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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Yae from Goemon has entered the chat
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Looks promising
Is there hope?
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Were you followed?
Were you followed?!
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is it safe? have we found a new land?
We are safe
wouldn't this fit better on /i/ or something?
its like having a fanart thread in /vg/ the gacha general
Do let me know if someone has a twitter full of pixel art though, need more inspiration that's more contemporary
we are safe
I would have miss all of you guy if we had to split up.
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It's over...
I like it here better than /co/.
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I would have been sad too, anon
I love you all
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>Its so over
>We're so back
New normal until the jannie stop having a melty
All Dall e AI slop shit should be moved to >>>/trash/
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FUCK /co/
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/co/ is good people, don't say that
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Have faith.
There's no reasoning with people who have pedo derangement syndrome
just realized any potentially returning regulars for however long this lasts will look for the /v/ thread and might just go "oh they died while I was gone, oh well" and disappear for good
They'll probably go to /co/ first.
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Choppy found a way home!
Yae is Vidya and anime. not co. will stay here or post extreme stuff in the trash. debating
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Well for the specific case of Detective, they'll probably go to /g/, ask around and maybe get directed here (if this is a permanent spot now), it's really up to how hard they want to look/ask around.
You missed us didn't you?
Sure, I'll post in /vg/. A thread I can genuinely enjoy when looking at the catalog is BETTER than /v/ threads, really!

Plus, most of these threads do tend to focus on retro games, so it's almost like it's /vr/!
If they visit other boards' AI threads, like /co/ or something, anyone who visits them could mention about /v/ threads being kill (if they really are kill).
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lol gore fag seething
>extreme stuff
just litterbox, should still be fine
I can't post on /trash/. If we get sent there for good I'll have to go. There's no tolerance on /trash/ for the purposes of that board.
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Have some faith, it'll work out
this is just a minor setback
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Ada will have to make note of this when typing up her report.
>I can't post on /trash/.
So /vg/ is our home now?
Mods kicked the threads to /trash/ before we moved here of our own accord
So now we have to get used to a new janny meta where they probably delete certain things are pure random and leave certain things alone.
We have to wait and see if this is temporary.
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The posting cooldown kinda suck but other than that this isn't too bad.
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TEMPORARY residence.
We'll be back home in no time.
>detective goes on vacation again.
>the threads finally die.
>posters scattered to the winds.
>we're in the bad ending timeline.
oh boy our enemy followed us here..
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pouring one out for the homies
Why are you guys in this board?
Come to find out dallefags were non-videogame playing tourists all along
ok. but just for fun.
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they're diaper posting pedo freaks and I refuse to associate with them
The NovelAI shilling central has been here for a few years, so it makes sense.
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I expect everything to go back tomorrow, after all they don't pay jannies that much to keep seething 24 hours
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These threads have weathered tougher storms. You're stronger than a janny temper tantrum
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rouge mod
angry jannies
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We will survive.
it's the one dude who's been doing it non-stop since november. he never talks or engages with anyone else. the rest are fine.
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This is not where I expected us to end up
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Temporary, probably.
We're all guessing a mod gut super-flustered when he voluntarily entered into discussion threads about AI (which he hates) and saw genuinely astonishing clips of high-definition, new, user-generated content about fun games that people commented large amounts of praise about.

Post in here the favorite webms you saw posted. I'm betting other Anonymous posters will actually appreciate seeing a congregation of top-quality content in this single thread.
>it's the one dude who's been doing it non-stop since november. he never talks or engages with anyone else. the rest are fine.
So they really put a schizo in every thread of 4chan
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this is not the end, I refuse
Ah, so THAT's what you meant by extreme
primo shit
But we have gorespammer

