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So these fucking things are on every house, aimed in neighbors backyards, into your windows, microphones recording everything from every direction..
Embedded with AI, facial recognition, and pattern logging algorithms, tied into the local police department, nsa, and CCP.

Is this a society even worth living in?
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Nah you're still on topic
You sound like a nigger, spick, or some other type of criminal.
Imagine not wanting to kill yourself with this mindset.
go be a criminal somewhere else, please
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>So why are you against China's solution to the problem?
Homeowners protecting their property isn't the same as your faggot cops using them to eradicate civil rights in a police state shithole.

Russia began the first batch of tactical nuke exercises near the Ukraine border, and notice how they are bluring the tips of the warheads on their videos.
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So go join them pinko scum, fucking gay Z looks so cheap
dont want you to see the lead warhead
>We agreed that there is no intention to expand the NATO defense area eastward. By the way, this doesn't just apply to the GDR, which we don't want to incorporate, but it applies in general.
thats not a treaty, not a promise, thats... pretty literally nothing.
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>Russia launches tactical nuclear drills
What if these are not drills and the real thing. My sides...

Russia launches surprise attack on Israel.
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See >>468734375
Or better yet, take picrel
It's for (You)

Who will replace him?
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This anon understands. Their plan remains the same.
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guess the board decided he gave them bad PR and had to make the change...
>totally real boomer super villain that came out of nowhere resigns from his totally real super villain job.
capeshit is so fucking cringe.
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Exactly. Besides, the contracts have already been signed between the WEF, UN and all our governments.
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The biggest bump I saw in WEF awareness was when an MP in our parliament asked a question on behalf of a constituent, quoting Schwab's comment about controlling our cabinet and asking the house how many MPs were members of the WEF. The speaker pretended not to hear the question and shut him down, this was of course during the scamdemic when tensions were high. There was suddenly a lot more attention on the WEF in Canada after that fuckup.


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I tolerated a lot of bad things, but seeing niggers, arabs, indians everywhere was the tipping point for me. Baltic countries used to be a sweet spot between fully pozzed west and backwards eastern europe. Staying under the radar did a huge favor. But joining EU and NATO did a number to this country, many young started moving to western countries which resulted in a brain drain, swedish banks and western companies enslaved our workers and everything we had got either gobbled up or outsourced, we have zero local companies and near zero domestic production.

It was still tolerable until judeoamericans decided to fill the gap and fill every lesser known country with invasive species because god forbid if there's any homogenous country left on the entire planet not to mention enforcing fag parades, gay politicians and other humiliation rituals.

I simply don't care about the state of my environment, it no longer represents the place where I grew up, nor anybody else because they all submited to zog, let there be war, civil unrest, nuclear armageddon. I dropped out of the workforce, moved to a village where I can neet comfortably and even grow my own food.
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>Worship sky daddy Odin to defeat the jew!
No, jews love pagans because they know it is ridiculous crap. Most of them will even admit this, and say they just larp because its "traditional". They fear Christians because they know we are an unstoppable force of truth.
>Russians want you dead and enslaved even harder than jews, you faggot

Are you out of your mind ?
When was last time Russia had a war with US ? hm ?
Sorry homeboy, only PAGAN Rome and PAGAN Rus has really fucked them up. Kicking them out 110 times is just pure retardation. They always get back in.
It was called the Cold War you VPN vatnigger faggot. It's also come back thanks to your daddy manlet Putin. Russians HATE America, and likely always will as long as it remains a convenient enemy to rally the people around so they ignore that they live like niggers.
They are trying to get their revenges. They can't let go of anything. Eye for an eye. I do realize they want to wipe out everyone who's ever touched them. The bolshevik revolution was about revenge against the Russians, about killing off the best.

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This will be a Kino delivery.
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Ready and Waiting.
Oh, my. Been wondering what happens next.
On board. Sent a signal.
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An hour ago I counted 13 P-8s over CONUS and a few E-6s.
Checking ADS for EU now.

