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okay apparently I rambled too much and I'm garbage and should kill myself so I shall summarize






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I've said before that this classifies as rape and you should leave this relationship ASAP. However, in the spirit of good faith, here I go again.

Groping during sleep is extremely bad, but both of these subjects can and should be discussed extensively with him. Communicate. That's the key word here: communicate. Tears will come out, objects will fly, screams will be heard, but you need to let it out and explain throughly why what he did (groping) is wrong.

If the sex isn't good, it can be for thousands of reasons. Again, communicate. If you don't want sex at all, then don't have sex, at all. And your boyfriend will need to understand that.

Not putting boundaries is on your part. You need to express yourself and make sure your boyfriend understand that there are limits that he cannot cross. EVER. At least he makes sure you consent.

If you don't consent to something, then don't give him approval. NEVER act like you consent when you don't.
where do i find myself a bpd gf bros
Don't. The abuse and trauma you will live through isn't worth it (trust me, I've been there).

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Best friend: "I want a man who is tall, makes six-figures, and works out!"
>I want a man who will choke me, bite me, tie me up and cut me, and maybe play with my blood a little bit while I'm crying
"Ahh yeah, me too ha ha..."

I know I shouldn't be this way, but I can't help it, and it's to the point I don't even feel bad about it anymore. All I care about is maintaining the facade that I'm a normal girl like everyone else. So do I need therapy, or not? Because I'm very aware I have an unhealthy and dangerous sexual appetite, one which even men aren't into. I just don't see what good there is in talking to someone about it, though. I've been this way since I was a kid and it's never really changed.
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Okay dude, you're a man, so where do you get your information?
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blud thought this was a way for him to shoot his shot ROFL trying to pick up chicks on the 'chan bro is COOKED
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>Since I was a kid I had violent sexual urges and fantasies.
I say that.
>Rape fantasies are common and my overall assessment is that it's in human nature for men to often want to "take" women without consent and for women to like to be "taken" without it being their choice (like you said, asking ruins the fun).
Unfortunately true. It's how we're wired. I think the breakdown on this though is that most women want to be "taken" by your average Fifty Shades of Grey antagonist, ie: a man who doesn't exist, and don't really envision Pablo the local fentanyl dealer doing it, even though that's precisely who would. The ideal for me would be a guy who was on the surface normal, who I could present to friends and family without any flags being raised, and yet was an absolute demon behind closed doors and makes it known I'm not in control, and prey to his varied appetites.

>I've always wondered what women think about the forcing dynamic
I'm not into deepthroat stuff precisely because of that potential to get sick. Gag reflex is a thing, and I will absolutely pull away if I feel it happening to avoid disasters. Other than that, being taken by force is great. It doesn't happen enough. There's nothing more dreadfully boring than being asked for sex. I want to hurt afterward and have marks.

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why was this ranked as my least attractive photo on photofeeler? It got a 3.5/10 for attraction when all my other photos usually get around a 7?
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That's a fairly decent interpretation of photofeeler. It makes a little sense as picrel is my highest ranked photo for attractiveness (8/10 100 votes) but it's also the photo where in my mind it showcases less attractive qualities (sloppy clothes, vaguely feminine pose)
Ive never heard of photofeeler before now but after a little googling i came to that conlusion. I think your expression in this picture is a little less welcoming, and personally would recommend you use the original picture on dating profiles or other things like that. I would recommend cropping out the woman in the front though, it takes away from you.
This is either an elite troll... or you actually don't know why this pic scored highest.... as a grown man....
I'm actually 8kg lighter in the OP than I was in the second pic. I'm a little overweight but I hardly think I'm a "fat slob" in either photo
The bar has a few more photos they havnt released yet that are closer at the stage so hopefully they are better pictures.
So everyone's calling you a fat slob but you aren't because why. You want girls you get thin you fat bitch, lovingly ofc

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Are there any online dating apps worth using? I’m ronery and I want to eat some ass.
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you would have a good time on grindr

How do you get a YouTube channel off the ground? I make mostly memes and animations, but it takes a lot of time and money that I don't have at the moment. About $1,000 in the red. Currently only 522 subs.
What is your end goal with this channel?

For example, if you want to make money, 522 subs who are passionate fans of your content and/or willing to pay for high-ticket products can be much more valuable than 20,000 random subs that are only mildly interested about you, won't pay for anything, etc. So try to find your "superfans" first.

For more general advice about making good videos, just google the "How to succeed in MrBeast production" PDF that got recently leaked. Plenty of good stuff there.