I was playing KCD while we were in stasis, checked the /co/ thread during a loadtime to see a new thread here.
>some anon discovers Bing Create back in October 2023
>Make a thread on /v/
>Various Prompts and OC's emerge from the shadows
and the rest is history
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I bless this new era with my tomboy collage
The omissiah... save us...
Based ff8 Trex
Based Tomboy enjoyer
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Get back in the ring ___ boy.
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The hailuoai threads already feel like a repeat of history of the Dall-E ones. Lightning fast threads full of anons enjoying themselves making funny/cool/coom shit with a powerful tool that isn't (egregiously) censored/controlled, but one day a modd gets upset and sinks every AI thread he can over it.
Didn't get to look at a lot of the videos in there because I was hopping around between vidya and the Dall-E stuff, I probably missed a lot of gold
Dear /vg/ janny,
Before you consider letting this thread thrive I'd like to warn you that none of these posts are /v/idya and it will only get worse if you allow them to continue.
Please move every dall-e thread to /trash/.
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I wonder if there'll be an official mod statement.
>the jannies scrubbed the threads on /v/
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kek, all we can do is wait. It might be a blessing in disguise. /v/ sucks anyway. I ignore the rest of the board. I do wish we had our own board.
said it was.
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seethe and mald, chopper
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suck my dick you snitch bitch
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I have a feeling things will not get better from this point
This would be sick with some cool sneakers
Yae is always on topic.
What the fuck
Doesn't look like these are /v/idya related either. I sure hope this isn't a sign of things to come? Surely people wouldn't come to a /v/idya thread to post off-topic and avatarfag all day...right?
We are finally in /vg/ aka avatar central, now we can erp in peace uwu
these new ai vid threads just speedrunning the dall-e threads early history of their popularity triggering random janny and poster meltdowns but without any of the ocs shows it was never about it being on or off topic but that certain soulless fun vampires who can't fathom a group of posters enjoying themselves in their own vidya based thread on the sinking sewage transport ship of a board that is /v/ need everyone to be as miserable as they are
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>I probably missed a lot of gold
Honestly? You really did.
I fully encourage you checking out some DOZEN threads that started getting created since yesterday. There are genuinely amazing clips made.

And, when people were participating in them, it was generally new titles getting descriptions instead of repeats. And, thanks to the online AI inherently keeping check with "non-pornographic" blue boards, it wasn't just filling with porn; that literally could not be generated and was instantly pre-deleted before it ever completed.

They were fun threads. Good stuff.
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I may have been underestimating your use of the word a bit.
I should probably say it just in case, I really like your images Yaeanon. Your NAI stuff is nice too. Very delicious Yae's Yaes and Bian's Bians

Dall-E 4 soon. Trust the plan
Feels weird seeing my slop reposted
I use it against chopper
He hates your slop but I find it hilarious
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>but without any of the ocs shows it was never about it being on or off topic
That was clear from day 1 when these same people were claiming fake vidya screenshots weren't vidya, or lashing against obscure characters
finally this fucking threads will have a PREVIOUS link. for fucks sake.
thank you Jesus
thanks anon. good chell. love it. and thanks for the bian.
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Lets keep it civil guys. We're guests here
Does he? I don't think i've ever had him reply or mention my posts
Umm now that I think about it, we can even change the OP to have some links and guides or a thread theme, etc
your mom was already moved there years ago.
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She's love
Don't forget to take down /aids/ and /aicg/:
/aids/ is pretending that writing novels is a video game.
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This website is just handcrafted to be anti-fun dogshit recently. The few times we actually get something neat either the jannies tear it away or the bitter retards in the surroundings with too much time on their hands find some way to make it about themselves or troll until it ruins the fun. I'd imagine that if something like the digiorno pizza edits or pooh baseball appeared today that jannies would nuke it. I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that this site primarily exists as a daycare to distract people who would have otherwise killed themselves or others if left unattended. I'm not sure if it's moot or certain members of the mod team leaving but the spirit of this site is practically drained away. It doesn't feel like 4chan anymore, it feels like the /trash/ equivalent of reddit. Oh well, least I got to enjoy ONE (1) single A.I video thread.
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You're gonna freak when you see these threads that have been here

Hey Bwo
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Aw hell yeah even this guy showed up for our new place
Things are looking up bros
Oh thank god
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Didn't ask
Easily my favorite Yae Bian pic
based smug poster
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what a fucked up turn of events
ok. time to go back into cute/sexy land. be less lewd.
I'm happy we got rid of Ram.
choppy status ?
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>How dare you call me out on my bullshit
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Howdy sun, hows it goin
Hi coffee
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no u

Aloha Coffee
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Need Ram... Ram...
Uh oh! What thread will the schizo link next?
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>Detective, bat, gato and ludwig come back
>no thread
>They shrug their shoulders and leave never to be seen again
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>he's seething after getting BTFO
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How would Coffee fare in a Resident Evil game?
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You need to let go...
assuming you weren't in the dall-e threads, they've tried to kill us many times before over the past year and we just kept coming back. i could see the vid and dall-e threads being combined into one to since two (the horror!) ai threads being a thing may have pushed one too many twitter screencap threads off the board for them to ignore
dalle did good on that one
Detective will ask on /g/ what happened. Someone will need to keep a lookout for him.
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>bat, gato and ludwig come back
Have been months since these 3, let it go
>He's having a melty over being told the truth
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Probably not well, unless she went on a Zombieland-like quest to find coffee
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>he's projecting his insecurities while complaining about the thread
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It'd be really funny it was more strict here
Also hey everyone else, never been so glad to see you.

