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This really boggles my mind /pol/.
This is what a standard indian male looks like.
I didn't even pick an ugly one.
>flat broad nasal bridge
>bulging goldfish eyes
>wide nostrils
>brown skin
>black hair and eyes
>rounded face
>thick unibrow
How the fuck do these people claim to be white? Are they blind? Do they have mirrors in India?
I mean for Iranians and Arabs, I can kind of understand that they are white-approaching in certain facial dimensions. But Indians!?!?
You gotta be kidding me.
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Keep it that way.
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>Why do Indians claim to be caucasoid?
Indians lie and deceive all the time. It's part of their culture.
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i think i saw this exact same post a couple of month back
jeet are just beyond retarded
ai is awesome. i need to play with it. dude raced in shit

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how are you doing fellow chuds? any chuds in helsinki right now?
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thank you my fellow swede

by the church now
A troop of swamp donkeys. They will all begin go on the rag at the same time. It's uncanny.
Take the metro to itäkeskus if you want to see the niggers and hajis congregating.
wanna met up finnish chud?
Chuds are extinct today :(

man i love that every website is turnes into 4chan.
white power rahhhhhh
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they cant do shit okay
britishers gifted them civilisation and made them prosperous
These days whenever kikes does something fishy, the comment section there is filled with anti Semitic Bros from out of nowhere.
You can usually find 109/110 or 13/52 memes on Jewtube comment sections.
The winds seem to be changing.
Something fishy going on. Back in the days most pipo would make fun of chinks but is da joos, do you know anything about it nipanon?
saar im indonesian saar im not indian and i will save indian people.
bro stfu what jews want from india ,poop?
they are way ahead from jeet country in terms of everything
You think darkies act like the act because of jew?

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Whatever happened with this fellow country man cuck
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Kek I love those types of girls. They almost make it their whole personality to appear that they're precious. The kind of girl that would insist that if you want to have sex with her after a third date you're a creep and should go to a whore.That a man has to be right for her and treat her well etc.

Then you look at her past and 9,99/10 times you see her dating either a current felon, nigger or local pimp/drugdealer.

A tip for all the anons - if you see the typical "pretty girl" out there, ignore her completely.

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Are you a proud Evropean Man who embraces tradition, honors your ancestors, and violently rejects Semitic influence?

Then ask yourself - what's behind the rampant push for transphobia in Western society?

Like so many corrosive trends, it's the scheming Jew at work trying to sow division and weakness in our societies.

The fact is, traditional Evropean Paganism never had a problem with a fluid understanding of gender.




It was the desert sand religion of the Jew that obsessed over division in all things...clean and unclean, male and female, "chosen" and gentile.

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Where did I ever say anything about afa? I Have no clue what they are, what they do and what they believe? Why the fuck should I go to fuckng murica to learn about the faith of my forebears and their freethinking and free sexual exploration? Here, translatated from Norwegian wikipedia, you utter fucking normie and fake burger pagan, look at the screenshot fucker!
silence christnigger
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Keep kvetching jew.
Just when you think burgers can't fuck with our ancient culture any more, you pull this faggotry.
Write your own fucking shit.
Trannies PSA: don't forget to dilate!!

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There's been all this war rhetoric, countries are warning their citizens of visiting Lebanon, and Jews are Jews.

The suspense is bothering me

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The obesity crisis. Discuss
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Back in late 2022/early 2023 anons started making their own redpill parody music in a general thread called Vax Jamz (Now That's What I Call Vaxxed). It lasted for a couple months and got really popular. Over the course of like 6 weeks loads of anons made something like 250 songs. Some were professional quality. So we made our own streaming radio station called WPOL.
Then, of course, because it was too comfy, organic, fun, and productive, mods/jannies shut it down. They gigabanned anyone involved and blocked the url for WPOL (typing it resulted in instaban). Then the WPOL stream itself got shut down. So one anon said fuck it, let's just make our own site. So he did.
Now we have HonkFM. Been cranking out the bangers and making memes ever since. Up to around 2k original songs performed and mixed by /pol/tards and anons like (you) and me.
You can still find all the old Vax Jamz and /pol/ Jamz threads in the archives.

>TLDR; Yes, some anons did something productive for once and 404chan punished them and shut their threads down for it, so they made their own space to continue being productive without pissing off the kikes and glowies.

Literally just had to wait 10 mins for a temporary ban to expire so i could reply lel
Remember when this butthole-huffing board made memes?
Now they kick you out for that sort of thing
Potato is extremely based.
Known to fix most reported bugs within 24 hours or less.

>Remember when this butthole-huffing board made memes?
oy vey, don't talk about the bad times
respecc he will be fried in duck fat when the day comes
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What is it about the plapjak meme that sends feds and kike mods into full oyvey shutitdown panic mode?
Jannies will let a BBC thread sit in the catalog for an hour but the second someone posts a plap they pull their dilaters out and run to the keyboard. Why so triggered?
Do jannies identify with plappigs?

