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Aryan is a pronunciation of a specific word that only exists within Hindu culture. It was dredged up during the 19th century by Jews to fuck with whites and subvert our global identity as it emerged during proto-globalism.

Aryan means noble in Hindi, because it refers to the whites who once ruled there.
However, that particular tribe called themselves "Arian" which a cousin tribe, the Greeks, recorded and spelled that way. Arian means "Folk" which is all any white person would ever call their tribe.

The Greek spelling is correct. There are only "Arians" and "Aryans" are a lie of Jewish mumbo-jumbo snake oil salesmen. The "Arians" included a very specific and powerful ancient tribe: the Medes.

The Medes were hillbillies of their era who led a coalition of six other tribes, some distantly, some closely related.
The intellectual and spiritual leaders of the Medes were Magi. Magi means, in Persian "the tribe" basically "the folk".
The Medes were white hillbilles, the Magi were what was left of the true whites - who had fled North.

Jewish Chaldeans - the Kalash of India - worshipping purity and blue skin, fire, penises and so forth, corrupted Persian faith. The magi were persecuted and BOTH Zoroastrianism and Buddhism replaced any hint of Magi religion. On purpose, then these fiends invented Judaism. Christianity was an Arian resurgence that failed.
Arian Christians didn't follow "Arius" that's a retcon. They were literally Arian AKA white.

Learn this shit you worthless faggot niggers.

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Just as lame as you fake ass UFO fatima niggers. Like, I thought your religion was about Jesus, not Fatima peasants and three little girls and the goddess of Syria.
Eh, the ancestor worship was a lingua franca of 7000 BC. Even Japanese did it.
Not Arians though, ancestors were committed to the skies and we moved on.
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bharap chads rise up! time for the final charge to take what is ours. the visa jew hates this 1 weird trick! ZERO cost / paperwork / red tape. no permission required! here's how it works:
1. lotus position
2. hands far apart, look straight up
3. shout 3 times: name of desired homeland and chosen penis size
***face AWAY from train or else results not guaranteed***
triple courage bros and bon voyage
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Theodoric times were kino until (((Belisarius))) came and burned Rome to the ground finally in the end.

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Isis terrorists in Russian prison killed by the dumpster, eeid mubarak.
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I think you are talking to a child.
Every one of them was shot in the head. There ain't no fucking survivors lol.
Damn, guess thats what happens when you aren’t fighting defenseless civilians huh mudshits? Allahu did not Akbar
Two of them are alive and arrested, stupid retarded muttnigger.

they all took headshots nigga, notice no blood on the chest, these were executions after surrender

or are zigger police trained differently to the rest of the world and don't shoot at center mass

just stop lying, that's all you russnigs can do, lie about everything, i don't care about some dead muzzshits but just admit you executed them.

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ISIS did another terror attack in Russia
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dont forget to shill for the sandniggers this time too nu/pol/
Sure, okay.
>quite a unique hairline on the muzzoid homosexual to the right
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its over
well done Russia

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In Kiev, nationalist circles are taking aim at the Equality March organized by Ukraine's LGBT community.

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The sheer absurdity of fucking faggot parades when 40% of the population is either dead or displaced is pure insanity. Jesus.
It's anaquashatanik
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Those are LARPers and should probably get drafted together with pride organizers
We can't allow these chuds in gayrope and gayto
Kyiv was named after its founder, prince Kyi
If it was founded by Kanye, you can call it Kanyev, but alas

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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Astrakhan wasn't required to secure the Caucasus and neither was Stalingrad
> why anyone would give up their influence willingly,
Mostly because British elites and US elites were infiltrated by the same (((tribe)))
Europe hasn't been free of brother wars since the fall of Rome. Oh yeah and Germaniggers weren't part of the Pax Romana, and they fought with every fiber of their being to destroy civilization and plunge Europe into the dark age.

Germans are kind of niggers when you think about it.
Because Ludendorff won against russia, you buffoon.
>there was no Russia at that time, it was the USSR
Hitler himself reffered to USSR as Russia, even in official documents:

>you would know that the USSR was created by Jewish rebels with the full support of international finance. It was designed as a rootless cosmopolitan society just like Jews today push Western nations to be
Germany sent Lenin to Russia to stir up the revolution and supported Bolsheviks during Polish-Soviet war. You can cope and seethe about the Jews but there would be no USSR if not for the German support.
>Without the British and Americans the USSR would have crumbled.
You do realise that the Russian Empire had a 2-tier defense doctrine, and Hitler didn't even reach the first natural barrier (aka, Ural Moutains)
This whole LARP about USA and Brits being key to rescruing the USSR smells like jewish attempts to take credit for others' achievements

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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There is nothing in existence in this universe nor dimension of space that could ever be enough to warrant dying for anything or anyone..
If every person going off to die for corporate profits was able to kill a politician before they went, suddenly they would be ready to negotiate.
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He did
Show flag if you're trying to save your country.
you could offer me everything and i wouldn't fight for you

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there's no other explanation for this horror
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fuck em dood
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You have Jews making gay porn, you have Jews scraping the whole internet to find anecdotal pseudo-evidence to gaslight. Give me hard facts Shlomo. But you can't because you are a liar. Nothing is more anal-sex infested than our Judeo-Masonic hellhole in the West. You know it, so why do you keep on lying, faggot?
Take your meds psycho
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Have you ever been to Russia?
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Haha he was probably posting on /pol/

>Uh sir, that gril is not 18!!
>Multiple kids in the car?!
>No underage orgy for you!

