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Seeing how most of the population are in fact brainless mongoloids who willingly inject themselves with poison just to score good goy points it dawned on me that this was probably the reason why so many people died back in the days from all sorts of mysterious illnesses. They had less information to go by back then, "educated" people were looked up to as super-humans etc and if they had a "solution" in the form of medicine then you would take it without question.
If you have done any amount of digging through old soil or have access to old properties that have been undisturbed then you have no doubt found old medicine bottles in different shapes and colors. These things were everywhere back then.. "cures" for everything..
Just imagine living in the harsh conditions of the early 1900s, people die all around you, young healthy individuals fall sick and die horrific slow deaths. What is the reaction to seeing all of this? You want to ensure that it doesn't happen to you.. so what do you do? You buy "medicine" and ironically fall ill to the very thing you were hoping to prevent.
There were no oversight as to what they put in those bottles back then. If you were to fall victim of one of these crimes and die it would surely be lumped together with some general term for some made up illness.
The black death was probably poison as well. They have been trying to kill us for ages.
We never went to the moon.
Dinosaurs never existed.
The power of Nukes are exaggerated.
Gravity is nothing but a theory.
Public education is indoctrination.
75% of World History is False.
We didn’t evolve from primates.
The vacuum of space doesn’t exist.
No one knows what stars or planets are.
The sun and moon are local.
The Big Bang is pseudoscience.
Aliens don't exist.
Germ Theory is a lie.
Jesus is a psyop invented to control the masses.

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my 90 year old grandpa is way more cognizant than Joe Biden
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my 87 year old grandma with diagnosed dementia is more active and articulate than Biden
Your 90 year old grandpa is most likely vaccinated and wore a mask like a lobotomised gimp faggot for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist, so is just as barely sentient, if not even more stupid than Joe Biden
Enrico Dandalo was 95 and completely blind when he became Doge of Venice.
He did pretty good.
vote for your grandpa then, chud

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The hostile journalist got his shit question completely pushed back in by this elegant young lady.
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if shes so elegant then why is she showing off her ass to millions of people
I could have saved her
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>Females doing female things
Literally this theres no stopping them.

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>I worked 60 hours a week in the factory
>I had to walk a mile to somewhere I'd never been before to get a job
>I EARNED my pension!
>I had to do a shit job, so why don't you?
>why don't you volunteer or learn a skill, whilst I sit around watching television?
>and stop blaming foreigners, they just want a better life
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
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> anecdotal success story
lol. you're either a larper or a boomer with that thought process.
>boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
OK, it's people born in the 1940s holding you back. Got it. So what's your plan? They'll all be dead in the next 10-20 years then who are you going to blame for your troubles?
>Do you have any real advice?
Figure out a product or service that people want and figure out how to provide it for them. If all else fails join the military, that's traditionally been the last house on the block for degenerates or people who lack the self discipline to get their shit together.
>I imagine you're not actually successful yourself.
I'll admit I've wasted a lot of time when I was younger that I regret, but I'm doing pretty good now. I own a home and some land, a successful small business that demands less and less work the more I invest in it, some nice toys, enough put by that I'll be able to retire comfortably and in a good position to survive a year or two if civilziation completely stopped tomorrow.
You're not going to like it when I say it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice to get here though.
Do you have any vision for your future? Where you'd like to be? Do you think every minute of every day how you can get there, or are you busy bitching and making excuses and demoralizing yourself by getting into social media echo chambers full of demoralized losers?
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>OP's points
What point do you feel I'm trying to make here?
>don't question authority or the status quo
>Just work harder and pull up those bootstraps
Pick as much cotton as you want. A slave will never take the place of the master by working harder.
at this point if anyone over 50 lies to you about the economy and tells you diversity is a good thing, and you are white, you need to beat them to within an inch of death or kill them. The economic policies of this country are genociding white people. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for the law. Ignorance of the reality is true too. They are not being real with you, you are being genocided and therefor, traitors before enemies.

