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Can we implement congestion pricing in basically any American city?

I used to think you needed a downtown that was segmented from the rest of the city via a waterway (like South Beach Miami or San Francisco or Manhattan), but now I'm thinking you can just employ it on any urban freeway.

Also, is there any reason NOT to use congestion pricing? It seems like the only way to fund urban freeways. It's been tried and tested in several countries around the world.
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>consumption taxes are good for the poor, actually!
Leftist is gaslighting. I like congestion pricing because it keeps poor people off the roads. Less traffic. Something still needs to be done about Uber drivers though.
Small businesses already hurting from the reduced traffic.
Revenue falls below initial expectations.

It's a shame Trump killed it honestly, it would have been better to let it fail. Imagine how funny it would have been for the MTA to start complaining about how it's not raising enough money and saying people need to start driving into NYC again.
>is "corrupt" the new "groomers"? misusing a word for something traditionally understood to be a Bad Thing,
Explain how half a billion dollars for an elevator isn't corruption.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hltTG3bIClA [Embed]
So are cargo bikes bad now?

phoning it in edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube

previous thread >>2031441
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you take out the tape every time?
the first couple rides I do laps around a massive church parking lot without tape until I feel like the cockpit won't change drastically anymore. after I wrap I mostly had changed how far in and out the brifters pointed and a little stem height. I realized after some time that I brought my brifters closer with bar tilt but it made the drops feel funny so after putting it off a long time I broke down and undid the tape to move the clamps towards me. but it really wasn't bad since you only have to unwrap halfway just to the clamp. my shit is perfectly dialed at this point.
This is the way, if you aren’t literally riding your bicycle, you have no way to know if your shifters, handlebar, or stem is correct and aligned. Same goes for derailleur actually, having your weight and pedaling on the bike probably flexes the rear end enough to cause a discrepancy from the repair stand while riding
If you’re not stupid then you shouldn’t have to nudge them far enough to wrinkle the tape. If you are stupid, then yes, you remove the tape. Get reusable washable tape, you only have to re-use it once to get your value out of it. Personally I’m a fan of that 250g silicone strap from wolftooth they’re trying to pass off as bar tape
Depends what you mean by touring then. You'll run into a problem with most foldables which is that they are not at all meant to take in extensions or modification. You can forget front baskets and possibly rear baskets too. For the front, you won't be able to attach them. For the rear, your bags or baskets may just be too big for the small wheels you have on foldables. Carrying a tent or several days worth of food won't be easy.
Keep in mind too that they are designed for upright positions too. Changing your handlebar is possible on some, not so much on others.
I've had experience with a crappy BTwin one and a Brompton. The BTwin has "squared-circle" tubes all over its frame so attaching stuff is going to be a problem. The Brompton might be worse bcause it has its own parts ecosystem that is very clearly designed for city commutes and nothing else. You can use THEIR front rack/bag which is not great unless you're just carrying a laptop and a folder. Also in the case of Brompton if something goes wrong with your hub while you're touring thenn you are in a world of hurt, working on that in the field is not going to be fun.
These foldables are pretty weak too and you might not always be able to get a cassette with more than three gears on them due to the size of the wheels.
>Same goes for derailleur actually, having your weight and pedaling on the bike probably flexes the rear end enough to cause a discrepancy from the repair stand while riding
guy you replied to here. haha I do this, too; but I don't have a stand so I kind of have to. it's easy to put a screwdriver in your pocket and ride around the neighborhood switching through all the gear combinations

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I want to get a secondary bike for doing errands, shopping etc around the town. I want something relatively small (don't have much space in the bike storage), with mudguards and a rack, maybe a basket too. I found this selling for 80€. Would it be worth it, and would it work for my use? Anything that would need an upgrade right away to turn it into a nice bike? Also, if I wanted to turn it into a dropbar (to make it more narrow for storage), how much money would that take approximately?
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>>2025440 (OP)
Fixie or safety bicycle
Just found out it barely fits and it is almost hitting the seat tube.

Should I get a third bike?
you don't need any spare clearance, tite gapz is based.

also tire sizes are commonly ~3mm up or down from stated size so it's just a guess whether one size or another will fit and some 23s are wider than some 25s etc.
higher end new tires especially usually run under on older wheels as they're now designed for the de rigueur wide rims.
idk m8. I'm barely getting clearance, I tried inflating according the the calculator which is 95PSI and it already stops the tire unless I pedal. And I'm planning to go on a light trip and strap it with a little bit of weight.
I like this one a lot. I think I'm going to start looking for a steel hybrid now. :D