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Why do they fear this?
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>Why would you love flesh and blood more than God himself?
I love God by loving my family, tribe, nation and race in the appropriate hierarchical manner.
>Is your eternal soul not more important than your ephemeral human fee fees?
Subversive. Loyalty to family is "ephemeral human fee fees" huh? Well, God placed hatred in my heart for anyone that would threaten my family, meaning that the israelite moshiach of the tribe of judah certainly is not God. Secondarily, since I'm not any sort of semite (lost or otherwise) or circumcised, I am unconvinced that yahweh or his moshiach hold any power over my soul unless I grant it to them.
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>the boss just hired 3 black people at the same time
>they’re all dressed in Walmart clothes
The company is literally over
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>not owning your own business
so what? you are also a nigger so now they have 4 nigger hired!

you can create a band already the niggers at work
I had to train a 50 year old black woman once to do a healthcare job. What normally takes new hires a couple of days to figure out took her several months. You need to pass a written exam to work at our company. She failed it once. Was given a second chance. Failed it again. And then was sat down and literally went over every question and gave her the answers. She failed again. I was never so relieved when I saw that they had to fire her. I couldn’t believe someone that retarded actually exists until I saw it with my own eyes
What is the job?

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and what made you notice?

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>Dad, why do these car and furniture ads say "no payments for X months", that sounds like it would be very bad for people selling cars and furniture
>"You end up paying more in the long run that way."
>They charge interest. The longer it takes to pay, the more it costs the buyer
>Why would anyone ever do that?
To realize who rules over you, simply find who you are not allowed to criticize.
I was raised mormon, who are turbo kiked zionists, so it took me a long time. I did think it was weird when a rabbi came to a conference and gave a talk and how we all seemed subservient to him. That probably planted the seed. It didn't really blossom into full noticing until /new/ and the "Every Time" meme. That is what gives me such hope today. So many are now noticing, and once you start noticing there is no going back.
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The "Jews" do not worship the God Of Israel, that's why they practice usury
>It didn't really blossom into full noticing until /new/
wow its like you have already forgotten the Jews Did 9/11 campaigns on /b/ that led to wikipedia cracking down on its editors

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Previous >>468714471 ,>>468682858

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: Blinken says at a Senate hearing the Biden administration is ready to work with Congress on a bipartisan basis to impose sanctions in response to ICC prosecutor decision to seek arrest warrants against Israeli leaders
>UNRWA: Food distribution in #Rafah is currently suspended due to lack of supplies and lack of security
>Urgent: Armed clashes between resistance fighters and occupation military reinforcements on Nazareth Street in #Jenin.
>#Yemen: Quick: We succeeded in shooting down 5 MQ9 aircraft during the battle of “The Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad”


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Lol u mad
lmao the seethe and yet youre kike still spamming here why dont you make your own thread equivalent /uhg/ of /chip/, uh wait nevermind it because every political spectrum on this website hates your movemen zionism is truly evil that even unite commies and nazi together
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Thank you for baking fren.
I think I saw him yesterday. He can probably give you a better answer but I asked my dad a whole back and he said to look into Colonia Dignidad. My understanding is they would not allow race mixing with the outside world, had their own civil servants, and assisted Augusto Pinochet get rid of Commies.
Yo chat can I get a real?
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>Zionist bulldozer went kaboom

This is the most hilarious example of "cry while they hit you" I've ever seen.

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100% mossad trained crisis actor
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> ((())) are mentally ill
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6,000,000 times in fact
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its like a video game NPC
Is this a Krav Maga move? The guy looks to be in alright shape, and in this position, if someone did strike he could block and react. A military friend showed me something like this, make yourself small and arms up, then you can defend from a knife attack. I bet this guy really knows how to fight.

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Explain to me why so many Europeans see the Irish as basically niggers when they have better social outcomes than the ubermensch Nords?

If we're infinite particles of energy attached to illusory molecules of atoms can consciousness survive the pattern of physical immersion into the static world of aquatic conversion?
That's a whale not a mermaid.

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Alcoholics Anonymous turns fun and sociable people into boring and sanctimonious husks
What do we do with AA?
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>some non-functioning addicts need all that extra bullshit and daily meetings to fill their monotonous empty lives but for me quitting alcohol as given me the time to enjoy and participate in my hobbies/interest
Why are you so dismissive instead of supportive? It helped you get to this point, where you have a healthy substitute for the addiction, you have rewired yourself to reach for your hobbies instead of a bottle.

