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Mostly posting screencap edits but feel free to post whatever you have.
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I miss when Baryl would drawfag for the Magiswords threads.
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Which color do you prefer?
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Mixed Edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: >>8224723

Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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Figured I’d post the first one too, because it’s funny to see her smugness disappear as soon as her shorts rip
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Tropical edition

Slablands is a text-based erotic RPG where the player can interact, romance, and start a family with the various monster boys and girls of the land, while uncovering the mystery of what happened to them 200 years ago.

>Game download Game is being remade
>Main Slablands Document


>Slablands Project List
Prev thread >>8164893
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May god guide my hand against this hoe
roach milf
The only bitches getting slapped is Bitch City. Pimpzilla don't mess around with singular. Pimpzilla goes full city.
And the bitches of Wallstreet is gonna get what's coming to em for taking all of Pimpzillas cash.
Wallstreet in the context of women just makes me think of a place they send women that hit the wall

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new game? edition

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women). Futa belongs in weg not here. If it has a dick it's not a woman. If you let others fuck her, you're a c u c k and you don't belong here either.

Just use f95zone fag

Tropics list

If I forgot you please mention it

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

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i'm not interested in your game, but i appreciate the work attitude
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I'm in agreement, I enjoy the index immensely.

I think more indie devs should be putting in more passion and effort: too many cash-grabs and basic games.
Is this a WIP or is it released?
You should really rename this thread to “kinky romance game general” or “prostitute simulator general”.

Post women with Venus shaped bodies
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MJ after bearing so many of Peter's kids
Is qos stuff okay here?
Kill yourself niggerlover
I'm sorry bro
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Last thread prematurely ended
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Old married bitches need some lovin' too
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What every white married middle class mom is actually doing together on every girls night out:

Anything goes unless it has a specific thread
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i think i'll try doing a few pics in that style soon
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Good idea
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Lust is the nature of this appetite and you're on the menu. Did you know that "monster girls" are one of the most popular and searched for genres with female rule34/hentai connoisseurs? I wonder why that is?
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ITT: Post Gender Bender relating to comic book heroes and villains
Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/cape%20tg/type/op/
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Choose your own adventure where batman gets transformed and brainwashed into a female sidekick for all of his different villains, complete with ai slop

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Previous: >>8182734
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I think he's improving in his art quality as of recently but yeah.
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hot damn he made me feel attracted to this brute of a bitch
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"Get in! It's warm and comfy in this thread."

A.I. art welcome in moderation.
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Third Masquerade Edition

>What is SPNatI?
Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free open-source web game where you play strip poker against over 200 different fictional characters, including characters from Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Doki Doki Literature Club, Danganronpa, and dozens more.

Losing a hand means losing a piece of clothing, and a naked opponent must masturbate when they lose their final hand. Many characters even have epilogues that you can view by winning the game!

SPNatI is open-source, so anyone can create a character and then add them to the game. Characters are written to have specific interactions and replies with each other, so there's always new interactions to look for!

More info can be found in the ingame FAQ.

>Link to the game:

>Offline version download (includes Kisekae, the program used to make character models, and the Character Editor, which helps you make images and write dialogue):

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Be the change you want to see in the world
So easy to say, yet apparently so hard to do for some.
I've been doing it myself and it seems to be working fine for me.
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>neo-Hermione, pic related, is in some sort of similar situation after the artist left on bad terms

ngl it's kinduva shame they did, that design was too good to pass up

hopefully the next time she gets a rework, we get something similar enuff to it
That's good. Others wouldn't even try and instead wait for someone else to do it for them, seen it way too many times.

Aspect Warrior Edition

Previous Thread: >>8227730

Thread Question: What are your lewd headcanons about Eldar and Dark Eldar in a genderbent setting? How do the Phoenix Lords or Eldar Gods change?
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What's Vect like in this universe?
That can actually vary quite a lot depending on how Slaanesh functions.
If she who thirsts operates the same as it does in canon Vect wouldn't be too far from her own canonical manipulative self.
If we instead interpret Slaanesh as the cave dwelling degenerate as has been floated around before than that gives Vect room to much more openly galavant with her doubtlessly cruel and lewd intentions, given that Slaanesh would be less likely to go into open chase like this.
All in all, she remains the quintessential example, and unchallenged peak of the Drukhari lifestyle, but now with boobs!
Made an edit of this Empress image out of boredom.
SecretlySauce's catgirl Nikki, I just edited the face and skintone a bit.
I guess she's a felinid Empress now.
Full res:
The original for those who want it:
Huh, very neat.
Thanks, glad you like.

Fuck the spammer edition

No futa
No drama
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Felt like posting what I have in my Peach folder. Feel free to post any babes from the Mario games
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