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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on .
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to .
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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What do you think about him?
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edgelord satanist closet homo who liked to diddle kids and pretend he was an academic brain wizard
>voted Most Mr. Stupidist Eyebrows (1981 & 1987)
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In 1981 he defeated Leonid Brezhnev.
It wasn't easy!
Too zesty.
When I first heard about him I hated him, but when I read his books myself I began to admire him
Mando for newfags:


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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
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Day 7 reporting in. Feeling pretty good save for a chronic sore throat. The mental clarity is real but it’s difficult to find ways to stay busy when you aren’t obligated to. Fasting has helped. I don’t know realistically how long a person can go without food. Any anons with experience in fasting?
Best streak is 5 months but no benefits observed. This shit is retarded
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I need to do semen retention to get a gf rtard
The entire point is spiritual development you dote. No one needs a gf. Stop tethering yourself to other people and you’ll know happiness.

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The further away from “fundamental” that is asked, the less likely I will engage with the question unless it touches on a relevant topic.

First: yes, it is one eternal infinite moment. Easiest given.
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Grateful for your reply.

Any advice on how I should ground my eternal self?

Another question. I work with people for a living. One thing I am sometimes baffled by is the incapacity for some people to understand the simplest of things. Could there be something as first incarnates? I'm assuming this because I see this desire for their life to be most simple and plain.
One more question
In which moment those soul become the baby?
in zygote state?
in development in belly of mother?
or in birth? how about babies who came early?
How does one stop getting disinterested in this realm because of its ubiquitous mediocrity?
Ra Material details this. Genetic interference 75000 years ago

They are expressions of light/love in different forms yes

I’m not sure “higher” is the right word but essentially yes, truth and honesty are in tandem with spiritual growth

I can’t see them, but I can “infer” in my minds eye if that makes sense

The Ra Material is the best starting point. Seth speaks and general hermeticism as well

Unlikely first time, more likely extremely confused life path

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Ok thank you

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One is full on celestial dragon pure blood, coming from black nobility family
but escaped the mindcontrol/mk ultra brainwashing by being raised elsewhere
so no rituals were performed on him

Other is a hybrid of celestial dragon blood, with something else
easy answer would be to say "giant" or "nephilim" is the other half, but the
celestial dragon blood is already some repto/orion related, so giant is to close to that
I can't figure out what it is, I'm pull my "Maldek" or "ascended master", but it's probably neither
Could be that Shanks is Orion, and Luffy is Sirius/Orion
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Oda said Shanks would be Irish in real life

And his twin brother's name is Shamrock. Also irish are known for being redhead, and then there's a conspiracy that the irish actually run the world and not the jews. Oh shit.
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No that's just the red haired giant nephilim.
maybe some population has small traces of giant blood in them... that also was recently revealed in recent chapters of one piece
oh was it? what a kek.

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Luffy is literally the Antichrist, given his power by lucifer to bring a new dawn.

All his crewmates are satanic too:

> "king of hell " zoro
> "devil child" nico robin
> literally a skeleton from the underworld using music to brainwash people
> human-animal hybrid chopper
> sanji, the literal son of a nazi scientist (germa66= Germany 88) using (((science))) to become superhuman by artificially injecting DNA of other races, in his case of lunarians, aka moon people that were once considered gods
> Nami, the literally greedy whore (maybe reference to whore of Babylon?)
> "God" Usop who is actually a poser and weakling - aka a "false god"
> Cyborg Franky - transhumanism
> Jimbe the Fishman - aka one pieces version of black people - aka golems used to ruin the world due to their violence

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ITT we discuss these satanic nazi cults

did you know that 4chan has constantly been raided by a cult of deranged nazi pedos for years? Apparently the black and femcel shooters were groomed into committing the shootings. I wonder how much of 4chan culture has been influenced by them? And especially /pol/ culture, let alone its very existence. /pol/ preaches accelerationism and shills for the siege book. You can guess where it all came from At the very least they seem to have very strong ties with soijak party

