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"Using wood to repair steel frame" edition


Previous thread: >>2003899
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Thank you I will avoid the crunchy sound pedal
I mean, the shift doesn't complete until you pedal anyway. surely you've noticed that if you shift while coasting, the chain doesn't move until you resume pedaling?
anyway, yeah, you soft-pedal during the shift and when you hear the chain clunk onto the chosen gear, then you can lay down power again. on an uphill you kind of have to anticipate and spin high revolutions to get you through the shift, then shift and begin the soft pedal and the higher cadence should get you through the shift until you can mash it again.
negative as in pointing upwards, I'm assuming?
i ordered a new saddle, current one has no channel, hopefully it will help a bit
how long does it take you to install new tires & tubes? bike is my main mode of transport to work atm and my tires are worn out & I keep getting rear flats. bike shop opens tomorrow morn

Minutes at most. Sometimes you'll get a new tire that is a really tight fit and will take longer, but a shop will likely use a bead jack and it shouldn't take them more than like thirty seconds.

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>Be riding electric bicycle around town
>See firemen standing next to a van
>Me - "Excuse me, which fire extinguisher do you recommend if this thing were to catch fire?"
>Fireman - "Run"

It's really a bad look when the worlds most famous bicycling event is so prominently displaying cagies.
Could it even be held without support cars or motorcycles?
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Go watch any amateur race. They're racing the exact same equipment without support cars. So the answer to your question would be that it wouldn't change at all. The only change would be that they'd have a set of dynaplugs and a CO2 can in their pocket. Go watch any ultra endurance race, again on the same stuff. Race bikes are very durable. Even after a crash in 99% of the cases everything on the bike will be fine. In rare circumstances you need a new derailleur hanger. The reason they have the spare bikes is for punctures because a bike change is faster than a wheel change.

>but sponsors want their live action shots so deleting the motorbikes would never happen. Though I guess that could be done with drones.
Drones aren't good enough yet to replace motorbikes. But they can make some pretty cool shots from what I've seen in the races I've raced.

>helmet cams
t. I've never participated in a bike race or even a group ride.

You can't tell shit about what's happening from helmet cams.

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OK, to avoid any more retarded accusations of it being too similar to the current competition, and to put a point on what I was saying so that you can't continue to misinterpret "does not fucking break and you can't maintain it outside stages" to mean "only breaks enough to need 5 backup bikes and you have a team of mechanics"; mandate internal gears, belts, disc brakes and/or clutch-driven dynamo hubs attached to resistive heaters could be used as brakes.

The point is; utility-oriented, low-maintenance, tough bikes, given a reason for manufacturers to bother their fucking arses developing and making economically competitive, instead of shit no-one needs. Also set price limits for all installed wear items like brake pads, spokes, belts, tires, oil, etc. based on what's available at some date the year it's running. Set it at like the top 15%, so they can have nice stuff, but no halo products other than the main mechanical elements.

And to avoid rule-chipping goblins; to be race legal the main mechanical elements must be available for sale with warranties and service intervals comparable to other products in the market.

Basically touring car championship but for bikes. But it wouldn't be the whole calender, just a qualification event which people racing the big events had to complete or make an earnest attempt to complete.
ITT: bike messenger larpers foaming on real athletes
>real athletes
Lmao good one
Nice work ignoring every point in both posts. Current race bikes are extremely durable, easy to work on, and simple. In fact the electronic drivetrains and hydraulic brakes require LESS maintenance than the cheaper cable operated versions.

The reason the have spare bikes is
>bike swap is faster than a wheel change for a flat tire (99% of bike swaps are in this category)
>crashes that would break any bike, including your barebones utilitarian bike
You do know there is a case where the rider had to weld their own frame back together after crashe in the early Tour history? And that bike is exactly what you're asking for. And guess what? Even it broke on a crash.

Also what the fuck are you complaining about. Cheap general use bikes with durable parts are everywhere and they're cheap.

I'd rather have a rack or basket than panniers. I think panniers are gay and stupid.

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I prefer panniers but baskets are quicker to load/unload and can take bulkier items.
I never liked using a cucumber, they break/bend too easily and leak liquid. I usually used a carrot but if I was feeling like bbc I'd use a horseradish.
Can you get carbon fibre rack and basket combos?