>it takes a lot of time
Yeah lol, you literally need to work thousands of hours if you want to be good at anything (not just at YouTube, but also if you wanted to become a lawyer, a pastry chef, a professional gamer, etc.). Thousands of hours of work is actually the MINIMUM if you aim to be competent. So work on your thumbnails. Work on your sound effects. Work on your titles. Work on your social media presence and engagement with fans. Work on your ideas for new videos. Work on your logo or profile picture. Work on your animations. Work on many other things until your content is irresistible at first sight. You won't succeed if you don't approach this professionally. You're competing against actual professionals with large budgets plus a lot of know-how and manpower, so the least you can do is be as professional as them in your attitude and work ethic (and doubly so if your content is "just mindless fun").

Good luck!
Make high quality content that's actually funny, impressive, or interesting. Low effort shit is not going to get you anywhere. It'll take time and luck, but doesn't have to cost you money. Level up your animation game and if it's actually quality you'll get the views accordingly. I've found multiple channels that made legitimately good quality videos at under 1k subs and they've all grown fairly rapidly.
stop thinking it will turn into anything. there's tens of thousands of others just like you wanting to become the next pewdiepie. online content creation, much like traditional entertainment, is a very heavy-bottomed pyramid where the odds are heavily stacked against you.
in the 2020s you just don't, unless you randomly go massively viral like Hailey hawk tuah, you never break through on the algorithm recommending you now

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How am I supposed to respond if my girl sends me nudes
I feel like it's a universal rule that male nudes are always unsexy. What is tastefully erotic for a guy?
You look at them and determine whether they're hot. If you don't have a nice body they probably aren't
I'd never send anyone a nude picture or dick pick.
I don't send dick pics because of this
Dress like you're going to work. Show off car keys.
i stopped sending dick pics because of this, unless you're pretty hot or have a fat cock girls will be repulsed by any suggestion of it, i had a fat girl who would masturbate for me on video and she liked to see my cock but thats it, i probably would never try with no one else, not even with my gf

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> bullied throughout school for being awkward and slow
> no friends, khhv
> repeatedly overhear people behind my back talking about how I'm slow, arrogant, retarded, autistic
> genuinely extremely insecure about my intelligence throughout my life
> somehow manage to graduate with a BA from a top 5 uni in the world with a first class in mathematics
> take an IQ test later, comes out to 128
Any idea what could explain this?
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Why do you say that?
Don't ask me impossible questions
Well I haven't been out of uni long, it was mostly my own fault because I didn't go to graduate school.
Indeed is shit for finding jobs though.
I just took it again, didn't remember it at all so it was like the first time and I got the same score.
i dont think it goes higher than that i genuinely think its bugged
not a single question where i had even 1% doubt in my head i had every possible solution for every question and weighed them out for the most probable one its stupid i went on reddit and theres not a single person reporting a higher score yeah its bugged
Most people like themselves.

Being ugly isn't all about appearance. Personality also factors into it. You ask questions like a fresh off the spaceship alien.
It depends, in primary school there was a group of girls that made sure that I was called ugly at least once a day.
I am no longer called ugly, but women do still sneer at me when I'm just walking down the road. So I think if you're ugly there are noticeable signs though not immediate and in your face.

I've had a intense hatred towards BPD people that I legit am triggering their worthlessness to make them kill themselves.

It's all because of my abusive BPD ex and my retarded mind being unable to let go of the anger.

How do I escape this circle?
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tried that, didn't really help. I was using some girl for 3 months after the breakup and the irony was that she had BPD traits as well, or rather more narcissistic, she tried playing games with one but I never had attached to her and so she just kept in desperation trying to get my attention.

No matter what I do It feels like the only way out is to make the bitch suffer, I hope she eventually ends up dating someone sociopathic so he eventually kills her.
People with BPD have like a 75% chance of ending their life without your interference. I think there are much better things you could do with your time. Theyll be gone soon enough.

Going to the gym, church, or doing something like smoking meat or growing hot peppers would provide much more joy and satisfaction.
Those are rookie numbers, we got to pump those numbers up.

I'm studying, but my free time honestly is being wasted on reading useless shit, I have no lust on seeking out a new relationship even, I got like four girls messaging me and I have no energy to reply (they are attention whores I can't bother with anyway).

It's a bit like I'm obsessed with seeing her suffer, the bitch is also unwilling to give me up as she's changing her profile photo on social media in ways as if she's now living a better life despite the black bags under her eyes she's trying to hide.

I honestly should've told the truth to her surrounding so everyone knows what a disgusting piece of shit she is, that'd pushed her into ending it.
I like the part where you perfectly identified who and what hurt you, and decided that instead of healing, you would 100% lean into your negative feelings.
Create a social trend or for pushing bpd people out of being social. Make rules that would discriminate against bpd behaviors. Gatekeep bpd out.
I don't want to interact with them either.

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I'm 30. If I don't find any friends or start a family fast, I won't make it past 65. So I only have about 35 more years left to live if things don't change. And I'll be miserable during all of those years and be forced to spend thousands of dollars on therapy and medication.

