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reason number 1. you won't do shit, cus you're a nigger
dont fuck around w fire like that
KYS glownigger DEI hire scum.
You’ll never hear a glownigger mention bombs anymore... when I was a kid they were always talking about bombs
How does arson benefit glowniggers? What logic is there to push arson specifically?

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A media corporation sanitizes the entire process so two old men in front of nobody can talk to whom? Weird. Won't watch. The greatest media constructed controlled event this nation has ever been beaten over the head with, so overly controlled the president himself had a stage built so he could practice on it beforehand. This is a studio production brought to you by the media, corporate ad buys and unelected aides. Exact representation of what this country is- a fake set with a mute button.
Farage was absolutely correct on capitalism dying because of media banks corpos and complicit govt.
9pm est. Also another thread mentioned cnn is going to issue dmca takedowns so commentary channels may be pulled down from youtube.

How is cnn's website going to handle the traffic?
Joe Biden is worse than doctor disrespect when it comes to touching kids. I’ve never seen doc touch them in public but joe sure has.
Would it be a criminal offense for a father to punch someone doing this into a coma?

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but there is something wrong with her now

Christina Applegate was a TV star 20 years ago but she ran into bad streak of luck. She lost both of her breasts.

Miraculously though she gave a birth to a daughter eventhough she had no breasts.

But now there is something wrong with the girl.


Sadie Applegate, 13, has said she now suffers from POSTAL syndrome. There as no sign of it 4 years ago when she was 9 years old.

Her autonomous nervous system is breaking down, her heart will eventually give up. She might live 20 more years though but it will not be pleasant ride.
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People who have received the covid vaccine, and people who have long covid experience symptoms of POTS.
it's the other way around. God allows these inflictions to help bring people to repentance through humility.
How the fuck did she feed the baby when it was an infant if she didn’t have breasts?!?
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Why don't you go to Hungary?
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Because I'm a foreigner and have no business living there. Hungary is for the Magyars. I'd like to visit the nation 1 day, but I have too much respect for the sanctity of what makes their culture distinct.
Because I'm trying to escape this shithole. It's just not that easy if European people know that you are a H*ngarian, I would have easier time as a Jew in Gaza.
How are Hungarians perceived by other Euros as?

I'm only familiar with Hungarian history from Arpad until the Ottoman conquest. Then a bit of the 19th century when Hungary became part of the Dual Monarchy until its collapse in 1918. I grew up in Ohio and we had a fuckton of Hungarian immigrants.
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you asking the wrong person
Hungarians are not leaving their homeland like the rest from the former commie block
And other westerners are love to come here
They're one of the most atheistic peoples in Europe so then why did you post a christcuck image?

>Skibidi Biden, the famous Tik Tok star and presidential parodist, appeared before a sea of children, all eagerly waiting for his hilarious antics. As the cheers and applause died down, he stood proudly before them, a mischievous grin on his face.

>With a wave of his hand, he began a series of exaggerated facial expressions and hand gestures, each more absurd than the last. The children erupted into laughter, their joyful giggles filling the air.

>He continued with his skit, playing up the character of the bumbling yet lovable president, each punchline and joke landing perfectly with his young audience.
This board is going to be hell the next few months due to election spammers.

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I have started to realize that if you are an incel your opinion is automatically less valuable. Like, you can't even convince one person on earth to love you as you are. How are you going to convince me to trust you or what you say? Incels are often obsessed with something unnaturally which is why women don't want to touch you or feel interested in you.
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Thank you. I needed that.
Chop wood, carry water, fren.
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>I have started to realize that if you are an incel your opinion is automatically less valuable
All you have to do is return the favor to others. That's literally all it takes, it flips a switch in their head that tells them "hey maybe this guy thinks my opinion is shit because it is!". Such is life in polarized retard planet.

>you can't even convince one person on earth to love you as you are
It is impossible to love anyone as they truly are, what they see in the mirror is all the show you. Everything else is a charismatic lie.
you dont convince anyone to love you, you retard. if you are matched it just happens
>Incels are often obsessed with something unnaturally which is why women don't want to touch you or feel interested in you.

It is very noble to want to help others, but more often than not, they are so attached to their misery, that no matter what you try, they will find a justification why they are helpless.

