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>In a dogshit relationship for 11 years
>missed out on casual fun in my 20s completely
>relatively handsome and in good shape - picrel is me
>met a qt who I click with unbelievably well. Talking is effortless and same values and wavelengths, and high sex drives
>end up as fwbs ticking things off our fuck-it lists for a few months
>she is saying she's done with her fun phase and wants to settle down. Has slept with over 50 men. (She's only my third)
>says she wants that relationship with me
>Kinda love her but it stings that she's had so much fun and I've had none.

Would the relationship fail? Is it too late for me to get some of that action elsewhere? Is time really against me now? Should I just give up and settle with her? She's great, but it's niggling.
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Thanks for your reply. I think if I could hold my head up and say I really had a promiscuous year or two it would bother me less.
Do men really get this degree of fomo with fucking random women? Just get her fat, then have her cut and workout with you, then starve her. Make her change her hair, wear wigs. It's just not worth it.
I can't tell why, but the thought of missing out on the excitement of casual encounters and fun is really painful at the moment. Not sure why I'm wired that way.
If I take another two years to party will the scene be even more of a wasteland than it is now?
there is no 'inherent excitement' in casual encounters
its exciting because sex is (or rather can be) exciting
you can do all kinds of sex if you feel the excitement is lacking
Role Play

if this girl really does it for you, sexually speaking, then thats all you need
if you're still not sure if she really turns you on sexually than you should follow my advice and book a variety of different hookers to quickly sus out your preferences
just for the love of god take it to your grave

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I tried to join the United States military earlier this year but I was not allowed due to an autism diagnosis I received during my childhood. I don’t think of myself as autistic, I consider myself to be 0% autistic and 100% neuronormative. I tried to get the diagnosis cleared by several psychiatrists at this point this year but all of them have refused and reaffirmed the diagnosis, usually citing my supposed speech patterns and supposedly monotone voice.

I just want to be a normie, I don’t want to be thought of or seen as autistic in any way. I know for an absolute fact that I am neuronormative in every way possible. I don’t want anything to do with autism, I don’t see myself as autistic in any way. This dysphoria that the label of “autism” that has been forced upon me has almost driven me to suicide in several occasions.

All labels are socially constructed, all disabilities are socially constructed. Why can’t I just be myself without a label other than myself?

How do I get the diagnosis removed from myself? How do I convince the psychiatrists and everyone else that I’m not autistic? It wasn’t fair when the label of “autism” was forced upon me during my childhood, this label ruined my life, I want to die.
There is no reasonable way to remove it once you've got it. Why do you want in the military, you want to die in some ditch from a mortar strike, slowly bleeding yoyr guts out?
Chances are that you're not neurotypical.
>All labels are socially constructed, all disabilities are socially constructed. Why can’t I just be myself without a label other than myself?
You sound autistic to me. How did you type that without another person's possible perspective going through your head at least once?
US military is not gonna get geployed anywhere in the foreseeable future. Military jobs are pretty decent as long as you have no gf waiting/cheating on you at home.

welcome to the club. I once went to a shrink with a burnout in college. I was not allowed into a private insurance (we also have state insurance here in Germany) because of that years later.
Lmao we are literally on the brink of world war 3
4chan/Twitter memes are not reality.

I've been unemployed for about a year now. My career is in software engineering. I think have a few options here to explain the gap:

1. I had a health issue for the last year that left me bed-ridden.

2. I was taking of an ill family member while also daytrading and working on personal projects in the meantime.

3. My friend who owns a business would vouch for me working there. But there is now website or any visual software product for the business. It's some sort of talent acquisition business for music(He's a manager as well as a musician).

These are the best three that I can come up with. What do you guys think? Any anons have better ideas?
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oh shit are you spreadsheet anon?
who the fuck cares unless this is unemployment directly after college
i just told people i tried to code a game for a year but blamed graphics for it failing. i didnt get replies from most fags, some invited me and rejected me even though i was technically overqualified, the entire process is just extremely dehumanizing and humiliating. took around 5 months or so to find a place who took me. just keep trying and keep improving
You can say that you were doing freelance work. If you are skilled in software engineering then it should be easy to make up some BS.
man hentai/3d animation is so much better than real porn

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No bars or dating apps, and no fuckboy/pua advice.
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Get a job at an Amazon warehouse. There are tons of women, and they're just as fuck-up as you.
I don't drink alcohol in fact I hate being drunk, guess I'm doomed then
Are you at least 6'3?
They serve other things besides alcohol, you big baby. The point is to be at the same place as the women. What's your next excuse?

