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Jesus said turn the other che-
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I hate Latin America so damn much
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Today I will remind them.

>I will love a Jew and colonize a non-European Mexican territory. Damn, there are Mexicans killing our Jewish lovers awarded Jewish titles for discovering vaccines for the virus that the Jew creates.
There's varying messages in the bible regarding violence, peace, and forgiveness. The trick is to know when and where to apply them.
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All christians are degenerate and niggers.

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Previous: >>471209850
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph - https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU - https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3

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motorsport is for faggots
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The Ukraine is finally accomplishing the American dream: They're living in Russia!
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I wish I had bread, Éireanon. My last loaf ran out on thursday evening.

Te, mennyi ilyen képed van lementve? Hónapok óta posztolsz itten, de még egyszer nem láttam ugyan azt a fotót kétszer.
So you admit to being lead by demons?

A Jewess just increased the draft age by 2 years, from 18-24 to 18-26. So if you are 24 or 25 and war breaks out next year and you get drafted, it's unironically because of a Jew.
>The House of Representatives passed a measure on Friday automatically registering men aged 18 to 26 for selective service.
>Rep. Chrissy Houlahan led the selective service measure
>Her father, Andrew C. A. Jampoler, a naval aviator, was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1942, to a Jewish family; he and his mother, who also survived the Holocaust, emigrated to the United States when he was four years old.
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This is actually a great argument against the feminist narrative that when women are in power, we will have peace and equality. This whore demonstrated the opposite and will be responsible for even more dead men. Can someone meme-fy this?
I'm a smart White man from a military family and ZOG can tongue my anus
It's a multi cultural religion. Semitism is all about inclusion and subversion (of white people)
Just cross the border and pretend to be illegal to dodge draft.
They all get drafted in Israel, though.

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All Freemasons are subhuman scum. There is no trustworthy Freemason. All masonic sects are equivalent. There is no unrelated Masonic organization. There is no white lodge in Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians are dead. The Egyptians were never Masons. Thelema is gay, too. All Freemasons are pedophiles. All Freemasons will lie to you. Normies suck Masonic cock for good boy points, and because they're mortified of the horrific truth. All Freemasons are money launderers. All Freemasons commit perjury in court. All high level and state level Governmental representatives who aren't blue collar are either Jews or Freemasons. Even some of the blue collars are. They are Zionists and hypocritically pro-Islam. They donate to children's funds and hypocritically rape them. They are the main forces behind sex trafficking in the Midwestern United States. The Midwest has simultaneously some of the most Freemasons in state government positions and they have the highest statistics for child trafficking in the world. Freemasons were on the news parked outside of the Uvalde Texas school shooting. Freemasons made all your favorite films and video games. The Freemasons serve the Jews. There has never been a Freemason with the good of humanity in mind. You are all scummy, two-faced liars. Every single one of you I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Every laugh, smile, and sentiment is dishonest, effeminate, and uncanny. Your eyes show less emotion than Tom Cruise. You are so desperate for attention and to revive your dwindling power you try to act like joining the Freemasons is a trend on 4chan of all the places on the internet. You are horrible at consensus cracking. You have zero knowledge on Op-Sec. All of your secrets have been known for 60 years. You cannot hide. It's over. It has been over for a very long time. You are not strong enough to survive here. You never were. Goodbye, cuckmasons. Everyone will see this thread, and you will suffer.
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I’m not a Jew you retard, i denounce the Talmud, Zohar, all of it. You’re exactly as the other posters have pointed out. A brain dead Catholic from what I gather. Go say your hail mommies and get fucked. Christ is going to return and turn you inside out. Roman scum. The Roman’s are who infiltrated the American republic and ruined it, the writers I mentioned prove this out. Have a good life though, hope you get raped by the Muslims your Catholic overloads and Jewish lapdogs imported.
Catholics don't hate jews, they just wish they'd convert.
I'm not Catholic, but neither do I hold anything against them. If you're not jewish why are you engaging in pilpul? You have never justified and will never justify your narrative, you won't give us the one explanation we need for your story to be remotely plausible to begin with:
White psychopaths are a rare commodity
NatSoc Germany raided and confiscated all the Masonic lodges in Germany. Later in the rest of Europe. They got all the libraries, correspondence, and membership papers. Nobody knew more about Freemasons than them. Look around. We are now in the living Judeo-Masonic hell they warned us about, nearly 100 years ago.

