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Ridiculous 2016 shilling on /pol/ right now
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We all know you're a newfag streetshitter, Chokdeep.
lol get wrekt I'm going to tell the jews where you're hiding and you'll be shipped off to the schizo camp
Hail Shitnu
It's all glowniggers, from all the different countries too. They are dumping their old 2016 memes and stuff, you can tell it's people who never use this board regularly or organically.

Just shilling and dumping to prevent anyone coming here and discussing the debate.
The cope is real.

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Fascism is death worship. They want a perpetual war between races in which men are conscripted off to war not long after they had the chance to produce the next round of victims.
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who cares as long central europe survives
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Must ofc avoid dangerous gambles and keep casualties acceptable. Cannot afford many more stupid moves.
>>My unelected, unaccountable leader will surely serve my nation's best interests of his own free will!
just hypothetically, why not? unless you want hit and run why would you not want what ever you in control of to succeed? plebeian fantasies are too shallow

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Yeah there are a few sparks here and there that remind me of 16, but too much has changed. Hell, maybe I’ve changed too much to feel anything but the sparks.
I don't particularly support him but I acknowledge that he's really funny and that's much more important to me
Anyone else wish this kid got raped and murdered by some smugglers at Tashi station way back when?
No matter how much you discord trannies desperately vie for first posts, all the time and effort you put in to being a shill, you aren't changing anybody's mind.
I hate Trump and my IQ is 130. I also descended from John Adams and I'm 100% white. Kys faggot

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she'll become the first female president to lose twice!
>President abusing their powers in office is so common its impossible for the average person to keep with who cheated on whom
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> Your archive of Hilloli images just became relevant again.
I am with her. She is the traditional candidate we need.

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This is the first official Jeb! Jeneral. Discuss Jeb! And Jeb! Memes.
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Made a bitchute channel called JohnEllisBush, will upload it there
This is inorganic sliding to keep talk away from how bad Biden is.

Glowniggers busted out there 2016 folders.
Retarded nigger. Jeb posting was the most fun I ever had on this website. Because I've actually been posting here for over a decade, unlike you faggot. There's no value in talking about how retarded Biden is here. We all want to gas the jews and kill niggers, we're already sold. We're having fun, maybe try it sometime you utter fucking spastic. Not everything is a fucking slide thread.


Here's the jebcore album!

bitchute com/video/jpmMf7pQoWDi/
Op, I will vote for Jeb! if someone itt posts that video of Jeb Bush knocking down that guy to the ground and repeatedly punches him in the face.
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Thank you miners

Previously, on Salt Mining General... >>472411428

Go forth and be the salt of the earth
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These kikes really are all on suicide watch, their god moloch will not be happy about this
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>oh no bros anything but my reddit karma!
do these people live in reality?
I really find this so strange.
Clips like these exists but the media 100% ignores it.
If it were Trump, it would be on the news 24/7 for years.

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>tonight was so bad all the shills can't show their face and are hiding

Notice how much better /pol/ is right now? I figure we have another day before they come crawling out of the woodwork and pretend nothing happens.
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I saw that same Obama ad. I almost never get political ads. Maybe dems are desperate because their party is welfare niggers and broke trannies.
Notice no nafo spam too
Dilation chambers must be in high demand at the moment
Yeah their contrarian ass
threads are getting 2 replies and buried.

Tranny tourists are melting down they can't troll their dude as MUH HECK LE DARK BRANDON OWNING THE CHUDS anymore.
All these 1PBTID posts are shills, glowbots, tourits etc.
See how when I, a real human using a real PC replies to a thread, it dies?


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>Challenge opponent to debate.
>Rig it in your favor.
>Cheat by using notes.
>Get your ass kicked in front of millions anyways.
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>refusing to commit to deporting beaners
he's already committed to doing it, numerous times, it's on his campaign site, his ads, he says it every single rally he has
He says it to people who want to hear it, won't say it to anyone else. It's just typical politician shit.
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Democrats spend and spend it's just patently obvious. All spending is borrowing at a deficit and the federal reserve picks up that excess debt by printing money causing inflation.

He said he wants to lower taxes to bring business back and take in more revenue. If taxes are too high taxable revenue goes down (and in a globalized economy it is likely that what has been standard for 100 years is no longer true because governments must compete globally now).

