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File: Naruto.pdf (7.77 MB, PDF)
7.77 MB
7.77 MB PDF
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Midnight Edition
Previous Thread: >>93276456
File: map.png (58 KB, 592x673)
58 KB
RULES: https://rentry.org/b595h6dm

>Team 1
>Natsuo Uchiha >>92078251
>D >>93148209
>Himari Miko >>92227101 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/HimariJutsu
>Takeru Suzuki >>92037873

>Team 2
>Osamu >>92030854
>Shimabukuro Fumio >>93186440
>Kichōna >>93033948 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/NardoKichonaJutsuList2
>Nodao-Douji >>92130402

>Team 3
>Kamiko Karatachi >>92474846
>Masukuda Rarime >>93032365 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/nbd7ikrf
>Ichika Chinoike >>93073774
>Kita >>92247657

>Team 4
>Kiko Inuzuka >>92046953
>Remilia Orochimaru >>93084258
>Itami Nanae >>92041809
>Kazen Uzumaki (No Yin Chakra Affinity) >>93174267 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/5kp2svbp

>Team 5
>Ezaki Tuto >>92143158
>Jin Hyuga >>93072884
>Shinrō Kamotai >>93066678 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/ShinroJutsu
>Yuma Kouda >>93027066

>Team 6
>Tsugumi >>92078303
>Ghidorah >>93079137 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/xant7fe2
>Junki Takenaga >>93007593
>Sen Yamamoto >>93077606 + https://rentry.org/mkyze5fa

>Team 7
>Kamiizumi Tadafusa >>92443623
>Fujiwara Nobutake >>93185043
>Kamare Hozuki >>92097216
>Daiki Ueno >>92099009

>Team 8
>Rio Konoki >>92286130
>Mitsuteru Chihoshi >>>92596513
>Kuro Blackshadow >>93174547
>Choko Yumiya >>92229037

>Team 9
>Inaba Hyuga >>92642892
>Mojo Nakasendou >>92130059
>Kitsumoto Hachirō >>93081661 + https://rentry.org/KitsumotoC
>Eiken Shinzo >>93133919

>Team 10
>Dojuma Takiga >>92435927
>Ayuka Hagihara >>92418225
>Oishi Teruo >>92424132
>Egao >>92425369

>Team 11
>Miura Lee, Man of Iron >>92982908 + https://rentry.org/MeleebroZ
>Rinka Akagi >>93199705
>Akaito Tenyo >>93033931
>Chosuke-Chosuke Kirabokua >>93127294

>Taihō Shiryō. >>92065120
>Eiji >>92132327
>Tahaki Shiteru >>93076567
>Shichirou Hyūga >>93125740
>Chado Kuro >>93147948
>Ankan Bidatsu >>93163286
File: Handsigns.jpg (69 KB, 474x559)
69 KB
>Ahiratsu Ōtsutsuki >>92073651
>Darkbone >>92064881
>Kijyo-Douji >>92092125
>Engetsu Bōfū >>92101140
>Insane Wild Boar >>92164715
>??? >>92164855
>Setsu Suru >>92181406
>Sado Mazohisuto >>92181768
>Kanami-Douji >>92194017
>Barou >>92473683
>Sekka Hakobu >>93146142
>Gyū >>92157552
>Yōki >>92157657
>Koroko Kokoroko >>92235539
>Mr. Hopo >>92411015
>Lizard >>92249477
>Aika Yuki >>92251220
>Kondai >>92388984
>Makura Hachimune >>92445626
>The Surgeon >>92934104
>Greasy P >>92955486
>Brunhilde Gunther >>92974998
>Ishirō Honda >>93020553
>Hugh Napoleon >>93046548
>Gokan Nokemono >>93101749
>John Anonymous >>93105033
>Vix Raiu >>93164694
>Tsukusari Meikin >>93165978
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba >>93200782

>Naruto MP Additional Archive but better (Writefags, Art, Relationship Charts, Info Cards, etc.):