The idea of flooding and overrunning Europe with non-White, non-Christians, came from Jews and Freemasons. The idea of destroying the last two major White, Christian, homogenous nations, Russia and Ukraine, also came from Jews and Freemasons. The Rothschild supported Coudenhove Kalergi, himself a Freemason, who was the main architect and instigator behind what later would become the EU. He openly stated his Judeo-Masonic goals:

Pic, written in 1944, Jews and Masons plan for Europe:
>Destruction of nation-states and open borders, so the Euraisiatic-Negroid race will be the future of Europe
>However, the noble Jews are different and have already become the leading group among all people [i.e. can remain pure]

>Chris Langan - The Great Replacement [Kalergi Plan]

>The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two (2022)

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It's the jews

Russian men die in the streets while Russian women lie in the sheets.
The future looks so grim for Russia but shines so brightly for China once Putin orders all white slavs to die to make room for Xi's chosen golden horde.
Just don't be a retarded beta male simp cuck who masturbates himself into a coma thinking about how useful he is to Shlomo and women.
What is going on in your head? Lmao

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Post your Hitlers. Bring your Siegs. Hail your HEILS!

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baphomet pose...
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Previous >>471138804 , >>471112372

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats
>Al Monitor cites a US defense official as saying that the US military will dismantle the floating humanitarian aid pier on the Gaza coast for a second time in less than a month due to "heavy seas".


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i still did not pay
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PIJ fighter killed in southern Lebanon this morning
Im just here to spam idf roasties
tfw no thick jewish mulk alyameen (sex slave)


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I don’t know much about them but their land is literally called
Albania= land of the whites
Also they had an SS unit so why do other euros hate them so much?
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>also they're heavily mixed with gypsies
>albanian reading comprehension skills
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You don't seem to appreciate your own kind analbanian ? Muslims, migrants and gypsies that is !
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The Serbian Army got Defeated by Farmers
I like my Albanian bros and sisters.

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Which part of the MEATSTURM you don't understand?
When will someone put a machine gun on a drone and have it automatically shoot everyone with AI detection?
Curious why people get so angry at the idea of war drones.
seems more useful to cross rivers and collapsed bridges

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>Heres your American McMansion bro
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Yeah I'm not defending the quality of American homes but that was definitely done intentionally to showcase extreme stupidity for educational purposes.
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Looks like a pajeet build.
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You will never be American
Blessed reference

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I'm not sure if anyone here posted it here, but the some diary pages of the trans shooter (audrey e hale) has been released to the public by the daily wire

its pretty hard to read, so here's the written version (of the first page)

>Dear Paige,
Aren't parents manipulative? Its total ignorance when parents step in to try to change their child's environment. Make them go to youth group + force christian trends in thier life because the old ones were a 'bad' influence. I can't fucking stand that shit. Parents actually believe religion can change nature. That could explain why I don't practice religion anymore. Let kids think for themselves, listening to partents does no damned good but to mold thier premature minds into a pre-formated program: like clones do? the very manipulative forms teens hate. And rebel to?
Kids are not robots,
we are the future! That's how its ment 2 be
2 idea one mind; thats all Nature needs
You did life the way YOU wanted to. It was 100% your hearts desire; (needs), no one else but you, that planned it!
Why I admire you; so independant
Shape change = manipulative
so young
me, young too
and what I desire;

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they are doing a favor to LGBTpeople by not releasing this document. It would just give more fuel to us mysogonists
(If you didn't know about the whole shooting thing)

>it 's muh right to see the documents?

Shut up faggot, you'll only post "QRD?"
why didn't she get one of those strapon toys?