Asking for a frend
Kill yourself.
CF racks exist but baskets probably not

are we peaking with tracklocross hipstersisters?
is there anywhere to go after this?
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that's kinda based
Imagine adding things to your life that hold you back, put emotional pressure on you and compromise your decision making.
we should do like the borg. children would be held in maturation chambers for 17 cycles. it doesn't take a "village" it just takes technology
tracklocross is actually fun, maybe if you spent more time riding a bike with real people instead of shitposting on /n/eet forums, you'd realize this
I don't remember posting this, but it's the kind of thing I would post, and I was right

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Post Your Bike Thread
Bike Path Edition

Previous Edition
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Rock and roll!
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Swapped out my 7 speed 105 for a mix of 8 speed 600/XT and 10 speed Campag levers. Seems to work fine and I definitely prefer the paddles to the Shimano systems I’ve tried. In fairness I’ve never tried Ultegra which would be a fairer comparison to Centaur but I like the “clunk” of Campag.

Only issue is with the modern compact as the frame is more built around a 52/42 or 53/39.
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sensible spec
lose points for wonky front valve, valve caps, cables too long, overtightened cinelli stem (jfc)

the high braze on is annoying, i've had that issue a few times. You could maybe make an adapter like pic rel ? Or grind it off and just use a clamp. Or maybe just extend the slot a tiny bit with a file.
Or get a 110 bcd 52t ring. Those exist and you could keep the 34.
I fingered a chick there, lol
that is a clean machine, my man.
I really dislike the red housing but I'm probably just weird.
the campy silver levers and paddles look so good with your other components. too bad the hoods are black but sometimes there are aftermarket ones in colors.
never seen a 32 spoke wheel radially laced before.

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E-bike are just another term for 'electric moped' and should be treated as such legally. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate. E-bike riders should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike. Furthermore they should be restricted to public roads only, and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
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you dont go 30mph all the time, you do it when its safe. my bike is made of steel and has over 5000km on it
I put a headlight, taillight, brake lights, turn signals AND a horn on my bike so I could register it as a moped (the widdle license plate you get is so kawaii). The DMV laughed and told me to fuck off.

My ebike goes 57 mph, throttle only.
this is a bait thread
And then what will be the new line to get off your endless scam ride of over regulation?
All the hand-wringing over these unlocked fat bikes makes me laugh. Cycle advocates are faced with the reality that most people have zero interest in cycling and just want a fast, cheap motor vehicle to get around. Cycle advocates can't seem to understand this and get angry at what was inevitably going to happen, wondering why people aren't pedalling and go for "bicycles" that look like mopeds. People will always do what's easiest. Just accept that cycling is dead and legalise e-bikes up to 1000W. If they are legal then standards can be enforced.

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If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to jumpstart the original Thomas the Tank Engine series again, how would you go about it?

Would you literally kinda start where the Britt allcroft series ended in season 7 like a sequel series, would You literally recreate the stories in the book?… would you utilize classical models and practical effects or CGI?…. Would you try to enhance the historical vibe of the show by adding real 1920/30s music in the background, little stuff like old hits playing at stations?

I’m curious. Say the BBC or Amazon contacted you and gave you millions to do this.
Would the show still mainly be aimed at kids or would you take a risk and aimed at an older crowd?

This is aimed at current or former fans of this beloved icon, and rail fans in general.
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>originally Thomas was a young boy who lived inside the Sir Topham Hat
Have the show start in 1919 after World War One, imply Sodor like the rest of Britain is reeling after WW1. Hatt has to be very strategic with the engines he buys since even though the North Western has money, it ain’t endless money. He utilizes trial/lease runs for several engines , including the two ones he later kicked out in the books.

Make sure it’s clearly done with models and with cameras that are literally 35MM or look it, utilize 3D printing to make modeling much cheaper and easier, so even more complex details in the foreground are possible than before. Have the engines use individual voices appropriate for where they were built, Thomas with a southern Londoner accent, Gordon with a northern English accent etc.

Make sure it isn’t politically correct in any way, don’t make it vulgar but don’t have proud and powerful diverse/female characters. Have them feel like people that actually would have existed in pre/post war Britain, speaking of which.

Each season takes place in a clear list of decades, season 1 is the 1920s and 1930s, 2 is the post war period until roughly 1955 etc and so on.

Make a bigger deal of and fully embrace the brutal rise of desalination and the genocide of steam locomotives in the name of modernity in the 1960s so people can see the horrors of forced modernization and see the merits of respecting their heritage and their own mortality.

