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Can someone explain to me why is this guy treated like a literal Satan in finnish history?
>Redistributes land to the poor
>Elevates the status of the finnish language making it equal to sw*dish
>Censors sv*coman newspapers, freeing people from their brainwashing
>Plans to democratize the system and break swedish monopoly on power in senate (back then only 30% of the population could vote)
>Gets shot by a swedish-hohol bourgeoise noble who is treated like hero despite accomplishing nothing but causing second wave of "russification" and a civil war

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Do you hang the (made in China) flag of 2 guys kissing, nigger wannabes, and snitches on your house?

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Can Arizona get conservative and based again or will the state become California and New New Mexico?

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We need a real life beekeeper.
Only a true retard would throw away all his money on an internet whore in the first place. These men are pathetic.
Yeah, I was thinking more of a rye catcher. Someone to catch it and make the world better for weird kids
While I agree with you, I'm more concerned about the environment/culture that leads these retards to do something like this. Boomer isn't an answer nor an excuse. Americans have been broken for a very long time. I wonder what fresh hell I will "fall for" when/if I make it to 82.

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I pb pissed some bigwigs, and this is what /pol/ whole point shoul be, as it became all samey, jews, niggers, hoolhol, gays you name it. I am. againist it and this is /pol/ as it should be. Said that, rusfrens, pic related

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Just found a meme that very accurately describes a /pol/ individual.
Do you agree?
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>Cocksucking for trust fund frat kids from Florida
I noticed this guy as well. He is breaking out of the matrix, captured eternally in this image of deep introspection among his simian tribe.
>Registered Democrat
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>societal collapse incoming..........
3lach tkhamem fhad tmanyik? nik mok

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>Coats said the savage torture method was the worst he had ever seen in his career
You can't just say that and then not explain what it fucking was
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>The group then stormed the home and held the family at knifepoint
> the group stole a number of items, but reportedly did not find any money or guns inside the property
Holy fucking shit we have the 2nd Amendment for a reason. They got guys with guns at the hospitals, churches, synagogues, airports, in the mall, the banks, almost every government building.
Your home is a fucking building and since all THOSE PLACES need so many men with guns the least anyone can do is be the one who lives there with a gun or several.
This may as well be the wild fucking west ( it was far more peaceful ).
Half the time I drive anywhere my pistol is the fucking car.
Everyone needs to wise up or just be potential victim. It's pathetic.
Kys nigger
Shit op

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Guys...the South Asian community is tired of the constant online bullying.
"Trend of anti-Indian hate growing online"
Canadians..you guys can do better.,
Fuck globohomo. Fuck the regime.
One of my favourite Brit nationalists recently posted the equivalent of "WOW, Jeets smell like shit LOL!" and it went viral almost instantly. Jeet hate isn't an isolated phenomenon but a worldwide trend.
"I would say we need a counterattack," Poonjar said.
"We would really want political leaders and others of influence to come out. We need champions who could speak up for the international students."
Kaur says she is hopeful that with more conversations come potential change.
"I feel like we need to become a less hesitant community. We don't like to talk about problems and that's contributing to the problem."
"We have to take agency over our own voice. We have to put our stories out the way they are, and that's going to encourage other people to share their stories and come together to find a solution for it."

Sounds like a threat.
>"I feel like we need to become a less hesitant community," Kaur said.
o shit...

Incel bros we won.

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But frequently tarded.
Many maaaany ukros looking for dick
My desire to fuck stopped when i stopped drinking or doing drugs. I wanted to get married and have a family with the girl i loved but now that we aren’t together i kinda want to do the same but because i don’t like my family & it feels like the easiest way to say fuck off im busy / get a sense of “control.” The total loss of romance sucks tho. I don’t like lying and do it to protect myself so only when necessary. My friends are starting to get married and a lot of them parrot the same reason as their motivation. It makes me wonder if the forced time at home with wfh/lockdowns made people realize they don’t really like their friends/family/surroundings & then they just opted out. My own feelings make me wonder if people ever feel romantic love as a reason to be in a relationship or if it is always a calculated/selfish/cynical choice
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Did we turn Lainey into an incep?
It works great for chud too. You just have to stop being a thirsty monkey with no patience. If you want an easy mark just go hogging like the zoomers seethe over now.
better than 1000 swipes on the same women with barely any matches

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I really fucking hate America. Yes I am White. No I am not Jewish.
then leave
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>another self hating white
There's something psychologically wrong with the white race.