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The better question is why are there pyramids all around the world and what do they represent
see >>472346318
a) there must have been a global information exchange of some sort
b) pyramids must have served some important purpose which made them be built all over the place
c) don't worry about it! ancient peopel were mud-caked retards. pyramids are just stone piles and it's all just a cohincidence. go to work or go to sleep.
With the help of Penemue and other nephilim.
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Is watching porn cuck behavior? If you think about, you're just watching other people have sex. It's the same thing as going to the cuck corner while another man has sex with your girl.
No, it's hot. It's nice to vicariously experience that which you never will. White men will never bottom out a woman and hit that cervix but at least they can watch BBC black men do so
If watching porn is cuck, then constantly thinking about somebody else watching porn is...?
I hate america and americans

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well... can someone be her white knight now she's DYING out here
There is plenty of shit jobs to work, drop the ego sweetie
>Gaps in my resume

Just lie bitch, women evolved to be way better liars than men lol....
My sister is a software dev and when she couldn't get software work she worked in a coffee shop for a year until she got a software job again.
She must be fucking retarded.
We hire boot camp grads and can't even keep up with demand.

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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they had to give them up but the entity that owned and placed them there didn't exist anymore, that's why they had to go through deals and shit. It's still a shitload of fissile material and delivery systems, they probably would've sold them for pennies to the first bidder. I'm not saying that as an insult, the 90s were a dark part of history
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Damn man, haven't seen Greenlandanon for a while. Thanks.
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It's also in Parmesan cheese. Speaking of disgusting foods, let's talk about Euro cheeses...
>Several other regional varieties of cheese with fly larvae are produced in the rest of Europe. For example, goat-milk cheese is left to the open air until P. casei eggs are naturally laid in the cheese.[9] Then it is aged in white wine, with grapes and honey, preventing the larvae from emerging, giving the cheese a strong flavour. In addition, other regions in Europe have traditional cheeses that rely on live arthropods for ageing and flavouring, such as the German Milbenkäse and French Mimolette, both of which rely on cheese mites.
>A similar kind of cheese, called "mish", is also produced in Egypt.
>An early printed reference to Stilton cheese points to a similar production technique. Daniel Defoe in his 1724 work A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain notes: "We pass'd Stilton, a town famous for cheese, which is call'd our English Parmesan, and is brought to table with the mites or maggots round it, so thick, that they bring a spoon with them for you to eat the mites with, as you do the cheese."[25]
>According to Rabbi Chaim Simons of the Orthodox Union, kosher casu martzu can be produced provided that all ingredients are kosher, the rennet comes from a kosher animal slaughtered in accordance with the laws of shechita, and that the cheese is "gevinat Yisrael" (made under Jewish supervision).[26]
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>Fight literally the entire world
>It was still a close match
And people say fascism is weak, lmao
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US fought quite a bit, anon. 70 out of the 100 or so divisions that made up the western front at its peak were American.
Nope. Russia withdrew because of internal jewish revolution.
Fuck off with this Team Jew scumbag. You people are retards for falling for this shit.
Redditors. Fascism resulted in the greatest expansion of italian industry by that point in its history. It resulted in numerous public works, such as the draining of bogs to allow for more land for peasants. It resulted in artistic works, expansion of italian film, bold new architecture. The acquisition of ethiopia was good for italy. It would have led to domestic untaxed rubber production for italy, as well as the inclusion of other resources, had the embargo and war not constricted this creation.
The salient aspect of fascism, according to The Doctrine of Fascism, is the perpetuation of the state, whereas the salient aspect of NS is the perpetuation of the race/genetic info/blood/folk/ethnos, using the state as a mechanism. It's racial fascism, that's why it's better. Though, mussolini did become very based and racist later on, at least at some point and with regard to some policies. So there was/is so much confluence. But National Socialism is certainly specifically about race.

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they were ahead of their time. true genius. especially homosexuals lashed out against them and then all the nigger, jew and pedo worshipping liberals followed and destroyed these beautiful people's lives.
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wrong, peduoh is a blue eyed aryan chad
peak mutt
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/pol/, are you behind that?
Dont forget the ones that talk about jews. They tried to warn us jews and faggots would be the downfall of the nation

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Give me your best or rarest Hitlers.
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>who this guy is
Looks like Werner von Blomberg the first Minister of War and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces of the Third Reich
With pictures like these that show both the great man and the way he inspired white people to throw off their chains of debt-money slavery it's understandable why the jews would have been terrified of him.
I would rather live in a smoldering crater like we are in fucking aleppo syria than waste the rest of my life in jewish niggerviille. Burry me under a nazi flag, faggot.
too soon
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CGE lookin fresh in the background.

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Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude but why replace it with this?
It could have been anything but you choose this.
Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
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So this is why Boeings are crashing
Judaism literally is Satanism. Funny enough, it's the secular/atheistic Jews who are the most extreme when it comes to promoting these things. Almost like it's genetic...
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>Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
It was. Whatever the reason, at this point they are actively trying to stir up popular support for "right-wing" causes and rage against Clown World. Whatever the reason, they WANT everyone to know, see and say that Clown World has gone too far. There is definitely some kind of 4D chess going on because they just keep doubling down more and more extremely, more and more blatantly, the more the public pushes back, and the question is how they are planning to harness and funnel all this thermodynamic energy of the human particles in their system.
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>Almost like it's genetic...
It is


This. That's probably what Robert E Lee wore on Saturday nights at the child sacrifice.

