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Girls playing sports and "getting their sweat" on afterwards. Especially as the big summer competitions come to a close
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Culiado Edition
>Bonus for Sombra
>No futa shit or single males, at least one girl on the picture
>No Queen of Spades or blacked cringe
>No gay shit, at least one girl in the picture. Lesbians are okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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Sister incest: the rarest of incest threads
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Elsanna is probably the most mainstream incest ship I’ve ever seen, at least in western media.
For sure, but did you mean this for the yuri incest thread?

This is the bro/sis thread

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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

F95 Forums - https://f95zone.to/

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8351453
33 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
The FBI's too busy trying to kill presidential candidates, they don't give a shit that you're pulling your pud to digital children.
I wonder how many minutes of reading the new Our Red String update will be? Im betting 7 minutes
>its not lena POV

into the trash it goes. See you in 6 months
are there any good mind control or time manipulation games out there?
mind control is the biggest pleb fetish out there

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I'm disappointed with the lack of Wendy.

No AI please.
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Love hurts
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bro if you want to get like roughed up you got to get a dude who is being a jerk and just fluster him a bit, shit happens naturally
I'd seriously hope you wouldn't order an Andava T-shirt though, imagine wearing that in public lmfao
This thread probably gives women anxiety.

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Girls smothering someone with their pillowy cheeks. No futa, no fags, no male on top.
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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Why the fuck are you posting here. No one cares, no one’s interested. You just keep flooding the thread with this bland whack ass format posting that nobody cares about. Jesus Christ get a life.
Reybro makes amazing prompts, shut the fuck up no image imbecile.
it's his hobby. he's been doing it for 9 months. what's your problem?

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I enjoy themed threads, so sue me.

It's simple, if you open this thread leave a pic for others to enjoy. If you save someone else's pic leave one too, reply to what you saved.

Be kind and provide sauce if you can.

Keep the AI/futa/scat/farts/super extreme stuff outta here
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My sauces are ok the file names
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A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)

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I think the point of that list was to show that a whole swathe of people interacted with the guy (even after he drew keemstars daughter), and to only call that person a pedo for it was, at best, hypocritical. Didn't seem like a "let's get everyone cancelled party" post.
Define Ed, Edd, n Eddy style.
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after looking at what that anon was referring to, I think I can see what they mean, at least in terms of some of the expressions having that sort of Ed Edd n Eddy vibe from how they're drawn, mainly in the eyes and mouth. Though it being mainly those makes sense, as those, alongside eyebrows, are the most emotive parts of a face
Idk how it’s deluded when it’s literally what you do. The only person you hate more than the blacks is yourself.

Aspect Warrior Edition

Previous Thread: >>8227730

Thread Question: What are your lewd headcanons about Eldar and Dark Eldar in a genderbent setting? How do the Phoenix Lords or Eldar Gods change?
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List I can think of.
>Petra. Derives satisfaction from her mastery of it, and capacity to endure it to push through to new things.
>Rogalia. Same as above, but it's something that she's both assumed to do less, but secretly does way more.
>Ferra. A masochist by the same vein, enduring and besting pain, but is more aggressive about it, and something of a sexual brawler.
>Vulkana. It's not about enduring it, it's about the pain itself being directly pleasurable. Technically not literal masochism, but it results in her exposing herself to harm, or deliberately inflicting it on herself a lot.
>Furia. Doesn't actually like violence or pain that way, but the nails literally require it for her to be able to feel anything that's not anger or frustration. Same with sexual brawling. Less a fetish, more a prerequisite.
Any others?

>Imperium Secundus.
>Roberta and The Lioness trying to be diplomatic with each other after their schism, and failing.
>Or, Sanguina and Konnie getting into an argument over fate and proper conduct.
That list makes a lot of sense. Any other things you think about their sex lives?
>Petra and her legion are... adventurous and extreme. A brutal, demanding warrior culture, plus a high-performance mentality of "do or you/others die" in their execution of military matters, does boil over into their sex lives.
>While not as adventurous or sensation-seeking as the third legion perhaps, they are not far behind. The Daemonculaba, women of the legion who have failed to perform, who are turned into immobile breeding machines, pushed bigger and more fecund by the advanced warp and technological science of the legion, are only one such example.
>In truth, the Iron Maiden herself is believed to have 'rebuilt' herself multiple times in flesh and metal. Either for fetish reasons, or due to her newest additions in the Logos, her personal, ever-growing walking tank of an armour, being so punishing as to put a Primarch into medical distress.
>Vulkana, also known as Etna to her family and homeworld, has some rather dark fetishes, to which she has gone to great lengths to cover up, and to not pass on to her daughters. Masochism, guro, ryona, snuff (which she can get away with, being a perpetual). She keeps it very hidden, because she's very sensible, but it does bleed through in places. Crashing through battles more using her size and weight than any skills or battle-drive. Throwing herself into the thickest of battles, or the most adverse of conditions. Spending just a little too long handling hot cooking plates, burning objects, or heated metal. Likes to 'accidentally' handle something burning hot.
>Ferra likes to argue from missionary position. She likes to argue a lot during sex.
>Rogalia is just really masochistic. Considers sex similarly a test of composure.
>Furia, once she gets her full range of emotions and thoughts, is a remarkably cuddly, tender lover, but this requires violence to unlock.
>Ferra likes to argue from missionary position. She likes to argue a lot during sex.
This shouldn’t be as hot as I think it is. That’s just a fun little niche of complete understandable primarch batshit. Does she fight to be on top?
Also the idea of Furia being somehow more tender after violent bed-breaking sex is perfect for her.

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/mfg/ - Masked/Faceless General
Previous Thread: >>8299700

>No futa
>No male on male
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'
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Succ edition.
>NO SISSY CONTENT (ie DovSherman)

>Old Threads: https://pastebin.com/raw/7JkB8NH6
>Recommended Artists: https://pastebin.com/raw/xTuE4FYM
>Games: https://pastebin.com/raw/qEkEpJbh
(want one added? post a link AND a short description of the game)
108 replies and 63 images omitted. Click here to view.
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god, this is so cute~!
I dislike captions, but this is an exception
It's the dream boy. Or... I guess the boy some want to be?

Previous thread: >>8312950
51 replies and 48 images omitted. Click here to view.
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