Good to see ya, was wondering what the hell happened. Glad there's somewhere new. Hope you're good too.
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Found your way, finally
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!

So, is this the new place?!
Bark more for me, schizo
Temporally, I wonder if Amyfag will catch up with the new place, his entire Deviant Art page depend of us
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>defensive, salty and fragile
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Nice Bomberman! I can never get him go look right, good job!
Hmm, I guess it isn't so bad here! Hopefully bestie finds his/her way here...
>first thing that you think about
i like this variant
>Bark, bark, bark
Good boy!
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I'm already here.
>Hopefully bestie finds his/her way here...
No chance
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>unhinged because of thread staying up
this is hot
They don't even post anymore, let it go
Literally posted yesterday
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Glad you're here Ellebasi!
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>assuming you weren't in the dall-e threads
I was, that's what makes me even more annoyed.

here's a fun coincidence
ListOneesanWaifuFag doesn't count
>hopeless obsessed stalker schizofag says "aMyFaG"
No I mean the real one, not the groupie
>still seething
Aw, did you run out of tricks already, boy?
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I'm glad you didn't get lost too
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Ohhh. You said "bestie". I thought you said "Basi"
Yeah i'm doing great, hope more posters find their way here.
A kino mario gen? impossible
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>malding because thread is up despite your impotent rage
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Amyfag stop seething or I won't give you more Slime/sneakers prompts
why did you post twice
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Of course Isabelle wants her sister here too! in my headcanon they're sisters anyway

excuse the reposts. busy
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With the hidden posts mixed in I can't even tell which two faggots are arguing with eachother or if there even IS an argument right now. I wish they'd both shut the fuck up/
kek I fucking love these peach posters arguing.
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To make it seem like multiple anons, but Amyfag isn't the brightest tool in the shed, so he used the same prompt
>90 second cooldown
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Evil Clone/Sister/Mimic/Demon Doppelganger/Inverted Being from opposite reality
>This is what PS/V/ actually believes.
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Get used to MMO cooldowns.
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I must climb Mt. Fuji
I heard there is a man at the top who will give me a chain pipe
Now we will have to adopt Detective posting style and mass reply
Not him obsessed schizofag
but but detective spammer can't find the vg thread bros
>see two posts 90 seconds apart
>samefag senses tingle
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kek that's gonna take some time to get used to
>Waah, waah, waah
Poor baby! Somebody didn't get a treat today!
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>ignores his screaming into the void for thread to be removed
Okey you wanted it, no more slime/sneaker prompts until you apologize, mister "AI artist" with open commissions
less porn spam, less same gen spam, less gorefag spam, it's better

I will not post futa bros maybe the jannies here will kick you out for that and I can't have some randoms lifes on my hands

See ya bros was a good run
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The more the merrier!
You're the one posting meme frog weird neetfag
You seem quite upset little kid, go outside!
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BASED ISABELLE (not amyfag)
you can't fucking leave us come back and post I don't want to lose you
What's the prompt?
Amyfag please reconsider your stance
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Hope sweet pea rolls around too
This is the perfect opportunity to steal the identity of a regular poster as they most likely won't notice the threads moved here and I can then become them.
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i guess this is where we live now
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just saying anyone can pretend to be me. more yae images are always a plus.
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Hahaha... who would do something like that?
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sounds good,
but i will still be the best and that can't be copied.
What happened bros, I'm just trying to slop and now they're making me open /vg/
If you pretend to be me I will literally kill myself (You have no idea who I am)
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Howdy anons, how's it hanging?!
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Just confirming im here(you wil NEVER EVER know who I am)
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tummy-chan, you're back!
Put it on, now
Me too. Lovely gen.
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That's not his name.
I'm not him and you need to stop stalking him you stalkerfag.
Nice Isabe-- wait... that file name!
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Hey it's me Neco Arc let's all argue
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Cute girls doing cute things is timeless
>Heavy Brush strokes by Yoji Shinkawa, anime realism oil painting, 2girls, clementine from telltale's the walking dead(curly tied black hair, closed eyes, clementine's baseball cap, black denim jacket with white hood), Sun(a girl with long platinum blonde hair with pink streak, black sweater and skirt), hugging each other under a willow tree in the great outdoors, happy hug, cheeks of their faces pressed together, dappled lighting, bright sunrays
Toad goat simp
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Wait a minute...THAT* filename!
Howdy Anons, how low is it hanging. I have the best gens
need sora bf
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Who will be the new
Tactical redhead with freckles
Low poly demon lady
Oni girls
Rando female pokemon trainer
Wii waifu
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hi bff, what happened
5 doll hairs say Fail Witch fails to find this thread
based af, Capt.
2 and Failwitch finds us and also brings every other poster we lost across the year with them
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
nope what? he doesnt have to search
>we can finally add links to the OP
>we can finally link previous threads
Blessed hug prompt, thank you.

