggots from the /trash/ general
someone make another one
What's the point of having /mlp/ containment rules? Their show ended and their fandom is much smaller. I don't think the ponyfags need the containment rule anymore and maybe we can try easing off of it or removing it alltogether?
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bideo james (redro)

bossible habbening? wii is 20 years olde :DD
Make one for /wsr/. Request happenings.
What's bad about /int/'s anons?
It proves Amerimutts are the average shitposters and ruin the thread
they're still here, we got mentioned by them in the irc while talking about it
i would but i have the 300 second timer
how about /g/ or /lgbt/?
>how about /g/

>t. /g/ native.
big issue in /int/ is language barriers
Funny yes, thank you anon for posting something actually relevant. Keep up the good work.
nothing is bad. some boomers hate it because "muh zoomers"
both would be funny
/lgbt/? yeah its userbase is moderately fine
/g/? no way that place is just awful beyond comprehension
it used to be decent until it wasnt
report from /b/: apparently /b/ had a sticky earlier
No, don't do /lgbt/, that will get us killed.
the site mods, they've been here since the /qa/ era
what made /g/ shit now
That sounds kind of familiar, lol
Yep. This is it. I've prepared my mouth and anus for the brutal assrape the mods are gonna give us.
It's a zombie board but with ai.
Yup... it's over
should have moved to /mu/ instead and get the indie and rockheads instead of furries
One thing I'll give /g/ is that there is no other board like it. I've had the AI shit filtered for ages and am honestly surprised they're still going. Especially the /de3/ general which actually in early 2024.
Feel free to start one there. Now is the time.
* which actually [died] in early 2024.
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i checked this and it's 500$ now, still untouched
>Picturing the horrors
This place would become infested with kpop
we are now on 8 boards
Scared of the boymoders anon?
/trash/ was perfectly fine for us for a while
I found you: >>>/int/206373922
9 now, including /vip/
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A happening thread for each board
They all get moved to /qa/
The ultimate recipe
is de3 that bad
i did include /vip/ in my count
i'm on phone and on the bus i cant
Is? I don't know. Was? Yes. But nothing came close to the pure hell that was(is?) /aicg/. I don't use those generals anymore. It was a short fad for me.
>why are there threads about tech jobs shouldnt that be on /biz/?
>why are the mods so lazy
>slop generals
>some thread that came from /pol/ got moved to /g/ for no fucking reason other than its "'tech'" related
>blatant shilling
>obvious advertisements
/g/ee i wonder why
To be fair, we already did this once back when /trash/ was the home base for these threads. It was a few months later that someone tried again with /r9k/ after the blogposting avatarfags got to be too much for him. At the end, the mods pulled a funni with us, moving a bunch of the threads around, then forcibly archiving some and deleting others. Dunno if they'll do it again or not.
I love Jeon Basedeon.
we are on 11% of the boards
I use /de3/. It's eh.. most of the shitstirrers left for /v/. Occasionally someone will show up to stir drama which most ignore or laugh at, or crosspost it to cause drama with other ai generals. I have not used /aicg/ for a very long time since 2023, and I stopped using /sdg/ in 2023 as well.
I wanna pin Sakaki to the mattress and impregnate her with a balls-deep cumshot.
You and me both, mate.
/aicg/ peaked when CAI was new before they added filters and the bots got retarded
real & straight
wonder how much farther this can go
I would hereby ask the moderating team to have mercy on us and leave the /r9k/ and /trash/ threads alive when they decide to take action.
Still no post about the mod embedded gif in a certain thread.
Newfag daycare.
>mad nobody has posted about something
>refuses to link it
Are we counting this one, chat?
This thread was the cause of all this nonsense, so this one should be the first to go
I can't disagree with that. But it's the thread that a lot of people prefer. And it's only been very bad for the past month or so, before it was tolerable and sometimes even good
the /pol/ thread has fallen
the thread >>79955338 refuses to link
like the balkans but less shit
Yeah. That was fun. I remember roko and then turbo keys being dumped. Shortly after that.. I think I got bored when Scale happened and gradually started paying attention elsewhere.
That's not true, it was /trash/. The eevee furfag annoyed someone from another /trash/ general, and he was convinced that we were a raid general
And a combination of schizos, newfags, shitposters, retards, ai, and/or faggots had a very long conversation about gay crap. And at least some of those anons posted or post on /trash/.
Then someone was forcing us to talk about something here. And someone else from /trash/ started to talk about it. And his posts were deleted.
So, all these shitty problems, plus other posts you can find on /trash/hap, caused this
>plus other posts you can find on /trash/hap
/b/ thread down
Try harder, faggot!!!!!!!!!111111111111aaaaaaaaa
Not really a happening but I just found out that /soc/ schizo who accuses the mod team of being pedos is still kicking. think he was posted a few years ago on the /qa/ /hap/

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Something very interesting
How old are you?
Seriously, it's only technologically-inept boomers that fall for this.
Can't believe Martin Random coded 4chan all by himself and gave Moot credit, how kind of him !!!!!!!!!!!!1
The elon thingy? No, not that
>The elon thingy? No, not that
What the fuck are you talking about? The link you posted is precisely about the Musk thing.
No you dum dum, read his other posts, this >>79957070
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I hate you boomers so fucking much.
Stop shitting up my site ANY day.
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Hilarious threads about Amazon India.
It's inironically over.
Geez, I wonder why they deleted spam.
Can you go spam /v/ instead, like you always do?
Great, ANOTHER captcha variation. Just what this site needed.
Would you continue to use this site if it were bought out by Elon or somebody similar?

Who would you want to be the new owner?
stale news, but fair enough if you didn't notice it
should be replaced with mumke hypno desu
mecha explosion-sparkle captcha is still the best of the new group
>Would you continue to use this site if it were bought out by Elon or somebody similar?
Probably not. opsec wouldn't exist, and he would change the core ideology of 4chan. A big influx of retarded shills that repeat everything he says would come, and even more edgelords that hate woke media. They would scare good posters, and this would just be a larp website
>Oh look how cool I am, posting on 4chan
>greentexts, looool
It's already like that, but at least you can also find sometimes good threads.

