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If you were to pick a place where you would live for the rest of your life after reaching the age of 50, which one would you choose?
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Probably not, but that would make you seem like an absolute king to them.
Balkan, because even with all of our shortcomings, we're at least Europeans with European culture.

Unironically serbian cuisine is one of the best in Europe, because we perfected the middle-eastern recipes which were brought by the ottomans like ćevapi and pljeskavice with kajmak and meat pies, and also adopted lots of Hungarian, Austrian and central european stuff from the AH era like schnitzel and goulash. Sure, it maybe isn't the most original cuisine, but it's one of the tastiest, along with Bosnian, and i've travelled around. But to be honest I love Italian, Greek and amerimutt burgers and fried chicken the most.
>we're at least Europeans with European culture.
Top kek nothing is European east of Elbe to the people west of Elbe.
Help it along my friend, sabotage the (((economy))) at every turn and gang up on the tax collectors.
Curry is the most overrated food from a most overrated unified culture cuisine.

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Why are spic nations all shitholes? Spic nations have been independent for 200 years but have remained shitholes.
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commie idiot, is becouse of genetics, we have a mixture of the lazyness of spaniards, the malice of indiand and the criminality of negroes
Why are spics so uppity?
Pretty sure some of those countries have a lower crime rate than certain USA cities or Sweden areas and in Argentina you get to eat meat on every meal if you want to, but I mean sure no one there earns more than 500$/€ a month and they have to wait 3 years until new console games are released there.
so faggots ask why
probably genetics, same reason why all anglos are kike worshipers. the smell of Jewish pheromones triggers a submission response in the anglo brain.

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Suggested Reading:https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening:https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9watKIJRM

Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

>Manchester Airport boss sorry for 'difficult day' after power-cut chaos and cancellations
>Bulgarian gang member behind UK's biggest benefit fraud that scammed £50million brags British prison was like a 'holiday' where she could get haircuts and manicures
>I’m challenging Angela Rayner for Reform UK – this is why young people like Nigel Farage
>Gambling watchdog widens election betting inquiry
>Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance

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hope scroteland get battered again
Lads why is Scotland in the footie being shilled so hard?
Haven't seen the BBC spunk themselves this hard since they decided to make Doctor Who a bame
I have no idea. Too busy reducing a bluecheese sauce desu

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Do you have bachelor taxes in your country?
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Still cheaper than a wife
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as a neet i cant afford bachelor tax, sory
Sounds like the cost of being free from women. Still cheaper than divorce rape.
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I swear to God I'd kill a lot of people
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"If your government forcefully takes some part of your paycheck, but if you are married it takes less, that's a bachelor tax retart

Men are unironically revoking women's rights

It´s started in China, they are already doing there, and the Government is ignoring the problem because they want Chinese men to reproduce.

Women trafficking cartels will increase in size in all countries in the world and completely dominate marriages for 90% of men for the next 2-3 years, because 90% men now require them now to have a wife and reproduce.

Also.. why are we paying taxes for this government that doesn't represent the interests of men, and is fine with just using us as tax paypigs until we die alone and childless (so this government can start collecting our inheritance as well, since at some point there will be no family line left to collect it)?

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You either become a tranny, a pedophile, or a chronic coomer

I cannot get hard looking at drawings but I am not immune to Ryza, I just won’t Jack off to a drawing
Supernormal stimulus. Basically when you get hooked on exaggerated usually infantile features it stimulates the emotional response section of your brain the amygdala. Horror and cute animal videos fundamentally are derived from the same center of activity. In the way that you become inoculated to horror you become desensitized to cute. Those who fail inoculation become addicted to the supernormal stimulus, it's similar to a porn addiction, but 'addiction' itself isn't a magical attachment it's simply setting a stress level to a higher neutral. Eventually you can't look at normal people without feeling distressed, everyone will look ugly, then when you look in the mirror you too are ugly. Since there's an ungodly amount of anime porn this overlaps with porn addiction, but the true issue is that it creates a devil's mirror effect where what's common no longer stimulates attention.
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the corpo to trannies pipeline is real
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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t. Hyperweeb

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These things are coming whether you like it or not. There is a massive untapped market in the leftover mem, which are now even larger than any other point in history. In 20 years tops these things will be on a level of detroit become human, and they will overwhelmingly cater to men.