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>Trend setters
ENVE, Time, Winspace, Officina Battaglin, Crust
Scott, Giant, Rivendell, Merida, Brompton, Felt, Ritchey, LOOK
>The crowd: Aspirational
Cervelo, Spesh (S-Works), Pinarello, Santa Cruz, Velo Orange, Tern, Electra
>The crowd: Conformity
Spesh, Canyon, Trek, Liv, Panasonic, REI, Cube, Surly, Bianchi
Brands I view favorably
>ENVE, Time, Crust, Scott, Giant, Ritchey, LOOK, Pinarello, Santa Cruz, Velo Orange, Canyon, Surly, Bianchi
>Trend setters 3/5, Cognoscenti 4/8, Aspirational 3/7, Conformity 3/9

Where does Salsa fit in the mix?
For that matter 3T, BMC, Parlee, Factor, Storck, Ridley, Cannondale, All-City or Colnago as well? My thoughts

All sorts of bikes but to me most notable for a really good range of gravel bikes varying between all-road/race (Warroad) to very off-road capable (Cutthroat, weapon of choice for the Tour Divide) and inbetween (Warbird).
RTM methods (like Time) in their manufacturing process, made in Italy. The gravel frames are interesting but the road frame is kinda ugly, they went too far with that downtube shape. Too much like a Cervelo.
the Time Machine road bike looks rather nice, has that dentist meme about it though like Cervelo
Made by hand in the best state of the union, my home. Very niche and specialize in custom frames

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All city is dead THOUGH
>4chan was down for nearly 12 hours and /n/ didn't even notice

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Is there still a fixie subculture anywhere out there, or am I showing my age? Im still enamored with the whole “fixie punk” aesthetic. Considering jumping back on social media is there are still people doing this. But I realize its a niche subculture from the early 2000’s thats been made fun of since day 1.
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I agree with you but some people like the control over the drivetrain that you get with direct drive of fixed. not many, though. most of the people who did it because of the trend gradually dropped it for multi speed bikes
This happened because the men became weaker. 30 years ago every man could throw a punch. Young and old. Now most men can't even do that. That's gotta be some kind of litmus test that tells you if you have had any adversity and confrontation
It feels like it "coasts" better but that might just be me. Like when I stop powering the pedals, the bike still goes for a long time
riding fixed trains a smooth pedal stroke because the crank wants to spin at the same speed for the whole rotation . Most riders especially new ones do not pedal in smooth circles they push down twice and the rest is slower, but this is bad form. This makes riding fixed initially feel unnatural but it's going to make you a better rider. If you don't have fixed it's also something you should also focus on doing. Pedal in smooth circles.

It also trains high cadence by forcing you to spin that up at speed and it also trains not coasting. Basically a bunch of good habits.

Many serious pro or junior road cyclists ride track or fixed for training.

You can do tricks with it, namely skids, which is fun.

And the slow speed control in traffic is superior because you don't need any incline to do a trackstand (stay still in one spot). Yes it's easy on just a normal road bike and you can alwyas point the wheel back but it's easier with fixed. Trackstands are something every serious rider should learn because it makes riding with clipless much safer /easier. You know you're good at it when you can do it no-hands, also, take a bottle from the frame and drink while doing it.
also brakeless fixies are kinda a new thing. Bunch of old boys i ride road bikes with all used to ride fixies on the street in the 80s and they ran brakes and skidding apparently wasn't a thing, for one because you just chew through tires.

Because your pedals are directly linked to the traction of the rear wheel and you can feel it slipping more directly, some people will also say that it's safer and you have more control, especially in the wet or snow.

There's also mechanically speaking the appeal of it being a more simple machine. Bicycles used to all be fixed gear and the freewheel mechanism is an added complication, which some see as inelegent. The creator of the tour de france said that freewheels were for women and children.

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I just got my first bike.
It's a used 7-speed mountain bike called the "Schwinn Sidewinder".
The seller did say it needed a "light tune up" and while riding it, it did seem cranky/slow/weak.
Even the chains are rusty although I'm not sure if that matters much.
I plan to go to a "bicycle cooperative" near me that offers space/tools/parts and guidance to repair a bike YOURSELF at a low price. I guess it would be a good way for me to learn since I am completely new to bikes.

Other than normal repair I plan to add the following things to it :
>Back rack for baskets/panniers/backpack
>(Possibly?) front rack
>Security (U-Lock + Chain + tracker)
>Electric conversion using info from endless-sphere.com

I plan to use it mainly to commute to
>work(1.3 miles away)

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addressing spoke tension is RETARDED on old/shit wheels and the people telling you to do it are stupid and or trolling you.

all you can do is try to true them, and keep spoke tension in mind, so if you have a choice of loosening or tightening to achieve the same goal, know which one might be preferable because the spokes are super tight or loose there. .

