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There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target

This target viewing was all conducted under the tasking of Brett Stuart, who was trained in remote viewing by Major Ed Dames, someone who originally worked on the CIA's remote viewing program training people how to do it.
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how are you supposed to do it. I'm not really getting anything from the key.
you just clear your mind then the first "guesses" that come to your mind you write down, the best way to describe it is trying to remember a songs name or something, like its on the tip of your tongue but not quite there yet
its somewhere in Ontario
Ontarichads win again
Trudeau has used it and that's why he's the way he is
schizo rambling, a squid jizzes in your throat and you turn into a butterfly if you sit on the chair

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How bad is it really?

Why do white women still go to India even with all the rape stories?
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because women dont listen is this news to you?
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That may be true. Some of them actually want to be raped.

About two tears ago a 30yo. finnish woman left a bar at closing time. The bar was 200 meters from her home. In the middle of that walk car full of arabs stopped next to her and she voluntarily went with them and she was gangraped in some apartment.


What else there is to say than they want to get raped?!
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Women, as a rule, have no ability to percieve true reality. They see the world as a collection of social narratives. When they travel they never expect themselves to come to any harm or hardship because in their own experience they are the primary main character of their own narrative. We all "know" that the main character can't die. We all "know" that the main character can't be raped. We all "know" that when the main character gets into a tight spot they can girlboss their way through anything. When a man helps a woman fix their car, or find their luggage, or protect them from a ne'er-do-well, they actually believe they (the woman) were the reason the problem went away, because they are the main character and the main character can do anything.
Rape, murder, destitution, slavery, even pain happens to the side characters.
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The Indian stare I'd assume

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Hohols, how are you doing? Still winning? Just checking in...
Picrel Natalia Poklonskaya.
So is her job to just take pics of herself all day
She was a general prosecutor of Crimea. Hohols hate her.

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How do you picture the situation playing out if he was tasked with resolving the conflict currently going on in Gaza?
Nuke Israel
i always daydream about phantom pain not sucking ass
should of made it like ghost recon future warrior
Are you retarded? The main plot point of every single game in the Metal Gear series has been trying to STOP a nuclear attack. There is nothing he despises more than nuclear weapons
Muslim Volkssturm
The only way to stop nuclear armageddon is to nuke Israel with a metal gear.

You had enough, Moshe?
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Convoy. It’s a spelling error in the headline ffs
>mena diaspora
>calling anyone a parasite
semitic fucks back to the desert
I don't know if you noticed but Israel is not leaving
At this rate it will the the muslims that will do extinct. At least Hamas.
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>Eight Israeli soldier

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Would I ever be fine with trannys and their faggot enablers?
I WAS perfectly fine with it. Totally cool with it. You do you. Used to roll to the best restaurants in the gay part of town. Even went to a gay bar with the gf once. No problem. With your kind It used to be "what happens in the bedroom is nobody else's business" We were all on the same page.

Now with your kind that mantra is out the fucking door and the door is blown off it's hinges into orbit at light speed into another universe. Completely off the rails.

Now it's:
"what happens in the bedroom is the world's business and let me show your third grader the proper way to hold a grown man's penis. We will also teach them about the virtues of suicide if their family doesn't let them go on puberty blocking medication before eventually moving on to bottom surgery or breast removal at the age of 16."

Also taking the fucking social courtesy of calling a "he" a "she" and trying to make it legally binding. Like no IT'S A SOCIAL COURTESY it isn't real. Everyone knows it isn't real.

You got drunk on the power of social progress and took things WAAAY too far.

Then you got drunk on the euphoria of validation of converting others. All the while deep down way way down...deep down beneath the surface YOU KNOW it's a lie. But the power of the lie and imposing it on others feels soooo GOOD. Far too good to willingly give up. So you double down on the lie and continue to spread the illusion to the gullible. With the world's youth and the youngest being the most gullible of all.

YOU .. KNOW... IT'S...A...LIE. ..But all is fair in your mind to further the cause and this movement of power. It's all fair and right because it's about the power of imposing a lie on others and the euphoria this power gives above ALL else. Above truth, morality, family, life, death... the world...all of it. This power that feels so soooo good above everything. It wouldn't feel as good if it wasn't a lie.

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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lmao @ their pozzed shitter header
lol Tobias Funke looking freak
>mango juice
My faggot detector's meter is pegged.
>the new shill tactic is going "guuuuuuuuuuys, it's been so looooooong! Stop caring!" in an increasingly whiny voice
The faggot thinktank which brainstormed this one sure is earning its pay.
Beer ads are for children. Bud light had brand recognition by the time people came of age in the 2000s because of the frogs and other super bowl commercials. Even without malice, marketing people believe their own retarded polls about 40% of young people being gaywads so they think they're frontrunning it with all this nonsense with every brand

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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It was the CIA, but Nixon had ordered them to spy on the DNC like the paranoid fuck he was. The kicker is, he didn’t need to, he won re-election in a landslide.
There is a video of Nixon talking shit about jews if you can find it
Watergate was a judicial fake (like the ones against Trump and many others), created to eliminate Nixon because he was redpilled about the jews

You're referring to that audio clip where he’s talking to somebody over the phone about how the Jews own NY Times, Washington Post, etc right?
Link that and I'll tell ya.
He was referring to how much power jews have in politics

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I have to squint my eyes every time I leave the house.
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I agree. It's so fucking bright right now.
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I believe it.
Mostly poos
Hmm I don’t know. Tried asking Reddit?