>Chunin Exam Stage 1 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Logistics Post:
https://rentry.org/w78sxh6g + >>92321962
>Chunin Exam Stage 3 Logistics Post:
>The Chūnin Exams - Stage 2.5: The Preliminaries

New Stuff:
The Ninja Lurk

Tournament Status Update:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/naruto-chunin-mcyoag-template-16244798
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
New Writefags:
>Mimic Meeting (Mash, Ersatz, Yaju)
>Rooftop Repose (Capture Cloth, Bakeneneko)

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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6.88 MB JPG

>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
>>88273837 + >>88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
>>88193619+ >>91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush

>Class 2-D
>Mochi Uranus HN Smelly Hero: Stink Rat
>Kevin Rool
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko
>Hiroki Asai HN Champion of Negativity: Zetsuboy

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz
>Ganto Kanzaki HN The Clone Hero, Commander (NPC)
>Kagami Reina
>Norman “Norm” Smith HN Whatabout
>Rumi Aratsuki HN Hysteria

>Class ???
>Kiki HN Yggdrasil
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy
>Edmund Connor HN The Tall Man
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Kevin Thompson HN The Purple Man
>Yuichi Ishida HN Slipstream
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Rodion Popo HN Overman
>Ludolf Raphael Victorius, Hero Name: Fair Marshal
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Astra Smalls Aka Size King
>Richard Wilkins HN The #1 Hydro Hero: "Splash"
>Shōgeki Heshi HN: Crash
>Tóu Zhǎng Koie/Phys P
>Kazuya Ono
>Alpha Ueno HN: Sylph
>Iwayama Kentaro HN Sisyphus
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Isaiah Sibylla (Keola Ku)
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Fransk Brunhilde
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Yusaku Kanzaki a.k.a. Clone Cop (NPC)
>Emilia Busujima
>Detective Risa Date
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)
>Kuji Futoi (Student)
>Yuko Ozaku (Student)
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Shiori Shiratora VN Kamigami
>Recino R. Percutio
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
>>88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>hina seiyama VN panzer viii
>Giichi Mikata
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>TechVision Elite 2023 - 43Vista UltraSmart 4K TV
>Ryuji Ayanokoji VN Overlord
>Jack Smithee VN The Gravedigger
>Zyra Mein VN Braindrain
>Rudi Brandt VN Sturmtruppe
>Bonzo Amato VN The Boss
>The Hospital Killer
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)
>Jessica Wu VN Surinam Toad Girl
>Jan Procházka VN Msr. Blanc
>Gustave Gavial VN Gnash
>Cosmo Black VN X.T.
>Kate Everly
>Sato Yukio VN Gold Man
>Kurogane Tetsuo VN Dreadnought
>Adrian Vasquez Domingiun Manolete
>Dewi Angkasa
>Kanami Shimizu
>Jimmy Vinchenzo VN The Indestructible Scumbag
>The Illustrious Illithid
>Stormy Day VN Dragonfish
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Mark Matuli
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)
>Kester Greenfield

