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Real muscular/toned men showing how its done and fucking sexy feminine women silly.
>Bonus for female orgasms.
>No futa shit
>No single males
>No gay shit, not even lesbians.
>No QoS cringe but blacks are WELCOME.
>No ugly bastards
>No gas or onara
>No drama
292 replies and 245 images omitted. Click here to view.
Most things. The minute you include another man in your fantasy, even to top him, you are a grade A fag
If you are thinking about other men at all in the equation you're definitely leaning gay. The truly alpha thing is to disregard them entirely. That you view them as legitimate competition to the point you want to attack them it signals that you are weak and insecure at best, and want to fuck other men at worst.

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Also requesting to draw more with Diana and Presto (they older, 17-18y.o. couple)
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this is good and all, but why is she... lactating?
It kind of flopped at the box office (a combination of the 'mudanes' who didn't like it very much, and a 'boycott' by actual D&D fans thanks to the game's makers making changes to their '3rd Party Content' rules [essentially saying they couldn't make nearly as much money as they had before, and anything 3rd parties create can be taken by WotC without paying the creators)
>He doesn't cast wave of lactation on female foes
Weak wizard.

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Post all your best Rupunzels here. AI, not, doesn't matter. All Punzies are good Punzies
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I wish Varian defeated Punzie back in season 1. The series was underrated!

Lust is the nature of this appetite and you're on the menu. Did you know that "monster girls" are one of the most popular and searched for genres with female rule34/hentai connoisseurs? I wonder why that is?
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I have a thing for those
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What are some fun tavern games?

Exploding Edition
Bonus for Jinx
No futa shit, no gay shit but lesbians are okay, no single males
No queen of spades cringe
No gas or onara
No drama

Thread question
>Can you reform Jinx?

Previous thread
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Link to previous thread: >>8104862
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I know it's not everyones cup of tea, but sometimes daddy issues hits different. Post images with the context of the girls(preferably) calling their partner "daddy", or the daddy figure calling himself as such while banging the girl/s(again preferably).

No futa, gay allowed but must be femboy/trap, no gorss stuff(gore, piss, scat, etc.)
174 replies and 120 images omitted. Click here to view.
Glad you enjoyed, anon!

Girls with glasses
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
191 replies and 140 images omitted. Click here to view.
that's how you know she's a slut

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Girls representing their country
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I think artist wanted to make her white but decided on gray to contrast with hat
The Punic wars of the Roman conquest of Greece.

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Final Fantasy 14 male focus original content porn.

Rules for the topic are as follows:
All male OC welcome. This includes anything from tbse slim to nymph to se-q to mars.
No complaining about other posters' preferences in males or derailing. No females/futa.
No mass reposting rule 34/booru/twitter/discord content, bumps and conversation are cool just don't spam or flame.
If your images have a hrothgar/lalafell it's recommended to use imgchest, catbox, mega, etc.
Feel free to use the thread to meet with other anons in game for posing/ERP.
Follow all board/global rules otherwise. Don't like something? Make your own thread or jerk off to your feed on x.
Report and ***ignore/filter*** any breaking of the aforementioned rules.

>Modding, Albums, & Resources

>Art Thread

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Don't do that, it's pointless!!
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You just know he would be a gooner
that's what i'm thinkin
Holy moly, how does it fit?
I want to see more porn of him...

Post princesses and soldiers.
Everything is allowed as long as it's Etherian.
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Summertime Edition

>What is SPNatI?
Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free open-source web game where you play strip poker against over 200 different fictional characters, including characters from Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Doki Doki Literature Club, Danganronpa, and dozens more.

Losing a hand means losing a piece of clothing, and a naked opponent must masturbate when they lose their final hand. Many characters even have epilogues that you can view by winning the game!

SPNatI is open-source, so anyone can create a character and then add them to the game. Characters are written to have specific interactions and replies with each other, so there's always new interactions to look for!

More info can be found in the ingame FAQ.

>Link to the game:

>Offline version download (includes Kisekae, the program used to make character models, and the Character Editor, which helps you make images and write dialogue):

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Leonie and Petra
Jura and her wife Barnette
Meia, Jura, and Barnette all together (they even have a new version now in their most recent update)
Noelle and Senko
Sheena and Yae
Cagliostro and Sucrose

Sanny (from sanny & tess) & (Kora the xenoblade one) too if you want to see Sanny fuck Kora in the ass!

Aqua (kingdom hearts) and Mia hug each other a few times, in the second one Mia outright grabs Aqua's boobs and Aqua touches Mia's butt
I haven't been able to find anything from Sanny & Tess online, where are they from?
When will Yang and Blake be re-added?
They’re original characters made by Wikipedia as examples of futanari.
Next month if you guarantee you'll sponsor them as soon as they get into testing

Adventure Time version
Unkempt girls or nerdy antisocial types welcome.
>Bonus for Fiona but other girls welcome
>No futa shit
>No gay shit, but lesbians are okay
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
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>that drip
so nice
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I really need to watch Inside Job.

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Current TS4 Version

>Lewding Guide and FAQ:
>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Mods and Custom Content:
https://wickedwhimsmod.com/index/ - [Sex framework for TS4]
https://www.loverslab.com/files/category/161-the-sims-4/ - [Adult CC for TS4]
https://www.loverslab.com/topic/43249-sims3wip-kinkyworld-v037-updated-may-3rd-2019/ - [Sex framework for TS3]

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hell yeah prime teen meat

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