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A crack new military team has been announced.....
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holy poggies. time to sign up
Will jeets die for Israel?
>Military at 50% capacity and shrinking even year.
>Diversity hiring will surely help!
Unless you're giving Indians a "service for citizenship" plan it don't help.
I don't like military whored about and paraded.
I don't like champions being used to force bullshit that aids ccp and treason with equity Shit.

Keep it by merit and clean, regardless of race, gender and orientation.

Division is Treason.
They bring SHAME and weakness among us, shame on those who went along with this in the Military.
That's one sacred place no treason and division should ever be supported because it's treason and seeds of treason and the enemy.

Fuck this shit.
Fuck you, yours are even worse.

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how are you doing fellow chuds? any chuds in helsinki right now?
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I hope my fellow chuds aint spending this beautiful aryan day inside
Very cool.
Thank you for this thread
damn nice captcha

its fucking unfair! Why cant we have that
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thank you my fellow swede

by the church now
A troop of swamp donkeys. They will all begin go on the rag at the same time. It's uncanny.

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Ukraine government are terrorists

Only 37% Crimeans voted to join Ukraine in 1991.
Crimeans are majority ethnic russians.
Janukowycz was elected by margin of votes from Crimea/ Donbas.
Radical Ukrainian Nationalists who are inherently anti russian toppled
Crimea voted to secede.

Ukraine government are terrorits.
Ukraine government have no rights to Crimea.

Spread the truth to the most remote places on the internet lads !
Ukraine is globohomo central at the moment.

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Look American, you are making nothing but hypocritical arguments, Israel only exists because of you and your entire government is Israeli-American duel-citizens. Zelensky is the clown, nobody respects him in the Ukraine, just like nobody voted for Biden in America and nobody likes that corpse of a president. Fact of the matter is you have guns and you just sit there doing nothing while Ukrainians started ethnic cleansing their country of foreign invaders. Huge difference. Ukrainian is applied white supremacy, while you just post a few vaguely white supremacist ideas online and then cry "glowie" and "jew" at anyone who'd suggest you do the same things as Ukrainians are actually doing for real.
Thanks brother, I will. Been very tempted to get my old BMX. Used to do miles on that fucker and had incredible stamina.
i don't live anywhere near nigger or shit skins rabbi. you should really stop larping as White
>Been very tempted to get my old BMX.
do it. just be mindful you got old and shit hurts more
The west won’t allow the Ukrainians to have a peace deal (boris Johnson blocked one at the last moment) because our governments desire the destruction of Russian resources by perusing “To the Last Ukrainian”.
Ukraine will lose to an ever increasing degree until it acquires a peace deal, as Ukrainians continue to be sent off to their deaths by the west.
Believing Ukraine can capture all of its lost territory is utterly delusional.

Two failed coups within the last 5 years on a tiny shithole like Bolivia, Dulles is rolling in his grave.
>inb4 hurr durr why blame CIA for everything!!
Such pathetic failed attempts are obviously being instigated by an outside force, one severely disconnected from the ground realities too when the conditions for a successful coup are so hilariously far off. Cold War CIA would have had an accurate assessment of the actual conditions, or created the conditions themselves over years for the coup to succeed. Now two failed coups has just entrenched the power of socialism in Bolivia and makes future plotters far more hesitant.
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>the only time a white, blond haired, well dressed heterosexual male is shown in a news article is with a big captain above it mentioning low IQ

God, kikes are truly insidious genocidal psychopath fucks. The fact whites havent gone to war yet against their oppressors shows we are doomed and never gonna do anything
>CIA is behind everything
you are mentally ill
This both sides are controlled
Fuck every "-ism"
bay of pigs had a sequel and that failed too
>Ukraine is supposed to be destroyed and replaced with Khazaria and Russia oligarchs are supposed to be compensated
While also using the conflict to bankrupt the white nations that finance it.

