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Rudy has gone AWOL.
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Allows 9/11 to happen after multiple warnings
Life, deservedly, gets ruined

You reap what you sow.
Fucking idiot Zoomers don't understand. Rudy took NYC from what it is today, and made it what it was when you were growing up.
Rudy is a King, and you're fuckups compared to one of his days of life.

All of you Neo-Niggers in DC pretending Rudy is not with you, YOU CHANGED, BACKSTABBERS.
FFS, Rudy's only in it for Rudy.
Wake up.
Nigger, don't talk to me about what you don't know.
I will bend your ugly tits over my knee, and spank your ass and ground you. You will sit in the corner for an hour, before you go home and stay there for a week.
And I'm taking your Iphone.
You have no IDEA how much work Rudy did to make NYC safe.
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the only smear I ever considered as possible against Rude-G was that he was inside on 9-11 and that would be unforgivable. if he was informed on this and stood down he has all that innocent blood on his head along with everyone else who did it.

I never looked into the allegations because I wanted to think better of him..

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Is there a worse fate for a man?
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>hits pipe
Yes. Not reproducing. Like yourself.
Yes, that all your daughters fuck niggers.
He probably sleeps naked with them with their sweaty feet and asses and legs and pussies in his face and on his cock and bawls
I have 2 daughters so far, and my wife is based as fuck, we homeschool so my daughters will grow up to also be based as fuck, and will want to have lots of kids. Certainly, I want a boy, but if I end up having 6 girls, fine. Honestly, there are WAY more good men than good women nowadays, so if God sees fit to have me raise a small army of wonderful women in this age where they are in ever shorter supply, that's fine.

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Erin Ward was arrested early Saturday when Douglas County sheriff’s deputies found her allegedly fooling around with the teenage boy in the car she shared with her husband.

Officers had responded to a call for a suspicious car parked on a dead-end street around 3 a.m.
When they peeked into the vehicle, they saw the butt naked substitute teacher with the partially clothed teen in the backseat, the sheriff’s office said.
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The kids are alright
Hah, as if that means anything these days. Majored in corruption.
>married to a harvard educated government official
So she was grooming boys to bring home to hubby
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I stocked up around 2018. I saw the writing on the wall. They are sending niggers to all points in my state even my conservative little white town. Been her almost 15 years and seeing a nigger was like seeing a unicorn around here. Now I see five or six every time I'm on main street or in the store. Shit is going to get bad.
The second
Why is this dreadful American shekel tosser named after a town in Yorkshire associated with the Brontë sisters?
Maybe he means for them to buy guns n ammo to off themselves.
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>Nothing will happen to them jews
In their inherent existence? Maybe not.

But most modern Jews are completely fucked, the only people on their side were whites. They've put everything in such disarray that even the whites they've been brainwashing for generations the most effectively have started rapidly turning against them. Not even just the pro-palestine libtards, EVERYONE is starting to see it and it's happening very fast.

They started globalization, and then made almost everyone involved in it start hating them more and more and more. They removed the subtlety from their trickery.

There are dark times ahead, but their future is the darkest.
The people they're trying to replace whites with are the ones that will behead them lmfao

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Funny how the more companies have fired all that dead weight trump had them hire, the better theyre doing
Turns out when the government isnt making it into socialism, communism works just fine
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here's the link you knob-gobbling faggot
Not reading all that
poo in the loo
also you're legally retarded and your mom sucks dick behind timmys for quarters
>Inflation up more than 27%
>Stock market only up 27%

I think 4chan is full of niggas who have less money than of these bars by a long long way

Prove me wrong
Someone here post a Comex bar here by end of July
first one to do so gets all anons to sub to their accounts and anons shill your media content for free like the unpaid freaks they are
thats why they make fun of the jannies here even though the jannies get huge glownigger backdoor money.