As for rounding off the nipples, you should have oiled them before trueing. Do this whenever they're even vaguely difficult to turn. I use pic rel. Even wd40 or chain lube is better than nothing, but they will make a mess, and the later is too thick. So they can fuck up your brake track. Sewing machine oil in a needle nose injector bottle is good too.
You're also probably using a shit tool. Cheap spoke keys work ok but the nice ones are much safer.
the wheel is fucked already. If he wants to ride this BSO ever again he better loosen everything, bend the rim in shape and true it again.
Lol this reminds me of the first time i tried truing a wheel at 15yo and got the same results. That was 20 years ago and I've trued so many wheels now
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It's not the derailleur's fault. The problem is that the cranks that Walmart uses are not Shimano. They are no name brand, the chainrings aren't even round. The quality is terrible. Maybe 1 in 10 will work as intended. If you buy the cheapest Shimano triple for $35 it will work, but I can't ask OP to spend more than half of the price of the bike on cranks. Trust me guys, the Walmart triples usually don't work. Even the one by on the new Ozark trail bike is trash. You can flex it with one finger. It's like a tin can. Walmart cheaps out on chainrings

It's not your fault. You guys just have no experience working on Walmart bikes. You are ignorant on the subject. You think it's like your name brand bikes, but believe me it's not. I am right and you are wrong on this.
>The crank is a triple chainring. They're almost impossible to get the front derailleur to shift properly.
>no lol with inseries stuff most of the time it just works

you said triple cranksets -in general- don't work, and i said shimano ones do.

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>Parallel’s battery-electric cars — which can run alone or together as an autonomous platoon of up to 50 cars — can each carry a single container


Phase 1
>2 mile section of track with no crossings

Phase 2
>30 miles of track
>no other rail operations
>crossings flagged

Phases 3+4
>84 miles of track
>incorporating track warrant authority

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>wouldn't the front still need to be modified to be a "start of train" just like how "end of train" signals were added to trains after cabooses went away
All that would be is a pressure sensor for the train's brake line with a tiny radio transmitter and a flashing red light.
I'd be more concerned about a lack of headlights on the head end, when it recognizes a need to blow a horn, and how bad the lithium-ion battery will ignite when one of these things nails a truck on a crossing.
>>2031797 (OP)
Probably great for moving shit around ports.
rail is so completely obsolete
Just pave a 2 lane road and build 10 car long buses
>build 10 car long buses
How much space does that take to turn around?
>>2031797 (OP)
techbro pods
>"platooning" operations of up to 50 cars
That's a train

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It is said that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Are you one of the good ones, /n/? Do people say you're not like those other cyclists?
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i don't get it, to me that sounds perfectly normal?
I think I'm leaving this board forever cause I can't stand this amount of faggotry
Ok see you tomorrow then
So, how's the quitting going?
Ok I'm back

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I guess it's finally time for new thread.
what are your touring plans for 2025? cooking up some months long big adventure or just few small trips every now and then?
maybe you're already on a tour or just finished one recently?
I'll be going across the Europe to Santiago de Compostela, starting in April.
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I wasn't offering you my opinion, lol, I was explaining the actual reason why disc brake bikes use thru-axles over QR skewers. You randomly deciding that in your opinion it's not a big deal is completely irrelevant. Enjoy, I guess.

For the guy asking about buying the bike, take whatever advice you want, but DYOR, and you will see that no major manufacturer sells any disc brake bikes with QR skewers at anything other than the extreme budget level, and for good reason. Disc brake bikes with QR skewers are BSOs.
>Disc brakes + QR skewers are a terrible combination - you will never be able to get the brakes to stop rubbing.

uh huh, so that was bullshit?
You act like it's a big deal, but actually, it isn't.

Thru axle is obviously superior, and for -new- bikes it's a signifier of overall quality, like you say, but he isn't asking about a new bike.

You're just telling lies and talking shit.
I have QR + hydraulic disk brakes on my hardtail, havent had any issues
what you are saying is I should pay 2-3 times more just because you think the pads are 1 mm or less to the disc? and as if that cant be adjusted?
yeah I am worried about the gears, my mtb has lower gears (I think the cube goes 11kph on lower gear vs 6 kph on my mtb with same cadance) and I go into the lowest gear often when I am tired and not feeling it
the fork mounts I also saw are fucked but eh, gotta have some compromise
the bike is sold from a shop that imports 2nd hand bikes from other countries, I dont think they realise what they got, I will go check it out next week when I get my salary
I dont live in the alps, I am fat however
people were using QR for ages, do you think they all had brake rub?
and you dont even mention the applied force vector on a disc brake vs a rim brake favoring thru axles
I think you are talking shit
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How unrealistic is this estimation? From Vigo Spain to Athens and camping.
Vigo to Athens is a lot more than 2800km though, unless you shorten the trip with ferry rides. Barcelona > Civitavecchia is ridiculously cheap and covers an insane distance. Ferries from Italy to the Balkans and Greece are very affordable too.