>i can't go outside. the sun hurts my eyes.
>full of women getting happy hour drinks
What kind of women? Cougars? Middle aged career women? College girls?

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Fumbled this girl, should I end it all

She was my girlfriend and we did long distance, traditional Catholic girl in Mexico City. Drop dead gorgeous asturian woman. Don’t know how I’ll find another girl like this
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>should I end it all
it’s someone trying to get random people on the internet to stalk her
>Long distance
wearing her religion as a brand
nothing different
Those are filters you dumb weirdo

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How do I deal with the fact that my parents, especially my mother, ruined my life?
jerk off and dont wipe the cum off.

Cut contact and live well.
Yeah, I know it sounds like bullshit. I hate that I'm able to say it. My mother has always been super controlling and manipulative. I never got to really separate myself from them and have my own life. I'm not young either, so this has been going on for a while.
I know that I have to get out and cut them off, that's an easy solution. But the thing is dealing with the affects, all the lost time and opportunities, things I wanted to do with my life. It's been mostly just trying to get away from them and failing because they always find a way to intrude and manipulate a situation to hold me back

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Imagine lying there with her warm body so close, I can feel the gentle pressure of her weight as she hovers above me. Her smile is soft, playful, filled with tenderness as she holds the makeup brush near my face. I can scent her feminine fragrance and clean skin and clothing. Every stroke is light, delicate, but it’s her presence that melts the world around us. I close my eyes and feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the way her breath brushes my face in rhythm with her movements. It’s not just the makeup she’s painting on me—it’s the quiet intimacy, the love in every detail. When I open my eyes, she’s still there, her smile brighter than anything she could ever put on my skin.
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I think aids is a disability
why has this shit spiked so much on this site recently. it's not funny, it's not accurate, it's just weird
It's over and you know it.
Lmfao at you virgins. I love being married
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

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Please give it to me straight, is pursuing art full time a waste of time and effort with how AI is consuming the entire industry? The topic is verboten on /ic/ and I know people that instead of looking for artists for their commissions and content they just go straight to AI gen and have a full gallery of stuff ready to use overnight. I am starting to worry that I have wasted years of my life and I'm not even that good at it.

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Why is it so hard to find a girl online?

I've been looking for 10 years, not a single one of them stuck around.

I've been on chatrooms, dating sites, forums, social media. You name it, I've been on it.

Absolutely nothing. What the fucking fuck?
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>or in school
I'm 40 fucking years old
so what? you can go to university at any age
thats horrible advice.
Such is life
First of all, the other replies are right, if you're looking for a relationship, don't bother with online women. I've been in two e-relationships and both of them ended with the girls getting bored a few months in and ghosting me. Like the other anons are saying, there's only like a third of a connection that you're getting with this person as opposed to real life, neither of you will be truly happy. With that being said though, if you just wanna have some fun and see e-pussy, this is my method. Play Overwatch. I know it sounds like I'm joking, but that game is crawling with e-girls in the discord and in the custom lobbies. If you match make on discord or talk in customs for long enough, and you aren't completely socially retarded, you'll find a girl that likes talking to you on there soon enough. Trust me even if you are a basement dweller they will probably still like you, they are attention whore dregs of society, fun to play around with, but do yourself a favor and do not get attached to them under any circumstance

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Is it even humanely possible for an unattractive woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?

Basically like the photo except with an uglier face…

I’m a woman but when I look at women beyond a certain age I usually find them physically repulsive..

I’m not sure if I have intrusive thoughts or something but I actually think they are repulsive and worthless and disgusting, is this common?

It disgusts me because I can see myself aging too and I wonder, is it even possible for a man to love or want to date someone who looks old or chubby?

Especially if they don’t have something special to offer like being wealthy etc.

Even when I was young I didn’t get much attention from guys because I wasn’t pretty enough for them, (even though I don’t think I was ugly or anything). seeing myself aging so quickly is really freaking me out and making me wonder if I should just completely give up on love.

