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Yes he is avowed twink fucking satanist
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they're all molested by metzitzah b'peh
nefarious acts ma nigga

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why is this unanimously agreed upon?
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Sage all fields that's not this hiard got kys this is a Hitler board and rexist board Hitler and darrelle are flat earther go to b r9k bots
Sorry fag. No broccoli haired tiktok queers are better than me
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It's cringe and useless
kill it with fire!
based and useless
based and cringe at the same time somehow
cringe but useful
pure cringe
only autismo zoomers are based, every other zoomer is a cringe nigger worshipper who hates their own race. i have seen siblings use the milk emoji to mock each other's whiteness. so are those adhd pieces of shit i hate soo fuckin much, those people' don't have mental isues they are just spoiled.
Greatest and Silent Gens were the ones who passed all the civil rights and immigration bullshit laws. Fuck em.

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How do Jews reconcile that they've been the butt of countless jokes outing them as the comically evil scum they truly are, made by those whom they call "goyim" for thousands of years?

How do they cope with how children/descendants of their enemies have been warned in subtle ways for just as long regarding profane kikery, and what do these
>(((filthy child sacrificing demon worshipping pseudo-humans)))
plan to do about it?

besides kvetch and feel enormous butthurt?
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a poem, if i may

>kikes r dumb
>kikes r gay
>they never give proof
>for the pilpul they say

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>How do they cope
By running the world.
Ivan boevesky if Rothschild madoof Lehman golman shit bankman fried Epstein it's a list
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they don't run shit

thx 4 the non-sequitur

1:9 odds that Biden falls asleep for 5 or more seconds at the debate.

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No fag shit like having children. If people were asked if they wanted to be born most wouldn’t be born. Zamn
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Before one can enter Heaven he must suffer in normiefaggotry world. Once u overcome sin and believe in Jesus u can have endless JOY.
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It's a good question.
The good answer is the following. Because humans have the potential to resonate with Beauty itself and sublimate it.
A song like this is the answer to your question:
Or some deep beauty about the human condition expressed in Berserk (I assume you like it) or a simple thing like the night sky or a beautiful animal.
Even Schopenhauer, who was against existence and an anti-natalist, said a life without music wouldn't be worth living. No matter how blackpilled you are, Beauty itself gives life meaning.
>1pbtfag slide thread
>just give up goy nothing even matters
Because it's all there is. If you want to be dead feel free to kys but you won't be alive again.

Why you make lady wait /pol/?
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>only shows up in /pol/
Further proof this site hates this board.
Wait you see ads??
On mobile yeah
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1947-2024. May he rest in peace.
Imagine throwing this big a fit because you force vaccinated children and killed a bunch of grandmas
Vax status?
>health guru
>died at 77
He wasted all that time just to die at average life expectancy?

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They are projecting 10 million including the gotaways, ones who 'legally' came over the border, etc. That's after flying out 5-6 million through the best efforts of border patrol and texan operation lone star.
>I'm planning to set up my own country after it falls.
The best thing is to do the thing on your own since it's only up to you to not inherently fuck it up.
This is model behavior for white man, while darker races are naturally prone to distributed, authoritarian systems.
That's why mongols were such conquerors but also why there is so much islam in the global south.
We are two different ecosystems which can only coexist together as two entireties .
You can't penetrate on with the other because that affects detrimentally the host which is white man.
This means that there actually shouldn't be a problem with a single jeet, or any other citizen of global south, but they should never come as a group. Only individually . When they come as a group they bring habits from their societies
which they fled because, those habits made those societies backwards.
It's a terrible idea to let those people come in groups, very lame thing to do.
I saw a video other day, some military Karen in fatigues unlocked a gate for beaners and let them into the country.
You haven’t declared your independence yet? You’re unironically ngmi
I think since the whole "brown golems" turning on the jews we may actually get dark brandon. Biden has always been racist as fuck. He just needs a green light from his hebraic puppet masters

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How do people respond when you bring up the insanity of 2020-21? I knew a few who were hardcore into the masks who are pretending they had nothing to do with it or at least, "haha yeah everyone fell for that what a crazy time"
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The jews and their wickedness is astonishing, they turned New York into the USSR just to make vaccine shekels.
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The greatest lie ever told.
covid never went away some giga vaxxed fat jew coworker got it last month and now hes dying don't laugh ok
my parents were super scared and serious about meme flu but after vaccines went on vacation in summer 2021 where they all caught it and were sick for a month.
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It wasn't.

>Gene therapy
It's not.

>a <1% mortality rate for people under 50
Death isn't the only concern with covid. Covid complications are far higher for the unvaccinated.

If you're going to make an argument, at least try not to strawman.