Then why is anal so hot?
Classic trannies

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You will never have a plus-size waifu
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notice they call the women "plus sized" and the men "overweight" in the same sentence
Lol, do fat bitches hit the wall or die first?
i like fatties. but yeah even the fattest hog will have her choice of men but the fattest men will have no choice at all. deal with it. don't be fat.
I wonder if fat women realize the only men who will like them will like them specifically because they're fat?

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If you listen to him be misogynistic you notice its not your usual incel stuff, he doesn't like women because he doesnt find them attractive. He looks at being with a women liie a chore, not in the incel way but the gay way.
If you want to be faggot, go be it, i mean till creator comes and burns you alive for it, you're fine especially if you live in USA being a faggot. Just don't be a literal jew faggot and a woman hater, and pretend to be neo nazi for fucking CNN. Is that too much to ask for this jewish faggot? it clearly is.
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>The most hated person on /pol/
>Surely these aren't shills
Yeah I'm thinking he's alright
>If you listen to him be misogynistic you notice its not your usual incel stuff, he doesn't like women because he doesnt find them attractive. He looks at being with a women liie a chore, not in the incel way but the gay way.
exactly he's gay. nobody hates women this much who aren't gay. He literally doesn't like women like the cooties level don't like them that only fags do. Like a fag being with a woman is as gross to them as a heterosexual fucking a guy in ass.
He's a LITERAL JEW FAGGOT larping as neo nazis for astroturf, he arrived to the scene as they were trying to consensus crush american patriots against immigration in 2017 after trump got elected to 'destroy the concept of nativism and patriotism in USA' they had to create some retard boogeyman. Since normal patriots aren't retarded but just are anti race war and anti mass immigration because of it. THEY CAN ONLY GET LITERAL JEW FAGGOT DO PLAY THIS PART. john minadeo is another, what a jewish nose he also has. Sitting going sieg heil to his 1000 online viewers, they fucking can't even entrap anyone cause it's so stupid and no patriot wants to be a neo nazi anyways that's never what it was about.
You are literally a gay jew frog. On a jew run anime board to make fake nazis up. And this jew faggot is one of the characters they prop up unanonymously.

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Men have no power over women.
Women decide who to have sex with.
That's already the downfall of civilization.
Women decide who gets good grades.
Women decide who gets into elite universities
Women decide who gets interviews for jobs.
Women decide if and how many children they will have.
Women are the gatekeepers to everything that matters in life now. It's fucking over.
No it’s more like a patriarchy of simps
I literally cannot think of ANY famous person who isnt dominated by some vagoo around him
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She is DIRT TRASH compared to mommy.
Jewish society has been a patriarchy for thousands of years and we all live under the sway of the Jewish Empire of Satan.

What are the implications of you dying for Israel?
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>goylease, feds (jewish goylease), glowniggers (jewish secret goylease) and zogdogs
can you please speak like a normal person you fucking loser
Death to jews
>selective service
what does it mean?
Can you stop raping kids, jew?
>Foreigners will be excluded
I really hope zoomers have guns to defend themselves from this, and their parents also have guns to support them

Would you welcome us with open arms even though we are muslims(Secular albeit)?
We served Hitler in WW2 so you guys will support us in a war against serbs right? right?
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Just stfu and let me wash your old ass Hans!
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>Just stfu and let me wash your old ass Hans!
I don't want your dirty gypsy hands soiling my excrement.
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>it's peoples(Bosniaks)
>We served Hitler in WW2
The word "bosniak" did not exist in WW2.
>you guys will support us in a war against serbs right? right?
No one is. But also no war is going to happen.
>This shithole is worse than bosnia now,Let that sink in.
Has been for a long time. Exyu cities are the safest in yurop.
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Part and parcel of living in the woods.
lmao even
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Cicadas sound different depending on the country. Pretty interesting

