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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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Both then.
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best yet
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Meme fag reporting for duty
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Do you think the military has our 6?
I do.
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I will Germanize "my offspring". Once I get married, I will convince my wife to choose reproduction by artificial insemination, I will make sure that the donor is an ethnic German male with good physical characteristics such as height, facial features, blond hair, blue eyes.

And there is nothing you can do about it.
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>Goku Hans Jørgenvarg Skyrim
yes yes yes
>I've replaced all of our coke with freshly imported Pilsner...
Kek put me in the screencap
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I'm not gonna lie, this shit made me laugh. Still my plan is going to go forward, no matter how much shitposting you do about it, mutt.
Sounds horrible that he has to grow up in Mexico.

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How do you call her in your language? Did you have a crush on her as a kid? In Spanish we called her Gadget or Gady.
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>ywn find a woman like gadget hackwrench irl
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Gadget. No crush. I've heard she has a cult following in Russia.
Wix? Is that you?
She was cute but I was 9. Times change
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My coworker is almost exactly like her except she's not a mouse. She's also a lesbian. Feels horrible man.

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China said they will bankroll Putin to the last Russian.
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Russia feeds China oil. So why not?
are they even using actual russians for the war? from what i heard its just asiatic siberians and not ethnic russian theyre using
Biden isn't doing anything to help China. In fact the opposite, he's supporting Taiwan.

Where's israel kike
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>according to Amerimutt experts

You guys have an unacceptable lack of knowledge .
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Not this chinese faggot again. He says fucking nothing and spams cat or anime pictures alongside every post.
I'm not worried about virtual wealth because china has the largest gold reserves in the world while the American dollar stands on void. I don't know the calendar you're talking about. Can i have summary pic of it to study?
But the conspiracy theory about jews has long been published in best selling books in china it's not a secret.

Everytime inequality of income reach it's peak. Jews always become target to destroy. It's proof that jews themselves are no Idea how to fix capitalism system self destruction . Karl Marx try and fail as communism. But at leat ww2 phenomenal help fix capitalism system for 100 years. Before we will stuck in the same loop again
Why 6?
>I am a cat like you

I am not a faggot. Tch
>Ask me anything
why are you gay?

He's right you know!

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Potus is meant to be an unaccountable King then who can do whatever he wants while the law of the land only applies to the peasants?

>And Trump is still President.
>Potus is meant to be an unaccountable King
Strange how the first 44 were....isn't it?
Well, Biden sure will.
Don't worry Mr. President, I'll tweet "Law and order"
> Biden, Obama, and Clinton all have presidential immunity

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Average American family in 2024
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The kikes really did a number on these two, am I right guys? Lmao. Imagine being this brainwashed.
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This is actually.
do they use mass mind control waves in the united states?
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Remember, the good guys won.
Too bad you are the bad guys.

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anti materialism is a meme. look at me! im protecting my family with no posessions whatsoever! look at how safe we are from dangerous people while we live next door to them in a tiny apartment with rats and roaches! u dont need possessions bro! u dont need weapons to defend urself! u dont need a big house with a large gate and guards stationed at the entrance bro! all u have to do is sit there and when the bad man comes to hurt u, let him! he probably wont nap u and force u or ur children into slavery for decades! hell commit unliving to u right on the spot, painlessly, and ull go to heaven! because heaven is a place where only possessionless people go, and they get rewarded, whereas hell is reserved for people who had lots of things and its so unfair that they worked hard for those things to protect them and their own and they will burn for all eternity because they tried to stay safe in a dangerous world.
The fuck are you on about?
Either you've been listening to some mentally ill faggots or you are one OP.
dude christianity is literally a trick for the goys. the goal of it was to eradicate european pagan religions and force the goyim to worship the jewish god who favors them above all.
how does pol not see this?
materialism is for goy slaves disconnected entirely from their ancestors
axes and swords and armor are possessions arent they

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this speech was way harder than anything from Charlottesville
Unironically based. People don't realize just how big of a deal it is to even speak about Israel, Zionists and Jews in this way.
These guys never say anything racial
They correctly point out shit about jews

But are trembling nigger lovers
It’s a fucking problem

Race is the biggest and most obvious redpill

But so called nationalists always put it in the backseat because they’re afraid of recognizing non whites as an enemy
post link
>But are trembling nigger lovers
poisoning the well
here's what you miss:
get rid of the Jews and every other problem sorts itself out naturally, likely without bloodshed
kikes import brownoids
kikes empower brownoids
kikes empower women
kikes rot education
kikes rot government agencies
kikes rot finance
kikes rot judiciary
kikes rot sports
kikes rot culture, media, entertainment, everything
without kikes, we'd have stores closed on Sundays, women would prefer to have children, niggers wouldn't be uppity and the violent ones would be shot on sight, judges wouldn't be activist, politicians would be scared of constituents again, blah blah blah
Jews are the problem, cure the infection and the symptoms go away
>eceleb shit

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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Virtually all of the human trafficking reported on during the satanic panic era was media conjecture when it came to connections to the occult, and that was at the height of these kinds of paranoia. You fell for it now like you would have 50 years back, in fact, you'd be exactly the kind of easily impressionable person they were looking to sell their bull headlines to. Occultism practice is real but it's very disjointed and doesn't involve any big names, nor trafficking of any kind, it's mostly losers doing it in their backyards or out in the woods to feel big (or to muffle their feeling of smallness). I know this because I used to be close to those higher circles of power, I'll have you know they do get off on knowing you make them out to be these devil worshipping beasts. I'm surprised you didn't mention pizzagate, also known as the most blatant psyop in the history of the internet. You're surely no older than 25 so I'm going to say this as clearly as I can: actual conspiracies are a lot more boring and requiring of specific, technical knowledge, than these sensationalized webs of fragile connections any moron could look further into. go out, study hard/work hard so you can have a family of your own you care for, and cease looking for evil "satanic" plots wherever you think something doesn't add up. You'll reflect on this when you're older I hope, and you'll see I was right.
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Col. Michael Aquino was military Occult out of the Presido. Try harder.
yeah all those precious demonic, satan worshipping books that I'm missing out on. Man, my loss ey? rofl

