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Is it a pussy move to not date until you get money? I feel like I could get a better woman once I develop my life further. I feel bad having sex too often because I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy
>I feel bad having sex too often because I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy
I'd like tips for getting over this. I know for a fact plenty of women are okay with the prospect of being used for sex but I feel like you're supposed to find a way to communicate it without saying it
>Is it a pussy move to not date until you get money?
No. If you can barely support yourself, fucking around with a whore with the potential of pregnancy will royally fuck you over for life. Literally all she has to say is "Im keeping it" and youre so fucking fucked its not funny.

> I lowkey don't see any of these women worthy of my legacy.
There are two types of women you will find anon. Those who wait at the finish line and those who wait at the halfway checkpoint. Smart women wait at the checkpoint. Dumb gold digging whores wait at the finish line. You need to find a woman interested in your acceleration and potential. Those women are the ones who genuinely want to be a part of your life and accomplishments whereas the ones at the finish line just want the goodies that come with a finished product.
yeah, ditch the practice gfs so you don’t accidentally fuck your life up. they probably sense it, too.

reach for the brass ring now and act as if success is inevitable. you’ll find a girl who will share in your delusion. that’s all it’s about anyway.
it depends on how seriously you take the relationship
if you plan on staying loyal and developing your lives together, then you'll be fine
but if you feel like your life will drastically change after you make money and you won't be compatible any more, then you should avoid wasting their time and leading them on
is that a liminal space I spy?

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So... about a couple months ago i had a circumcission procedure, and ever since then i've peed while sitting, since its the most optimal position while it healed and all of that.

I noticed that whenever i tried to do so while standing, either the first stream becomes a shotgun blast (can fix it by separating the sides of the tip) or the latter part becomes the aforementioned. How do all y'all manage to pee (standing) without making a mess?

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OP here. Yeah i aim for the bowl, but with the foreskin it'd be a constant stream, no dispersion, and now its a tad of a pain in the ass to do standing.

To answer your question, it was a combination of things, firstly paraphymosis (aka skin gets stuck once there), i could retract it easily and all, but when hard it was a bit more difficult and uncomfortable, basically making sex life in partnership less pleasant (it would hurt about after half an hour or so); on top of that, doctor noticed i had a ring, so more the reason that i had trouble doing things pleasurably with the foreskin retracted.

And to top it off, the extra skin there was sensitive as fuck, meaning any rough action with a condom or whatever would swell the area and made it look like bubblegum bubbles (exageration).

Tbf its been going great, i haven't noticed any loss of sensitivity there (if anything the tip is more sensible now when doing erotic things), also liked how it looked before and how it looks now, i'm fairly happy with my decission
Same anon, here. I forgot to note that sensitivity is lost over time, so I'll point that out there. Other than that, more power to you since this was fully your choice and not some shithead ""parent"" and some hired pedophiles deressed as surgeons that made it for you. I hope I still helped, here.
[spoiler]CAPCHA: 2HRT KEK[/spoiler]
I piss all over the place. I thought everyone did.
Pinch it down and control the flow rate
I did until I had to clean myself

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>be me
>went on a date w guy
>he's cringe but nice
>we hangout again w my friend this time
>she brings me down to reality cuz hes weird a little
>I was fucking delusional
we have plans tomorrow but I don't actually really wanna go to them but how should I tell him that I am not interested romantically and cancel?
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so that's it?just be direct tell him sorry but i don't feel a connection between us or somenthing similar.
>with my friend
Hoo boy. Thats where you fucked up at. Of course your friend would get jealous and try to push you two away. Tomorrow tell your friend to fuck off and leave the guy and you alone.
wow wouldnt it be better if women can just tell us what they think instead of keeping us around and not telling us we have no chance whatsoever instead of wasting our fucking time?
well that clearly doesn't work because op can't function in line without her friend managing her relationships kek.
in all seriousness, you can understand if you have no chances at all. just learn2read body language.
>he's cringe but nice
"nice" is not bf material, your misandrist butch friend is right, you already had a gut feeling so it not just her trying to cockblock
>I tell him that I am not interested romantically and cancel?
No, just be his gf and fuck him to be polite. Yes, do it. can't wait for the thread he makes tomorrow

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im autistic to autistic people
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I saw a retard ask a retarded questoin on /adv/ and everyone pointed out he's a retard, then I offered advice and he ghosted me because my advice was too retardedly formulated even for him
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maybe he took your advice before closing the thread
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I deleted my post because I was ashamed.
literal mirror neurons
so i mirror their autism by being even more unrelatable to them as it is

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My life goal was to get a virgin gf but that's impossible so I have no will to live anymore.