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>leader of the free world
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That's because all you've seenare webms on /pol/and they're seconds chosen from countless hours of footage, sometimes even edited, or outright fake.
Go watch any video with Biden in its entirely and you'll see that he's a great president.
Then try to watch trump if you can get through so much idiocy.
Biden is going to win the debate and then MIGAtards will cope with adding fart noises to the audio. Screenshot this post.
Will it be meth Biden or mask Biden?
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weekend at bernie's
>free world
>"Free" world.

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A lot of people have been comparing the actions of Netanyahu and the IDF to Hitler and the Nazi party, and it’s become a bit of a hot button issue in the discourse. How do you feel about that. Interestingly enough, the German Nazi party were actually an integral part in helping to actually found the state of Israel fyi.
Fool sapport saar
There will be no answer for the US until the males of the US, not even all of them, get competent in violence against enemies.
The US Constitution is clear, our style of government requires armed citizens capable of war if needed, and making arrests to sustain peace and order in other times.

Get trained, you'll have the skills you need to make the plans you require. You may never need to be capable of killing to do your plan, but your enemies when they come here, are 100% trained.

And that training lets them be bold in your unarmed compliance.
No net pics with animals

Are you lads ready for the deadliest false flag in history?
Russia lurking off the US coast, along with rampant reporting on hypersonic missiles is the predictive programming.
Both are very likely just propaganda to begin with.
We are being prepped for a nuclear explosion in a coastal city.
It won't be anywhere actually important, it won't be anywhere with lots of Jews. But it will be noticeable, it will be remembered easily.
It will be Pearl harbor 2.0.
Tens of thousands will be murdered by the US/Israeli govts. It will be blamed on Russia.
Hundreds of thousands of zombies will flock to recruiting stations. Millions more will be drafted.
I can't say exactly when (maybe in two weeks, who knows) or where. But that's the play. That's what is going to happen next. It'll have to be a huge event, and well brother, can't get much bigger than a "sneaky" nuke.
It might even already be in place...
If any anons living on the coast have a handy nuke sniffer, might give ya something to do.
East coast anon here.

No noticeable activity except two [redacted] trucks on a transport truck headed [redacted], on [Redacted].
No outright green nigger activity either.
K, keep me posted.
>Tens of thousands will be murdered by the Russian govt. It will blame the US and Israel
Noce try shill.
I could definitely see Obama nuking US citizens on American soil. That is what he's here for.

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Reminder that it is literally impossible to invade the continental US or any part of North America for that part.

NAs biggest threat has always been its own citizens.
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Chinese victory?
She's like a soft 9.5/10
I didn't know mexican girls could get that cute though. Maybe the west coast is worth it?
This guy gets it
We are literally being invaded right now. The enemy army is coming through crammed into 18-wheelers, not tanks, and they bare weapons that are not guns but rather their hideous mongrel children.
Only rich Mexican girls are tall and slender.

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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
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They are poor for the most part, basically victims of economic circumstance
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Indeed. It's questionable whether they have souls. They're authoritarian brutes.

All three jobs kill themselves at a fraction the rate of your soldiery. Prove otherwise.

Pretty lame response to a perfectly articulated dissection of americas performative solider worship, Isaac.

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You play as Pixler, an ambitious German pastry chef. Your objective is to scale the logistics of your baking empire in order to bake 6 million Babkas to feed all of Germany. Along the way, you will manage workers, morale, finances, deliveries, and production in order to achieve your goal before time runs out and rival bakers seize your operations.

What are some other game mechanics I could include? What's a good title?
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You think you're funny and clever, but you really aren't.
Include in game emotes.

Include some of his best friends as NPCs

Needs some classic 8bit tunes like:


Our Bites Make You Free™
As long as he throws 8-bit digital Romans and double Romans with a Chip tune Auslander Raus midi I'm in.
I thought it was pretty funny, clever and fresh. I would buy on steam for a price point of $14.88.

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Buck Broken: The Music Video
the fucking squirrel

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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that's every nation ever to exist you dumb kraut
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go back to your shithole
the Torys were retards that essentially adopted all the polices of Blair and new labour while not understanding they were just an excuse to implement a police state.
Adopting the policies of Blair and new labour actually made the Tories win the most seats in 2010, and then a majority in 2015. David Cameron even called himself the heir to Blair. They weren't in power for 14 years by actually being conservative.
Apparently British normies have become cognizant that their allegedly right wing party is not right wing and it's a scam, which blows my mind, because I thought normies didn't have the capacity to do that. Is that really what has happened?

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Are the majority of people in your country Anti-Israel now?
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Idk about that, but they won’t win with the way things are going
This. Every single incel loser mystery meat mutts in their 20s and 30s self-inserts as the brown team getting the shit beaten out of them, while the 40+ year old white boomers with careers, house, and a family all self-insert as the successful country currently snuffing out their opposition that made the mistake of attacking them.
most of the conservative types and liberals I know hate Israel. a few might hold some reservations because of holobunga, but it's definitely a quiet "let's see where this goes"; not mask off time yet.

I've noticed more shitjeets that are pro-israel. fucking weird.
Hindus are fixated on Islam. If anything is against it, they’ll blindly follow
Thankfully that means Israel won't have America's support forever and its sociopathic Nakba and "fuck you, got ours" mentality will be put to an end. The sooner you old fucks die, the better for humanity.

>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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aww look we have a true believer. thank you for your cervix
Houths sank a US carrier last week, the US is having a bad week
this type of doctrinal brainwashing is ok when citizens can freely own firearms.....but anyone seeing this when the average chinaman cant have a slingshot should worry them.
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China has never won a war, read this to understand their psychology and you will defeat those fucking ugly bugs
Why do they need the planes to shoot the missiles? Are they too poor to make some that launch from land? Also the plan is
>well if all the interception missiles miss we win
Okay? Congrats on banking on all the best possible dice rolls

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