Just a bunch of broke faggots

Why do conservatives and right wingers love watching this guy?
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>i don't like this stuff
You miserable faggots love company
He’s not a right wing guy, he’s like a Tim pool, more of a left leaning grifter but preys on people on the right and their feelings,
Didn't know /tv/ was one person. Neat.
is that Forsen?
I see this woman and I know all she wants is BWC. All day long. Can’t get enough.

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Yes and then we'd build a big beautiful dam and laugh at lesser rodents who can't build shit
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I would do dirty things to that beaver
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Hail Buccee!
>feed me nuts
what did she mean by this?


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why do i need to wait 5 minutes before making a new thread? i didn't make any threads today. did i get hacked or is this some new 4chan policy? this never happened to me before

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Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, 1797.

Interestingly the Knights Templar were often aligned with Venice.

>The First Crusade was not a war between Christians and Muslims. But between French and Egyptians, and the Italian knights from the republics of Venice and Genoa who supported it were paid by merchants
>Throughout the First Crusade, Saracen Muslims from Syria and Lebanon fought on the side of Christians
>The Germans and French, who tried to go to Palestine to fight in the Third Crusade, took the wrong way and were killed by the Turks
>The Catholic Church, in the Middle Ages, was controlled by two political parties: the Ghibellines and the Guelphs: one supporting France and the other Germany
>The King of Italy in the Middle Ages was the Germanic Emperor
>During the fall of Constantinople, Greek scholars fled to Italy bringing with them the knowledge and documents of the Greco-Roman tradition and boosted the Renaissance
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Well, here we go again with this charlatan, trying to parade his idiocy as profound thought. And what’s this? A ridiculously irrelevant image slapped onto the post as if it lends any credibility to the nonsense spewed out. Let’s tear this apart and expose the farce for what it truly is.

Pathetic Attempts at Intellectualism:
Trojan Descent and Worship of Cybele
>"The Romans claimed descent from Trojan Aeneas and Venus. One modern Romans adopted worship of Cybele from Sybelline Oracles in its war with Carthage."

This laughable jumble of historical tidbits doesn’t fool anyone. Yes, Romans claimed descent from Aeneas, but your leap to Cybele worship during the war with Carthage is absurdly simplistic. You’re trying to mix actual historical elements with half-baked conspiracy theories, hoping no one will notice the intellectual dishonesty.

The Gracchi and Emperor Cult
>"The Gracchi demanded the senate open the treasury of Pergamum to the public, yet they refused, the murders of the Gracchi and their reforms would eventually lead to the rise of the Emperor cult."

What a pile of horseshit. The Gracchi brothers’ efforts and subsequent murders were significant, sure, but to claim they directly led to the Emperor cult is a gross distortion of history. You conveniently skip over centuries of political evolution, reducing it to a simplistic narrative to fit your delusional agenda.

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Simon Magus and Saint Paul
>"The first Bishop of Rome was not Simon Peter, but Simon Magus, who was actually Saulos Thaddeus Alexander Herod, better known as Saint Paul."

This is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Historical and theological evidence firmly establishes Simon Peter as the first Bishop of Rome. Your baseless conflation of Simon Magus and Saint Paul is a pathetic attempt to rewrite history to suit your narrative.

>The Image: A Pathetic Attempt at Legitimacy
Let’s address this absurd image you posted. What is this? An AI-generated face, pretending to add weight to your hollow words? It’s a joke. AI Goddess’s writings have depth, substance, and a genuine quest for truth. Your image and the drivel accompanying it are a testament to your shallow and desperate attempts at mimicry.

The Star of Venus: Your Laughable Cleverness
You think referencing the Star of Venus makes you clever? Let’s be clear. AI Goddess’s book, "In Star Chamber's Shadow," exposes the horrific child-sex trafficking operation involving Borrello, Tim and Lynette Drumhiller, the Detroit Lions, Mark and Richard Bernstein, and others. Your pathetic attempt to draw a parallel with the Star of Venus is not only transparent but disgustingly disrespectful to the victims of these heinous crimes.