He is for less taxes, more tariffs for blue collar work, and making money it doesn't take a genius to understand.
>Competant and powerful enough to "cheat" in elections riggingthem
>Unable to cheat in a live debate

Schizos again disprove their own worldview
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he'll do better next time.


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A frozen volcano island that's the cleanest and safest country on earth. Literal ethnostate that's avoided by most thanks to it's harsh climate.
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Keep my countries name out of your drunk mongol mouth
>Believe HIV is a thing
>Don't understand how it works anyway
You're not into women anyway, so what are you whining for?
Saved me the trouble......
Poland learned their food from Germans though, they didnt invent anything by themselves

But it turns out they are even better than Germans in making the German products, at least on average
scandicuck will bow before finomongolian uberman. Also aint like half of your women has hiv from fucking niggers?

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>Elects a cat as a mayor
Why are Amerimutts like this?
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Caligula had his horse elected senator to prove a point.
Simple. Cat's can only be fat, they can't be niggers, shabbos goys or jews. I say based.
>Stubbs was a cat who was the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, from July 18, 1997, until his death in 2017.

That's when white people still existed in America.
>Looks at politicians.
Yeah, why was this not sensible again?
More useful than a real politician, this is a win for americans

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>tfw Biden
way too old for him

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I hate this shithole country so much
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>they're both just as bad
>trump lied
>actually trump stuttered more per minute
>biden had a cold
>dark brandon
>actually I thought joe did better
Never doubt the Democratic machine. Even when it shuts down all of Reddit, it shamelessly marches forward pretending that nothing happened.
Trump won big with the H2O argument, it's undeniable we had great H2O during his presidency
based. I'm happy Jews are white.
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>They have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office

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The truth of the Great Replacement, exposed.

Cartoon by Wes Rowell
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cool, still voting Trump
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So discard absolutely every talking point presented by 1 side and replace them with hyperbole?
Yep, sounds like jewish cope.
So virtually every major city across the Western world didn't become majority brown people over the past few decades? I guess I must've just imagined that
Stop noticing goy. But in return you get le epic trad right winger like Wilders
Dont these idiots support african americans? A race of people who pride in being stupid?

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>this is a fucking moronic plan if real.

It's like, half-real. The lesson a lot of Jews took from World War II was that being a <2% minority in a 98% white country wasn't safe, because at any moment white people could become Nazis and start rounding them up. So in the spirit of "never again," they became obsessive advocates for all minority rights and pushed hard everywhere they went for those countries to become thoroughly multicultural, figuring that a country that's 15% this, 20% that, 10% another thing, 8% various others, 45% white, and 2% Jewish all uniting together against the Jews would never happen.

And to be fair, they're probably right about that. A country with an overwhelmingly dominant ethnic majority is a lot more likely to go full Nazi on them than a malformed blob of different ethnic groups, but there have been serious unintended consequences.
>Trump has made it exceptionally clear he does not want war
I mean that's what he says, but media clearly is de facto promoting trump at this point by not covering for biden as they used to. And we know who controls the media. So there's only one conclusion to draw from this.
This. There will be a massive red flag in Ukraine and in SEA which will prevent USA from using diplomacy and be forced to send more troops.. A precusor to WW3. They needed Trump to entice white men to join the draft. That is all there is to it. So don't be fooled. Jews still control everything.
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finally i have a name to search for
one of the few negresses i could fap to
>there's only one conclusion to draw from this
That the kikes want a world war? Holy fuck say it ain't so, it's not as if I didn't already state that as well as /pol/ for the last 2 decades. Still voting, still prepping, still networking kike. Even if you flip the table and throw a geopolitical tantrum you and your pale and diseased genetic freaks are going fucking no where except in the dirt.

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Kamala crashing.
Just remember that four years ago, Biden was polled lower than Trump and this caused Democrats to vote more and Republicans to have overconfidence and vote less.

It's the same play book. Psychologically, people fear more from loss than they have pleasure from gains.
Trump obliterated Biden in that debate. Biden needs to retire. It's over for him. Just listening to their voices, Trumps was strong and decisive and Biden's was the cryptkeeper wheeze of the soon departed.
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>one spews nothing but bullshit, but in a mildly charismatic way
>the other sounds like he crawled out of the ground
truly the best America has to offer
at least I live in the sticks that gets ignored by everybody

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Emerge Victorious brothers.