What can I do turn my life around so I won't be lonely and miserable anymore? I've done fucking everything to meet people, but I've had no luck. I've been to therapy and taken medication, but it didn't help either. Hobbies stopped being fun a long time ago, it's hard to have fun alone when you've been alone and friendless your entire life.

I need help fast.
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Learn to daytrade
This isn't about money. I have no friends or family, so money isn't a priority for me. Until I get some friends, everything else is on hold.
most friends i hang out with now i made after i turned 30

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People aren’t capable of enduring many (that’s a relative term — “many”) instances of humiliation, heartache, and betrayal. We’re stronger than we know. But we’re a lot weaker and limited than we care to admit, and which science — I use that word in a special sense, kind-of like how Ellul defined “technique” — enables us to understand. Life has showed me that we are fragile — the hard way. The instinct to protect oneself can be excessive with some people. But for most people that instinct is healthy. I ignored that instinct for years, which is a tactful way of saying I’ve made (emotionally) unhealthy decisions for a long, long time. The consequences took their toll. I can’t handle more pain. My threshold was reached a long time ago. I am deeply cynical now. That didn’t happen through petty rumination. It crept up on me slowly and quietly. That’s how I know this is serious. Perhaps I can recover. But honestly I doubt it. To the older frens: how do I proceed in life alone henceforth?
That writing, it's giving midwit hon

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How would you react if you personally knew this couple in real life
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edit: *couldn't
Excuse my typo old fingers and all, heh, not gettin aaaannny younger
After Mom died
>cancer, she was only 45
Dad (48 then) was a wreck. He was working hard and trying to keep it together, but he was miserable. My aunt hired a service to come by and clean his house twice a week the girl, Rocky (Raquel) was super sweet and she and Dad would talk and joke around.
After 6 months he asked her out and thy really had fun. After another six months they got married.
Rocky is younger than my two older siblings and just 9 months older than me.
Her and Dad are in love, she is great to us, and she is so good for Dad.
Depends on how I know them. If it was my family I would be very critical, if they were my friends I would ask if she has friends
I agree, it's not a big deal, he's going to pay for giving her great experiences like fancy trips and she is going to make him get over his divorce, but she'll be too high energy for an old guy and he'll eventually settle for someone older.
I mean there's no way they could want something long term right? Like if they have children he'll die when they're teens.
I'm a divorcee in my 30s and I've got much better hair and am in better shape than him, where's my 18 y/o GF?

Every white girl I see is either out with a group of girls or, if she's with a guy, it's always a non-white guy. The propaganda is so bad now that white girls only want to date non-white men (usually black, arab, or hispanic). White guys just aren't seen as masculine and are portrayed as boring, so white girls only give their love to other men. This literally means white men will be extinct because of white girls. If this propaganda existed 20+ years ago, I wouldn't exist. So many potential inventors and scientists, people that would cure cancer and take us to other planets, aren't being born now because of this.

I know I'm ranting, but what can be done to stop this? How do we get our girls back?
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>boo hoo white girls don’t like me

Fuck off Pajeet even Tyrones and Ahmeds are preferable to your kind.
I won't read complaints about mass media content. Just don't watch it.
Impossible. Every white guy has a much higher chance of attracting another white female in comparison to everyone else. No matter how low you rank you'd still have a better chance than someone not white.

As a white guy it's also easier to attract higher quality women of other races. You have an unfair advantage in dating just for being white. It has to be something else about you if you're struggling
>white girls only want to date non-white men

this is utterly delusional even for /adv/
Which state or country are you at, I wanna gauge how white or non white passing I am on women who are retarded.

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I don't know how to start a conversation and I don't know how to continue a conversation past the initial I'm good how are you part. is there any way to learn as an adult or am I just fucked?
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bro that's what my mom says
getting better at the greetings doesn't sound bad. I'm worried though because I'm really clueless when it comes to anything beyond that
I don't have anything going on this weekend, will probably just be in my room
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Most etiquette books have a section on "conversations." If you pick up the thickest Emily Post edition on Etiquette (it's a blue book) that you can, they will typically have a very large section on how to start and have a conversation.

I suggest it because it's probably the best guide on how to hold a conversation for an autistic person I've ever read. And the reason I say that is because it's so detailed. As an example, I used to have trouble making phone calls to schedule a dentist appointment. I had such severe social anxiety, and that book helped because IT ACTUALLY HAD A SECTION SPECIFICALLY FOR HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO A DENTIST OFFICE. Like it was that detailed and autistic. Another book had a section specifically for what to say if a worker in a store asks if you need something.

