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Id eat the man's shit out of his ass on the right if u know what I mean
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Those two are ugly pieces of shit.
>vin diesel had to stand on a ten inch tall box to film this scene

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I think it's "proud"
Yeah the game should have been dropped when it became part of the jewop
Impressive that you knew it on the 3rd guess.
you ugly nigger i havnt done it yet
now i gotta make something up and act like i didnt already know
Play “crowd” first and going along with their globohomo agenda.

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It's Joever for Muttmerica.

I don't care about politics. Only about religion and spirituality. The problem with that is nowadays, the people who think like that are overwhelmingly leftists. Like /x/ is 95% leftist. MUHH weeeed muhhh dmteeeee maaaaan. Fucking horrific, why don't you guys here care about spirituality?
Spirits are not real. Soul is not real. God is not real. Demons are not real. There is no intelligent "creator" who created us for specifically reason. Earth is an accident. Lives on Earth are accident. We are an accident.
Deal with the reality.
Religion is opium of the people.
It makes you not take responsibility for your action.
It makes you ignorant.
It turns you into a subhuman.

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OC only*
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Good one Baguette
Ziggers make cringe little memes to demoralize while Ukraine supporters have tons of demoralizing footage showing Russian soldiers dying on the front. Ziggers have really lost the propaganda war.
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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humour” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
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Penis arousal testing found all bisexual men are actually gay and coping. They have a sexual arousal pattern matching women.
Analysis of behavior found all bisexual men act effeminate and girly like a gay man unless they are pretending to be straight where they will seem autistic due to putting on a fake personality.
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Sounds like bs, there is bisexualrapist sadists in prisons

Probably not a lot but they do exist
What a shocker. A man who likes other men is gay. In other news water is wet. I have never had a sexual experience with another man and never will. You know why? Because that's gay and I'm not gay.
he's also a feminine bitch and takes up up the ass. Fucking swede, go sit in the corner and masturbate to your wife getting raped by a nigger.
sorry kike but that means ur gay. Now PLEASE kill yourself.
plenty of men aren't ugly ogres, this weird idea that men should be these hairy retards is bullshit. Most of the men who conquer civilizations and were historically badass were high testosterone clean shaven men like Alexander the Great. Why do you hate men so much? Not all of us are ugly cave dwellers lol

Has any anon got a copy of it or read it? What’s in it?
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>We need to get rid all of them boys.
are you really a tranny?
They should roll this and shove up the corpse's ass in the grave
Seems like the typical FtM story:
Tomboy thinks she cannot become a beautiful ideal girl, so she gives up on trying to be one and tries to be a boy instead, but that inevitably fails.

I have heard this or very similar stories from multiple FtM. It is not that they don't want to be a woman/ girl, but for some reason they conclude (probably because of they boyishness) that they cannont achieve that.

It is probably amplified by social media and prolonged isolation of the sexes.
>worships desert kike
>troon brainwashed by same kikes kills your kids
Heh nothing personal kid.

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>“My father told me once: ‘You may not be Jewish, son (I am an Orthodox Christian), but you will always feel solidarity with the Jewish people because you will always face antisemitism due to your name’,” Attal told the magazine Gala. “And indeed, I have often faced antisemitism without complaining.”

Do americans have any defense?

>'It's like prison here,' said one African migrant. He spent it his entire savings to come to America. “'It's negligence. We have no access to food, toilets, or anything. Animals live better here - pets in the street are treated better than us.

Another migrant was forced to leave his hotel residence. 'After one month they can put you outside,' Abdoulaye said. 'Sleeping outside in the cold is too much. The situation is no good right now.'
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>Continues projecting
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are you serious?
My pet won’t machete me in the streets for being English or vote for Bolshevism to be enforced on my children. I’d prefer literal Orangutans over 90% of migrants .
>He spent it his entire savings to come to America

Too bad, so sad. You have to go back.

>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>Tory minister admits 'frustration' over migration numbers as Davey calls for police reform

>Bates knighted as Staunton and Emin made dames
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Some shops are scared of asking and are less likely to do so. We don't want to become like the U.S.A.
Which shop
imagine taking you mum to uni
The audience laughed. The Scottish faggot who said it was outrageous shook his gay head.

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He doesnt lie. Add his discord
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thats worn out "period panties" you fucking virgins.
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it’s not there
somebody entertain me camelotoez
Fine u r being rude

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Everyone forgot about the boycott

White girls still love drinking it during this hot hot summer :)
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A lot of conservatives aren't buying it anymore. It's going to lose them a lot of money because of the brand tainting. Maybe in a few more years some will forget but a few won't forgive.
LOL take your own advice next time
These shows are put on by masonic lodges. The members own large amounts of Anheuser-Busch stock.

