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monke edition
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He was trying to ignore his fucking sexual abuser you dense motherfucker. He waved aggressively at the camera because his abuser was caught and he knew it would make them stop if they knew they were watched.
This webm is based. You know that would be fun as fuck to be in in that.
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Explain wtf im looking at

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do you think that he knows he's controlled opposition to cover for jews or he's just a useful idiot? how guilty is he of being evil, vs just being a tool
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Like Flouride? He was the first I remember saying anything about it with volume. And he went on trial for Saying things about Sandyhook that were not proved to be false. "trust us bro", kids died. No anon I know has ever posted any kind of proof that those kids were alive/dead or make believe and there are some not entirely stupid anons on /pol/
Well then get your swastika armband on and join them! post live link on your way in anon. Oh, they did not mean THAT ZOG.
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>get your swastika armband on
Why would that be my solution? Do you not yet understand how Zionists operate? You need to lurk. at least 2 years before you post.
If you see anyone with a Swastika armband goosestepping around any of these protests, they're 100% being paid by jews to do it. There's only one ZOG just like there's only one Israel that is inseparable from global jewry. I'm not going to criticize these kids because they're getting it right in practice but not in theory. They're effectively de-judaising the left in America and I'm happy with that. If the jews divest from the left, the anti-white nigger worship shit will evaporate because guess who made the left all about that in the first place?
You're a fucking retard. Conflicted in beliefs and embracing a nigger culture.

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What kind of line opener will get this girl's attention?
Just be black
Say "oh my science you are so attractive"

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>Rebecca Joynes: Teacher found guilty of sexual activity with two schoolboys

>Dancehall star Sean Paul backs calls to make Jamaica a republic and slams UK visa restrictions

>Boy, 5, who died in fall from block of flats named locally as Aalim Makail

>Man jailed for life after Israel-Gaza ‘revenge’ murder in Hartlepool
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He’s a good boi that pube boi
He dindu nuffin and his only crime was being black
Seems like its a prerequisite amongst British wild campers to have a tipple before bed.
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>ff16 bottom of the barrel voice acting
You're kind of retarded Anon..
The passion and seriousness of the situation wasn't verbally conveyed in that scene. It lacked soul. Sure the pretend accent was there but it was utterly bereft of meaning.
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Post your Hitlers
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still waiting on a source you fucking faggot. people like me are gonna fuck you up when shit goes down remember that you little cuck faggot
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bash your fuckin skull in homie
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>spotted the wehraboo
>bring it on you faggot
>top kek
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Previous: >>468378694
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs
>French Jets in Russian Tricolour formation -https://files.catbox.moe/d5nutb.mp4

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What is it with people that play omori and undertale. They are always the most deranged fags and troons
so what happens to chug and uhg once the ceasefire is begins? will you and uhg keep sperging about who performed better with fake kdrs forever like in korea vietnam?
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>I have that fag filtered, yeah take that
>But I also read his posts
For what reason?
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we have been there before
but numbers arent random, unless its random scripts are running like on one of their dead websites
they are mostly indicative of the projection displaying how much ukranda is losing, you can go back to the counter offensive and avdeevka which had cope of russia losing more which ended as we all know in record low russian lsoes and record high ukranda loses
this offensive follows same pattern, there were report that sneedsky due to panick had to send in steady threadmill of reinforcements and in general bunch up troops which were raped by artillery and there are roads leading in volchansk and such which are basically having transport blown up at the steady rate whole day and night, and they keep coming
current shit probably has volksturm slaughter rates only second to artyomovsk which was complete fire pocket killbox for volksturm trying to hold on the lbattle which was lost months ago
let volksturm flow
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reposting my comment from last thread since it came much after this one was baked
>ukrainian war surely will last for another three years at least, we may be able to see it used there still
>inb4 russia buys "civilian dog drones" from china and assembles the weapon attachments in russia

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How cucked is this place?
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I live around Elsie-Ovid. Anyway, I was in Owosso the other day and I saw a redneck looking pickup flying a pride flag the way you'd see Old Glory or a Trump flag wave in the back of a truck. It's well and truly over.
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Agreed. I got my plates when they only had the winter wonder in navy/yellow. And thought if felt too UofM. Now they also have a green/white winter wonder plate for MSU. Confiming that the navy/yellow was a UofM plate.

Wish they wouldve just gone with navy(or blue) plate w/ white letters. Wouldve been like the standard old blue/white great lakes plates of 83-06, and those were the best plates they ever made.