A robot cannot provide or raisebsocial status so that's already a failure for the majority of women, but it can simulate love and sex and do simple house chores which is everything men want. This is without adding artificial wombs into the equation.

So what will women do? Will they adapt, ree or rope?
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OP Momma has a "Battery Operated Boyfriend"
>I'm 5'2
>on a level of detroit become human
Is Detroit a euphemism for niggers now? They will never become human, silly.

Rip currents can be defeated by relaxing, letting it sweep you out then paddle paralell to the shoreline. You will eventually feel yourself exit the rip current and will be able to swim safely to shore like normal.

Dont fight the rip!

>please dont be racist
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that's why all these people down here all have shit that says "roll tide"?
Case in point, Ryan Mallet (former NFL QB) died from one last year. 35 yo.
names sound kinda african..

Hold your breath in. Or maybe you lack body fat.
As a kid I didn't float while as a very well fed adult I do.

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Arabs are not Israelite at all but are a mixture of Ishmaelites and niggers. Islam and the Quran are an attempt to steal the place of the peoples whom GOD said were HIS children. The Quran appears to pay honour to our LORD JESUS Christ but a closer look shows that in reality the Quran calls our LORD a prophet and prohibits the foundations of faith that lead to contact with GOD, the two foundations being the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross as a sacrifice of GOD to absolve all sin. So basically the Quran steals the place of the Holy Bible and then proceeds to abolish faith in JESUS as to secure the usurpation of their clergy of the position of GOD in the eyes of their believers by making sure their believers cannot receive the Holy Ghost seeing that the Quran decrees death to all who believe in the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross. And then you have Jews who have a share in Israel but follow the Talmud and ignore the Holy Bible, unless they can twist its verses and commandments to murder Christians and white people who are the tribes of Israel, their brothers, and seeing that Jews pretty much cooked up the Quran since the Quran is Talmudic through and through and is used primarily to persecute Christians, whom Jews hate, it gets kind of obvious to me that most of our modern conflicts are indeed a strife and a struggle and a hatred between Judah and Israel who have both become a multitude of nations and peoples.
based and mudslime pilled
islam, rabbinical judaism and templar christianity are the sworded religions of EDOM

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How's this indian mass immigration helping anyone?
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oh my Lordy, we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
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It is helpful to the Jews in inviting a parasitic class to DEI into important positions that hate Muslims and worship Jews and do not have sympathy for the suffering of White people and cry racism, even when Indians rape and kill or molest White girls.
I've heard Jews on here gushing at how much they love Indians and how they cause us problems. And the Indian will never rebel against the Jews as long as they are pro-Indian immigration and support them against the majority.
Like in empires past, they use ethnic intermediaries to manage an occupation regime that is parasitic against the local population.

Even the Chinese immigrants aren't even remotely half as bad as the Indians, though I am for an ethnostate, of course.
it is cause we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
>probably forced deportations within a couple of years
No, what will happen is they will become normalized like the chinks and the turks/persians have become
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And Trump is saying he is going import far more of them here. There is no outlet for anti-Immigration policy in the US. Yet people on here air their retarded fantasies of what will happen instead of DOING SOMETHING presuming that something is political activism, getting a gf, having kids, etc.
I am raising a family and building my career yet we have far too many whiners/inactive idiots on the right with power fantasies but who contribute nothing.

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>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
How do you respond?
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good nose job
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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>How do you respond?
Get in the oven.
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Can I lick your Khazar milkers?
>>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
>How do you respond?
I offer to show her what a foreskin looks like.

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I love how mad swedes get when I tell em im from Wallonia
Thats probably the natural belgian stench
It basically means I am "exotic" by some standard but their minds get twisted since they have been brainwashed to not say that
from what?
Hes french.
His dad shat him out.