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
>Choko Yumiya, VN Eye High

>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet
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7.74 MB JPG
>Early writefags here (18 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>A Multi-Dimensional Valentine's Day (Ryu-kishi, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Android, Cool Boost, Radius, Marrow)
>News (Reaper, mentions of Forget-Me-Not)
>Spectre of Revolution (Maru(maru), Marrow)
>Vigilante Hunt, part 1 (Ryu-kishi, Last Rite, Marrow, Maru(maru), 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, Satoru Tani, Rosethorn, Karaburan)
>Rehab (Overdose, Yamata, Ryu-kishi and a cameo from Goldorado)
>Baited (Reaper, Satoru Tani)
>Serpent (Mahoudeva, Honoken, Seiryu, Yamata)
>The Plan (Desolator and The Five):
>Team Wallflower, Assemble! (Yako, Drone, Blackout, Maru(maru), Capture Cloth, Mauler)
>Conservation of Ninjitsu (Marumaru, Ryu-Kishi, Yako, Aura Curie, Blank):
>(Beach Day, Saurus, Majestic)
>Never Have One Last Score (Marumaru, Shoggoth):
>If You Like Piña Coladas (Spark):
>The Doomed Plan (Desolator, Maddox, The Golden Age Five):
>An Attempt in Broad Daylight (Floor, Maddox, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Tether, Mercury, Desolator, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Challenger):
>Catsu Curry (Bakeneneko, Yako, Capture Cloth, Overdose, Yamata)
>First Day: Ersatz, Rosethorn and a couple 1-D students make cameos.
>Night of the Reaper prologue (Mahoudeva, Mirror Devil, Blackout, Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, Satoru Tani)
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6.26 MB JPG
>Writefags (Cont.):
>Night of the Reaper, Part 1 (Reaper, Flying Force, Saurus, Rosethorn, Ryu-Kishi, Challenger, Cameos of Seiryu, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Mirror Devil, Mahoudeva)
>THE TOURNAMENT PART FIVE! (1-D, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy, Rosethorn, Majestic)
>Plan B (Mirror Devil, Desolator, Sunlight Man, Challenger, Impakt, Smokin' Sexy):
>Frame (Mirror Devil, The Doctor, Smokin' Sexy, Impakt, Desolator):
>Vigilante Hunt 2 (Ryu-kishi, Mirror Devil, Marumaru, Marrow, Yako, Conman, Majestic, Karaburan, Localoca, Ito, Rebecca Weber, Skycarver, Hijack, Ippon, Last Rite, The Clique, Flying Force, Yamata, others)
>The Monster's Aid (Desolator):
>Night of the Reaper Part 2 (Yamata, Overdose, Goldorado, Majestic, Desolator, Rosethorn, Reaper):
>Devil's Counsel (Last Rite, Desolator):
>Doing Business (Feral, Drekus, Karma, cameo of Reaper)
>Clown Days (Ryu-kishi, Popsy, Maru(maru), Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy Team, mention of 1-D):
>Full Circle (Rosethorn, Feral, Yamata, Overdose)
>Recovery (Overdose, Yamata, Rosethorn and Karaburan)
>Arrival (Mash, Impakt, Floor, mentions of Reaper)
>Full Circle II (Yamata, Flying Force, Saurus, Drekus, Feral, cameo of Rosethorn and Hiro)
>The Maiden and the Monster (Shoggoth, Marumaru, clamguy cameo):
>Always Late (Rush, Greenfinger)
>Full Circle III - Part I (Flying Force, Feral, Yamata)
>Missed you too (Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, with cameos from the Wild Hunt, Satoru Tani and Karma)
Doing the lord's work anon
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6.46 MB JPG
Writefags (Final):
>Full Circle III -Part II A (Flying Force, Feral)
>Full Circle III -Part II B (Yamata no Orochi, several mentions)
>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)
>The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests):
>Battle Against a True Dragon (Flying Force, Yamata no Orochi, Feral):
>Nyoro Leaves (Maru, Rosethorn, and 1-D):
>Mimic Meeting (Mash, Ersatz, Yaju)
>Rooftop Repose (Capture Cloth, Bakeneneko)


For Art, Memes, Tierlists, etc. check the rentry
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File: Fairy Tail 1.jpg (3.54 MB, 1400x6300)
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Fairy Tail

>The Gutsy Hall
>Big Killer Ape Tree

>Hob House
>Bastly Ugard
>Ibuki E. Fiore
>Alaric Falk

>Moon's Watch
>Father Mond
>Ciara Perrons
>Lanel Nol
>Cat Sid
>Curie Lovelace

>Mory Pose
>The Woman with No Name
>Mitra Albus

>Hag's Hex
>Vera Escher
>Axel Starr
>Luckuv Thadraw

>Forest Embrace
>Big Lover Resting Stone

>Church of Mana
>Saintess of Mana
>Mistress Fist

>Magic Council
>Regier Bunkan

>Hilda Verblitz
>Buster Henry
>Sebastian Stone
>Niera Flamey
>Lucius McShade
>Garl the Gallant
>Dale Conagher

