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This thread is for minimalist art, stickfigures, MSPaint doodles, and similar items that are both simple yet sexy.

Share any stickfigure/simplified character designs porn you have here!

>Posting art of OCs is allowed and encouraged
>No AI
>Do not make posts breaking /aco/ rules or global ones
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it, DON'T respond to it
> To make the new simple thread, wait for page 10 at the bump limit.


Previous Thread:>>8628913
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These two need to engage in furious scissoring
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Angel of Love Edition
>Bonus for Mercy or Valentines themed
>No futa shit
>AI allowed in moderation
>No gay shit or single males. At least one Overwatch girl in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
36 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Amelie NO!

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Welcome to Nightmare Waifus, a thread for monster girls with an emphasis on the monstrous.

>Previous Thread here: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8468957/

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I have finished part one of the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2025/02/entrenched-part-one-tank-hunter.html
Hope you enjoy.
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Mind flayers in?
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In the darkness flesh may take whatever form pleasure seeks so let's explore these exotic reimaginings of the female form so commonly depicted in modern fiction. Be they monster girls, gynoids or something else beyond description, all are welcome here.
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I love me some snek girl
I remember now

Kanker sisters/ Ed Edd n Eddy thread
147 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
Oh boy drawthread's paying out.

Could I get the kanker's stuffing their shirts with jawbreakers to give the illusion of large breasts.
Requesting her sucking that cock
I can't wait for the finish
>*It's the subaluwa sfx*
Here's Lee:

Lets get some collaboration going ITT.
Someone else can draw the other two.

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This is a Western-style /d/ drawthread for "alternative" requests (futanari, bondage, tentacles, aliens, monster girls, etc.). Everything else belongs in the General Drawthread.

• Drawfriends, don't hold back.
• Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests".
• No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
• If another artist has already drawn a request you were interested in, don't be discouraged. Try your hand at it too.

• Provide references and keep them to one image/post.
• Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise.
• Eastern requests belong on >>>/d/
• Anthro requests belong on >>>/trash/
• Edit requests belong in the Color/Edit threads.

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156 replies and 130 images omitted. Click here to view.
OR here. Very pleased with how this turned out! Thanks a bunch, MilkMorango.
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requesting akila theoris from cleopatra in space as a chained breeding slave
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Requesting the padawan riding an alien dildo while their master watches. Dildo doesn't need to be as complicated as referenced.
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Requesting futa Catra frotting her barbed penis against the viewer's.
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Requesting Shiromori from the Mystery Skulls animations smugly patting her big squirming vore belly with a sharp toothed grin and pulling some mangled looking glasses out of her teeth that look like Vivi Yukino's glasses (blue hair girl), hinting she was the one eaten.

previous thread >>8683162
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Artist: Luberne

American Variety - S1, E4: Lindsey Coolidge Meets Steve Smith

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cont. from >>8672487

post capeshit. no AI shit.
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New thread for TF
Old thread: >>8468534
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I’m assuming for most of these aside from sex doll and mannequin, they’re getting shrunk down as they transform.

Shit, now I’m going to be thinking about this whenever I see a woman I know.
I'm big on them remaining a life-size wooden puppet, but shrinking makes sense for most of them.

Yeah, that second thing is kind of a problem. Imagining women turn into sex dolls where they stand, inflating inside their clothing. I bet yoga pants wouldn't do much to hide their new holes.
I don’t know why turning into a life-size wooden puppet version of themselves sounds so hot.

Maybe I have a friend over and we’re just shooting the shit, catching up because we haven’t had a chance to see a lot of each other since the pandemic started, when suddenly she feels a weird stiffness in one of her hands, and then begins to panic as that stiffness turns into her fingers merging to form a wooden mitt, and her losing the ability to manipulate that hand as her wrist becomes a wooden joint.

She stands up to panic but quickly stumbles and falls down, screaming as she feels the same sensation happening in her feet, and is even more horrified by the sound of her wooden hand clattering on the hardwood floor.

Within moments she’s begging for help as her clothing just becomes ancient, peeling paint on the old, worn wood her flesh is rapidly transmuting into, rising up to her torso and choking out her screams as her mouth becomes painted on, and her pleading eyes fix in place as one becomes painted on, and then the other.

Suddenly stuck with a giant life-sized puppet of my friend that looks like it was made in the 1500s, I dial 911 as I wonder if my fucked up meager transformation art is somehow responsible for this.
Hot. Another variation I love is that you go to visit your friend and everything seems normal. But then you notice strings descending from the ceiling and on closer look, discover that she is already a puppet, but doesn't seem to notice anything is different.

When you finally convince her to look up, as soon as she notices the strings she goes completely slack and collapses into a pile, now fully inanimate.
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Better this than I go to visit my friend only to discover that she only exists from the waist up and that she has two people’s arms shoved up into her torso, and the moment I point this out the puppeteers sneer at me from the slots in the living room floor before they run into the darkness below, leaving my friend a limp & inanimate half-version of herself on what remains of her living room floor.

A gasp as I see that her insides are red satin lining the inner walls of what appears to be a fully living flesh & blood human (well, the top half of what appears to be a living flesh & blood human, at least)

Back to basics edition
>Bonus for humans and Aegwynn or valentines themed
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, at least one girl in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread

Thread question
>With whom and how would you celebrate your valentines if you were in Azeroth?
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>Better version
>Not orc/troll cock
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Night elves are for human men.
Draenei too. That's why those girls joined the Alliance because they want that human cock
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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8640225/

/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive
40k Kink Meme
Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection
Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection
Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites
Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. rentry.org). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.
>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!

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What are druchii good for?
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It's a grudgin
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Vanilla Redux. NO futa or trans characters. NO AI.

Reminder to *report* ~and~ *ignore* all off-topic content and derailing in regards to it. If you reply, you are part of the problem. Do NOT engage with any shitposting, off-topic bait/drama, futa, diapers, derailing, spam, etc. Report any autistic textfucking/HMV/PMV/lyricspam/blacked/youtube rap/twitter repost/deuce ad posts from the /trash/ dildo spammer.

- This general *is* for FF14 OC, finding /gposing partners, help with modding, and lewd art that you either drew or commissioned yourself.
- This general is NOT for posting twitter/r34/booru/tslg/fanart content you didn't make, other FF games that aren't XIV, make a separate thread for that- you're allowed to.
- **Do NOT post** futa/shemales/traps/transgender, diapers, hyper, snuff/guro, hardcore bdsm, men being pegged/inserted (gay or 'straight'), beastiality, QoS/blacked, scat, or AI content.
Spammer buzzword filters @ https://rentry.org/kanchelle

>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread

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Father would be so disappointed in his little girl dressing like this, smoking fog weed, the twelve only knows if she'll show up to holidays pregnant with bastards by some degenerate she calls "Daddy". Utterly reprehensible.
I'll turn her into a model student with some spankings
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Imagine the rumbling purrs.

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Space sluts edition
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Previous thread:
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based as fuck
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Women with ass, balls, cock and tits taking dick for once. No pussy, please.
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