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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Ideogram 1.0

> Dall-E 3

> Local SDXL

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this is a kike
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Regular tobacco tastes like shit and only faggots with dead tastebuds enjoy it.
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>Fried Okra
Disgusting trash weed
>Collard Greens
Disgusting trash weed
>Grape Drank
Yeah that's alright
Yeah that's alright
>Sweet Potato Pie
Ehhh mid
>and finally, not paying taxes
They still pay taxes don't give niggers that much credit
Where do you buy it? I thought it’s illegal in canada
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EVen Sigmund Fraudsaid sometimes my coke-addled cigar is JUST about the nicotine...
1 year tobacco free here

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It's not she just has low self esteem but there's no reason to be upset my man.


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post political humor
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part of the series "making deals with goats"
Based. Total sandnigger death.
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B h a r a t _ C h a d s _ R i s e _ U p
It's time for the final charge to take what is ours!
ZERO cost ZERO wait time ZERO permission required!
Here's how it works:
1. Align all chakras in Padmasana (Lotus Position).
2. Hands far apart, and look Straight Up 90 degrees angle.
3. SHOUT without hesitation and have No Doubts:
>Name of desired homeland! (Sorry, no time travel available!)
>Chosen penis size! (All measurement systems recognized!)
>REPEAT two (2) more times! Total three (3) times!
***You must face AWAY from the train or else results not guaranteed.***
Triple Courage Bros and Bon Voyage!!!!


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Based Jews

Bros, he's cooked
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Reminds me of how people thought beautiful architecture was inherently elitist and therefore the solution was styles like internationalism that deliberately avoid beauty.
They always sell badly but it doesn't matter because it's propped up by ESG jews
Ideologues can't be pragmatists.
did he get scared off, or did he receive an esg cheque? i cant tell

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I am more worried about India than China. The constant street shitter mockery and AI generated images are being seen by too many of them. They're not handling it well and I think they're going to lash out. Like full on Hindu Hitler rabid nationalist insanity lash out, attempting to restore respect through fear. Its gonna get ugly.
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China is more advanced but has a calmer character and more to lose, I do not think they will act irrationally. The global ridicule of India is some straight up Weimar Germany national humiliation shit times a thousand. We are going to see a SERIOUS freakout from them. The legacy of the caste system means they expect a certain amount of unearned respect, its absence makes them seethe. China has nothing similar.
the chinks will start a war trying to take taiwan
then the indians will start a war trying to take pakistan
100s of millions of chinks and pajeets will die
they staged assasinations in canada
Its shit like that I'm talking about. They could've had that guy extradited through diplomatic channels but Modi wants India to be seen as a global superpower to the point they can assassinate enemies in other countries with impunity. He wants an Indian intelligence department that can do shit like that, Indian version of CIA and KGB but more ruthless. His psycho disrespected Hindu base loved it and demands even more egregious displays of power. Its scary.
The global humiliation of India is nothing more or less than shining a light on the things they actually do and the way they actually live. The truth will never yield to anyone, least of all a tribe of 70 IQ, shit eating, penis worshipping, world pollluting ratmen.

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Huh what do you mean things cost money? Daddy just handed me his magic card and said he would take care of it
I slowed down the video. There are no non-white people. It's just a group of rich tourists going to third-world countries to ride around on boats, swims in the ocean, and look at landmarks.
No shit. This is the gated Cancun shit I was talking about. Try working on power lines in a foreign country for a few years.
It's well-known by now that "travelling" in roastspeak means "whoring my way through the world"
>If you travel and meet real people. You realize 80% of all people, from every race are total fucking nigger pieces of shit. White, Asian, black, brown everyone. But that 20% there isn't rude or parasitic. They are actually closer to you as a brother than parasites of your own race.
I don't think the 20% is some kind of magical percentage, but there are definitely shitty people in all races. The cause of most shitty behavior is sociological/economic, but that doesn't mean races are equal.
>God made biology in his image and man pretended he was special. It's satanic to be racist.
Racism is in the bible, retard. There's nothing satanic about it. In fact, it's a good thing for everyone.

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When women say they want equality it is usually followed up with..
>If a Man fucks a 100 girls he's a hero but if a Woman fucks 100 guys shes a whore.

