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We might see astrology as slop for "spiritual" white women, but how we view it doesn't actually matter.

What matters is how the people ruling over us view it

this video is a pretty good example and it lines up well with the way current events are going

its too jewish for my tastes but its useful to know for sure
astrology pre-dates judaism, but whatever floats your boat anon

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Since /pol/ likes to discuss about India so much, let's talk about its History: Initially, came the first wave of humans to the indian subcontinent, the now Aboriginals, who still remain in the form of Munda tribes in the eastern part of India and gave us the Bhimbetka cave paintings that is earlier than the one found in France; one of their branches went south to Sri Lanka to form the Veddoid. But, the majority of the branch went onwards as is the Aboriginal way. Next came the first settlers, now contentious amongst the Indic community is that these settlers were from the Northwest of the country and thus simply migrated inwards, whatever be the case, the rise of the Harappan civilisation occurred, which had roots in many places in western and eastern India, not merely in the nation of Pakistan.
During this time, the Indo-Aryans came in, important to note is that the original term Aryan referred to only 10 families, 9 priestly classes and 1 kingly class who were victorious in the Dasarajanaya Yuddha (the battle of ten kings) which is mentioned in the Rgveda. This kingly class was known as Bharata and the name of the king who was the victor was Saudas, and thus modern India is also referred to as Bharat. The losers of this battle were chiefly the Parsus, the predecessors to ancient Persians, who had to leave the land and migrate westwards, away from the protective sphere of the Himalayas, the Gathas(holy to ancient Persisns us written in Avestan, the sister language of Sanskrit) and considered to be the other half of the Samveda.
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A little side note on Gada (Mace)

You guys are already familiar with spears, swords, bows, tridents as they were common in western history too. I don't know about Gadas were this common or not, so I am making a small post about it

Gadas are pic related, they can be ornate or simple like this one. It's basically a big ball of Solid Metal, Stone or wood attached to an handle. The weaponised versions also have a spike on its head, or sometime the ball is covered in little spikes.

They are heavy af, so are also used in exercises. Only someone strong and well built can wield them effectively in war, though they don't look much, a big guy striking it on you with sheer force with do a good number on you. Even if you are wearing a metal Armor.

Hindu ethics of war

Some of you may found it retarded, but in Hinduism, the war has certain rules

1. Stopping the battle after sunset
2. Not to battle after sunset

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>Out of those princes there was a tribal prince named Eklavya
>Drona realised that Eklavya possessed greater talent than Arjuna
>Fearing a low birth Tribal will exceed his favourite student Arjuna, Drona declines to teach Eklavya
>Eklavya touches Drona's feet

That's how you show respect and get blessings from elders

>Eklavya goes back to forest
>In forest, Eklavya creates a life like Idol of Drona
>He takes its blessings and practices firing his bow
>He makes it his daily routine, he does nothing but practices all day everyday
>He practices so much that fixing his arrow on his bow string and firing them became too easy for him

>One day the Kuru princes goes on a hunt in their chariots after taking permission from Drona

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>Eklayva is super happy
>The great Drona, whom he worshipped as his Guru deems him worthy of being his student and is asking him Guru Dakshina

Meaning that now he will be officially the student of Drona

>Drona "Give me the thumb of your right hand"

Yup, he's a cunt

>Hearing such a cruel demand from his idol, instead of being shocked and disgusted, Eklavya smiles and without hesitation takes out his dagger and cuts his thumb off
>Eklavya presents his thumb to Drona

>Drona leaves

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>One day Drona decides to take a test of his students
>He puts a fake bird on a tree
>Drona "I want you to decapitate that bird with one shot"
>Drona asks Yuddhistir to go first
>Drona "Take aim and tell me what do you see?"
>Yuddhistir "I see the tree, you, my brothers, and the bird."
>Drona is disappointed and angry and shoos him aside
>Drona then asks Duryodhana, then the other 100 Kauravas, then Bhima, then all the other students except Arjuna
>Everyone answers "We see the tree, you, our fellow-pupils, and the bird"
>Disappointed, Drona tells them to stand aside
>Drona now calls Arjuna, tells him to take aim
>Drona "Tell me Arjuna, Do you also see the tree, me, the others standing here
and the bird"
>Arjuna - "Nope"