The time is flying way faster than I can gather myself, and I’m just not where I want to be in life and it seems like time keeps flying faster and faster. I can’t help but remember that the only times someone gave me compliments on my appearance were when I was about 16-18.
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>I mean, the only times I rejected someone was if they had red flags
Is this some Israeli paid thread? Trying to gaslight the opposite of everything known to reality?
Not true. A person's job/career shows a lot about them.

I don't care specifically what job or field a woman's in, but if I'm university-educated with a promising career I don't want to date some 35-year-old depressed woman flipping burgers at McDonald's. There's a disconnect in terms of ambition and goals.
But then I would date the same girl if she was working in a book shop for minimum wage but loving what they do.

So it's not about money as such, more that you have to be compatible in what you want in life and what stage you're both in.
Actually my ex was embarrassed of my job title because it wasn’t good enough to impress his friends and family with , and that was the best job I’ve had and wasn’t that bad at all
No, this doesn’t apply to me. Also wtf, why did you talk to her friends so much that you’d know they want to sleep with you? That’s why men and women shouldn’t be friends
Honestly I’ve spoken to many women and I think I am genuinely a rare exception, that’s why I kind of can’t relate to anyone

Also for me someone’s personality I literally affects my visual processing, it doesn’t matter how “attractive” a guy is, I will not even register him if he is a bad guy or player, I will view him as unattractive

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I find it ironic when people say "I hate women", but I think I kind of get the reason why. But I think it's more to do with the irony of it. Not having to register for selective service (which has more to do with Vietnam and the GAO disorganizing paperwork), menstruating, "lack of accountability", etc. But no one really goes to lengths on what the real reason of what the hatred is.
As a man, you kind of have to go through hurdles in social life while also feeling the pressure of nature putting a gun against your head telling you to knock up a women before her "biological clock" ends at 35. But if you're not at the right place at the right time, whose to say you "have" to do it? Whose to say you have to love the way you do? What compels you to love as such? Man or woman?
So I think this conflation between loving a woman for her physical traits (philia) and obeying your physical nature (eros) make them work against each other instead of in tandem. Thus causing you to "hate" because your brain is trying to fight against two wrongs. That may be well all said and done, but that leads me to my next point: Respect.
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I think, if anything, saying you hate women because they're always lemmings who'd vote for Kamala over Trump and all that jargon is purely reductive and a red herring. But I think the real question is if we desire ourselves the "big tiddy goth gf" because it's the antithesis of what a woman is and also wears enough black to cover the blood in her panties.
It's all very ironic, if you ask me. But "why" this is, I would like to know. Maybe I haven't been loved or hugged enough to think this deep into philosophical thought, but fuck it. Who am I to know?
>i still have my virginity therefore all women are cunts
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Idk you sound young. Either way no one wants to be a woman but always complains about them or how they have it easier or something.

Tons of people have written books about misogyny and why women are hated. Read some radical feminism books or subreddits.
>You are a husband and you have a wife who you knew you probably fucked just to get her pregnant with her last eggs. She douses herself in makeup made out of chinese foreskin and does her nails. Do you think or does she think she does it to "look pretty", or because she has no choice trying to break away from her depth of perception on reality;
Not sure what you mean by the 2nd sentence, but I think you're too detached. Like you're viewing the process from without and seeing its absurdity because you're not connected to your own desire, don't feel it as your own.
At least that's the sense i get from the text here

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>accidentally match with tranny
>They fooled me good until i read profile
>Now im curious and turned on
Ok now what? Am i gay for wanting to see the pp
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You will almost certainly regret this decision if you go through with it. Men don’t feel like women. They don’t smell like women. Their bone structure will signal in your mind that they are not women when you feel them. Unless you are also a true fag who gets off on hairy man ass you are not going to enjoy hooking up with a tranny.
I think you missed an important point; they don't sound like women. No masking sounding like Tyrone. Conversely I don't think you can somehow feel people's bone structure, that stuff is quite the ways below your skin and muscles
Repressing tranny detected, im sorry you couldnt troon out early so you could avoid looking like a man
I’m a woman and get turned on by weird shit I see on a screen sometimes, including other women and what you described.