>Who would you want to be the new owner?
A very chill, responsible, and unbiased 2003-2004 oldfag who respects 4chan culture, freedom of speech (but without allowing legitimate cancer), and US laws. In other words, someone who doesn't exists
thread resurrection bump
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resvrrection received
...is this post a valid bannable offense? Can I report it or will the mod reviewing the report throw a fit?
What are the political implications of these threads?
Use global rule 3 anon.
I don't know, "/b/ stays on /b/" doesn't really seem to apply to a post telling others where to find CP.
And I know for a fact that mods are VERY anal about applying the right report to the right post. I'm not getting banned for three days because I'm doing their job again.
The post feels trollish.
Anyhow it got remove.
I am 100% serious. I have been banned multiple times for reporting shitposts.
The ''uohhh"again? Holy shit, it's like you scraped the absolute bottom of the cock sucking leech-infested dumpster of internet humor and proudly presented this festering, maggot-filled pile of putrid shit as if it were some kind of masterpiece. You lazy, unoriginal, dick-chewing waste of oxygen-spamming that crusty, overused emoji isn't fucking funny.

It's the digital equivalent of shoving your head so far up your own ass you can taste the undigested shit of your own failed attempts at humor. Every time you use that pathetic excuse for expression, I want to vomit, shit myself, and then shove that shit back in your mouth so you can fucking choke on it. You miserable cum-drenched turd, you think plastering ''uohhh" everywhere makes you relatable? No, it makes. you the comedic equivalent of syphilis: contagious, irritating, and a something everyone wants to fucking eradicate. I hope your phone explodes the next time your greasy, unwashed fingers touch that emoji. Fuck you, youra shitty humor, and the festering hellhole that spawned your dumb ass. Go crawl back into whatever shit-stained corner of the internet you oozed out of and rot there, you worthless, brain-rotted fuck.
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Golteb retriever
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Why is there IRL crap on >>>/d/?
>baiting innocent anons into exposing themselves to the degeneracy that is /d/
I see through your tricks.
>muh puritan
go away lil timmy
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Heathens shall never enter the realm of the almighty Jimmy!
I love OC like this.
Reminds of that one anon who created a robot hand for his onahole that moves based on the character in VR.
He'd let bots go haywire on this site so no. It'd be the ultimate way to make the site less interesting.
And my dad works for Nintendo
I for one accept our new Indian overlords
seeing insanely retarded broken english questions that obviously came from pajeets in the "people also ask" section of google triggers the fuck out of me. if I was president I would turn the entire country into glass
Is the owner a liberal like hiroyuki?
I was talking about our future leader Kekius maximus
>freedom of speech (but without allowing legitimate cancer)
4chan does not enjoy freedom of speech never did never will
its a mootocracy
he died at level 94 though
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Be honest. Did you use 4chan when you were below 18?
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Context of the image
It still amazes me that many sex workers browse this site.
>sex workers
you mean whores, anon, you wannabe politically correct little faggot
itd just be filled with the same whiny trannies fags and pooners sadposting and bickering with each other as it usually is in that board
>t. ex /lgbt/ user
if only there was a board called question and answer where this thread could make it's home boar- oh wait...
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As if politicians are not whores.
try not to be edgy and grow yourself
NTA, but
You must be trolling.
>sadposting and bickering with each other as it usually is in that board
Do you know how little that narrows it down.
Its like the same with any other board really. Instead of sad its doom.
>Reddit premium gives more features than the 4chan passu
Why are the devs lazy to give out more quality of life features for us pass owners
nope not at all
just being honest here that post feels like the usual snarky comment you would get from the faster boards and its boring really probably braindead too
I agree that the post was made by a retarded /pol/fag, but it's not like the usual shitposts at all.
Also, he's completely right. "Sex workers" don't exist: they're whores. Plain and simple.
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They exist though. Ask the IRS about it. Any form of labour demands compensation.
Whoring is one of the oldest professions known as man.
The attempt by the woke cult to relabel it to "sex worker" in an attempt to make it seem more innocent and "good" is laughable.
What made you leave that board? Is it because the posts depresses you? Do you need any help?
>buzz word
fuck off elon muskrat
But its the legal terminology...
AGDQ has started
"Skibidi" is also a recognized word.
Doesn't mean its usage is correct.
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Its a verb a noun and an adjective. What do you mean its usage is incorrect.
bulgarians are you proud of this?
Why does the face look familiar.
I cant point as to why that is the case.
To be frank that /tttt/ stereotype is just the loud minority. Same goes with shitstirrers on other boards.
>checks archive
>find my old posts
>somewhat cringing at it
time flies so fast
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Ultimately 'jaks won control of the /qa/, as they're the only "culture" anons associate with the board.
I fucking love AI.
sharty just ain't the same, want me board back
the seed of evil lurked within /qa/ if it could immediately spawn a faggoty altchan born and raised by pedophiles
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7th gen shouldn't be allowed because /vr/'s purpose was for being a place where anons could discuss older games without having their threads being ignored and bumped off the catalog because /v/ is too fast and shitposty. Expanding the scope past the Dreamcast was a mistake for that board, fuck Cubies.
>/vr/'s purpose was
the users of /vr/ had hoped /vr/'s purpose was*
mods had different plans, like always
please do not click this
I started using 4chan at 16. I'm 34 now.
One day the word skibidi will be considered as old english.
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I started using 4chan when I was 11
I'm 26 now
Hey zoosadist your machine is broken.
Because the pass was implemented as a way for users to give back to the site if they chose to. That's it. If you don't want to give back to the site, don't buy a pass.
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Hello, me!
I wonder if we'll both outlast this site.
Is hiro stupid?
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Moot implemented the pass, not Hiro. 4xhan hasn't accepted donations since like 2005 or whenever donate or die was. Passu is just a way for users to give back, and in return they get to bypass captcha, have shorter posting cool downs, and post on /vip/. That's it.
No I am questioning why did hiro not improve on that? Like it can actually generate more profit if you put a little more effort than the bare mininum.
He doesn't care. The 8 mil he spend on this shithole is pocket change to him.
He did tell the mod team to get their act together and make this place (more) profitable in three years a while back, however.
when and where did he say this
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What do you mean? It's pretty obvious.
schizophrenic conclusion from the three-year 4chan pass deal
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Since when did 4chanX got this feature?
There was a successful hunger games thread on /tv/ last night
I haven't seen one of these not get insta-deleted or autosaged in a long time
Theres BBC spam on /wsg/ again
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/fng/ civil war
and yalls keep saying fortnut is a dead game
Same shit as yesterday, just different domain.
That one did autosage though.
the thing that really gets me about the /gif/ purge isn't even that there are only 5 pages now, it's that they killed the archive along with it (or at least, they cut it and made it annoying to access).
i had a hard enough time keeping my weird niche porn threads bumped before, now it's not even worth it to try.
>now it's not even worth it to try.
Maybe it's time to finally kick the habit?
Worst Spiderman storytime.
anti porn on my 4chan?
what kind of bizarro world is this
Not all of us are hopeless degenerates, you know.
And I have plenty of hope.
That's not 4chanX
Does 4chan comply with Intellectual Property law?
Get >>>/out/
Fuck off
Go away
You are not a true 4channer
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Silly, silly anon
Man, it's just one preach after another.
And people wonder why western comics are dying.
that's only you, bitch
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/nah/ just want to share my hands
Depends on the kind of porn and what board you are on. Though there are plenty "anti-pornography of any kind" Mormon types around.
It would be an interesting experiment to sort all the boards by "degeneracy," though I feel just a simple one-dimensional scale from "degenerate" to "not degenerate" won't work, as in /d/ has a different type of sexual deviancy than /gif/, /trash/ or /b/. Maybe one of those axis charts?
built for jerking dat bibisi
On /b/ its just anything illegal really. Still is today. (Code word here is NL which means No Limits)
/trash/ and /d/ are similar as its 2D adjacent and /gif/ is the usual porno (there is not enough of the weird kind)
we got a bunch of dudes who got animosity against black guys cause our dicks are bigger than theirs. these are the guys that are jealous because they dont possess BBC. they dont possess that god gene thats involved in these black men out here. keep getting jealous. keep getting jealous while your wife asks for cuckolds. while your girlfriend asks for cuckolds and wish that they can get fucked by these african warriors with these huge BBCs that can pipe em down to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their pussy gettin vibrated and thrusted until the orgasm just spews out. keep saying ngger. keep saying black. you cuckolds. you LOVE it. you LOVE this shit. ill be that monkey. ill be that monkey. Yep. with the BBC. enjoy it. have your woman take this dick. shes imagining a huge black cock. why do you think your women buy huge dildos? because you dont possess the BBC gene! thats why youre upset. no BBC = anger. youre upset. youre mad at these african cocks. these rhino dicks. thats why you guys like saying ngger so much. i get it.
Post above me is a prime example of why you should lay of the porn.
>weird niche porn threads
care to share with the class? lets see if these threads are really worth keeping bumped.
It's a copypasta, but yeah.
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Little bit out of date.
Happening: This year's AOTY poll has revealed that /a/'s taste in anime is much worse than expected.
no i do not think i will
>i like sports but i hate playing
Here's the image
It's more like
>i like sports and play them sometimes but am against people who take it too far
>too far
those two things are inseparable
brb gonna edge to this post
>SSSS.Gridman in 4th
How is it even in the top ten?
and this is exactly why i dont go on /a/ anymore
>Oniichan wa Oshima only 2nd
>Edgingrunners at 3rd
>One piece fan latter as best OVA
>2024 full of literal whos
What the fuck is wrong with /a/