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>One day Drona with all his students goes to bath in River Ganga
>Drona goes first while all his students are at the bank
>Suddenly a huge crocodile appears and grabs Drona's thighs
>The crocodile is dragging Drona in the river

Going omnomnom on Drona's thighs

>Drona cries at his students to help
>All his students except Arjuna stayed still out of fear
>Arjuna takes his bow and shoots its arrow between the jaws of the crocodile
>Drona comes out unharmed out of the lake
>All the studenrs of his are surprise about how he is still unharmed after the crocodile attack
>Drona tells them it wasn't a real crocodile but a machine made by him

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This could have been you. This war is sad and tragic as fuck. This is just plain white genocide, nothing else.

This guy had dreams and aspirations just like you. If you don't despise this war, you don't have a soul (or are a shitskin).
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Pendejo, most Russians have relatives who ended up living in Ukraine after USSR got split and vice versa.

Don't use Mexican slang.
>If you don't despise this war
Oh I despise the war. Primarily I despise the people funding it.
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Id spit on the quran but that would mean id have to actually touch the piece of shit with my bare hands.
I couldnt beat that first guy in a fight, but i probably could not beat the second guy either.

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bro what is this story? Pigs aren't even expensive. Who is giving money to some lousy pig whore unless he is porking her.
Dude at that age you should be the old man of the sea or some shit, go fishing and contemplate life. Don’t chase women wtf is wrong with them lmao
Anon's, try and keep an eye on your elderly relatives internet use if possible - they are lambs to the slaughter for online scams.

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Stop chasing after pussies with 1000 body counts and become men of God. Pussies that will eventually become roasties will rot while God's glory will be forever. Therefore, stop being incels and become priests and monks of God so that those rotten pussies filled with a thousand different cums will be punished as a single roasties filled with STDs where they can no longer find good men, hence we serve as God's instruments of judgements against these vile whores. Deus Vult Soli Deo Gloria, and become priests and monks of God. There are shortages of priests and monks anyways, God has called you today. DEUS VULT!
ChistJews really got the short end of the stick when it comes to paradises. A jew spirit realm filled with spics and niggers, not a harem with 72 brownoid mudwhores.
Only retards think God was a masculine figure. If you do any amount of proper research into religious origins and synchronizations, you will figure out that the fertility Goddess was the true creator. Your bible was created by tyrannical incels with pussy envy.
But you can't deny that the spics and niggers are at least better comrades and brothers than inbred sandwhore and roastie dogpiled cunts combined.

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Name bigger humiliation ritual and slave branding than this
kneeling to niggers
are you new here?
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maybe naming your children with jewish slave names and raising them to worship a degenerate jew rabbi on a stick?
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This thread.

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We Scandinavians (including Finland) MUST unite into a new country called Scandinavia. And we must do it soon.

The rest of Europe is collapsing as we speak. This new country called Scandinavia will be the greatest country in Europe by far. BY FAR.

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how about make a better flag that doesnt have a jew worship stick on it
barely any of you are christfaggots
>If our retarded politicians
Politicians? Nigger you have kings, they’ll have to figure out who’ll be the only king of Scandinavia
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I don't care. I don't fit in here. The living conditions are better there than here, and even if the source of this is removed, the demographic shift is beyond replacement here. There's no future left, no resources to rebuild with, and our finances are tits up. Like I said, I'd rather be an outcast around those who look like me than a foreigner in my own homeland.

Why would I subject children to this brown, impoverished hellscape? It would be like anyone willingly moving to your shithole. Pic related, I put this in my Ukrainian neighbor's mailbox and he took down his flag lights the same night.
Fuck off with this bullshit. One country - Murica, from North Pole to Panama Canal.
Manifest white destiny must continue. Might take another century or two but we'll get back to there. AI and robots will make beaners, poos and niggers obsolete on this continent. Then genetic engineering will gravitate towards white traits.

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shit :-)
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and they will rule an empire of shit.
Pick exactly one.
Losing your grip on society?
We may have had something to do with that
Hey cut it out!

I might do something eventually..

.... you don't know!
I'm pretty sure that they don't care that they're liars ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Incel bros we won.

