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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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is it at least good
sorry sister but "smartstraight" and "best baker" are not approved nomenclatures!
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hot airman is sad
He used it as a bargaining chip for border wall funding but it didn't matter anyways since it got tangled up with litigation, lawsuits, and court orders.
New thread
I am the last to awoo

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And they speak through their new Prophet, the Author of Templist Canon.

Read Templist Canon, do it if you want to serve God. Read Templist Canon if you want to be rewarded by God. Read Templist Canon if you want to understand spirtual truths that come directly from God, and his plans for the future.

I'm not joking, reading Templist Canon is the only way to understand God and the plans he has for the modern day.

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Did you know that what you said is basically the jew belief system from Babylon? Did you know that by associating Jesus Christ with demons you are committing the unforgivable sin, that of blaspheming the Holy Spirit?
Druids are very real and while Odin and Christ might both be archetypes and/or titles, they definitely both echo the whole Serpent-Lucifer-Druid complex from an objective standpoint.
The ones you call "jewish" basically just copied all of this from other sources and, with the help of the Romans (who are now "Catholics"), pretended all of these ideas and the histories were theirs this whole time.
I'm interested in any theology. Could you redpill me a little more on this before I meeeake an amazon purchase? How is this any different that Theosophy?
Believe what you will but you have been warned. If you are being an edgelord you must turn back.
>his children
Maybe incest isn't that important, when you are GODS.

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I'm going to kill the draft officer and his family, cartel style.
I'm going to sodomize the draft office while wearing his son's face like a mask and screaming daddy I'm a big boy now

LMAO I saw the videos of the Ukrainian girls whoring it up in Kevin, gems y, Greece, and France
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>that killed people because of the imaginary mission in your head.
If there's no draft then there's no draft officer to kill.
Your words
Your homeowner association told us you are an illegal and they will recover your house
>Do you think the situation is that much different in the US?
Yes. Germany != America.

>even though I didn't give a fuck about either.
That's because you've never heard me talk about those topics.

>If there's no draft then there's no draft officer to kill.
I'm sure that defense will work before a judge and jury. If you want a the number of a good attorney use my guy, Nick Rekieta. He's not a jew but he's got a big jewish nose.
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>We live in America.
This means nothing. If you don't think the US government will resort to such things to stay in power, then you're hopelessly naive.
good luck glowie you are going to need it

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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ok, glownigger
Fuck you
My forestry rules here

This means, de Nederlandse Boswachters
>>471261921 (Me)
Find my forestry here,but ye did not find it
Also Alaska

Go to /b/. Bye.
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>/b/ aka nigger dicks
Really cool what you’ve done with the board. Faggot
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>> sorry , but i prefer the schizophrenics and the communist from here than /b/
I used to anon

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I am confident you will
In hashems name
It will be my pleasure. I’ll even donate the foreskin of my newborn child.
good, i hope you die

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Hey are you a tough white man who hates criminals, niggers and spics?
Want to get paid to subjugate minorities?


Sign up to be a prison guard today. It's the one job they can't outsource.
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it's super grim and the pay is terrible. and a lot of the prisons are super corrupt such that you'll get threatened with violence or coerced into corruption yourself by your "fellow" prison guards who are running drugs and contraband to inmates. whites should be trying to get judgeships and high-level bureaucrat positions to control the police and prisons and tax money.
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i left high school already im not going to waste my time babysitting grown men
imagine when they bring in pajeet prison guards lmao
Doesn't work in Canada.

Attorney general appoints provincial judges.

Lieutenant governor chooses the attorney general.

Prime minister chooses the lieutenant governor.

For supreme court judges, they are chosen by the governor general.

The governor general is chosen by the prime minister.

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Most male pornstars look bored and unsatisfied during porno shoots.

It looks like they're just performing a chore rather than genuinely enjoying themselves.

Is it true? Does fucking whores everyday take the fun out of sex?
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It's bcuz the vast majority are all gay bucks and would rather be slammin' male asshole.
That's because they are performing a chore, shooting a 30 min video can easily take 2-4 hours
They’re all circumcised and can’t feel anything is why

cross that bridge when it comes leaf..
Sex isn't fun when it's a performance. This is true even outside of porn. For example, if you are jackhammering a woman because you feel like that's what she wants and you would rather be fucking in some other way, it's not fun.