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Looks like the left can meme now

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Would happily buy if someone could start producing this shit.
Nigger juice. No lefty made this. A dozen negros put their braincells together and let AI do the rest. Too sophisticated for simple trannies
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you lost me somewhere
Ayyyy lmao!
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and true

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Americans are worse off than a Polish citizen on food rations back in the 1980s. Let that sink in, America which we are always told is the richest and most prosperous nation on Earth yet people can barely afford food in America. How did things get so bad?


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>How did things get so bad?
Jews, starting in 1913.
Not everyone (esp women) were drinkers so it got given/sold. Also vodka got rationed in literally the apex of rationing near the end of commietimes.
Might have been half a reason it fell - as the crucial component, the ssri of commiestan, was lacking.
just get them in super markets its free if you get stuff under $1k
>make less than a minimum wagie and work 3x as long with 100x as much stress, and 6000000x as much risk of death.
no, fuck the military, if they'd pay daily in silver maybe people'd give a fuck about them.

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>a green card to anyone who graduates from ANY college even 2-yr community colleges
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Fuck yeah. Indian century baby, keep hating online while we get the red carpet jump the line treatment everywhere from the US to Canada. Weeeee America FUCK YEAH
Kek don't be a queer. Big business will appreciate this permanent jeetification of the labor market.
Yes hahaha very true, this is for the best!
Not gonna lie, I would impregnate that Latina bunda and make her birth 5 spawns
Ah, the "convervative" extortion vs the "progressive" faustian bargain....

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>The 10 Commandments monuments that originally featured both the Star of David and the Freemason symbol (Square and Compass) have undergone updates for various reasons, primarily reflecting shifts in societal attitudes, legal challenges, and the intent of those who commissioned or maintain the monuments. Here are some possible explanations:
1. Legal and Constitutional Challenges: In the United States, public displays of religious symbols, including the 10 Commandments, often face legal scrutiny based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from endorsing any religion. Symbols associated with specific groups, such as Freemasons or Jewish symbols, might be seen as endorsements of particular religious or fraternal organizations. Updating the symbols to more generic or universally recognized ones, like the Star of David, could be an attempt to reduce legal risks and make the monuments more broadly acceptable.
3. Public Perception and Controversy: Freemasonry has been surrounded by various conspiracy theories and misunderstandings. To avoid controversy and public backlash, those responsible for the monuments might have decided to remove or update the Freemason symbol, replacing it with a symbol that is less likely to provoke controversy.
>In summary, the changes to the 10 Commandments monuments likely reflect a combination of legal considerations, cultural sensitivity, public perception, and the evolving intent of those maintaining the monuments.

I remember seeing Ted Cruz standing next to one, but now all 10 commandments don't have it anymore.
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>all that first opens the womb is mine

Seems kind of rapey desu.
Don't do shit like that.
Because back then unmarried women were girls that you couldn't even look at, but married women had a lot more personal freedom (look it up) and got into all kinds of hijinks with ol' bob from over the fence. And people been tryin to keep up with the joneses since 10,000 bc.

If that doesn't sound right, wtf do you want from me?
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>Fuck off with ya wog crap ya greasy retard of zion
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Half the country is illiterate so it's not surprising. I buy things made in America and the labels and manuals on the products have all sorts of spelling mistakes also. Even foreign made products make more of an effort to get things right and they don't even speak the language.

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This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The comments on these threads are a gold mine bc someone spoke out about how leftist memes are spammed with text.
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I can tell your brain sucks by the way you have to name images
still funnier than the original comic lmao
>i dont like you on a personal level
>sorry about the pronouns i didnt know

Fucking kek, and this is what you cunts are worried about?

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Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek announces at least 2 more weeks of water restrictions

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CPS is so based. Especially with those pride patches on the back of their shirts.
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Calgary has turned on woke Mayor Jyoti Gondek
Every day theirs a certain leftie who cries about the police and wants to defund them, and based officers drive by and honk and wave at her and show her how much they love her, and want to show her to love the police.
All the problems officers who went to the freedom convoy and did all those naughty things were clearly Albertans getting revenge for frogs coming out here and doing the same shit in uniform here, and turning public perception against the police.

