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I sometimes see gypsies sleeping in the street. I see gypsies begging or collecting cans. But are gypsies really homeless or are they faking? Or are just some of them homeless? I thought about it today that gypsies normally look clean. As a matter of fact most homeless people look clean. Is it shelters or what gives?
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You probably didn’t even know where that was until I mentioned it kek
Don't know. A bunch of them sit in 24/7 fast food places, bus stations, ride buses and trains around and around etc from how it seems.
You didn't even fucking read before typing
Dumb post
The question is whether they are faking being homeless, not faking being gypsies. There, I spelled it out for you fuckface. Get tested for down syndrome.

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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What are da Jeux?




You ever bother actually like..umm..read the Bible? Ever?



IIRC there are many books and articles that suggest that Templars = Jesuits = Illuminati.

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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Based. The world is healing.
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Nobody likeds MonkeJew
I wonder where will Zelensky's plane land after he leaves Switzerland.
I guess in Poland and he takes a train to Kiev.
I don't think he will risk having his plane fly all the way to Kiev.
Putin is not there.

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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so you are the thought leader of /pol/ but you are anti-white?
I don't think so
It's impossible to get away from electricity in America unless you're rich or don't mind risking getting shot in a national park by the park ranger
Atheists are pushing hindu idols because they are afraid of Chadabraham

I forgot to mention Lao Tzu and Confucius were active at the same time in China. Mahavira and Buddha in India. Pythagoras in Greece/Italy. Imagine living at the same time as these men.
Pol is not right wing racist board in the beginning.
I am not take side with any sides.
No matter what i do . Anti or greeting. It's not much difference at the end . This is what i learn from Taoism

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Who was in the wrong here?
The Jews.

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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White Europeans found America first!!! Not redskins!!! Get it through your head!!!
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That looks awfully familiar.
not fair, when I have to fill out medical forms, my options were white, black, asian, hawaiian/pacific island, alaska native, or some other race.

They were elected on a mandate to reduce immigration from a level considered utterly unsustainable (~190,000 per year).
In 2023, after years of Tory rule, immigration was ~850,000 a year. The """conservatives""" elected to REDUCE immigration increased it by around 350% in 4 years.
The public were ready to swallow their pride and vote for Tories to deal with migrants. They haven't even tried - all we got was a little cruelty theatre about Rwanda or something, nothing real.
So now they're voting for the opposition. It's a protest vote.
Sad that democracy simply will never deliver to anti-migrant constituents. Same story with Meloni. There is no "right wing democratic party".
When are the Euros going to learn that Parties are what wreck representative governance?

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good russians need atleast one or two women to rape.
they literally spend all day in man ass the fucking faggots.
this just confirms my suspicions that, sadly, WW3 is going to be nothing other than a buttfuckers competition
Only women should be drafted since historically women have been the primary victims of war, according to the most popular presidential candidate with women in history. Men, it’s time we step things up and let women have it easy this time.
jews need their goy soldiers to fight their greater israel wars
get in the pine box, goy

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Do you watch modern television?
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I'm glad I dropped this shit after Season 2.
Last thing I sat down and watched was Fallout, and it just made me realize how shit modern TV is and that I wanted to just go back to vidya and replay New Vegas
TNG is rough to start out, but stick with it and you will be in for a really fucking good time
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>watch the new episodes
>they cut to a scene of a man eating another man's ass out
Why are jews so vile?
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Haven't watched tv in years. Don't even have one.

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Have you seen these four suspects?
Knife welding men just flew over my house
By "knife", they mean machete.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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The time has come?
>Japan itself is ridiculously overpopulated at the moment,
IN its urban environments. It's rurals are deader than disco. They could afford a 50% drop in the cities, though hard to say if they'll survive it
>didn't flash herself
it's pretty common for them to sleep with their boss for promotion and wage raise xD
and shit like that ain't even considered as cheating
Do you fuck literal monkeys too?
>Hong Kong/Taiwanese
They are all materialistic gold digger whores, I'd stay ten feet away. They are worse than mainlanders, but at least some mainlanders are okay.

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Was the Mandalay Bay shooting a glowy psyop?
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Might as well dump my folder on it...
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to both of (You), as far as i can discern, homeboy was a richfag who wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. didn't care who he shot, or when he shot them; just wanted to inflict the maximum amount of damage

sometimes, people snap. no official explanation needed, and it would be helpful of the LVPD would simply come out and say that. doesn't really take a genius to figure it out
FBI has dealt with situations of this scale before. it is always most beneficial to the department and its credibility in the eyes of the public to not discuss ongoing investigations. after about 2 months, with no leads on a motive/potential reason for targeting the airport fuel tanks + country music festival, though, they should've come out and simply said "dude was plum crazy. he was a psycho. our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their friends, their families, and anyone personally touched by this tragedy. we call on all LV hotels to take the safety and security of our community more seriously, and the LVPD will do everything in our power to prevent another senseless tragedy like this to ever occur in the future. this case is now closed, but if you have any information which you believe is relevant to the shooter's motives, you can reach us at blah blah blah"

