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Excuse me? What did you just say? I hope you know some of the most impressive heroine addicts are carnies.
splat albert says yes
I've been to Florida last month, and spent 5 days at Universal. The rides there are not only top notch, but never had any real issues.

Also went to Disney for 2 days (against my wishes, when I suggested SeaWorld instead), and "rides" are extremely lacking.

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So there are no atheists in foxholes after all

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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I work at Nintendo.
imagine voteing
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interesting - I think the "it's entertainment" reasoning is fine (although is does come off as cope), but once it becomes a little bit too obsessive, the "american politics" fans start losing the part of themselves that makes them human

you've got swifties, K-pop fans, Marvel obsessives... Obviously, all freaks who are wasting their lives away. And then alongside them, apparently we have Swedish people who are obsessed with American politics. What a weird development lol. I think you should find a new hobby man, maybe something healthier that will actually benefit you as a human being
Like let's reverse this. Let's say that I'm an American who's obsessed with Swedish politics, to the point where I'm posting multiple (7+?) posts on an anime imageboard

I think any reasonable person would say, "dude just stop, that's fucking weird. Find something worthwhile to do with your life." But here you are - imagine devoting that time to something cool, maybe Swedish politics perhaps?
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>You made one thread once
>You must be obsessed
Thanks for the blog post, didn't read

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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She's like a soft 9.5/10
I didn't know mexican girls could get that cute though. Maybe the west coast is worth it?
This guy gets it
We are literally being invaded right now. The enemy army is coming through crammed into 18-wheelers, not tanks, and they bare weapons that are not guns but rather their hideous mongrel children.
Only rich Mexican girls are tall and slender.
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The op girl is like 4'11 lol. She's a toy!

I like the idea I think it's the only hope for white people. But Washington's only getting more and pozzed and they don't seem to be doing shit from the outside looking in. I could be wrong. Also why do they ask for your SS number in their manual? Setting off a lot of glowfag flags. They don't even seem to be promoting Covington's books.
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Nobody asked for your opinion faggot.
>let's get all the white nationalists to move to one place that can be easily wiped out with a nuclear atrike
Great plan, OP
they wouldn't nuke the pacific north west. Canada is in blast range and detonating a fucking nuke in your own country even against da evil nazi's they would be overthrown immediately
You know most of the PNW landwise is red right?
sorry california I'm eating dinner

Election maps fascinate me.

The darker blue counties voted more for Biden, and the darker red counties voted more for Trump.
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>devotion to Judaic Christianity
America isn’t a Christian nation, it hasn’t been for at least half of century, thereby joining the ranks of fellow secularised (ostensibly) European states. So long as you and others cling to the old faith the European peoples shall never throw off the Kalergi yoke.
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>Alaska blue
Alaska basically has the reverse situation as the rest of the country. The huge blue areas have barely any people, just a few sled-riding Eskimos. Most people live in the red areas.

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Live stream coverage:

Nick is also homosexual and looked like a granny
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>gay mexican ADL loomer op grifter scams autistic retards still falling for him after jan6th
Dont care.
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Youve been at this all day, even this morning you had like 5-6 threads up but you call everyone else the shills.
Sloppy asf, just kys and get it over with you worthless worm vessel e celeb pushing faggot.
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Shit my bad, my post was for the nick shills.
anyone that is trying to fragment this movement by saying it isnt white enough is either an actual retard or a bad actor
>we want less allies against the most powerful international group in the world

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How could Russia ever recover? They would rather live in the shittest shithole of the whole world - America, than stay in Russia. What caused this?
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You're obviously some current thing redditard from pajeet Torontostan if you're comparing Canada and Russia, as if we don't have the exact same problems they have but with way less hotter women
you're probably the half russian neet who shit talks canada every chance he gets.

fuck off back to the motherland if you love it so much
delusional. they've been "7 km away" for months
sure they are
>mean while, better and cheaper ukrainese breeding sows are rushing into russia
Slavs have been this for years now. I used to live in Michigan and there were a lot of slavic hookers out there. I’ve heard there’s a lot in Portland Oregon too.

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How do we solve the male loneliness epidemic?
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>most men will never meet the right person
You can make yourself more desirable (hygiene, working out, building charisma), but that doesn't mean that you'll feel the warmth of a woman thou. If you've got money however these factors seem to be a lot less important for some women it seems...
State mandated fat camps for women.
most females no longer need most males. shits going to get worse
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by herbsing this thread. byeeee

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the fucking squirrel
It is an absolute banger.

The fact that this triggers people so bad really does show what a double standard people have, and its one of the things that makes me like Lil Nas X.