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Because the only winning move is to not play their stupid game. They incite chaos because that's what they do. Fighting them with chaos is just going to make more chaos that they worship.
I was a little bit busy with life. Wasn't worried about strangers on the internet when real life came knocking. Oh well.
To answer your question, the most critical lit would be the following:
- Naos (It's the primary book for understanding the basic format for Order matters. Pretty much THE Foundation.)
- David Myatt's life and works (David Myatt and his works are central to understanding Order ideology apart from the lies/slander)
- Other publications? (I would take everything else, which is supposed ONA publications, with a grain of salt)
Don't read Iron Gates. It's trash. Disgusting trash. Martinet Press is garbage too. Avoid that. Look up anything from 1970s to the 1990s. After the 2000s things go full on edgelord honeypot.
Isn't considering iron gates "disgusting trash", and disavowing "edgelord-ism" be judaic moralfagging?
Like, why be an anti ethical-nihilism, pro-"grander scheme of things" occult nerd? When you can become a psychicalist materialist nihilist ,and do anything\do nothing, be the most evil\ don't hurt anyone, be ascetic, or the most extreme hedonist= it always ends in 0?
>muh galactic emporium
>muh insight roles\ Adept Rank tests (no thanks, I'd rather be lazy)
>muh Code of Kindred Honor (CODE? HONOR ? Moralfag spook)
>muh star game\ diabolus chant (too much of a hassle, why not be a lazy hedonist, are you a peddler of radtrad puritanical GO USA 50's nostalgia?
Go join a Fed honeypot. Please do that. You're pretty much an "Opfer" if you do that. Doing some nameless person's dirt is proof that you're worthless and I have no reason to think you're not. Get culled please.
>muh galactic emporium
>muh insight roles\ Adept Rank tests (no thanks, I'd rather be lazy)
>muh Code of Kindred Honor (CODE? HONOR ? Moralfag spook)
>muh star game\ diabolus chant (too much of a hassle, why not be a lazy hedonist, are you a peddler of radtrad puritanical GO USA 50's nostalgia?
Face wall.

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what are some sources on using internal energy to cause some form of physical effect in a significant sense. most every source only talks about it for health or maybe spending 30 years to obtain immortality but never conjuring items, moving puppets, or manipulating others senses/ the refraction of light around you. whenever they are mentioned it's usually with some variation of "if you want to learn it you have to join a super secret school and train for 50 years".
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I only have two questions. do you have any recommendations for reading material. even if it is in chinese I know a man who can translate for me and do you have any recommendations for where to learn indonesian. thank you again for being the only person in this thread to provide any relevant information.
My two obvious recommendations would be the dao de jing and the zhuang zi. The ddj is the basic text of Daoism. It's just 80 short "poems" and there are tons of translations. It's like the "bible" of Daoism, thankfully much shorter. Since it's such a short read, read it in any case. It's like an hour of your life, imagine what other shit you wasted an hour on. Definetly read it no matter what. Then let it sink in and see if it resonates with you.

If you feel you've gotten something from it, read the Zhuang Zi next, it's a bit more in depth and longer, but worth it if you like the ddj. Again there are plenty of translations and editions, you don't need to read the most complete translations, find one that resonates with you in length and topic it covers.

These are foundational texts, but ultimately also hint how you can cultivate energy. The texts will start making more and more sense as you learn more and practice more.

As for actually practices a very easy and accessible way to start is basic zhang zhuang standing practices, or just bog-standard MBSR mindfullness.

I never learned indonesian. I know it's part of the malay dialect continuum with a lot of loan words form dutch, english, arabic etc. It's not a tonal language and uses the latin script, so it seems the hurdle to learn is not that great since you speak english already.

However I wouldn't invest resources into learning a language you might not need. Better first find a teacher that's willing to teach you and then decide if you want to learn the teachers language.

If you are not in SEA already I wouldn't bother travel to Indonesia, try if you can find Silat guys in your area, it's the umbrella term for indonesian martial arts, some of the "sub"-arts that are under this catch-all-term deal in working with energy.
I will read those books and attempt to find a silat gym near me then. thankfully I live pretty close to a large city so there's a chance they have one.
Great, I hope you will attain some insights from the books. Try the Silat guys, and try to find out if part of their curriculum is working with energy or any kind of "inner" arts. Godspeed anon.
>If you have any questions
I'm not the guy you were talking to, but have you experienced qi deviations from doing qigong?