Tier Maker: https://tiermaker.com/create/-mcyoag--fairy-tail-17287780

Prompt: If you could travel anywhere for a day where would you go?
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>Hot Hand, They Not Gonna Believe Me, But Check The Recording (Axel Starr, Vera Escher)
>A picnic (Bastly, Vera; intro with Seph)

Relationship Charts:

>He Doesn’t Know
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>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93210458
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93218551
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93200099
Shotgunner Joe >>93226963

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department (OSAASAAD)
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93190146
Luther Vale >>93185712
Robin Fleur >>93206767
Emilia Kazama >>93207908
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Mila Ryen >>93192336

Mar'azenthiel AKA Mara >>93209414
A SCRAPPER Named Slickback >>93212490
Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473

>Problem Solvers Network
>ISV Yak-yok-Yinnabeiygwou
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
>Shock and Awe
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576

>The Barking Dogs
Jacob Koch (leader) >>93255007

Lazarus Morton >>93200611
Cheshire >>93205719
Sorceress >>93207006
Dr. Yvette Toyosaki >>93209536
Scrap-82 >>93228526
Asterios >>93232625
"Carrion" Marian >>93233986
Ix >>93260292
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Navarizi Tango (Reef, Spinner)
Corporate Obstruction
Xat's Bar: the Disassembly (Maxx, Argus, Ta'ang, Claymore, and Grok)
Fallout (Spinner, Reef, Пeтp) (Mentions Dr. Archer and Corto)
Out-of-House Doctor (Dr. Archer, Пeтp, Reef, Spinner)
Ta'ang's evaluations of the SCRAPPERs
Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
Space Fuck-ups
Introductions: Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
A Dream Job Offer (Sorceress, Shotgunner, Argus Mackenzie, Dr. Toysaki)
A Karadine Stopover (Heyreddin, Grok, Ta'ang)
Milk Run (Robin Fleur, Luther Vale)
Meet the Shotgunner (Shotgunner Joe, Jack Steele, Heyreddin, Lorik, Reth, minor mentions of Screw and William "Bill" Wayne)
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Wings of Pandora
Heyreddin Drinking
Emilia Meets Catherine and Friends

>Relationship Charts
A SCRAPPER Named Slickback:

New relationship chart
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There might be some things missing from the notes. I'll check again in the morning.
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1) Play as is. Assume that the powers picked are at their starting level. Picking Learner also unlocks the second spell from the start. Don't forget to design the character and the soul they possess
2) Ignore the companions section. Pick 1 build to be close to, and 1 build to be distant towards. Options increasing companions instead increase the number of builds you are close with
3) Pick any starting city and bonus. The story will still start at the town of Easily

>You're a native to Shower City. You don't have to be an orphaned high schooler. Pick any background within reason
>None of the companions exist. Instead, everyone is part of an online friend group that, when meeting for the first time, discovered the coffee table rune
>Other runes exist in Shower City that lead to different cities in case you don't want to join the main group. All runes and the objects they're inscribed on are invisible to anyone that lacks the ability to enter Gras Paada.
>The goal is still to defeat the 5 warlords, but in-universe the characters only have a vague prophecy to save the world from evil
>You teleport to the world Gras Paada solo during your first time to gain an adverturer's soul. Any subsequent teleport will require you to teleport with others to reduce its load on the soul
>Items carried by you can be transported with you to and from Gras Paada. The smaller the item, the less likely it is to get lost during the transit. Items that fail to be transferred will return to you when you teleport back.
>By default, souls only give you a themed set of powers and can talk to you after visiting Gras Paada a few times. The amount of influence they have is up to you. Most characters don't transform into their souls, but it's not the be all end all.
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Yoshiko Matsubara | Thalia
Amaury Felix Vaugeois | Verdeus the Green
Tojo "Rooster" Kaito | Belldandy
James Blackwood | Xernes, Regent of the Empty Legion

