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and say Christ is King
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Woah calm down Anton Lavey
btw jews can lie and denounce the talmud. what they can't do is say Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Jesus is God, or that Christians worship God and aren't idol worshipers.
Praise Jewsus Christkike
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Christ is King

TKD coming very soon to a town near you :)
Nah, you stupid fucks are done for

I really wish my state hadn't been ruined by liberals and minorities. How are other Washington anons holding up?
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Just getting off the ferry and walking to Seahawk or Mariner stadium was depressing. The stupid faggots in that city don’t even care. It’s made me very black pilled.
Jews. It was ruined by jews. Everything else comes after jewish infestation.
Even moderation here?
isnt progress supposed to make the world a better place for those that come after you though?

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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
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kike is afraid hahahahahaha
Not as afraid as all the Germans you killed twice tho
>The Last Centurion is a memoir of one possible future, a world that is a darkling mirror of our own.
>To everyone who has ever felt they were looking out over Hadrian's Wall while Rome crumbled behind them.

the author is an ex-paratrooper with a biology degree and in this 2008 published book of his he tells a story which main plot points include a pandemic spreading out from China in 2019 as well as the protagonist properly destroying an equipment depot hes in charge of on pullout from middle-east to prevent weapons from falling into enemy hands
the book is reportedly inspired by SARS outbreak, official name of covid is SARS-CoV-2
>John Ringo is considered the originator of the anti-political correctness slogan "get woke, go broke"
>”No u!”
keep crying hooknosed vermin
>I don't want to have Alzheimers at 40! Besides, most flu vaccines don't even work!

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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I have it, understand it, and love it.

I’d be surprised if could explain the mechanics of my system accurately. But happy to let you try.
thanks Elon, I was asleep during last election and past 4 years
the reason to have networked voting machines is to enable real time tracking and coordination for election fraud. You can figure out exactly how many votes you need in which locations, and print of the exact ballots you need under the names of people who haven't voted, and ship them to the right locations.
amazing how delusional these faggots are.
>my grampas' father had to quit school and work and was able to amass enough fortune without education to support my grampa who in turn was able to amass even more forture for my father to be able to buy emerald mine who then amass enough fortune to allow me to multiply it 100000 fold
Remember when the chief security officer for Dominion voting systems promised that Trump wouldn't win? And now it's a felony to question elections and nothing happened to him?

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She looks like trump especially the mouth its uncanny
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imagine her doing a BBC gangbang..............
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The world most successful one.
Get over it chuds.
Almost 6 feet tall and named Taylor? Yup

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Open fire on zogbots once deployed or just tell the recruiters you hate niggers so they leave you alone?
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This life is terrible and this world is hell so getting to go die in war is fine. Don't threaten me with a good time.
And you're a bitch made nigger
I'm not, and I don't think you are either, but you need to calm down and take an objective look at expectations vs outcomes with every single figure in the modern world. Your emotional response to these threads is preventing you from seeing the forest.
Modern americans really do b like that.
>Which is probably why the draft officers will hit up cities where liberals have voted away their gun rights first. Which is actually totally fine with me.

Anon, you just made me pro draft....

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When will we finally wake up and repeal the 2nd Amendment?

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I live in this city just 3 miles away. Helicopters have been circling for about an hour now.
Nobody is dead yet. Some kids got hit.
Also not reported yet. Everyone said he drove away in a green dodge charger.....any guesses?
Cops have him "contained" at a local home, per press conference.
what are your thoughts about what may have transpired bro
Probably some of those youths you hear so much about

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Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
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porn should be banned
Abortion should be encouraged/subsidized for certain groups. Banning abortion is retarded. Hardline anti-abortionists tend to be low-IQ and/or ideologues who are incapable of thinking clearly about the issue.
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>Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
Europeans are actually worse than niggers and maybe even kikes. Not only that, but the things they take the most pride in are precisely the things that make them the least authentically human and most harmful creatures on this planet.
You are right on both things.
SK has porn banned and it didn't do shit. Presidents have been figureheads for decades
You are all NPCs except for me and I can not die

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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there's at least one paki who agrees with me that japjeet is a fake poo larper. the idea that a poo would go for vacation in japan at the same time it's getting flooded by bottom quality poo migrant scabs. why, does he like dirty looks? lol ok
my theory is japjeet is a leaf who despises poos and feels bad for japan. so he plays this max irritating poojeet character to increase anger against the subcontinental plague. there are others like him, sometimes you see them disavowed by other poos more realistically shitty than him
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>What will it take for you to understand that poos are not human