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we are destroying the west, goyim, and what are you going to do about it? We have already introduced destructive ideas into your society, and it is already morally rotten, and your birth rate has dropped to a low level, you no longer believe in your god, you condemn your own culture, and your culture, your religion and honor, has been desecrated by those you let into your country, by your people and us, almost all of your womens cheat and think it's normal to date another guy in a relationship with you, to give their body to everyone, your girls actively choose men of color and humiliate you and your government actively helps us with money, military aid for precious little, your leaders come to us
to kneel obediently and in any situation they support us, we occupy the highest strata in your countries, goy
true so true my master

Eastern euros (commies and kikes) are truly gods chosen. Our parents didn't care, we didn't care and now you've won, I kneel.

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Why are Americans so fat?
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Hey Toothless - Stick to sucking dick for rent.

Why are Brits the fattest in Western Europe?
by Sue Quinn

The urgency of tackling obesity has been brought to the fore by evidence of a link to an increased risk from Covid-19. The UK is one of the heaviest nations. It’s estimated 64 percent of British adults are now overweight, having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more. This includes around 28 percent who are obese (with a BMI of 30 or more), double the percentage figure in 1990, when obesity affected just 14 percent of British adults. More than 10 percent of obese people in the UK have a BMI of 35 or more.

If you eat only meat you will literally die.
Unless you are already a fat fuck. Then you can survive on meat only for a long time. Because your liver will start digesting your fat ass.

People that are just overweight can't eat only meat. You'll starve to death.
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tfw you're a 55 kg twink
Very little anon. Look up a recipe. Can also substitute honey.
t. bread machine anon.
1 1/2 tablespoon per 3 lb loaf.

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Make your bets Panchito-bros. Who will succeed this time??. The conservacucks or Evo the Umpa Lumpa Morales will get away with it again. Leftoids always get away in Bolivia

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(((no thanks)))
Why they banned your account?

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>Polar blast to bring snow, rain and wild winds to south-eastern Australia

>Exclusive: ‘Heartless’ scammer exploits Direction 99 to stay in Australia

>NSW first-aid certificate is first verifiable digital credential trialed in Australia
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Good for you anon, I hope you and your partner have a very good gubbi gubbi kubbi kubbi wara wara ding dong
See you space cowboy
It's the smugness that get me. It's full blown Dunning Kruger in real time before our eyes
that's a pretty australian thing. like the insufferableness of the friendlyjordies guy. you can sense that they are just pretending to be retarded and aren't full blown plato morality heretics like the french.
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Look. Basically I'm just not gonna die for jews. I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY! It's just that I'm not doing it is all. Hahahaha.
Fear not, unless you're jewish, poojeet, chink, or arab, being born into a financially well off family just makes you a target for "redistribution". You do want to do your part by being homeless, don't you?

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East Germany's politics are loaded with Soviet sleeper agents set up by the Soviet Union's stay behind program to mirror Operation Gladio in their partition of Germany. Do not trust East German politicians who say they are far right who support Russia who hates Germany and still wants to "denzaify" it. Putin directly participated in this program. Putin, a KGB and Stazi agent who professionally opressed East German nationalists, now has a $110 billion dollar black budget to fuck with tbe global right wing with.
In Dugin’s 1997 book “Foundations of Geopolitics,” a maniacal screed advocating Russian world domination, the occultist openly calls for unleashing black racists against White America as a subversion strategy.
“Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism,” wrote Dugin. Provoking “Afro-American racists” was key to the strategy, Dugin opined, as that would serve to “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity.” He further encouraged “all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.”
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Literal basedness in every aspect.
>saar the deterioration of European societies, economic collapse due to debt, mass population replacement and promotion of faggotry is because of... the heckin KGB!
we're tired of your diversions nafoid
You're sending poos to invade Europe vodka nigger
yeah it's getting pretty ridiculous lmao, i dont know how they think its gonna work
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Cool. More allies against the pedo empire.

Was 1984 about Russia?
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Rusnigger faggot thinking of imaginary as ownage
is every belter a reddit tourist? everyone knows what he's referring to
Mmhmmm you definitely have proof of this
no it was about Nazi Germany
Post the imaginary link rusnigger, or is it some RT story?