Spirit Love General
We Can Do This All Day Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39712954
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy

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What can I say? Christianity DOES condemn victimless crimes. And no, multiplying is not objectively good. If you put it in terms of verifiability, yes, unless we asdume Christianity is true many of its rules are pointless, but it is obvious.
>Is it possible that succubus already left you but you still interact with her tulpa-like imprint in your consciousness?
it's possible, yeah
>Its an abstract concept that you can know by its works, and you do not serve it by pointlessly berating us.
no mine, you don't understand
The only way to prove you're a good person is by pushing other people down
And then, after all is said and done, and you've proven how everyone else is evil and wicked, that is when you are saved by god
It's what jesus would have wanted. Or something..... like that???
>Understandable. Is there any way's to calculate the most suitable days for ritual? It should be full moon and ig something more can affect it
you can go down that path, which is essentially doing astrological calculations and waiting for the perfect day to do things
or you can do it whenever you want. Astrology, and other timing factors, can have an impact on your magic. But it's usually a small nudge in either direction
for example, the full moon can be a boost, but it's not necessary by many means
I did my letter to Lilith on the new moon.
Yes, good results here. Very slow progress and lots of internal work needed, but good progress.

The following footage was captured by an external load camera and shows the retrieval of a disc-like UAP at Mount Agung, located in Bali, Indonesia, in January 2000.
This is not the raw file. The original was recorded on tape (VHS-C).
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Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum it holds fifty, uh
(Scum Gang!)
Pop these niggas like a wheelie nigga, you a silly nigga
In the hood with them Billy niggas, and them Hoover niggas
You run up and they shooting niggas, we ain't hooping nigga
No KB, you a loser nigga, up that Uzi nigga
On the stoop, crills in my draws, your girl on my phone
She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw
Man that's really all I use her for, I kick her out the door
I don't want her, you can keep the whore, she fiendin' for some more
In New York my niggas don't Milly Rock, my niggas money bop
Blow a case a nigga throwing shots, I run 'em off they block
Quarter milli in the stash box, I grinded for my spot

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It's not AI slop. If it's fake it's 3D rendered with a filter over it
>Looks like gay af AI generated
Looks fake, but doesn't look ai, there are other forms of faking this shit, like blender or miniatures.
Avaliable ai video generators only give you 10 seconds, and rarely can keep up the consistency of frames, everything changes and goes while in 2 seconds.
This is either blender, miniatures, or...real (which I doubt).
I believe it's real.
Why do people's mind go directly to ai? It looks nothing like an ai video.
someone send this to the geoguessr guy to check the location

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Ancient Cosmologies seem to speak that the Universe is actually a Cosmic Ocean instead of a vacuum and that what we call Planets are in reality Densities of Liquid within this Ocean.

Many pieces of Media also seem to hint at this, this particular description in the Elder Scrolls lore is quite interesting.
>"Space" is how a mortal mind perceives the infinity of Oblivion - There are eight planets in visible space, which are the planes of the Aedra, and each of those eight plane(t)s is infinite in size - But since these eight infinite plane(t)s are surrounded by Oblivion, itself being infinite, the mortal mind perceives them as spherical."

Kabbalistic Cosmology also speaks of this via the Tehom/Abyss
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at the end of NBC's the Cube the main character tastes his blood and it tastes like strawberry jam, suggesting that he is not real and it's all in his head

to me it seemed like an allegory on how thoughts or dreams work. furniture shows up of nowhere, people come and go, he get's told he could leave whenever he wants to, if he wanted to. it's all in his head. and you can't escape your mind
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>And these are the secrets of this oath And they are strong through his oath And the heaven was suspended before the world was created, And forever. And through it the earth was founded upon the water, And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters, From the creation of the world and unto eternity.
>And through that oath the sea was created, And as its foundation He set for it the sand against the time of its anger, And it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world unto eternity. And through that oath are the depths made fast, And abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity.
>And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course, And deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity. And through that oath the stars complete their course, And He calls them by their names, And they answer Him from eternity to eternity.

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Do the pharaoh bloodlines still rule the world? Did they create Jewish religion, Rome, and all societies since in secret
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> Levy ( Lamed + Vov + Yod )
if seen as pictogram : Was + Djed + Ankh = Ptah God.