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So this ugly lesbo bitch has driven the final nail into the coffin of Star Wars, a cultural artifact created by a white man and largely enjoyed by white males. Jews bought it and trashed it, using women as a bio-weapon much as they use blacks as bio-weapons. See also Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and The Witcher. Next on the chopping block is Warhammer 40k.
This is Jewish aggression against white men. The entire point of this was to destroy any enjoyment white males might have gained, to denigrate and ridicule them, to stamp out any cultural pride, to poison the well to the extent that no-one would even bother to seek out the source material ever again. Making money was a distant second consideration. No-one who has watched Star Wars: The Acolyte can think for one second that the objective here was to be popular or make money, it was pure cultural vandalism. Other than withdraw our money, how do we fight back against this?
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Star Wars = a 90 minute toy commercial targeting 5 year old boys. It sucked shit supremely. And you never will bother watching Hidden Fortress either, will you? Of course not.
And that's a good thing goy
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>And this cuck just stays silent or gives tacit approval.

You mean the man who "raped" your le heckin childhood? The prequels were sooooo cringe bro amirite? Star Wars should be put in the hands of more competent and capable writers! George Lucas just ruined the whole brand forever! Didn't you watch that 12 hour video essay? OMG George Lucas is such a fucking moron! Good thing this franchise is in more capable hands now right? Amirite?

Don't care, I still have all my star wars shit from the 80s and my dad called Luke Skywalker a faggot. Prequels aged well, Disney shit sucks.
>>Prequels aged well
The fuck they did, you stupid turbo nigger.

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>Veganism and bug-eating begins getting pushed by corpos and the government in 2000's-2010's
>Ticks containing alpha-gal disease appear around the same time
>Basically makes you dangerously allergic to red meat and dairy.
>Spreading across the United States and other countries
>Currently no cure.
The roles have reversed. They want the bugs to eat us now.

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Warbrides for Ahmed.
If they actually draft the illegals at least some faith in these clowns would be restored
Kek women are going to get their asses beat if they try to shame men into going with the draft officers. I really hope they try it
Huge swaths of them are too low IQ to pass the ASVAB. We tried sending literal retards into combat in Vietnam. It didn't end well for them and often for their units.
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>I'm gonna dodge the draf-ACK

Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

All white men will be drafted to die in the meatgrinder. These kikes aren't playing around, they want you dead and they want you dead NOW
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Prove it.
Digits and they will rig it to draft Barron and use it against Trump if he tries to get him out of it.
I have no issue mag dumping into ANYONE attempting to violate the NAP against me.
you are a jew, ukies don't have the 2nd so they got screwed
>you...you won't do shit goyim!
we don't need to "do shit", you are killing yourself.
Women will fight this war. Men are no longer participating in Jewish wars.

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Started by homeless probably.
This is the 9/11 event they needed to instate the draft

looks like kiryat shmona, now part of lebanon
"wildfire" is in the wild. The wilderness. Hence "wildfire"

You can just call it a fire
this is an attack on our a freedom, this is an attack on the very heart of what it is to be American.
Russia will not go unpunished for this.
we're going to war

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If you're not from inside the red circle, you are not white.
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Agreed. Honestly god bless the Anglo in particular. Everyone else is a loser retard.
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The average American White has a higher percentage of European admixture than most "White" Europeans because we always followed the one drop rule here, and we didn't get conquered by rapey moorniggers.
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"White" is a race of people, who are the descendants of Adam. Biblical Adam, created from scratch by God, and given his spirit. Non-whites existed long before and during that time, but are not "White", because they are not descended from Adam.

White people have forgotten who they are. They are the Adamic race (descendants of Adam, the White race).
Modern (((jews))) are descended from Edomites, and are larping as Israelites. It's the biggest case of stolen identity ever.

100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

>To quote another based anon here, "The Bible is the most antisemitic, hard-core redpill against the "jews" ever written. Whites are the true Biblical Israelites. The Edomite kikes, (part from Esau, part fallen angel races) stole our identity as the true chosen people."