coffee time byee
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I actually have no idea what happened to the /v/ threads. They're getting autosaged or something, I think
See you later, bff!
Gunner Elf...
Demon Son...
Guweiz Purple Tiefling...
please prompt
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If the /vg/ dalle thread becomes OC general then we're entitled to a vidya-themed hailuoai x dalle thread on /v/.
Slop threads are not entitled for anything
>inviting more lurkers to cherrypick out of context screenshots to shitpost with
now I can finally become a thread regular. I hated the lack of previous linking
*dabs, flosses, moon walks and does the worm while dropping mics*
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We need him now more than ever.
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I guess I'll have to keep a third /vg/ tab open after all, have any of you tried making a new DALL-E thread on /v/?
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that's the best part
Kill yourself
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Never change buddy
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Cute firetruck buns
what if we move to /co/?
/I/ what's that one about?
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>what if we move to /co/?
It would just be plain rude to hijack an existing thread. It's fine to go there and post with them. There's always been a bit of crossposting between the two threads, but we shouldn't be going there en masse and just planting out flag.
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what the fuck did you guys do to get kicked out of /v/?
Nice triple foot
Nothing, mods nuked the hailyaoi (or whatever it's called) threads and dall-e got caught in the crossfire.
Jannies probably got upset at Hailuo threads.
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it's to piss off the footfags
The /v/ thread was constantly being spammed by gore and a hailuo general popped up, seems jannies took the opportunity to sweep it up.
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Any new prompts or styles you guys would like to share?

Angel’s Egg, La Cité interdite, cell shading, dreamy vibrance, surreal, grainy, vintage anime, overlapping visual channels, interference, dystopian sky, tilted. Fantasy, girl looks at her reflection in water, the reflection back is an angelic creature, looking back up at her, very vibrant and surreal.
I believe the main problem in this board is the bump limit compared with the image limit, that will be the main reason to move us to trash
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I was busy today and just went to look for the/v/ thread... it's over...
I think I heard jannies say it was because you never shared your prompt and they wanted to make mega detective bazongas
I made one and it was moved to /trash/ within minutes. That was the last thread before we ended up here.
Faggot roleplay as anime girls and jerk other off
Hehe fuck you
Yeah we're going to end up with like 2-3 threads on the board again and jannies are not going to be happy
What makes this place any different from having it in /v/?
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Maybe the real bazongas were the enemies friends we made along the way

