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How could Russia ever recover? They would rather live in the shittest shithole of the whole world - America, than stay in Russia. What caused this?
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That is some white hot glowing butthurt,

Piggy, literal millions of your women are living in the EU being whores, looking for providers and getting bred while your males are sent to their genetic extinction, right now, as of this day. You would be a dead and empty country in a demographic death spiral 20 years if Russia disappeared by tomorrow. But they are not, and even more of you are going to die and make the situation worse every day.
Just say you're a race traitor already
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Why would they come here? We have the hottest women in the world in America. Russian women are going to be mogged and be femcels.
I never signed any kind of agreement with my race, never pledged any oath to it, never promised it anything, never even led it on to make it think that I cared about it, so it is impossible for me to be a traitor to it.
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Wow more hapas, as if we don't have a fucking billion of them already. all fields

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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Yes, it was a coup.
Nobody who got caught ever explained how it was anything more than a bungled wiretapping operation to get political intelligence but they hint there was something more going on. Liddy could have said something to clear it up but maybe he wasn't the kind of guy to talk.
Smelly smelly hippies, if you take a look at the global situation you can see Nixonian policies at work and the consequences were terrible, from genocides to disastrous economical choices
>>471254090 memeflag


look up James Walter McCord (CIA agent 'handler' of the burglars)

>'Postgate : How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat' (2019) by John O'Connor
>'Dirty Tricks : Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA' (2018) by Shane O'Sullivan


>'The Yankee and Cowboy War' (1976) by Carl Oglesby
Nixon got wind of high level democrats using campaign funds for hookers and blow and wanted dirt on them to cinch an election he ended up winning in a landslide anyway. The documentaries never mentions the part about DNC headquarters being a glorified cathouse.

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the shells are all from the 1970s and there's a dud rate of 50%, and they are no where near as destructive as the modern, westen munitions like tghe M107 projectile.
isnt this a good thing for south korea?
Do you even look at the garbage youre posting, deranged muttboy?
> Cho Jinwoo for RFA Korean
maybe, but ain't no american writes like that. that's a slav struggling to write the latin alphabet
When they have so many of them they don't need to be aimed precisely or have maximum destructive power.

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Looks like a faggot, faggot.
A step up from bangers and mash.
they looks scrumptious darling but you should know that i made kofte this morning and THEY were just divine. flat breads and EVERYTHING dear.
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What is the american translation for this commercial? Is he selling me meatballs or steak or what?

I really wish my state hadn't been ruined by liberals and minorities. How are other Washington anons holding up?
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Seattle is full of the most miserable freaks I’ve ever met. You have no idea what “progress” means. I bet you’re a timid faggot who can’t make eye contact with people in public just like most Seattle natives too.
Just getting off the ferry and walking to Seahawk or Mariner stadium was depressing. The stupid faggots in that city don’t even care. It’s made me very black pilled.
Jews. It was ruined by jews. Everything else comes after jewish infestation.
Even moderation here?

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how do we get white people to join
Free Raisin Bran.

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they probably thought they were getting set up
imagine you're the captain of some ship in the Iranian navy and some random merchant ship that just happens to be Ukrainian starts calling for help right next to you, saying they've been attacked by missiles. That's pretty sus.
Boohoo fuck iran and israel too
This but unironically.
The kikes would probably claim Iran launched the missile and took the crew hostage.
The better question is why and what is (((ukraine))) bringing in and from Israel?
Exchanging children for cocaine perhaps?
America demanding people follow international law while also sanctioning international court of justice for being anti Semitic is a riot

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>Eastoids are great
>they're European admixture
>they work
>they pay rent
>they're not niggers
>they got nice woman
>they're Christian

Americans on beaners:
>fuck beaners
>they're mutts
>they take your job
>they increase rent
>they're like niggers

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Was this thread deleted by his reddit moderators though? I cant find the thread
Every single positive thing
>New Mexico natives get "genocided"
>Also, New Mexico is still massively Native American to this day
We whites are really miserable at genocide. We seem to do it backwards every single time.
>press F for swine king
all is well now, king. you are in heaven with endless bacon cheeseburgers while sand niggers and jews are awaiting hellfire

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What's the benefit of "no hymen, no diamond"? First, it makes you lonely, a permavirgin, and likely to die alone. Most importantly, it leads to low birth rates, which is essentially self-genocide. If you're bitching about low birth rates, you must marry a "used-up" woman.
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There's no benefit. I get that it's probably a good idea to not marry a compulsive sex addict or something like that, but basically the only reason guys insist on virginity is because they're either insecure about themselves as men or they believe in some religious bullshit.
Lmao look at all the white incel loser cope, none of these used cunts even wants them. No one does
I like your energeticness.
This is the most important aspect to the discussion.
Women absorb genetic material through sex and pregnancy.
A woman's genetic make up is altered and this cannot be undone.
I have had a few " almost asked her to marry me " relationships and they all were very weak disloyal women with very low partners.
I was very fortunate to marry a virgin trad Cath girl quite a bit younger then me and she is savagely loyal. Violently loyal even.
Happily married 21 years this August.
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Based anon
If I decide to get married, it's a virgin or nothing

>Loud as fuck
>Will rent children to beg for money in the street
>Willing to kill you for an old android phone
>Comit all sort of henious crimes from kidnappings, to extortion and murder for hire
>Will walk millions of miles to illegally enter your country, only to complain about how Venezuela is better in every way
>Ugly genetic mutation between American Indians and African slaves
>Bring nothing of value, even their food and music is atrocious

Give me all the Indians in your countries, I would happily trade them for Venezuelans
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i hate racist americans but sometimes i understand them
Same but for a different reason
Based. I always thought Colombians and Haitians were garbage immigrants, but venecos really changed my perspective of what a subhuman could really be. Not only are they even more likely to be criminals, but the shamelessness, gall and even pride of being a criminal of these subsubhumans is uncanny.