Have clothing, automobiles and buildings evolve with time, even if Sodor architecturally remains very consistent due to a conservative government which doesn’t allow the same architrave destruction to occur there as the rest of britian.

Drop all ideas of this being a younger aimed show, make it for everyone but aimed more towards teen and adult fans of the original material.

Like that?
Same guy as before here.

Also add a cool new intro that has us walk into a live action 1910s/20s British depot that appears to be on Sodor with lots of old black and white photos in the background, with a 1920s jazz tune playing on a gramophone… when we suddenly approach/phase to a picture frame holding a old photograph of the key event of the given episode. We zoom in, then we get the classic windmill opening.
Maybe Continue where season 5 left off? Fans say that was literally the peak of the original show in the 90s.
>no WWII season
We need a "Thomas goes to Germany" episode where he's been lent to help West Germany rebuild and chat with depressed ex Nazi locomotives.

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define "walking distance" for you.
>45min normally
>1hr30min if good mood
bonus: what do you listen to on your walks, if anything?
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20 minutes max. If it's farther than that, I'll take my bike.

Don't feed the trolls
You are cute. I'm talking about actual rich people. Masters of the Universe. Not your "asset wealthy", cashless, small business owner, upjump big farmer neighbors. They embarass themselves for with a chipboard barn they call a "mansion".
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>poorfag seethe continues
Lmao the richer the farther away they are from the poorfag cattle stall you call walkable
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Cope seething poor lmao

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What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
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When you're walking you're a pedestrian.
When you're cycling you're a cyclist.
When you're driving a motor vehicle you're a motorist.
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yeah, I'm a pilot
Actually it is often used in reverse. People will say, "that's not a cyclist its a guy on a bike" to separate the brain dead tools that blow stop signs, ride on sidewalks, ride against traffic, etc from people that can coexist peacefully with traffic. Many people that ride bikes really aren't cyclists, they are pedestrians with wheels.

The entire distinction is pointless anyway. Non-riders (and self hating cyclists who, "drive their bike to the park and only ride on the paths") will always lump anyone on a bike together. The transgressions of everyone from children, teens, the homeless, clueless casuals, hooligans, lycratards will be attributed to cyclists as a whole.
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>$5000 bike
>$5000 bike made of obsolete parts
To separate themselves from those Critical Mass lycratards.

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I had an argument about the best location to lock your bicycle. I believe that it is against a lamppost on a quiet back street. Cyclists believe that on the main road is safest but I have started copying what motorcyclists do. I chain my e-bike to a lamppost on a residential street and cover it. I never see any motorcycles locked to a flimsy bike stand in front of a train station.

If a thief with an angle grinder sees it and they want it they will take it. Nothing can stop them. Therefore in my opinion it's best to reduce the chance they will see it in the first place. CCTV and crowds don't deter anyone anymore. I've seen many videos of bicycles being stolen on a busy street in broad daylight.

I'm not saying lock your bike on the darkest alleyway behind a chicken shop that you can find. Just lock it on a residential street with expensive houses. Why would a crackhead with a grinder be walking around there?
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I know bike collectors are somewhat special but 20k bikes is a new level of hoarding.
Thar's a high end road bike, a nice MTB, and 2 beaters in today's economy.
post pic
The best is the rta sells "bike lockers" at the train stations, then has the open rack next to it, in the punishment corner of the parking lot.
i have a few bikes, but as far as this thread is concerned only one is relevant. I only use this bike whenever I know I'm going to need to leave the bike unattended.

It's a nice bike, a 90s Columbus Max rigid mtb with slicks, seen nice examples sell for more than $1000, it's a comfy reliable ride, but I shitted it up. All the cable outers are different colours, the forks are a hideous green with batman stickers on them, the frame is scratched up and covered with mpre shitty kids stickers, the tyres don't match. the grips don't match, the saddle is tatty as fuck.

It looks like shit, but like i said, it's good, it has a mix of deliberately scuffed but mechanically perfect XT and DX parts, everything is set up nice, the shifting is sweet, the braking is great, it rides really nice, I have taken a couple of liberties re security, I have allen key skewers and seat clamp, so ill equipped opportunists can't simply walk off with wheels or saddle, and I use a decent enough D-lock which I wrapped in gaffer tape just to make even that look shitty.

If it got stolen I'd be annoyed, but not heart broken, but it won't get stolen because there's always a ton of better looking bikes that would require less effort to steal all around.