I could easily do it on that budget but I rarely pay for accomodation or camp sites and only eat grocery store junk food.

SS United States to be sunk, creating the world's largest artificial reef. RIP to one of the greats.
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much like its namesake, no competent captain is at the helm, instead it is drunkenly drifting to a watery grave led by delusional hucksters promising a deranged fever dream of a lost past based on a confused understanding of history while onlookers rubberneck with a mixture of horror and disgust
>blah blah blah
Yeah, but how is the tug boat rigged to keep it on course?
In the Delaware it had a whole convoy, which would be expensive to do the whole way there for one, and for two I only see one tug in the picture.
It looks like a single tow line to the bow, which isn't really visible at that distance.
keep it on fagbook, boomer
Looks like a single line.
i dont see any jews undermining it, what a flawed and gay analogy.

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What are some examples of important buildings that were torn down for car infrastructure?

I know a lot of cities in the US had entire neighborhoods leveled for freeways.
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Whoa! Kansas City! Now post the one of Dallas
Note that every one of these types of pictures are DECADES before freeway construction.
I wonder why this image is so triggering to cagetrolls.
Some are. Some aren't, and have been butt-ugly for as long as they've existed.
>>2035410 (OP)
i started getting a lot of vids about this (old buildings being torn down) and some made up empire on my algorithm.
it's pretty weird. but it does suck to have nice buildings and stuff dismantled for more lanes.

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This is my imaginary island country of Regalia.

What kind of transportation would be feasible on this island? I imagined the country as a British colony settled in the early 18th century and gaining its independence after WWII. The population is around 1.8 million, though the overwhelming majority live in the twin cities of Kingsport and Arkham. The interior of the main island is sparsely populated and mountainous, with a few dormant volcanoes.

I'm trying to imagine the rail lines connecting all the cities on the south coast, and the ferry system between Kingsport and Arkham.
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aside from Red Hook to Alyesbury and the bay lines all of those ferry lines have been closing since the 1960s.
Would an underwater rail line like the Channel Tunnel be feasible between Kingsport and Arkham?

A bridge would obstruct shipping traffic.
say 'biomass' instead it gets the investors hotter

Probably never financially viable, not unless the bay is massive (which it ain't). For a gap of a mile or two, a bridge would be most likely; they can be built tall enough to admit shipping.

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Why do trains keep murdering innocent people?
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>>2035194 (OP)
>United States
Got your answer right there.
The US passenger rail system has to rent track usage owned an operated by private freight companies who do the bare minimum to remain profitable.
Kill yourself commie faggot
They say capitalism breeds innovation- I agree. It’s able to invent new cruelties and dehumanizations at impressive speed. Choosing to live in America is essentially committing self harm where deaths of despair are only rising.
>>2035194 (OP)
You mean the innocent people who think that their murdercage is so important to the universe that the train will stop for them to let them cross the railway right now, even though the physical barriers and warning lights say otherwise?
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Afraid the EU is just as enthusiastic about sacrificing its populace to these runaway murder engines

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San Antonio Sewer Pipe Edition

Previous thread >>2017188
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The MD-11 or 767 bird strike from this week?
That'll buff right out. Slap some of that shiny duct tape on the back and she's good as new!
That fedex one that shot flames from the engine.

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Can you tell me the differences between asphalt and concrete roads and what’s better for each topography, soil, traffic load, climate, seismic activity, lifespan and cost?

Are there other types of modern roads or future concepts?

You can go into detail as long as it's easy to understand. I'll read all posts with joy. Perhaps you can even tell me something about roads in Greece.
Concrete is rigid as fuck and makes all vehicles rattle like mad but needs less maintenance and handles more traffic.
Asphalt gives you a smoother ride and has slightly more grip, but gets destroyed if one (1) truck drives over it.
>>2035632 (OP)
Asphalt can move a little with topography. California uses asphalt on most of the PCH where the land constantly shifts and there's seismic activity because the bitumen binder isn't completely solid at ambient temperatures like concrete is. It has a limit though. It's cheap, easy to work to spec, and doesn't require forms or reinforcing steel to put down like concrete does. You can add certain polymers to asphalt to help water wash off the road surface - I'm not sure if you can with concrete.

Concrete is more durable in the long run, but is more expensive to build and maintain. There are road machines that use lasers and diamond grinders to smooth out decades-old concrete slabs back to new condition, and modern techniques to reinforce the joints between slabs to make them more robust, because that's where the bumpiness comes from. If a concrete freeway is left to get into bad condition, it is miserable to drive on.

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