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>be me
>some extremely online weirdo
>posting on /pol/ at 3am
>thinking about how it all went wrong
>everything went to shit when the Austrian crown banned the Habsburgs
>tfw no more Habsburg jawline
>tfw no more Habsburg inbreeding memes
>tfw no more Habsburgs period

>mfw people don't realize the Habsburgs were holding Europe together
>mfw normies think the EU is the answer
>imagine not having a Holy Roman Emperor to keep things in check
>posting redpill on the Habsburgs
>they ruled half of Europe and parts of the New World
>lost everything because of some lame ass treaties and revolutions

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This prayer has an imprimatur.
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Based and Doggo pilled
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Meanwhile the ppl who label him as the Bad guy
Have no problem with this....Fucking Nuke us
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That's Xi eating blini with Putin though.
why should he

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No Ukrainian girl over the age of 12 is a virgin.
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>Fake country. Should be divised between Russia, Hungaria, Belorussia and Poland.
Correct. And their entire government is Jewish.
fuck russia. fuck iran. fuck shitslam. fuck belarus. fuck that heeb faggot kadirov. fuck the wpk , fuck the ccp. total.gook and shit-dirt vhild rpaist brown death.
Fake country literally invented by Stepan Bandera, a Jewish fascist who wanted to militarize the region and kill as many people as possible
Nice cope attempt.

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Are you burgers ready to fight yet another war for your Greatest Ally™ Israel?
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> Come on goyim this non-jew goyim white porn star dressed up in a military uniform is totally what our IDF soldiers all look like
> We would never lie to you goyim! Just look at ukraine! The head jew dictator of ukraine showed you how beautiful our jewess ukie solders are, and they're all females just waiting to take group showers with you, and take turns raping the goyim males that volunteer for the ukieland army!
>> Sure there might be picss of every single ukie female from the military ads, on porn sites. But do not be fooled! It's simply that every single one of them is an identical twin of a porn star, than they will all have their famous sisters also join the the group showers with you alone, all raping you, as long as you join the ukieland army and sign away your life to khazaria... I mean the big israel after the war (per zelly).... I mean new jersusalem... i mean....I mean.... stop asking questions goyim! What?! Are you antisemitic or something??!
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> Plus, we have the whitest military in the world! And every jewess IDF wants to gangrape you if you volunteer!
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He even stipulated it would likely be by I.S.I.S.

> Israeli
> Secret
> Intelligence
> Service
>.... Per the 1980's C-SPAN interview, when israeli zionist researchers interviewed the PM of israel and others. To find out what Mossad calls itself internally, since it doesn't call itself Mossad on paper, nor refer to itself as mossad verbally nor internally wither. They call themselves the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and if it had an acronym per the zionists, it would be I.S.I.S.... The video is available on jewtube, or I can provide the link if you don't believe me...
>Greatest Ally™ Israel?
Our greatest ally is UK because they have us by the balls.
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I wouldn't count on any republican to put a stop to jewish warmongering

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That's racist and antisemtic. Having guns means you're intolerant of others.
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Wow what a stupid thing to tell everyone, and an even stupider feature. Who is really gonna care enough to include that just for the sake of "not bumping"?
It could be any random non-White from anywhere on the planet.
Why don't you use your guns and establish a border? Nobody comes in to your territory unless authorised and you make your own laws.

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/pol/ humor thread
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Crazy video
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You are my favorite anon.

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Previous: >>471902830
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr

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You will never be Cem.
yunyun jack is kino.
It's like how France a bunch of other Euro countries copy the Russian flag.
Do we have a new baker?
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eldar is done >>471921202
>eldar is done >>471921202
eldar is done >>471921202
>eldar is done >>471921202
eldar is done >>471921202
>eldar is done >>471921202
eldar is done >>471921202
>eldar is done >>471921202
kikes changed dozens of hosts through history, it never works
kikes need to be killed
actually promoting israel to make all kikes move there and then nuking it is the best solution

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True… Wikipedia says there was a bit of pikey in there
Is this better?
You’re right. The British isles are mostly north of Germany, on the same latitude as Sweden yet we’re less aryan than Germany and nowhere near as aryan as Sweden. Even centroids like Austrians, Northern Italians and Hungarians are more Aryan than us, Brits are basically on a par with Spaniards or Croats skin-tone wise.
the bastard product the pairing of a Turkish soldier and a whore thinks a 1960's camera lens gives an accurate depection of Sean Connery's skin tone. Truly, it's a wonder nothing ever emerged from that black hole of a country known as Serbia.

