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UK weather: 48-hour 26C heatwave to hit and five English cities will be the hottest
The UK is set to be hit by a 26C heatwave at the end of the month, as the cold weather finally gives way to some summer sun - with the Met Office predicting highs of 30C

Forecast maps for the UK indicate when the current cold spell could possibly end, promising a 48-hour blast of sun with temperatures reaching up to 26C. A heatwave is predicted to encase the UK at the month's end, as June finally warms up. The mercury, which currently lays low, is expected to at last climb towards the 30C mark by the end of June.

According to weather maps from WX Charts, utilising Met Desk data, the temperature will likely peak around 26C in certain intervals. Cities that will be the hottest include Birmingham, Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Newcastle. This warm spell is anticipated to sweep across Britain from June 26th to the 28th.

In their forecast from June 17 to June 26, the Met Office states: "At first, the weather across the UK is likely to continue to be a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers, with some longer spells of rain also possible. Some showers are expected to be heavy and could be thundery at times. Temperatures will generally be around or a little below normal for mid-June, and it may well be breezy in places too. Through the weekend and into the following week, confidence in any particular weather pattern dominating becomes low. As such, the best forecast is for fairly typical June weather, with a mixture of weather types. This means some spells of drier, sunny weather but also some showers or longer spells of rain at times. Temperatures will most likely be close to or slightly below average."
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>25 years ago
>100F was pretty hot but normal
>10 years ago
>media goes crazy if it goes above 95
>3 years ago
>anything above 90 is now death and decay

is this gaslighting in order to have excuses to enforce more pillaging of tax money and to ban more shit?
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and their houses smell like smelly morning mouth from no air circulation.

yeah, they fucking do, its gross.
I watched a family of them boil alive in the florida heat at the outlets on I-4. the older of the large round red faced men had to be taken to the hospital after bitching the ice made his tea cold and standing around chainsmoking in 2:30pm orlando heat in july.

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Goldmine company named Edomines (they mine gold only) found huge cache just now, it is 10 kilometers away from Russia but that means it's in Finland.


CEO Goldberg said they found biggest cache in South East Finland yet.

They drilled onto the rock in the premises.
Pulled out drill shows there is 1.57 grams of gold per tonne of rock. On average. The area is 33 meters accross.

Also it varies: at some depths there was 8.8 grams of gold (drill goes downwards, not sideways). They wouldn't say how deep it is sensible to go.
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Silver, Copper. Anything else?
uh is this bullish for GDX? need a quick pump since I forgot to sell on the pop
Depends on location and what kind of mining is needed, 1,57 g/tonne is good enough for open pit mining.
t. geologist
>imminent Russian invasion countdown begins
Nice knowing you, bro
>inb4 /pol/ claims that gold was always Russian property
how do the mined gold bricks have stamps on them?

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Lost in an everending night, never reaching the surface..
Which one are you human, a champion of light, or the harbinger of darkness. Do you want to be nice? or do you want to say. I will try again.
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>i thought the light was in me but it is in the forest, i am illuminated by the force behind me, not my little idiot flaslight. I thought i was a dreamer but i'm not the only one!
I forgot the third part, do you remember the third part? or have you forgotten it too?
THIS CONCLUDES an adventure into the wonderful world of alan wake (awl/owl) HUUH HUUUH :>
But the act 3 we need the 3rd part to complete the transversal equation.
How do you find that which is lost when that which is lost does not want to be found. A quandry. The sleeper must awake we need the final coordinates. WE ARE NEARLY THERE. TRY HARDER GRR why do you keep this from me. Why can i not find them.
"EVER THE LIGHT CAST A SHADOW, ever the night springs from the light, in the end, it's never just the light you meet, when balance slays the demon you find peace"
>we got him, we got him. HAHAHA
>no shit? we got him. Bring him home!
>"It's not a lake, it's an ocean."
>"It's not a loop, it's a spiral."
And so this concludes the third act. Sweet dreams little children. And good things come to those who are nice and kind and wait patiently.