This is becoming a political issue. Chemicals from birth control are in the water supply and are feminizing men! I would argue if a man fucks 100 women he's a whore and should not be rewarded with praise from his peers. I would also argue birth control is not a right and not health care.
If society comes down harder on sexual promiscuity for men and women will it restore order to the west? Can slut shaming of men and women help increase birth rates, restore the nuclear family unit and lower divorce rates globally?
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oral and anal
I agree OP. We need Christian values. Man whores are parasites taking withdrawals out of the figurative moral bank of society. We can’t expect women to do [any of] the work. That’s obviously what got us in this mess to begin with. Men must take accountability.
The problem is women always think what they find attractive in men is the same as what men find attractive in women, same reason why they always think men like educated women with high paying jobs, women with sexual experience, etc.
*Drives white bois mad*
>women always think
They do not

Whatever the driving spirit or intelligence of this universe is, anyone who tries to refute pic attached is a criminal predator con artist just beneath their well-polished surface

So how are actually decent people supposed to live in a universe where pic attached is in fact the nightmare actual truth?
>how can I get a bunch of replies?
>i know!
>*posts op picrel*
>gets zero replies
lol go fuck yourself, loser. nobody is listening to you.
What if God is just trying to give you (yes, you personally) an experience that will make you spiritually grow before whatever the next stage of your consciousness is? Of course it's going to hurt, this is like spiritual boot camp.
Suck God's dick harder

Be king of Bongland
See it be invaded Poos, Muslims, and Niggers
Imports housands of retard nigger Jamaicans. Like what in the fuck. Importing niggers .
Capitol is a foreign suitable
Largest cities are stabbynI mcnigger Muslim poopooshitholes. Whole place is the size of north Dakota maybe. Like how have bongs not tossed these ppl into the river.
Bomgs do have a history of dealing with jews Nd invaders correct?

Do nothing.
Say nothing.

Do they need rescue from the bankers?

Pic looks like Satan w a demon tho
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rothschilds own the world, this isn't news.
i always interpreted that pic as the kike remarking on charles tie not actually poking him to force a point
>Do you feel in charge?
The monarchy just isn’t that powerful, their survival is entirely dependent on favourable media coverage. Charlie boy almost fucking destroyed the royal family in the 90s with his affair and divorcing of Diana, Prince Andrew hugely damaged their prestige recently because he shagged a 17-year old whore on Epstein’s island. As it stands the Royal family gets mostly positive coverage from tv media, tabloids and right-wing broadsheets, only really columnists in lefty papers are routinely critical of them and tend to only attack the institution rather than the individuals themselves. If they started to openly take positions on controversial issues at odds with our far more powerful political and media establishment, like opposing mass migration, they would invite much aggressive media attacks on them to undermine their popularity. There are probably a wealth of private scandals like Prince William and Kate’s alleged affairs which could be weaponised by a hostile media. Eventually if their popularity was dented enough it could embolden mainstream left-wing or centrist politicians to call for the abolition of the monarchy.

It isn’t really worth the risk for them destroying their own wealth and prestige to fight a losing battle with the media. I suspect that they might not really care for niggers and pakis since the social circle of most royal family members is entirely white. They look bored shitless when visiting dancing tribes for the commonwealth, Wills and Kate looked disgusted and bemused at the niggers singing in the coronation and I’m sure Meghan Markle redpilled them on how insufferable they are. However, demographic change might not be an immediate concern as aristocratic families are used to the concept of being greatly outnumbered by lower beings. It might catch up with them as our BAME/non-whites are majority opposed to the Royals unlike the white British population.