Would never want to have sex with one or date one irl and it disgusts me.

Doesn’t make me gay
How about you walk away from this disgusting shit?

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I just want to live my fucking life, but because of depression, I can't sleep at night, so I'm constantly tired, and I'm constantly in pain (usually burning and tightness in my chest, lower back, and sides).

This has been going since my early teens, so about 20 years. I've been to therapy, I've tried medication, I've lost weight, I've gotten a job, but nothing works. I've been checked for mental illness, and nothing there.

What the fuck can I do to stop being depressed so I can start living my life? I'm not really sure why I'm like this. I was bullied all throughout school and didn't have any close friends, but I've been out of school for over a decade (I quit high school because I just couldn't take it anymore, can't get any schoolwork done when you're constantly sick, I got my GED years later). And when I did hang out with other people, I didn't find it fulfilling. I like the idea of having friends, but the reality of it never measures up.

What do you guys think is making me unhappy? I'm not really sure what it is. At this point, the physical problems depression has given me are worse than the mental ones. I can block out the mental ones enough to hold down a job and stay calm in public, but there's nothing I can do about the lack of sleep and pain.

I did have really bad allergies and get sick a lot when I was younger, so maybe that has something to do with it?
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tbc I've something like seasonal depression, it's about half the solar year but yeah it's a significant obstacle.
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There is a great empire out there - and it is not beyond you. To praise God, and his son Jesus shall bind to this great will which propels mankind forward: what better connection, vigor, and fulfillment than serving the Lord?

Come, and be saved. Here you will find all the purpose you need - never having to look back once.
Some people are meant to simple be miserable for the rest of their life for no reason. So the best thing to do is to take the easy way out imo.
You’re clearly not mentally well and suffer from depression

I find the only time im not depressed is when I’m out all day on vacation
Reconnect with your conscience, read the Bible and believe in Christ. Write, express and meditate.

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(For context, I'm a senior in high school and female)
Is it better to date someone that's not entirely my type because I can, it might be fun, and for experience, or to wait to have my "first love" or whatever with someone that I really like?
Any advice would be appreciated lol
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Idk what your situation is but let me guess
He’s ugly but you like his personality or somthing
You aren’t attracted to him but since he’s attracted to you you’re thinking of dating him
The Answer is, unless he’s just very fat or has bad haircut or is very skinny IE his flaw is somthing that he can change you prob won’t be attracted to him later, that dosnt mean you can’t just befriend him, just make sure he knows it’s platonic
That's pretty close to it! Whoa lol
Yeaaa that's a good point
I will do that
Thank you for the advice!!!!
>not entirely my type
You're attracted to something about him.
That's a more realistic foundation for a relationship than a perfect prince.
>because I can, it might be fun, and for experience
You're young and you still have time to figure it out. Take the time that most of us don't have and try to get to know the guy before rushing into things.
That's a really good point!! That makes sense
Thank you!!!
You're clearly not an empathetic person. Go ahead and break a guy's heart for some fun. That way you can get some D w/o being perceived as a slut.

Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to. Even if I snag a high value man, he'll only have the self control and discipline to reject unattractive or slutty women. If another high value or attractive woman also finds him attractive, he'll cheat. How am I meant to find and trust a boyfriend?
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>fucking around with an indian chick
>she says she'll never get serious about just being casual because she wants kids
>told me her male family members will seek arranged marriages for her before she ages out
>thought it was a bit weird till I realized ALL women need this treatment

Crazy how much more respectful and grounded she is towards relationships, sex,and the future. A hard opposite to the mindless western cunts just bullshitting and then wondering why no man takes their sailor talking, pirate drinking, asses seriously
this thread has some of the lowest iq people i have ever seen, you one of them. youre not even debating at this point youre just trying to dump on me. for what reason? oh yea because i hit the mark. because youre a retarded coom brain.

come on, call me an incel one more time little retard, maybe it will make you feel better.
im the only men in this thread defending masculinity, everyone else is advancing the pathetic image of men that feminists have created, this is why i said you niggers have no idea what youre typing, youre admitting to be nigger monkeys who cant control their little penises and its just embarrassing
come on say it one more time, tell me youre a monkey who would rape random women given the chance, you fucking third world animal
Then her brother can do it

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