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>no war declared by either "side"
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>Standard grave is 6ft x 3ft x 6ft
>Half a cubic meter
>Such a grave requires 3 cubic meters of excavation
Is the poster retarded or am i retarded by missing something?

I promise I'm being genuine with this question but why do homos seem to flock to the Disney corporation. There are countless historical articles of homos organizing events in Disney before the internet existed, one of the biggest names in the Disney company was a homo, and various tropes about homos relate to Disney movies. This isn't some recent phenomenon too, because they still flocked when the company seemed actively hostile to them (I remember as a kid when Disney made a night club and it became hot news when homos weren't allowed to dance together)
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Tell me more about vatnik since I've seen that same image spammed like 10 times on entirely unrelated post
I leave boxes of poisoned condoms in men's bathrooms around town
there really isn't much more to tell beyond the usual shit of him constantly spamming the usual /pol/ schizo talking about points especially when a certain country is mentioned which will cause him to go full nuclear meltdown, the most notable part is he makes up a fairly large percentage of said /pol/ schizo spamming and some guy in one of the threads he started spamming in was able to track it down, I think it was one of the immigration acts thread, ironically he used to pretend to be an American until he accidentally posted on int with that pic which revealed his true origin
>poisoned condoms
kek lil bro thinks real life is a video game
disneyland has always been fag friendly. i have family who worked there and they said it's common especially with the characters. if you go to disneyland and see mickey mouse wandering around, it's more than likely a fag inside. don't be fooled.

Rulers from the US, EU, NATO, as well as those spanning from the Vatican City to Saudi Arabia, all cheered "Slava Ukraini".
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>shabbos goyim gather to seethe, cope and dilate
Watching that shit is genuinely braindamaging. From denial of reality to its rewriting. From projections to delusions.
Not a single even remotely coherent thing is being said.

Idiocracy is NOW.
>retard bumps the thread to cry about something that will never go away
zoomers took over the site nearly 10 years ago, either move on (you won't) or get over it.
Imagine being so cucked that you shout nazi slogan from a foreign country

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I just don’t care. Truthfully I’ve never really cared. I’m 30 years old, and have been told by several girls, including my attractive ex and the small handful of other girls I’ve had sex with, that I’m attractive. I’d say I’m maybe a solid 7/10, 6 feet, 165 pounds, in shape, etc. but I’ve grossly underperformed when it comes to dating and sex. And the truth is because I’ve never cared. I don’t care to act like a jester, doing the courting ritual of taking the girl out to eat because I know if she really wanted it we’d just get down to fucking, because she’s definitely given it away easier to other guys who put in less effort. I don’t care to “talk to them” and “make conversation” because I don’t care about their gay hobbies or some stupid trivia small talk topic, I just want to fuck already. I don’t want to put in the effort. I see how empty headed and vapid and fickle women are, and unless I’m Chad getting laid with minimal effort than that’s it, game over, I don’t care. I’m not good looking like Chad. I do have a carefree and rebellious personality but the look factor doesn’t help me get my foot in the door. I accept it. I can’t just get laid by simply existing like Chad, so it is what it is. I have a Chad mindset but not a Chad body. Thanks for reading. Call me a blog poster, agree, disagree, share your experience. I don’t care.
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wow cool OP, nobody here fucking cares either so we all have that in common
sage and take it to /r9k/
>Imagine being so skinny that a 170-pound woman can lift you up in the air

destined to have your hair pulled back by a grown bear
300 lbs
Jump the farmer's fence, loser.
>I have a Chad mindset but not a Chad body.
i wonder how many people believe this
i don’t think it’s impossible, but i also think most people aren’t entirely honest with themselves
these thoughts of doubt sometimes take over me, but then i realise i’m just tired

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Surely it must be
Should've worn bloomers.
God Donald Trump is such a a faggot.
Sir, this is a rice thread
It is hard to digest and filthy.
Seriously ask any mushroom grower they can use basically any grain as a substrate but rice is significantly filthier than anything else.

