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I have noticed a meme that poses a question, presumably to White Christian parents and presumably asked by Euro-Pagan Whites.

"Which one would you rather have your daughter marry?"
With the two choices being a Black Christian man or a White Euro-Pagan man.

I think it is only fair that an alternative hypothetical question is proposed in return.

Which way, White European-Pagans? Preserve your racial lineage or preserve Odinism?
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The guy on the right looks less mixed so him.
*but ideally none
-non pagan
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>Why are jews pushing christianity
Those jews that killed Jesus Christ? The ones "cancelling" people for saying Christ is King? A nobody on twitter is your rebuttal to this? Are you joking?

> I have no idea what a double bind is, nor how to create one
>Those jews that killed Jesus Christ?
I was told that the jews of the bible have nothing to do with the jews of today.

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"There will be a world war in 3-4 months - we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar"
What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..
The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war, but no one is seeking peace. Nobody even talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. But there is another theory - which I understand.

Americans think that they can easily defeat Putin. They want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist, Putin will be overthrown, etc.
Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine. This war is as strategic for America as it is for Russia.

If Americans lose here, the position of the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it.....

We are literally walking on the edge of the abyss. I hope you're all ready.
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>everyone else knows what would happen
which is... nothing, as practical experience in Ukraine has shown us
men will be forced to comply and women won't care since it won't affect them
and you talk about lockdowns but the fact that it even happened is further proof that people are sheep and nobody will do shit
if that were true we would all still be under lockdown right now, trust me if they could have they would, people are almost animals but even animals aren't completely stupid, it's good to be skeptical but you're demoralized
nuclear apocalypse is the only way to stop AI. it's the kill switch. all other timelines result in total domination by AI and the end of human identity in ten years. take shelter and be free in the wasteland
>if that were true we would all still be under lockdown right now
what? elites can't afford to keep entire countries under lockdown eternally, they still need the economy to run
Covid lockdowns were just a compliance test to see how far they can go and it's shown them that nobody will do shit

If you think Europeans or Americans will react any differently from Ukrainians then you're being incredibly naive. Truth is, draft will happen and nobody will do shit.

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Zoomers are going to war
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Porco Rosso?

how are ground troops with 0 training going to stop nukes and amphibious assaults?
chat, is this real?
tfw 31 and plenty diagnosed mental illnesses an a bunch of phyisical ones. enjoy ur war faggots
Zoomies ain't going nowhere but in the kitchen for a hotpocket. Gunny here is gonna be left with a bunch of alphabets and dark greens from the inner city with single digit asvab scores.

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Let me guess.

Something something america first something something israel is our greatest ally something something biden is senile something something I am the resort something something two more weeks?
Debates coming up. They're going to be on CNN. Are you looking forward to Biden freezing up on stage with millions of people watching?
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Round table talk from earlier today-

Bannon was better


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how do I get into the business of grifting you right wing dipshits?
Its like you are missing the part of the brain that identifies scams.
just say the right words to soothe your pea brains and you make them rich.
lol, morons.
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If you need to ask, then you aren't smart enough for it.
You sound boosted.
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>how do I get into the business of grifting you right wing dipshits?
>Its like you are missing the part of the brain that identifies scams.
>just say the right words to soothe your pea brains and you make them rich.
>lol, morons.
>be jewish
>make a Twitter account
>give it an edgy name
>report memes and tweet political garbage
>slowly build followers
???? Profit
Send me your address, and $20, and I'll mail you a white paper explaining how.

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The news is fake.
The elections are fake.
Gas the kikes,
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Was this thread deleted by his reddit moderators though? I cant find the thread
Every single positive thing

How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome? WWIII isn't just a meme anymore. Also post your designated war song to play in the trenches.
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Don't fight for the boomers, zoomleaf.

Tell all your friends and anyone who would listen about how they betrayed their own and the future of this country, and redpill the zoomers on the boomers.

Teach and train your frens. Start the zoomerwaffen.
We need boomer landmine clearing battalions.

All boomers have a duty to walk right up to those mines, look em right in the eye and give em a firm Handshake, with boomers at the front, war will be over by Christmas (TM).