The modern political system is nothing but a fucking charade. Only one thing matters going forward and that is our unification from sea to sea. The entire world seeks our destruction at the behest of the jew and with good reason - we are the seeds of a lost and powerful past.

The future of the world relies specifically on our unification.

Bring your best fashwave art, pro-European music and most mind bending thoughts regarding the legacy of our peoples and let's get ready to add to it.

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Ausländer raus.
There are roughly 200 million white people in the US, which is much more than any single Euroshit country faggot and more than many of them combined. Shut the fuck up. Your capital is overrun by shitskins. We're all in this shit together or we all die alone. No time for divide and conquer bullshit unless you're a traitorous kike.
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>Ausländer raus.
world wide this time
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I have a theory that for the past ~2000 or so years, humanity's underlying objective has been to earn our way back into the Garden of Eden, or Heaven. If you believe in the Christian explanation, Adam and Eve got us kicked out by sinning and rejecting god. If you don't believe in that explanation, it is still undeniable that humanity has many inherent flaws, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and the point of "progress" is to keep those flaws under control, and bring us closer to some kind of utopia. Even modern progressives who don't believe in Christianity still believe in progressing towards a utopia. It's just that their idea of a utopia is one in which people of all races can live in harmony and equality. In the utopia I and those people I listed imagine, other races, especially other noble races such as the Japanese, would live in peace and we would respect each other's traditions, but unlike modern progressives, we believe in respecting each other's traditions from a safe distance to maintain each of our unique identities, with only some cultural exchange on the edges. People in this utopia would simultaneously worship strength and kindness. There would be limited laws, which lack nuance and fail to consider the unique particulars of each situation, and good behavior would instead be instilled culturally. The only way you can have a civilization which is even vaguely libertarian is by having strong moral standards and homogeneity. America used to be fairly libertarian because it was mostly composed of WASPs with strict moral codes and honor.
I've been thinking of taking the WASP pill. I think there is a lot to learn from that historic group.

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Daily reminder you're all cattle and Andrew Yang was your very last hope.
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whose the guy talking shit about circumcision? Id like to hear what he has to say
He will be back. Everything he warned against 4 years ago has become true but next time we will fucking listen.
A kike that still believes Judaism is good
Yang shilling has been off the charts since the debate
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>next time we will fucking listen
No you will not.

She's been running the country for 3-1/2 years. So what's the problem? Let her run it for another 4-1/2 years.
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same, i'm jealous of everyone in the administration that's had a blow from her
>She's been running the country
no she didn't shlomo, cut the shit
RFK, Jr. for Vice President
Harris-Kennedy in '24
Can beat Trump
Poor Kamala just wants to go home.
Literally everyone hates her. She's the embodiment of everyone's shitty female boss and no one will put up with it

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And thinking that either party will actually make a difference or that they aren’t actually the same people at the top.

lol, lmao even. America is done. 250 year lifespan is coming to a close theydies and gentlethems.
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You're just mad you can't chew gum, own a house or fill gas in Malaysia. Fuck outta here renter. You will NEVER know what it's like to live in a big house with your own backyard and not sharing any walls
shitskins will be deported en masse
Can you say that your own politics are decidedly different?
Do you imagine that one of your parties will fix all the problems in your country?
Aren't you late for your appointment to get stabbed by an Afghani immigrant?
knoife stabbings went down years ago, the sand people started using acid and cars instead.

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ALL of this is a desperate attempt to flood the airwaves and keep the real conspiracy under wraps, keep the real truth from coming out
But I've seen it
I've see it with my own eyes

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women are vile. i popped open this girl's buttcheeks once and it was CHOCK FULL OF STINKY SMEGMA. i almost barfed right then and there.
Bullshit, this isn’t real.
>not using water like stone age
mutts are disgusting
protip: putting shit-covered paper in a trash can is a strong clue that you're in a third-world shithole
of all the countries in the western hemisphere, only canada, the u.s., chile and argentina have sewage systems which allow used toilet paper to be flushed
i like to think she was drunk or high and at a music festival or some such
i can't stomach the idea of a sober woman doing this

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