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Good evening, I hate homeless people

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How was this country able to achieve more in 250 years than Europe in 1000?
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Europeans free from the shackles of Abrahamics.
Untapped resources, killed or bought out their competition quickly so they had uncontested access to it. They could have accomplished far more with that kind of advantage if they hadn't allowed themselves to become kiked.
Purely geography.
More than 70% are and that’s not counting spics.
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Better than what, Canada?
Meet Trudy

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Rightist Supreme Court of US made it illegal for the homeless to sleep outside. They also defunded homeless shelters. During a housing crisis. So right wingers, where are the homeless supposed to go? Is this your "Let them eat cake" out of touch moment?
good fuck the homeless gas them all
All homeless should come to liberal cities. Marthas Vineyard Silicon Valley Chappaqua etc. We will take care of them

When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
How do you prepare yourself?
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Okay, I'll happily take a warbride (male)
>b-but that's gay
Kek, they know.
/k/ is dead
I can't even tell if the post on the left is sarcastic or not.
>When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
Yeah we already learned that with the Nashville school shooting troon they wouldn't release the trannifesto for.
Kikes are going to use those troon death squads as barrier troops and recrooters - pretty much same duties for which they use AZOG on ukraine. If you see armed trooners in tactical gear knocking on your door remember to grab and preapre some firearm or at least a bayonet before opening - you most likely gonna need it.

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>hes not dropping out
that was my prediction. they cant oust him. he has to voluntarily step down and he wont. he never will. he'll make them invoke the 25th but they dont have the balls. if the democrats use institutional power to remove an obstinant biden it will validate everything everyone said about him, about them about their policies and about their voters. i would be the end of all of their careers. they may as well just not run a candidate against trump at that point. all their new guy could do is shit on joe. there was never a time for him to graciously bow out and he wouldnt have anyways.
Its real
Biden campaign official: ‘Of course’ Joe is not dropping out of the race
Yahoo, The Hill, The Independent, etc...
they want Trump in now cause Trump promised to give Israel trillions of dollars

Trump will be the next president

jews run America. full state capture
Nice ID, faggot.

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No, the narrative was that it's a "speech impediment", as if that explains him walking like a zombie and having a thousand yard mouth-open stare
good morning sir
>jon Stewart back on the daily show
Since when??
>Biden withholds gibs for IDF
It was only for the 2000 lb bombs, which he ended up sending a few days ago
Damn, if only redditards noticed this over the past 5 fucking years and not just when the (((authorities))) stopped calling it a conspiracy theory

>According to court documents made public on Thursday, the UK filed a request with the ICC on June 10 to provide written observations on whether“the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals (under) the Oslo Accords.”

>The UK’s argument is that the Palestinian authorities cannot have jurisdiction over Israeli nationals under the terms of the Oslo Accords, and so it cannot transfer that jurisdiction over to the ICC to prosecute Israelis.

“The United Kingdom submits that the Chamber, pursuant to Article 19(1) of the Rome Statute, ‘is required to make an initial determination of jurisdiction in resolving the application for arrest warrants’ of which ‘[t]he Oslo Accords issue necessarily forms part,’”the ICC said on Thursday.

Essentially what is being said is because Palestine doesn't exist and by extension neither do the Palestinians and the ongoing negotiations of the Oslo accords to determine how much land Israel has control over, the ICC has no jurisdiction until the greater Israel plan is implemented. Expect the gaza strip to be completely annexed as well as Israel announcement today of 5 new illegal settlements in the west bank that 60% does not belong to Palestine.
ICC? International Cricket Council?

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there were threads before today, someone edited a fart sound clip into the feed
>someone edited a fart sound clip into the feed
In the CBS stream?
This was on CNN. But it's timestamped and everything, I don't know if anyone else did the webm already, I bet they did, I'm just massively shit.
Its on a live stream too kek
>not shidin with bidyn

>look here
>the idea
>and the idea
>now folks
>the idea
>and by the way
>how dare he bring up haughghhd
>the idea
What did he mean by this?
Biden called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for Trump, not a tough choice.
nuh huh this was all a giant cheap fake
He meant to say sneed, RIP poopshitty
>incoherent rambling
>long pause
>doesn't elaborate

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with Trump at the wheel Russia will conquer half of Europe, right?
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Because he isn't invading ukraine he is learning the west...if this was a real invasion then why hasn't he just went full throttle with an entire invasion like the US in Iraq? Because he wants to learn more about modern warfare
>Because he isn't invading ukraine he is learning the west...if this was a real invasion then why hasn't he just went full throttle with an entire invasion like the US in Iraq?