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What do (((they))) have on him?
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This hes a moron too afraid to lose anything like trump. The only people who actually should lead are people who have lost everything or had nothing.
Yeah that’s not gonna happen lol
>anybody who doesn't immediately and totally reveal their power level in public like a retard is a fucking kike!!!!
He's literally jewish

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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I love this man so much. God Bless Joesph R. Biden
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>I love this man so much. God Bless Joesph R. Biden
birds of a feather
make sure you go down with the ship
if you don't we will treat you worse than Biden treats his children, who he rapes.
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>trust da plan
no he's right. years late, no names named.... It's essentially a limited hangout to establish a veneer of bipartisanship
She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.

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We tried the self driving car, but you people wouldn't do captchas correctly
>just grab an old lady
Nope. Civil contract has been broken. That's just a lawsuit.
Old women place is outside of normal society in church waiting to die. Its tiresome to deal with grandmas. Nobody wants them. IT pisses off normal people. I nean young.
I had one drive right into me as I was crossing an intersection. He was staring right at me the whole time he was driving right into us. It's like his mind was literally blank.
>faggot car with faggot features
>irresponsible boomer
made for BTC (big train cock)

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I am fucking laughing at this recent bill to draft women. This is the greatest push for equality I've seen in years. Push the overton window.
>Well I have mental health problems
Unless it's something serious, you can be drafted!
>Well I'll just get pregnant >:)
The military can do anything they want to your body. You don't own it. Basically it's like being a baby boy. You're a baby boy now, congratulations on the equality!
>Well I'm too old
According to this shockingly accurate post in picrel, you may be choppng block
>But this is unfair I have rights
Welcome to boyhood, sister. Over the next few years that will be violently beaten out of you. Best of luck fighting for my freedom. Thank you for your service. o7
Moshi please, nobody will die for Zion

you are making a fool out of yourself, or yourselves
Yeah ofc I want your goyim daughters sent to die for israel
Noa, your fat will be dripping onto the floorboards of the burning synagogue you are locked inside of later this century.
Oh yeah ive been in a synagogue before totally

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Is there anything white fathers could do to prevent their daughters becoming coalburners?

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Too bad about the narrow hips
No, we will balkanise then another nation will born from survivors
Where is the gif of her shacking her ass, and it turns into a can of chicken being poured out? That shit makes me diamonds.
lets post french prostitutes
Wasn't that Shakira

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>”She is liberal, or is that just an act?
She's legitimately liberal? It's not an act?”-Trump
Do you think Taylor Swift is actually liberal? I have a feeling many liberals are only libtard in name because of the implications.
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her eggs tumbled out and womb went dry
>Is she a Secret Conservative
Cope, the thread.
she's an oldfag /b/tard
Election tourists have no idea. sad
shills fkn kilt dead

How many Americans do you think commit suicide during or after being gangstalked every year?
not enough

My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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I'm in a 99% white hick shithole. I should move to houston or a city with tight little asian imports. I saw that costco_kat ho on instagram and never coomed harder in my life.
Black people moved in next door and a week later there was a drive by shooting at their house. If they got the wrong house I'd have been dead, since I was sitting in the garage. Now I don't hang out in my garage that much anymore.
Black people moved in next door and a week later there was a drive by shooting at their house. If they got the wrong house I'd have been dead, since I was sitting in the garage. Now I don't hang out in my garage that much anymore. Can't have fucking anything good with niggers around. I'm so tired of this place.
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i live in a majority black county
all the whites here are boomer retirees that cannot afford anywhere else or young tweakers
i live here because the spics are gradually taking over as their women are the only ones reproducing
taking the latina-pill seems to be the only way forward
I'm in Florida so there's spics everywhere, but the remaining white enclaves are based as fuck.

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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>we sought to conquer nature

Already happened
No. Stave off and gain ground against, but nature always wins.
You're playing wrong. Yeah, obviously you steam roll when you double your production by building genetically engineered slave factories, eat you citizens instead of offering them retirement, add a pop to every city every turn by vat growing your civ, and install an all knowing big brother ai to 'police' your population and ensure compliance. Just stack those +25%, +50% bonuses and compound it ad infinitum.
That's not how you're supposed to play 'hard' mode. Hard is when you realize that not every bonus is moral. And that you're going to win the game in a way where you'd be happy to live in your society as a nobody at the end of the game. You're supposed to purposefully refrain from building manmade horrors and committing planet scale autrocities when you play self imposed 'hard mode'.
It can be done, but not by many of you. You'll falter. You'll give in. You'll have no choice because the 'other side' is getting those bonuses and you need it to. You'll win the game but lose all the same.
Hated them as a child, love them as an adult. I dare you all to try and win without becoming monsters.
being morally bankrupt is the lore accurate way to play Zakharov but I get your point. Choosing to be "good" is much more difficult than spamming special projects, but that's very much self imposed.
>I dare you all to try and win without becoming monsters.
I've got the itch, I'll play a morally pure Miriam on Transcendent.

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