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so far only Denmark suffers


you must pay 100 USD for every cow you own in the form of "carbon tax"

scientist says cows fart gases that contain carbon, it rises up into the atmosphere and causes global warming

100 USD = 676 Cronenbergs

Denmark is a major dairy and pork exporter, they dont have religious issue with any kind of farm animal, and agriculture is the country's biggest source of emissions.

The coalition agreement is aimed at helping the country meet its climate goals by 2035.

"With today's agreement, we are investing billions in the biggest transformation of the Danish landscape in recent times," Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said in a statement Tuesday.

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kill, marry, fuck
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Any anon here skilled enough to switch the SS guy with a cow ??
wasn't this proven to be bullshit
yes but governments doesnt have to believe a research paper which say its bullshit
>get fined for seeding atmosphere with precious life sustaining anus gas

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Lol, how the fuck there are more Indians men who marry/date white women than white men who marry/date Indian women in usa? It make no sense.

I call it BS.

I was in usa for few months, i have friends from their, jews friends from new york.

They tell me they see a lot of Indian women and white men couples but not a lot of Indian men and white women couples.

I refused to believe there is more Indians men who date white women than white men who date/marry Indian women.
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prob because indian men are constantly seeking out white women, women are dumb in general, and white men are smart enough to know how disgusting pajeets are.
white women (wooks) are into that spiritual shit that india used to be known for before countries starting hardcore mass migrating the disgusting shitstains
now dumb white girls still believe indians have souls probably because their phones are burried in tiktok 24/7 rather than reality.
when they get raped and murdered it's darwinism at it's finest.
Did you not see the total numbers next to the racial group and gender?

Are you really jewish?
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That just show how much Asian women are race traitors.
That costs a bomb, the reality is somewhere else so some ethnic pairings are underrepresented. If it adds casual dating and sex it would be more representative of the real world.
That's literally the opposite of what that chart says kike

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The polling is not looking good dem bros.
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not just tomorrow, every day until November
it's all they have left to message/talk about
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Oh boy, I can't wait to find out whether our zog west nations are gonna be ruled by zog red or zog blue next year, and to be sent off to die and fight against zog east!

Fuck you, go to hell. I'm sick and tired of this jewish century.
That is all they need. Nearly the entire Democrat party along with the Republican establishment and nearly the entire media can repeat that Trump is a convicted felon and the US population will accept every bit without question
rig it, dumbass.
the country is in fine condition.

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finally all that extra military spending is paying off


"If you want to lead men, you have to like men"

Anastasia Biefang is trans and was the commander of 700 soldiers. During a discussion at the Bundeswehr University, she has a few tips for managers that are not only valid, but also cute, when dealing with different gender identities

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How the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM want all males in 2030.

"You will be a twerking male and you will be happy. Eat your onions."
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Wait the WEF wants niggers to be emasculated and gay as well? I guess thats what is meant by GLOBOHOMO
WEF literally grabs the most pathetic people across the world. They train them, they give them small incentives. If they are docile and obedient they abandon them for a year and then pull them back in to test their training.

How do I know all this. I live in an American ghetto. I personally know a whiny faggot that was groomed and has gone to several WEF events, Davos twice. He is a faggot neet and a burden on his family. He has talked about his "service" to me. He longs to go back into service. But also he is highly erratic, bipolar maybe, and might off himself or people around him.
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With great penis comes great responsibility. It's the most powerful weapon in the world and we need to handle it with caution. Not everyone can manage a BBC. Nonetheless, in the end BBC always wins.

>demand goes down
>prices go up

Can someone explain this to me?
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niggers are used to driving lambos for cooking spaghettis. its time for the owner of olive garden to buy a new 100ft yacht so you better pay up nigger goycattle. lmao total (((service industry))) death
>Olive Garden

‘MURICA moment. That shits glorified fast food without the fast.
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When they all collapse they will be replaced with a cheaper option.

The boomers are dying off and were the last generation to afford the dining charade with their ponzi salaries and retirement benefits. Gen X can only afford it if they are married professionals. Gen Z can't afford shit.
>>demand goes down
>>prices go up
Came to post this

"The share holders are entitled to equal or greater earnings of the year before"

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What could they possibly be sliding? They started appearing all at once over the past few days and have only increased. Wtf?
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At least I don't have Autism that makes you sexless
It's predictive programming to get people used to the idea of a draft because the jews are planning to start WW3 soon. It is also a great idea to hijack normalizing the use of violence against the state and its enforcers.
Just use the mantra:


and spread this quote from the gulag archipelago to as many normies as possible
>“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
it means its time to do your part like all generations that came before you faggot. get your affairs in order and prepare to serve your country
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ZOG shaking the magic 8 ball and hoping next time they get the answer they want