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It should be De Santis so he can learn from the master, or Vivek so it shakes up of a lot of people

Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon
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Pence is a useless dumbfuck retard, but still too competent for Zion Don.
Orange fool will pick up jeet or a woman, probably a fully kike one. Or a nigger, he loves his 'based trad' niggers'.
$500B for burning half of the country won't pay itself.
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God I hate that Trump is such pathetic niggerlover.

I've found out that Bacon's Rebellion is the crux of all race denial ideology. Have you ever heard someone say that race is a "social construct"? Well, that argument came from this event. Okay, /pol/, I'm ready. Redpill me on Bacon's rebellion. I need to know the real, non-pozzed story.

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Freeworldbros.... We're cooked
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based. total troon death
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what can they even send? 50 malnourished 5' 4" soldiers with military gear that was outdated 40 years ago?
Best Korea just got even better.
It would be good to have NK anon back with his rare flag.
Cool. I hope Russia, North Korea, China, a recommiefied Vietnam, a Chinese owned Taiwan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and every other country that hates us to just gang up and absolutely fucking destroy Israel and the Jewnited States. Fund our rebel groups, Russia, I want our alphabet soup glowfaggots to be doxxed and double tapped (in Minecraft). I want every dual-citizen, republicuck "conservative", and lemming liberal fucking gone. It's all so tiring.

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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Why does /pol/ worship this weakling?
Because nu/pol/ is full of contarian retards.
>>472311906 ◄ REPORT FOR SPAM‼

Add this to your 4chanX word filter list:

/very weak and embarrassing country/i;op:only
/very weak country/i;op:only
/weak and gay/i;op:only
/why is russia so weak/i;op:only
/very weak and embarassing country/i;op:only

Add memeflags:

/^Antigua & Barbuda$/i;

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/^Black Lives Matter$/i;

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Why not stop visiting /pol/ altogether

Why are blacks terrible swimmers? Didn't they evolve and live in the congo rainforest ?
Witches sink?
in monsoon climates, living near water means malaria.

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Previous: >>472293149
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq

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Hungarian already baked.
Also memeflags are not welcome to bake ever
depends on who trump picks
jd vance

>Ukraine’s challenge is not the G.O.P.; it’s math. Ukraine needs more soldiers than it can field, even with draconian conscription policies. And it needs more matériel than the United States can provide. This reality must inform any future Ukraine policy, from further congressional aid to the diplomatic course set by the president.



burgum is garbage, but odds on likeliest
>that anecdote about US sending spies to USSR who spoke perfect Russian and not getting why they were getting detected (were sending only niggers)
>russia gets more shells from nk
>russia gets more troops from nk
those peremogas are getting more zdradaish by the day

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What are some interesting urban battles from the post-WWII era, and what lessons can be drawn from them? For example, one of the biggest battles of the civil war in El Salvador took place in November/December of 1989, when rebel groups attempted to break a stalemate by directly assaulting the capital of San Salvador with several battalions of fighters.

They grabbed portions of the city, especially around the northern suburbs, but could not break the government's lines into the central city over the course of a month. The battle was called the 'final offensive' by the rebels, which was somewhat correct, since the peace negotiation process gained momentum in 1990, and was concluded by 1992. Several thousand people were killed in the process.

Ironically, one of the big early rebel offensives in 1981 was also called 'the final offensive,' but this was followed by an additional decade of war. The rebels had a core of trained fighters and foreign advisers/weapons and larger cadres of peasants with much less training.

The professional units led the assault, but the less-proficient supporting units failed to provide enough support to break the government's forces. Even though a lot of the government's forces were poorly-trained conscripts, they had the benefit of fortified positions and predetermined lines of defense, which prevented the initial retreats from becoming a rout.