Because Russia is a paper tiger. That IS full throttle LOL
Then why hasn't NATO intervene directly if there is no real super power?
>Russia will conquer half of Europe
They'd be doing us a favor if they took everything east of Germany.
NATO hasn't intervened because Ukraine isn't NATO. Why would it? Russia can't even beat Ukraine.

The first Black Woman to lead the Free World.
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That's a man.
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Big Mike swinging it to the oldies..
Into the arena.
Bit of a plague still...
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After the massacre of a debate last night and today's supreme court decisions, I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic.
The left's unfettered meltdown is pleasing to me, and I am genuinely enjoying every minute of it.
Who else is comfy as fuck right now?
Phull sappot to good sir trump

2024 - arguing about who's better at golf
>I'm just a realtor in the shabbad mafia who scam and steal everything he can
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we have reached new levels of clown world forsure.

Jew Ratchet effect advanced...

What Is the Jew Ratchet Effect?

>This phenomenon gets its name from the mechanical device called a ratchet, which allows motion in one direction only. Just as a ratchet prevents backward movement, the ratchet effect ensures that zionist/jew power advances inexorably, never retreating to previous levels.
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>I like unelected federal employees controlling my life with rules they make up, enforce and intpret
>t. complete fucking retard
Pull your head out of your Marxist ass.
Anon they will run their stooge from now until August. They won't announce it at the convention. They will announce him/her now.

In real news: Thomas Massie's wife just died yesterday.
>They will announce him/her now.
Buddy, they can’t do it unless Biden says yes. He’s not saying yes. He is doubling down. Unless he does it’s just not happening.
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>unless Biden says yes.
he can die or suddenly go comatose anon - a new hero will be born - someone to carry on this noble humble man's legacy of unwavering public service.
broward county, and the entire tri-county area in fact, is such a hive of rat kikes it's unbelievable.

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Will the DNC get him to step down? Or are they going to ride the train into oblivion?
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>New face will energise the people
It won't. Most people aren't engaged enough into politics. Swapping out Biden right now is too late and most people will not even bother to show up. You can't put an unknown at the top of the ticket. It just doesn't work.

>Did people know who Obama was before 2008?
Obama had a full election cycle to raise awareness and make himself known.
The latter I hope. It's gonna be absolute cinema if he gets another term.
>What the left fails to realize and somehow cannot conceptualize is that the right does not "Follow" or "Worship" Trump as a leader. The right is wielding Trump as a weapon
Well put, I won't be sad about breaking my hammer smashing something to bits so long as the job gets done, I can always get a new hammer.
Actually some states have to have a name on the ballot 90 days before election day, so technically they have about 40 days to replace him.

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Once we defeat miedicare we will thie thing you know the thing

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if trump wants to win he needs to do the following

1. demand boldly that democrats replace biden on the ticket. that they have blatantly lied for years about his senility and that it is time to admit they were wrong and replace biden with a candidate that is actually capable of having a coherent thought.

2. this will put the democrats into an absolute state of panic. there are already serious murmurs of replacing biden, but if trump commands them to do it first, it will have a devastating effect. they will either.

A. be forced to run biden anyway to spite trump, which is a loss on election day.
b. be forced to basically agree with trump, and remove biden just like they were commanded to do. which makes them look like weak pussies who finally admitted they were slimey little cunts after daddy trump spanked them. which is a loss.

its a win win for big daddy trump

its the oldest trick in the book. and it's time to do it. you see your opponent's on the verge of something. you command them to do it causing swtious issues for the unwashed retarded masses looking at it.

Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.
He really said that? Well he's earned my vote for supporting the death penalty on anything. Thanks anon for giving me a reason to vote for trump over dementia biden

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It is given that Joe will be removed.
Hillary will be nominated.
One phone call and HorseFace Camel will be eliminated. Oops. Poof. Gone.

Hillary vs Trump

(Mark my words Americans)
Save this prediction.
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.
Joe can’t be removed. He can only step down and that’s not going to happen.
Trump is a convicted felon.
>Trump is a convicted felon.
So who committed more crimes against America, against American people, Trump or Biden.

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Thanks for this very relevant information.
Very cool anon
its all rigged but the glowniggers dont really have a coherent plan and they are incompetent and prideful
look at the world with this mindset and everything makes sense
not sexy
but its true and you know in your heart its true
They didn't want to pull him out prior to the primaries since that would've allowed the voters to nominate someone like RFK or Bernie, now the party insiders can choose whoever they want at the convention
They needed an excuse to get Biden not to run. They are fumbling with the intent to get Trump back in the office in time to start WW3 in hopes of remoralizing the "patriots" to support gov't enough to become the meatshield. They want to send enough White men to their deaths, so the replacement can go on without a hiccup.

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who is the better golfer?
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.

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