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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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does running destroy the knees or not? there's conflicting information
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>Between 20-23 y/olds. Australian tho, so no US politics
meh, I think it's a pretty global thing at this point bud, if anything you guys were cucked a decade sooner than us
>cringe incel posting
this aint the board for you Muhammad
women already wear too much clothing in public
enjoy your vit D depleted ugly bitches though
can't get a gf. going to feminize myself and wear cute athletic wear.
is there a source on this

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do you prefer going to the gym alone or with a friend?
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Black zoomers are the gayest people to ever step foot on planet earth. Blacks already have high estrogen and now with all of the birth control and microplastics they look basically have the hormonal profile of a woman.
I have no friends. I'd probably enjoy doing 1-2 workouts a week with somebody else and not just alone.
How do I find these GNAA meetups? Somma these groids are kinda cute fr
Why do you think AIDS is so widespread in Africa?
None of my close friends go to the gym anyway so I always go alone. I go at the same time everyday so I see a lot of same faces in the gym that I talk to and sometimes when we train the same bodyparts we train together

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74119638
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> commemorate a real one

A real retard
how come this guy looks like shit despite lifting for several years
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>the other guys were doing regular pull ups and you still havent done it.
who gives a fuck? i train how i fucking want. if i wanna do chin ups ill do fucking chin ups? why are you obsessing over another man's training? you watch all my videos, all my clips, archive all of my posts. Im literally the center of your universe. whats up with me? Im out here training my fucking ass off on the daily while youre over here stalking a teenager. You come off as a deeply closeted self-hating angry homosexual. and it takes one to know one. bitch.
you didnt lose the weight
>a teenager
you need to be 18 years or older to post here. cya!
>here training my fucking ass off
you're training your ass of and you're a chubby teenager with no visible muscle mass?
keep doing what you're doing, youre doing great buddy!!

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About to be a third of the way through the year. How are your /fit/ goals holding up anon?
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I'm going against fit advice and cutting from skinny fat. doing progressive overload with cardio. halfway to 20 lbs goal weight loss in nine weeks. no loss in strength but the gut is starting to go away. Twink mode will be in full effect for July 4th pool party. 6'3 185.
I reached my goal of 155lbs from 220, same time last year, while also building a decent chest with visible striations, larger traps, and broader shoulders/capped delts, with visible abs. Turns out, it wasn't enough. The loose skin around my old man belly looks awful, I cant lose the love handles or back fat or the small gyno. It's pretty much over for me.
did my two weeks of 5x5 225 bench
moving onto 4x6
hopefully by end of summer i'll hit 3x8 & 3x10
from there? idk
Cute kid.
Hope he finds a girl before twins death hits him. A face like that doesn’t age well.
You can lose a ton of weight in as little as 2 months

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I promise NOT to wank off if you post your physique wearing cute briefs. I just want to see your upper legs and only briefs facilitate that.
So, lets see what you look like wearing only briefs-style underwear.

To repeat, this is NOT wankbait, I just want to see your muscles to evaluate what I should be working on in the gym.
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i have this 19 year old whose body looks like this i hope he lets me bareback him i habent jerked off in three days he's gonna get the load of his lift if he does
can he fuck you too?
some heckin cuties in hear
none who will post current fiseek in nice briefs!
>The average /fit/ user is a massive fag
Who would've guessed

>Step 1: don't be fat

That's it
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LOL a girl that looks like the one on the right approached me tonight and asked if I was out hiking at 4 in the morning when I was walking back from the gym. Same gut and everything.

The only prerequisites for a guy to get a gf is to not be a total autist or seriously deformed. I've seen some shit man
Lmao, the fuck are you talking about? I'm 140 pounds, and lean, grew up a national level athlete. Parents did a great job teaching me good dieting & nutritional habits. Kept up with the research, updated their knowledge as more information was exposed. Doesn't change the fact that Kelloggs perpetuated the myth of breakfast. Kelloggs, Nestle, Coca-cola, and more bought out researches to "prove" heart attacks are purely caused by fat, discrediting and humiliating the scientists who couldn't be bought, because their research linked the health scare of the time to sugar. Then they got this fabricated research accepted by the government, and into the education system which perpetuated wrong false information about nutrition to millions of children in their most formative years. Fuck dude, you don't even know how bad these fucks were in the 1900's.

We have the information now, and there is no excuse for fatness. But that doesn't mean these companies didn't fuck up generations of low IQ citizens.
>Everything we've been taught since childhood about diet and nutrition turned out to be a lie, to make us spend more money on snacks & sugar. Kellogg's and other companies need to be executed for what they've done.
>Lmao, the fuck are you talking about? I'm 140 pounds, and lean, grew up a national level athlete. Parents did a great job teaching me good dieting & nutritional habits.
Your point?
CICO was still a thing, and you're not getting fat when you're training 14x a week. Get those veggies in amongst the carbs and your golden when your training that much.

