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Heres 29 pages of known side effects of the experimental gene therapy mRNA preparation of Pfizer released globally in 2021/2022 from the published documents by Pfizer itself - yup, the same Pfizer that just settled over 10,000 lawsuits for a cancer inducing drug.
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y did i laff
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The gene therapy is to protect the ayys when they come.
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How the fuck does the vaccine cause genital herpes?

Why does /pol/ hate Hiro? Have you guys ever had a community meeting with about the boards with the owner of 4chan? You guys seem to hate him for no reason.I think you guys need to be grateful he’s even keeping this site alive.
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I don't feel like resetting my router, but they have names
This thread is an example of the plummeting quality of threads, it's not gokus fault it's shills like yourself
I think I’ve seen that “aduck” guy name before on /co/ before. That’s probably where they all go because their so many people with names on their.
This thread is pretty good compared to others right now where people are just yelling at a obvious bait thread lol. It’s not shilling when I’m asking questions and having conversations.
>lust provoking image, irrelevant time wasting question
>my threads not shit

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It's Joever for Joe
Need Biden memes
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It's Trumpginning.
skibidi biden
hitler’s languge trumps uses hitlers languge

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Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
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>how many times have you wished you knew then, what you know, now?
That doesn't mean I need to believe anything.
Again, what makes you think "progress" - whatever that is - is needed?
>If you're never putting a little bit of faith out there and acting certain where nothing is, you won't accomplish much.
This is completely meaningless. What sort of accomplishment are you talking about that require beliefs?
Jews truly are the superior race on this earth and as such it is their right to rule the lesser races of the goy
T. the PSOE-fag wanting free gibs from EU.
The biggest red pill nobody wants to swallow is that everything they say, view or read online politically does nothing but lead to personal problems.
Everything. At some point to know is to experience, if you haven't experienced, you don't know, but you have beliefs, right? Like the cute girl you want to ask out doesn't regularly jerk off random guys on the street, you might have thought differently if you knew that, but you made whatever investment withoit knowing. But you'd never know, if you didn't try.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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/pol/ is officially a joke website.
every human being that visits and uses /pol/ is a faggot
I don't watch rumble
^you watch YouTube with all the troonfaggots
all of /pol/'s usership is comprised of nothing but faggots and troons

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Do you watch modern television?
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Around here the local news is creepy. It has such a weird fake vibe to it. And all the diabetes/aids/elderly medication ads make it that much worse.
>(((American))) entertainment
This. I came to 4chan for /pol/ and you faggots sent me to /a/.
It's 100% real, Mexibro.

He says it loud and clear with no shame at all.
I play vidya out of habit. but its not fun anymore. just doesnt hit like it used to. Tbh I hate video games. yet I still play them all day.

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But that's not what happened. They amended it so that it's 18-26 now (for men ofc).
Why didn’t he try to escape the grenade blast
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You will defy the every motion of the United Nations from now on, especially after the new world order is gone. An order.
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>women might have to be someone responsible for their actions
In the NDAA, it also talked about the need to be ready to simultaneously fight two near-pear nuclear armed nations. They need a distraction for all the shit that's going on and WWIII would fit that bill. So would releasing an actual bioweapon. Hell, a fake pandemic might even cut it, hence all the H5N1 talk.

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why do brown people in the usa that dont speak english call nearby europeans 'el diablo' and 'gringo' and tell us to 'go back where we came from'?

y arent they more appreciative to be guests in a nation that keeps them fed, clothed, housed, and gives them the ability to have leisure time, watch tv, have a smartphone, etc., when the alternative was being a literal slave in a war torn country and not having enough to eat every day?

are their church pastors telling them that euros are the devil, and that we should not be trusted?
*asking for a friend. the euro in question was just sitting there, minding his own business, not even looking in their direction. he hadnt looked at them even once since he had entered the area.

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Will this solve Japan's demographic crisis?