> Was scpeter
Nile or flow of life
> Djed
Spine or Heart.
> Ankh

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that's why/how they move so fast and make incredible maneuvers and can't be shot down
they are not physical
they are operating in some kind of parallel dimension
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Take your meds Hans
Or, you know, they're using warp drives. Alcubierre, gravity drive, classic star trek shit, literally the only way we've ever theorized a form of FTL travel that doesn't break the laws of physics? Ring a bell?

When you're bending space around you in a slipstream, you don't have to worry about things like inertial G-forces or friction.

It would also make them really hard to take a clear picture of, on account of all the gravitational lensing.

/x/ figured all this out like 4 years ago, get on the ball.
the fuck is that thing
>that makes sense
Demons and Angels canonically cannot interact with matter, dear satanist
wtf why would they bring one into a live television studio?

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>take 80mg of Metocin (4-HO-MET)
>entire trip felt like i was being waterboarded with insane rainbow colours and my brain was fizzing
>could see alien glyph language moving across any light source
>entire trip had its own soundtrack, i wasnt even listening to any music it was completely silent but my brain was creating a brand new tangerine dream album

>was enjoyable until i saw pic related covering my entire vision
>heard an ascending shepards tone and they would start smiling and grinning at me, then suddenly the tone would go down and they would start frowning and sulking, then back to smiling when the tone went up
>this went on for what felt like 10 straight hours
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If you're trying to exercise, yes
Go outside and protest cars. I hope someone runs you over. Dumb yappy bitch.
If what I said doesn't apply to you and your goals then feel free to ignore it
No need to see it as a personal attack
Women shouldn't be allowed to post here. You don't meet the IQ threshold for normal discussion. Bitching is not discussing.
>Bitching is not discussing.
You just told me to shut up and get hit by a car

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lowkey would you fuck him
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nigger Im providing unposted-before insight into the school shooter-factory internet cult
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You're face doxxed and we know where you live NO ONE ESCAPES JUSTICE YOU WILL HANG
im the o9a investigator anon
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>>>39722009 (You)
>im the o9a investigator anon
Why are you investigating a "group" that is not a "group" but a kollective of similarly minded people? How do you expose that? That's like "exposing" Anonymous. If you've been on 4chan for a long time you would not only know this but be familiar with it on an intimate level.

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A friend of a friend described an experience of him being alone in his tub taking a bath (gay) when he felt the presence of something behind him to his left, he looked over and was confronted with what he described as matching the description of a typical gray. He said that the fear was so overwhelming that he essentially went blind for a second, and when he regained his cognitive faculties the gray was gone. Immediately after that he said the paralyzing feeling for a fear was replaced with an overt sense of a love and serenity. As the pleasant feeling subsided he returned to a state of uneasiness and anxiety, he immediately called my friend and informed him of the incident.

McKenna suspected that UFOs were a psychic phenomenon, given that they don't seem to disturb the physical environment and are reported to not be capture-able through photographs or digital pictures. However, they also tend to be experienced by multiple people. Given that the gray vanished in this story, and that in various stories revolving around the grays circulating the internet, people describe similar ephemeral and unstable experiences.

What are your experiences with the grays? What do you think they are, and what do you think they want to do with us? Are they just a form a mass-hysteria and hallucination?
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How do they connect to the DMT entities? I don't buy the hypothesis that ALL of the entities found within DMT are of a maleficent or demonic nature (Some most certainly are), given that some of them seem very happy when you bring up Yeshua.
yeah like how does this connect to YHWH, Mithras, White magic, Plasmoids, Archons, BEN,
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Come on /x/, do none of you have any personal experience with the grays? I'm trying to get to the bottom of this, but there is no much intentional disinformation and obfuscation out there that it is difficult to even begin to pin the phenomenon down.
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I had a dream of hell one time, there were 3 little grays beeping and bubbling to eachother, they ran over to another gray, and one of them touched the other grey with a silver metallic cylinder, the grey rapidly had its skin bubble and expand and looked like it experienced great pain in those few moments, as he shifted and transformed into a silver metallic UFO, I could tell it’s consciousness was still within the ufo, and the other greys could communicate with it and operate it psionically. These demon greys were ugly, small, like 2 feet, had lumpy heads and pug like faces, with a little circular mouth that had wrinkles and crevices surrounding it. They actually looked a lot like the Star Wars cantina jazz band.
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So, was Shyamalan right the whole time?

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