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Sunday, big day
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“Je crois, je suis sûr que beaucoup d’hommes n’engagent jamais leur être, leur sincérité profonde. Ils vivent à la surface d’eux-mêmes, et le sol humain est si riche que cette mince couche superficielle suffit pour une maigre moisson, qui donne l’illusion d’une véritable destinée.”
― Georges Bernanos, The Diary of a Country Priest
He was royalist
I hope RN wins big, i want to see the meltdown and paris burning.
The magic number is 289 seats
But nothing will happen anyways, look at Italy
>Gay jewish party might replace the current gay jewish party
Big day indeed

Now that the dust has settled, was the Russian S-500 system as good as advertised?
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>but we have to wait if one gets destroyed
Have there actually been any encounters? I haven't heard any news whatsoever.
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Yes cuz them Herman German tanks did Marvelous...top kek germanon,or can we just call you "burny" ?
German burn like Canadian forest fires set by TRUDEAU tranny faggots, squealing, "CLIMATE CHANGE"
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Russia is winning right?
that looks very well done, almost comfortable. Nice craftmanship

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Yes but I wont play your jewish color game. Jews and Mexicans are white too but are you European, no.
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They literally have Aryans in the mountains in Pakistan stop coping
Does she have any Neanderthal, Homo erectus, or Denisovan genetics?
If so, then she's a hybrid, not a full, complete Homo sapiens.
THAT is how humans should be identifying other humans. Not by their ethnicities, but whether or not people have archaic, extinct "ghost genes."
99.99% of jeets don't look like that, poocel

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Now that it has been conclusively proven that the universe is a simulation, how will you live your life differently?
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>who cares
the simulation, might control you and the only wake to break free is to not give up and try to push beyond your comfy philosophy
>Calculating Space (German: Rechnender Raum) is Konrad Zuse's 1969 book on automata theory. He proposed that all processes in the universe are computational.[2] This view is known today as the simulation hypothesis, digital philosophy, digital physics or pancomputationalism.[3] Zuse proposed that the universe is being computed by some sort of cellular automaton or other discrete computing machinery,[2]

>The Z3 was a German electromechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse in 1938, and completed in 1941. It was the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer.[3]
>Thanks to this machine and its predecessors, Konrad Zuse has often been suggested as the inventor of the computer.[14][15][16][17]
its not though
Since I'm white, I have deep respect for the people that worked hard to make the simulation, so I will continue acting exactly how I always have. Doing otherwise would invalidated their results for no reason and be very rude.

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Excellent news. The satanic death cult needs to go.
Based communism.
Aren't all the Albanian muzzies playing for the Swiss national team?
We always were euros and never were muslim. I never understood the skewed perspective on albanians in here. At worst we're generic greasy meds with a communist past but whiter.
pisslam is just as if not more cucked than Christcuckery

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If trump wins there will be mass suicides
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Lmao. Just go and put balls back on me. Eunuchism is as old as civilization and men infested by Abrahamic relgion kvetching over it has been a thing since the invention of christcucks.
Kill all niggers. All niggers are gay rapists.
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>All leftists should be staunchly opposed to illegal immigration. It's completely contradictory to everything the left believes in


Watching Unions openly simp for illegal immigration is mind blowing.
a penis

Why do boomers have zero sensitivity to subversion? Meanwhile I have an innate sensitivity to subversion. For example I couldn't finish this shit movie.
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I tried watching "Bodysnatchers" yesterday, for the time - and I was like: geez, the jewery was that bad even in the 70s?
Checked and correct.
>>472454083 It sucks to be a huge hypocrite like you.
>too complicated
Point of the movie is that you need to look like Brad Pit to fuck a woman that looks like Helena Bonham Carter

Its ablackpill movie, i dont know what you guys talk about

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Nah theres no beauty or whatsoever in just red circle
I really hate this flag
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My fav
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This one is sig as fug tho
Canada’s flag looks like budget decorations for autumn.