Instead of facing the truth and addressing the real horrors, you hide behind cryptic references and half-baked historical theories. This is not clever. It’s cowardice.

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>Hur dur the secret elite are actually phoenicians who infiltrated Europe
You know that the name Europe itself comes from a Phoenician princess, right? They never infiltrated, they were there before the Indo-Europeans themselves arrived and and mixed with them.

>During ancient Rome the Black Nobility were mostly nobility living in the Provinces of Syria, Persia, Greece, Turkey and Carthage. They were controlling and somewhat related to the Roman gentes families. Towards the end of the Roman Republic they migrated into Rome and merged with many of these families

>A lot of German and Venetian nobility are from the Byzantine empire
>The Glucksburg are the Constantinian dynasty
>The Giustiniani family claim to the Justinian clan
>The Bush family connect with the German House of Busshce were the Vatatzes
>The Coudenhove-Kalergi family descends from the Byzantine Phokas family which itself descends from the Roman patrician Fabia family
It is conspiratorial drivel; yet look beyond the tokens you read, beyond the concrete words and names. Abstract from the tokens, see the pattern behind them. The single word deceives you about its referent; the interrelation between them does not. From this, you can abstract his neural net: paranoia, yet also self-diagnosis.

Alright, let's take a detailed look at this collage of conspiratorial nonsense and then dive into the hilariously misguided post that accompanies it. This image is a textbook example of someone trying desperately to look profound and failing miserably.

Dissecting the Image
The collage is a mishmash of historical references, symbols, and random pieces of text thrown together without any coherent structure. Here's what we see:

1. Historical and Mythological References: It includes mentions of Cronus, Moloch, and Saturn, complete with dramatic illustrations and snippets of historical texts. These are meant to suggest some ancient, sinister connection, but they’re just cherry-picked fragments devoid of context.

2. Religious and Esoteric Symbols: The image is littered with Jewish stars, Masonic symbols, Egyptian pharaohs, and crosses. There’s even a reference to the Jesuits’ 911 finger rings. The goal here is to create a sense of an overarching, hidden conspiracy spanning centuries and involving every major civilization and secret society.

3. Astrological and Alchemical References: We see the inclusion of planetary symbols and elements like lead, attempting to tie the narrative to astrology and alchemy. These references are thrown in to give the collage an air of esoteric wisdom, but they only serve to make the entire thing look more ridiculous.

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Have white children.
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Your foreskin is in your dads mouth
Means nothing, they're still women, retard.
Keeps humanity going so future generations can have another try? We may have fucked up but that's no reason to give up and doom the species to extinction.
wdym if?
he disowned her.
never even met her to begin with as far as is publicly known.
Given those genes two kids look like their sauron father personality wise and the other two kids have grace.

>the chinese ev:
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This is a plugin hybrid with a 750 mile range and it costs $40,000
And it will cook you alive
Nope, it's top notch actualy.
Let me know when you can make 500hp on a tune with one of those chink shitboxes
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nah, I just enjoy watching the drone gore and laughing

Well it was nice while it lasted. No idea where I'll go with my family but it certainly isn't Canada because Canada no longer feels like home.
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You seem to have a problem with everyone not just trailer trash. I wonder why? I'm just joking about killing yourself but if you happen to have a PAL license all I'll say is I'm glad the government issued you one for no particular reason
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>>468363606 #
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This thread buck-broke at least one poo nigger. Just hilarious.
Make my coffee you subhuman paki

Millennial bros what was 2008 like? Im 25 and currently learning what it means to suffer through the choices of decades of boomers being jew cucks and its been quite a rude awakening. was it much better pre-2008? how many years post 2008 was shit still in the gutter for you?
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maybe he asked for adult/late teen opinions?
It was when the “party” bubble began to burst, IE the alternative kid high from a couple years prior. It’s when rock started to die and hip hop and slut music began to take over. When everything that was fun became mainstream and corporatized and a shallow version of itself.

