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It gets truer by the day and they have no response to it.
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Right about what? Being a meat grinder?
The war is at most about a warm water port and bio-weapon labs. It's a meat grinder to depopulate russian military aged men.
Ukraine already sold out their sovereignty to the highest bidder. Chances are your faggot country is next
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>Russia lost
>Here are 10 reasons I'm gay

Very cool. Nobody asked.
Ukraine is a pedo country that distributes cp and kills animals.

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Debate night pol

lets hear your thoughts
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yes, and that's why he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded apparently
It's going to go on for hours, and then people at home will be angry that "they didn't even ask about _____".
Choose the moderator.
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Rolling for Don to start a physical fight with Joe which begins with an embarassing display of physical ability and ends in both candidates shitting their pants on stage diarrhea style.
Checked and correct

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Burden, Bitter
Incorrigible Ignorant
Gullible Grandiose
Bill G
Big eats
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Lets be honest, if Biden doesn't have a heart attack and collapse on stage, he won the debate
>record the debate live, MSM will scrub all online copies for censorship
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>In reality they both suck

Fuck you demotivation shill. Still voting Trump, Trump still winning, and Trump still setting your world on fire with you in it!
So the bots are going ro tell us the truth now?
The only thing that matters is removing the jews.

Otherwise this is 100% pointless and zionism will contiune.
IPTV anons, please set up a stream

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>Another day, another escalation
- Employees of Bunq bank spied on the bankaccounts of their customers against the rules
- Months of rain, now the first warm days and the regime is announcing ‘water shortage’
- motorAnon was ‘very calculating’ in the run-up to the shootings in Rotterdam last fall. The shooting tragedy could not have been prevented by healthcare and safety professionals
- New renters law allegedly will lead to more social rent housing
- PVV cucks again, calls ‘great replacement theory’ (omvolking) a ‘nazi conspiracy’ in line what the NCTV says. They still worry about demographic change. Cowards.
- Honest homeless person that brought back a wallet containing 2000 euro gets 34.000 euro in support from crowdfunding
- Just one road ‘suitable’ for 130 km/h according to the regime
- Security measures for 59 'scientists' and university employees for their publications regarding migration, climate, Palestine conflict and vaccins
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- More people die of 'EK stress'
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal

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En voor immigranten negers peilen in het zuiden en dan de macht overnemen als ze wel een net burger-gebaseerd land willen worden. Als het ook de investering waard blijkt voorlopig.
>freedom of religion
Na de 2e wereld oorlog werd Duitsland verdeeld. We zullen hen eens verdelen die criminelen
Jah we hebben weer 2e wereldoorlog, dus er moeten weer landen herverdeeld worden.
En als ze ons niet helpen, wat terecht is dan gaan ze kennismaken met onze toxiditeit

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Fuck Palestine.

I hope the kikes wipe you out. I'm so sick of seeing that flag everywhere. You people are the most insufferable cunts on the planet.

I denounce the Torah and the Koran.
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>I denounce the Torah and the Quran
Based. But unfortunately by shitskin logic if you shit on Jewish religions that somehow makes you a jew. Mohammed was a pedophile btw and a false prophet mudshits lel
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thanks bro we are working on it
Seeing a simple flag everywhere is nothing compared to seeing niggers in every fucking form of media possible
Fuck you and your nigger puppets, disgusting kike
Yea the jews are the worst, decievers and thieves.
Murderers and rapists.
Child abductors and molestors.
There is nothing worse in the world than a jew. I agree.
go to bed benji

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Plot twist: the CIA are the good guys

Let's face it. The CIA was created to balance the equation made unstable by the KGB. Okhrana, the secret police of the Tsar, became the NKVD, which became the KGB. It was never good. Their primary objective was always to destroy their political opponents using any means necessary. They would have kept doing this forever, if the CIA wasn't there to stop them. Sure the CIA broke the law. But you need a bad cop to stop the bad criminal. That criminal in question wasn't going to stop on its own.

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lol Mike Pompeo belongs in jail
Man you got diddled, all I got was a pink drink.
the CIA and KGB is just jewish mitosis, shut up.
what's worse, the glownigger, or the glownigger's paymaster?