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Taiwan is undeniably a part of the chinese ethnos, share a language, share a culture, they even share economic interests. It wasnt until the 2010s that taiwan opposed reunification (wow another country that wanted peace with their neighbors until the US got involved, who saw that coming) and now the popularity of "1 china 2 systems" is sub 25%. The only reason china is even hostile towards taiwan is because america and western aligned nations keep sending them weapons which in turn makes taiwan wary of chinese invasion provoked by these weapons. If you understood nyet means nyet then this is just the same situation.
Section 5 is exactly what china has been warning about.
>b-but they dont have the right to invade taiwan to keep foreigners out, its not their country!
America operated on the monroe doctrine which arbitrarily claimed the entire western hemisphere as its zone of influence. Jfk was ready to destroy human civilization over the cuban missile crisis.
This is just another proxy war america is starting over vague interests by arming and "protecting" a neighboring country/former territory of a world power. Even if you dont support the one china policy, you have to recognize china is absolutely being provoked.
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>Taiwan is secretly building it's own nukes.
Secretly building them in China hopefully, what better way to stop an invasion by making the evilest enemy on the planet wonder who just nuked them without any warning.
Naval invasions aren't fun, not even Russia tried to do it in Ukraine.
>we werent a country before the revolution.
I don't know what you're saying. Taiwan is only a country if they revolt? Sure. The PRC revolted in 1949 and created their own country, separate from the ROC. And then the U.S. suspended diplomatic ties, 75 years ago. Not in "muh 2010s." And no, Taiwan isn't "going to drag us into the war." We've defended them all this time. We've already given them the semiconductor industry that they have now. We've already been invested in their autonomy all this time, and you want to enable some jewish chinkoids (they even kill Muslims, just like the jews) to go "goyi- I mean, guailo, we were unified looooooooong ago during the Qing Dynasty so we own it now!"

>Not even denying that you're a le america bad npc
We do a lot of gay shit overseas. Abandoning Taiwan to our adversaries would be a great addition to the roster of gay shit that we've done.
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>we defended them all this time
Once again this is missing the point. until the 2010s the idea of reunification was not taboo in taiwan, now its not even viable in their politics.
>we already given them the semiconductor industry that they have now
one of the only reasons we are sending them our weapons.
>we have been invested in their autonomy all this time
you think america genuinely gives a shit about self determination? we coup independent countries constantly for our "interests". How did autonomy work for the afghans? This is no different than ukraine. Do you still believe that we are "defending" ukraine because its a democracy (that canceled its elections)? If mexico was given long range missile systems and an offer of military alliance with literally any BRICS country, i promise you that within one month america would call mexico a dictatorship and kill their government. Autonomy for random chinks on the other side of the world is not an american value.
>we were unified long ago during the qing dynasty
thats a much better claim to a sphere of influence than fucking "autonomy of people i cant locate on a map". I dont care if taiwan reunifies with china or not, we shouldnt be sending them weapons. We have a monroe doctrine that we were willing to destroy civilization over, why is it wrong to expect other countries to feel the same way about their sphere of influence?
>abandoning taiwan to our adversaries would be gay
if it averts provoking a war then it would be one of the few wise foreign policy decisions we will ever experience in our lifetimes. I say as soon as we get semiconductor fabs in america we give taiwan the afghanistan treatment and let them figure out if they still want to oppose their neighbors without the US security blanket hanging over them.
you're right anon, but
taiwan deserves to inherit china. you have it the wrong way around.

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christ is king is a dumb groyper meme
christ is far more than just a king
You're right - the most successful scammer of all time trumps any mere king.
Catholic literally means universal.
Catholicism literally means universal.
They prefer Christian niggers to atheist whites and import niggers to the west to sustain their dwindling parishes.
Sooner or later they will make a nigger the Pope.
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God wills it

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What are you trying to imply? If I turn my liver white, is it now more healthy? This is retarded.
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So when you sip zee mole wine do you give it's balls a lil flick with your tongue?
No you pour it into a glass and drink
Only barbarians drink from the bottle
Just post a picture and no explanation bruh

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This post in particular, wherein a bunch of 98 IQ maga boomers sanctimoniously pontificate about the virtues of placing the value of TRUTH and FACTS above all else UNDER A MEME WITH A FAKE QUOTE. FUCK ELON MUSK I HOPE TRUMP SHITS HIMSELF ON THE DEBATE STAGE. I’m not voting for a Republican ever again. This country was a mistake.
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If you want to use a website made for nazi boomer maga dipshits, it’s a free country I guess, but nobody cares
The Internet is dead. 80% of accounts are bots- They aren't humans or alive. You can actually tell them to kill themselves without hurting anybody.
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>fake quote

gotta source for that AOC quote pal?

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They have been releasing videos of themselves slapping pedos in Walmart and Target. Now they are calling the cops and having them arrested, but joining in on the arrest, beating them, tackling them, shouting victoriously and threatening them so loudly the cops cannot even give lawful commands.


>WHAAAT you are 18 years old and you are trying to meet up with a 17 year old girl! GET ON THE GROUND! GIVE ME YOUR GUN OFFICER!
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This is going to happen soon enough. They are going to meet a real methhead psycho pedo, not some volleyball teacher. Then they are going to get buckshot in the chest or a knife in the neck.
based and redpilled apple river zoomie slicer chad appreciator
>Good. Don’t be a pedo. Stick within your states age of consent laws.
Nice try faggot no you don't have license to go after high school kids because "they're 16," get the fuck out.
Good. Diddlers should be killed publicly.
never confuse neo-"nazis" with actual nazis, real nazis these days don't wear ss uniforms or sport stupid tattoos, so you literally can't tell if someone is a real nazi if he doesn't tell you

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