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That's a genuinely viable strategy, or at the very least it makes more sense than jestermaxxing for some roastie that's acting lukewarm towards you at best
no but I did a tarot card reading, and a haunted house. That was cool

**Scene: A bustling bar in the heart of the Gynecocratic United States. The music is pulsating, the atmosphere is electric, and groups of friends are reveling in their Saturday night. A young man, Alex, awkwardly makes his way to a table where a group of confident young women are seated.**


Alex: (Nervously approaching the table, stumbling slightly)
>H-Hi ladies, m-mind if I, uh, join you? You all look really, uh, pretty tonight.

Jessica: (Rolling her eyes)
>Oh, great. Another fucking idiot who thinks he can impress us. How fucking original.

Lena: (Snorting)
>Seriously, Alex? Did you practice that pathetic line in front of a mirror? Because it’s fucking painful to hear.

Alex: (Blushing, stammering)
>I, um, just thought maybe I could buy you a drink or something. Maybe get to know you better?

Rachel: (Laughing cruelly)
>Get to know us? What makes you think we’d waste our time on a fucking loser like you? Do you even know where you are?

Nina: (Coldly)
>You’re out of your fucking league, Alex. We don’t need your pathetic attempts at charm. We’re perfectly fine without your sad little ass.

Jessica: (Leaning forward, eyes narrowing)
>Do you even know who you’re talking to? We’re not interested in some clumsy, stupid male trying to insert himself into our night.

Alex: (Trying to stay confident, but failing miserably)

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Jessica: (Harshly)
>Listen, Alex. If you had any sense, you’d realize your presence is barely tolerable. We don’t need your company, your drinks, or your lame attempts at conversation. Do yourself a favor and fuck off.

Alex: (Defeated, backing away)
>I, uh, I’m sorry. Have a good night.

Lena: (As he walks away)
>Good riddance, fucking loser. Maybe he’ll finally get the message that he’s not wanted.

Rachel: (Laughing)
>They never learn, do they? Always thinking they can just waltz in and be relevant.

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And what exactly does a female future look like?
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Global synchronized menstruation.
That bitch will set you up for a cartel facelift.
I think it’s more women ignore you but okay
The free will to be roasties filled with cums of a thousand different dicks, and complaining why they can't find good men when their pussies have been used and filled with STIs.
prostitution without customers.

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Is this great replacement?
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I was agreeing with you. I worded it poorly.
The main reason is that for a majority of blacks being successful as a doctor, engineer, or some other "high IQ" profession it's not in their cards. A great deal of them will spend free time playing sports like basketball instead and those with drive will see it as a potential future for them. Relatively few white kids spend their school years thinking they're going to try to be a professional athlete while a lot of black kids do and don't shelve those dreams, and sometimes it becomes their only "out" for their current poor living situation. Thus they become over represented which becomes a sort of positive feedback loop with recruiters and the average American thinking that blacks are somehow naturally gifted, giving them even more opportunity.
White people play hockey in this country you stupid whore
black birth rates arent at replacement level either.
So some races are better than others at certain things eh?

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I've been researching Hezbollah these are not your normal shitskin fighters. This is going to be bad like a real war.

This looks straight out of Call of Duty: https://x.com/SprinterFamily/status/1680681449383501824
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Spoiler - I'm from the future:
They die instantly from napalm, their weapons misfiring because shitskins remain lowIQ and the Israeli offensive is actually impressive. Arabs get their 5th defeat in the exact same way.
Can't wait to see them btfo by Israelis, just like every other shitskin "army" lmao
they're Whiter than kikes
This looks like bullshit to me.
Damn bro, they make hezbollah look way cooler than the US military.

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Are women just stronger jews
You literally just have to be in the same place as a foid.
That's all.
Yes, that's exactly what they are.

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Israel is about to launch an anti-terrorist mission in Lebanon, which might provoke Iran into defending terrorists, which in turn means the US and Europe must act to defend the world from Hamas and Hezbollah

Where are all LE HABBENING retards now that a military draft might happen? The solution is simple: no enlistment, no pussy. Men who refuse to defend their nation, people, and liberty must be shamed
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WWI was an unjust war. And the white feather of shame was inappropriate, blind wes bentley notwithstanding.
>defend their people
I’m not a kike
>Never offered pussy to begin with due to insane standards or act so batshit insane that men don't want anything to do with them to begin with
>Wonder why men don't bother
>Shame them with threatening to withhold sex if they choose to not go into the grinder.
Do these idiots have any brain cells? Men get more stick than carrot, why should they fight and die for ungrateful dregs?
Hamas lost
Palishitstainians lost
Hezballsuckers lost
Iran lost
Considering how fucking fake and gay history is I feel like the white feather shit was an isolated incident that got attention for being a 'girlboss move' that caught a few british retards by surprise.