I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

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lol fuck off no one has touched my fucking money yet, and they never will. crypto is solid and it has been under constant attack by the entire western banking system and medias and governments and it still stands. loud n proud. if crypto wasn't legit, it would have been destroyed ages ago.
Funny ive been seeing the exact opposite. Banks and jews have been trying to encourage people to go into crypto.. larry fink and the whole etf debacle are proof in the pudding. What ive observed is that jews do not want people holding precious metals.
>stands loud and proud
A cold wallet does not mean the wealth is yours, it belongs to the ledger administrator. Seed phrases can be blacklisted from the blockchains. It is even worse than a bank.
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Checked, I hope you guys are pulling cash and only have bare minimum for bills. They’ve literally been warning you for years now and you know if Jews warn you it absolves them of guilt. That’s how they rationalize it. Even though the cash will be worthless as time goes on, don’t let them rob you of the chance to barter at the start of their rugpull. Godspeed anons, we are going to make it but it’s going get rough.
no, they've encouraged them to use xrp. big difference.
>A cold wallet does not mean the wealth is yours, it belongs to the ledger administrator. Seed phrases can be blacklisted from the blockchains. It is even worse than a bank.
and yet, my cold storage wallet belongs to me and has been squirreled away somewhere safe from your grabby hands and no one has ever blacklisted my seed phrases yet.

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There is always some jew or other sociopath (or chatbot) harassing me via voice-to-skull (sometimes called voice of god, it's real and I posted about it before) and micromanaging my life but they come from all sorts of criminal gangs, not only AIPAC.

So, how powerful are Jews in America?
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you can make this thread about any other group so it is true
lol, imagen depending on censorship.
It's funny how the lefty, lib, and more or less neutral subs on that site are highly critical of Israel overall. But the few right wing subs that remain unbanned are deep throating the jews 24/7.

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If this is the result of political propaganda or propaganda done for political reasons, then what part of politics does this benefit? What political group and how would they actually profit from this?
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not even the girlfriend will allow a white boy to do that
Stella Andrews @/thickstellaa & Mellanie Monroe @/MellanieMonroe7. One of few, real Step mother daughter porn team.
thank me later
that's my propaganda to show irish and nigs are the true hebrews
you're mis using my propaganda
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Goodbye White man see you later we don't need your kind anymore! In a country that says We don't like the White males, doesn't that tell you something? Who's controlling the opinion to decide that we don't like the White males and we only want the White pussy? In other words, whose mind are we in?

We must block trump 2.0. Vote Biden or get 4 years of the orange status quo like last time or worse.... accelerate and rejoice!

Get in we're riding with Biden. Hunter 2028. Cloned hott Natalie's for every white man. Gun laws gone. Drugs are legal. Imagine how tough Hunter will be on women. Hahaha Hahaha let's gooooooo topkek let's gooooooo

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>we must increase to price of Gas and Milk to the highest levels
Why do you faggots hate affordable groceries?

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wealth is measured by real estate price, but western real estate prices are impossible to be maintained without an infinite influx of refugees. Most of those countries would collapse if they were subjected to Buglaria's zero refugee and negative population growth model.
Imagine having medieval industries like food & housing as a pillar of the economy, while the Japs build autonomous sex & care bots.
All that wasted lifetime spent to find some shelter, to mitigate density and diversity. All that thinking about building codes, comparing inflated prices for cheap rectangular house building crap like it's gold.

Does anyone have a valid reason for people to not support him besides him being gay or Mexican? Let's be real, no one cares about either of those in 2024
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He was so lazy he flunked out of college while on a diversity scholarship. That’s there source of his rage: He hates everyone who had the discipline to finish their degree. He is jealous of the con inc apparatus grifters because he wanted to be one
do you have the "heh you're using an anonymous account?" one? thank you
He surrounds himself with degenerates and low iq losers. Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future. His movement is irrelevant because nobody with a bachelor’s degree and real career would ever associate with him and his pathetic loser orbit. He’s nearly 30 and still “trolling” events to get kicked out. Stale af
he is a tard wrangler he just wrangles a bunch of right wing tards and contains them
He is the tard.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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Im as prepared as my conscious permits to innawoods.
Scriptures, maths, astronomy, warnings of usury to be laser etched and baked into clay, scattered unto orion, pleidaes and draco.

Yet i wonder another path of late
Of ancient navigational methods.
To seek by the transits of the heavenily bodies, and insense sticks, by the vibration of a sistrum.

What wise words do ye hear of the seaman philosopher?
Thanks for the post.
Whatever it is.

A decent birthday present.

But there is a question.
Earth. This little gem is in the middle of a big showdown.
Will it suffer the fate of Mars or what the asteroid belt once was?
They are mere puppets of something bigger,
many "gods" watch us and control the ropes from
the background. The incompetents (I agree with you) are but pieces of chess, like all of us.
I am sorry if I sounded rude or arrogant, that was not what I wanted. I understand your view and I respect it.
Do not fear the monkey, fear the one who plays the accordion.
Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.

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