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Previous: >>472340523

▶Day: 855 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine

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>1 post by this ID
>no text
The absolute state.
What is happenig?
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>I can't find my webm of zigger suicide...
>the one with the counter
wtf is that real?!
Nah a real chad would say: yours's good but mine's better

The Palestinians danced in the streets to celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

I remember. Thats why I couldn't care less about ANYONE genociding them.

Genocide only applies to humans. Ain't no humans in that area of the world. Let them all die.
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>the enemy of my enemy is my friend, kill all kikes.

kill yourself too while you are at it divide and conquer nigger faggot

here in /pol/ we call for Total Jew Erradication, reddit is down the hall to the left
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>palis celebrated the attack (inside job actually) on their eternal oppressors
h-how dare they???
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ok and?

still hate kikes...
Like the 5 dancing isrealis in New York caught with a van full of recording equipment?

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Lets be honest, if Biden doesn't have a heart attack and collapse on stage, he won the debate
>record the debate live, MSM will scrub all online copies for censorship
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good one
Please be Anderson cooper
Trump is going in like a prewounded gladiator. Biden doesn't even need to interact with Trump. Just call him a convicted felon and repeat the script, while the moderators do everything.
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Moot point, I heard FBI will arrest Trump outside the studio before it even begins.
Rolling for both at the same time.

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when they point it at you - it means they're calling you a cuck

when the backside of your hand faces someone, it's a blessing

obviously these two aren't blessing anyone

this is why the ONLY phrase with the prefix
that has ANY historical fact
>and there's a LOT
is and should only be


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Crypto Jewish Shia Priest meeting with Jewish Rabbi of Vatican.
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wow what a surprise


this explains to me why there are so many brown hair brown eyes types in Germany or Austria. They are heavily celtic.
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Zeta is a name from Proxima Centauri, ayy lmaos btfo
Britain barely had a road network until the past century. Romans built some but they later fell out of use. Most people didn't travel more than a few miles from where they were born prior to the industrial revolution and even then...
I honestly wonder if the majority of the welsh are named Llewellyn Jones.
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People are just making stuff up
Pure blood Welshman here. Can confirm. I'm brutally handsome.

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Debate night pol

lets hear your thoughts
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i would imagine some anon will post multiple options for chat or not, some jewtube, some on places like kino.tv
>no sound plus gay commentary
you just described the entire debate, watch the trainwreck in a comfy stream with frens
>something something Israel
>something something Ukraine
>something something January 6th
>something something abortion
two boomer retards yelling at each other, this is how low we've gone
I'll consider that, I forgot about youtube alternatives

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Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. - Gautama Buddha. Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy. Jews, negros, liberals, trannies, globohomo, the elites, all that hatred will never appease their hatred. Only non-hatred will appease it. This is a law eternal.
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The Buddha is said to have rejected severe asceticism as profitless, in that it did not lead to enlightenment.
that's why it's the middle way

probably because he could, but self-defense can be allowed. just has to be without anger so as to not raise karmic burden.
might is right.
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The end goal is to stop the cycle of hate. Eye for an eye makes the world blind. The next evolution of man will be highly spiritual and the ones who Resist Not Evil will inherit the earth and pave the way for Christ's Return.
>Jesus coming
religion is a cult, get help.
>Karmic burden

do people actually believe in this crap ? like for real, don't you see how it is a major cope ??
do you know that there are people who have tortured and killed hundreds of other people and lived happily untill death ?
now don't come to me with they will be reincarnated as someone who will suffer and get tortured himself. Because that nulifies the theory of karma you are torturing somone who did something bad in previous life, then you should not be able to get bad karma from doing that.
It's such a retarded metaphorical system... But i guess it's sufficient for some people to believe in such things

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Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?

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With so many jeets flooding the West we're gonna have a serious problem on our hands with regards to the safety of women in particular.

Ironically it might be pajeets that redpill women on non-Whites
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We already do have a problem with street-shitters raping women. The bigger problem is pajeets raping children.
Shiva left this one in the oven a lil too long
don't care

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last attempt, last 2 threads died too soon.