Ultimately, the offensive was considered an embarrassment for the government, but not a disaster.
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Asymmetric warfare effectiveness: Small, mobile forces can successfully challenge larger, conventional armies by exploiting weaknesses and avoiding direct confrontations. This approach allows numerically inferior groups to inflict disproportionate damage on their opponents while minimizing their own losses. The introduction of drone technology has significantly enhanced the capabilities of guerrilla forces in this regard. Low-cost, commercially available drones can be modified for surveillance, reconnaissance, and even offensive operations. These unmanned aerial vehicles provide guerrilla fighters with enhanced situational awareness, allowing them to gather real-time intelligence on enemy movements and vulnerabilities. Additionally, drones can be used to deliver small payloads or conduct harassing attacks on larger forces, further amplifying the asymmetric nature of the conflict. The relatively low cost and ease of operation of drones make them an ideal tool for guerrilla warfare, enabling small groups to project power and influence beyond their traditional means. This technological advantage can partially offset the superior firepower and resources of conventional military forces, making the "war of the flea" even more challenging for established armies to counter.
Psychological impact: The persistent nature of guerrilla attacks can demoralize and exhaust the enemy. This psychological warfare aspect is a crucial component of guerrilla tactics:

Constant threat: The ever-present possibility of attack keeps enemy forces in a state of high alert, leading to stress, fatigue, and decreased combat effectiveness over time.
Unpredictability: The irregular timing and location of guerrilla strikes create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear among opposing forces.
Erosion of morale: Repeated small-scale attacks, even if not militarily significant, can gradually wear down the enemy's will to fight.
Sense of vulnerability: Guerrilla tactics often target rear areas or supply lines, making even "safe" zones feel insecure.
Frustration: The inability to engage in decisive battles or clearly identify the enemy can lead to frustration and demoralization among conventional forces.
Propaganda value: Successful guerrilla attacks, even minor ones, can be leveraged for propaganda purposes, further impacting enemy morale and public opinion.
Sleep deprivation: The constant threat of attack can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to decreased cognitive function and decision-making abilities.
Paranoia and mistrust: Guerrilla tactics often rely on blending in with the local population, which can lead to increased paranoia and mistrust among enemy forces.
Long-term psychological effects: Prolonged exposure to guerrilla warfare can result in lasting psychological trauma for enemy combatants.
Home front impact: The protracted nature of guerrilla conflicts can erode public support for the war effort in the enemy's home country.
The ability of guerrilla fighters to remain hidden and blend seamlessly with the local population is crucial for their survival and operational success. This aspect of guerrilla warfare is fundamental for several reasons:

Protection from enemy detection: By blending in with civilians, guerrillas can avoid being identified and targeted by opposing forces. This makes it extremely difficult for conventional armies to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants.
Ease of movement: Appearing as ordinary civilians allows guerrillas to move freely in both urban and rural environments without arousing suspicion. This mobility is essential for gathering intelligence, planning operations, and evading capture.
Support network: Integrating with the local population enables guerrillas to build and maintain a network of sympathizers who can provide food, shelter, information, and other forms of support.
Recruitment: Close interaction with locals facilitates recruitment efforts, as guerrillas can identify potential allies and gradually indoctrinate them into their cause.
Intelligence gathering: Living among the population gives guerrillas access to valuable intelligence about enemy movements and vulnerabilities, often through casual conversation or observation.
Psychological warfare: The inability of enemy forces to distinguish between civilians and guerrillas creates a constant state of tension and paranoia, which can be psychologically draining.
Operational security: Blending in makes it harder for enemy intelligence services to infiltrate or gather information about guerrilla operations and leadership.
Resource conservation: By avoiding detection, guerrillas can conserve their limited resources for carefully planned operations rather than constantly defending themselves.
Political impact: The close relationship with the local population can help guerrillas gain legitimacy and support for their cause, potentially undermining the enemy's political objectives.
Longevity of the movement: The ability to disappear into the population allows guerrilla movements to survive even when facing superior military forces, enabling them to wage long-term campaigns.

This strategy of blending in, often referred to as "swimming in the sea of the people," is a cornerstone of successful guerrilla warfare. It presents significant challenges for conventional forces attempting to combat guerrilla insurgencies, as it blurs the lines between combatants and civilians, making traditional military tactics less effective.
im not reading that but look at that cutie

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>still unrefuted btw
You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?