Promare is good though.
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It's not that bad this year, could've been much worse tbdesu.
SnK getting the 3rd place in 2019 is hilarious, though.
>odd taxi 2nd place back in 2011
huh, pretty based
Friendly reminder to take your Hormone pills.
Is Yuuki Aoi this generation's HanaKana?
actually, i ended up finding some telegrams that are far better than /gif/ would have been. i just like seeing what other anons would be posting in my threads.

i'm a burpfag which is at least better than most of the catalog on any given day. this thread was 99% me self-bumping https://archived.moe/gif/thread/27050306/#27050306 and is probably the longest one there's been on the board.
there's also some other ones like milk sloshing edits, mouth asmr, and some more that barely stayed afloat pre-cull but definitely would not now.
/v/ really likes discussing comic books
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Marvel Rivals is is a hero shooter with a capeshit skin
How is it this popular on /v/?
/co/ won
Newfag daycare.
Only in odd-numbered years
It wasn't this bad until we moved to /r9k/
you know what they say about people who scream newfag all the time...
that they produce breast milk? i want to try some breast milk.
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>AOTY poll
If it's not an onsite link, it's not /a/'s opinion
If it's offsite but has no filtering, it's stuffed
If it's offsite but has a login, it's not even Anonymous

That entire chart is meaningless, not matter what way you cut it. At least King & Queen of /___/ have dedicated threads and interest and accept it's all in jest. This looks so far up it's own ass, it's no coincidence it "started" the same year Discord was astroturfed into existence.
I shiggy fucking diggy beyond all human comprehension. Fakest and gayest thing posted in these threads all week.
FotM chinkshit and it's consequences have been a disaster for the normalnigger population of vee.
Hero shooters can be fun, they've just been poorly executed. Rivals certainly has the advantage of drawing in people who might not otherwise play thanks to brand recognition, but I wonder if they actually are executing the gameplay side too.
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vantacoal gaslighting of unsustainable non-green energy proportions
>this is all of 4chan's opinion...because it just is, ok?! trust the democracy
gem basedak
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It's illegal how bad your posts are, that's why.
4chan events and activities outside of 4chan is something that feels weird and insincere
Appears it is not official 4chan events and maybe fun i guess
this was created on other social networks like reddit, fourms, discord, Xwitter wikifarms and there more also website alternative chans clone
everyone is connected internet
Anyone feel like this site is near death? Ever since the most recent wave of new janitors I have been getting temporary bans on boards I have been posting on for years. I have been saying the same shit I have always said yet now its suddenly not okay and ban me. It seems you have to walk on eggshells now. This entire site is becoming reddit with its censorship.
i took an almost 4 year break from posting, less than 2 weeks later i was already somehow banned from /v/
>This entire site is becoming reddit with its censorship.
Yes, that's the goal.
Anonymity is not a profitable business case.
Yeah, not sure what is going on. Either the mods are too sensitive or they haven't been vetted properly.
Turns out many like capekinos
Anonymity is a facade. As long as that identity cannot be pinpoint to you. You are still anonymous technically.
So what is the plan? Add usernames and upvotes? If they get rid of their only gimmick then what would be the point of even using this site anymore.
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>Caring what other people think when it comes to media
The only reason you should care is if you want another season of something, then sales actually matter.
Personally I think sonny boy is one of my top animu, next to watamote for it's relatability.

