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What's the benefit of "no hymen, no diamond"? First, it makes you lonely, a permavirgin, and likely to die alone. Most importantly, it leads to low birth rates, which is essentially self-genocide. If you're bitching about low birth rates, you must marry a "used-up" woman.
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you think marrying a virgin means she won't divorce you?
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about other dude's cocks and cum?
Hang on wait just one minute here. A diamond implies marriage correct? That legal contract where I'm held hostage at threat of financial ruin for any reason whatsoever correct? So why in fucking gods name would I marry a whore? I mean I'll fuck you and we can have kids and co-habitate or whatever but you want me to marry you when you've been throwing your pussy around to any guy who made it twitch? I don't think you qualify for the diamond anymore, that's just kind of how this works.... It's called a standard, otherwise marriage wouldn't mean a god damn thing. What am I missing here?
Simple economics
If I sell you something is it worth more if it has no previous owners or if it has had 3000 previous owners?
>What's the benefit
You utilitarian cuckolds might not be able to understand this, but some people actually value things. We would rather die alone than pick up the leftovers of some used up whore.

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Yes, goy keep eating vaxxed animals

Found the retard
I read somewhere that dogs refused to eat lab-grown meat when it was presented to them. Tells me all I need to know.
>couldn't come up with an excuse for his double think and follows up with another false equivalence.
Explain my "double think"
You're telling me that lab grown cells is the same as the flesh of a real animal
I'm telling you that it's not
You must have got lost somewhere or you're retarded
>it's the same thing goyim!

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-Grayscale colors (white, black, gray and silver) made up 80 percent of cars in 2023 compared to 60.3 percent in 2004

-Gray gained the most market share since 2004, up 81.9 percent; followed by white gaining 77.4 percent; silver was the biggest grayscale loser, down 52.2 percent

-Every other color lost share, with the biggest losers being gold (-96.8 percent), purple (-92.7 percent), brown (-86.5 percent), beige (-85.3 percent) and yellow (-75.7 percent)

-This drop in diversity comes despite nearly the same number of colors being offered in 2023 versus 2004 – with an average of 6.7 colors per model today compared to 7.1 colors per model 20 years ago

-Green is the only non-grayscale color to increase share in recent years, with a small improvement since 2020


Nothing new. In design and marketing trends come and go. Currently trends favour less bold colours. It might be as simple as paint technology now allowing for matte colours as a choice at a competitive price.
Literally due to having a lower trust society. Don’t want your car to stand out or be a target. Socially people don’t want to stand out either.
I considered buying a Toyota. They could only offer white black or grey. No fucking color available. It is retarded because brigh colors are safer why other dirvers see them earlier and better. I had a grey car and two morons crashed into it in short time. I only buy red, yellow or orange now.
It’s as simple as faggy cops pulling over a bright colourful car over a stale grey one. And everyone knows they do this
This. The colors are "offered" but they are almost always locked behind pricey trims like Toyotas TRD, a direct increase in cost for brands like Ford, and in general are in high demand and low stock for all makes.
In reality the demand is high for interesting colors. This is why wrapping cars is gaining popularity quickly, you are able to make your car any color you want.

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Didn't see a silver thread.
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it's like you can hear the (((financial advisory board of experts))) in the background buying blumt wraps.
Don't care, still buying gold and silver.
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My body is ready.
Just ordered 50 more oz just to watch the kikes seethe.
I pledge to buy one mor oz for every shill post in this thread.

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Which ethnicity has the most beautiful women?
If we disregard obesity, so maybe the question should be which ethnicity has the potential for the most beautiful women?
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is this your example for her bad picture? beacuse it isnt working. look at her face, shes gorgeous. And fitter than most of you will ever be.
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If they weren't so fucking dirty
Still, can't argue with that
Central and Eastern European have probably the hottest. Followed by Nordic and Mediterranean women.
Her nose is fake as fuck. Rhinoplasty big time.
Gross pig-nose bitch, always has been.

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Whether it’s awakening to the JQ and opposing Zionism or reversing the demographic replacement of whites across Europe and the west at large Zoomers (much like the Weimar generation) despite being raised at the height of Jewish degeneracy are rising above the rot of the old generations and to heights not seen since the century before last.
We are based
We are redpilled
We are generation zyklon
I love you bros
I love you all
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I fucking hate how everything is phrased and couched like the left's position is the absolute and only right one and any other is not only wrong but evil. All leftists should (and will) hang.
>Fatma Aydemir
Kek. Ironic. Her race is the most violent when in comes to football.
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Literally precisely the same as Disney shitting on their customers for improperly not buying their products.

Fix your actions and priorities or continue to lose. Boomers are dying and your values are trash, lies, and delusion.
This is a clear threat to our democracy.
>globalists fuck things up so bad people are starting to unironically miss Hitler
>nooooo you were seduced by their lies!

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>just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable

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Its not funny without the canadian flag

Lol Anon
If that were real, which I could buy it. Those animals were losing their shit.
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they beat ZOG
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US zogbots went to die in vietnam because their jew masters said if they didn't that homosexual communists would take over the world.
Has nothing to do with zionism
vietnam opposed israel
Using this logic, Russia will lose in Ukraine
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hon hon hon

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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Voting is trivially parallelizable. It doesn't matter how many people are voting, there could be trillions and you could still do paper voting with hand counts. Just use more workers to split up the work.
Paper ballots doesnt eliminate all voter fraud when they show up at 2am with mail in ballots and have an entire squad of democrat cronies operating to stop anyone from asking questions.
Yeah but at that point there should have been a revolt.
This is rich coming from a faggot who put a computer in total control of his vehicles
That's why you install measures that stop nonsense like overflowing toilets at 3AM. Voting and counting shouldn't take place during strange hours at all.
But then again, transparency and honest are extremely dangerous to our democracy.

