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Election maps fascinate me.

The darker blue counties voted more for Biden, and the darker red counties voted more for Trump.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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I have voted green for many years as the alternative for Liberal / Conservatives, but if Max Bernier's PPC rund in my riding I will vote PPC.
It's not 5d chess, he's a damaged person from a broken home, the only Prime Minister with divorced parents who are now the second Prime Minister to divorce while in office (first being his dad). He's the male Meghan Markle, he want money and praise for nothing and holds us serfs in contempt.
Trudeau net worth pre pandemic
$10 million

Trudeau net worth post pandemic
$350 million +
that's bullshit. Pierre was worth 250 million from his father. There's three brothers and one died in an accident. So he had a lot more than $10 million. He's a rich spoiled brat and a half, like all the other West Van brats.

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Appreciate your input now fuck off, pervert.
checked and kekked, I love good satire, the jewess in this comic might be a little too over the top, though.
Yes. If you were assigned male at birth you'll be drafted like all the other dudes. If they didn't do that the zoomer population would be 100% female overnight.
>Tranny mc sniffing a child that shat itself
I know webcomics have a lot of self inserts but that's really pushing it with all the other stuff they've done
based. here comes a joepedo

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If not by social implosion than certainly by asteroidal impact
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Which ones are illegal?
China won't collapse as China is made out of the Chinese People, as long as that is the case whether their population goes up or down, is degenerate or not, they as a people will survive. Not to mention the Chinese haven't attached themselves to financialism or capitalism whose ultimate purpose is to allow the insourcing of cheap foreign labor to your people's lands.
imagine being the Chinese factory worker that is enslaved for 12 hours a day 6 days a week in the silicon feet factory
the atf
Or worse, the furry silicon feet factory.

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How do you know all this?
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It be like dat.
I dreamed it
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I got sober
Flew over my house and caught it in my peripheral

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>I'm gonna dodge the draf-ACK

Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

All white men will be drafted to die in the meatgrinder. These kikes aren't playing around, they want you dead and they want you dead NOW
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I have no issue mag dumping into ANYONE attempting to violate the NAP against me.
you are a jew, ukies don't have the 2nd so they got screwed
>you...you won't do shit goyim!
we don't need to "do shit", you are killing yourself.
Women will fight this war. Men are no longer participating in Jewish wars.
When jews and women start dying, the corporate profit wars will end.
I ain't dodging shit. They will be dodging my bullets (no they wont I wont miss)

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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Remember when the chief security officer for Dominion voting systems promised that Trump wouldn't win? And now it's a felony to question elections and nothing happened to him?
I say all Teslas are rigged, to burn.
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>chief security officer for Dominion
I almost thought I was in a DS9 thread for a moment.

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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Iirc our current KDR against chinks is like 50000:1 because of Korea.
The 2nd one was surprisingly kino, but could have been better.

AA works well on chinks I guess.
>impossible to invade the continental US
Unless you are 100 million lowest iq niggers and browns.
Then US southern borders are wide open for you.

Reminder. You don't need to invade US . it's invading and erasing itself right now.
But for more fun, you can hit american electrical grid.
2 weeks without electricity, and 100 million niggers and browns start violent revolts, start breaking into stores, stealing food etc.

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It's toxic immaturity and micropenis. We just need to laugh out them.
what's with communist and wanting to restrict freedom of travel and self defense all the time
freedom in general...
there is nothing inherently wrong with large vehicles. That being said, the people who drive these vehicles are fucking niggers and white trash. These people do not know how to drive and keep their high beams on 24/7. Every time I see them in an accident I cant help but smile..
Why not make children and human-lets where those 8 foot tall flag things like they have on shopping carts in bad areas?

Cars and trucks generate revenue. A single walking dipshit is a liability.

the jews are pushing for a draft to do their dirty work. Share strategies to avoid becoming their goy soldier.
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Fair warning, death is the only proper choice. So enjoy losing your war to russia and china ZOG, I'd sooner rot in hell than serve a jew
Why do they force soldiers to shave all their hair?
I can understand if the hair is really fucking long or something that can be grabbed.
But other than that, it seems like a part of big humiliation ritual that is used to destroy any identity of the soldier...
all i'm saying is you've got to sleep sometime. nighty night :)
How many draft dodgers got prosecuted after vietnam?

...so it looks like there's three options big boy
Because they want to get rid of white people and replace you with easily controlling orc-cattle

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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Smelly smelly hippies, if you take a look at the global situation you can see Nixonian policies at work and the consequences were terrible, from genocides to disastrous economical choices
>>471254090 memeflag


look up James Walter McCord (CIA agent 'handler' of the burglars)

>'Postgate : How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat' (2019) by John O'Connor
>'Dirty Tricks : Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA' (2018) by Shane O'Sullivan


>'The Yankee and Cowboy War' (1976) by Carl Oglesby
Nixon got wind of high level democrats using campaign funds for hookers and blow and wanted dirt on them to cinch an election he ended up winning in a landslide anyway. The documentaries never mentions the part about DNC headquarters being a glorified cathouse.
Nixon did it to himself. His people, in their zeal, committed crimes. And Nixon, thinking politically, covered it up.