In the event that you too need support in the future dont be as hard on them as you are on yourself.
>It comes from turning addiction into an identity. I quit AA after 4th step. 11 years sober in a month.
Congratulations Anon
Your cult literally equates God to a liquid substance in its ability to rule over your actions and equates an (initially) sober coherent choice to a "disease". A failure rate greater than 97%. The fact you recite the date and time like it's a life changing event worthy of mentioning is proof.
>saved me from death
But liberated you into another prison.
>The whole problem with alcoholics is responsibility avoidance
That's part of it. The other part is how responsible are children for the actions of adults? People usually drink to get away from some fucked up shit.
>When have you ever had a situation where you find out that someone you know and maybe even trust is a ten years dry alcoholic? It never happens.
On the rez? They're superheroes.

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I no longer disbeleive he was toostupid for themarines
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If it isnt stolen, wheres the bill of sales for the reservation system?
Why are they not allowed to leave the system and incorporate, let laone purchase homes en masse?
You should really read up what BLM does, theres a reason Trump left the spot vacant and Biden had to do a lot of emergency signoffs when he came in
Theres a reason Trumps epa head had such good security
go back to asia
It's too bad he's so young cause if was a bit more educated he really could've stay relevant in the sphere and make millions upon millions grifting the new in thing and going full ham on guns like AKJesus.
Most people larping as "Natives" are just Spics now.
You can leave too.

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Nice legal system, burgers.
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You have being saying that shit for fucking 10 years now...
You throw fake stuff after fake shit at him for 10 years.
At this point Trump is whiter than white. And you are the corrupt piece of shit!
What an absolutely kiked judge, second only to the sheer kikery of OP.
They don't care if we know the trial is rigged.
All that matters is getting a conviction and putting Trump in jail before November. It doesn't matter if it's certain that the conviction will be overturned.
>not a felony
>not a crime
>not a crime
>not a crime
Thanks for playing.
very vice principal of them, lol, imagine not just punching them in the face and laughing at them for it, lol, lmao, holy shit

>*feed is subsequently flooded with MGTOW videos of all kinds*

I get schadenfreude from watching women cry at a camera in the bathroom, but now my feed is drenched in this stuff. Plz help.

Why are men so fucking disgusting?
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It's called "Age of Consent".

15 is too young.
16 is about right.
Many a 13 year old girl has given birth and lived to tell the tell. Also, I though you guys were saying that people's brains don't mature until 25, and now you are saying, "human brains evolved insanely fast". Your emotional arguments are scatter brained.
If the government said it was ok to disenfranchise and ostracize men if they don’t take an experimental injection then…oh yeah that did happen didn’t it?


Pick one
Now we have a bunch of geriatric whores who think it's perfectly acceptable to burden society with a screeching autist.
yes I'm aware that some people misrepresent the data on life expectancy
however after factoring infant mortality into the data we still have a higher life expectancy compared to the antiquity or the middle ages

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M57 gangster AMA
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Is that a girls hand? Why are your fingers so thin? Is it from fingerings other mens butts?

is that how many men you've blown? 57? that's a big number for such a little boy, did you post it on the fridge, too?
by the way i have beaten people to an inch of their lives, seen people get literally curb stomped, as well as stabbed and shot
i drive a literal rape van
if you ever come down to atlantic city look for me
they would never find your body
you are not a gangster
What does "M57" mean?
uh huh. whatever. up against the wall.

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What’s his prison name?
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>What’s his prison name?
the orange turd
Donald 'I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!' Trump a.k.a. Big D
lil donnie
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juju cum
Donald John Trump

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Brace yourselves.
Don't ask me how I know this.
Not world ending but will have serious repercussions and tank the economy of some countries in EE.

Kek be my witness I tell the truth.
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There is no such thing as "limited scale". Once the first nuke is in the air, no matter who launches it, all nuclear weapons will be launched simultaneously. This is a preemptive strike, "so we can use em, while we still have em". There is a risk in not using all of our nuclear weapons at one time once we know our adversaries have one in the air.
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>tank the economy of some countries in EE
here we go again
shut up retard
multiple tacticle nukes have been deployed in war zones only in the last 20 years
Lmao dude. That would be almost true for ICBM's with MIRVs, not ballistic missiles with single warhead. It's a wait-and-see situation, as the existence of either party isn't threatened.

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