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All of the problems in the society are caused by the lower 20% and upper 5% of men. Society was never designed to function with the 50/50 gender split. Every weakling was killed by disease or in war and violent criminals and rapists were executed. It might seem contra productive but we should sterilize or feminize those 25% of men
All to create a faggot feminized world. You're not too bright.

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You need to start screenshoting threads/posts that you find interesting as there's a good chance that they won't be archived.
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Do you have any examples of things they're exempting? Or proof whatsoever?
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>Railroad selfie

You need to relax and stop caring so much about ephemeral posts on an open message board. Move on with your Life.

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You know you don't actually have to pay at self checkouts right ?

Just pretend to swipe the items over the scanner and nobody will even notice

Or if it makes noise when swiping just swipe all the items and then quickly hit "cancel last scanned item" a bunch of times like a arcade machine and walk out with free groceries
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You get smaller items, stack 2, scan the bottom one, there are cams though and now since losses climbing as people get smart about it, there are staff there to "help you out".
Like what? Never heard of a single complaint or conflict and our supermarket has the latest one.
The capitalist system is not honorable.
There’s always someone standing around to randomly check you, they’re observing closely what you’re doing, there are cameras over the scanner unit with A I interface what recognizes immediately what you’re trying to do and block you from leaving until something came to check.
>buy a nice tennis outfit
>appear and behave like a richfag
>have a tennis bag with a spreader in it that it looks stuffed
>stuff the bag with all kinds of expensive stuff and walk out casually
I usually just end up buying 20 lots of yellow onions and walk out. It's not my fault if i can't tell the difference between a steak and a yellow onion.

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>be picrel
>under 19 cricket player for India
>fail to make it to senior team
>do a btech in engineering from bumfuck indian engineering college
>make cricket analysis app CricDecode
>immigrate to USA for masters
>graduate from Cornell with great GPA
>get high paying job at Oracle
>have patents in computer science in algorithms of search engines
>play cricket for USA national team as hobby
>defeat Pakistan singlehandedly in T20 world cup while he is on a break from his job
>take Virat Kohli's and Rohit Sharma's wicket in WC
>most important player of USA team
>take guaranteed 2 big wickets every match
>all while in his side gig

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Calling people brown is a gross disservice to be. Latinas make me happy. Pajeets make me genocidal. They are not remotely similar. Our political vocabulary needs to be updated to modern circumstances.
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Sheets and spics are the same.
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sahr, you have 12 limbed pajeetlets being born all the time
or kids with such big tumors you mistake them for your weird "god's" elephant trunks
you are degenerated down to the molecular level, sahr
Indians are too servile and they are associated with deformity and disease. Its because the strict civilization in india made sure everyone reproduced, you have no eugenics and no culling of the weak and no striving for anything. Its just STAY IN YOUR CASTE MARRY YOUR CASTE X1000 GENERATIONS. Like a human ant.
Going violent now to compensate isnt going to wirk because we know how you are really are. Other people would die as criminals or childless incels, but the indian ha no problem eating shit and breeding with some horrible mutant just to perpetuate the suffering.
And this is something people know instinctively. I knew this instinctively before i found the words to put it in a human-readable form
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you're far from wrong, but still: Kek
What a bunch of gobbledygook
Go take your meds

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Say something good about India
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It's far away.
I hear its a great place to visit if you have a jenkem addiction. No need for bottles. just step out side and take a deep breath.
Launch boomers and their pets into the sun
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WE built some nice stuff there.

Stuff they don't deserve.
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it's on a different continent

The hoe is the biggest enemy of civilization

What is a hoe? A hoe is a woman with 3 different boyfriends. A hoe has endless backups in her dms in case her current relationship fails. A hoe has an onlyfans. A hoe wears loose clothing in public and posts pictures of herself online. The hoe on the side of the street. The discord hoe. The hoe has no accountability. The hoe has endless safety nets. The hoe loves to talk, but hates to hear herself. The hoe wants abortion and contraception to be legal so she doesn't have to worry about the natural consequences of her actions. The hoe has a lot of exes (and they're always the bad guy!) The hoe always has a lot of male "friends". The hoe is stupid and hypocritical. The hoe doesn't like to be CONTROLLED. They are WORSE than the Jews. We should bring back adultery laws. We should punish women who cheat on their husbands by denying them all alimony and custody. We should make prostitution illegal, punishable by jail, and they should go after the prostitutes and not just the johns.. Hoes are the enemy of mankind. And every man has experience with them. They come in all different shapes and colors. Just like a Jew, they disguise themselves as normal people before they reveal their disgusting villainy. This is a thread for talking about your experiences with hoes, or just posting memes about them.