Draft the boomers.
its pretty simple, do it once and you pretty much have to kill those feelings, do it twice and youll take pride in it
Both Russians and Zoomers are incredibly gay. This will be the gayest war since ancient Greece.
>inb4 russians suck each others dicks but it's totally not gay
>18-26 year olds about to be drafted in the coming two years
Good. There'll be a 99% improvement in post quality on this website in the coming 2 years.

Are you lads ready for the deadliest false flag in history?
Russia lurking off the US coast, along with rampant reporting on hypersonic missiles is the predictive programming.
Both are very likely just propaganda to begin with.
We are being prepped for a nuclear explosion in a coastal city.
It won't be anywhere actually important, it won't be anywhere with lots of Jews. But it will be noticeable, it will be remembered easily.
It will be Pearl harbor 2.0.
Tens of thousands will be murdered by the US/Israeli govts. It will be blamed on Russia.
Hundreds of thousands of zombies will flock to recruiting stations. Millions more will be drafted.
I can't say exactly when (maybe in two weeks, who knows) or where. But that's the play. That's what is going to happen next. It'll have to be a huge event, and well brother, can't get much bigger than a "sneaky" nuke.
It might even already be in place...
If any anons living on the coast have a handy nuke sniffer, might give ya something to do.
East coast anon here.

No noticeable activity except two [redacted] trucks on a transport truck headed [redacted], on [Redacted].
No outright green nigger activity either.

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French Freemasonry is assembling in Paris to combat nationalism and launches a press release against the sovereignist New Right in France:

«Last Sunday, France entered a very worrying phase in its history, with the imminent return of the far right to power.

In three weeks' time, with early legislative elections, the risk of seeing France join the ranks of the dark cohort of far-right populist and nationalist governments will never have been higher.

The most reactionary forces seek to reach an understanding, with the sole ambition of calling into question all the foundations of the philosophy of the Enlightenment, sources of progress.

In this year in which we commemorate the memory of those who fell for our freedom against the Nazi yoke and the collaborationist regime, the Freemasons cannot remain silent before the return of the sound of boots, face masks and militia.

Faithful and viscerally attached to their humanist and universalist tradition, the Freemasons will be more involved than ever in this essential fight, that of the defense of the fraternal Republic. Because we must no longer limit ourselves to sounding the alarm, but act.

Act on the ground, act in our lodges, act outside the temples. Acting also means listening to the anger of those who, out of fatigue or desperation, managed to vote for the gravediggers of the Republic on June 9, to convince them that the extreme right is a dead end.

Gathered yesterday at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of France, the signatory Masonic obediences launch a solemn call for the mobilization of all Freemasons, brothers and sisters, to say no to the inevitability of the victory of the extreme right and its ideology of hatred .

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the entire book?
with a grain of salt
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based thread

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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I don't know what that means.
Can you explain like I'm a newfag?
There is already a thread for you ziggers to sit in. We don't want you shitting up our board any more
hes saying youre a russian shill because you dont want to fight for zog
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Yeah... including link about the Cuba shenanigans would have been funnier than a Medvedev quote in the OP.
Shame on me, right?
Ignore NAFO troon shills, eventually they will all kill themselves from mutilating their body, not shilling for globohomo tho.
Words to look for from NAFO trannies:
>X from Oblast
>Anything praising globohomo
>Continued usage of Doge Meme or Nato-wave memes
I am sure there are more. Watch this faggot call me a coward.

do you think the iPad kids are gonna be fucked up, or is this just another technological boogeyman akin to radio, tv, video games, etc?
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They are 100% fucked up. Did you miss the recent "reality shifting" zoomerism? They've been hooked up to an electronic device 24/7 with constant stimulation. Some have never daydreamed before. And that's not even gen alpha.
I have played guitar my whole life and I'm pretty fucking good but when I see these kids today on YouTube absolutely shredding at the age of seven I have to wonder what in the fuck is going on
I think the same phenomenon will happen with kids on iPads and computers in general, kids in the future will be fucking geniuses
I just got off a flight where the family in the next row had two kids ~10-14 years old. They were on their iPads, iPhones, and playing with the IFE. They never spent more than 1 minute focusing on everything.