It'll never be the same here
Higher post limit
So we'll hit image limit and not be anywhere near post limit
The bump limit is 750 while the image limit is 375, this thread is mainly focused in the images so we gonna to reach that limit really fucking fast.
To be honest there's a really simple solution to this problem, it would make this thread a rolling sticky but at the bottom of catalog, but let be honest, it's more easy to move it to /trash/
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It's not like we needed / interacted with the catalog, and with the cooldown there'll probably be less instances of people spamming.
This might be a plus too since now people no longer need to "race" against people flooding the thread with noimg posts so that it starts autosaging before 300.
>this thread is mainly focused in the images so we gonna to reach that limit really fucking fast.
sure but that image limit is still 75 more than /v/ and euro hours are dead as fuck
even on /v/ burger hours only see maybe 3 or 4 threads nowadays
a slightly higher image limit might make it one less thread until euro hours
Gorefag or someone pretending to be him made a /v/ thread with the iconic image in honor of the the dall-e threads
Anon, do you realize we still have to reach 750 replies to reach the bump limit?
/v/ threads hardly ever reach their own bump limit
but I guess since it's a much faster board it was fine to move make a new thread the moment image limit was hit
so there'd only ever be 2 dall-e threads at most at a time
I'm retarded, explain?
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Yeah in hindsight this is actually a fucking RETARDED place to set up since we'd either be trapped to suffocate in an image locked thread, or we'd be constantly pushing threads off the catalog until the surrounding threads eventually become annoyed. On /v/ it wasn't an issue because we were one thread and most of them were dogshit anyways, but here we might be bumping entire games off the catalog.
>/v/ thread auto-saged
>2 new /v/ threads locked
>Last /v/ thread moved to trash
>A /v/ thread was made using the gore pic in the OP and text "In memory of DALLE Thread"
AI board soon
Based, slop shit has no place in 4chan outside /trash/
In all likelihood it's just gonna be a sticky telling you to go to /trash/
it'll die here
either /g/ or back to /v/ soon
v dalle will be banished to aco, and boards everywhere will rejoice
Have you retards thought of moving to /g/? Those threads are dead and the image limit thing is pretty much the same as /v/
>image limit thing is pretty much the same as /v/
>150 image limit instead of 300
>literally half
aco doesn't allow furry or loli or gore and their mods are very strict. they answer to reports quickly.
a lot of /v/ posts would break their rules ( and unlike /v/, aco kids actually clean shit up)
who knew aco was good for something
same problem as aco. g mids are even more strict than aco. those guys don't tolerate shit.
v has a lot of trolling. only trash could handle
I think he means what >>494561574 was saying about moving out of threads that reach image limit before bump limit, i remember DALL-E 3 threads on /g/ doing that the same way /v/ did.
Sounds like a fucking plus to me. The worst shit in the threads? Vanishing over night? God fucking bless china for being the catalyst for these fags getting zyklon b'd
it used to be filled with celeb shit but now it's a graveyard. you guys can take it. its fucking dead. more dead than g
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If we get sent to trash it's over. The threads will just be porn spam even more so than normal
The Disney/Pixar fags left? There were some decent posters there.
/aco/ is the only real answer. 300 image limit. allows nudes. stronger moderation than /v/
right now you literally have 4 people posting on aco. look how far apart the images are in time. yes the Disney fags went to co.
abandoning /v/, cowards.
don't even deserve my gifts
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I love concerned trolling lol
Go ahead and make a thread on /v/ and I will support you.
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>/v/ DALL-E crowd becomes the new /tv/ DALL-E crowd and exodus to /aco/
I guess this is the fate of all DALL-E threads, your loyalty to Microsoft will always make you weak.
cap, just saw some cute ariels in /aco/
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>AI board soon
chang AI just upped their filters so the generative AI interest/threads is gonna die again
Char's Counterattack...
all roads leak to aco
those are reposts I think
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as much as I'd like a place to post my unpostables I really think they should have just let the threads stay on /v/
on any non-blue board the threads would get flooded by NAI spam and turn into AI porn & requests general
dall-e gens would likely make up a minority of images
I kneel
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Why are you reposting Ariels? Yes, they are cute, but still.
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>dall-e gens would likely make up a minority of images
Says this as he post a local SD image
you got what you wanted you stupid gore motherfucker, now everyone is going to /aco/ you dumb asshole
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what's your point?
Wait was the "become accustomed to this" targeted the jannys the whole time?
You could probably post nsfw here and it wouldnt get deleted since no one browses the front page of /vg/ anyways so no one would be around to report

unless we have some kind of janny-suckin fuck in our midst
I said I think, I think someone did
Only one Anon? are you giving up already? Come on Anon, don't abandon /v/, coward.
got the prompt for them?
You already know it just takes one spiteful faggot / troll to mass report just for shits and giggles. I wouldn't push it.
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Just noticed Ginny, raccoon, Impressionist knight and John aren't here. BASED AF
It seems weird to me that you care about DALL-E images and their representation on AI threads when you already have access to local stuff and have basically nothing to worry about.
It was really that easy to ban the threads when gorefag made the thread for once? Kinda crazy it took him that long to figure out that idea.
I don't like this preview for the Skibidi Movie.
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I never got to tell him how I feel...
why not just use trash
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Guys guys hehe....hear me out. What if (heeheehee) what if we found a program that would let us chat and share *snicker* chat and share images without having to worry about any of this? What if we could create a system where we invite and kick out people based on if they make good contributions? Like a big "server" of some sort? Wouldn't it be crazy if that existed? Wouldn't that be...FUNNY if that existed? GAHAHAH-YAHOOOOO!!!!!
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Gyute Squirrel Clem
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I'm gonna make a new thread on /v/. Wish me luck.
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to me, they were always dall-e threads. not necessarily general AI threads. other AI models were welcome but dall-e was always the main tool
plus I still think dall-e is the best AI image generator hands-down and seeing all the creative or artistic styles people came up with was great.
what I'm saying is that if we were moved to a blue board, like anon said, it would just be porn. nothing interesting anymore
You gotta be creative. Seems like using DALL-E triggers their filter.
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Isabelle Is ready for the noose
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Hop into funky's flights
Don't like BLACKED, furry, scat, diapers, anal vore, gay furry or parasites
I never looked in the video thread, was there celeb/political shitposting?
It would be my first guess for the sudden clamp
the mask is finally coming off
Bro who the fuck is howbeit
>inb4 ligma