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You're literally all porn addicts, I have no sympathy. Get rekt moids.
>anarchism is the most antisemitic ideology
Ya know I usually think of anarchists as retards but I am struggling to think of a counter argument lmao
>wall of incel seethe
The modern woman is the real porn addict. Yes, most men today are addicted to the 10 minute rush of masturbation once a day. But what of the women, whose mind is completely over sexualized by modern society? Who believes the average penis size is 8 inches? Who finds it easier to sell nudes of herself online than get a job?
I actually always have multiple girls in my dms, and the reason why is because I know that they aren't loyal. So why should I get emotionally attached? Bitches come and go. I'll stop when I find the one. They're doing the same thing anyway.

People constantly say that there are no consequences for their actions yet we are experiencing them in real time. We are experiencing extreme despair because of the choices of our ancestors made and only we can make the world a better place. Why all of that happens, lets see:
>people made fun of gays instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of whores instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of addicts instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of shy, lonely, traumatized etc. men instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of non-whites instead of helping them and making them go back to their countries which wouldn't be here in the first place if they didn't put them here as it is unhealthy for them to live in a different continent
Literally everything is just a payback for the suffering humans allow and cause. The second you turn back to a problem it always becomes a trend because like everything else, it's a symptom of something going wrong in your society. You laugh and don't help someone who had the misfortune to become something you don't like, in a generation of two it's the norm. The jews would have zero power if people had no vices, if anything they would become civilized themselves because after all, they are primitive people. 1/2
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Don't worry, I still help them!
Even though it appears I don't, I still help them even though I want them out, and K hate that part of me because my actions are always appropriate, even when they appear theyre not they are always done in a way that would cause less harm to most and all.
I can't shelter them from their own shit, but I reduce it, no doubt they will think I shat on them anyway.

Fuck this world and helping it.
My ancestors were fine people that lived well ans balanced, they did no wrong, they were retards like me!
So this is what's on your mind?
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I guess I’ll respond to your post with sincerity since no one else will
>We were blessed to rule the world
I was with you 100% until this part. What evidence exists that this is the case? I’m not sure if you consider yourself a Christian, but this conclusion is not only unsupported by evidence but implies the necessary existence of something else that has the effect of corrupting what would otherwise be “pure” human behavior which is even more absurd to assume exists. Human beings are animals, like every other animal on earth. We like to imagine that we control our fate or carry the burden of responsibility for this world, when we fail to *act* responsibly with the only thing we are arguably responsible for; our own lives. It’s easy to criticize humanity by comparing them to the angelic figures that live in your head, but the effect of doing so is demonstrably negative i.e. you look upon your kin with disdain. On the other hand, if we compare mankind to the animals they share Earth with, we’re already compassionate in degrees that no other life form reaches. The extent to which we keep sick and disabled people alive, the effort we already extend to absolute strangers, our reliance on language to hash out disputes rather than might making right, etc. How many times have you seen animals fight over food like the homeless do with their belongings, dogs who yap with all the braggadocio of meatheads at a rowdy bar? Everything we see in animals is reflected in us, but there are quite a few peculiar things we do that we do not find in animals, and the extent to which we try and love one another is chief among them.

your criticism is valid, but your reasoning is faulty. adjudicating past mistakes isn’t enough to keep from repeating them, we have to do the hard work to see the world we live in and make the hard decisions that expose us to error, a difficult task that one does not “just” do.

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The song Dance Hall Days, by Wang Chung.
Everybody wang chung tonight.
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The most "80s Donald Trump" song ever to my ears

But immediately brings me back to:
Why does he call me "love?"
Take your baby by the wrist.
>just like in the 80's!

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I think it's pretty hilarious that Israel banned genetic testing because it showed that the vast majority of Israelis has no genetic ties to Palestine and historic Israel, meaning, genetics invalidates the states of Israel's fundamental claim to Palestine.

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I didnt know theyre actually forbidding their population to buy ancestry kits


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Yeah but why do you have blacks in your country? Is Jewtin as much of a sissyslut4bbc as Stalin was?
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i'll educate you
The greatest russian poet is Pushkin - he is half black
his uncle was adopted by Russian Emperror Petr I.
Dios mio. Russia truly cannot be saved then. We need Germany to Desovietify you guys.
My brother in christ, pushkin had blue eyes and fair skin.
Having black ancestors doesn't make you black...
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they should join the EU

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4chan used to be the premier intelligence forum of the world. Now you get better data out of pozzedGPT.
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I can answer OP's question:
The driver put a 'body-positive' feminist in the front passenger seat. She was 300lbs over the axle's weight limit.
>Current generation jeeps are some of the biggest pos on the market
Meta data you faggot
Metadata is deleted by 4chan since anons pinpointed an anon hiding in a plane or airport or something.
>Fix it again, Tony

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Will female psychologist snitch me out if I tell her I am non offending pedophile?