we're years later now. a simple "sorry guys, he was just crazy" would be helpful, but they won't even do that, because it makes them look like the incompetent fools they are
You have to remember what was going on geopolitically at the time. Saudi King Abdullah died on 1/23/2015 and there was an ongoing power struggle for control of Saudi Arabia between Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the guy Trump called the dopey prince. The US deep state preferred bin Talal to control the Saudi Kingdom but MBS had the inside track and was consolidating control.
The Saudi Kingdom owns the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas NV. MBS was visiting Las Vegas and staying at the Mandalay Bay Hotel that 10/01/2017.
Saudi Prince MBS always travels with a large professional security detail.
The plan was to have Stephen Paddock , who had a documented history as a low level gun runner for US alphabet agencies, stage weapons and ammo at the floor immediately below the floors MBS was staying at. A large team would meet in Paddocks large corner suite, climb the stairs to the floor MBS was staying at, fight through the security detail and kill MBS.
The plan was foiled when the hotel security guard came to Paddocks room investigating a noise complaint. Remember the hotel security guard said they shot through the door at him when he started to open it with his pass key. The security guard retreated to the stairwell and raised the alarm on his radio.
All of the shooting that followed was the assassination team trying to cause enough chaos to allow them to escape the hotel.

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This is Gitega, the capital of Burundi. It is the poorest country in the world according to GDP per capita. The vast majority of the economy is based on subsistence farming. Do you notice something?
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Are you implying thar /pol/ could invade and take over this country?

What natural resources could be exploited?
>As president, Micombero became an advocate of African socialism and received support from the People's Republic of China.
I think I found it
Quite clean.
Look at all that iron-rich earth...
It's awfully small for the capital of an overpopulated African country. No buildings over three or four stories.

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Yeah but how do you think the process works? They don't show the process to the public but how do they get their people into all of these positions?
The answer to all "why" is always freemasonry.
So leaders of masonic temples adds them to a database and then hooks them up?

I am sure we can think of a lot of Jews that have absolutely no credible reason for being famous. Like Michael Rappaport. He isn't even funny and he's borderline insane and yet he is considered a comedian.

Seinfield was never funny. The shows maybe, but not his standup.

Seth Rogan. I am sure we can think of a ton of examples. They seem to throw in the weirdest and ugliest people and flaunt the fact they are Jewish. When if we look back to the 50s-70s, none of those people would be getting any air time. Its like they are throwing everyone and their uncle at us, putting Jews into every position they can, even if they aren't even good or qualified at what they do and then artificially inflating their popularity and "success"
>I just don't understand how they even get into these positions
I am not religious but if we want to say that Demons are essentially non-human entities that exist to tempt humans into sin. Then I can see your point of view.

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Thanks bro but why the fuck did you eat my melted swiss cheese pulled pork bacon leavened shrimp lobster sandwich that I left in the fridge you fucking kike?
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Jews rape kids.
>my melted swiss cheese pulled pork bacon leavened shrimp lobster sandwich

No longer stereotypes.
What a bizarre image that is

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Dating is getting worse and worse just like every other area of America. I live around a university and the women are all rabid libshits, often having a bunch of tattoos.

I have had a couple girlfriends but it's getting harder and harder to find someone who's not a clear political enemy or even potentially reformable.
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Have you discovered Latin American yet?
there is
having had 50 different cocks in yourself and then gooning to the memory of it when you're alone in your basement
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That's what I'm saying. No woman is going to take you seriously when you jestermaxx and juggle whatever shit she throws like you like the desperate clown you are while she's aware she was pumped and dumped by at least a dozen other men who didn't think she was worth further commitment.

There's a video of two monkeys who perform the same task, but one of them is paid less than the other and then freaks out. Even monkeys realize when they're gypped.

Last one told me in a pathetic loser because I only make $150k in my mid 20s
You need to go for it cuz it's blatantly obvious she likes you.

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Countries colored by safety level for locals/expats in case of a major global conflict
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Greenland safeish? Who the fuck gonna attack the 60,000 snowniggers there?
>I do not even fear dying.
Good, you won't be disappointed then.
Unlike you, I'm White. This country hates me, not dying for this country nor it's people.
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it is but don't try to fornicate or get close to any female, even the nice ones (if you can find one, kek)
women here can use an atrocious globohomo law who can put you in jail only with HER declaration to the pigs.
>Daily clashes with chink CG
>Unlimited goading from our US masters
>Riddled with US air and naval bases from top to bottom
>U N C L E A R
I wish I have the same confidence and positivity.
apparently full only for white ppl, but not hordes of sudanese, chinks and poojeets

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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someone said the draft age limit is 60? that cant be true
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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Roy Cohn. Homosexual and small hat enthusiast.
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What do you make of the human female version of Pepe being cast as the lead in a popular tv show?
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whoever made these I think
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in the occult frogs are associated with evil
they tricked 4chan into revering "Kek"
From my own memory, I started seeing pepe reaction images in 2013, but the memes exploded in 2015 then became a threat to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Are Japs even human?
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based, i wanna try dolphin but sadly only whale is common here
Who want they dolphussy ate?
our culture is demented. gas the kikes
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Will the results of the EU affect anything? Is it going to the same as always
I've seen people on Xitter talk about how the """extreme right-wing youth""" was gonna vote for """extremists""" in that election.
How true is that?
EU elections are a glorified popularity contest
You just voted to improve the lifestyle of some politicians. Nothing will change, nothing ever happens
this is the ultimate whiteness map
butter = white
olive oil = med/arab
sunflower = slavic

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