People get that irrationally angry over some black gay dudes dancing is embarrassing.
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Suck my dick jackie chan hope your dog gets bad cooked and starts bites you

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How bad is it really?
It's Sweden so probably super uptight and repressed in a weird way. You'll be frustrated by the potential that is never unleashed. You'll end up having more friends who are muzzie foreigners because they are the only other people who understand how perplexing the locals are.
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What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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>I'd kill myself
yes we know you would kike meme flag, but a real man would kill some globohomo zog bots first.
>What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
I'm an idealist and a moralist, unlike the mercenaries on here demanding land, girlfriends, or money. My demand would be a total-war declared on Israel, jews, shabbos goy, and any non-White residing in White lands. Paint the streets with jewish blood everywhere and reduce Israel to cinders is my criteria.
It would have to be against jews
So you want to end up in a gulag or a pow camp?

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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There is a video of Nixon talking shit about jews if you can find it
Watergate was a judicial fake (like the ones against Trump and many others), created to eliminate Nixon because he was redpilled about the jews

You're referring to that audio clip where he’s talking to somebody over the phone about how the Jews own NY Times, Washington Post, etc right?
Link that and I'll tell ya.
He was referring to how much power jews have in politics
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Partly set up, one could argue Nixon was pushing for transparency that the democrat party refused to deliver and attempted to seize it however he could. He didn't trust the FBI for good reason, which was that they were full of hippies colluding with foreign-beholden CIAnigger bureaucrats. You have to understand the state of the country back then, "reds" were still fresh in everyone's mind back then and Johnson had just fairly recently signed the Civil Rights Act of '64 as well, reigniting claims of our country turning communist.

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Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
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Jews truly are the superior race on this earth and as such it is their right to rule the lesser races of the goy
T. the PSOE-fag wanting free gibs from EU.
The biggest red pill nobody wants to swallow is that everything they say, view or read online politically does nothing but lead to personal problems.
Everything. At some point to know is to experience, if you haven't experienced, you don't know, but you have beliefs, right? Like the cute girl you want to ask out doesn't regularly jerk off random guys on the street, you might have thought differently if you knew that, but you made whatever investment withoit knowing. But you'd never know, if you didn't try.
You're not making a lick of sense here. It seems to me that you have no idea either and are just throwing random bullshit together.
Define progress and tell us what sort of accomplishment requires belief.
"Everything" is an answer that might impress a 14 year old, but I'm going to need something a tad more tangible.

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I passed through Berlin whilst touring Germany and decided to visit some techno clubs after hearing so much that they're the best in the world online, ended up being turned away. Now that I look more into it, seems like this was a blessing in disguise.

I decided to look up 'Berghain' again which is often claimed as one of the 'best' techno clubs in the world and I came across the following vice review which disgusts me to the core. I'm convinced the only reason this club is so lauded is because fags shill it non-stop - they pretend it's the techno, but no its got to be the degeneracy.


Seriously, what the fuck is this. We have a full month and the entire media supporting these people? I now question if even trannies degeneracy clears this, and that's a very high bar.

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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GCHQ lad, is that you? I can't be arsed to scroll up and find your other post soz.
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said this before but need to be more like the Irish, how they are blocking migration plantations from being built

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I'm seeing a lot more retarded posts than usual on /pol/. You guys are losing your mental edge.

Stay off of tiktok and think through things more rather than regurgitating whatever someone says.
Doesn’t this bitch embellish and lie a lot? So I’ve heard anyways
not my heckin' escoots!
Joe Rogan is a glownigger and so is she.
>does she lie
Just look at her cut up face

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it


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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
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Indeed. It's questionable whether they have souls. They're authoritarian brutes.

All three jobs kill themselves at a fraction the rate of your soldiery. Prove otherwise.

Pretty lame response to a perfectly articulated dissection of americas performative solider worship, Isaac.
Its literally the only way a white man can get any doors open for them as veterans are a "protected class". I literally remember being denied a job at autozone but after the military I got offered a job repairing power plants making six figs (I was a boat electrician while in.)

We're so fucked..
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>10 people were shot today at a splash pad in Rochester Hills, MI by rowdy youths
>rowdy youths
>Weed smoking kids
>Mississippi carjackers
>Shiestey wearers.
THOSE Rowdy youths?
>tennis court netting is 1.9m
im in the wrong industry
you can build a 400 sq ft cabin in the woods and raise 10 kids in it. you are just a flaming faggot
Okay rabbi.

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If you were a politician, who would you fuck from big politics in **your** country?

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