>Audit? Not in my vocabulary. We'll just do a recount, it's probably the same thing anyway..
Internet moderator types are running (ruining) the world.

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What are the political implications of me wanting to plow this nigger? Will I doom muttmerica?
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She looked promising until I opened the thumbnail. I still don't find black women attractive. I'm still open minded because that's the kind of guy I am.
Sex and politics have nothing to do with each other
she can do better
nice wig
I'm pretty sure there's been enough people sucking their way to the top that we can comfortably dispute this

Mutt pussies shitskins wont do shit. Paper tiger has no more clothes. We found out why mutts have no free healthcare, mutts are too brown incompetent and jewish owned to do something.
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lol OP sounds more angry than i'm supposed to be. sorry lil buddy the US military hasn't had anyone's respect in years. they're all jewslaves and satanic queermos as far as i can tell. i don't trust them not to turn on citizens at a moment's notice
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Okay I mean if we're always going to be the bad guy no need to be nice to our former slave masters. Kill all Muslims I guess
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seething mutts
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China has been pushing mutts' shit in for over half a century lmao
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>Palauan flagged
Well, not the USA's problem
Not my problem
Feel bad for the Polish dudes just trying to make a living.
Obviously, the sand nigger think timber will be dropped like anvils on the gaza sandrats heads. Very evil wood! Muhamad snackbar fatwa derka derka jehad on the evil wood.

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What the hell is wrong with Germans? Why are they always on the wrong side of history?
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They're unironically the midwits of Europe. Hence all the superiority shit. You don't really find that in other parts of Europe. Even the nordics themselves didn't kang about it, it was unironically alpines trying to larp as nordics that were doing it.

You know how reddit libshits are always so snotty and elitist while being incredibly delusional? Same shit.
Nice cope Hans, but Hitler literally said you lot weren't fit to survive since you lost to the "disciplined peoples of the East". Not to mention the whole Thirty years war thing. Germans just like killing each other and destroying everything.

>shitskins vs european
/pol/ has fallen
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I ain’t falling for your delusional demoralization propaganda vpn kike hamas will win

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What encourages white men to go postal and delete their entire families? Are they stupid??
Anal from a 6/10
>Are they stupid??
The dude in pic related is verifiably ~80 IQ so yes.

Mk ultra handlers

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
Kennedy was killed because he was going to inform the Soviets about the alien presence on earth. Watergate was a cleanup op following that.
Nixon's team just got caught doing the same thing everyone else has always been doing in politics. Spying on your opponents is as American a tradition in football as it is in D.C.
Sounds like something you'd hear on the Infowars lol

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Stealing is a crime and you're punished for it in prison. Crossing the border illegally is a crime, if you do this you are a criminal. Try sneaking into China and you'll have 10 chinks tackle you like in niggerball. If a Chinese police officer asks for your papers you show him or end up being tortured and interrogated. Why the double standard regarding crimes? Do spics and Arabs not realize the simple act of entering a country illegally makes them a criminal?

Spics have more right on north american soil than descendants of european invaders
Illegal immigration is basically a victimless crime. Punishments are harder to justify.
>t. subsaharanigger
>Takes away jobs from citizens and decreases average pay in local area

You know it's true because Japs and Chinks make the same talking points regarding immigration. Hell they don't even like shitskin taking low skill jobs because they know it ruins the economy

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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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Tranny is seething. I must have seen you in dozens of threads over months, same writing style and files. Get a fucking life you absolute mentally ill subhuman.
>people le die in a war here's a video I love seeing people tore in half hehehe
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thanks for the bump
Fuck putin and his jewish oligarchs invading European lands. That $300,000,000,000 in frozen assets is jewish money by the way. Though, putin supposedly has others hold his assets in their name, so some of it is likely his as well.
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What is my writing style specifically?
Thank you Mr Shekelstien.

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I'm going to kill the draft officer and his family, cartel style.
I'm going to sodomize the draft office while wearing his son's face like a mask and screaming daddy I'm a big boy now

LMAO I saw the videos of the Ukrainian girls whoring it up in Kevin, gems y, Greece, and France

5 tons of tnt can move 225000 tons 1 foot in the air
thats 450000000 psi
for reference the core of the earth is 52700000 psi
fatman weighed five tons and the plutonium core had a surface area of 10 inches
the explosive device itself had a suface area of 2827 inches
thats 158000 psi on the plutonium core
the density of the earth's core is 13g/cm^3 and is made of nickel
the natural density of nickel is 8.9g/cm^3
thats a 46% increase in density of nickel at 52700000 psi
nickel is 5 times lighter than plutonium
the lowest yield nuclear bomb pic related is said to achieve a 23% increase in density
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>dude they're totally like my fucking video games and marvel! interdimensions for the win!
They can make you believe anything
I don't even care whether they're real or not, although I hope they are because that kind of destruction is magnificent!
This post made me laugh so fucking hard just because of how it read to me in my head lol
they’re real , I can assure you
literally trust me bro
I habeeb it
>>>/r/eddit and stay there

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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Western 'democratic' systems are fundamentally garbage and are just Communists vs Globalists. There is no real right wing party.
they didn't conserve anything and made a pajeet the prime minister
don't worry, starmer's gonna be an even biggest bust than biden or shulz
Aye, I'm a ex-Tory. Now I vote Reform, the absolute betrayal by the Tories is absolutely astounding. This country has been flooded with 3rd world invaders.
>be nigel no plan brexiter
>has no plan after brexit, just wants to leave HE LITERALLY MADE CONSERVATIVES BAG HOLD.
>EU migration is down, paki,poo,rwanda migration is up
>refuse to hold election for new pm, elect a non elected pm POO.

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