Not a huge fan of there being so many options, its like every car has a different plate. No unity. Back in the 83-06 era even when driving out of state you could easily sopt a fellow michigander since everyone had the same plate. Now its just a mess.
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Marquette is filled with white cucks and uni DEI nigger imports. True Michiganders will be shoulder to shoulder with cheese man. We need to realize the State of Superior and the Great Lakes State - Michigan, Wisconsin, reclaim Illionois and kick the niggers / spics outta Chicago / Detroit, Ontario, and all adjacents tired of the niggardry and kikery. Secede from the nigger states of jewmerica.
Although just read that they passed a bill to bring back these 83 plates. so thats cool. Wonder how long it will take for them to start issuing them. Im switching mine as soon as they do.

Previous >>468329816

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Yemeni Armed Forces: With the help of God Almighty, the #Yemeni air defenses were able to shoot down an American MQ9 aircraft yesterday evening, Thursday, while it was carrying out hostile actions in the airspace of Ma’rib Governorate
>Media Coverage | According to The Washington Post, influential business figures privately lobbied New York City Mayor Eric Adams to deploy police against pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University.
>The toll of the #Israeli aggression has risen to 35,303 martyrs and 79,261 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares announces that his country will no longer permit ships carrying arms to Israel to dock at Spanish ports.


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I mean I kinda don't care enough get the evidence for you so yea you're free to not believe me.
Honestly what are the Palestinians in the West Bank waiting for? They are all next on the killing block. Now is the perfect time to attack, yet they do nothing.
Lebanon, I have a question. I have encountered several pro Israeli Lebanese, anti Palestinian accounts who claim to be Christian on Twitter. Is this sentiment common among Maronites in Lebanon, or are these hasbara bots?
Classic rabbinical come back. It's like a 2000+ year old script of bullshit all you kikes read off of. It glows from space.

That reminds me, have we seen a single video from IDF that shows Hamas fighters? Like a real firefight or anything close to an "IDF victory" we have countless Hamas kinos like the screepcap you posted but nothing from the Diaper Force. Really makes you think huh? Missing combat footage and a missing ending to our burning woman film. Coincidence no doubt.

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The true and final redpill is understanding that women are incapable of loving the vast, VAST majority of men and are only truly attracted to antisocial and aggressive confident men i.e. criminals, psychopaths, “free spirits”. The term “settling down” means exactly as it sounds, as in the female is settling down with someone more stable and responsible because she realizes the criminal can’t give her financial resources in the long run. That’s all there is to it. All these theories of “virtuous, stable, strong men” are just copes and overthinking what is very basic human sexual behavior. Women only truly, deeply care for the carefree, unstable and chaotic short term flings and use the long term relationships as a strategy. I know, it hurts. But the sooner you accept it and strategize your relationships accordingly the better off and less disappointed you’ll be in the end
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They always choose for the most ridiculous traits. They have dysgenics selection instincts, and this is why men controlled their access to relationships for as long as Civilization existed until this was forcibly changed in the last couple centuries.
Women should be forced to fend for themselves just like men without support from big daddy government or lawfare.
Yeah yeah yeah the government should force women to marry smelly white incel losrrs you deserve the finest of pussy
>men controlled their access

Lmao, men still do, men get pussy and dysgenic worms like you get none
Im a criminal and i provide for my wife.

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ITT: Movies you like that conflict with your prejudices

>pic related
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Man, crazy this thread came up. I've been binge watching Jackie Chan and Van damme movies this past week. Jackie is thinking of parkour. I remember getting mad at him for being loyal to the CCP. But this nigga is OP at what he does/did. You can never deny that. I was watching jing police story and the bad guys name is Chung Tao. I'm glad they kept the bad guys name/tradition in Rush hour.
Crazy I thought the same thing when he revealed himself as a CCP agent. I remember thinking wow Chinese ppl are gonna love black ppl after these movies. Turns out I was wrong. Chinks h8 niggers kek.
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I like some edgy feminist pro-abortion movies. Pic semi related.

I love beach boys

Actually just rewatched this one recently. Still pretty funny.

>Who be you?
>Who be I? I be stompin you ass you put your hand on me again!

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Who was in the right here? The boomer or the girl?

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She’s too hot to be a Britisher. I bet she’s a Slav

Shitskins are primarily the reason why White girls have massive egos and bitch fronts
It used to be only Uxbridge that had restrictions. However that only applies to "busking". There is nothing stopping you from simply setting up and playing music for fun.
Some people will still give you money anyway although that's not why I play however if they insist on giving it to me I'll accept it.