Then in the carousel to collect baggage, there were two 16-18 year olds and early 20s people around me. Two girls 16-18 were making tiktoks and touching everyones bags/spinning the wheels. The dudes that were early 20s looked dumb as shit. I'm only 32, but I don't remember being that fucking retarded when I was their age, and I had ipads/phones/whatever then too. The bar hasn't dropped; there is no bar.
It’s a terrible thing. And they’re going to be jacked up beyond belief. The tricky thing is that as they grow up, you won’t see any “control group” to compare them with. So unless you were born at a time when you were that control group (gen X and older millennials), you’ll have little reference to judge.
This is what happens every single time across generations.
The people that grew up before TVs that saw how TVs are fucking people up and especially children raised on it also said something is going wrong, but of course, everything that grew up with TVs will say there's absolutely no problem.
The only people that can are able to recognize the next level of decline are the ones that remember a time before everyone was glued to a tiny glass rectangles 24/7

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but still, it is what the cia is doing, in the name of mossad, ala epstein. since, at least, vietnam.
Fuck that, I'm going full Stirner
im the head of the cia lol
post tits
no thanks

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humiliation ritual
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he recovered surprisingly quickly

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Burgers to be drafted better get one last McMuffin in chubby tubalard YOU ATE GOING TO WAR WITH YOUR ILK

>I really wanna go home.. But I wanna go home through Kuwait
If I'm going to the meat grinder, shouldn't I get Arby's instead?

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vaxxies will end the human race

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Better luck next time, I'm sure one day you'll make a great father ahh and uncle??
I'd love to see a chart like this for Canada.
>I genuinely hope there isn't someone out there trying to "keep up" with their shots.
Oh, there are...
>whole family removal service?
>yes, the whole family...
My wife's OB still has her signs up for it. Unconscionable

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Not a good look...
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have you considered that nuclear weapons are the greatest technology for promoting peace the world has seen after baskets of cookies

why can a nuclear football not be a symbol for peace if that is the effect
no one cares, and no one is scared. this upsets you
Like tranny gobbler has the authority
I don't care about the West or America anymore. You're going to have to import 100,000,000 jeets to do everything you want

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LMAO, no niggas showed up so they had to bus in crackers from out of the city. This RepubliKKKan won't get more than 5% of the black vote.
word on the street is that Trump is a shabbos goy
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a bunch of white ppl
>Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one "which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."
Its crazy how much Detroit has gentrified recently
I was there the other day and shocked at how many whites I saw

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You play as Pixler, an ambitious German pastry chef. Your objective is to scale the logistics of your baking empire in order to bake 6 million Babkas to feed all of Germany. Along the way, you will manage workers, morale, finances, deliveries, and production in order to achieve your goal before time runs out and rival bakers seize your operations.

What are some other game mechanics I could include? What's a good title?

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Am I the only one who remembers that one random episode of Spongebob where Spongebob becomes a full on M/L communist? I'm not joking or being sarcastic- it's a real episode

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I am therefore I think
I think you am, therefore you aren't
I fart therefore I make art
Yeah happens, somehow is not as controversial as being catholic
you flatulate, therefore you articulate

i wanted to recommend to you all something. when thinking about women and their modern condition (i’m referring to the impact social media and dating apps has had on them), i’d like to ask you to not look at the statistics too closely; i’m not talking about statistics in itself, because it is a good tool to analyze the population and it does carry some truth in the end; but when dealing with women, i feel like you guys tend to have a specific posture when relating youself with the other gender and also when talking about it
my proposition is to completely give the benefit of the doubt to the point of placing yourself in a vulnerable position. i feel like that’s to only way to actually give love a chance. even after getting cheated many times, i believe you still have to blindly believe that maybe you encountered an exception, a rare case of a girl that isn’t part of the statistics
that would also make talking about women much more pleasant. even though there are so many cases of whores selling their bodies and girlfriends lying; if you actually give the girl you meet a chance to be the exception, you may get called naive or gullible, but just be sure that this is the ideal way to take relationships on and give love in itself a go
oh and never let yourself get friendzoned

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