Reza Lotfi | Bassil
Tomoe Sasakura | Valeria
Mike Young | Reynard Sutton, The Unrelenting
Lucianus Salvius | Daimon, Bloodstorm Angel

>Ruy Eustáquio | Stinkleheimer
Shun Lee | Zacharia

Bloody Beginnings, a Strange Night (Lucianus)
Experiments, Preparation, and Anxiety (Lucianus)
New day, new life (Lucianus), (references to various other builds)
Amaury's discovery of Gras Paada:
Panic at night and unforunate falls (Lucianus), (Short appearance of Shun Lee, references to others):
The Innocence Of Being Unsure About The Future (Lee Shun, Amaury Felix, Lucianus Salvius, Kaito Tojo, brief appearances of others):
The Meeting at last (Lucianus, Shun Lee, Amaury, mentions of everyone else)
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Goodnight, thread.
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Dread it, flee from it, it arrives all the same.

SCENARIO: Gestation
RULES: We don't need rules where we're going.

>Horikiri Takeichi, weakest hobo under the bridge

>Jon Ible, print media's last hope
oh shit maybe I'm the 75 IQ drunkard
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Two prompts for you, Farty Tailers.

>High Mages break any established conventions about mana and magic, for they are even above the country's best. Create a custom title for your High Mage to represent their otherworldly level of power.

And for normies:
>You've been offered to run your very own reality show in Fiore involving imprisoned mages for everybody's content! What kind of challenges your build would run, what would be the theme of their show, and would it get extreme in some cases? Budget is of no concern, but you're encouraged to make something that people will watch.
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>one anon made batman but he's white
>other anon made a hobo with broken limiter ST
ngl, i have actual faith in anons doing something fun with 25 points powers
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I want you to know that your continuous refusal to use the word Fairy makes you look like an emotionally fragile pre-teen.
I am sure you imagined your verbal takedown to be more biting in your head.
>marak fucking up his repost
>lanel's relationship chart drowning in the threadslave pool
lmao talk about bad timing, you guys were jonesing to post a little too hard
Lanel Nol's relationship chart for FT over here, check it out.
Probably gonna ask this for one more thread, but for Kazen, a skinwalker, or anyone with a good idea is around, are there any cool moments/moves he could pull versus Fujiwara?
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Marak "The Boozehound"


Physically Fit
Unique Appearance (He is a BIG dude arounf 7'6 or a bit bigger than Andre)
Combat Skill(22)
Mundane Talen(21): Moonshining
Mercenary, aka whatever odd-jobs Marak is doing at the time for booze money

Mid Tier Magic(17):
Iron God Slayer Magic

>Magic Power

Wants to join the Hag's Hex as a bodyguard but needs the invitation.