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what's worse race mixing or buying nigger children
buying black children is precursor to race mixing since it's just bbc farming. White women wait until young buck becomes a BVLL then makes her move. Prior to this, she always throws in little nuggets of seduction, innuendo, and hints of attraction/desire. This so the young black knows what's up and what he's been bought for. Getting them young ensures white women will get tremendous mileage out of him before he moves on to other white women.
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Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Should I take ozempic? I'll stop as soon as the weight is off.
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>A report from the New York medical examiner's office leaked a year after his death said that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension, and that at the time of his death he weighed 258 pounds (117 kg).
>I'll stop as soon as the weight is off.
Wait a year after reaching your goal weight before stopping, or else you have a high chance of just gaining the weight back. Imagine your weight as a number on a thermostat; even if you force your weight down with a drug like Ozempic, the thermostat setting will ensure that you just pack the pounds back on. But if you keep your weight lower for a prolonged period of time, you can "turn down the thermostat" so to speak, and you'll have a much higher chance of regaining the weight as a result.
Of course, you need to bear in mind that weight gain is ultimately a "calories in, calories out" game, so even if you reset your thermostat, you could just turn it back up if you keep going full ameriburger with your diet.
see above
No. Take cinnamon and barberries, you get the same benefits (literally works just as well according to studies) but it doesn't shut down your gut, which is a risk with Ozempic and it happens to about 15% of users. It requires medical intervention, your peristalsis essentially can stop with Ozempic and you end up like Elvis with 40' of poop backed up in your abdomen.
Stop eating so much fatty it is literally that fucking simple and don't respond with all the cope the body positivity retards say. Ozempic itself proved all those law of thermodynamic denying retards wrong. Decades of "my fat is diet resistant" "I eat less than my skinny coworker" "I only eat 1000 calories a day and I gained 10 lbs last week" but as soon as a drug comes out that makes fatasses to actually eat less and not just lie to themselves about eating less they lose weight go fucking figure. When my metabolism crashed in my early 20s I ballooned up from a healthy 180 to 220. I stopped drinking soda entirely and switched to unsweetened iced tea, stopped snacking so much, and started running. I lost all the weight in a few months and ended up in better shape then ever. But yeah go pay for the privilege of stomach paralysis and unknown long term side effects. You can trust pharma after all
Your metabolic rate will adjust to your weight set point. "Calories in calories out" is useless as far as your weight is concerned, because your metabolic rate will vary in a way you can't control.

Why do you think there is such a big obesity problem in the west?

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HAPPENING! China says it will keep bankrolling Putin to the last Russian!
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Was there ever a reason why you'd have thought stock holders were ever willing to do real work?
I absolutely love the seethe China and Russia creates for the entire (((American))) establishment
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this is real?
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How much will a GIF of pixel art cost where Putin like this png with a torn noose around his neck, holding a bloody ax on his shoulder, throws the basedjak hohol head into the air with his other hand
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i hate fucking yandex translate

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Look at this scene from Black Mirror.
Notice something?
Yeah, the White girl is clearly the "evil racist"
and the Pajeeta is "the underdog ethnic getting revenge"

This is PRO-PAJEET Jewish propaganda.
Flood the west with browns, protect the browns and call whites racist.
SAME tactic they used for Niggers.
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Braaaaapjeeeeeets unite!
Is this some kind of backwards programming or what? :-/
That’s not Reddit it’s more overly autistic
they get diamonds cheap in india and sell them to the jews here and redo the cycle of fraud all over again.
you poor bastard. theyre degenerate gamblers and steal like true niggers.
and they spraypaint their heads to fake having hair.
And in Africa as well they really are just dumb jews if you want to understand Jews more simplistically look at the evolution of pajeets

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Men were dreaming about replacing women 2000 years ago lmao
>According to Ovid, when Pygmalion saw the Propoetides of Cyprus practicing prostitution, he began "detesting the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women". He determined to remain celibate and to occupy himself with sculpting. He made a sculpture of a woman that he found so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion kisses and fondles the sculpture, brings it various gifts, and creates a sumptuous bed for it.

>In time, Aphrodite's festival day came and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There, too afraid to admit his desire, he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.

>Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture, which changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing. In Ovid's narrative, they had a daughter, Paphos, from whom is derived the name of the city.

But that's not all. It turns out that the word android was popularized by a novel called "The Future Eve" which was published in 1886. It's about Edison creating a robot that will replace the wife of a man, because even though he's attracted to her body, everything else about her is irremediable.