That being said, IF the CIA had anything to do with it, here is my theory...
> they got word about the taping system inside the white house. Maybe one of the techs who installed it was a friend of the friends or something
> they attached a taps to the system, and started creating second copies
> they listened and transcribed, passed it up the chain.
> then they heard conversation 576-006


This three hour conversation is the origin of so much mystery and confusion surrounding Nixon. It was withheld from the original tape release, and was only released decades later; after Nixon's death and after the early historians had written their first histories. The conversation explains a lot of stuff, including...
> E Howard Hunt
> why nixon handled the pentagon papers the way he did
> why he attempted to gag the press on the story

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See >>471261499

Are you lads ready for the deadliest false flag in history?
Russia lurking off the US coast, along with rampant reporting on hypersonic missiles is the predictive programming.
Both are very likely just propaganda to begin with.
We are being prepped for a nuclear explosion in a coastal city.
It won't be anywhere actually important, it won't be anywhere with lots of Jews. But it will be noticeable, it will be remembered easily.
It will be Pearl harbor 2.0.
Tens of thousands will be murdered by the US/Israeli govts. It will be blamed on Russia.
Hundreds of thousands of zombies will flock to recruiting stations. Millions more will be drafted.
I can't say exactly when (maybe in two weeks, who knows) or where. But that's the play. That's what is going to happen next. It'll have to be a huge event, and well brother, can't get much bigger than a "sneaky" nuke.
It might even already be in place...
If any anons living on the coast have a handy nuke sniffer, might give ya something to do.
East coast anon here.

No noticeable activity except two [redacted] trucks on a transport truck headed [redacted], on [Redacted].
No outright green nigger activity either.
K, keep me posted.
>Tens of thousands will be murdered by the Russian govt. It will blame the US and Israel

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Arizona will become uninhabitable in 10 years due to the heat so if you own property then I'd advise you to sell now.
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>nah youre just a weak fa-ACK!
Literally desertification has a solution. It's quadruped herds, like the ones we stupidly removed when the Europeans got to North America.
I like you.
The entirety of Florida will be underwater if global warming continues, Arizona has it easy.
>muh sea level!
two more weeks

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humiliation ritual
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he recovered surprisingly quickly
these memes make me like Biden more and more. What a chad
It's very possible that his infidelity drove his wife to drink and was directly responsible for the car crash.
kinda based..
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spiritual kikes if not literal

probably, the guy has brought disaster on everybody he's ever interacted with (an that includes the American public)

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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They literally don't allow whites in the incel community. Because of JBW they won't allow you to identify as one and will get blocked or booted out from all their servers if you're white
I thought that seeing Pulp Fiction with the Pawn Shop scene, I think now everyone carries a mobile with them and cameras are in every city, it's relatively rare.

Back in the day it'd be dead easy to just pick off a random person.
That girl is stunning. Let me guess, she's being fucked by a dog, right ?
Pretty sure it still regularly happens to people. Especially hookers and homeless. In Canada, there are posters for hundreds of missing working girls. They are easy prey for serial killer and human traffickers.
I'm married and that's still my fantasy

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The original Masons were good it's wasn't until they got overtaken by jews that they turned bad.. without the jews overtake Masons would be good
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yup this is the same thread as the one earlier "unpopular /pol/ opinions" kys you are a glownigger

Unpopular opinion threads are common
No. You just don't want to hear the truth

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>leader of the free world
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This is a zigger cope thread. You know what to do
That's because all you've seenare webms on /pol/and they're seconds chosen from countless hours of footage, sometimes even edited, or outright fake.
Go watch any video with Biden in its entirely and you'll see that he's a great president.
Then try to watch trump if you can get through so much idiocy.
Biden is going to win the debate and then MIGAtards will cope with adding fart noises to the audio. Screenshot this post.
Will it be meth Biden or mask Biden?
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weekend at bernie's

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mass shootings are fake and gay
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOy4pX-bmBg Here is your kike overlord you faggot nigger kiked glowies, i will bomb you
Gun Grabbers are back up to throttle thumping the tub. Give up your guns you just don't need em.
he cant keep getting away with it
god is fake and gay faggot

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whats their penalty for espionage?

i wanted to recommend to you all something. when thinking about women and their modern condition (i’m referring to the impact social media and dating apps has had on them), i’d like to ask you to not look at the statistics too closely; i’m not talking about statistics in itself, because it is a good tool to analyze the population and it does carry some truth in the end; but when dealing with women, i feel like you guys tend to have a specific posture when relating youself with the other gender and also when talking about it
my proposition is to completely give the benefit of the doubt to the point of placing yourself in a vulnerable position. i feel like that’s to only way to actually give love a chance. even after getting cheated many times, i believe you still have to blindly believe that maybe you encountered an exception, a rare case of a girl that isn’t part of the statistics
that would also make talking about women much more pleasant. even though there are so many cases of whores selling their bodies and girlfriends lying; if you actually give the girl you meet a chance to be the exception, you may get called naive or gullible, but just be sure that this is the ideal way to take relationships on and give love in itself a go
oh and never let yourself get friendzoned
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First time ? lol what a fucking faggot attempt.
Imagine being this new.
i haven’t thought yet about the financial side but it does add some dimension and severity to the whole deal
but obviously if it becomes a problem you’ll have a clear signal of an interested woman
lol how can you seriously date with some slut with 40+ body count
it's just public toilet
i forgot to change my to another wifi lmao
saved the thread THOUGH

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