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Post porn and chat about your favourite OCs, be they your own or someone else's.
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Here’s something worse that can happen to Katie Kendall. FAR WORSE than her being r34’d Cunny meme. Gen Z Brainrot!!! Has Katie been exposed to Skibidi Toilet Rizz Gyat Fanum Tax Baby Gronk? Because ain’t no doubt the modern-day Earth setting TFTT takes place in is late 2010s-2020s where kids have smartphones and tablets and internet culture. And there should be no doubt Katie has gazed upon the famous worldwide web series Male 07’s head coming out of a toilet bowl and the war between toilets and cameramen.
>“Angie! Mark’s been looksmaxxing and Mew Bone Smash ‘cause he’s gonna rizz your GYAT!”
>“Wow! Sara’s be doin’ cringe L-Rizz. She griddy down in Ohio to mog with gooners in their goon cave! W Reactors of Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed have decided Sara’s L-Rizz be livestreamed on tiktok.”
>“Zack! ZACK! Where be Rumples be pibby glitched? Backrooms? Pizza Tower? The Goon Cave of the Rizzler!?”

>narration in the voice of the Baldurs Gate 3 narrator:
Rumples, with vigor raised his axe and charged forth towards the enemy forces. As he began chanting his eldritch speech.

>“Skibidi wap-pa-pa Skibidi wap-pa-pa-pa-pa Skibidi wap-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa Skibidi pa-pa Skibidi boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-pa-pa-boom-boom Skibidi pa-pa!!!!!”

Rumples said fluently and flawlessly. The dwarf now being granted such incredible and unholy strength after paying the Fanum Tax to the Baby Gronk. In mere minutes, the entire enemy fortress fell as all adversaries lay dead with cringe and L-Rizz in their faces. Their Gyaats, thoroughly whooped.
Despite the overwhelming victory. The Paladin Angela and her companions Eria and Redwen stand shocked, dumbfounded, paralyzed! At such unholy brain rot. The W Reactors of Kai Cenat and IshowSpeed are pleased with this victory of their latest Avatar.
So it appears creator of Tales from the Tables has not only graced us with his presence yet again. But it seems he has now gained and or learned some new things or insight:
-People are interested in Angela and Mark getting together married as husband and wife
-There appears to be people now lewding the literal child character
-And his /hag/ character is now set upon by coomers and older woman appreciators

I think I'll play along with the hag posting since I too have also been gooning to 2d animated hags and MILFs.

How about this? Agatha ends up being in a relationship with a male student. An older male student of course. More specifically, a drop dead gorgeous and handsome bishonen male student. The School Prince who is the no.1 popular boy of the school, wanted and desired by many girls of the school. Only for him to set his sights on Agatha and confess his attraction to her!

Case example, this shoujo teacherxstudent romance:

Story is a handsome attractive male student who is in relationship with the female teacher who herself is rather hesitant to be in a relationship with him but also wants him and yearns for him. That can literally be Agatha's romance and love, a male student who's a handsome princely boy straight out of a shoujo manga/anime.

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Have a set of elf malexhuman female pics. It's a request I got two years ago.
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18+ Avatar Resources:

https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSwMz4WcajQ [Embed]

OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)


Other resources (downloads at your own risk):

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Been a minute since I've seen a LIS thread, posting some of my favs.
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New thread for TF
Old thread: >>8159492
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Has anyone ever been intrigued by the opposite of this? Like imagine some guy having an existential breakdown because he used to be a fucking motorcycle until his owner actually cast the wrong mindswap spell.

Or a girl obsessed with cleaning because she was a vacuum cleaner

Green eggs and Ham without the Eggs Edition.

https://catbox dot moe/c/7p9or9 (second Life album)
Plant Stories
Some Stories were lost if you all have any missing or new reply to this post we have an archive fourourown now so things should be permanent now unless they're stickler for lists.