You never know! They let him win the rigged elections once already.
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Fake News. Cope

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Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. - Gautama Buddha. Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy. Jews, negros, liberals, trannies, globohomo, the elites, all that hatred will never appease their hatred. Only non-hatred will appease it. This is a law eternal.
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>Karmic burden

do people actually believe in this crap ? like for real, don't you see how it is a major cope ??
do you know that there are people who have tortured and killed hundreds of other people and lived happily untill death ?
now don't come to me with they will be reincarnated as someone who will suffer and get tortured himself. Because that nulifies the theory of karma you are torturing somone who did something bad in previous life, then you should not be able to get bad karma from doing that.
It's such a retarded metaphorical system... But i guess it's sufficient for some people to believe in such things
What is your highest moral authority o wise one?

>inb4 'muh self'
moral ethics comes naturally... unless you're a nigger who can't tell right from wrong. it's simple.
whats yours ?
now you can be a low iq retard and say jesus christ.
or you can be a little bit smarter and ask yourself for what reason other than selfishness are you seeking a savior.
honnestly do the mental work, you will find all you are doing is trying to serve yourself the best. literaly everyone is doing the same.
you can't serve jesus. you can only make jesus serve you.
smarten up retard
Karmic burden is basically sin. It's easy to laugh at the concept if you conceive of it as some dad like authority figure who is playing with his favorite human toy aka (You). But if you see it as a punishment or reward system for helping people guide their habits and attitudes in a way that proliferates a culture and way of life then it isn't retarded at all. It's basically a social necessity. The void will be filled with something because that's better than chaos.

As a white guy living in America should I move to Europe or stay here?
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I have welsh ancestry
Mostly this, but also you still have less people per square mile/km over than than we do in Europe. So stay put and don't tolerate furries.
no it's not the only comparable places to the US are London and Paris
You want him to capture a real one to fuck instead?
Can't you move to a better state instead? It will probably be less pozzed and have way better opportunities, with worse culture.

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>when does it start
9pm Eastern Time
>where to watch
CNN.com or USA Today’s YouTube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs?si=pW6uuE7-lP1DMAyx

This is going to be a shit show.
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Let’s dump footage in 360p on Vidlii. Videos rarely disappear from there.
Undecided voter here, so I'm looking forward to see how both candidates answer the questions tonight.
Bro memes are illegal now.
Don’t worry. Obama woke him up and fed him this morning.
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or this

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Does anybody have that screenshot from the CNN leaker that stated the DNC's strategy is just to DMCA anybody who shares clips?
the absolute state of american corporatocracy
Even brazilbros think this is third world corruption...

The Palestinians danced in the streets to celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

I remember. Thats why I couldn't care less about ANYONE genociding them.

Genocide only applies to humans. Ain't no humans in that area of the world. Let them all die.
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ok and?

still hate kikes...
Like the 5 dancing isrealis in New York caught with a van full of recording equipment?
Wonder how many kikes danced when USS liberty was getting fucked up, both in pissrael and in US.
>Palistineans hate your nation of niggerworshipping jew cut slave demons
Makes perfect sense
yes, it was so funny when the kikes striked back

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Not too long ago these motherfuckers were celebrating what they thought was the complete destruction of Mr Hyde after removing him from his TV show now years later he is the only real mother fucker left who hasn't been torn apart by the Zog machine because he knew never to submit to it
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New England is where the real white trash is, not the trailer parks in Arkansas
I only watch his shit for Nick and/or Chuck.
he is a trust fund kike kiddie that fucks trannies, just like every other male internet personality
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Didnt he run away from a fight challenge by Hasan Piker?
If he did, he's a little bitch.
Hasan banned the mention of Sam, hyde, made, Sam hyde, and many other phrases from his chat, you literally cannot ask him and if you do it's an automatic ban because Hasan did not want to "platform" Sam, but it seems like Hasan could really use the boost right now lmfao

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This is Russia's own missile self destructing over the beach after it failed to intercept ATACMS.
1) There are 34 splashes in the video. Count em, faggot. ATACMS would be fucking hundreds of splashes.
2) There are no incendiary flashes. M74 submunitions are incendiary. Mechanical impact fuse.
3) Those people would not walk away when the submunition landed near them. It has a 15 meter anti-personnel radius. Steel fragments that go through lightly armored vehicles and make them inoperable. They'd have all died.
4) There are no pictures of a single submunition of fragment of ATACMS on that beach. There are, however, pictures of a Tor-M2 missile debris on the beach.
5) These missiles are not meant to incercept maneuvering missiles such as ATACMS, and are programmed to self-destruct in a failure mode.
6) Watch what a real ATACMS attack looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipr_hPAcR_Q
You can see the incendiary flashes and hundreds of submunitions.
All of those people would have fucking died, shot down or deliberately pointed at the beach. The reality is, Russia's missile failed to intercept ATACMS, and then self-destructed over a crowded beach.