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Will porn be totally banned by the end of the decade, /pol/?

It seems like millennials were the trial generation for the mass distribution and consumption of pornography. And it looks like it ended up being way more effective than they originally expected.
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I think Mass Porn Distribution is a population control weapon when you think about it.
Maybe they'll try to find some excuse to paywall it
you ever heard of pee wee herman?
>physically meeting a person to buy porn from
He was an idiot and deserved what he got.

There's a reason ancient Greeks were obsessed with male beauty. Unlike females who are most often beautiful, a really pretty man is scarce. And even if you find one it requires effort to create a beautiful body as well. Male beauty hides intellectualism behind it. Women on the other hand just need to breathe to be pretty.

If you lack the ability to admire male beauty you are indeed a faggot
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My bad, I didn't notice your faggot flag and for a minute there I thought you might be Romanian and actually know what you are talking about. RDLs ftw. Opinion discarded.
I got a new mirror yesterday
it's lonely at the top brother
Literally every day, the spirit of the Greeks moves me
I'm not that handsome, but I got the tall man with feminine face and big blue eyes look, and yeah men are trying to backstab all the time. I thought it was just narcissist behavior infecting society, which it might be since narcissism is based on jealousy.

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>when does it start
9pm Eastern Time
>where to watch
CNN.com or USA Today’s YouTube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs?si=pW6uuE7-lP1DMAyx

This is going to be a shit show.
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genuinely have no idea why either of them agreed to this beyond ego but i'm glad we get to watch some geriatric retards fight
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AI is dum
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It starts at 3AM here.
Should I bother to stay awake?
I did during the 2016 campaign because it was very entertaining, but not during the last campaign since it was a snorefest.
Do it, I'm staying up and want more people to suffer with me.
>want more people to suffer with me
We already have the EU for that.

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How do we go back?
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Hahaha! This OP. Even just asking him wtf his argument is makes him run away and ignore the question, pretending that his nonsense wasn't put into question.
OP, you are such a dishonest piece of shit!
I hope you are sufficiently ashamed of yourself for lying to people.
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no, it's an actual castle named Schloss Neuschwanstein. Adolf Hitler has even painted this castle.

When it comes to buildings humanity has made incredible masterpieces. And humanity has always been more advanced than what we today give them credit for. All around the world we have beautiful castles, manors, towers and all kinds of crazy just stunning stuff.
Easy! Start getting rid of NIGGERS and JEWS.
Allow the white people to continue their superior
civilization. This is not rocket science. It is plain fact. For everyone to CLEARLY SEE.
insane that we cannot build that today. would not be economically viable and would take 100 years to plan and break ground

>China about to invade Taiwan
>Letter says You have been drafted by the US military

How do you respond?
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>china about to invade taiwan
so that letter will never come
Literally won't happen, even in case it does I will act as if it didn't and will suffer no consequence to my (in)actions
>let my supervisor know so I can leave in good terms
>inform my family and friends
>gather up my camping gear for four seasons
>gather a few more supplies: garden lye, pallets, a shovel, more rope, a few weeks of perishable food, etc.
>head down one of the abandoned forest service roads I’ve scoured over the past two years
>set up camp, dig a pit toilet, pitch my tent and tarp
>head to the nearest Walmart when I run out of supplies
>stay out of sight until the entire thing blows over
If you’re not ready now and don’t have a few places you’ve found then you need to get on it. Pic rel: me larping in the woods as a draft dodger.
The aggressive nature of Nazi Germany was caused by an unjust world order. The German emperor wanted "land under the sun", but the old world had already been divided by Western European colonial empires. The essence of the two world wars was that Germany, Japan and other newly industrialized countries tried to break through the old imperial system.

The fierce means of war was chosen because a medium-sized country like Germany could not actually prevail in the struggle against the old colonial empire such as Britain. So they chose a big bet, the World War.

China is different. I candidly say that the purpose of China is the same as that of Germany. Our appeal is to reshape the old world. The ancient empire has recovered, and she must have a greater say. But we don't need to go to war. Because although the current international system was created by the United States, China still has the upper hand. It is not necessary for us to seize greater power through war.

China is a giant country, and her scale is enough to enable her to gain sufficient competitive advantage, especially economic advantage. For us, the ultimate goal of maintaining military is to avoid using military.

On the contrary, the United States is more likely to control China's rising trend by provoking military adventures as it has no other choice.

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