No, take a look >>>/v/688832024
Few Jezzas, Christina Hendricks was the go-to coom model for some reason
howbeit is a faggot into bestiality
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>No anonymity
fuck off
You'll actually find more of this on /d/ ironically, in /trash/ they're split into multiple threads usually
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people who promote this type of behavior always want to be the ones in charge
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he also goes by schizofag and retardfag and orbits around users with a DA account oddly
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Are you trying to be anonymous when you attached the same boring ass deadpool shit to your post, braindead faggot?
>Hurrrr but its differe-
Shut the fuck up.

Pic related: You and your ilk when you realize you have no choice
Not using your main board
Simple as
>I want to be in charge of a thing I haven't even joined and don't even want to make a burner account for

Delusional. At least you're off /v/ though.
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I'm not wrong
on this matter in particular I will align with deadpool-saying-faggot poster
but also I've had more than enough discord bullshit for one lifetime, I'm never joining a small one again so long that I live
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the only thing on the bing trash thread is furries. you act like it would be worse than youre fucking ACK and gore posting lmao
Welcome back now bend over and pull those shorts aside so I can slip in.
Well, seems unmolested for now.
I suppose it's a subject filter in action, then?
what, you didn't enjoy the vacation you got for dragonball posting?
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Don't care about your excuses and your offense to me not liking your main board
Not using your board lol
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You proved my point faggot.
Thanks for playing.
baked! >>>/v/688856019
enjoy getting kicked off of every board then retard kek
There were many video threads, and they were not focused on celebrity at all.

Small exception was that "Jeremy Clarkson" was, for some reason, a "go-to example" for what an older white man would look like (likely due to his popularity on the internet with an extremely high number of 4K quality examples because of his television programs) and that requesting specific actresses, like, "Christina Hendricks" could force the AI into making larger breast models.
Other celebrities could be found, but that was purposeful (like with Contra using Schwarzenegger and Stallone).
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Nah, you're a fucking idiot. Telling you slobbering retards to move your non-vidya RP sessions off-site doesn't mean I want to be some weird ruler or whatever you want to convince yourself. Stay assblasted, you lost. Get raped,

minus 1 image
bumplimit being so high may not be a bad thing
don't you guys ever like... wanna talk after we finish dumping our slop? maybe compliment the images you liked? discuss video games?
Love the seethe and fragility.
Nice example of sour grapes lel
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I mean I came from /tg/ so I got a place to be no matter what
Aaaaaand it's gone.
Bros? Hold me.
look at this moron hahahah
No, they're faggots that just want to use images to advertise their OCs and by extension themselves.
And you can't quit us lmao
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>Banished out of /v/ COMPLETELY
>Didn't even make it to the anniversary
Post your face when AIcucks lost
i cant believe no one gave a shit about the same three video game characters being posted over and over and over again
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It was fun while it lasted.
get off my dick, peasant
I for one missed our woomy, Tracer/Mei and Samus posting
discord requires your phone number
don't wanna bother
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ROFL im cryig
Dall-E killed Meiposting with the dog
I would if I could
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I mean, it's whatever, it's 4chan, I'm not going to lose sleep over getting banned, but it's ridiculous getting banned for Dragon Ball posting, yet posting YouTube literal whos is fine
where do I go for the funny videogame guessing ai videoes I checked /v/ and half the posts are porn and whining about woke shit
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I don't think Discord needs a phone number. I haven't had a phone number in over 10 years
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Is this obsession?
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It's only if you want to make a NEW discord. Probably because of pajeets, zoomers, and pedos making burners all the time. If you made throwaways beforehand you're fine though.
aren't you a gym teacher or something? how do you not have a phone number?
why can't everyone just move to /aco/ ? that thread is available
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I don't want to jack off
the /v/ thread is back and its fine
If this is truly over for Dalle threads, then it was interesting checking in on them over time. Gonna kinda miss it, but it certainly ran its course since the lack of Dalle improvements and avatarfaggotry kinda killed it.
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>Hard pills to swallow:
>The jannies made a sticky on each board when the catalog got wiped to inform people what happened
>A.I got nuked from /v/ can didn't get so much as a post in the threads