/pol/ thread to discuss books what else is there to say?
also wondering about the following: 1.) what are the powers that be planning to do w regard to dissident right books in the next few years? Outright ban? Monitor people’s purchases to see if they buy them then come up with some excuse to act? Soft censorship (deleting domain names for books that sell it etc without doing the previous)

2.) what do we do about it? Is it too risky to buy stuff now? or should I be frugal for a bit and mass buy everything I want to eventually read before censorship kicks in?

not actually from Latvia am a burgerfag on vacation if that means anything
Eurobros I’m thinking about moving over here someday, if I want to bring “revisionist” or other verboten lit into the country is it difficult? Do they check moving boxes etc.? or am I too paranoid

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Previous: >>472339634
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq

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I wonder what the big guy's telling him. Vitya does come through as a mafia boss on occasion, especially if you've heard of his usual backstage antics.
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ZOG is not giving up on them.
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Here's the billion dollar trenches in Zaporo-whatever that Ukraine did 2 months ago.
Did it get shelled the fuck out? lmao
No they're just built by the lowest bidder (after he stole half the money).
That's the build quality.

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Christ's kingdom is not of this world.
to be honest, turkey isn't ruining christian heritage. in the west the churches are being forced into a hegelian dialectic where people are led to a synthesis where they abandon christianity as their heritage.
it doesn't matter what christianity is or is not, what matters to jews is the power to define it, and you, and future generations (if any) of your people.
in turkey the churches are just christian and orthodox. turkey isn't destroying christianity, if anything they're preserving it, the kikes in your own backyard are destroying the christianity that is within your reach.
turkey is not.
>if anything they're preserving it
turkey belongs to HERCULES

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Apparently the woman (a prostitute and porn star) who the Snoped dude dumped his wife for is now saying he raped her every day for years.
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kek, wouldn't that be something

Nice tits
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>Spousal r8p
Kek. Such a hilarious concept to me, but I've never been married, so I guess I wouldn't understand.

>Your wife doesn't have to put out just because she's your wife
Lol, okay ig. I can accept this, as much as it seems like a bum deal. But why be married to a woman that doesn't want to fuck you? If your wife isn't ravenous for your cock, then what's the point? What are you getting out of this?

>Umm, excuse me ma'am. Could I please have some pussy tonight? It's been two weeks.

I couldn't imagine getting married to a woman that isn't insatiably addicted to my cock. It seems like most men in this country have roommates, not wives. What the fuck is a wife is not a roommate that you get to fuck and doesn't pay rent? That's literally the only benefit to having a wife over splitting a mortgage with your best bros.
at this point you just have to know by looking at a woman's facial structure if she's going to be a destroyer or creator. Idc what anyone says, a simple physiognomy check can save your whole life and bloodline. Picking the wrong woman is the worst choice a guy can make, worse than starting heroin.

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>there were so many options available.
Minsk 3?
I'm not saying Russia didn't have its own share of warmongers, I'm simply saying shillary were chief among them!

ET AL means, and others

When citing sources you'd be there all day listing every source on the same paper so you'd say, ET AL!
go and fight faggot, or go back to your containment thread you dopey deluded cunt
Thank God. At least Europe can remain peaceful for now. And I'll be able to travel to Ukraine to rent a womb at discount price
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Even if the oinkraine surrendered tomorrow my terror campaign against hohol refugees continues

which pres will free my peeps?
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Fuck Palestine.

I hope the kikes wipe you out. I'm so sick of seeing that flag everywhere. You people are the most insufferable cunts on the planet.
Trump will put Netanyahu on a leash
Biden will talk about how bad Netanyahu is, but do nothing
Kek. Calm down fatty. Don't have a heart attack over it. Not my fault jews have burnt every bridge and can't be trusted by anyone.
Muhammad is a false prophet.
Now please deny the holocaust as a blood libel by jews against Whites in reciprocity.
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Join us in /FIG/:
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ashkenazi jews are literally caucasians. look up genetic haplogroups. israel is white settler colonialism, nazis are white supremacists. they're the fucking same

the holocaust happened, you dumb shit. the issue is where the 6 million number comes from, but you'd have to ask IBM because nazis recorded the information on punchcard tabulation machines. just because it wasn't 6 million doesn't mean people didn't die

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> They can't meme so badly - that we have to put x's through their memes to avoid appearing transgressive. No this won't have any negative repercussions for us, no this won't make the meme image even funnier.

Anons, have your meme received it's genuine certification with an X today?
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Tiem to invade and start dropping redpills under the guise of warning the normie

Greetings, my best friends.
Last week, I made a thread with the title “Maybe I got a job”on /pol/. I thank you all who have provided good advice and some helpful tips. Today was the day of my interview, or what I would call a “chit-chat”.