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>big daddy governemt big mad

>‘Not fair’: Reality of being 19 in Australia
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>Scientists rule dingoes are just dogs: Not a threatened species
When will they make the same ruling on that other indigenous species?
>my ex's mum took a dna test hoping for some boong so she could get in on the gibs
Stupid bitch. All she has to do is tick a box.
Albo is still talking. He was waffling about 'anti-vaxxers'. What is the general pol view here. Does Albo really still think Safe and Effective and Saved Millions? He's not stupid, I have to assume he knows fine well, but is just staying on message. Which is kind of evil, but understandable if he wishes to stay out of jail. I'm almost more worried if he still Believes muh safe. That would suggest he's simply fucking stupid. I don't expect much from a PM, but if he's more retarded than me, that's a problem. I'm way too retarded to be PM. Howard was a clever little bastard tbf. Apparently Abbott was as well. Juliar wasn't, and Rudd was always a little less clever than he thinks he is. Turncunt is actually an aspergers case, if you look closely enough, so at least has turbo-aut power. Albo? Commie dipshit.

Morning cunts. War soon. Who is looking forwrd to it?
whatre we listening to
>He's not stupid
he is very stupid, anon.

Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and two sketchy looking African dudes were hanging around outside near the entrance of the store. I kept walked further along to the opposite end of the store where there was another entrance just to avoid them. After doing my shopping, I went down the street to get something at 7-11, and an Indian clerk was working there. This was on the outskirts of a small town about 200 km north of Tokyo. Please pray for Nippon. 終わりだ
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the white population is dying out here because 90% of white guys are fucking some asian chick.
>We are Japan, we have some of the strictest immigration laws, you will have to work hard to be a citizen of our country

>Oh shit you're a third worlder who can't read or write? Welcome to Japan (Also lots of other countries)

Why do they do this
Good morning saar, we are many sexy race, yes?

Yes. This is my post from above in the thread.
I redpilled my entire office at work and my whole extended family. It took maybe a week to do. My parents in law were already primed from hearing my wife and I’s stories from living in the west so that helped get them primed.

>Just stop going there. Don’t visit stores that have this disgusting shit. You will get 食中毒 from their shit covered hands.

>You might need to go to a konbini a bit down the road but that’s okay.

>My MIL basically bankrupt her local Fami Mart when they hired shitskins to the point where they went out of business.

>Anytime she sees one in her local area riding a bike (they can’t afford cars usually) she “jokingly” tries to run them over with her car and stops just in front of them and honks loudly to scare the fuck out of them or make them fall off their bike. You think the police will arrest a nice Japanese lady for a misunderstanding with a shitskin? Heck they will probably arrest HIM for it hahaha
> Be the change you want to see in the world.

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In the Midwest there are more illegal south African immigrants now because they know how to work farms and don't look like illegals (obviously not a ton but more than you think)

Did your employer feed you on Juneteenth? If so, what was the meal? These ungrateful employees got a free meal and then complained about it.
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It's seen as racist because it's a stereotype/trope that blacks all eat fried chicken, watermelons, grape soda and look like monkeys.
why does everyone celebrate that shit kamala made up 2 years ago?
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the food was much better at the italian version
Fried Chicken, Watermelon, and grape drank.
They wanted bananas and fentanyl.

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I've been researching Hezbollah these are not your normal shitskin fighters. This is going to be bad like a real war.

This looks straight out of Call of Duty: https://x.com/SprinterFamily/status/1680681449383501824
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Arab christian refer to God as Allah...
The kurds wear it too. It's fairly cheap on alibaba.
It's a reference to the quran though.
Spoiler - I'm from the future:
They die instantly from napalm, their weapons misfiring because shitskins remain lowIQ and the Israeli offensive is actually impressive. Arabs get their 5th defeat in the exact same way.
Can't wait to see them btfo by Israelis, just like every other shitskin "army" lmao

Trump gave a boy dressed like him a signed $20 bill, and he cried in gratitude. Has Trump become a messianic figure?
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Trump seems fairly with it in this clip. Good to see. Hopefully bodes well for the debate.
>Has Trump become a messianic figure?
Compared to establishment politicians who are brazenly using their positions to line their coffers at the expense of everyone else? Yes which is ironic since Trump is cut from the same cloth, but the perception is that he already has so can be trusted not to take more.
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Fat cops love him

Count Binface edition
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They will, I’ve seen it happen many times. You underestimate the size of Pakistan.
>It hardens the base
doubt it. It'll harden the support of those further to the right, BNP and anti-war types but these are politically involved people, not normies. To win elections, you need normies that typically don't give a shit about politics and these people are broadly anti-Russia.