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>Why talk about the cause when I can talk about the cherry picked symptom
I can't tell if you're being disingenuous on purpose.
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It’s not difficult. They can keep people out of every other country and this is the most powerful military and Intel apparatus in history. Both parties are in deep.
are nigger-loving leftoids so stupid they can't comprehend that both of these can be true at once?

immigration can both cause wage stagnation from the influx of workers willing to work for third world wages AND can bring in large swathes of useless brown people who want to parasitize your welfare system

both of these things are concurrently happening across ever western nation right now
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You do realize that media is the tool used to dictate policy. So examine them to find the connections.
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>there are immigrants actively competing for jobs or already employed
>there are jobless immigrants living off of gibs
>both populations increase every single year the mass immigration policy continues to be enshrined in law and practice
>all economic and cultural issues brought to this country by these two groups of immigrants worsens as the immigrant population grows
>this will not stop until the course is reversed
It's really that simple.

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>these are the people disagreeing with everything you say on here
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>these are the Abominations disagreeing with everything you say on here

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..at tournaments where players are aged 18 at max

THIS CHINESE GIRL, 17, who turns 18 by the end of the year, is taller than any man. And she is a basketball master.


Zhang Ziyu is 229 centimeters tall at age 17. Doctors say she wont be gaining more height.

China has not been a master in basketball since 2001 but things are chang'ing just by the efforts of one girl.

>They are exclusively in Asian tournaments especially against Indonesia and Thai and Philippines

>It is womans league for age under 18

>They did win even against New Zealand though, New Zealand is being put into Asian tournaments altough the population is British islanders, therefore General West European / French / Norwegian by heritage and British by culture and language.
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How come chinks end up the tallest even though on average they're shorter
Finn, don't be so obsessed with height. In 30 years max we will have height increase treatment by stimulating the growth hormones. It can be done and already been done, you just need to wait for mass adoption.
1.5 billion gene pool to choose from
its most likely glandular disorder look at her roided features at 17, she prolly wont live long
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it's the northern han chinese genes

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Hey , you , law enforcement
I know you're reading this
Kill yourself

Never forget
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Glownigs, zogbots, bureaucrats, think-thanks and politico-clowns reading this. Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity

You will stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

God is real, there is an afterlife, there will be consequences and *EVERY* debt will be paid, *IN FULL*. If not in this life then the next

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Accept Christ, ask Him and His Father for forgiveness for all the evil you already committed.

Apologize to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent civilians you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the genocide which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands
He was there with someone who wrote the restrictions he just approved and being enacted the next day.
I think it's funny the military guys looks like they could care less. It's a shame they didn't shoot the cops though.
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freemasons are real humanists!

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I'm jewish and wanna know If i am welcome here
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ideology and ethnicity are not the same thing
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Sure you are
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yes but you have to show flag, it's a sign of respect here
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>So what’s your schtick Schlomo: demoralization, division or degeneracy?
I bet its demoralization.

Trannies are something out of a Horror Film :/
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Sounds like he was blowing loads in his sister's panties. And he still found a slim decent looking female to marry him. And now he's gay.
Green line test never fails. At the very least subconsciously we all know the rules.
virgin detected. why else would a woman marry a man?
Real woman here. You don't look like one. You think we can't tell, but we can tell.
Look at your hands when you type.

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why did Israel do this?


Gaza isn’t the only place where Israel has sponsored mass killing. During the 1980s, Israel intervened in Guatemala as a proxy for the United States, providing arms and training to the military governments that slaughtered thousands of indigenous Maya.

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a white woman kissing a migrant mans feet

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Hope? Fuck hope dude. This shit is worse than any clown world we couldve thought of. All across the board. Knowing is half the battle, the other half?
Hans gets it. I'm surprised this propaganda still works as well as it does here. /pol/ makes their job too easy. Sad.
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That's a jew. Not a white.
Only 1 solution to the female question.
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>a white woman kissing a migrant mans feet
Well those lips have been a LOT of places.
And they have a second set.
This is not new.

But it will be interseting seeing how white women feel about dying for their refudicks.

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