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In your neighbor's yard then reporting them for ecofascism?
Kick start the racewar
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>He doesn't want options; he wants one source of woke programming.
i always thought it was weird how leftwingers will sperg out about illegal invasive specices but then find no problem what so ever just planting various groups of people everywhere.
Schrodinger's invaders. If the Left can exploit them, they are immigrants. If the Left cannot import them, they are invaders.
>If the Left cannot exploit them*
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That escalated quickly!

>Jews turn your water red
>jews bring in a bunch of pests
>jews kill your livestock
>jews kill your first borns
Even in their own myths jews admit that they do well poisoning.
Pharaoh did nothing wrong.
He allowed his son to die
>God hardened the Pharaoh's heart.
Literally why.
I believe the accounts of egypt in genesis and exodus are true however I don't think there is enough conclusive evidence to say that ramses II was ruling during the ten plagues, though I concur that the land of goshen is referred to as the "land of ramses" in the text

40k cases of heat stroke. Hundreds are dying every day. Climate change is real
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>jeets droppings
you'd think they'd be more at home in san franpsycho
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They are at home there. It's no coincidence the amount of open defecation in San Francisco is directly correlated with the increase in Pajeet H1B tech workers.
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>White people didn't create global warming
this white, prizewinning puffed daddy did: albert goreball warming
>along with the internet
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excellent point. i stand, er, sit corrected.
There doesn't exist the logistics for nor infrastructure to support that many people to even migrate, stop pissing yourself

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A Joker cosplay and a OF whore is a running candidate as governor of Tokyo.
Could this be a prelude of what's about to come to others countries?
I mean whores getting into positions of political power.
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Keep crying bitch boo hoo hoo.
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>*Huff huff huff*
>"I'm *Huff* I'm gonnah shay it *huff*
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Hello anon, congrats on finally turning 18.
Protest and joke candidates, including porn stars and prostitutes, have always existed all over the world for many years. Some times they even get elected!
Anyway, there is nothing new or exceptional about this. Have a nice day.
Hiro is this you?

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Another jewish psyop.
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>german punk
You're so gay.
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In your opinion what other races have interests that are reflected in US foreign policy? What power do you feel jews hold in America? What groups do you think have more power than jews here?
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Progressive is the white man's genre.
only punk and Ska I like is about sticking up for friends, protecting your own.
fall back down - Rancid
all my friends are nobodies- zebrahead
as examples. fuck the pro immigration, Marxism, gay rights, environmental bullshit most sing about

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To make a long story short, women KNOW that them being educated causes birthrates to plummet, they just don't care

Blatant shills were in the previous thread trying to get it to the bump limit fast so nobody would see it.

The original slop was from r/TwoXChromosomes btw
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Try telling them it's racist next time.

Ugly people need to keep doing approaches in person because women find it extremely demoralizing.
Not only that, but it causes children to be more likely to be born with autism or some other phyiscal or mental disability.
What is she 70 years old? What do you mean hope to live until they connect the dots?
braindead take

these women vote and have an impact on the society we live in

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▶Day: 0

>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Israel's Minister of Foreign Affair says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah terror organization to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon we will make the necessary decisions"
>Israeli officials have told the US they are planning to shift resources from southern Gaza to northern Israel in preparation for a possible offensive against the group
>Secretary of State Antony Blinken told an Arab counterpart that it appears Israel is intent on launching an incursion into Lebanon
>Top Israeli generals approve Lebanon offensive battle plans, Israeli army says

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we coming for you
>the entire world hates israel
is this entire world in the room with you right now? only like 3 countries bothered doing anything other than a sternly worded letter, everyone loves Israel
I love these threads
seething israelis
seething turks
just start carpet bombing the whole area faggots
make an alliance and rule the oil fields together faggots
make the old kings or prophets what the fuck they call themselves slavelords, rake the profits
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Posting child gore is extremely low iq and all around pathetic.
I'm no fan of sandniggers of any flavor but I never see "the other side" post dead kike children.
You should be ashamed of yourself for glorifying the death of kids.
I hope they kill you kike you talmud praising piece of brown shit.

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Ukrainian missile hit Moscow today..

oh wait, it didnt, instead its a normal Vodka distillery explosion in Moscow
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that is the reason why that gas tank is on the street... if something goes wrong the damage is minimized to a tiktok video...
doesnt it leave the tank vulnerable for vandalism though
but moscow has no vandalism problem
oh I see
>staring at something that could explode whilst standing behind glass

That cunt is a special kind of lucky to not have a face full of shattered glass.

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Honestly how the FUCK do vaxxies cope with this shit? The anxiety would kill me
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>WEE- I mean- GEES

Come on now.
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Just two more weeks, guys!
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>take your meds
says the vaxxcattle kek

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lame this is still the best
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> Chauk Tu'ah

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Has pushing feminism led to population decline?
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Socializing the benefits of raising the next generation has. These threads are dominated by morons who can't read a simple graph
>mom comes home from chipotle and catches you mid-fuck with her daughter
>starts giving you rusty trombone
>fingers her daughter while you switch to fucking her

if you did all the side quests you get the best ending
>If you only knew how bad things really are
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15 years ago, maybe

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Why is /pol/ anti-science?
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Yes, because the world in hands of Kikes and Pajeets and Niggers would be a million times worse you ungrateful faggot.
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Science has disproved itself with the Schwarzfeld radius and Schroedinger's cat.
Science is therefore a hidden belief.