Your level of crazy is only knee deep to me.

Freemasons tongue my anus
still not drinking the gay beer
Conservatives can't even boycott the shittiest beer on the market, how do they plan to win the white house lmao

While I grew up it used to be an acceptable means of approaching girls
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You expect me to put phallus shaped fingers onto my mouth or contort my mouth like a gay pornstar just to appease a woman or maker her uncomfortable? I got better tricks to pull nigga.
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Pin a twenty to your jacket in a crack house and just let it play out. Pro level beaver hunting.
>be 8/10 chad
>constantly getting attention from fat ugly women
I get why women hate this shit it's never attractive men doing it its always some fat retard who has no chance
Women with bellies and big fat asses owe me sex.
Anyways I prefer fiddling with my mustache like a persian rapist from some oriental hollywood movie filmed in 1930s.

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>Be Hideo Kojima
>"Wow, not bad for a chink! This game is pretty good"
>"No trannies, no niggers, no fat brown women, no african slaves larping as samurais

>Be American Liberal
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Vindictus exists. It's not soulslike, but it's pretty good. Lots of booba and no political correctness as well.
>really disappointing to me
Imagine how narcissistic you have to be to think that your personal opinion should matter to someone like Kojima.
Game sucks, and you should feel bad.
EVERY single game that is released now caters to and panders to these people, and it's still not enough for them....
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The hit pieces are starting to roll out.

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Previous: >>471201536
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph - https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU - https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Small nose
>Straight hair
That's a Goyim
Total Potato Death
i'm black though so your country will let me in
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Happy Caturday to all Chug Frens
You know what you have to do
Post Kots
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Chronic skill issue.

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Japan should be nuked.
I don't know what your country is but I assume you're brown
Silence rabbi
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Ben Carson, a 72yo black man, has a better hairline than me, a 31yo white man. Why are whites like this?
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You can even struggle if it's against your law to go so willingly, I don't mind. Just think. No more pain.

>No more pain
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Pretty sure my pupils are round. They do appear asymmetric a lot though, no idea why.
Niggers don't even have hair, can't lose something you've never had
Honest question, where did it go wrong in your life? Have you been diagnosed with something?
What if you're mute? Can you sign with an accent. What's ESL for I'm a bald spastic ethnoLARPer? You're no better than a mutt at least they have some pride rather than this inauthentic faux intellectualism you spout on here daily.

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leg ripped by a bull
at least it wasnt benis
Wow can I eat his shit
eh ive seen worse
is this spain?
why are there so many niggers?
niggers breed like rabbits. All it takes is one or two and before you know it theyre everywhere
Case and point:
St. Louis used to be nice once, and only have 20k niggers. 70 years later its a shithole with over 1/2 million

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What will you do when Jesus Christ comes back and hes brown? Im joking your space rabbi is made up lol
Mashallah he very white.
I put some poop from the toilet on my mom she is asleep if u add me on discord I show u
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wat if Krusty kang bantu?
Well from this post we can infer your IQ is not less than 90 but not above 110

>apartment advertised as non smoking
>smoking explicitly prohibited in lease
>smokers still move in
fucking why?
is part of the appeal of smoking just a sadistic pleasure of pissing other people off?
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controlling faggots like you are why people don't care. I hope you fucking kill yourself while I smoke my stoggies. you piece of fucking human trash.
Sorry what can’t see what you wrote due to all the smoke kek
The property manager/landlord doesn't care lol
They get to advertise as smoke free and get to collect the security deposits of the smokers for damaging the paint lol why would they stop it
This article has been paywalked but I found an archive. Why are some of the oldest living humans smokers and often drinkers?
>aging is complicated guys
Better question is why do governments not care about you doing anything else - and are literally depopulating your countries - but smoking must be banned?
They even encourage you to cut off your tits/dick and pretend you're something else.
But don't fucking smoke....don't you dare (but you can smoke the weed though and do hard drugs)...

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is this like afghanistan's poorer cousin or is there important shit going on
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Saudi Arabia without oil, kind of looks how you would expect
it actually has relatively significant reserves apparently, like 3-4 billon barrels
not that much in their local terms but norway for reference has about 8
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They chew leafs and attack kikes, in fact they just recently kicked out the last kike out of the country.
and Venezuela has infinity oil, doesn't mean anything if they can't/won't pump it
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O, man, where do I begin?

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