Marak was born in a tribe considered primitive even amongst the groups isolated in the far flung reaches of the world. This tribe worshiped the ancient doctrine of a dead god that all magic was demonic, and that all children born with an aptitude for the forbidden practice shall only be fed fruit as rotten as their souls. Marak was unlucky enough to be born with a great magical aptitude, and thus only ate the most fermented fruit and grain and the only education he got was from the insults he received. However, with how much ether-nano was in the air Marak became more than physically powerful enough to slaughter his dreadful tribe-mates, and that he did. Eventually he went to the temple which brought his woes. And a corpse of a god he found. And the corpse of a god he ate out of spite. After that harrowing childhood he soon discovered that shiny things tasted very good, he could make himself into a dark shiny thing, and most importantly if he put what he usually ate in water he could make a drink that tasted really good and made the angry thoughts go away if he drank enough of it. He then wandered wherever he wished for the latter of his childhood and teenage years and saw all kinds of things. Eventually he settled" in Balsam after being kicked of a place watched by the moon for trying to eat the fancy shiny things. (btw artfags don't draw the metal on the armor as Marak would've 100% eaten it)
Malumda, also known as Malumda The Strongest or CHADumda, is the strongest mortal in the multiverse and the incarnation of Absolute Strength. He is known as the Invincible Strongest of the Strong (ISOTS), the Strongest in all the Universes, the Mortal who surpasses the Dragons of Destruction, the Alpha of Awe, the Brute of Brawn, the Cultivator of Class, the Duke of Domination, the Emperor of Eloquence, the Fiercest of Fighters, the Greatest of Glory, the Height of Heroism, the Imperator of Intellectualism, the Jarl of Justice, the King of Knights, the Lord of Loquaciousness, the Master of Mortality, the Naysayer of Noobs, the Overchud of Obituaries, the Prince of Passion, the Que-hagen of Quixote, the Ruler of Ruination, the Sultan of Smite, the Taskmaster of Trembles, the Undertaker of Ubiquity, the Vaeyen of Vociferousness, the Warranter of Weaklings, the Xenophobe of Xenogeny, the Yardmaster of Yesteryear, the Zhar of Zorofairytailism, the Apex Predator of the Multiverse, GRIPumda the CRUSHING, INSURMOUNTABLEumda the UNSURPASSABLE, INDOMITABLEumda the UNYIELDING, DIAMONDumda the TANK, MAELSTROMda the TITANIC, COLOSSUSumda the LEVIATHAN, MONSTERumda (for our sakes) the TERRIFYING, PHYSICALLYIMPOSINGumda the INTIMIDATING, AESTHETICumda the BEAUTIFUL, CRIMSONumda the LEGEND, The Sharadow Titan, The Fist of Justice, The Zenith of Power, The Unstoppable, The Immovable, The Ultimate Warrior, The All-Seeing, The Army of One, The Meteor Lord, and many other names.
You forgot Tomoki Victim.
Anon, I have no fucking clue what you're asking.
Not after he steals John Uchiha's eyes
He wants epic things JOBzen can try and do before jobbing.
oh my god...lord malumda is so strong...his strongest meteor might even...might even break this concrete wall!! holy fuark!
you know what I didn't put a 2nd quotation mark on "settled" but fk it.
Btw did you know that a mohawk + Iron God Slayer Magic makes for one hell of a bottle opener?
Idk, bait him into a trap with the chains and shit.
You're funny, anon.
You know that you get Magic Power points from buying magic types, right? You don't spend your points on it directly.
It's obvious he wanted one magic at that power level and didn't want to spend points on anything else. People in Fairy Tail could be strong with only one magic style.
Yeah I definitely knew that.... but in all seriousness Iron God Slaying Magic is more than badass enough on its own and getting from eating a dead god is pretty metal (hah)
Is Orochi's awakened quirk a permanent change or is it like a super mode she can switch to?
Nice work. More charts are always fun.
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I made a relationship chart for Meliadne. It includes all builds.

>Prompt: If you could travel anywhere for a day where would you go?
Meliadne would go to the beach. Any beach is fine as long as it is clean and has a nice view. Also any ancient magical sites intrigue her so she may decide to visit a magical ruin.

Nice Lanel anon. Resurrection magic does exist somewhere but finding a practitioner is hard and it could bring the wrath of the gods upon us.
You'd have more fun doing something you liked instead of repeating other people forever.
What the other anon said. I want both builds to have at least one attack that'll hopefully make people go "wow that's cool."
This actually made me think of something. Thanks.
Kazen's a weird fucking build. If you're committed to the cursed sealing arts thing just make up a really edgy and dramatic jutsu. Like cutting your belly open to release oozing black chains that seek out and attempt to seal the enemy by any means necessary.

Fujiwara... I'll be honest that build's kind of boring. Just a generic taijutsu man. Most interesting thing he could do is launch himself in the air and fire off a volley of flame arrows or something.
>Kazen's a weird fucking build
Yeah, it's hard for me to think of a coherent fighting style for him with only the build and an outdated jutsu list, so I need some help.
>Like cutting your belly open to release oozing black chains that seek out and attempt to seal the enemy by any means necessary.
This is good.
>I'll be honest that build's kind of boring
Understandable. Though it is my build so I know what to do with him.

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