What do? I can't enjoy anything else, I mostly just pass time with video games and youtube until I fall asleep to not have to think about failing my one and only life goal. I tried dating non-virgin womem but I just can't feel any attraction towards them.

To be clear: I don't have anything agaisnt women who have sex. We live in a free country, everyone has a right to choose their lifestyle, I just don't want to date them. I gave it multiple chances and I just don't find them charming/attractive.
Having women as a goal is stupid, but you were born on the worst time to do that

Find another goal, become somebody that would have another goal or whatever
yeah it's a shame that virgins older than 10 practically just don't exist

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Woman here. How do I cope with the fact that women 30+ are unattractive and unwanted?

Makeup, filters, plastic surgery and bodily alterations are just copes to try and look younger. Without makeup most actually look worse than men, objectively.
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She is mid as fuck

You literally posted a picture of an athlete.
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>How do I cope with the fact that women 30+ are unattractive and unwanted?
literally where? The last time, even 60+ year old infertile grandmas were slaying.
>Makeup, filters, plastic surgery and bodily alterations are just copes to try and look younger.
cope? idk. easy to do? absolutely in the case of women. Try living as a 5'6 manlet who can't change his height easily unless he's ready to undergo a broootal surgery with atleast one year of absolutely miserable pain just to add 3 inches. Even if he decides to undergo the LL procedure, there's no gurantee it'll be a success and the lad may very well become crippled for life. This does not even include other looks aspects that can't be changed such as clavicle length, symmetricity of face, etc.. Life for a sub 5 man is hell on earth. To top things off, you also have cheap options to be a single mom if you really want your genes to survive. All you gotta do is pay a couple of 100 bucks to a tall and handsome gigolo or a college frat boy to impregnate you. If you wish to be super selective, you may very well head over to the nearest cryo bank or book a flight to denmark if you're super autistic about the details of the donor. You can do all this shit because you as a woman happened to be priviledged enough to possess a uterus and ovaries. We men don't even have anything similar to this because not only do we have to find egg donors(which is rarer than sperm donors and is atleast an order or two more expensive), but we must also find a legit surrogate mother who won't scam you. Then there's also shitty rules saying that single men shouldn't have children via surrogacy in various countries. 99.99% of middle class men are fucked if they happen to be physically unattractive.
tldr, the average men is someone who is super desperate and is willing to settle down for the most hideously ugly landwhale.
You're meant to have gotten over that insecurity by the time you reach your 30s. I'm in my early 30s. Nothing bad happened.
>Woman here. How do I cope with the fact that women 30+ are unattractive and unwanted?

start a family before then?

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I guess, the way I view a lot of this (wish would ideally change but, we'll, you know) is that if I bung it real bad and kick the bucket like Gary Anderson, I don't know that I would mind it much the next day because I would be really very dead and unrecptive to any of the anger for having missed the field goal.
She's probably right about the hell part but maybe if you ask your family to pray for you both, you'll be okay. Tbhh we're already in hell.
I think I would much rather kick the bucket than kick someone's head like a football and give them permanent brain damage, but apparently people like that are still eligible to be hired by decently reputable football leagues.
Fuck if I know
Go to sleep mane

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I think I'm going to move out of my parents house at the age of 33. What should I expect?
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you’re going to face a lot of truths about yourself you didn’t realize were buried.
What do you mean by this?
good shit man
Based budget bro

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>using porn for a decade now
>didn't go further into degeneracies all this time
<just fapped to cuckoldry for the first time
I fucking hate myself. I don't know what else to do, guys. I really fucking hate myself.
Just wait until you start mixing race into it.
Just wait till you start mixing cunny into it.
my limit was femboy stuff
now i try to avoid pornography and masturbation
feels good to be honest
just mix until you start waiting into it

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I’m in a bit of a tough spot and could really use some advice. I spent most of my formative years and early 20s fantasizing about anime women and cartoon characters. My sexual preferences have been completely based around these fictional characters to the point where I read and wrote romantic fanfiction with OCs.

Recently, I’ve come to the realization that these characters will never be real, and I genuinely want to settle down with a real woman. However, I find that I can’t find real women attractive anymore, even the hottest ones. It’s like they’re nothing to me at this point, and I feel like I’ve broken myself.

Has anyone else been through this? How do I start finding real women attractive again? Any advice or personal experiences or smarts responses would be greatly appreciated.


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but people often tell me it's "immature" or "unrealistic" to expect anything more. Are we really at the point where women with no self control are trying to normalize obesity, and the rest of us have to lower our bar or else we're "immature"? I make a point to maintain a level of activity and monitor what I put in my mouth. Why are women not able to do the same?