Will she tell everyone my secret?
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Legally they can't unless you say you plan to commit a crime.
If they do, you can sue them, AmeikaAnon
Castrate yourself
do it,if she tells anyone you can sue her and get tons of money,it's a win-win situation
>Will she tell everyone my secret?
Most probably.
And then you'll be on police watch and they are just itching to get you on the record officially.
No they're not allowed, it's all confidential.

How do we respond without sound mad?
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Women don’t care about that. That’s an incel poltard mindset.
Stacie’s with ugly sons still love them. I’ve known plenty
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You can tell her hapa daughter is white because her daughter already hit the wall while the mom hasn't aged a day.

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>nukes the atmosphere
>"you're causing climate change goy!"
don't forget chemtrails.
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Let that sink in.
Shitting in the middle of nowhere looks comfy desu... But then suddenly a snake bite my anus, many such a cases
many animals need your poop for survival.

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>Registered Dietitian on social media
>the REAL problem with the American food supply is that people are getting too much protein
>Did I mention I have credentials? I’m a registered dietitian
Is there a conspiracy going on between junk food corporations and the government to develop curriculum for these “dietitian” programs to turn midwits like this woman into disinformation footsoldiers to protect the junk food industry?
I see people like this too frequently. Another one is named “Food Science Babe” who is insufferable.
They’re always drawing attention to their credentials and then attacking other people who warn about the dangers of refined sugar, canola oil, etc.

Is this a real conspiracy or are they just midwits who got a certificate and think that that makes anything they read on the internet true if they decide they believe it?
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>Bulked to 80kg
Have any of you critics tried eating mostly veggies, with some protein and fats? Veggies and berries are healthy as fuck. Add a bit of protein, steak or sardines, to your veggie salad, and you'll feel well.
diet depends on your lifestyle
so shut the fuck up fat fucking COUCH SITTING fucking IMMOVABLE OBJECTS you fucking lazy fucks fat fucking lazy shits
fuck you fat fucks
Absolutely disgusting.
she's a moron. it's high fructose corn syrup. they pump that garbage into all low quality, nutritionally deficient food to make it taste better and as a result, causing literal sugar addiction which is one of the most devastating drugs widely available today.

>Sorry Vlodymyr, war gives me the ick. It's CREEPY and WEIRD, kinda like you. I'm flying to the west and installing tinder. I'll be back, ERM, let me guess, NEVER
t. Every breeding age Ukrainian women ever
>Sorry Ariel, fake homosexual war gives me the ick (because it doesn't kill any sandniggers such as yourself). It's CREEPY and WEIRD, kinda like you. I'm locking myself inside my home and installing Tor. I'll be back, ERM, let me guess, NEVER
t. me

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BREAKING NEWS: Indian goverment starting to ban parodies about India making it illegal to both watch, distribute or make them

Is this what you want >>>/pol/
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indians are absolute fucking scum.
Something I want to know about Codex pajeet 2. Was the a video before? and will there be videos of other countrys/people?
been showing it to people at work. everyone loves it
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>Was the a video before?
Can we get the Indian government to block 4chan?

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None of you probably remember this, but I've been on /pol/ for 17 years. I remember like 12 years ago when /pol/ literally DESIGNED the current mainstream trans flag in a live thread (this was back when /pol/ could collaborate and wasn't dumb people, and held massive influence over the internet, hard to imagine i know). They designed it for two reasons:
1: To add the brown an black stripes to associate black people with gay people because they knew blacks hate gays and wanted to make them hate them worse. To be clear, the brown and black stripe are only on the flag for 4chan trolling purposes.
2: So that putting 4 of the flags in this orientation would form a swastika, our calling card.

I watched /pol/ design this flag in real time and then trick the entire world into using it. Where any of you there?
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Kirts drug habits are expensive, plus he always had zero impulse control. How many times did spardot b& everyone for the drink and drugathons where he'd pass out after dropping pills coke and 2ltrs of vodka for $50 for server fees?
suicides are included
I remember this too. Have a bump.
> sit down
> relax
> nothing ever happens
What is this bitch doing here?

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