By the way, shout out to Soki for sacrificing his life with the Schrilingsbecher.
Because they actually think Goebbels was referring to the Germans to the Soviets when he made that "accuse your enemies of that which you yourself of guilty." line even though he was referring to what Kikes do to anyone who remotely criticizes them.

And the fact we literally right about everything, but rather than have the smallest amount of humility to say "hey, you were right about that thing despite the fact I don't agree with your politics", they're all over-entitled fuckwits who grew up with no personal responsibility taught to them at all so It's natural to blame everything they fuck up on everyone "except" themselves no matter how obviously retarded and hypocritical they sound because normies are that dumb to just think they can pull that off like no one will notice their bullshit.

TL-DR: over entitled and zero personal responsibility at all.
bot post
>Calling everyone who disagrees with your shitskin kiked views of the world a bot when you've contributed fuck all but but a schizopost in here.

The JIDF aren't welcome here Chaim.

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>kills vapid future whore that'd be a perfect jewish tool
>this is... le bad.
He's man's best friend, not woman's best friend.
Holy shit, common fucking sense?!?

Plain and simple: most people are too fucking retarded to raise and teach a child, much less a fucking dog. Especially working or guardian breeds. Get a pomapoo, you still probably shouldn't, but that way if it attacks, you have a good 10 minutes before it breaks skin.
Just because you can't train a dog to stay in your yard doesn't mean other people can't you worthless subhuman slav.
no shit sherlock it's best MAN's friend, not woman's
>Belgian Malinois
I bet 4chud will get as riled up about this as they do a pit attack, oh they are already talking about pitbulls. Bunch of absolute pussies on this board. Swimming pools kill more children than dog attacks every year but you queens don't want those banned. If you want shit banned from an American citizen owning it you're a statist cuck.

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Post credit card and security code please, thank you
Estrogen. Lol
>What if we made murder illegal?
>What if we made domestic abuse illegal?
>What if we took away Americans' constitutional rights to possess a firearm
There is, ironically, a case before this supreme court, on whether or not the government can mandate homelessness as illegal.
Cool. Well, they want to be killed, weirdly. They'll get their wish. No more America. No more safety. No more 1st world status.

Just war.

Return to plebbit, nigger

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Moot approves
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A fucking White man knocked a Black child out cold during a field trip
He’s in a fucking coma now

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>6th grader
>aged 43

every time
>Black child punched into coma
Not to death? Lame.
yeah but you know niggers rape 80.000 white kids each and every year? but you want to start killing whites that give back to the nigger community you stupid fucking hills have eyes retard
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it's called equity, tyrone
>racist without morals

That's a contradiction because being racist is good and moral

I just discovered this awesome website to listen to radio channels from all over the world. The most calming and relaxing channels are a Chinese one from Wuhan, a Turkish speaking one from Tabriz, Iran, and the American one from salt lake city Utah. Those are the most calming ones. I've tried Russia, Africa, mexico, and many others but I didn't like them at all. Thoughts on all that?
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Very comfy.
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This sounds like some fed trying to warn people of something. Those places...What's gonna happen? Where's the connection?
Stop noticing goyim
Tiare FM from Tahiti is pretty comfy.
So thats what it is. I was wondering.

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The Left won't attack Trump from this angle. It can only come from the Right.
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t. leftist memeflag shill double nigger faggot
Prolly cause he understands matrilieal descent
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OP is a faggot AND a newfaggot
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Op just made the first funny trump meme in 5 years. Too bad for trump it's not pro trump.

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>the phrase "Judeo-Christian values"
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Greco-Roman values are superior.
It’s a trick. The 10 commandments people think of are the exodus 20 list, but if one actually reads exodus 20, it’s clearly the first 10 of the jewish mitvot that go onto all the way exodus 29. The REAL 10 commandments are Exodus 34. But nobody ever talks about that.
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The basic definition of a jew is being antichrist.
That's your accurate identity, you are a jew. You could be an atheist or believe in some talmudic pagan mysticism, doesn't really matter, as well as your racial form doesn't really matter, your adversarial state of mind against Jesus Christ is what makes you a jew.
Nobody buys your double reverse jewdo, worship the jew or you’re a jew bullshit Chaim, nobody.
if you want to annoy a Jew say "Christian-Judeo values" instead

>Weimar Germany was 99% white and 95% true conservative, not cuckservative and 65% white like in the modern day West

>Degeneracy was only present in the bigger cities and the entire population looked at it with disgust, whereas degeneracy is normalized and spread everywhere now

>Homosexuality was legally forbidden and rejected by the majority of the population, now it is completely normalized and accepted, gay prides and gay marriage are being promoted and fags can adopt children

>Zero white guilt, not a single normal person felt any guilt or shame for the past

>No tranny, self hate propaganda and drag shows in schools

>No mass migration at the same levels of today, mostly shitskins, they thought that it was bad enough that thousands of jews and gypsies could freely cross the borders and enjoy equal rights and said they had to pay a big price for that. Imagine the price we'll have to pay for tens of millions of niggers and other shitskins

I often hear people say that "we are reaching Weimar levels of degeneracy". The truth is, even the Weimar times were nothing compared to today, in fact, I'd actually gladly live in that time than in the present day.
People have to understand that the current situation is worse than anything in the past, we are way beyond the Weimar republic, and if whites ever get to solve this catastrophe, this era will be remembered as severely worse than Weimar or any other historical time period.
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second video is based af. so was first.
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You have no inherent power because you happen to be [white]. You need to get that through your thick stupid skull before you go extinct. Or don't
Just watch Europa the last battle they have a whole episode about Weimar

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