They are effectively a stone age, backwards civilization that still practices voodoo, which our British forebears dragged into western civilization, against better judgement, and against Indian people's capacity to perform.
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These dim-wit chuckle fucks have signs in their airports to remind them that there is to be no shitting on the facilities carpet. Seriously
Essentially OP, Whites hate Indians because there are WAY too may indians, and the really stupid shit ones outnumber you epic good human indians like 25 to 1
You're overthinking it. As an eminent poojeetologist I can assure you that it's a typical 40iq dung muncher filling a slave role of some sort.

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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>glowzart filtered
I saw some stat that in Australia there are only 30k rentals available. Total. That's completely insane. Clearly the Aussie deep state has decided that mass homelessness is a price worth paying to keep house prices high. Price worth paying for us. You have cunts in tents who have a job, which is nuts.
Thing is, all they are buying is time. This absolutely cannot last. Idk how long they can prop this shit up, could be ten years, could be twenty, but the fall is inevitable.
>3 years btw. Tops. The economy is fucked beyond repair. Which is why they are opening Meatgrinder Services inc. The One Size Fits All solution providers.
Right lads, I learn about my interview next week. If I don't get it, time to apply for gibs. It won't even cover rent, but I will still accept the wagie contribution. Pajeets you work for me now, kek. Fetch me my lemonade.
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What's the medical condition? Any medfags know?

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

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Doesnt have to be their real name, just identifiable to the spooks. Hence the trips.
How do you get more housing, lower prices, more jobs, and higher wages in Britain?
Less people.
GCHQ here, just announcing the start of my shift, you can call me mister nigger or GCHQ lad but it doesn't matter, carry on.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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Right, because the insane cost of living, nonexistant work life balance and the fact that many women just don't fucking want to pop out babies has absolutely nothing to do with the birth rates. Let's ignore the fact that dating apps already exist in Japan and it makes no difference. If it works like it does in my country, some government official finds a pointless project to embezzle money with, he outsources it to an IT company run by a friend whom he overpays with state funded money, and the IT company tasks an unpaid intern to code the whole thing in a week. The app is a bug ridden mess that crashes every time you open it, nobody fucking uses it but the people in charge don't give a shit because they got paid anyway.
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How can white women even compete?
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True, but remember to follow
Good game against Croatia, but you should have just left Lamine to be the only moor to play, the rest should've been kicked off the team.
is that girl disabled? its called downsyndrome in political correct terms "mongoloid"

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Just how many spics are in Maryland at this point? It's like a hotbed for murderous latinx.

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Splash pad
mass shootings are fake and gay
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOy4pX-bmBg Here is your kike overlord you faggot nigger kiked glowies, i will bomb you

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Pedo president poopers sharter has spoken. Lmao
you can't sage with an image you retard nigger, also
You can always just avoid it all & KYS TOO.
Appreciate your input now fuck off, pervert.
checked and kekked, I love good satire, the jewess in this comic might be a little too over the top, though.

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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not to mention labours main take away from the election will be that they're are ultra popular and people want all of their craziest shit
And if the conservatives survive this election their take away will be they can completely fuck their own voters raw in the ass and keep their jobs.
>If you're suggesting they will somehow rig the process, simply winning one election is not going to give them the power to do that.
Labour have had dodgy postal votes for years mate, and they're now expanding the voting age to 16 year olds. Not that it matter since they're just as jewish as the cuckservatives, but to suggest shit can't be rigged is silly.
Young people hate conservatism, but they don't hate populism. There's really nothing they can do in one term to rig the vote against a populist party.
He's completely out of touch with the real world, his only goal was to get him and his buddies rich. There's a pretty famous clip where he asks a homeless man if he "works in business"

Not to mention, he's done the exact opposite of almost anything he's promised. Record breaking immigration levels, highest tax burden since ww2 and probably anything else on the conservative manifesto.

You had enough, Moshe?

>this was considered comically, ridiculously fat in the '80s
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It still is
I don’t see any guys his size being passed off as normal sized handsome movie stars
What movie
Mostly b4 his name is Candy
I wonder who will star in the remake
computers existed in the 80s, zoomer

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How do you know all this?
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i made it up
>How do you know all this?
Saw it in a bitchute video.
Coz u do duh
Well then, um

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