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Why are women so triggered by age gapes now? As long as they're both 18 why should anyone care?
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Same but I'm only 26
because the libtard BLM sluts are now aging out of their 20s. 2012 was 12 years ago, they're all 30+ now.
It's older women trying to gatekeep their competition(younger women)
>posts trash

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Previous: >>468367137

▶Day: 814 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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New and better footage of powerful Ukrainian UAV arrivals in Novorossyisk, Russia. It is reported that two oil depots and 2 terminals were hit.
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>>468387535 Idk

As part of ongoing military support to Ukraine, Lithuania sent ammunition, anti-drone systems, UAVs, 100kW generators and folding beds. https://kam.lt/lietuva-ukrainai-perdave-saudmenu-antridronu-ir-bepilociu-orlaiviu/
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Almost 5000 Ukrainian convicts have already agreed to the adoption of the law on conditional early release after signing a contract for military service, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Justice Olena Vysotska reported.

https facebook com/story.php?story_fbid=883984423767651&id=100064683039907&rdid=xU0dddZtmaDMTFUd
Is this a fucking add for a VPN or a newfag that doesn't know what a memeflag is?
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Putin said that Russia has no plans to capture Kharkiv.

"What is happening in the Kharkiv region is a fault of the Ukrainian authorities and a clear response to the shelling of the border regions in Russia."

He also said that the 'Istanbul agreements' are the only basis for a possible negotiation process with Ukraine.

I think this is for more common than anyone realizes, and always has been.
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these are all made up stories. You literally never hear about them again. No jail sentence, no follow up on what they are doing now, nothing.
The easiest way to do so is to deshod all women.
if I was 14 I definitely would.
Are you suggesting that women aren't extremely perverted and aroused by dominating minors sexually?

So what you are saying is thatwomenbelong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

Thatwe should votefor far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it, and vote

all adultwomenshould be in a conservatorship like Britney Spears was, until they are given away for marriage

Bride price now

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

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What in the fuck is this shit, /pol/. I just want to look at porn, not have my face stored on their servers forever.
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> i am going to say obviously NOT.

So would you then advocate to remove any laws on the books against these predators and make it legal like porn is legal?

> You should not expect the peddlers of pornography to protect your children from porn anymore than you should expect drug dealers to want to protect your children from drugs.

You didn't answer the question though. Why is a 40 year old man peddling sex a predator but a 40 year old porn producer is not?

Would you be okay with allowing drug sellers on school grounds while you are away. That is practically what you are doing by allowing the internet to be free an open.
If Trump banned porn, onlyfans, and dating apps I'd actually consider voting for the jew lover.
>So would you then advocate to remove any laws on the books against these predators and make it legal like porn is legal?
nope. just that they are irrelevant and wont actually protect you or your child at all. these laws are being created and pushed to control people and tie people's face and identity to their pornography viewing habits - and eventually - their entire internet footprint via digital ID laws.

want to actually ban porn? instead of creating ID systems like this how about shutting down Mindgeek(pornhub, xhamster, etc) and Onlyfans? shut them down. make it illegal for banks to do business with them. make it illegal to sell or profit from porn. make it unprofitable. putting in half-measures like this ID system dont stop anything. they are only excuses to enact draconian restrictions on individuals. instead of restricting individuals - go after existing organizations and outlaw the actual negative activity.

>Why is a 40 year old man peddling sex a predator but a 40 year old porn producer is not?
but i did answer, you just dont know how to read and/or are just in favor of these digital ID laws.

here is my answer again:

>The government and multinational corporations stand alongside the sexual predators as entities you are suppose to protect your children from.

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>want to actually ban porn?

I don't want to ban porn. If consenting adults want to watch it then that is okay. I don't watch porn now but used to. There isn't anything inherently wrong with porn as long as there isn't any exploitation. Although I consider it morally better to be married to a woman that will give you real sex rather than the fake stuff.

I just want to move all porn addresses to separate IP addresses and if houses want to opt in they can provide a digital ID for the adults of the house.

>I lump the government in with porn producers

The government has nothing to do with porn producers. The government only makes it legal. All porn producers are funded by private capitalist enterprises.

>but i did answer

You went on to talk about the government and porn. That has nothing to do with if you consider porn producers predators.

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>The government has nothing to do with porn producers.
ah so you are just stupid/naieve/retarted, as i assumed. anon, the owner of onlyfans is literally a jew who is the single largest donor to AIPAC, the American Israeli Political Action Committee. the owners of Mindgeek, etc are also some of the largest political donors and lobbyists in the world. do your research before you get into a debate about something you know nothing about and embarrass yourself again.