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average redditmod/anti pedo twitter user
Looks like a goblin too
>guy pulling prime cunny from jail and getting road head while drunk driving
Females really are fucking retarded kek

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This war is tragic and sad as fuck.

If you don't find this sad, you aren't human.

This guy had dreams and aspirations just like you.
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At least he cured his masturbation problem.
why do these guys fight in this war? just run away, refuse. There is no way they could get me to murder for globohomo
Jews hijack everything and makes the host countries pay the price while we argue with eachother.
>government tells me what to think
You boosted also?
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>murdering and mutilating these guys to steal Ukrainian land

Why do white Americans make so little money, comparatively?
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jews aren't a race just a sect
All the Americans were laid off and replaced by H1B pajeets
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>african-american $51k median income
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Minority groups conspire with one another to ensure one another’s success in business.
Look up the werewolf game, also called mafia. It demonstrates how small cohesive minorities can outperform uncoordinated majorities.
You must never allow mass migration because all you are doing is importing a new middle class to impoverish your own people.
That's some expensive street shitting you're getting, americanbros

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Finna slaughter a sheep today and distribute its meat to poor people
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Eid, Eidd and Eiddy
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>ignores homeless 99% of time
>only helps them on Holy days because they think it gives them brownie points w/ God
Peak semitic faith, through and through.
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I keep hearing from sites like Telegram, and 4chan Russia is winning. The front line just collapsed, giant caldrons encircled everyone, it's all over tomorrow, Kiev falls.

Then I wake up tomorrow and nothing has happened. I wake up for 844 days, and tomorrow have never happened. Was I lied to?
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The entire war is total bullshit. Both sides are Jewish controlled shitholes with the end goal of killing off as many Europeans as possible to then replace them with Arab's, and Niggers.
this post convinced me russia is very powerful and respectable and never pulls shit out of its ass to smear on the wall so it smells more like home.
Magnitudes more believable than Western media and politicians ironically.
It's a war of attrition. This paper covers the basics

How? He's a total crypto jew. None of these world leaders are trustable. West, east, its all jew controlled horseshit.

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is he?
nigga lookin like a jojo character
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What an event

But I support void filling for masses aka Judeo'Chrisitanian society!
But no, that's retarded, but it's less retarded then woke commies without religion of Judeo'Chrisitan society taking space in the void of idiotic mases.

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>luvs me council estate
>luvs me footy
>luvs me slag
>luvs me curry chip
>ate dah neighbour
>ate dah bills
>ate dah reds
>ate dah German

Get on, my son. Who are ye? Ya, bruv smashing. Simple as.
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my ancestors
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What in the flag is that?
It's a Channel Island, Obongo. Go back to Nigeria.
wow you really are a foreign immigrant
my shitskins radar is pretty good

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I’m Polish, on vacation right now in Ayia Napa, in Cyprus. This place is a BONG INFESTED shithole! Until now, I thought I had seen it all, but this one was just outrageous. I’m laying on the beach and right next to me there are two BRITISH girls, probably twins. They’re not alone though, they have company. 2 FUCKING BLACK MEN. Yeah, not even British ones, but literal “local” thugs who probably sell drugs and look like they’re straight out of some LA ghetto. At some point the blacks left after they had been saying goodbye for like ten minutes to the girls, while hugging and kissing them. I don’t wanna even know what happened in their hotel rooms last night. When the thugs left the two girls were giggling like they just had the best dicking of their lives. NO, THIS IS NOT A LARP, ITS LITERALLY WHAT BONG WOMEN ARE LIKE HERE! No other nationality comes close to the coal burning levels of Bong women. Even Russian sluts, act disgusted at the sight of a black male.
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>Greek flag
>on vacation right now in Cyprus
Cool story Moshe

Reminder that 99.9% of Greek flag threads are Jewish social engineering about (white) women:

If you reply to this thread after this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Yeah our women are subhuman scum.

Dick size and taboo is the only thing that counts in female sexuality, and niggers represent them both.
Women would choose you instead of you werent such am ugly faggot
>goes to ayia napa
>surprised the women there are slags
Your women grew up around guys like you that have moobs and play videos games. Girls dont care about skyrim dude. Of course they run off to the foreigner

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if you had to start from scratch, what would you do professionally, or what would you recommend your son?

what university courses, what trades, what starter jobs, which skills, obviously for a variety of talent levels?

which careers are hell on earth, have no future, what's safe from outsourcing, immigration and automation, where's growth potential, what's stable enough to support a family?
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Selling drugs
Stay away from STEM courses - long and difficult to pass. What they don't tell you is most STEM workers are likely to get age discriminated out in their 50's. These jobs won't take you through to retirement at 60yo
This; AZ had a huge purge of chemists in the late 90’s early 2000’s. You are better of becoming plumber or a joiner and becoming self employed.
Pajeets have to be pretty redpilled other wise they die horrible painful deaths.