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Why are houses in Canada the most expensive in the world?
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>propping up the yuan
individuals and real estate companies might be fucking us over but it’s insignificant as a whole to the yuan. you sound like one of those faggots who say they are going to rugpull bitcoin/gamestop to collapse the usd.
houses are 1000CAD/sq ft in unremarkable shitholes. they need to come down because the only way young canadians can afford that is the shitjeet way by living 30 to a 3 bedroom house
We sell to the entire world
>100k more people every year than we build houses
Awckushually we bring in 1.6 million more """people"" per year than houses built (200k houses vs 1.8+ million immigrants last year)
Yes recently it's gotten much, much worse, but this has been an issue going back 30 years. It's a rather depressing chart to see, the immigration rate/pop increase versus housing starts.

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Sorry to tell people but chicken, eggs, beef, etc. are not sustainable forms of protein and have never been enough to end the hunger issues of the world. This new source of protein has the potential to change everything and humans in many cultures around the world survive off of it every single day. Soon you will be eating insects and not even know it.

>All Things Bugs’ patented breakthrough involves the development of a new wet-grinding and drying technique that ensures edible insects can be ground into a fine powder. It is a process that works equally well with all insects including superworms, crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, caterpillars or flies - emphasizing its versatility, and making it cost-effective to produce.

>Crucially, it is an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to increase protein content across a whole range of foods. The end product is a super fine, light-colored powder with a neutral aroma and flavor, which can be blended with other ingredients to make numerous food and beverage products, such as pasta, baked goods, shakes, smoothies, meat alternatives, puffed extruded snacks, bars, cereals, tortillas, pet food / treats and many others.

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Eat the bugs or boil to death in a climate apocalypse.

Your choice /pol/.
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I'll take the climate apocalypse, please. Keep your bugs to yourself Beelzebub.
I feel bad for American, please do your best to keep yourself safe. Is there a way to discourage industrialists from getting involved in this insect business?
>zero (0) people asking leaders/industry to make bugs into food
>leaders/industry: you asked, we answered

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Honestly at this point I think the solution to the modern dating market crisis is this.

>create a website where females can choose who they want the kids of
>have all males sign up for this
>allow a filter system (females can't go through 4 billion options, need to save time somehow)
>females can order sperm from the male or contact him directly

There. Fixed all of the issues. The bottom 90% of males will not pass on their already beta genes and now this doesn't happen again.
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No. Because you're not correct. If breeding is the goal they're not betas. Unless you have some kind of criteria for being an alpha, which nobody would take seriously coming from you
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>So when betas revolt, women can just take their positions.
When you're 70 with no family and no loved ones what do Incels have to lose? They blame society for the way their life ended up. What do you think they are going to do? Most of them are slightly religious only by birth, but many are disassociated from it.
I'm done explaining such a simple concept to you, if you can't understand a fucking sentence as simple as this >>471264710 then you're a lost cause.
It doesn't mean anything though. You're just coping.
Feminism is truly the end of males

Ok and, they're 70, they are probably going to die soon before they can do whatever terror attack you have in mind.

Saturday night edition

>First red flag warning of 2024 issued in Northern California


>California has highest gap between high, low earners: report


>Newsom to more than double National Guard at ports of entry to combat drugs


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Señora Presidente Claudia Sheinbaum just changed the flag of Mexico!
America did this.
Are Mexican Nationalists a thing?
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hey spix. you thought mexico was bad? you ain't seen nothing yet. you're about to have a taste of what the white man has been fighting against for 2000 years.
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First time huh? Welcome to the club
Totally not a psyop

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and say Christ is King
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>the only lore that matters is jewish lore because it must be real.
We're still waiting on you guys to debunk Christianity
"JOOZ" isn't an argument, it's emotional whining and laziness
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Shabbo goy talk. CHRIST IS KING.
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>I denounce the Talmud and say a guy a followed the Talmud is king.
That's very easy. Jesus said he would be back during the lifetimes of those alive back then, coming with his rewards and army of angels to fulfill them Messianic warrior side of the prophecies. He didn't. The LARP ended there and the cope began.
>For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Matthew 16:27-28
>I believe jews
So you disagree with the talmud about jesus?
>Also, the only lore that matters is jewish lore because it must be real.
I was replying to HIS comment denouncing jesus which implies he's real retard