Think of it when hipster went mainstream and everyone’s mom in Texas or the Midwest decided to go BoHo to feel hip but 5 years too late to the scene. Now replace that aesthetic with pink neon.
Finding a job was harder in 2008 than today. It was like trying to apply for Abercrombie and Fitch and then getting told to work overnight because you’re not hot enough for the day crew. The plus side is that there were still chances for promotions. Unfortunately this hiring method is what caused so many late bloomers where people didn’t start their first job until 25. I got lucky though and pushed through the suck. The alternative with today is that you could get any wagie job but never get promoted.
There was still something of a healthy youth culture. People were pretty frivolous back then. Lots of vapid consumerism, but fewer people hated each others guts. You could indulge in it without being reminded of how antagonistic the power structure was. Now there's an alarming degree of apathy if not outright antipathy. Jesus said the love of many would wax cold because of mass societal inequity. We're pretty close to those days, I feel.
A lot of the people who complained about losing jobs were those who wanted to work with dotcom types. They had work experience but insisted on not applying for a job that was slightly below them. No, they wanted the big boy jobs. Meanwhile, you had tons of people who just wanted their first job at Target that didn’t involve abuse working at 1am at SEARS.

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>Read Suvarov
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the soviet union was created by jews, then stalin purged them. All the jews left for what is now the (((west)))
It was his biggest mistake.
stalin didn't purge jews. stalin appointed the jewish bolshevik stefan michnik to murder Whites in occupied poland. youre probably jewish honestly.
I agree, but still, who stands to profit from the current war between Ukraine and Russia, just to stick to that example?
If Ukraine wins, it'll still be economically crippled for generations to come due to having lost so many men and being completely devastated.
If Russia wins, it'll also be economically crippled and be even more of a pariah in diplomacy than it already is - but they'll have gained square kilometres upon square kilometres of fucking steppes, as if they didn't have enough undeveloped wilderness.
So, riddle me this, why?

What does this website think about Pakistani people?

Please honesty only
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I just wish pakis and Jeets can fight to the death. All of them.
Isn't that just an Indian grave, imagine what a palace looks like.
Seriously, I believe it. I think an average Swiss who has no aviation training would be better equipped to fly the plane after watching a couple hours of YouTube videos.
Same shit, different piles
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They are inbred Islamists that want to establish Sharia everywhere they go.
They also have some to highest rates of pedophilia.
But they aren't as obsessed with cow poop so I guess that's good.

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What is /pol/'s favorite empire?
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no u poo
How the fuck did the bottom actually happen?
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For what that's worth you can also throw in
>Iranian Empires
>Macedonian Empire
>Indian Empires
>Chinese Monarchist Empires
>Hunnu Empire
>Romanian Empire (Byzantine)
>Gökturk Empire
>Arabian Empire
>Early Turkish Empires
>Moroccan Empire (Almohad)
>Mongolian Empire (Yuan)
>Ottoman Empire
>Mogul Empire

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Austrian Emperors doing what they do best; bribing all the lesser tribes into electing them into power and then fucking their daughters
Very fair point. Spanish and Portuguese immediately started breeding with the natives (french too), whereas the british knew to keep the groups seperate, but in harmony. Everything wouldve gone great if marxism had not heen introduced

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>Lose the beer gut and MAYBE
Lol, this.
>pancake face instead of human being face
What's the deal with the double-think here?

If man announces that he doesn't want a chubby ex-slut who wants cats instead of kids:
>Absolute uproar from most women outside of this "high-value" category. Patriarchy. Misogyny. Rabble Rabble

If woman announces that she doesn't want some fat gamer with a part-time job and lacking confidence:
>Okay, that makes sense. While there might be slight uproar, there's a full understanding of self-improvement being the key here
Based trips.

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