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Nick Fuentes streamed gay porn during the lobby on Rumble and cozy.tv yesterday

Groypers are claiming the stream was "hacked" by alogs


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i'm starting to think it's real... groyperbros...
Someone's big mad!
Lmao anon I think the cope is hacked, how can it be both fake and a hack?
si ese, eets fake, mi amigo ess white like mi
Lmao all the copers where like Its fake!!!! Now the narrative is it's a hack!!!!
Oh no no no

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Thing is this is drug battles. You won’t end up funkytowned if you don’t deal with drug traffickers. Muslims will behead you because you don’t believe in Muhammad’s message.
I hate everyone even you op, I hope this makes you feel better! <3
the political class won't let that get traction
Spics are a retarded cattle race that has no strong feelings about anything but drinking and pussy, but they are terrible at sex and short-weinered so whites humor and exploit them. Muslims are better than Jews in white's eyes, too, since they recognize Jesus whole Jews say he is boiling in excrement in hell, so there's that.
You guys haven't heard of fentanyl? Granted it starts in China. But spics bring it to ze mutts and rest of the civilized world.

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>americans get shouted at by cops if they don't have car insurance
>car insurance is now as important as having official documentation in a vehicle
>americans are forced to buy shit EVs from a cocain Iron Man grifter by a company who is the number one sponsor of indian immigration to the USA
>american car manufacturers like Ford have gone from AAA to high risk investments since 2008

I grew up listening that America was an utopia and that we needed to be more like them and be liked by them, be unlike Russia and China. The more I actually learned from America, the more miserable, hopeless, obese and enslaved the americans reveal themselves to be, and that the ((freedom)) we must emulate from them is just slavery with McDonald's.

Is there even anything free about being an american? At this point you have become Brazil in all but name, except without all the fun, esotericism, post-irony philosophy and transcendental allure of the favela.
“Free” doesn’t exist, and no, it definitely doesn’t exist in America.
"based and redpilled" comment.

"Free" as defined by the lack of sandniggers trying to control due to their repressed homosexual urges.

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I fell for the silver scam thanks you stupid faggots on here, well two more weeks have come and gone and these retarded fucking rocks are just sitting here not even staying ahead of inflation.

FUCK SETF scammers for suckering innocent anons into wasting their precious fiat currency on worthless boomer rocks. I could have bought BTC, more guns, tech stocks.. ANYTHING but this dumb ass metal
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>However, I wouldn't be able to show it off to people, and if anyone discovers it that would make things awkward for me.
Just wear a star of David and tell people awkward stories about how your grandfather was killed in a concentration camp by being frozen solid in a freezer then knocked over and broken into a million pieces. Then chuckle and say,
>Actually, he did die in Auschwitz, he got drunk and fell out of a guard tower.
Did anyone here know that one of the ways the US govt tracks the economy is but silver sales?
Really gets the noggin jogging doesn't it? Maybe someone has been pushing silver for years for something besides purely altruistic reasons?

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>99% of silver is owned by JP Morgan Chase (which means they also own the mining companies) they manipulate the price (usually shorting it without warning) to keep their infinite money glitch buisiness afloat.
JPM was fined $920 million for shenannagins. They still made a tiny profit that year after paying that fine.
It's like magnets and shit.
>make hundreds of billions in manipulating a market and screwing everyone else
>pay less than one billion
Criminal fees is just the cost of doing business, these days.
I fucking hate this shit.
I'll believe that corporations are people when I see corporations and the people that run them go to jail and get EXECUTED for this shit.

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IQ tests are full of Jewish tricks like this. To be good at this stuff you have to have a devious mind and a dishonest temperament.
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the left column follows the same pattern, are you simply retarded?
All warfare is based on deception you fucking cooked cunt.
IQ just measures pattern recognition and cognitive reasoning, and that can be measured in several different ways. A simple example is this: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/VIQT/
Which if you're not perfectly fluent in English, might cause a problem, and it is also dependant on having a good vocabulary. But if you have both of those things, these also test pattern recognition and cognitive reasoning, and to a far better extent than the language-neutral universal ones, like Stanford-Binet. But they're too abstract for their own good. Basically there's no perfect test and you need to make up your own mind.
so the answer is still... C?
I'm not so sure champ.
There's this cool book called protocols of the learned elders of zion. It explains all the bullshit you see today

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