>tldr dont like fat girls but everyone tells me i dont have a choice, should i ignore them?
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>I used to be a very talkative and outgoing person, but I stopped because people did nothing but mock or throw verbal abuse at me.

damn, anon. sorry to hear that
>You're the dumbest and most annoying poster on this board by far.
But anon! How can I POSSIBLY be annoying to you when you don't know what I look like?

After all,
>Looks determine how a person's personality is perceived.
My personality can't be determined without my looks, right?
I bet if I saw your face I would find you even more annoying
At least the boys on the bottle hide it.
Looks are not everything but they’re something. You need to be attracted to the person you’re with. This doesn’t mean on the level of a model.

Fat people are gross and ugly. They’re unhealthy regardless if they live into their 80s. I can almost guarantee you they will suffer many health issues throughout their life. I work with these people. I see it every day. Obese epidemic is a real thing. The rates of obesity were not this high 30 years ago. So the excuse of this is normal and you should accept it is invalid. Of course there are outliers but the average person will not be fat or obese.

People with obesity are addicted to food and refuse to put in the effort to change their lives. We have it too easy now. Our life styles are really sedentary. Ultra processed foods are cheap and plentiful. They light up our dopamine receptors. Those foods are engineered to be addicting.

Don’t feel bad for not finding fat/obese people unattractive. It’s normal to be repulsed by them. Don’t listen to any fat acceptance shit. Don’t discuss this with women. They’re sensitive about anything to do with looks.

I know this cute hapa girl who used to hit on my at college 2 years ago and we got on well but I didn’t pursue her because I had body image issues and lived with my mom.

This morning I saw her at the train station and I nudged her and she just stared at me looking totally confused, as if she never met me. She likes all my shit online so I thought I’d ask if it was her on instagram but she just left me on read.

I know women are weird and all but this just made me feel like a piece of shit. What’s with this? Is it anything to do with me or is it just usual female autism?
She made an advance on you and you didn’t reciprocate. Making a woman feel unworthy of you is one way to turn her into a neurotic bitch. Move on, and next time a girl shows interest and you like her, move in and don’t be an autist.
Big L my man

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She always yells like crazy at them or just beats them and they always cry. At the moment she is scolding her child for bleeding (after getting beat up i assume).
This has been going on for over a year now, I don't know what to do. These children have no hope for a normal life.
Calling child services and having them being taken away from their home might make their lives even more harsh.
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>Calling child services and having them being taken away from their home might make their lives even more harsh.
Ultimately it's a choice between having the shit kicked out of them or getting raped in the foster system. Know which one I'd pick.
which one would you pick?
Throw a coin.
>She always yells like crazy at them or just beats them and they always cry.
Haha based
she's badass, i wish more women were brave and empowered like her

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Tell her I have $2,000 and I want to send her half so she can come visit me. I want to buy her a coat and have a great time with her just like we planned.
pls help
This thread is extremely low quality.
*rapes OP*
guys please, help her ex furry gf trans boigirlfriend getting back so they can have their transracial bi pan polar relationship

i saw something upsetting yesterday and i can't get it out of my head. anytime i catch my breath it pops back in and throws me off balance. i have an extremely obsessive mind and i don't know how to cope with it anymore. is there anything i can do? is there such a thing as therapy for something like this or am i stuck with terminal ptsd brain because bad rng?
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you need to expose and destroy them
their identities have been circulating here and there and they have a court order of staying away from animals but it seems they're extremely dedicated. from what i gather they aren't getting properly prosecuted because theyre legally under a psychiatric care or something. i really hope somebody can do something.
hey anon, I haven't dealt with intrusive thoughts related to anxiety like you have but have had pretty debilitating intrusive thoughts. The thing that helped me was basically the principle of "what you resist, persists" or in other words learning to accept the thoughts themselves.
For my intrusive thoughts that basically meant whenever I thought of something I didn't like, instead of freaking out about the thought or treating the idea as a bad thing, I just kind of stared it down and said 'yes' to it (literally I used to close my eyes, take a deep breath and say "yes" out loud if i were in private). Basically accepting the thought itself as just a thought, something that could come and go as it pleased.
I don't know how this will exactly look for you - but this is something that helped me so maybe something similar can help you. Just say yes to the fear and let the upsetting things wash over you like waves and pass. Good luck brah
every time it happens, literally every time for a while, try to find a part about it you can shrug about. literally that's it. you will condition your mind into believing it's something to shrug about

the power we all have and don't use is so insane. we all have the power to reinterpret any event we like. we don't use it.
Dress up as a dog and then rub up against their legs like you're just asking to be taken. This way you can catch them in the act and expose them again to the police.

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