They don't give a fuck about us
>reese's puffs
I buy the great vaule knockoff because I'm fucking poor
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damn bro
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DALLE thead Credits theme:
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If the /v/ threads die fully I'd be pretty sad.
I'll have enough reason to migrate to /co/ because the things I post can be considered comics adjacent, and I don't mind posting more cartoon stuff and whatever(video games is my preferred slop content, however). But I'd be lying if I said parting ways with all our anons wouldn't hurt.
In fairness, that is a MUCH bigger deal than AI threads being scrubbed off /v/ for a while
Current thread on /v/ is still going, so it's really a matter of seeing if a thread or two can make it to image limit before we say for sure that it's not just some janny having a moment.
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>Just got back
>Already time to leave

It is what it is. It was chill while it lasted.
the gore asshole will continue to kill it.
he's never gonna stop.

my board was TV and our threads die. it didn't matter. as long as 4chan has ai threads we are ok
Did you guys here from the mods on IRC or just make the thread again. lel?
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Looks like "DALL-E 3" in the subject field gets auto-pruned.
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>the gore asshole will continue to kill it.
The threads had no gore when they were nuked, we started sharing videos in it and then BOTH threads burst into flames. Vid related is what I shared as well as the other banjo and DK one
I'll miss you
but /co/ is too much of a shithole even for me
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Well I'm glad I was able to cook for you all one last time.
Please cook for me forever
>who the fuck is howbeit
My dad.
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Don't be so sure the hard time are over.
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>Thought I didn't care about these zesty niggas at all
>Everyone acting like our old school / hometown just got mowed down
>Noticed that I wished to the slow / sad playlist

>he says while avatarfagging and signaturefagging for literally a year
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Good night. (This time I actually am going to bed, but I'm still a friendly poster who wanted to wish you a good night as well.)
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You tsundere bitch
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You good bro?
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I just made a thread
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good night friendly anonymous
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Damn even skyrim guy is here, this really is the post-game huh?
>tfw they did a better filter in 1 day than complaining filterfags
>He saved the first birb

Thank you. Good night!
the noimg gang has been disbanded.
this prompt is producing 1 result every 10 or so pulls
I always forget why I don't prompt them anymore and I am quickly reminded why
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g'night anon
you'll wake to better things
Yeah man, prompt please.

>image limit above 300
so is /vg/ special or something?
create a backstory for this
Guys stop being kino it's making me sad
more like this but in her gi pls
I did last year. Somehow on the way out of Arcadia Bay due to time portal bullshit Chloe ended up in Raccoon City in December 1997 and got busted for weed by Jill Valentine while she was doing a special detail at a movie premier downtown as a favor for Marvin Branagh. Jill took her back to the station house, which was almost empty, and put her in a holding cell while she went to get the paperwork to charge her. Jill let it slip that her boyfriend had just broken up with her, Chloe used her snarky bitch powers to imply that if Jill forgot about the weed, Chloe would help her forget about her boyfriend. They went out drinking and then fucked.
The image limit is 350 here I think
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Time/Space shenanigans accounting for yuri crackships. Seems common.
Glad to see you again.
Let's just hope the relatively unpoliced nature of /vg/ means we won't have any trouble here
Damn, pretty neat
>Elpo spotted in the /cm/ thread
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Dang...gore poster going all out over in the /v/ thread
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catbox is down
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anon, please use litterbox
who gives a shit
I forgot to check if litterbox was available, my bad
holy kino
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You can get these two hugging but Im getting infinite dogs and incomprehensible slop trying to get these two to look at a fucking piece of paper. Good lord.
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kek, I was gonna ask if you found any success with it since earlier. Pass the prompt? Maybe I can find the schizo secret key
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Didn't even mention the dust motes
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Give me the prompt with sections arbitrarily omitted.
We've been back in /v/ ages ago what are you assholes still doing here?
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Omit? no way fag
>Heavy Brush strokes by Yoji Shinkawa, anime oil painting, 2 girls, Michelle(blonde hair and blue eyes, pikachu hooded onesie), Maria(brown hair and brown eyes, brown eevee pokemon hooded onesie with fluffy chest), hugging each other inside the colorful daycare, colorful plastic furniture, jigsaw pattern floor, happy hug, cheeks of their faces pressed together, dappled lighting
its comfy and calm
bad manners not to finish your plate
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750 post limit...
We need noimg shitposters...
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Can you handle lewder?
Atleast Jane, Closet anon and Ginny posted in that thread
closetfag is in there
my sides
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I love every single one of these gens
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! We're back on /v/!
No we're not the thread just died with 150 replies
There were literally 2 dalle threads and a ai video thread.
Yeah well I'm not tempting the jannies
Don't tell me you were posting in the troll thread the whole time
That sounds retarded, you might be retarded.