I have a Colombian gf.
She rants about how Venezuelans ruined Colombia especially during Covid

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Russia shouldn't have started this war. Loss of people, resources, economy. It didn't have the capacity to wage a war like this. They should've focused on building their economy up like China did, at least the US can't fuck around in places like Hong Kong and Tibet.
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bot thread
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>it feels like the war is somewhere
as an american anon
im going to flat up tell you like it is
our elites are bat shit crazy. they have raped the economy into disfunction. they promised gibs that can never be paid. they think there are too many people eating up too many of their resources and its just getting too hard to keep control.
they want this to go full war
and will do whatever it takes to cause it
they will keep pushing russia to provoke it
if that dont work
they will false flag it and blame you anyway
most of the western people dont know and dont give a shit about any of this beyond what media-man tells them
those who do know are powerless to stop it
when the missiles come for your city
its not the american people firing them
theyre from a bunch a fucking psycho globalists and insane neocon warmongers

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Sorry that TZD is so cool
thanks to your daily redpill to avoid draft at all cost
>good luck russ anon
You too, take care.

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fucking kill yourself
what does this have to do with soitopia
Lethal Cumpony.

When I was young I hated my father for not letting me watch Disney’s Hercules
He spouted off about how it’s not Christians and teaching kids about fake gods and how disney was a tool of the devil

Being a grown up now I often think back to my father and wonder about how fucking right he was
Based father
Happy Father’s Day up there dad
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I'm going to go back in time so I can kill my dad so he doesn't have a kid at 60 so he doesn't get Alzheimers when they're ten.
Sad if true
your dad was a brainwashed and gullible christian who believes in kike lies and he refused to let you watch the best disney kino back before it was subverted

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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There is already a thread for you ziggers to sit in. We don't want you shitting up our board any more
hes saying youre a russian shill because you dont want to fight for zog
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Yeah... including link about the Cuba shenanigans would have been funnier than a Medvedev quote in the OP.
Shame on me, right?
Ignore NAFO troon shills, eventually they will all kill themselves from mutilating their body, not shilling for globohomo tho.
Words to look for from NAFO trannies:
>X from Oblast
>Anything praising globohomo
>Continued usage of Doge Meme or Nato-wave memes
I am sure there are more. Watch this faggot call me a coward.
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>Continued usage of Doge Meme
Okay. No, I'm sorry, but NO!
I agree and comply with the rest of your post.
But you're referring to the stupid squished Cheems/Balltze meme they tried co-opting from plebbit.
So don't even give them the credit of being actual Dogeposters; they're cringe entities from planet homo!
>t. OG dogeposter from /b/
>lead civil engineer @ Doge Army est. 2017

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What was the point of the Iran-Iraq War?
Punish iran for the 1979 revolution
secular socialist fanatics versus theocratic fanatics
karbala 8 when?

It helped Isreal

What's /pol/'s opinion on DMT? Is it a way of communicating with God, or just junkie shit? I think it sounds more appealing than shrooms or acid because it doesn't make you high for as long, but I'm too scared to go out looking for any.
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jamie, pull that shit up
Jamie, pull up the clip of the chimp smoking DMT again
dirty ugly brain damaging shit
woah look at the size of his arms he could totally fuck you up
They make DMT tapes. Idk if this one OP pictured is one. Bit I known for a fact they do exist

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How do you plan to deal with the "National Coordinator to Counter Antisemitism" when they come knocking, /pol/?

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Isn’t doxxing them, getting them fired, and publicly smearing them as evil across the internet using things like the ADL, Canary Mission (foreign) and JewHateDB enough?
>"National Coordinator to Counter Antisemitism"
>come knocking
Won't do shit
But if they did
>bladed weapons
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They won't do shit.

They haven't done shit up til now, why would they do shit then?
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Probably the same thing they did when the statues were torn down.

This is the biggest sign so far that the Jews know how fucked they are.

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>I'm gonna dodge the draf-ACK

Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

All white men will be drafted to die in the meatgrinder. These kikes aren't playing around, they want you dead and they want you dead NOW
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>Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

Doubtful. Simple logistical issues would prevent what you describe occurring in the U.S.,and a brief look at what happened to draft dodgers during the Vietnam era should give you an idea of how mistaken you are.
Prove it.
Digits and they will rig it to draft Barron and use it against Trump if he tries to get him out of it.
I have no issue mag dumping into ANYONE attempting to violate the NAP against me.
you are a jew, ukies don't have the 2nd so they got screwed
>you...you won't do shit goyim!
we don't need to "do shit", you are killing yourself.

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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
No one cares about your gay opinion koala nigger
A lot of people just need money and benefits
Some are patriotic
Others are just willing to be violent
Idk if that makes them bottom of the barrel. If the military didn’t exist theyd be unproductive
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Yeah i hate zogbots, cops are even worse

shut the fuck up kike, go spend some time with your wife/mom/sister because in the very near future Hamas chads are going to be using them as fuckdolls until they expire
kike is afraid hahahahahaha
Not as afraid as all the Germans you killed twice tho

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