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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

F95 Forums - https://f95zone.to/

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8105463
187 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
Can someone rec me a 2d game where a woman fucks or sucks to pay rent? Bonus if she's married or has a boyfriend. Extra bonus if he knows about it.
you're asking too much, almost all weg devs are one person
I tried this just because I saw from your image you could give them piercings, its surprisingly high quality usage of renpy, custom looking menus and everything. I don't fuck with some of the faces and feel like some changes are needed there, since they look AI generated, and as such need touching up, but its still insanely high quality for what it is.

Problem is this is exactly how a grand milking starts - you make a very high quality initial product for a largely unfilled niche (x-men games in this case, with the only competition being a janky ass game that went off the deep end for no reason that you basically yoinked the premise from).

You tighten your damn seatbelt, pump some good initial updates, then as the money starts rolling in, you start rolling out and then the lies, the delays and the excuses begin. Maybe its a natural part of weg devving, who knows.
>this is exactly what i am looking for too
>yesterday i completed that butterfly therapy one and it is okayish
I looked at that one and it seemed kinda meh. I tried the Love Corruption and Bimbos one but while its good for what it is, it still is a real porn html game and also doesn't have that much content either. Any other recs? My Bimbo Dream seemed promising but it was all about NTR and that really isn't my jam.

Been a while since the last one
77 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
I agree.

An ecchi/romcom of Dumfer and Skarpne sounds like a good idea.

It's nice to know that there is someone with the same mind.
Morning, how is everyone?
Anyone doing good?
And you?
I'm doing fine.

Any artists or fan artists around here?

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/mlp/ Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:

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What's interesing to me is that Adventure High has a ton of minor tweaks in coversation and such depending on what girls you mc'd, when you did it, and what personalities you gave them.

I feel like the dungeon crawling aspect sucks in part because it's something that just had to be put in to create the framework where the dev to engage his autistic flowchart hobby.
I would pay an outrageous amount of money to do hypnosis roleplay with a Lilim
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"Can I See You After Class?" Edition
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Here’s the original sketch for this
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Where did you find this? Are you the original artist?
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wings edition

Slablands is a text-based erotic RPG where the player can interact, romance, and start a family with the various monster boys and girls of the land, while uncovering the mystery of what happened to them 200 years ago.

>Game download Game is being remade
>Main Slablands Document


>Slablands Project List
Prev thread >>7924942
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She will be finnnnnnnne
Embrace cow milfs
Beaver gril that's a dam hard worker

no stewie or brian
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I take thee quagmire I think it's called. The one where quagmire gets married.
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Previous: >>8048313
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Girls showing off, spreading or having things inserted into their assholes.
>Bonus for gaped assholes
>No futa shit
>No gay shit, no single males. This is a female anal thread
>Lesbians are okay provided there's anal content involved
>Blacks are okay but no Queen of Spades cringe
>No drama

Previous thread
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Show's actual anniversary was more than 2 months ago but who cares? Anyway rebuilding my Ex3 folder after a disastrous digital purge
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An oldie but a goodie
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Thread question: Do you prefer wholesome futa or evil futa?
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read the filename
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Cassie thread, post the beeg blonde booby babe.
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>Mermaid Peach is Canon Edition

Post mermaids and mermaid transformations here.
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It's from the live stage production that was on ABC, there's also the transformation scene which was pretty good. Too bad there was nothing like it in the 2023 version, they didn't even try to recreate it.
something about this looks uncannily off
animates like a ragdoll
anyone got any good Dalle or Designer mermaids?

I have hundreds but don't know if we want to go that route.
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The home of (often) combat capable chicks and dudes with an air of brain-tantalizing mystery about them.

Previous Thread: >>8021502

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>all gore is guro
He pops up every now and then. Probably just lost interest in maintaining a big presence online
gore is undesirable
A generic decapitation is not the same as fucking a corpse, calm down.
You wouldn't have said shit if it was a male head.
go back to /pol/ with that shit clown, the fuck has gender have to do with not wanting to see a severed head gushing blood.
you are just mad because you've been called out for your shit taste, let it go.

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No Limits FF14 Porn

>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread
>Futa Thread
>Baby Bitch ‘Vanilla’ Thread

>/xivlg/ Free-use Chars & Poster Twitters

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
63 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Only the penis in front of her mouth was generated correctly, the others were completely deformed.
So I preferred to put mosaics.
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Hello there
link lalacunny mods

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Woman from comicbooks via Marvel, DC, Image, Darkhorse or whatever as long as they comicbook characters
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emily carroll
please don't post furry here
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