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Welcome to Nightmare Waifus, a thread for monster girls with an emphasis on the monstrous.

>Previous Thread here: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8468957/

127 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.

After they finish kissing, she takes off his pants and starts to aggressively sniff his penis which takes him by surprise, but then decides to just go with it. She then peels off his underwear and starts to give him a blow job with them going at it for a bit until he cums inside her mouth. After loudly swallowing his cum she decides that they've had enough foreplay and pushes him on the blankets and starts to slowly crawl towards him growling and whining as she does so.

Turns out she's in heat season and in desperate need of release, something the mc is more than happy to help with. After she's on top of him, she starts to ride him so hard that the car starts rocking. After a few minutes of hip breaking sex, the mc cums inside her and just as she pulls out a friend of the mc opens the car door to check if he's alright because he saw the car rocking and almost immediately runs away after the mcs girlfriend reflexively snarled at him when he opened the door. After this they look at each other and decide that it is time to go

Also thanks for the Daemonette story Rice! I really appreciate how you did lore research to make it better which I think it improves the overall quality of it all. Plus Warhammer is a hell of a goldmine for nightmare waifus too.
I think it's the first time i've ever seen a pen-and-paper drawing from Shane
Whatever this is, I need to impregnate it.
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>fanon hack
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Rice could I ask for story where on stormy night the readers car runs out of gas and he can't get service however he sees lights in rundown church going inside he is confronted by a demon nun afraid at first but she assures him she means no harm and can stay the night however when she sniffs the air before going to him and sniffing him before saying SIN before lifting him off the ground and forcing into deep kiss choking him with spit dropping him with her picking him up and carrying him to a confessional with her becoming more feral every second telling him she smells his SIN she hasn't had any in so long and that she is going to drain every drop out of him throwing him in she proceed to suck and fuck the "sin" out him and at the end kissing him so hard that he passes out with her forcing him to stare into her eyes as he does when he wakes up the storm is over and the nun apologizing telling him she just loses control when she even so much as catches a whiff of SIN but the guy tells her its ok and when he can he'll come back when to have her help him with his "sins".

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>Guides and resources

>Official Discord and community links

>How much does VaM cost and can I play for free?
The full version is $8 on Patreon and buy-once for each major version (currently 1.22). There is a free version but it is very limited.
>Can I play VaM without VR?
Yes, you can play in desktop mode. VR is a different experience and highly recommended.
>How do I install/load appearance/scenes?

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1 day to poe2 release!
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Gonna play Witch
anyone have links to SS vars? mainly just a young male
i saw it while browsing the hub which i havent' touched in ages, took a break from this dying game, why so angsty?
Maybe I should check pixiv? I'm still rather new to this

I've just had pegging on the mind a lot recently. Some futa on male stuff is fine too.
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Post pictures/videos of characters with no face
But first some rules
>No armored and masked characters
>No A.I Art
>No unseen characters
>The face had to been completely blank, so no eyeless and mouthless characters
Movie: Pomo Poko

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"What is best in life?" edition.

Feel free to post general historical(-ish)/smut images too. Preferably still euro stuff.

Previous threads:

[ DL for literally everything ]

[ English Read Online ]
https://readcomiconline.li (Licenced only)
https://readcomicsonline.ru/ (Better reader, less choice)
[ English DL ]

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Looks nice. Post more of it.
Something funny about this pic.
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No futa, vore, or AI.
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>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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Why? Those sound delicious.
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That’s not samus that’s RE5 Jill Valentine, when she was blonde and wearing the battlesuit
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Leg lock edition
A thread for characters having romantic sex and soft gentle intimacy.
>Bonus for leglocking sex
>No futa shit
>No gay shit
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
151 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
Best relationship ever
it's pretty good but there are better
Good examples?

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Scenes that look like you're about to be sacrificed in a sex ritual by a witch

Halloweeen theme, domme girls, and goth fetish outfits welcome

All futa/QOS/other fetish shit not welcome
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Lol no ur just retarded
>thumbnail res

For the sexy Fire Emblem girls!
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, lesbians are okay
>No blacked or queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
124 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.
that's what we like to see here

Several girls having fun
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbians are okay
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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you'd be surprised

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Free Edition

Hello everyone, welcome to the next edition of the Casual Nudity and Nudism thread. As usual, post pictures and stories of people being casually naked and enjoying it, whether alone or with others, indoors or in public. Like always, don't be afraid to contribute new material, but above all else, be naked and have fun

Previous Thread: >>8554268

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/nudism/
Stories and Fanfics colletion: https://controlc.com/abf74bab (dead)
Nudist Avatar AU discussion: https://nuavatardiscussion.chatango.com/ (closed?)
OP Template: https://controlc.com/41d5e3a8

>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety (No single series/artist spamming)

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There's a modder called CraftedLightning who does nude mods of games like Helltaker. Their most recent mod is a revamp of Danganronpa 2 that is on the lewd side, but it isn't considered casual nudity, so the picture here is the Modeus nude mod instead.

The main reason why I wanted to bring up this modder is because they were considering doing a nudity mod for Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp but can't find the exact game folders that contain the swimsuit sprites they could edit. If anyone knows how to mod Danganronpa S and find the game folders containing the swimsuit sprites, please try helping CraftedLightning to make the nude mod a reality.

18+ Avatar Resources:

https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC


OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)


Other resources (downloads at your own risk):

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I need to fuck them both so bad.
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New bread
She's not for you, sorry.

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/mfg/ - Masked/Faceless General
Previous Thread: >>8568448

>No futa
>No male on male
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'

Happy Thanksgiving
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>"Reach Ass"
>*looks inside*
>Halo 5

Is he stupid?
no anon I was simply stating I prefer reach ass to what I am looking at
it's not very appealing, it looks off
also where's all the armor, that's part of the appeal

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237 replies and 209 images omitted. Click here to view.
When Peach and Bowser's wedding happens, Peach will be very attentive to all the details. It does not take much imagination to figure out who she will seat next to Princess Wendy and what the results might be.
He explicitly wanted to make an NTR thread that would get past the filters that block NTR threads. He can only get off if other people are disgusted.
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