Not to mention they based crimes division will charge people for throwing garbage cans at people and calling them mean names then give the "ongoing investigation" to anyone who asks about what they spend all their time and money on, their pretty based.
>All the horses are named after battles Canadians fought in.
>Brought them out to give the antivaxers a free escort to the absolute seethe of the far left.
>Was pretty cool having 4 horses 250' behind the end of the weekly anti mandate March.
>Could pet them and often see them at secondary public events.
>Anytime some stupid reporter asks the police chief a dumb question he will explain how a fucking car engine works.
>Using terms like fluid and dynamic, and many moving parts.
>It's actually pretty fucking hilarious once you realize he can pull it off with a straight face.
>Often out enforcing the white man's will on the city of Calgary.
>Numerous allegations of racism and police brutality.
>All clearly false and made by people who are mean to police and thusly get the hooves.
>Only cops to wear Stetsons aside from Texas LEO.
>Often see them walking around in cowboy hats.
>Get bored and do fucking SEAT takedowns on based preachers because their bored and they think it would be funny.
>Known to show homophobes the inside of the closet during SWAT raids.
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Maybe there are still some LARPers in Europe, but 'antifa' in the US is totally dead. I'm literally in the Portland area, and they don't even hold rallies anymore. My understanding is that the Trump/Floyd 2020-era antifans were a combination of professional political activists, naive college-aged kids, and a bunch of hired bums and druggies.

Many of the 2020-era bums and druggies have overdosed and died by now (not a joke; they actually did; fentanyl has wrecked them), the college kids have moved on, and the professionals/'organizers' have had their funding cut. The 'movement' is gone.

More proof - Trump literally went to the SF Bay Area a couple weeks ago to meet with supporters/donors, and 'antifa' failed to shut him down. In 2015/2016, they had the Bay Area on lockdown, and could rally thousands to attack MAGAfags on short notice. Not anymore.

Trump also went into the Bronx, and 'antifa' failed to protest him or shut down his rally. They don't exist anymore in any real numbers. How did the antifa movement collapse so quickly, though? They had a lot of energy just a few years ago.
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spot on
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>antifa faggots
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>nazi boys are happening now
Don't worry. They'll be back next year.
how utterly subtle

Did your employer feed you on Juneteenth? If so, what was the meal? These ungrateful employees got a free meal and then complained about it.
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it's scottish as fuck. it became a black thing in like the 50s there's some reasons.
wikipedia and other things will tell you it's "soul food" but actually chicken was expensive, the closest comparison today would be lobster. Chicken only became cheap and plentiful during WW2 and thereafter.

really makes you think.
Black people legit like watermelon and fried chicken. Everybody does. And this may well have been a widely requested meal.

Charlotte is also a very enriched diverse city so of course, there are many chicken and melon fanciers there.
It's seen as racist because it's a stereotype/trope that blacks all eat fried chicken, watermelons, grape soda and look like monkeys.
why does everyone celebrate that shit kamala made up 2 years ago?
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the food was much better at the italian version

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How the hell are people surviving anymore? I make 23 bucks an hour in a rural area with a shithole apartment and I still feel like I’m breaking even. How the fuck is Jerry from Walmart surviving? Does he just go into the back room eat McDonald’s and wait till the next day?
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Listen, I'm not going to your stupid stream. It's as shrimple as that.
>Rent is still $400 here
Wtf? I grew up in a small college town in butt fuck Alabama. Rent there was $400 a month in the 90s. Where the hell are you that you can rent an apartment for $400 a month?
They opened a cracker plant and imported a bunch of beaners which ironically trashed my town even more. We all thought it would get better with a cracker plant but no everyone my age is desperate trying to get out somehow or just gave up and is openly trying to get disbility
go cry in /adv/
/pol/ is alpha only
why you so mad breh?

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Billions of vaccines given by governments around the world. Goverments that do not like one another and do not play well together. Yet billions aren't dying like /pol/ said would happen. Why not? Why aren't the vaccinated dying?
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>"get the vaccine or you'll all die!"
>millions don't take it
>nobody dies
>try to turn the tables because you feel like an idiot
Kek. The vaxx came before deciding not to take the vaxx.
So with the shifting of the goal posts, you are now admitting that the state AG lawsuits are ok, and there are legit side effects, and people are dying from the (not a) vax injuries, but it's all ok according to you, because according to you not enough people are dying yet.
Clotty cope shills... lmfao

Reality is catching up quick with you clott heads. The slow drip drip drip of reality is being released in the news to the npcs. I would worry about reality when all you permanently affected and killed their loved ones find the truth.
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>shit i made up: the post
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>Why aren't the vaccinated dying?
oh but you are, and it's glorious to witness

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