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Previous: >>8139193
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aight that was the last of my stache
need nudes of marina noww

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Thread about muscular femboys. Typically possessing a very feminine face and more feminine muscle proportions.
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>you’ll never defeat an ambush warrior into amnesia and make him your lawfully breeded malewife
I want to lick Kabru's muscles clean so bad. Pero pero pero

Helltaker General #164

Cute n' horny Fly edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

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Michael getting her tits out for the lads:
She's so beautiful.
It'll get more converts, that's for sure.
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More Yeehaw and Lucy experiencing the best burg in existence:

...because only Justice can make the perfect one.

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ost the color guide with the work you want colored. This means in the same picture or as a link, NOT as a separate post.
>Keep requests /aco/ related.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new.
>Do not second or bump requests.
>Show appreciation on delivery, not "in advance".
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>To make the new thread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

Do-Not-Deliver list:
>Toplessbot (AKA Vulture / Sakurabot)
>Spams topless edit, panty edit and futa edit requests (mostly Disney Channel girls).

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Requesting colors.
Color ref: https://files.catbox.moe/0bwkzt.png
You're the best, around, nothing's gonna ever keep you down!
Thank you :)
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Really? I didnt know so, but the final result was amazing regardless
Thanks a lot!
Request this color please

ACOs favorite once in a blue moon MH thread.

Frightfully tall tails, sensual spirits and a guest appearence by Abbot and Costello.
Eat your heart out univeral studios!!
The halls of monster high are looking more like the SUR ally.
Get ready for another amazing calassel creature feature--

Staring living dead girl frankie stein, thic vamp bitch Draculaura( a little teeth never hurt no one), fear leader team captian Cleo de Nile, or her sister Nefera -fresh out of monster university sure to make anyone's obilik stand straight up.
Fashinista Clawdeen ready degrade your last century threads, and the creature from pool room, Lagoona blue.

Catch up with your favorite ghouls

Who's your favorite?
What do you think she's into?

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Love me some robot girls. Only rule is go for stuff like picrel, I don't want to see girls that just look like humans with a USB port or something on the side of your head.
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Nandroid/Emmy the Robot /aco/ thread?
not exclusively, it wouldn't get much traction because there isn't much art of her.
If all you faggots are going to post is ai no
Should've specified no AI shit
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It's good to be back. Breathe in.

Post any and all Undead or Reanimated ladies!
Her heart might not beat but she still deserves love.
No futa
No AI art
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You mean where they were just created by a virus formulated for military purposes like in the origin of resident evil? And they wouldn’t necessarily be able to infect others if I understand what you’re saying? I really love when breasts or their whole bodies are very veiny or pale in that way on any undead lady or just normal women. I wonder why that is psychologically, a lot of people love it.
About to go cook dinner and eat btw I’ll be back
Thanks anon, it's really hard to find decent stuff of the Witch. So even the things I do have I have to pick and choose from what I feel is good enough to post.
And no problem, I don't know much about the manga. But the images he used to post were cute and I hope that reflects the manga itself. Now that it's back in my brain I might as well check it out myself.
here’s a goth girl that is tagged as both zombie and ghost
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Bingo I have a few versions of this idea.

The classic old nazi lab where they were trying to make super soldiers. But the scientists only recruited female test subjects because men were needed on the front. Of course shit hit the fan, lab was sealed and abandoned.

Another is just stealing the original idea for the last of us.
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All right, how about this? She's the Big Sister from Bioshock - something of a Sci-Fi drowned girl.

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Fun in the Sun Edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: >>8326143

Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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An illustration for my naked superheroine fanfic

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Last thread:
On /co/

This is a latex x bondage thread, we’re not trying to overturn the bondage thread just wanted to have a latex themed thread
Bondage is welcomed of course!
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Killer Frost

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Futanari women fucking chicks without dicks.

No stand alone futa pics
no futa on futa
no futa on male
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Full vid:
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Dicks and deltoids, boobs and balls. Bimbomaxxed gym bros. Haven't seen one of these in a while. 3D and 2D welcome but please avoid AIslop unless it doesn't look artificial and fucked up. Moderate realism akin to artists like Dmitrys or Nacnac is especially welcome.
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The ideal type of woman
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Sexy and powerful
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Better Call Saul Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:
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Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate entranced by magical music
That isn't helpful. Which artist?
I am like >>8393060 except when any psychic powers are involved and sometimes tgis can include electronics, I like a purplish glow to the eyes. Although sonetimes light blue or bright green work too. I usually like purple. I am guessing whatever NFSW thing that got me into this had purple eyes although the SFW things were Power Rangers and Yu-gi-oh, the later using empty eyes. The Millennium Rod was also a direct control that was borderline possession. Despite also watching Danny Phantom, possession is not my fetish.
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Let's try to get creative and not just post 200 images of Ahsoka
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Dark skinned characters only
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previous >>8333223

Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators


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did you guys know that men are immune to the shrinking virus
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Good for switches and folks into traditional power dynamics, nightmare for me, I would legit kms
Did you know that this was already posted in this thread?
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i did not, no. apologies
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