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Angel of Love Edition
>Bonus for Mercy or Valentines themed
>No futa shit
>AI allowed in moderation
>No gay shit or single males. At least one Overwatch girl in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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Post your comics, those you like or what you are working on.

Complete or not don't forget to credit when you can
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Betaman 03_01

Bastien Vivès - La Décharge Mentale
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Betaman 03_04
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>Guides and resources

>Official Discord and community links

>How much does VaM cost and can I play for free?
The full version is $8 on Patreon and buy-once for each major version (currently 1.22). There is a free version but it is very limited.
>Can I play VaM without VR?
Yes, you can play in desktop mode. VR is a different experience and highly recommended.
>How do I install/load appearance/scenes?

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it's more durable, more versatile and feels way better
anon can put it on a table and bang the shit out of it
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Damn, you guys sure know a lot about fleshlights. Are they really that good? I always was just using my hand and that felt enough for me.
That being said, sometimes, then I am in a wild enough mood, I roll up my soft blanket, angle it a little against the couch and gently hump it while playing with my nipples like a fucking caveman - and holy shit, the release sometimes is so intense that I am afraid to pass the fuck out. If that's what I am getting with this scuffed method I am kinda afraid to know what a real pocket pussy is gonna do to me.(sorry for blogposting)
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>when 4chan was down 11+ hours and no one noticed
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Was it really? Good thing I was at work and didn't noticed shit!
I finally got myself Quest 3 so i can try this shit in VR
Any recomendations for VR specific addons?

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Dream BBQ Chapter 1 Release Date Trailer:
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The recipe from the Futurist cookbook where a man and a woman go on a date and are served a massive meal on a big mirror, and the woman eats all of it and also a bunch of other bullshit happens.
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I'm not surprised, plus in a discord screenshot no less

oc welcome and encouraged

futa only welcome in small amounts, no spamming.
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OC, care to critique?
Going for photo realism. Lights are windows, the area light you see in the mirror and ringlights at the camera location and the other side.
Did some geometry nodes stuff to give the impression of round fake boobs getting lightly squeezed.
I think I have some uncanny valley issues but can't find them.
Yes I know that's difficult to do with unrealistic proportions but other people got past that it seems.
I don't think it's uncanny valley, but rather very cartoonish proportions (boobs and mid section), but I never done any 3d rendering.
PS Did I mention how fucking hot Loba is?

Plz no AI slop
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best one.
I love this pose the most probably.

Noi No. 1 Edition

No futa
No drama
Some slop, but in moderation
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You reminded me that she was downright huge in the illustrations for Man On The Internet's CT musical.

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Really appreciate he made her a mountain of a woman.
Song isn't bad either, barring a few pacing issues.
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good link
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Saw a thread on normal /co/and i felt inspired
You know the rules nothing super degenerate no gas no scat etc
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Pussy mouth/vagina face.
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wow holy shit someone finally topped those stupid penis horses for most retarded fetish ever - i wonder how long this one will last for

Yeah I'm embarrassed at how much I like it
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The current generation of women? Never.

Sure, most of them would eventually get kinda-sorta used to it but none of them would forget what life was like before the day they all woke up like this (or were transformed in the middle of the day) by an unknown power.

It would be par for the course for future generations of women, of course, though even as museums are built to preserve the memory of what life was like for women before Pussyface Day, that world would pass from living memory in less than a century and the reality where women could speak and eat and had some semblance of independence and dignity would pass forever into myth and legend.
>most retarded fetish ever
First day on the internet?

Eventually artistic depictions of women without cunt faces will be seen as strange and almost Pornographic. The pussy face is seen as normal and wholesome.

Goth Boy Edition

>NO SISSY CONTENT (ie DovSherman)

>Old Threads: https://pastebin.com/raw/8xAHDQJp
>Recommended Artists: https://pastebin.com/raw/xTuE4FYM
>Games: https://pastebin.com/raw/qEkEpJbh
(want one added? post a link AND a short description of the game)
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I genuinely had no idea.
Ah, him. I thought that was an alternate version of Heathcliff
mega based

The might tolerate them as a fashion accessory(fag hags) or read comics where faggy guys do each other in the ass(fujos), but as boyfriend? Never
learning there are people on the internet who are unaware of garfield is certainly an experience

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>futa with a gangrenous dick
Fucking hell man.

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Current TS4 Version

>Lewding Guide and FAQ:
>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Mods and Custom Content:
https://wickedwhimsmod.com/index/ - [Sex framework for TS4]
https://www.loverslab.com/files/category/161-the-sims-4/ - [Adult CC for TS4]
https://www.loverslab.com/topic/43249-sims3wip-kinkyworld-v037-updated-may-3rd-2019/ - [Sex framework for TS3]

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kino shot

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Legal characters with youthful appearances. Futa and AI are welcome, extreme fetishes like scat and watersports are not.
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>Legal characters
Look, I not pedophile but lolicon
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I can't believe /trash/, /aco/ and /d/ don't accept loli and shota.

It's fucking insane.

>"we like shitting nipples, women with dicks, inflation, cute women shitting on my face, literal animals fucking women, anal sex between men but at least we are not "pedophiles" because drawing are real people!"

*thunder clap*
*door creeks open* a man with a vaguely Hungarian accent calls to you.
"Good evening, anon.
Welcome to ACO's once in a blue moon MONSTER HIGH THREAD!
Fightfully tall tales, giddy ghouls and sexy spirits!
*howls in the distance*

Featuring eletrical fire hazard Frankie Stein! Nobody knows her and Clawd are fucking around behind Draculara's back.
Nobody but Spectra! Read all about it on the Ghostly Gossip later today.

Draculaura might not want to suck your blood but she still wants to suck you dry! And with 1600 years of experience, i bet she will!
Fierce Fashionista Clawdeen Wolf! Once she's in heat, you better watch out! Dont want her to rip your good pants..
And Leggy Lifegaurd Lagoona Blue!
Look at her up there streching her legs and spinning her whistle! Keep em safe, Lagoona!

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Post skinny girls who also happen to have big breasts.

No futa or larger asses
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worth a bump

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