It’s not like western countries where you can just drink the water that comes out your shower all happy and free and where they paint the stair steps in bright yellow and stuff like that. Have you not seen the webms of india?
Exactly this. Full of pajeets and chinks that will work everyday like drones

what are the political implications of trans surgeries getting good?
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I guess I'll take your word for it.

it's a mental issue then? Where these people unattractive, molested or suffered a big traumatic event?
The real question is: is it gayer before or after the surgery?
The dick is obviously incredibly gay, but is it gayer to fuck them when you’re both in denial of it being gay to the point where someone mutilates their body
she's perfect
thats your opinion, man
>Isnt that what trans people say? I guess I should Google it.
>It sounds like a real thing.
How could a man be born with a female brain, kek? There's nerves and shit going from the brain to all sorts of things, the endocrine system that regulates the uterus and all the bits and pieces in a woman. Like, where would this connect to in a male body, kek?

It's a demented idea, can't be true.

According to reality, brother. Where does the nerve impulses that regulate menstruation go in a man's body "born with a woman brain"?

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The Russian soldier knows this meme, so he laughed a little.
You bastards
It says KEENI why lie in your webm?
He is a dumb vatnik that don't know shit about english PMCs
He should have said
Keeni Meeni Minie Moe, catch a nigger by the toe

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How demoralized are Russian soldiers?
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>spams good footage in every thread *
doesn't have to be israeli or ukrainian
Yeah, you write like a russian. No more (you)s for you, Vlad.
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Those exact videos are making me pray for the total obliteration of the gore loving territory called Jewkraine.

Hohols are not humans simple as, and they do everything possible to prove it every day.


The only thing motivating them are the huge payouts most of them get for surviving. Eventually the Russian government is gonna run out of that money or poor people willing to die for that money (either because they died or they got their payout and are never going back to hell)

You can convince a Ukrainian to go back and fight again because they actually believe in what they are doing, the Russian soldiers are only motivated by money and are mercenary in nature (the entire advertising for russian forces is shit like "oh when we take over ukraine we can holiday in kiev and get a nice house there that is gonna kick ass what are you gonna do with your victory money? :))" its not viable long term, most russians have no inclination to fight and when there is a real draft there will be mass resistance by the middle class like this pussy here for instance >>471289370 he will never fight, he thinks they are winning the special operation and it doesn't involve him
Not at all.
They're fully willing to die for Putin in a pointless war.
If that's not a great morale then I don't know what is.

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>Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild agent.
Disprove this. Now.
For example by pointing out ANY rothschild he held captive and did NOT release :3
(1. hint: none. Hitler held 1 Rothschild captive during WW2, and he didn't even kill him, he released him)

Other hints:
>2. his mother worked as a housekeeper at a redshield house (that's why there circulates a theory that she got knocked up by some rothschild and Hiedler was a cuck)
>3. "family" was well set. all agents come with a well-curated legend. hitler's was that of a sympathetic poor countryboy. look at his childhood home. that is no home of a poor 19th century countryboy, that's a redshield house
>4. rothschilds hail from germland (of course, they hail from palestine originally, but the Rothschild name was Made in Germany)
>5. Hitler's missing year 1912, when he was trained by the British into becoming a patsy for them (fun fact: a patsy never fully knows just how much of a patsy it is, see the 1974 film Parallax View inspired by the Permindex corporation which helped kill JFK [another patsy] and was a predecessor of the World Trade Center)
Last but not least: when Orwell was writing 1984 in the late 1940s, his main motivation wasn't anti-Soviet (that was his second motivation), it was an anti-Rothschild rebellion against the contemporary state of Britain.
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what trick? did you forget, that i replied to another ID? you "raiders" really are pathetic.
Hitler wasn't a Rothschild, he was a brainwashed puppet who was destroyed physically and mentally by his half-jewish soviet agent of a personal physician, and Rothschilds wouldn't do that to their own, they tend to take care even of their bastards
protip: i'm 1 guy out on a mission to spread the Truth.
A quarter-kike mischling of the subservient nigger nation of POOland aka PARADISVS IVDAEORVM aka the hyena of europe
Where peasants live in hell and jews live better than kings
The entire point of your subhuman nigger nation's existence is to serve Germans, Russians and JEWS. So fuck off and die already, there was no better Rothschild agents than Josef Beck and Rydz-Smigly.
>and Rothschilds wouldn't do that to their own
>they tend to take care even of their bastards
that is contrary to my understanding. source?

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