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Christmas/Brat Edition

Welcome to the experimental edition of /Bimbo/. For a long time, I've been unhappy with /bimbo/ and admired the creative anons of the /trash/ threads. Thus, I intend to change the nature of /bimbo/ from being a general that endlessly regurgitates content towards something that is something that is self-sustaining and creates stuff for itself. Thus, I will experiment with a mini-contest in this thread revolving around Christmas/Brats to encourage this creative mindset that I desire. If the thread is successful, we will vote for the winner of this contest.

>What are the rules of this general?
There are only two rules for this general.
1.) Act like an adult: Anyone who cannot act rationally and calmly tolerate content that differs from their taste is not welcome here. I don't want shitty clapbacks or endless circlejerks.
2.) Don't be annoying: While everything bimbo is allowed, we expect it to be done in moderation. If you're posting art, that would be controversial (Interracial, AI, MTF, etc...). We expect a modicum of restraint. Don't spam it and try to flood the general with it. Also, try to avoid being deliberately annoying.

>Poll for the next thread's theme (If this thread is successful).
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this is solid advice
this >>8684908 is AI, the fingers and colors are inconsistent and looks like the average over-airbrushed AI output
this >>8681555 is clearly not, details are consistent, but the text may be ai translated

Winter Wonderland edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: >>8540733

Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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Man you know I’ve actually wanted to see an ENF version of this scene and it’s never been done before, but if it has I certainly haven’t seen it
honestly i’m surprised no one exploited family guy scenes more often, that stuff is loaded with stuff someone’s pretty getting giddy towards
I always enjoyed this one
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Does anyone have Joker@mmd new stuff, Fantia on kemono has been down for almost a year.

Only if Fantia wouldn't such shit site to pay for

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Post your comics, those you like or what you are working on.

Complete or not don't forget to credit when you can
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Here's mine :)
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Yeah, but are they porn?
I saw the post your comic and did so.
Here's a sketch page I've done tho

How about a thread for all things Glitch including the peripheral works of their partnered creators such as Goosworx or Liam Vickers.

Out of curiosity are there any other online creatives you'ld like to see team up with Glitch in the future?
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Not even trying to hide the fucking ai drivel
Sorry Dude, but I'll take this >>8684979 over >>8683247 any day of the week.
Not if I take them first

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They need to draw more
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What is this?
you know what
Page 10 rescue bump.
it could be worse

The Thousand Years of Death Edition

Kancho Discord Server:

Old Kancho Booru:
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The Kancho Thread is going to be moved to /h/.
probably for the best

can someone please make some nude edits of some screenshots of Aunt Grandma?
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Not the OR but this is good!

I know it isn't an Aunt Grandma pic, but can you do a full nude edit of Red from "Thanks a Latte?"
Is this the reason we dont have a new edit thread? Fucking shit, you people have no patience
Dont feed this loser
feed him what?

I like the innocent angel girl getting anal

Ai welcome too, but if you made it please provide the prompt thanks

>no fart
>no vore
>no scat
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Why would anyone ever want to do that?
I respect her enthusiasm.
What is this?

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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours


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projecting again promptimus? at least have the balls to do it with your name on. that's a big titty anime bitch you blind faggot.
The pedo defence.. "its an anime chick" "Its a demoness". show that image to any non pedo and they would say the same thing... its a child
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new: >>8687832
>n-no b-bro y-you don't understand! I didn't make her young! I only said she has freckles, pigtails and braces! its the AI's fault!

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'Fresh Beginnings' Edition

Useful links:

FDR Link:


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The reason why people shouldn't hate furries: a lot of furries are hot bisexual women. You know who else likes Sonic?
im guessing this is about that new flavor they are going to do next month....wait does anyone else at supps have a second flavor?
Mel live.

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"Role Reversal" Edition

*Limited futa (No humanoid phallus) or A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**

>Recent Stories:
By Kaktus
Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
By Snekguy

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it's usually male human/female xeno, but female human/male xeno couples aren't against the rules or anything. gay stuff is fine as well, it's just not posted that much.
>one is obviously the story he wanted to write the other has obvious splicing and throwaway lines to pretend like themes of the original aren't undermined
Which is which then?
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We do all sorts here, Men and Women on Xeno and Xeno on Xeno and Xeno on other Xeno and so on.
Every so often someone from hmofa throws a tantrum, usually just gets ignored. The marquee says "Xenophilia" not "this flavor of Xenophilia".
New Thread

Previous Thread: >>8673853

Please share good Homestuck shit you've found since Act 7
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karkat is right for lying because i would be on my knees purribg wesring nothing but a collar and cat ears just for a %1 chance to taste a sgle drop of her sweat
this is why you proofread messages, kids
i was MEANING to say "karkat is right for lying because i would be on my knees purring wearing nothing but a collar and cat ears just for a %1 chance to taste a single drop of her sweat"
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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8675812
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Newb here, what does that abbreviate?
Both are from a fucking terrible scam called the Shrink.

This one isn't supposed to be a boobjob, the dev just sucks, so it's botched in only a couple renders.

This one is the full plastic surgery gobbo also posted earlier >>8682876. They're a tranny "supposed" to look botched.
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I don't think so bud.

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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators.
>All STA related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Zero tolerance policy towards drama: report it for off-topic, and then more importantly, IGNORE IT.
>Remember, if someone you don't like posts here, just be an adult and ignore them. All jumping down their throat will do is cause the board to become 90% bickering and 10% actual porn. You won't chase them off.
>Settings > Filters & Post Hiding > Enable Filter and Highlight Specific Threads/Posts > Edit > Add Pattern: (whatever the Tripcode is), Board: "/aco/", Type: tripcode, Enable: auto & hide > Save
>No virtue signaling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Youtuber sexooooo
Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)

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In a way she's... Simple enough to see the appeal? But I'd then just go for Jaiden or something from purely an art POV
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Oh, definitely, Jaiden the other chicks from ehr verse are way better in terms of white blob women, just saying this one is hot too
She looks like she's sneaking out.
bread baked

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