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about the new debate system even though it's objectively better.
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That's all right wingers do is complain. The complain while Left wingers win and make the rules they complain about.
This is a good thing if they keep Trump from rambling like a retard. If they cut his mic way too much it'll seem like obvious persecution. Either way it helps his campaign, although in the former case it'll be against his will.
No live audience and Biden will most likely be some ai shit. Its either that or he is given some super drug only kikes have access to
>The more he interrupts, the more people become annoyed with him
I think just about everyone is locked in on whether he annoys/doesnt annoy you. I think pretty much everybody is locked in on their vote for that matter, since a long time. The only purpose of this debate is to dab on and humiliate the opposition and cutting Trumps mic will inhibit that. No potential trump voter is going to be annoyed because just like the last two elections, they literally just dont care.
You must be 18 years old to post here

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I'm jewish and wanna know If i am welcome here
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Sure you are
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yes but you have to show flag, it's a sign of respect here
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>So what’s your schtick Schlomo: demoralization, division or degeneracy?
I bet its demoralization.
Your not welcome anywhere. Your G-D is dead and Amalek is not done yet

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Previous >>472237575

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades: Our mujahideen are engaged in clashes with the occupation forces storming the city of #Jenin
>BREAKING Spain has refused entry to its territory to two ships carrying military equipment and explosives from India to Israel - Independent
>Yemeni Armed Forces: “We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
>The IOF admits FAILING to intercept the drone launched by the Iraqi Resistance towards Eilat last night. The IOF says it fired an interceptor missile at the drone, but failed to down it.
>BREAKING: From now on, anyone who wants to get German citizenship must declare that they support Israel - Financial Times


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I was expecting way more IDF casualties as urban warfare against prepared enemy are hell for ground ops
military books are going to be written about this calling for new urban warfare strategy: "fuck ton of air force"
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Well, they did it for moral reasons & to end addiction in Afghanistan, where it was super cheap. I think they also killed the druggies, but maybe it was just gays and traitors.
Too tired to figure out which link is the one, so here's a bunch of them from vice, and a bonus extra reading from BBC
> The last ban started in 2000-2001.... VERY suspicious timing, and the CIA then had a war with them and required them to farm it again, even working with the western drug lords to smuggle it out of afghanistan....
> I'm only awake because someone rang my doorbell at 3:55am,,,waking me up, but there's no way in hell you open the door at fucking 4am in the morning when no one rings your doorbell in the daytime





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but shlomo, your cousins are dying and you're laughing about expecting more? not very kosher of you
that was in jenin, bro. there's not much urban warfare there apart from a few stone throwing kids. pretty embarrassing

Actually, here's the article that I was referring to.
> Waking up more, now that 30min has past since some fuckhead rang my doorbell at 4am


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18-year-old cheerleader dies "unexpectedly" during beach vacation with friends. Police are investigating.

> Emily Tropeano, 18, was vacationing with friends in Ocean City, Maryland, during Senior Week to celebrate her high school graduation.
> Around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, police responded to a rental house near the beach, where they found Emily in a bedroom, unresponsive and not breathing.
> The girl's friends claimed they found her with agonal breathing, a sign of cardiac distress which indicates someone is near death.
> Officers began CPR on the dying teen, and performed life-saving measures until Ocean City Emergency Medical personnel arrived and took over.
> Medical personnel were able to restart Emily's pulse and transported her to the hospital, where she died later that day.
> Emily Tropeano graduated from Carbondale Area High School on June 7, and was a member of the cheerleading squad.
> The teen's death is under investigation pending autopsy of the body, police said.


What could have happened to her?
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Probably a drug overdose.
don't use that flag, kike
Sounds like the friends are saying they just found her half dead in the bedroom.
It's also possible the girl took something on her own without the friends knowing about it.
syntetic drugs
So these young people have heartbroken parents, class action lawsuit when?

Why must everything be about race in AmeriKKKa?
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niggerber baby


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>has had a explanation for male homosexuality since the 90s
>nobody cares
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theories like yours are weird because it implies you could make someone like sucking cock by naming him something weird or his mom treating him weird

how does that make him like sucking a dudes dick? why doesnt it just give him issues with his mom or make him change his name?
From what I've seen it has a loooot to do with the mother being an insane hysterical caricature of a woman that the father unyieldingly submits to. Oversharing womens issues you shouldn't talk about around your young sons etc. or just being horribly abusive.
Sexual self harm. Individuals feel so sexually inadequate and worthless they do the most sexually defiling things. Similar to suicide or any other form of self-harm. It is merely the sexual pathology of this. It’s not like everyone else think it’s gross and they actually like it. They do it BECAUSE it is gross
he would have to be about 50lbs heavier
homosexuality is a psychotic disorder.

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