So, the bitch said to me that I’m going to be a waiter, and I was like, “Okay. Let’s see how this shit could work out”.
Now, my position is, guys, don’t ducking laugh, a “runner”. Who the fuck is a runner?
A runner is a basedboy who needs to:
1. Clean the tables
2. Bring the plates to the table
3. Make sure that the tables and shit is clean
4. Talk with randoms

And for how much? GUYS, I’m not fucking joking, he said, “Ohh… I might even give you 30€ for a night shift”. Do you want to know how many hours there are in this night shift? Do you really? 6 bloody hours! It’s 5€/h or even less because I’m more than sure this idiot wants me to become his slave.

What do I have to do? He said if you change your mind, message me. My mother says, ”Go to work, you NEET goy”, but guys, 5€ an hour… fucking hell.
I would earn more if I just became a beggar. Fuck, I fucking hate this shit hole. I thought, okay, at least 10€/h like every single idiot I know.

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India imported tons of pajeets and their GDP went down. Pajeets look down on hard labour. I think he's because they're all anemic from their.... poo cult shenanjgans. Every man has at least 2 years in him where he could work a hard labour job and be okay.
>suck dck, or are disabled
OP is both, he will make it
Owners won't put two and two together. They aren't smart like that. They unironically prefer to spend money replacing broken equipment and taking money out of some broke retard's nothing wages over competent staff. It's why 90% of businesses fail. These retards will gladly spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to recover like 12 cents from someone, "out of principle"
think about it from your perspective if you owned a business. you want to maximize profit and quality for the least amount of cost. so you would always try to get the best deal. that said for certain jobs there is a maximum they can pay you for it to make sense. how popular is his restaurant? maybe $5 is literally all they can afford because thats just the only number that makes sense for the amoutn of business that restaurant gets. if he paid all the bus boys $20/hr the restaurant would spend more money than it makes in sales

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Why is every pedo a right wing icon?
Seems fascinating how the muh drag queens went nowhere yet all these, muh comedy is banned, woke stole muh dei job future
all turn out unsurprisingly to be what they whine on
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I do find it kinda funny how him chatting is bad but riding bike naked and taking kids to drag shows and pride events with naked people and dildos and shit is a-ok

He was having a private conversation with a minor because he was trying to bang said minor, you absolute goddamn moron.
It’s nutty how they’re fantasizing entire backstory lore to some event that never fucking happened. The truth is cut and dry. He admitted to having inappropriate messages with a minor if that happened with any leftist, they’d be all over him. It’s clear their bias is clouding their judgment and it’s very sad because you’re supposed to be intelligent. Independent thinkers. I really hope people can stop being so fucking retarded, but I have no faith that it will come to pass.
I think casting this e-celeb as a right wing icon isn't just disingenuous, it's a flat out lie.
>a minor
as long as she isn't B-flat
are you stupid kek, retard asked for a quote of him saying it, thats the quote.

9:00 P EDT
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There's a debate tonight, Watcher.
What else could we ask for?
Oh shit.
Hopefully not that.
He's going with Vivek?
Wait, you said you'd be finishing nap time after the boom.
Not gonna be a bomberoo, but an announcement?
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You have a better chance at draining lake Erie than getting rid of these parasites.
I've almost lost the last hope I had for big T
Kushner will make all of the decisions anyway so... So it will be Kosher T, with his kidnapped daughter like Bowser and Peach.
DONALDVS TRVMPVS plumbing in circles like Mario.
Meanwhile this rat Kushner runs the show.
Do something RED SKVLL.
Q's fallen to infantile verbose holding on to thousands of MAGA Moms waiting for justice.
RED SKVLL, be the hero and you will get all the maga mom pussy you will need.
Team up with the Rainforth Glownigger.

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Why are migrants like this?
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Playing at the hardest difficulty gives you the biggest reward.
He knew he wouldn't get death penalty by eurocucks anyway.
I refuse to believe a real human being made this post.
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Do you really believe this bullshit?
It's much like driving without a license.
Just drive normally. Do what normally people do. Never act in any way suspicious.
And you will have a good chance of driving for 20 or 30 years without having your license checked.
They dudes without license they catch are retards who also drink and drive or are on drugs.

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