I'ma jerk off to lolicon now, but I couldn't care what sharty fags think, and they probably shouldn't care what I enjoy.
First priority is figuring out how to force everyone to sign up using a valid email address without killing the entire site.
They did pretty well by linking it to the passes that no one actually cares about, I'd say. This limited the outrage immensely.
After that? We'll see.
I'm guessing they're spitballing ideas right now on how to separate the nsfw from the sfw again after they're capable of actually moderating the site thanks to the accounts.
>what would be the point of even using this site anymore
Good question. For us? None.
For the myriad of boomers and third-worlders who have no social life and are borderline schizophrenic? They have nowhere else to go.
Good for you. I hope the best for you.
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>Janitors abiding with the rules
Is this a miracle? You deserved all those bans.
>muh censorship
This site is a m00tocracy not a democracy.
State the ban reason.
Anonymity by name when in actuality you are not anonymous.
90% of bans are well justified
We already have upvotes (bumps) and downvotes (sages).
Ylilauta... feels like home again.
it was an off topic ban, but i dont get how. i was talking about venti from genshin impact, a video game.
Yet by technicality it functions like a downvote.
Is it because the thread is off topic in nature?
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Explain how someone gets an off topic ban on /v/ of all places? Mods either need to enforce this shit upon everyone or no one. They shouldn't be able to pick and choose on a whim. Half the threads on /v/ are off topic. 99% of the posts in the threads are off topic.
Some mods do tend to ban everyone in an off-topic thread.
That said, it doesn't happen often. Most off-topic coomer threads are just let be.
>Mods either need to enforce this shit upon everyone or no one
Discretionary power and implementation burden. Work aint free blud.
Still deserve nevertheless.
>Still deserve nevertheless.
Not really.
If you've been walking on the grass in a park for the last decade and suddenly a some policeman with a lisp walks up to you and hands you, and you alone (ignoring everyone else also walking on the grass) a ticket, you'd look at him as if he were retarded.
What's up with all the sfw loli spam all over the site anyhow?
Two words: pedophile activism
>and suddenly a some policeman with a lisp walks up to you and hands you, and you alone (ignoring everyone else also walking on the grass) a ticket
>Some mods do tend to ban everyone in an off-topic thread
Pick one.
Anon, they're banning a single thread out of hundreds.
It makes no goddamn sense.
Look man, if you start banning for off topic posts then there will be nothing left to post about. Who is to make the determination about what is considered off topic or not anyway. What If I am talking about the developer of a video game. What if they get involved in a crime. Is it still off topic to discuss the developer's circumstances? The problem with banning for this is you can't entirely enforce it.
I only recently noticed the i.4cdn.org domain isn't restricted from archive.org (e.g. https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1734381202674197.webm)
What's the deal with that?
Copied the wrong link lol https://web.archive.org/web/20241217161742/https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1734381202674197.webm
>mod defender
Stop sucking cocks.
Fuck off, disingenuous retard.
/v/ is a board for video games, not video game developers.
If you want to talk about e-celebs, we have a board for that.
It is related to the creation of video games.
Stop lying.
A coomer thread about video game characters is not on-topic, no matter how much you spam it.
"Coomer threads" are a staple of /v/.
off topic just means whatever mods dont like. got a 3 day ban from /lgbt/ from talking about body standards for gay men gs trannies, but they let the current muslim hate thread stay up for almost two days atp because it says /tttt/ in the post. /lgbt/ mods were always pretty awful but christ
There is no need to defend if I know that I am correct.
>but they let the religion hate thread on which the religion hates lgbt
Not here to say its reasonable but its to be expected.
One is slander while the other instigates the deprivation of life.
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Those threads talk about the attractiveness of those characters. Not my problem.
>Discretionary power and implementation burden. Work aint free blud.
There is no "correct", the mods do whatever they please.
who is gs
its so obviously just shitstirring though. the board has been practically killed because of all these ppl
Don't try to pretend rules are correctly enforced. It all depends on if the janny is in a mood that day.
why do you enjoy CSAM anon
Yeah, if only we had mods doing their jobs.
I bet the only reason why that one coomer thread got deleted was because it was full of traps instead of borderline underage women.
>Don't try to pretend rules are correctly enforced.
Talk about a non-sequitur.
Rules not being enforced =/= rules not existing.
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>dead board lmao
For me its Xiao
very curious observation
I guess they're hosted in separate servers from the main 4chan stuff?
Could there be old webms and stuff there that isn't archived elsewhere?
nothing real happens anymore. its all just replies to bait
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This site has always been into loli (no shit lol) and I never cared, but I noticed it really picked up last year in /g/ for some reason. I also recall seeing occasional "MAP" edits there for a short period of time. It was a little strange.
probably because of south americans (apparently)
Half your posts are bait.
>What's up with the completely normal posting style all over the site anyhow?
Let me be clear: I don't care about loli, nor about people enjoying loli.
What I do care about is there is an increasing amount of spam being posted everywhere, all with a focus on either transgender people or loli.

From what I can see there are three archetypes: negativity bait, /pol/itics bait and sexualization bait.
The first is in the form of stating something obviously wrong about the topic, with the same person replying to their own post arguing against it.
The second is your standard "tranny music/product/game" shitposts, combined with the feigned hatred against anything that isn't a parody of heteronormatism.
The third is the constant "is coffee good for you" and the recent "what are some games like this (together with cropped loli hentai)" spam.