Most likely. See above.
It was the first thread those are the rules
Them's NOT the rules
You have been led to doodoo water and you smiled
Damn, this thread is going to die in like 18 more images.
Noimg chads...
We're losing...
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eh luigi
>lack of Dalle improvements
>he says while posting with a model that hasn't been updated in nearly a year
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Furry model in NAI was added five months ago. That's more than Dalle in coming on a year unless you consider tighter restrictions and lowered step count as improvements.
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Removing artist tags is going backwards. Also this:
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certified 'fishynado thread
Admittedly I forgot Furry v3 removed artists tags since I haven't had NAI for a few months so I'll give you that. That was infinitely disappointing and they really shouldn't be surprised furries didn't take the bite.
Is there a way to do this without signing up with Microsoft?
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temp email works
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He looks like he eats cum
Reminds me of Logos from Crymachina
skelefag giving me a 5 star rating on the fat load I blew for him
a whole new meaning to "fuck the police"
Kiss the police.
Cuddle the police
post thiccc
Well yeah, it starts with a kiss and escalates from there...
I wish it could escalate on Bing
This prompt was working, would someone here please post a prompt that'll gen this image again?

Please post a prompt for Asuka from Evangelion sitting down like this image too, thank you.

Overwatch art, impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, low angle, female character D.Va from Overwatch in running sneakers, seated on chair, in an apartment, smiling, looking down at viewer, front shot, showing the bottoms of her sneakers

All I get is the dog.
Microsoft censorship is fucking insane. None of it makes any sense. You'd think this is getting filtered because you're prompting Overwatch or some other copyrighted character, but remove the character and it still doesn't go through.
They can't just get it to generate what it finds acceptable, it will just generate 4 porn images for no reason and then not show any of them to you.
Thank you for trying at least, I wish that there's an exploit to circumvent the block. I'm going to reach out on other boards again to see if they can fix this.
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AI censorship has gone batshit insane.
I couldn't get the prompt through in any way so I asked chat gpt to rewrite the prompt in a way that would be safe. It gave me the safest prompt it can come up with and it couldn't go through, so I asked chat gpt to rewrite it again and make it even safer and now it goes through.
This is the safe prompt that works
>an artwork featuring a female character inspired by the style of impressionism, using brushstrokes reminiscent of gouache and ink. The scene is set in a bright and cheerful apartment, where the character is seated comfortably on a chair. She is smiling happily while engaging with an open book in her lap, with the composition reflecting a warm and inviting atmosphere
Chat GPT says it's haram to focus on the character and you need to emphasize the scene and focus on objects

Left is the safe AI approved prompt that doesn't get blocked. Right is the same prompt with Asuka.
The biggest problem the AI seems to have is with the line ''showing the bottoms of sneakers''
Add that to the safe prompt and it freaks the fuck out and gives you a warning.
Footfags are such a plague that you can't even talk about feet without the AI immediately suspecting foot faggotry.
I am losing my heckin' mind over dalle3. I've tried generating the prompt countless times and it doesn't go through.
I started removing words to see what the issue is and I've finally arrived at a prompt that works
>Overwatch art, impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, character D.Va from Overwatch
This works.
>in an apartment
>looking down at viewer
>front shot
>low angle

What the fuck is going on at microsoft?
Amyfag you already asked for this 3 times before
This stalkerfag loser is obsessed with that guy and it's really pathetic
sirs we have hit the image limit and it's over

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