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I hope Russia wins.
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You mock them yet your unemployment's worse, your country's basically run by feminists and is broke.
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>Bet there's some some recruiters that got shot or stabbed as well.
even better, a grenade
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The only country that I want to win is Israel, our greatest ally.
Actually, buddy, you dont know anything about Russia
And its actually x3 times worst, than anything in US
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why don't you kill yourself you utterly useless human being

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Do you all work with such feelings on a daily basis?
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Also hearing that my friends company with 200+ employees just closed up for a week to go to a resort in Hokkaido was something I couldnt even fathom. Working in Japan, working in general, sucks but at least some companies try to maintain a happy workforce.
In my experience of working in the hellhole that is the US, the only benefit I ever got was a discount that made 1 specific unaffordable health insurance plan into slightly less unaffordable health insurance plan. The paycheck still couldnt cover it unless you only ate beans and rice every meal every day.
I had to pay for my own transportation (which legitimately doesnt make any sense once you dont have to do it anymore) and no paid vacations.
>working in the hellhole that is the US
I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you dude. I don't give a shit about what working in the US is like.
I work for the UN and I hate it, I send unwanted rapefugees from my country to America tho
To be honest with you, yes. I work at an opera house and keep Western art alive. My father sang there for 36 years before I got the job. It honestly feels like my calling in life and I’d be pretty lost without it. It also pays great and has ridiculous benefits.
Yes. I love the company I work for and I enjoy my work and my life. (I'm a landlord)

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Why do gringos like mocking latinos and their language?
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Don't take it personally amigo anon. Pranking everyone from trannies to niggers is just how some people roll.
We badger poos the most anyways now. Why wouldn't you kek.
porque los latinos son brutos
Pq me vale verga de su cultura desgraciada. Solo quiero follar sus mujeres carajo.
Can't even write proper sentences in your own language, typical come gato

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If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them. A cloned vessel would be devoid of a soul and would never be alive. But clones do come to life, they act like a normal healthy body will act with a functional brain. This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view it is a Creator that gives one a soul. How could the created be allowed to defy the Creator? When Man plays God and succeeds, can it be said that there is even a God?
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I eat these beasts
Are they sentient?
They taste good and are high in nutrition for my own mind, body and spirit to thrive.
Does God like a a roast lamb dinner with mint sauce, roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables?
>cloned a sheep
fake and gay
>"answers" question with a question
That's what I thought
A clone is a human and God gives all humans souls.
There is no reason God would not give a clone a soul, just your fee fees.
The burden is on you to provide a reason.
You have no reason other than "my feelings so so"
The existence of clones in no way whatsoever disproves souls or God

Stop huffing paint
a brain (or in lower lifeforms the nervous system) is an antenna. that is where lifeforms receive their souls from.
>This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view
You're being autistic. At some point during creation, god gives it a soul. This is no different from natural childbirth.

Otherwise, you have no soul, because
>xd mom and dad made me, not god

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French Freemasonry is assembling in Paris to combat nationalism and launches a press release against the sovereignist New Right in France:

«Last Sunday, France entered a very worrying phase in its history, with the imminent return of the far right to power.

In three weeks' time, with early legislative elections, the risk of seeing France join the ranks of the dark cohort of far-right populist and nationalist governments will never have been higher.

The most reactionary forces seek to reach an understanding, with the sole ambition of calling into question all the foundations of the philosophy of the Enlightenment, sources of progress.

In this year in which we commemorate the memory of those who fell for our freedom against the Nazi yoke and the collaborationist regime, the Freemasons cannot remain silent before the return of the sound of boots, face masks and militia.

Faithful and viscerally attached to their humanist and universalist tradition, the Freemasons will be more involved than ever in this essential fight, that of the defense of the fraternal Republic. Because we must no longer limit ourselves to sounding the alarm, but act.

Act on the ground, act in our lodges, act outside the temples. Acting also means listening to the anger of those who, out of fatigue or desperation, managed to vote for the gravediggers of the Republic on June 9, to convince them that the extreme right is a dead end.

Gathered yesterday at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of France, the signatory Masonic obediences launch a solemn call for the mobilization of all Freemasons, brothers and sisters, to say no to the inevitability of the victory of the extreme right and its ideology of hatred .

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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based thread
looks like this board is a lodge now

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>Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild agent.
Disprove this. Now.
For example by pointing out ANY rothschild he held captive and did NOT release :3
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>muh heckin israel was rome
jew. Your rhetoric glows like kosher food
I already know he was but I still think you should still post more information to educate people
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The real crime in ww2 was anglo americans butchering European Christians en masse.
Don't worry about jews. Roman Catholics are your main enemy. We hate you more than jews do. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
>Patrick Bateman was a character in a movie that killed a slew of people but was on the Roth payroll, so....who tf was Paul Allen?

Now you know how bad things really are.