I'm actually curious if you guys have an actual discord. Maybe it's some form of guerilla shitposting?
>you guys
Literally stop being a paranoid schizo.
>all these same exact types of shitposts are all in your head, man
There's a reason why it's called a raid, anon.
You're either paranoid who sees things that don't exist, or a newfag who doesn't know anything about this site.
Given that you're posting in this general, maybe it's actually the latter.
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'Arena' is the Latin word for sand.
>What's the point of having /mlp/ containment rules?
As far as I understand, the rule was enforced to prevent steering the site from its anime/Otaku rules, similarly to the rule for furries. Unfortunately, no one enforced the same rule for poltards (who also hate anime), at least not as vigorously. So these policies against ponyfags were ultimately half-measures and didn't prevent the site from going to shit.
That would require the mod team to give a shit about the site
>Does 4chan comply with Intellectual Property law?
There's a DMCA contact page somewhere. They delete pics in question if asked.

>The members of /lit/, 4chan's literary subforum, love Dostoyevsky, Joyce and Nabokov. They abhor the gatekeepers of traditional publishing and the moral pieties that beset academia in the 2010s. They've created their own recommendation ecosystem in the form of homemade charts, huge Jpegs which serve as visual reading guides. "Start with the Greeks," the most famous one says, leading beginners through an annotated flowchart from modern mythological retellings to Homer and then, eventually, Aristotle. This advice is dished out to wannabe autodidacts on /lit/ so often that it has become a meme. ("I will not start with the Greeks," says a gun-toting civilian in one image, as soldiers surround his house and order him to read Plato.)
>The third is the constant "is coffee good for you" and the recent "what are some games like this (together with cropped loli hentai)" spam.
Thats a classic trope. Might need some BBC to make it more kek.
Literal who? Who ask.
>The second is your standard "tranny music/product/game" shitposts, combined with the feigned hatred against anything that isn't a parody of heteronormatism.
Some of those threads are made by the self hating types but a majority of those are just contrarians contradicting for the sake of contradiction and (You)s.
Here's a fact: Acceptance is on the rise no matter how hard you deny it.
There is nothing to gain. Removing the rule would result in posters who don't necessarily care about MLP spamming it all over the site, simply because they'd be allowed to.
They might as well cover some Discord server at this point rather than fussing over a 2,000 posts per day board on a boogeyman site
>but a majority of those are just contrarians contradicting for the sake of contradiction and (You)s.
You're right. I'm blaming it mostly on the /qa/ raids, as they only really started appearing after they went apeshit.
The blatant /pol/ posters from before them were easily recognizable, but they were never that obstructive.
>Here's a fact: Acceptance is on the rise no matter how hard you deny it.
I get that you're most likely in a bubble and that anything I say will be dismissed because it is a direct attack on your worldview (and the human brain doesn't like those), but most normal people never liked queer people.
In fact, most of the tolerance you're seeing is caused mostly by corporate peer pressure. But now that the economy is slowly flushing down the shitter, more and more normalfags are getting increasingly detached from said culture.
And lets be honest here, most queer people are nothing more than sex pests. They turn their sexuality into their entire personality.
There are a few "decent" queer people out there, but they are VASTLY outnumbered. And I don't think that's going to change before the west completely shits itself.
Well, that, or we manage to research robots and AI fast enough to create cheap near-infinitely scalable manpower to support this shambling corpse.
>They turn their sexuality into their entire personality.
good thing /r9k/ would never do that
A reminder that the niggers spamming proxy websites for ban evasion are the pedos from /g/'s cumg general that was expelled for creating the third eye/PEE tools and using them to share actual CP. They currently reside in a spin-oft site with the tiktok fags that were expelled from /wsg/ for lusting after underage girls on tiktok.
>actual CP
Was it really actual CP?
All I've ever seen during the short while I used the PEE extension was just futa porn.
Lots and lots of futa porn.
I'm glad nu-LRD died. It seems the "ironic lolicon" hysteria peaked.
Third eye is based tho
holly shit Justin Trudeau resigned and asked for trump to annex canada
>Was it really actual CP?
Yes. Mods stopped ignoring /g/'s toy when faggots began to hide CP on random images on /v/. From that point it became an arms race between 4chan's dev and PEE's devs until most exploits were patched and interest was lost.
nobody cares about canada
sticky >>>/pol/493490449
I am going to laugh my ass off if Trump actually manages to make Canada the 51st state of the USA.
If he can't import poos he'll just annex a country full of poos
>And I don't think that's going to change before the west completely shits itself.
>le west
Quit the larp you sperg.
>Well, that, or we manage to research robots and AI fast enough to create cheap near-infinitely scalable manpower to support this shambling corpse.
You are a sincere moron and a idiot to be exact.
Take at look at eastern asia and europe. Now tell me how much of an ignorant fuckhead you are. I know what happens on the place where I live and let me tell you that it is inevitable.
>But now that the economy is slowly flushing down the shitter, more and more normalfags are getting increasingly detached from said culture.
[Citation Needed]
>In fact, most of the tolerance you're seeing is caused mostly by corporate peer pressure
Such as?
No other signs of activity anywhere?
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My guy, the average house costs half a million eurobucks in my country. The average yearly wage is 40k. Rent costs around 40% of income.
People don't want to work, because they have no reason to work. After all, why shovel shit all day when you get paid in monopoly money?
Now governments are planning on importing third-worlders en masse again to make up for the lack of workers, aggravating the root of the problem even further.

You can stick your head in the sand all you want, but reality isn't going to suddenly take the form of whatever fantasy you've concocted in your head.
You didn't actually say anything.
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Skibidi niggers are browsing and using /trash/ for psyops.
are you irish
How many of these are just political stunts and how many of these propositions do not actually represent the public mass.
Statistics cannot tell the full context of the circumstance.
>Rent costs around 40% of income
Thats an urban problem.
Is palanq down or not?
why does canada get a sticky
What about the archives retard
Post proof
1. I'm not going to link hidden CP.
2. b4k began to skip threads with embedded files and filter users with the userscript instlled for the same reason, so finding it will be harder.
>third eye
i know PEE but what is this?
>The first is in the form of stating something obviously wrong about the topic, with the same person replying to their own post arguing against it.
it's a known fact, older than than most posters on this site. "/v/ raegs" is directly related to this and that meme is almost 20 years old.
>The second is your standard "tranny music/product/game" shitposts, combined with the feigned hatred against anything that isn't a parody of heteronormatism.
This is just a modern take on first if it's OP.
If it's not OP, then yeah it's always some mad sperg manipulated by a bandwagon, but hate bangwagons have been 4chan's bread and butter for decades.
>The third is the constant "is coffee good for you" and the recent "what are some games like this (together with cropped loli hentai)" spam.
First are off-topic shitposts have been a thing for 15 years and have not changed at all.
Second has always been like this too, on most boards, but usually /a/ and /v/ because others like /co/ or /int/ don't even bother pretending they aren't a coom dump.