Replacing women isn't some /pol/ bizarre cringy incel dream. It's something that mankind has been dreaming about for thousands of years
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don't post this i'm trying to be racist here
I really need to fucking kill you.
>47 posts by this id
>repeating the same crap arguments over and over
>posting random sluts caked with makeup in every single one of your messages

You seriously need to take your meds
Don't worry your niggressbot waifu won't have the genes and tendencies... I mean, socioeconomical factors shown in niggers. Now you can finally be horny and racist at the same time.
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ur the one promoting new world order policies of destroying families

ur the weirdo not i

You are preparing for June 18, 2024, right?
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>Sips pee
>Does spit take
>strongest planetary stimulus
How does that work?
A bunch of money
Happening status?
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there wont be two more weeks left. The meme is not work anymore

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Failed-to-launch men: uneducated, unemployed, unskilled, no wife or children, socially awkward, bitter, childish, have read fewer than 10 books in their entire lives, blaming others for their failure, yet narcissistic and arrogant.
Much of what we think is ideology is more accurately a failure of young losers to launch into maturity.
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i never said that
they are out competing you
because you are entitled(((?)))
idk your malfunction
don't hate the players
I had 4 burgers, 2 hotdogs. Cooked on my grill. I'm so happy, life is perfect. Love this country! I love you guys too. Obviously, wouldn't be here otherwise.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The security guys have a job to do that requires them to stick to the plan. But there are fundamental problems with how Western society is structured and raised that won't change into something different and viable overnight.
Author is right to call out ISIS types, because they are exactly what we described:
>"Failed-to-launch men: uneducated, unemployed, unskilled, no wife or children, socially awkward, bitter, childish, have read fewer than 10 books in their entire lives, blaming others for their failure, yet narcissistic and arrogant.
Much of what we think is ideology is more accurately a failure of young losers to launch into maturity."
>muh caliphate
>muh islam
But otherwise, he is an established interest mouthpiece that is trying to shift blame for their own idiotic behavior against the world and their own families and population because their own status is endangered.
You piled up the shit, you clean it up. Why should young people voluntarily allow themselves to be enslaved without anything in return. When everything has collapsed and all the evils have been eradicated, white men will rebuild everything.
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It's hilarious you brownoid!
You don't even know what NC programming is for, nigger
>When everything has collapsed and all the evils have been eradicated, white men will rebuild everything.
Men are rebuilding.
But the cognitive dissonance and shit behavior by some will take time to fix, possibly for a generation's time.
They don't need to sacrifice Trump for this except they aren't willing to do what they need to do. If they are too afraid of their enemies who literally goes around killing their babies, they have some serious thinking to do.
Rest of the country is tired of their excuses, btw.

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>I'm gonna dodge the draf-ACK

Daily reminder this is your fate after the election Kabuki theater is over.

All white men will be drafted to die in the meatgrinder. These kikes aren't playing around, they want you dead and they want you dead NOW
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this is the fate of drafted amerimutts
You are comparing race to ethnicity.
You glow, and you are scared. You should be.
>foid trying to put a gauze on an open cranium

Why and how did we ever allow foids to be "equal" and allow to vote, etc.?
You won't do SHIT

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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Jah USA is Goering aber ich bin Hess
Why are there so many Albanian scum in goymany?
wtf this guy looks browner than me and I'm southeuro.
Kosovo refugees

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Biden and Francis do Lemon Party
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>Not here, dude! Save it for later.
Thats secret service, they have to carry one around for biden at all times now
For Yoe, he is ready to croak any day now.
Someone has a cold.
Biden, the Pope sniffer.

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All men are not created equal. Some are smarter, some are larger, some are stronger, etc. This idea that all men are fit to breed is an ahistorical meme.

Not only that, but it is well established that filtering for sexual characteristics highly correlates with other beneficial attributes for the species down the line. There is no case in nature where the females choosing to breed with the largest, most dominant or most elaborately decorated male have impacted their species negatively. This can be seen easily in the elaborate mating habits of birds, herd mammals, even apex predators such as lions and gorillas. By monopolizing access to multiple females, dominant males can maximize their reproductive output, siring numerous offspring within a single breeding season. This strategy is particularly advantageous in environments where resources are abundant enough to support multiple offspring and where competition for mates is fierce.

Furthermore, harem systems can lead to the evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits and behaviors in males. In many species with harem structures, males develop striking physical characteristics, such as elaborate plumage, antlers, or sizeable body mass, which serve as signals of dominance and attractiveness to females. These traits often undergo sexual selection, where females preferentially choose to mate with males exhibiting the most exaggerated traits, thereby driving the evolution of more pronounced features over successive generations. Therefore, the growth of masculinity in the tangible sense is clearly owed to the hypergamic tendencies of females.

It is well established that equality is a delusional desire. No one seriously thinks all men should have the same amount of money, luxury, power or prestige. Even the idea of balancing these various attributes is mocked and not even practiced in socialist societies.