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Being trans is easier than being gay. That's why people transition.
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I'm bi-trash who has banged dozens of trannies and I pretty much know for certain what actually causes it. At least twenty "transwomen" have broke down in tears after sex and confessed that they were sexually abused as a kid (usually by their fathers, creepily). This leads me to believe that people become trans as an unconscious defense mechanism in a frenzied attempt to salvage what's left of their sexuality after the horrifying experiences the adults in their lives put them through. It's much more sad and pathetic than anyone wants to admit, but it doesn't make me want to bang them any less.
bi isn't a real thing

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By far the biggest clown on the (supposed) far right. Grifter, fed, blatantly gay, self-admitted pedo, autistic test-tube baby and wannabe cult leader

Gotta give him credit for knowing how to grift off retards, though. Even in this thread there will be brown low-IQ freaks defending him
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Why do Kike mods protect Spick Fuentes if Nick isn't a fed?
>max capacity 700 plated
>1500 strolling
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he's jidf special forces
>Cheese pizza.
What was that software that glowies use to plant it called again?

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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The average age of the utilities worker in my area must be 70. Have you ever watched a 70 yo man with the hangover shakes operate a backhoe? Terrifying. There's a reason I spent thousands on home water purification.
50 thousand years ago hey? fucking crazy
Slowing production transitions to pilfering.
Are those working on the Calgary main older?
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>First, they say 5 days.
An old white guy estimated what it would have taken his white crew when he was young.
>Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
Brown crew fucked it up and they're getting more time to cover up their fuckup and find a solution that they do not have.

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Our first goal is to reclaim our destiny
Is the second goal to worship trinkets?
Let them rest
>"spear of destiny"
>jew mindvirus
Some of you need to have your brains dewormed. Becoming Eastern cultists was the death knell for Rome Greece & Europe

(((Christian Judiasm))) - Rome's Woke Movement

(((Christian))) Atrocities: Three Centuries of Pagan Genocide
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No we will reunite the human race
I'm not interested in building tower of babble 2.0.

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If souls were real, it would be impossible for man to duplicate them. A cloned vessel would be devoid of a soul and would never be alive. But clones do come to life, they act like a normal healthy body will act with a functional brain. This should be impossible because according to the christian/jewish/muslim world view it is a Creator that gives one a soul. How could the created be allowed to defy the Creator? When Man plays God and succeeds, can it be said that there is even a God?
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Do you have an inner monolog? Do you use an iPhone?
God gives natural born humans souls at birth, that they develop and mature over their lifetime. Why couldn't he just implant one in whatever we make? Or is your argument that every clone would be identical right down to the thoughts choices and experiences. Identical twins already prove you wrong. Even if they were to somehow have near identical experiences, they would still think feel and do differently
I like to think there's a universal consciousness that is the only true soul. Everybody is made different and so pick up on different fragments of this soul. You're physical constitution is what determines what fragments of this soul you pick up. A clone is so similar to you that the clone picks up on mostly the same fragments of soul. No one has their own individual soul, just different bits and pieces of the universal soul.
My inner monologue is very robust and I use Android. And a Linux PC.
Sci-fi clones will never exist. It's just a different soul. If sci-fi clones existed, it'd be a brand new soul inheriting the information of another's mind. It may believe it's the same person but at the end of the day it'd be a new soul and not the old one. It's some nightmare level fuel to imagine a world where cloning is real and there are chip implants to keep your clone updated, in the event of an emergency so you can keep all your memories and life since new information you learn wouldn't just auto-transfer to the clone body but the nightmare fuel is the truth behind the cloning service in that they're just datamining people for the value in their noggins to create cloned bodies they secretly contract with to different manufacturers, vendors, militaries, and where ever the opportunity exists to financially afford a body clone in the first place exists because the jannie at space donalds isn't going to have a clone and that'll be a selling point as well.

People going into self-sacrificing warfares believing it'll be okay to take the risk when the clone that comes out is a new soul believing it's the old one all to repeat history like his predecessor who never got saved or came back.

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