I think your problem is that you imagined the frontpages on 4chan to be something it's not. There's a reason people skip them in favour of topic hunting on the catalog.
It's proto-PEE. It worked by reading the filename of files and searching for files with the same filename on boorus. Since content was limited to whatever was hosted in gelbooru and similar sites it was way safer and less controversial than PEE, but also more limited.
what changed tech wise for embedding to come back? it was removed many years ago iirc
Based trans ally
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Yeah, this is what I was talking about. Again, don't give a shit about loli/shota. But those captions saying shit like "groom kids on discord" and "you love child porn", "child pussy", etc. are abhorrent.

You really didn't need to post an example tbdesu.
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There are some rabbit holes you ought not to look down little frog.
Some guys found various ways to hide text in parts of the metadata and file data that weren't removed by 4chan's system, and used it to hide external links that the add-on would load. When 4chan added cloudflare's "lossless compression" that completely changes the content of files PEE stopped working, leaving third eye as the only functional add-on of its kind.
>transphobe is also a frogposter
Most people dislike transgender people, it's not very surprising a disgusting frogposter also dislikes them.
Kekistanis will take over your petty site! Shadilay, demonrats!
Forgot to mention this kind of shitposting: people pretending to be oldfags gaslighting others into believing it was always this bad.
No, anon. It's getting worse. It's always getting worse, but now it's gotten so bad, you can't even discuss things anymore. That's what I take issue with.
if most you mean the majority of unhinged fucking retards then yeah
dead general roflmao
Also the majority of well-adjusted intellectuals.
I don't think you understand just how many people find transgender people to be weird.
>zoo pride
>map/pedo pride
>necro pride?
Real oldfaggots know that tranny folks are valid
Maximum cringe, most excellent bait.
Grim. On /a/ they keep pretending "cunny" was a 4chan or even an /a/ meme.

Just another normal /hmfoa/ thread
*scrolls down*
Oh. Cool I guess. Imposters among us.
I'm guessing ATF is down again
The word is old as hell.
/tv/ was the first board to use it to describe minors, then /a/ and /v/ popularized its association with lolis, and finally the big overlap between /v/a/ and twitter spread the term everywhere.
There was a guy in /v/ who in the early days absolutely insisted that he coined the term, saying that he would always say "cute and funny" when posting pictures of Roll, and that it caught on.
I actually just got off a three day ban for pointing out a thinly veiled pedophile thread.
Instigating a flame war my ass.
Maybe next time don't advertise where to find CP?
Also, I'm pretty sure that's illegal in most countries.
You don't belong on this site.
Calling people posting in a thinly veiled pedophile thread a bunch of pedophiles is not not advertising where to find CP.
Let me guess, you called them pedophiles because they were simply posting lolis.
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See pic related.
Oh, that's different.
I figured by "pointing out", you meant you were the one of the anons who keep posting direct links to specific threads.
I didn't ask you at all not even once
>See pic related.
You're a newfag who rages at 4chan being 4chan.
those are indeed csa practitioners anon
4chan is not, and never was, a pedophile-friendly site.
Maybe you think you're in good company what with all the third-world schizos rummaging around, but you couldn't be further from the truth.
>what is /l/
We're doing this bit again, are we?
Why would I care about CP being posted and shit? Law enforcement agencies in Western countries have entire departments working on the problem. I am not their free volunteer. It's just not my problem.
I don't like newfags spreading their false image of the site as if it was fact.
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I already replied to this bait, see: >>79972745
It's not even CP. They're talking about loli drawings.

moot trying to save his ass, all while loli is STILL allowed on some boards to this day.
In the 4chan news you still see this
>Moot wanted me to post something to the news, but he didn't specify what. Obviously there's been some discussion of the situation with /l/. Moot didn't delete this board because of some anti-pedo crusade, it's a more practical issue of it attracting people who seem to think posting real pictures of children is ok. It isn't. That's what got /l/ deleted. I don't agree with it, but I can only try and talk moot into bringing it back.

Archives that preserved some of the oldest posts prove you wrong.
>It is not the duty of the citizen to be a functioning member of the society
retarded pedo apologist
>Archives that preserved some of the oldest posts prove you wrong.
Actually, they prove me right.
You're like these people who claim that 4chan was always pro-trans because they used to draw moot as loli.
Whatever, go seethe all the loli posting like the closed pedo moralfag retard you are.
Link the thread. Depending on how blatant it is mods may ban every IP that posted on it.
That's not what he's saying you bonehead.
>if you don't play janny you're a pedo apologist
Low IQ apologist.
If you want me to lift a finger and do some janny's job, then pay. Simple as.

As a matter of fact, you can go ahead and report the site to Cloudflare or the data center company. They shut down sites with actual CP.
See: >>79970269
>The first is in the form of stating something obviously wrong about the topic, with the same person replying to their own post arguing against it.
Wow, a lot of happenings must have occurred while I was away!
>4chan was always pro-trans because they used to draw moot as loli
Why are you making such exaggerated claims.
The narrative is that the userbase of 4chen was always pro trans. And yes that is the truth.
Welcome to the newfag daycare. We get many different flavors of schizos here.
Meds status: not taken.
You guys need to up your game (or not, it still works every single time), it's getting stale.
I'm literally 79970128 and 79972549 you fuck. Cool it with the holier than thou attitude.
>i'm a shitposter
Yes, I know.
The way Indians are treated online reminds me of how Brazilians were treated online in the early 2010s
If need any more intel then do tell me
/qa/ fvcking wonned
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/b/ was never good etc, etc.
>ur fake oldfig xdd
Post folder cunt.
In the past, /b/ was never good.
Nowadays? /b/ doesn't even exist.
>When 4chan added cloudflare's "lossless compression"
huh? 4chan compresses pics now?
Pls just tell me who the fuck is this qa2 bullshit?
some schizo fixated on this general / getting attention from the mods still thinking he has a circlejerk. likely ex-shart.