The Israelites back then were Adamite Whites (the good guys). The bad guys came about by: Eve has a son by a non-White father (a branch on the tree of knowledge of good and evil) -> Cain -> Cain+Nephilim (offspring of fallen angels, non-Whites) -> Kennites -> Cannanites + Esau (Jacob's brother, race-mixed with bad-seed races) -> Edomites (Idumeans, kikes posing as Israelite tribe of Judah) -> Pharisees (full-on evil seed, they kill Christ) -> today's jews (same bad guys).

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>Biden wakes up

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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>i can trust you as far as i can throw your phone
>which is really, really far, jack
so he DOES trust the person? so why wouldn't he talk to him?
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel has killed, injured, or kidnapped approximately 8% of Gaza's population, and made 85% of Gaza's residents displaced, with over 75% of homes and infrastructure destroyed.
https://t.me/QudsNen/110222 6/15/24
>The Scorched Earth Legacy of "Israel Chemicals Ltd."

>"Not only does ICL facilitate resource theft, and the burning of land and bodies in Palestine and Lebanon, it also has deep ties to the world’s largest carbon emitter, the United States military. The US government contracted ICL to produce white phosphorus for the US Army under a 5-year, indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity, fixed-price contract worth $3,342,150.

>There were reports of white phosphorus being shipped to Israel from a shipping service in Detroit, owned by ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. Notably, ZIM’s parent company is also the Israel Corporation.

>ICL extracts its phosphates from stolen Palestinian land, which it provides to Bayer (Monsanto), which produces white phosphorus to the US military. In turn, the US military supplies this white phosphorus to “israel,” which uses it to bomb the very same lands from which the phosphates were extracted, perpetuating the cycle of violence and exploitation of the Palestinians. Bayer is infamous for “Roundup,” a cancer-causing herbicide, and its link to ICL highlights both companies involvement in environmentally destructive practices that harm people and land. In October 2023, occupation forces were photographed with M825 and M825A1 shells labeled ‘D528’, the US Department of Defense code for white phosphorus-based munitions. This labeling clearly indicates they were manufactured at Arkansas’s Pine Bluff Arsenal, the US’s only remaining manufacturer of white phosphorus munitions."

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zio joe is a fucking satanic pedophile zionist cock sucker, what ever zio joe says you should disregard as trash and like I have said before zio joe and zion don are nothing but sellout bitches to the zionist, simple as
>Shalom Menachem
Hello, Shalom, and goodbye.

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By far the biggest clown on the (supposed) far right. Grifter, fed, blatantly gay, self-admitted pedo, autistic test-tube baby and wannabe cult leader

Gotta give him credit for knowing how to grift off retards, though. Even in this thread there will be brown low-IQ freaks defending him
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>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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jew hate everyone you dumb kike
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
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Why isn't he in prison for incitement then? Why isn't it all over mainstream media how he collaborated with pedophiles Ali Akbar and told rioters to storm the Capitol? Why is he allowed on (((Twitter)))? Why did he get all his money back?
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Also why are the Jewish pedo mods on 4chan allowing shills advertising him all day? >>471261972

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what you think anon? Lets fight back. Were already poor, broke in debt forever but we build our own servers. we can never be cancelled !
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I thought you blocked me. Take your meds most of us have regular lives, I had sex in the time I was afk today did you? Just because I don't wanna read your shifty jeetPT generated aids on paper doesn't mean shit I actually work in tech you come from a shithole that can only afford to study algorithms. Learn to do something that gets you laid smelly
Didn't read. Lose your mind with rage some more while I add your ID back to the filter. You will reply again, too. Kek
This guy is filtering me and unfiltering me what a smelly insecure low caste faggot
Bro if ur working outside pre-made libraries net code is just as hard as memory management, same with any code with libraries
>implying memory management is le hard

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Why is Japan so antisemitic??
why even try to hide your flag? kiko

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Every single positive thing
>New Mexico natives get "genocided"
>Also, New Mexico is still massively Native American to this day
We whites are really miserable at genocide. We seem to do it backwards every single time.
>press F for swine king
all is well now, king. you are in heaven with endless bacon cheeseburgers while sand niggers and jews are awaiting hellfire
Why are niggers??
Live by the woke die by the joke
Simple as

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