Why then does the idea of monogamy continue to persist? Men are not equal. Why should their mating potential be?
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>monogamy and dysgenics, white population is 1/3 of the world
>polygamy and eugenics, white societies are going to collapse within 100 years

I fucking love science
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>literal incel country
achievements of civilisation depend on monogamy
society degenerates into non-productivity and ruin without it
J D Unwin showed this nearly 100 years ago
it does,
just need to see niggers and what happens
for an individual line, when you think of a person,
it may be advantageous
but when you think of people, group of on a tribal level or society level, the formation of a family and tracking, generate better people to compose that society and for the good of the group, and the individual
or you create a nigger state where lesser people come to being in a lesser place,
STFU kike.

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How do we save young women from the grasp of degeneracy?
You don't give a shit
>shill thread
>slide thread
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fuxk off, it's one of the most relevant topics on this board.

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Hello to the first /chic/ ever thread

Here we hate on jeets and discuss their inevitable takeover of Canada because white Canadians want their grand children to compete for housing and jobs (and gibbs) with the scum of the earth
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Watch this video to get in touch of what the fuck is happening on Canada
The abrahamic boomers should be fucking ahamed of themselves.
Post the in store prices
I'm heading to Loblaws later this evening. Pray for me.

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>At 70 tons, the Namer is massive. There are some, but not many, tank types that slightly outweigh the Namer: the latest American M-1A2, for example. But a tank’s turret and main gun account for at least a third of its weight; the Namer has a remotely-operated machine gun that weighs less than two tons.

>No, all that weight comes from the APC’s protection. Layers and layers of ceramic, steel and nickel underneath bricks of explosive reactive armor.
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It was only designed to withstand driving over baby skulls & getting stones thrown at it by children.
>gets taken out by 20 mm round or artylery shot that landed 5 m away
this is just merkava with taller hull and no tower
merkava turret is fine but the hull is dogshit design from times they had no idea how to stop 650mm of apdfsd or 1000mm of heat, and then they continued with the design

so why it is dogshit? because the engine is acting as the armor
the only reasonable design is an engine in the back to balance the weight of armor in the front

kikes remember the centurions hull down defending golan hights (best kill to death ration in post ww2 history) and thought that the best tanks is one designed for hull down position

so the frontal armor top plate is inpenetrable but the bottom plate armor is dogshit
it does not matter how much armor you have it is designed to take hit once so you can retreat
not take 10 rps at once or c4 charge

battlebit game is best at showing how fragile armor is to infantry
Treating mechs like tanks would be silly. Mechs imo should be treated like helicopters.
also this
i bet hamas is just utilising they cowardice
> namer take hit from rpg (non penetration)
>driver panics, instantly deploy smokes in urban area
>hamas soilders swarm it with infantry thru smoke and put exposive shit on it

Hydraulics, materials, and energy source don't exist to make mechs viable

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Silver should be like $11K an ounce and retards in the west refuse to buy it
>transmute metals
KEK this isnt runescape u fucking retarded faggot
Need to unlock better Imperial Age technologies to help mine for more gold, or at the very least increase the distance of our docks to increase the amount of raw gold we could obtain per trip.

let them stay poor

more for us

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This anon knows. South Korea has the lowest birth rate on earth and they’ve taken no measures to do anything about it. All North Korea has to do is wait 40 more years and they can walk across the border to capture everything.
Ever Seen Steel Rain? Something like that.
>we didn't see a single shell, but if there had been any shells, they could be up to five million
Grade A military intelligence right there.
NK is like some guy who lives up on a hill in woods who has done nothing except stockpile weapons and ammo for the last 50 years

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I want to genocide niggers. Why would I support keeping them alive?
the rest of the world. theres five other continents to choose from.

and inb4 "oh your a fuckign asshole". No thats advice Id give my own son anon. if you dont like your job, get a new one, if you dont like your house, sell it, buy soemthing else, if you dont like your girlfriend, dump her, get a new one.

if you dont like what you got, change it. you only live once, dont be unhappy, dont settle for second best.

anyone who thinks living in canada sucks can fuck off to the utopia of their choice. good luck, adn good bye, come back and visit us when you can. I mean that sincerely, really, the best of luck to you. Go find your place in the sun. I dont want you to be unhappy, I want you to find your peace, wherever it may be.
Bro they dindu nuffin
Well, I can't help with healthcare but at least college education is free. You can find college courses all over the internet that cost you nothing but time. Really the only thing holding you back is the addiction to little screens blasting sissy hypno into your subconscious all day every day.
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niggers in perpetual nigger moments.

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