> MicLiberal’s thread aimed only to memorialise some of the crazy things the vaccinators had said. It opened with this tweet:
> We were complicit!
> We marginalised, defamed, discredited, insulted and cancelled people. On behalf of science!
> By popular demand, this brief thread with statements that should not be forgotten:
> There ensued nothing but a series of citations, most of them wholly typical samples of vintage 2021/22 vaccinator rhetoric, much of it not even that remarkable. For example, MicLiberal included this statement from Andreas Berholz, deputy editor-in-chief of the widely read blog Der Volksverpetzer:
> “Fact-check: The unvaccinated remain the main drivers of the pandemic.”
> And he included this statement from former President of Germany Wilhelm Gauck:
> “Opponents of vaccination are idiots.”
> On 28 July, two days after MicLiberal posted his 25 tweets, Cologne police filed a criminal complaint against him, and afterwards the Cologne prosecutor’s office brought charges, arguing that MicLiberal had suggested that the people he cited were “perpetrators” and therefore associated them with “fascism.”
> The district court declined to approve the charges, but the prosecutors appealed to the regional court, where the judges saw things differently. They believed that a prosecution was warranted because of the “heated social debate” surrounding Covid measures, and because MicLiberal’s audience was composed of “homogeneous” like-minded people, who (in the summary of the Berliner Zeitung) “could either form groups or encourage individual members to commit acts of violence.”
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>There ensued nothing but a series of citations
That's on the OP
It's another war against an idea. We're not going to end racism by going around beating the shit out of people for saying some words. It's also always some random person. Like some random 60 year old dude with zero influence in society. Sometimes it's clearly a mentally ill person just saying whatever comes to their mind. They treat a random person saying some words as some massive threat. Some older dude loudly complaining about all the colored people around is a joke to get upset about. Our demographics are shifting. Tons of people who are not White have great jobs, own homes, and are doing better than many White people. Clearly that shit is losing its impact. Or obsessing over something reciting song lyrics "nigga". We're clearly moving away from legitimate racism. We have quotas and tons of shit. People go viral for being assumed to be racists or for saying something racist. They lose their jobs and the internet hates them.

They whine about cops using excessive force. May be ruining someone's life and potentially their innocent family is a little excessive for someone simply saying some racist things. These people want you poor and violent assaulted for shit that's not even that big of a deal. You must suffer because you did a racism. Most of the time they didn't even say nigger. It's unhinged. Then we're supposed to trust these people and believe they're empathetic, lmao. They want power and control and they enjoy it.

A person will shit on cops then get off to fantasizing about inflicting pain on someone for being racist. They'll make excuses for actual violence. It's insane. I'd prefer not to torture anyone, i don't really care what happened, but i understand execution. These people are psychos who larp as moral social justice types. It's fucking creepy.
Always been. The holohoax.
>Do a violent crime that's fucked up
>liberal sjw cuck whines that that person can't vote and has trouble finding a job

>say something racist
>sjw cucks wants you to be assaulted, lose your job, be poor, and never eork again (there must be consequences)
real nice guys lmao
Germany is a long time no more. There is an US occupied territory ruled by jews in a bigger frame of the masonic construct EU. Germans haven't been deciding shit since the WWII.
>Vae victis
Good man, OP. Have a bump

After the backlash towards bumble, who’s ads ridiculed women choosing celibacy (a safe thing to do). It got me thinking. Casual sex is predatory towards women.
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Then perhaps don’t treat women like chattel?
But not treating them like chattel is what is causing birth rates to drop.
Translation of your post

>men are infallible to me, I resent women on a deep level
Treating them like chattel is exactly what is causing the birth rates to drop
It's true. Women would normally be "trad" or, at least modest, but men damage them in various ways and pervert this natural course which is so beneficial to women.

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Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect if not him
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Jesus never spoke about the apocalypse or damnation, at least Paul had some ideas to scare people straight.
Jesus conducted the Jewish uprising and captured the Temple with his people. If he was a loser, why would Paul actually think of him in the first place?
Hirom00t is too busy to give us a /re/ board or what?
You have never glanced at a bible, you worthless retard. "rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"
St Paul is based. He wrote that when a man lays with another man as if he were a woman those men are turned over to a reprobate mind causing the Holy Spirit to flee from them and Jesus to forget them forsaking their salvation forever. Faggots willingly violate natural law and pay the ultimate price. He was extremely antisemitic and wanted all jews to convert. Rabbis will retroactively claim he was one of them just like they do to mister hitler.

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