Skimming through the reactions of reformies on social media seems mixed. A lot saying "I'll still vote reform, but...". Most will only see clips and the reactions and those make Farage look bad.

I watched the full interview and it was an obvious stitch up, the interviewer just monologued and framed for 30 minutes barely allowing for answers. Farage was right but he looked weak and wish washy
It's not just Pakistan though is it? It's all over Africa and the Middle East. We've got people here from countries the Home Office has never heard of. Some of the darker ones are just making up place names and shouting racist at the staff until they get a hotel room key and a 12 year old working class girl. We have the largest contingent of nationals of now defunct countries in the world in the Premier Inns in the midlands now. We have more nationals of Ungabungastan in Luton alone than existed at its population peak and more keep coming every day, which of course should remind of us of the unspeakable horrors of the holocaust.
Wasn’t for UK audience, it’s aligned with Trump. Who will be the next president. 4 years with Trump in office, Twitter a lot freeer and the kikes reeling from the left biting them in the ass.

This uk election is short term, sacrificial. Garage said so himself in the interview, his manifesto proposals are just what he will bring up in the commons.
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There are sticks she can pee on. Will she pee on a stick for you, anon?
None of them have whore tatoos at the very least, this puts them above 99% of all white women alive today

The smell.
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That's an American. Here's the video you screencapped, replete with American automobiles and domiciles.
>I'm Just Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine So I'll Shit Up /pol/ Worse Than It Already Is: The Post

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It never crossed my mind to get a gun and shoot the school up when i was a student. Not even once. Were this kids fucked in the ass by a teacher?
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>What causes school shootings?


This is true. Speaking as a teacher in Texas, I'll tell you that the worst thing that most students face is not coming from activist teachers. Those are rarities, actually. The worst thing is DEI forced on districts from the state's Education Service Centers that do staff training, certification, and all the accountability stuff for the state. The Texas DoE has no accountability to anyone except to themselves, as long as the state legislature isn't breathing down their necks and they know it. It's all appointed jannies.
Probably untrue.
Read Peter Lance's book "1000 Years for Revenge" to see step by step how the `93 WTC bombing was set up and how the New York police missed the signs.
The public school system
Adding onto this. Even though local elected schoolboards SHOULD have the final say in a district's curriculum and discipline according to state law, because TEA(the texas education agency) handles all the day-to-day busywork and accountability things from the certificational side, anyone who resists DEI mandates from TEA essentially gets attacked via lawfare through this appointed regulatory agency, circumventing local schoolboards. Superintendents might serve their schoolboard, but the district itself and the staff can be attacked through certificational/classificational means.

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Maybe there are still some LARPers in Europe, but 'antifa' in the US is totally dead. I'm literally in the Portland area, and they don't even hold rallies anymore. My understanding is that the Trump/Floyd 2020-era antifans were a combination of professional political activists, naive college-aged kids, and a bunch of hired bums and druggies.

Many of the 2020-era bums and druggies have overdosed and died by now (not a joke; they actually did; fentanyl has wrecked them), the college kids have moved on, and the professionals/'organizers' have had their funding cut. The 'movement' is gone.

More proof - Trump literally went to the SF Bay Area a couple weeks ago to meet with supporters/donors, and 'antifa' failed to shut him down. In 2015/2016, they had the Bay Area on lockdown, and could rally thousands to attack MAGAfags on short notice. Not anymore.

Trump also went into the Bronx, and 'antifa' failed to protest him or shut down his rally. They don't exist anymore in any real numbers. How did the antifa movement collapse so quickly, though? They had a lot of energy just a few years ago.
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>nazi boys are happening now
Don't worry. They'll be back next year.
how utterly subtle
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they got beat up pic rel
They made money on crypto and suddenly had something significant to lose.

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what is wrong with russians
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The medic shot him in the head with a healing bullet. But it takes a few minutes for the healing bullet to work. He's totally fine now.
They even made "info hazards" for you young guns. We went in raw (and wiggling)
HALL YAH BRO just like me call of duty games! Who cares if the lobby sucks just die and respawn
You can't avoid it. Getting blackpilled is the new white man's burden. Start headbobbing it'll loosen you up

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