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Dicks and deltoids, boobs and balls. Bimbomaxxed gym bros. Haven't seen one of these in a while. 3D and 2D welcome but please avoid AIslop unless it doesn't look artificial and fucked up. Moderate realism akin to artists like Dmitrys or Nacnac is especially welcome.
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The ideal type of woman
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Sexy and powerful
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Better Call Saul Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:
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Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate entranced by magical music
That isn't helpful. Which artist?
I am like >>8393060 except when any psychic powers are involved and sometimes tgis can include electronics, I like a purplish glow to the eyes. Although sonetimes light blue or bright green work too. I usually like purple. I am guessing whatever NFSW thing that got me into this had purple eyes although the SFW things were Power Rangers and Yu-gi-oh, the later using empty eyes. The Millennium Rod was also a direct control that was borderline possession. Despite also watching Danny Phantom, possession is not my fetish.
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Let's try to get creative and not just post 200 images of Ahsoka
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Dark skinned characters only
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previous >>8333223

Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators


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did you guys know that men are immune to the shrinking virus
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Good for switches and folks into traditional power dynamics, nightmare for me, I would legit kms
Did you know that this was already posted in this thread?
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i did not, no. apologies
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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8357095
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive

40k Kink Meme

Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection

Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection

Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites

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186 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
Found him
It is.
All I'm seeing in this image are
>1 regular to the club
>2 bouncers guarding the entrance
>2 random skanks who prey on any of the potential patrons leaving the establishment.
>imagine than GW add lgbt stuff to anyone but slaanesh
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My thoughts exactly

Thank you! dropping a follow!

have a craftworlder captured by the deldar

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Harem Edition
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Filia, the main character
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true, but an ME thread comes with the added benefit of ME anons as a given.
>miranda getting treated like a fleshlight by asari
true art
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Shinzo Abe's whole thing was encouraging Japanese people to have sex and reproduce in order to combat Japan's birthrate crisis.
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>miranda getting treated like a fleshlight by asari
As God intended
glad you like my AI slop, anon

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"Get in! It's warm and comfy in this thread."

A.I. art welcome in moderation.
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Girls playing sports and "getting their sweat" on afterwards. Especially as the big summer competitions come to a close
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Culiado Edition
>Bonus for Sombra
>No futa shit or single males, at least one girl on the picture
>No Queen of Spades or blacked cringe
>No gay shit, at least one girl in the picture. Lesbians are okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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another thread for my beloved Madeline Fenton, the most BLACKABLE MILF in cartoons!
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lol this face

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Sister incest: the rarest of incest threads
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Elsanna is probably the most mainstream incest ship I’ve ever seen, at least in western media.
For sure, but did you mean this for the yuri incest thread?

This is the bro/sis thread

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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

F95 Forums - https://f95zone.to/

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8351453
33 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
The FBI's too busy trying to kill presidential candidates, they don't give a shit that you're pulling your pud to digital children.
I wonder how many minutes of reading the new Our Red String update will be? Im betting 7 minutes
>its not lena POV

into the trash it goes. See you in 6 months
are there any good mind control or time manipulation games out there?
mind control is the biggest pleb fetish out there

'wait a minute that pantyline' edition


More Communism: https://pastebin.com/VUcQpTZG

Character AIs:

Previous Thread: >>8364756
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Yes, Venus Vacation. The skins that let you wedgie the girls were super expensive though. Idk if that's changed since.
broooo, thank you, love that. Jirou is best girl and deserves the best wedgies (I've never seen MHA).
Wedgie mfs when the task it's knowing the source of the character they wanted wedgied (I'm mfs)
Not Jirou but have another MHA wedgie.

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I'm disappointed with the lack of Wendy.

No AI please.
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