Previous Thread
Next post will be the anchor for all new plant art.
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the place i got it from never provided a source link, sorry
I want to water a plant
in soviet /aco/ plant waters you
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Post all the stuff you have of Chi-Chi. Comics, pic, ect. Bonus points if there is a guys fucking Chichi
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Nice tits
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I’m surprised there is pork of Oolong getting some pussy
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interspecies / futa edition
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where do i find new incase am i retard

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Last one got taken down because someone posted Gus so in the future let's avoid that
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Willow and Camilia make a good team
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Mean bitch milfs are my fav

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Thread Rules
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Provide names and image references in a single post.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "thanks in advance".
>Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
>Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It wastes posts.
>Screencap edits belong in >>>/aco/movies
>If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or the delivery cannot be posted here whatever reason), consider uploading it on catbox.moe or our booru first.
>imgur and twitter uploads are not recommended for image quality reasons.
>New thread can be created *only* after this one reaches Page 10 at the bump limit.
>Editors are encouraged to occasionally help out on other edit threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
>Please don't forget to bump the thread if it falls to Page 10 before hitting the bump limit.

>Collection of Deliveries:

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Cool. That works.
not OR
thank you for it
I want my cock to be that thick. I need to get back to clamping.
>Pussy stretcher crew
Sorry for the late reply but many thanks
That thing would get in the way if I was that big. I wouldn't go out much anymore.

Wine edition
For the cute girls of the Literature Club!
>Bonus for drunk dokis!
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
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Dokis are not for eating man ass, only female ass
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a Doki is born to pleasure her Anon in any way he wants, and an Anon is born to pleasure his Doki in any way that she wants. a Doki should her Anon's ass if that is what he wants. Dokis are not made to have sex with each other, just her Anon
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Making your doki eat your hairy asshole is abusive anon, she's too nice to say no, but she'll never forgive you.
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i wouldnt ask her to do that necessarily, but i would eat her asshole without hesitation if she asked. if she wanted to eat my ass i wouldnt say no. if she wanted to shave my ass i wouldnt say no. i love her and would never make her uncomfortable. furthermore, i would do basically anything for her

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RWBY Thread
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>Somehow… RWBY returned

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Do you understand the concept of love?
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yeah, it's a shame
it really is
No it isn't.

Royal Slut version
>Bonus for Tyrande Whisperwind
>No futa shit
>No single males
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No QoS/blacked shit
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread

Thread question
>Who is the Warcraft girl with the highest men count?
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Men can't stand the idea of powerful, classy women, not even in a video game.
Potentially off topic question buttfuck it.
WoW is a dead game raped by racist hateful SJW DEI hires but a lot of us still like the original WC universe so porn still gets made.
A lot of the OG artists have gone missing, and some may even be deceased. It has been nearly two decades. I have some wow porn from over 15 years ago. In fact a lot of the content that's frequently posted in these threads is from around that era.
I have run into so many pages where the images were hosted on nuked sites like imageshack, photobucket, pomf, tumblr, twitter, etc and while I have most of what I liked saved there's still some stuff I see popping up that I haven't collected properly and it's all plagued with linkrot. Even for artists that are still active linkrot or dead embeds are still a problem.

With a bunch of artists missing/inactive or literally dead now what options are there for preserving this stuff?
I look at the typical r34 sites and realize they're doing a great service to people as a backup for content (and a good way to discover new artists) but they're rarely complete, rarely even close to it.
I've seen artists post their full/hr PNGs to blogspots and then have their accounts get deleted and the r34 sites only have lower res JPEGs.
For example everyone here should know of Ellowas. One of his last posts (and his pinned one) was from 2018 on his twitter linking to a MEGA for people to download all of his art. That's dead now.

We all know we can't stop Blizzard from killing WoW but is anyone able to stop linkrot and site-death (tumblr, imgur, imageshack, etc) from killing the porn? I want this shit to still be here in 20 years but so much of it keeps disappearing and I don't know how to download it all in advance.
You're overreacting and coping hard. It's true that Warcraft has changed, but the game still plays great and the lore isn't dogshit terrible and they're trying. Culture War has rotted your brain

clussy time
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i wish clussy girls were an actual race of people:
>their entire skin is white
>the clown nose is natural
>their nipples and pussy lips have alternate colors, sometimes the same as the lips
>their skin probably taste funny
>imagine the taste of their breast milk
>grabbing their breasts/ass causes an honk noise

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