4 people were killed & 144 civilians injured due to the inhuman terrorist attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Sevastopol on June 23.

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took a few days for nato troons to get thier talking points straight.

meanwhile a jew chose to attack at noon on a christian holiday (first day of Holy Trinity Week) when he knew the beach would be packed.
A night attack on the base would have been just as effective.
Kill yourself jew
it's always really funny how angry you poor things get
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Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude but why replace it with this?
It could have been anything but you choose this.
Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
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>Almost like it's genetic...
It is


This. That's probably what Robert E Lee wore on Saturday nights at the child sacrifice.
This is hell for every rational person. What if these liberals and freaks are evil entities making our existence miserable and unbearable?
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Same eye on the breastplate as the jews' god Moloch.
So is it a copy ?!

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Are "ladyboys" the solution to the incel problem?
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post one
Yes, obviously l.
Effeminate incels become them and the other incels fuck them. The market is already self correcting l, as markets do.
Buddy of mine went over there and his second night out got approached by 9/10. Within minutes she was already grabbing his cock and begging to go back to his place. Before they got there she mentioned she had some "friends" who wanted to have a good time too. Soon they were all there, 4 smoking 9/10s all over him. He couldn't believe his luck. One of them offered him some concoction and the last thing he remembered was these "girls" whipping out their huge schlongs and rawdogging his asshole and mouth.

Next thing he remembers he comes to a day later to find he'd been robbed blind. His wallet, his phone, his watch, his TV. The trannies even made off with the clothes in his closet. He reached out for help: the cops, his landlords, other expats. They all just laughed in his face and called him a faggot and said he'd probably test positive for AIDS sooner than later.

Remember this story next time someone on here or some influencer tries to sell you on how based Thailand is.
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No. A new John Wayne Gacy is.
What is a chud?

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Why did Russia fail to capture the Donbass?
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Is deflection your only argument? Can you not answer a simple question?

God I hate that you people are so stupid you can't even recognize sarcasm I'm gonna become pro-Russian just so I wouldn't be associated with you retards
Accidentally clicked on you, meant to reply to (>>472352935
>war still going
>they akshaully failed to do this
i see we're defaulting back to the state approved "Putlermort wanted the entirety of Ukraine" narrative
>Why did Russia fail to capture the Donbass?
Who occupies donbass ?

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pedophiles should be gassed
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Ok but we should also change the definition of a pedo to be anybody who likes someone three years younger than themselves.

Because an arbitrary cutoff at 18 is weird.

An 85 year old can date an 18 year old but an 18 year old can't date a 17 year old lol.
gas costs money. stones are free
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And they are also gay.

Personality Impairment in Male Pedophiles


Despite the large body of literature on the psychological sequelae of childhood sexual abuse, the literature on the psychopathology of pedophiles is surprisingly underdeveloped. The present article explores the hypothesis that pedophiles evidence deficits in interpersonal functioning (lack of assertiveness and empathy, passive-aggressiveness) and in self-concept, which might contribute to the motivation for pedophilic acts, as well as elevated sociopathy, impulsivity, and propensity for cognitive distortions, which might underlie the inhibitory failure. Twenty male heterosexual pedophiles (DSM-IV criteria) recruited from an outpatient clinic for sex offenders were compared with 24 demographically similar, healthy male controls using 3 personality instruments: the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II, the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Impairment-Questionnaire, and the Temperament and Character Inventory. The data suggested that pedophiles have impaired interpersonal functioning, specifically, reduced assertiveness and elevated passive-aggressiveness, as well as impaired self-concept. Regarding disinhibitory traits, pedophiles demonstrated elevated sociopathy and propensity for cognitive distortions. Our data are consistent with previous reports of pathologic personality traits in pedophiles and lend support to a hypothesis that such pathology is related to both motivation for and failure to inhibit pedophilic behavior. Such information could potentially have important treatment implications.
a pedophile might be a person who doesn't commit any actual crimes

>will be in jail come election time
>not set to win the electoral college
>record low in the polls
Shareblue just deposited $0.11 into your account
No shit, after that stunt he tried to pull in 2020, everyone's realized he's a fucking lunatic. He should've gone all the way. At least he wouldn't also be seen as a coward.

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