What surprised me is that I started following that book to a goddam T, and despite feeling so fake and robotic, people were telling me I "opened up"/"changed" and was _less_ robotic. That actually upset me to hear, but that's a story for a different time.
I can totally get that. I've joined a few clubs/groups with no success because I feel like im a total deviation from what the rest of the people are. I love historical sewing, so I joined a medieval history group and I was so bad at conversing with people I never went to another meeting. In retrospect, I probably should have just continued to push myself because no one actively disliked me, i myself was just too uncomfortable to continue.
I did join a quilting club that is only 60-80 year old women. I'm 22, and they make me feel very welcome. Even though most of them are very unlike me, and we only have one thing in common, I find it much easier to talk to them than people I am similar to in more ways (age, job, etc)
If you like arcades, barcades are a good way of meeting people who also enjoy games, and the bar aspect helps to make it an older demographic than a normal arcade. honestly, most people at the ones near me arent even drinking so theyre easier to talk to.
You can try to play a two or three person game with other people, if that's hard theres nothing wrong with lying and saying your friend bailed on you and you were looking forward to playing that game. That has helped me talk to people.
From that point, you could maybe move to another game, chat about things related to it, the arcade, or other things going on in your area. Ask them where they like to eat, or the best place to get a coffee. Ask them something about their opinion and make it seem like you care about their response.

I don't have much going on this weekend either, probably just working on commissions and trying to fix my record player.

What kinds of music do you listen to?
funny you mention clubs because I was feeling down because I tried to join a club but when I showed up nobody was there, this is the second time this happened and it really sucks that I don't even get a chance to mess up and learn in a social situation:-/
bars aren't really my thing, too loud/high energy
also to answer your question I don't listen to music but I wish I did
I absolutely hate bars but push myself to go to barcades at the very least just to try and be normal. It doesn't come naturally to me at all, everything im describing is outside of my comfort zone. I will say, maybe im going about this wrong, but i am making progress so this could be a possible way for you to improve your conversational skills.

Some things that can help conversation is asking open-ended questions, like after
>I don't listen to music but I wish I did
you could say "What kind of music would you recommend?" As a way to continue the conversation so it doesnt end. If youre in public talking to someone and say that, they might not know where to go from there either and just end it.
There are probably better, more interesting ways to talk but this is kinda how i've been doing it and its showing success.

Have you ever listened to Gordon Lightfoot? I really enjoy his music. If you dont like loud/high energy bars, I think youd enjoy how calm and relaxing his music is. It always helps put my in a good mood. Maybe you could listen to him this weekend while youre hanging in your room!

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I turn 22 on Thursday
>Have hugged and kissed a girl before but still a virgin
>Moved schools after 10th grade and was a loner for the last two years of high school
>Haven't made a friend or formed a friend group in over 5 years
>Never been on a date before
>Never been to a party before
>Started second year of Uni and am surrounded by guys (usually younger than me) with their friends and girlfriends talking about how fun their lives are
>Started playing guitar 7 1/2 years ago but haven't been able to get things going, no band, no original songs, etc.
>Hard to watch many anime since I feel ashamed that the characters are in their teens and have accomplished more than me and/or have entertaining lives

What to do bros? Can I turn my life around or is it over for me?
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>going to uni
>boohoo my life is over because it's not like le animay

You're a retarded faggot. Sorry, I just had to say that because you are actually in the prime of your life to do whatever the fuck you want. Want a gf? Tinder. Oh boohoo tinder is hard? Buy premium, bitch. Ohh I can't dance, I'm not funny, I look dumb bla bla bla these are the same excuses every young man before you has had, faked it and made it. The only obstacle here is your own shitty mindset.
Wow I had to actually read this to confirm you actually said the anime thing. Get a fucking grip
You're young, you'll grow up and realize one day pussy isn't everything hopefully.
>>Started second year of Uni and am surrounded by guys (usually younger than me) with their friends and girlfriends talking about how fun their lives are
Have you tried to talking to any of these guys and befriending them OP?
Also maybe you could stop comparing yourself to cartoon characters, just a thought.
you know how to play guitar and haven’t gotten pussy? probably the only case i’ve ever heard of

you either suck at guitar or are really fucking ugly

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I got a temporary job in the government. I am autistic so it’s very hard for me to work at a high pace. So far my supervisor has been very nice to me and I think I want to stay here.
The problem is that I’m American, and if there’s one country that hates the government more than anyone, it’s America.
I don’t approve of a lot of my government’s actions, but that’s not the point. My point is: what do I tell people when they ask “what’s your job”?
Granted I’m a autist who has only a couple online friends, but I really want real life friends one day. I’m scared they’ll think I’m a bad person if they find out I work for the government. Do I just say “mind your own business”?
It’s not the federal government, by the way, it’s the state government. Not like it matters, the problem is that people will see me as lazy (I kinda am) and that I can’t actually hold a real job in the real world (private sector).
This post is longer than I'd like to read right now consider tightening it up
I work for the government now. What do I tell people my job is?
I'm a paper pusher, coffee maker, office assistant, secretary etc. People generally stop asking if you give them a boring answer.

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