Because it got diluted by the other off-topics, stop grasping at straws.
>Nowadays? /b/ doesn't even exist.
Tourists like you caused this.
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the fuck is this
im too old for this
Is that website?
*Is that a website
I really need to get some sleep
A few years ago, a new board was created: /qa/.
Eventually, it began to attract a group of third-worlders who were OBSESSED with basedjack memes.
These same people began to freequently raid other boards. This got so bad, /qa/ as a whole was purged and shut down.
After that, they moved to other imageboards and discords and are continuing to raid this site every single day (they don't have anything else to do).
They tried upgrading the spam filter a few times, but these faggots are using ways to circumvent captchas (which I am grateful for), so this had absolutely no effect.
The /qa2/ poster(s) are from the same group of people.
I tried it and got rate-limited after a few searches. There are "over 10,000" archived files. There's also a lot of API .jsons, here's the /b/ catalog in March 2015: https://web.archive.org/web/20150319225855/https://a.4cdn.org/b/catalog.json
Interestingly 4channel.net wasn't blocked but nothing interesting from after moot bought it was archived.
How did a zoomer manage to type this much text?
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Original: 606867 bytes.

Interesting stuff.

Autism and time.
>Original: 606867 bytes.
>Compressed: 813459 bytes
It got a footprint for child protection reasons.
The imposter among us is Wickerkid.
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whois lookups aren't fun anymore, everyone uses privacy services now
aieeee desuarchive is down
go away doxxer get lost
i just like being able to know that a real human made something
basedjak party, yes. Created on /qa/ where this general used to live in, a few stragglers see us as their turf.

This /qa2/ guy seems to be a lone schizo trying to force a meme
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But he said inironically, not unironically.
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>what is related
Who cares? It's a mutt language with mutt words like talkative and settlement.
>/s4s/ allows loli
As I said, moot just tried to save his ass as 4chan became way too pedo friendly. He wanted to look good in front of the internet and potential GFs as 4chan became way too popular and his doings were visible. /a/ of 2010 has tons of loli posting that wasn't touched by any of the mods.
With what moot intended with his post, he was probably successful though.
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Happening: I got a janny captcha.
oh shit, nice get
i like abib tho.
Not even abib likes himself.
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Happening of the Thread Award : >>79974584
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fucking rekt
Is there any website where hating the site staff is as vocal as on 4chan? I hope the site staff feels really bad about it. Because we all know it's mutual hate.
killing abib means you inherit abib's lizards. reptialia takes some of the nastiest, smelliest shits on planet earth. can you handle the responsibility?
Quit the talkative yap your settlement payment is due
Still is today
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you now remember that /qst/ exists
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lol. I got this one last year
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I got 2DPD but it has some extra shit on the end
Jannies are not staff, mods don't see them as equal.
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Yeah but noanon can tell the difference, nor do most anons care. Mods looking down on jannies is like a high caste jeet and a pakistani pointing fingers at each other while /pol/ watches on in general disgust at the both of them.
Ok this site is seriously dead. I don't know if was the stupid capchas or what, but /v/, one of the fastest boards, is basically a few steps removed from being a dead board. I know they did this to "prevent spam and shitposts" but the thing is the spam and shitposts are still there and the board is more dead. It makes the site feel so fucking lonely ;_;
/a/ sucks Studio Trigger's cock ever since they did an AMA thread on there. Their shit has been "4chan-approved" ever since Gurren Lagann.
Turns out games with sexy women sell
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>I'm guessing ATF is down again
You would be correct, soiteens launched a raid against that site causing it to go down for a bit and grabbed nearly 20,000 user logins because their security is fucking dogshit. Nusoicacas did what Kiwifags couldn't do in just a single day.
sounds like they're an integral part of /a/ history, what's the issue?
Translation: soiniggers tried to raid a forum but failed miserably. They later tried to raid it again using accounts that were hacked years ago. The site admin put the site in maintenance mode to block the hacked accounts, causing the soicaca raid to fail miserably again. The forum became fully operational again a couple of days later and the compromised accounts require a special verification that soitrannies can't access to.
Jesus, that's pathetic

Jesus, you're pathetic
Don't rile them up, or they'll get upset and try to failraid here and get banned for a week
mod approved spat discussion thread
There's like four pedophile threads on /v/ right now and you only linked to one? What's wrong with you?
he's angry his own threads get deleted
Found something interesting
This site mirrored 75 threads from each board. Looks like it scraped the index because it can't say if a thread had >6 replies.
It also tracked OC images. Sadly none are preserved. https://web.archive.org/web/20140106152416/
>This Winkler era Oswald short was found by the University of Wisconsin in 2019 and released online this week for the first time since it's now public domain.
Desu's down, in case nobody's noticed or posted about it.
Sorry, let me just fix that for you right quick.
I think some will find the use of emails useful for fun. Maybe not.
"Cunny" as a term has been around forever and if it wasn't originally a 4chan term, it's been used long enough that it's solidly 4channer vocabulary in the same way that based, zoomer, redpilled, etc are.

>/a/ meme
No way. /a/ has always liked Loli characters but "cunny" has an association with actual children, not anime characters. If there's any board where cunny was a serious meme on, it'd be /tv/.
>The userbase of 4chan was always pro trans
Fuck off. Trans wasn't really a thing in the 00's. 4chan was largely left leaning (00's left, meaning anti George bush, anti censorship, etc) online libertarian types. Transgenderism as a societal issue or a concept wasn't even on anybody's radar, online or not. What 4chan did like though, was traps (crossdressing men that have the appearance of women) which is completely different than trans, and actually a term trannies fucking HATE.
>dead site
hey nigga just leave its that easy
that would make it more dead though
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You're rewriting history to fit your retarded agenda.
Everything I said was factually correct. What history do you think I'm rewriting? I'm not saying original 4chan would be anti trans (I think it would be very mixed) I'm saying the issue of it, the idea of it, and the concept of it wasn't really in anybody's radar, and if it was it'd only be a select few.
File deleted.
>You will not post the following outside of /b/:

>Troll posts

>Your ban was fi-*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*-AAAAAAACK!
>dude trust me
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of eighteen. Have an unpleasant day. Fuck you.
Go call the trans girl in your life a convincing trap and tell me how it goes
sadly i dont have a gf but i do have a bf
Someof the /d/ futa dinosaurs are trans. It wasn't something that anyone *cared* about. old IB culture was chiefly socially libertarian
Call him a pooner, faggot
*dilates my neo-axewound*
>this is so hardcore
He said to himself, as he sat fatly in his computer chair
>I'm so cool
He stated, trying to forget the teasing at school and the insults his parents threw at him
>I'm dark and edgy
He said as he hugged his pillow, wishing for someone, anyone to listen to him.
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Stfu already
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>Stfu already

blox asdfgh
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Saying oldskool 4chenal was pro-tranny left leaning because of traps is like saying oldskool 4chenal was pro-beastiality because of fluffy pones & the jewtube brazillian monkey torture cartels.
You're missing the point, the meaning and the scope to form a completely different interpretation. It's less representative of reality than cherrypicking, because at least cherrypicking involves things that somewhat support the argument. You might as well write fanfiction.
very interesting anon thanks
We need more people doing this kind of research.
whoa that's a bad red number
Cool. Too bad /co/ don't seem to care
>generals aren't allowed on /a/
>yet /vg/-tier generals full of people that know each other by name and spend the entire day blaming each other for everything, rampant consolewar fights, blatant samefagging every thread, and even duplicate threads running at the same time
The rule it not against generals, but against template threads. This definitely breaks that rule though.
>When Beverly police officers - acting on a tip from the FBI that Matthew Scouras had posted antisemitic threats on the social media site "4chan"
Nice. They're actually watching /pol/.
i hope my contraband layout is sick like this
never go full retard
So much for free speech!
Nice "anonymous" website, fucking assholes.
Sarcasm, mockery, or serious? I can't tell.
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now imagine it's this guy saying that (it was)
this is what they mean when they say everything is political
I'm okay with this. What goes around comes around.

I've realized that many anons in their 30s aren't complete losers. Some of them have jobs (usually bad ones, but still), and others are even married and have children. And this is very rare, but sometimes they are professionals. However, almost every time that a /pol/ bitch is exposed he is just the popular stereotype of a 4channer.
Beware of r*ddit/IDF remnant invaders.

I heard over 40,000 kids murdered in the tantrum. Perhaps 5x more.

How much of this thread is samefagging IDF remnants?
Same shitty vibes.
toradora lost
>Same shitty vibes
For example? Show me some of those posts itt
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It's toradorover
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wel wel loders :DD
liddle habbening: neu nbidia gard rebealed :DDDD
nobody mensionded begauz yuo don't ever leibe tha threds o do habeining rebording :DDDDDD


2 slode card
it's all AI (x4 fage frames)
5060 > 4060 (abbarendly) (nod realy ;D)
(donde beliebe da lies :DDD)
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wel fugg i meand 5060 > 4090 (abbarendly)
stubid me :DDD
stil a lI lol
>nobody mensionded begauz yuo don't ever leibe tha threds o do habeining rebording :DDDDDD
I only post what I'd want to read, 4chan-related stuff.

Besides i exclusively post in generals unless it's /co/ and i'm pretty sure nobody here wants to read about whatever autism / fandom bandwagon is going on at the moment
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>I only post what I'd want to read, 4chan-related stuff.
Sir this is the Happenings thread, not the 4chan meta thread.

>i'm pretty sure nobody here wants to read about whatever autism / fandom bandwagon is going on at the moment
Lady that's exactly the reason why most people are here. As long as you keep it brief / concise (unlike that one autist who sperged about the Christmas /a/ stream for basically a month), and only to actual happenings not just minor drama, nobody's going to complain.
Sorry spurdo. I literally can't find any happenings, which is weird because now I browse one more board

Fags will hate this post
Didn't realize how often I used desuarchive.
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>Sir this is the Happenings thread, not the 4chan meta thread.
That's a matter of perspective
>not the 4chan meta thread.
we need one
never donating
adblock installed

L bozo
Fun thread >>>/an/4887433
Yeah I'm not gonna lie I use 4chan as my tech support/product advice/general help service. Not having desu is making me feel like my calculator just broke in math class and realizing I forgot basic multiplication.
You should try out Perplexity. I use it instead of Google nowadays.
Are there any dumps of fireden?
Desuarchive is back
>Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search will still be unavailable for a while until the issue is fully resolved.
Is /gif/ different from /trash/ and /b/ at all at this point?
There are some differences. Overall they read the very similarly, at least from the catalog. I feel like there is definitely a significant overlap in users between them, or at least of the same "type" of person.
I'm still trying to cook up a board chart to really classify this idea, but am having trouble defining axes for the behavior of users. I was thinking "obsession" vs. "orthodoxy" or something, but I feel like those concepts are not as orthogonal to each other as I would like, and most boards would fall into the right quadrants anyway.
/gif/ is for real porn
/b/ is for failed normalfag socials and loli/shota porn
/trash/ is for degenerate coomers
MBTI threads are gone...
and they were a thing for years

i wonder what other threads vanished without a trace
*glomps u* hiiiiez owo!!! sowwy iz glomped u,,,, u just smelled liek pocky!!1! omnomnom :3 yummiez!! awww u r so kawaii when you blush XD XD :D lets make yaois XD hurhur did i mention u lost teh game lulz <3
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Trump will legalize saying "nigger" on mainstream social media, this is one step ahead of our beginning.
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/qa2/ strikes again, cereanigger /a/ janitor on suicide watch.
Maybe, but saying anything against Israel won't be allowed. Gotta protect his bro.
Yeah. I caught the thread and thought it would pick up, but I guess /co/ was busy arguing about politics and gooning to Star Wars or whatever the fuck.
Hey shlomo, I see you're still pushing this false narrative that IMPERATOR TRVMP is one of (((them))). You're lucky that you only have less than 11 days left, the rope won't hurt now.
Yessss, my good goy... YES!!! Pretend none of it is real. Spread the word, my good goy.
New thread because nobody bothered to make it:
Stop fucking with the OP you fucking autist




the absolute minimum

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