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dumb fatty here on a diet: 14lbs down.

what's stopping me, if anything from drinking like a good amount of diet soda? I've been craving soda again lately. can I just get a buncha Pepsi Zero and drink it without any repercussions?
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there is significant, though not conclusive, evidence that artificial sweeteners act as a hunger stimulant. I was told by one doctor that it may be a stress response from the brain, because after it gets the sweetness signal from the tongue it is expecting to digest sugar and doesn't know what to do when no sugar appears in the body, so keeps you hungry to keep eating.
And you’ll always be fat, you’re not going to lose the weight, this diet is no different than the 67 other times you tried, and even in the off chance you did stop being fat, you’re going to end up gaining it all back within 2 years like all fatties who lose weight do, and even if you don’t do that, you still did permanent irreparable damage to your body by being fat
Psychological issues more than anything. If it makes you crave sugar it's bad for you. If it helps deal with that craving it's a good crutch. Long te try to reduce the intake just to get used to not always having intense flavor soaking your palate. Limit it to meal time and water between meals.

Whatever effects the fake sugar and chemicals have are minimal compared to the mountains of goyslop you used to eat. Clean up that first and lean on diet sodas if it helps.
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these pics always make me laugh
That has been my experience. Lifted for years but was a fatty also. Stopped drinking diet soda and I lost 60 lbs to 16% bf and maintained this for many years now. I always thought I had a big appetite, but it was artificially large from artificial sweeteners. Used to drink ~4 cans of diet coke a day

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For me

>Wednesday: Arms & Back
>Thursday: Chest & Shoulders
>Saturday & Sunday: Cardio/Full-body
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>walk aimlessly in the woods
watch out for ticks...... or forest cryptids
big foot... sasquatch (subtly different from a big foot)... tricksy forest gnomes... the deep forest hides many secrets. be careful anon..
Monday: Push
Tuesday: Pull
Wednesday: Legs / Medium Roon
Thursday: Push / Short Roon
Friday: Pull
Saturday: Long Roon
Sunday: Legs / Short Roon
It rarely works out this way lately, I haven't been lifting on Wednesdays because my mileage is getting so huge I just can't bring myself lift for 90 minutes and then run 10 miles immediately afterwards
Vertical Pulls and Pushes
Horizontal Pushes and Pulls
Chest/Shoulders/Abs, Back/Forearms/Abs, Biceps/Triceps/Abs, Legs (Skip), Repeat.

Bars open, what are you having tonight?
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Whiskey time boys
What're you drinking tonight
She's offering you a chance to just pretend you asking her out never happened, and go back to being amiable. Take it.
If you're short enough for her to kiss your head, rest assured that she sees you as a mascot or cute younger brother
Thanks for making me feel better about my life
Dubs of progress. I’m proud of you Anon.

Best lifts/routine for Lindemann mode?
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Hitler was one too... he subjugated Germany to collectivism and preached veganism.
No they aren’t. Not in their soul.
Lindmanns father was in the Wehrmacht fighting the anti-Christ. We do not know what Rammstein would look like if they were born and raised in a country free of jewish power.
>Not in their soul
What makes you say that
Pressure and drug underage girls into sexual acts backstage
completely wrong, made up larp.

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nah fuck israel fuck ukraine they're both gay
bud god trembles at my tqlon and apl.
but im just sitting in a daze thinking im an archangel getting raped by the devil. i cant respond to any of ur trivial shit of the commoj grounds. ur merely a bloodclot on the view of my destiny from the ivory tower.
bobunr bud........... bobt borru......... bll bd bood......... bll bd budght.........
stfu kam
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Now that the plant-based experiment is over. What regenerative brands of meat do you have your eyes on, vegetarians/vegans?

This isn't a debate thread.
Please keep any ketoschizo thoughts to yourself, Moxyte.
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Cope. Post body, vegan gainz
>What regenerative brands of meat do you have your eyes on, vegetarians/vegans?
Idk, but I will definitely pair it with cauliflower and some brussel sprouts. Maybe a potato every now and then.
Awesome, it's important to incorporate more meat into your diet as you wean off of inflammatory foods.
This is just the average untrained American phenotype, like Clint Walker. Not that impressive really.
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here you go, i'm off cycle tho.

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Idk edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unhealthy Uglies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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My bi-annual 6 month diet schedule
>month 1: it is important for me to eat right and exercise properly, and eating well makes me feel good, I will only cook at home
>month 2: man I kinda feel like shit just thinking about the future, I'll just add some comfort foods to my meal schedule, I'll just skip breakfast
>month 3: fuck it, I'm ordering a pizza... oh shit I acquired a taste for goyslop again, I'll just allow it on weekends
>month 4: this country has no future, it's so fucking over, I'm so bored, nothing ever goes right, might as well just stuff my face with garbage
>month 5: okay, that was a mistake, I'll get back to eating right tomorrow... okay not today but tomorrow... okay this time I will quit... yep this is the day I quit... oh I haven't tried that restaurant yet... okay NOW I'll-
>month 6: debit card hidden, credit card locked, no cash, time to fast for a month and starve away all those calories and try not to go insane, I deserve suffering after all
>month 7: ah, it feels good to eat right again, this time I'll stick to it
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>10 kcal each
the ultimate weight loss food
The incoherent schizo ramblings of your typical fasting fag
Literally just water. You won't get filled up even slightly with these. Literally better eating chocolate lmao
Fatty Contest

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Are they a meme?
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i just tried some today and my elbows kinda hurt doing it so i stopped
I hit ten ab wheels ten sit up ten L’ up and finish with another ten an wheels
It’s good but most people let their lower back sag which defeats the purpose of the exercise
I can't tell if you're fucking with me or talking about some brand's color coded sizes
How are you supposed to progress on these? I like them but i dont have time to just do a billion reps

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