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There saying Ukraine can use NATO weapons in Russia now.
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Russia is safe
No Russia is not safe, your going to see Russians become swindlers from the sanctions.
China is taking all the jobs in Russia
The Russian people have been dehumanized. They walk around as if nothing is happening and it's normal to suffer. The people don't socialize but only with fakeness. It like no one notices that the working age people are so low in numbers they do 4 peoples work at a job and it's normal to do this. Very narcissistic, but at the sametime out bursts of frustration on people that are weak.
Like a jail how Russians are behaving, and it seems some thing is going to man handle them all at any moment.
I think that's the opposite otherwise you wouldn't be spamming threads like crazy
I'm allowed to strike China

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Is the board being raided or is it just Amerimutt kids getting out of school for the year?
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You’re not white
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Too many thirdies posting.
you is jew poopie poop
I'm ending the chan
nice projection, nigger

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I'm going to kill the draft officer and his family, cartel style.
I'm going to sodomize the draft office while wearing his son's face like a mask and screaming daddy I'm a big boy now

LMAO I saw the videos of the Ukrainian girls whoring it up in Kevin, gems y, Greece, and France
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>You openly claimed to have my number.
Yep and for some reason you believed that.

> so imaginary people.
You framing that way just makes you look crazy. Just because the issue is imaginary doesn't mean your anger towards it isn't. That is what people will see. They will see you as a schizoid that killed people because of the imaginary mission in your head.

>Not in this country
How old are you? Just curious.
>that killed people because of the imaginary mission in your head.
If there's no draft then there's no draft officer to kill.
Your words
Your homeowner association told us you are an illegal and they will recover your house
>Do you think the situation is that much different in the US?
Yes. Germany != America.

>even though I didn't give a fuck about either.
That's because you've never heard me talk about those topics.

>If there's no draft then there's no draft officer to kill.
I'm sure that defense will work before a judge and jury. If you want a the number of a good attorney use my guy, Nick Rekieta. He's not a jew but he's got a big jewish nose.
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>We live in America.
This means nothing. If you don't think the US government will resort to such things to stay in power, then you're hopelessly naive.

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I just had an enlightment.



AI always controlled the voting
Wasn't Elon Musk just going on about the elimination of electronic voting on Twitter... yesterday?

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Why are European and American cultures so different?
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HS vs college
Low vitamind D causes over production of estrogen and excessively low testosterone which makes them retarded and whorish, and the men emasculated and hysterical.
you can land an Airbus A380 on that 6head.
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you still should go back to your subhuman shithole though achmet
I'm European and I'm aiming to fuck at least a hundred whores throughout my life. I've already been through around 30 (I don't bother to count or remember them all) and that's just in 3 years of mongering. I do this as a protest to marriage and monogameme because the sexual revolution have made these obsolete. It's also fun in the moment.

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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Yes, it was a coup.
Nobody who got caught ever explained how it was anything more than a bungled wiretapping operation to get political intelligence but they hint there was something more going on. Liddy could have said something to clear it up but maybe he wasn't the kind of guy to talk.
Smelly smelly hippies, if you take a look at the global situation you can see Nixonian policies at work and the consequences were terrible, from genocides to disastrous economical choices
>>471254090 memeflag


look up James Walter McCord (CIA agent 'handler' of the burglars)

>'Postgate : How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat' (2019) by John O'Connor
>'Dirty Tricks : Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA' (2018) by Shane O'Sullivan


>'The Yankee and Cowboy War' (1976) by Carl Oglesby
Nixon got wind of high level democrats using campaign funds for hookers and blow and wanted dirt on them to cinch an election he ended up winning in a landslide anyway. The documentaries never mentions the part about DNC headquarters being a glorified cathouse.

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the shells are all from the 1970s and there's a dud rate of 50%, and they are no where near as destructive as the modern, westen munitions like tghe M107 projectile.
isnt this a good thing for south korea?
Do you even look at the garbage youre posting, deranged muttboy?
> Cho Jinwoo for RFA Korean
maybe, but ain't no american writes like that. that's a slav struggling to write the latin alphabet
When they have so many of them they don't need to be aimed precisely or have maximum destructive power.

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Looks like a faggot, faggot.
A step up from bangers and mash.
they looks scrumptious darling but you should know that i made kofte this morning and THEY were just divine. flat breads and EVERYTHING dear.
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What is the american translation for this commercial? Is he selling me meatballs or steak or what?

I really wish my state hadn't been ruined by liberals and minorities. How are other Washington anons holding up?
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Seattle is full of the most miserable freaks I’ve ever met. You have no idea what “progress” means. I bet you’re a timid faggot who can’t make eye contact with people in public just like most Seattle natives too.
Just getting off the ferry and walking to Seahawk or Mariner stadium was depressing. The stupid faggots in that city don’t even care. It’s made me very black pilled.
Jews. It was ruined by jews. Everything else comes after jewish infestation.
Even moderation here?

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