Scotland is best…their actual national flag (not St. Andrews) is great too. UK and Confederate flag are great as well. USA flag is cool but lack of symmetry ruins it.
South Africa's flag always reminds me of a pride flag. I hate it.

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Why are the "smartest" people in the world a bunch of barbaric goblins?
your IQ is low, you wouldn't understand
Because there are 1.3 billion of those rice receptacles and if 1 in 1000 people are a sociopath, there's 1.3 million sociopaths in Chinkadink land.

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>*knock knock*

you know it's coming right?
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If US kike military has any sense, they'll send a regular looking dude in a suit or something to knock with the army zogbot drones hiding out of view to molest the poor guy getting drafted after the suit guy gets the door open.
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Grant no mercy to any who show opposition.
>best times of my life
how many cocks did you take, faggot ?
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I'm just not gonna go alright?
I know! Ugh!
Why is this pic so hilarious

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trump didn't look good in the debate either he basically just lied the whole time like he always does
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This. The debate format tried to prevent Trump from defending against the lies while also answering the loaded questions.

I'm starting to see the frustration build up in him. He should earnestly just call for revolt and get this shit started. We can't save the niggers in the cities. Fire bomb them and rebuild. Burn all the old music and art from the 50s forward. Start anew.
>"I did not sleep with a pOrnstar"
>"I did not call ded soldiers 'suckers and Losers'.."
The latter he indignantly denied so many times that he simply must have said it. It's not like some random general would make the quote up, or anyone would be surprised if he had. It's basically exactly the type of shit Trump would and does say anyway, repeatedly.
Both of these guys are Presidents, they know what's up more than anyone in the world. If they don't know shit either then we really are fucked.
Why even lie, Trump was literally President too. If they aren't privy to the most top secret of top secret info then why even care who is President? Why would someone else even know more than them?
It's like Biden was saying "Putin will invade Europe after Ukraine". Trump was President so he knows the same thing Biden does and has seen all the declassified stuff about it so he knows whether that's true or not, he simply doesn't care. If he knows it's not true then Biden is the one lying. Same with the border and immigration, covid and vaccines, Israel, all of it. How can they disagree on anything? Doesn't make sense why they are even debating.

Did you enjoy the debate? Just two senile fuckers having no idea what they’re saying.
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No I didn't, I said I believe trump says what he wants to sometimes. We know he doesn't always hold his tongue. And he's old...and old alpha male among other old alpha males is a pissing contest no matter what situation.
I kept falling asleep because I was drinking
it was kinda lame
I drank each time Biden said “the idea”
- Employment was

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I'm currently travelling in a third-world country that barely has internet, so I won't be able to watch it until I'm back in America. But even Democrats sound like they think Biden fucked up. What specifically happened though? What specific questions/answers did Trump win on or Biden lose on?
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Also I fixed your image OP.
You're welcome.
Approved. Thank you, 51st state citizen.
Biden lost the independents. If the independent is die hard liberal, then RFK gets their vote now. democrat party is now going to have civil war to see who sits the iron throne.
Trump put on bad performance but gets away with it because he opponent did so much worse.
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Simple as.
90 minute debate and there isn't one soundbite of biden that doesn't sound like gibberish.

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Biden won the debate.
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and taylor wnbaw either
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When John Leibowitz says you lost the debate you know it's joever

Trump is your next zio enforcer, he already won
Imagine my shock

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Thank you miners

Previously, on Salt Mining General... >>472411428

Go forth and be the salt of the earth
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Plenty of reddit mods get paid well. Its not like 4ch, where the shills are the only ones harvesting cash. That cliche does not work when applied to them entire. Reddit mods *can* apparently be less pathetic that 4ch ones.
Holy fuck, this should be a banner
AIDS Clapton is upset.
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