No one has enough national pride to fall for that kiked shit a second time.

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Why does pol claim seed oils are bad without any scientific proof?
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The longest lived, with little to no heart disease from the studies don't use any seed oils aside from olive oil. Seed oils are filthy garbage.
>People who post here brag about their friend chicken all the time. They whine about seed oils
You stupid faggot
The people here " brag about their friend chicken" are not the same people who "whine about seed oils"
You fuck shadowboxing nigger, you think 20 people use this site? No one in this thread is "whinning" We are sharing information and shaming kikes and their pets that consume this goyslime, you seem out of place here
Makes me get "pimples" on back, neck, arms. The deep kind without whiteheads. Why is it in EVERYTHING?
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>ctrl F
seed oils taste like shit anyway

Mass amounts of Israeli troops stationed at the Northern border of Israel.
USS Eisenhower is being deployed to help protect important Israeli assets.
Rumours that the invasion might start in less than an hour.
It is currently 11:14pm in Tel Aviv.
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You don't know what fighting is
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shut yo bitch ass up nigga hahaha
I mean not just 1 but a swarm of submarine drones where your air defenses are useless.
Jews love to drink goyim blood.
Sure nigger sure…

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Can someone explain to me why so many men jerk off to drawings of fictional woman instead of real woman you know the kind you can have sex with and reproduce with? Fifty years ago doing that would have had you committed to the loony bin. What’s going to be the end result of this?
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>t. can't visualize an apple
fair enough

It just works Idk why
since the women are fake they can have more ideal proportions
You are retarded and devoid of imagination, or this is a slide thread.
I've been browsing 4chan since 2011 (albeit I don't visit /pol/ much) and I still don't know what 'slide thread' means

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what a faggot
why is he popular? who actually watches these tranny shills?
nick is right. why would this tranny leave his family for some degenerate fetish?

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Are they not? I thought it was a before and after.
Anyway, I've seen it happen several times now aside from this possible case of misidentification.
pretty sure they just hired a goy to do the photos

pretty neat psyop imo
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Why do these freaks always do that 'Looking up and away' in profile pics?
Why the fuck does anyone care about this Mr Beast cuckfaced cunt? He's literally just the :) emote IRL. Peak NPC

shut up retard

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>The 10 Commandments monuments that originally featured both the Star of David and the Freemason symbol (Square and Compass) have undergone updates for various reasons, primarily reflecting shifts in societal attitudes, legal challenges, and the intent of those who commissioned or maintain the monuments. Here are some possible explanations:
1. Legal and Constitutional Challenges: In the United States, public displays of religious symbols, including the 10 Commandments, often face legal scrutiny based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from endorsing any religion. Symbols associated with specific groups, such as Freemasons or Jewish symbols, might be seen as endorsements of particular religious or fraternal organizations. Updating the symbols to more generic or universally recognized ones, like the Star of David, could be an attempt to reduce legal risks and make the monuments more broadly acceptable.
3. Public Perception and Controversy: Freemasonry has been surrounded by various conspiracy theories and misunderstandings. To avoid controversy and public backlash, those responsible for the monuments might have decided to remove or update the Freemason symbol, replacing it with a symbol that is less likely to provoke controversy.
>In summary, the changes to the 10 Commandments monuments likely reflect a combination of legal considerations, cultural sensitivity, public perception, and the evolving intent of those maintaining the monuments.

I remember seeing Ted Cruz standing next to one, but now all 10 commandments don't have it anymore.
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Half the country is illiterate so it's not surprising. I buy things made in America and the labels and manuals on the products have all sorts of spelling mistakes also. Even foreign made products make more of an effort to get things right and they don't even speak the language.
Does anyone have a picture of the original that has the Compass and Square in place of one of the Star of David?
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Found the original picture, but there's no compass or square.
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

Thank you for helping me, even if it's in jest. I tried to use Wayback, but nothing.

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