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Best Girl Friend Edition

This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread: >>8499779
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There's literally no wegs to play wtf, I just to go ahead and edge for hours but can't cause can't find one goddamn weg
nice, now make her body a bit toned with some abs and we golden, chief
could make the tanlines smaller too, kinda microbikini lines or something
Why couldn't I save her?
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hmmm.. yeah... that seems accurate...
Has this updated yet? I remember thinking the tranny son was a little old lady plastered in makeup before I played it.

shared Interests Edition

>No futa
>No gay shit or single males but lesbians allowed
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
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This is my favorite elf
I like it! What a beautiful soft body
4chan rounds up
>beautiful elves
>amazing feet
>big booba
>fine art references

How is Kairu so amazing?
>big booba
That's the exception, Kairu tends to draw more reasonable sizes. Which is a plus in my book, I can see the appeal of big boobs but when it's all big all the time it just gets a bit much.

For old time's sake
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Goth queen
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fun with ghosts!
Too bad there’s not as much art of her mom.
>she is also like 10 years old lol
yeah we know, spaz
>the most off model r34 character in existence
I hate that the only art of Susie people expect is the one that's as off-model as possible. The less she looks like the original, the better for these threads.


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Our Glorious Martian Queen (and her Glorious Behind)
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>Queen Tyr'ahnee
Never forget
>vagina dentata

All this stuff
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Why is she choking on a transparent balloon?
>The Sisters of Mercy
>Rosetta Stone
>Souixsie and the Banshees
>Strawberry SwitchBlade
>The 69 Eyes
>Boy Harsher
>Sexual Purity
>She Past Away
>Twin Tribes
I'm looking for lewd suggestions to draw with her

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Seriously, what the hell happened edition

No futa
No drama
Slop is allowed, but in moderation
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I love this
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/aco/ wouldn't even exist without him, so why not give him a thread
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The man drew jailbait as well
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Can we get a Sunny Miami thread going? I was enjoying them on /co/ but it seems like half the anons don't want them there. Don't blame them with how fetishistic it is
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>If Sunnies could still eat, it'd all go to the right places

I like this angle.
Good question
Well said
Life in plastic, it's fantastic

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This is a Western-style /d/ drawthread for "alternative" requests (futanari, bondage, tentacles, aliens, monster girls, etc.). Everything else belongs in the General Drawthread.

• Drawfriends, don't hold back.
• Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests".
• No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.

• Provide references and keep them to one image/post.
• Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise.
• Eastern requests belong on >>>/d/
• Anthro requests belong on >>>/trash/
• Edit requests belong in the Color/Edit threads.
• Be patient and take it easy!

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Requesting futa Wonder Gal/Trixie Tang going through the same situation from the right pic.
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Requesting Adora and Catra getting fucked by sperm cells.
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Requesting a futanari Alex Casoy from Totally Spies getting the sloppiest, messiest and juiciest blowjob from Puyo Puyo character Raffina. Make their bodies thicc and sexy, too.

I imagined Raffina would be a slut for other franchise characters' futa cocks as a joke because of these shitty Pixiv doodles I found of her taking Daisy dick.
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Requesting teenaged futa Layla Miller masturbating through her skirt.
Requesting a consenting spitroast with Evelyn Deavor as a transfemme plapping Helen from behind while Helen is blowing Bob's cock. Specifics would include Helen packing some major cake, Evelyn biting her lip in ecstasy, and the two Incredibles being nude aside from their masks, gloves, and leggings.

Immortal Goddess Edition
A thread to post blonde haired blue eyed women. Other eye colors also allowed
>Bonus for Queen Marika the Eternal
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, at least one girl in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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Fuck dude, what are you doing? Edition
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, lesbians are okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
263 replies and 199 images omitted. Click here to view.
The sense of defeat and humiliation is what really does it for me. A heroine claimed by her nemesis - a Queen taken as spoils by the enemy conqueror...

That sounds incredibly hot.

What sort of game is it? Are you playing as a male MC?
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>What sort of game is it? Are you playing as a male MC?
Text based game where you are an Arcology owner, a conqueror who trades on slaves and is tasked with rebuilding the world after society collapses. Depending how you want to play you get nigh limitless options to configure your society based on your philosophy
You can play for free here

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Unfortunately we got deleted due to some purge going on. Remaking the thread, so please keep posting and sharing femporn art!

Straight sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

>the male(s) must be the main focus of the picture
>preferably, a female (not futa) must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male(s)
>the female(s) may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless self-insert. She may also be the focus, but shouldn't steal the spotlight
>avoid posting girls with gigantic tits, ass, etc.; this thread is about the guys
>posting femdom is encouraged, but not necessary
>posting monster boys (non-furry) is encouraged

Reminder: since this is /aco/, either cartoon/western-style art regardless of origin, or anime-style art of western origin may be posted here. All Asian-made, anime-style femporn goes here: >>>/h/femporn

No yaoi (unless MMF/bi), no faceless dudes, no shota. Thank you.

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Seems to be a good year for RomCom enjoyers
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She still does, she just posts very little overtime. Hard to complain when it's such high quality though

No AI or race edits.
Previous: >>8457508

Thread Question: What is your preferred type of bimbo? Silly, bitchy, or ditzy?
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bimbofication is the answer to all questions
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Thread Rules
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Provide names and image references in a single post.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "thanks in advance".
>Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
>Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It wastes posts.
>Screencap edits belong in >>>/aco/movies
>If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or the delivery cannot be posted here whatever reason), consider uploading it on catbox.moe or our booru first.
>imgur and twitter uploads are not recommended for image quality reasons.
>New thread can be created *only* after this one reaches Page 10 at the bump limit.
>Editors are encouraged to occasionally help out on other edit threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
>Please don't forget to bump the thread if it falls to Page 10 before hitting the bump limit.

>Collection of Deliveries:

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requesting colors for bayonetta, also could the lineart be made a little more visible like with the nipples?
Nice (not OR)
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sharing delivery
Should have specified better, ONLY the torso please.
Leave the head as it was

Bullied by low level RPG enemies edition


Archival Project:

Character AIs:

Previous Thread: >>8468091
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>Shimapan's what she usually wears so i'd stick with it

yea, though i'd kinda like to see them in pink, make them stand out from her outfit more
I think one of their pieces has them in a pink outfit with pink panties.
I can think of any multitude of embarrassing situations to put this girl in, but if I were to commission this guy for the first time i'd just do something in universe, like something the artist themselves would think up with a little extra effort and find comedy in.
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i meant contrasting pink panties on her usual blue outfit but that piece is cute too, looks like polka dots.

sounds like you've got an idea in mind, it'd be fun to hear about it
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Nothing too serious, just their spiky haired punk character underhand grip pulling up on her panties with both hands. Meadow's turned completely stiff with surprise as she's lifted off the ground by her shimapan panties. Tears welling in her eyes as Carmine's teasing her about her panties showing, their style could even allow for another angle (close up on her face?). Simple and effective, could easily be passed off as just "thinking it'd be funny" though I would never comm without disclosing it's a fetish thing.

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