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t. 2022 Marin Alpine Trail E2
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I almost exclusively ride in gym shorts no undies
And Everytime I do I never think about other mens choice in pants
I do think about banging your mom, a lot
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Merida E-One Sixty. Its almost 4 years old now. Been riding it every_single_day.
Upgraded everything. Only thing left is frame and Motor.
-DT exc1200 ultralight carbon rims tubeless 120 TPI tyres
-Hope Tech V4 brakes sintered metal pads Galfer 203mm rotors
- Cane Creek DB sus
-Sram AXS 12sp eagle xx1 chain waxed
- DJI action 2 camera mounted under magic shine lights

used to post on /n/ regularly since 2015 dont but come here anymore because of the vitriol from poorfags constantly seething

Good luck with the thread.
Nice rig mate! How many kms on the clock?
Hard to say, chipping will give an inaccurate odometer reading and also i warrantied the motor after about year or so because of a shitty bearing on the output shaft. Everything on that bike has been replaced/upgraded except frame battery forks and handlebars.

Best thing i have ever spent money on. The golden age of shimano. I dont know what the hell is wrong with them lately. Even Merida Dropped them and are going to Bosh in 2025 :/
>hardtail emtb
Thanks m8

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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>billions must thrash

>Proposals to run new train services between Manchester, the West Midlands and London Euston have been unveiled by rail operator London Northwestern Railway today (Monday 1 July).
>The plans are designed to improve connectivity between the Midlands and the North West and provide more choice for passengers. Under the proposals, London Northwestern Railway’s existing services between London Euston and Crewe would be extended through to Manchester Victoria and the current services between Stafford and Crewe would be extended to Manchester Airport.
>As well as bringing additional capacity to Manchester, the plans will create new direct links from Rugeley, Lichfield, Tamworth and Atherstone in the West Midlands to the city and Warrington, from summer 2026.
>The services linking Manchester city centre to London would use the operator’s brand-new Class 730 electric trains, which are manufactured in the Midlands by Alstom and will provide a significant increase in capacity, with each 10-car train able to carry more than 1,200 passengers. The proposal will see London Northwestern Railway working with local operators and Network Rail to determine the best overall solution, tying in with planned upgrades to Manchester Victoria station, the TransPennine route upgrade and other local improvements in the North West.

...Seeeeeeems like a good idea to me?
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...like I wouldn't call the 730s 'proper intercity trains', of course, but as an 'option B', why not.
Ya know on Amtrak, the bathroom sinks just empty onto the tracks.

Yeah, that's right, they have a bad range, need lithium for their batteries, electronics for the battery, novel station designs to allow charging on the go, and that's on the top of my head, I'm sure you can find even more flaws the more you look.

You know what isn't a scam? Trolleybus. Fucking buses on wires. No batteries. No fancy electronics. Clean and silent. All this tech existed for almost a century, in a much more affordable package. No large spending on the rube goldberg machines that are the dirty diesel buses. No battery replacement every few years.
>But muh cables are ugly
No one cares, stop being a whiny NIMBYist.
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Friendly reminder that the taxi lobby prevented the vegas monorail from running along the strip and connecting to the airport.
What constitutes a good reason depends from person to person. Kickbacks, personal preferences, fad of the moment, politics are all good reasons to some people.
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>route flexibility
infrastructure issue. An ideal trolley society would have catenaries everywhere, enough where all battery hybrid vehicles can recharge while driving, like this truck for example.
If you were to do that then you may as well just build trams everywhere instead.
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Kek based

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Why would someone ride an e-scooter instead of a bicycle?
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the scooter I currently own has a real world range of about 30 miles, and is infinitely easier to carry up my 3 flights of stairs. it gets me to and from work in 18 minutes round trip. charges back up to full in 2-3 hours while i'm resting. i'm already at work standing and doing shit for 8 hours, i'd rather this than having to pedal my ass all the way home after a long day.
What is better if you want to go to the city on dates? I think carrying around a scooter might give girls the ick, but locking the ebike might as well guarantee some subhuman will steal it
A poor understanding of physics.
Immune to theft since you can take it with you into the store etc.
There is nothing fun in escooters. Especially like on op-pic.
Physics are weird for escootes.
Stability at low speeds is way higher than on a bicycle. Handling is also better, much more nimble (again at low speeds).
Makes it possible to ride it on sidewalks, which is somewhat hard and annoying to do on the bicycle, while with escooter its doable.

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