>mfw OP is a faggot, as usual.
Ranjeet thinks Brits are more swarthy than Hungarians (what?)
I guess it helps if you have two working eyeballs. Dios mío…

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>Women from former USSR countries tend to aim for Korea because Europe is not favorable for their social branding. They would become a 4 as an immigrant even if they were at 6 in their countries

>Korean men, who are often unfamiliar with international issues, tend to highly value these women. They become a 10 in korea even if they were a 4 in the past.

Are there other common international trends among immigrants like this?
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So why are you retards referring to Russians as Soviets now?
Seems like kind of a coordinated effort.
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Yeah duh
>Women from former USSR countries
Should I name each country one by one for you tard?
>wow my uzbek princess
The left uzbek sister looks a bit like a Philippina tho
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That's her mom, her sister looks straight up Korean because her dad is

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When women say they want equality it is usually followed up with..
>If a Man fucks a 100 girls he's a hero but if a Woman fucks 100 guys shes a whore.

This is becoming a political issue. Chemicals from birth control are in the water supply and are feminizing men! I would argue if a man fucks 100 women he's a whore and should not be rewarded with praise from his peers. I would also argue birth control is not a right and not health care.
If society comes down harder on sexual promiscuity for men and women will it restore order to the west? Can slut shaming of men and women help increase birth rates, restore the nuclear family unit and lower divorce rates globally?
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the male gaze female gaze divide is also idiotic. They jot it down to their preference without listening to the others opinion. Women only here themselves, not others.
Find me a women led economy that favors their men. I'll wait.
USA is now a whore economy LARPing as traditional. Let it all burn.
>easy for women to fuck 100 men and get shamed
>hard for men to fuck 100 women and get praised
Why do people think this is some magical double standard? Women are the gatekeepers of sex and pregnancy. The reason we shame women for being slutty is basic human quality control. If you're willing to breed with anything then we're much more likely to get shit quality humans, and that's a negative for society and future generations. Women's role is extremely important but they don't take it seriously. That's why they get shamed.
Hoeflation is real.

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This is the guy who larps as a barbarian bodybuilder online
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Yes, but even in the somewhat private meetings I've been a fly on the wall for, he's not even secretly smart and evil or anything
is this some kind of new holocaust simulator?
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We expect to continue to ridicule him and his team as they flail about trying to contain their humiliation. That is all.

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Burning dollars what's a house without a home
Remember when /pol/ used to be worth visiting and not a bot-ridden, cancerous shit hole?
Yeah, me neither.
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>fellow human beings

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

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Those 3 provinces and Crimea in Ukraine. They actively supported Russia


>It shows OUR mistakes in our region.
What is this to mean?

But that is severe te discknowledging ur ethics and civil freedoms
morning lads
>real world connection
The only good ideas.
Guess I'll think about it some more in the near future.
Good night for now, the heater is so comfy and makes me sleepy.

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Did they hire a 12yo to design it lmao, looks impractical. But then again Korean boot camp looks like a kiddy playpen complete with ballpit.
The focus on loitering/indirect munition integration on the K2 was very forward thinking and just off the back of that it may be the best modern tank.
That’s a .50 cal with a blank adapter fitted
Hyundais are under rated.
They must be doing something right, your country is buying their ships
Koreans have been based shipwrights for centuries.
When Kublai Kahn wanted to invade Japan, he had the Koreans build him ships instead of the Chinese.

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How much history is actually real?
About 65% of it.
Most of history is clickbait and when something catches on it becomes embellished and perpetuated forever. Your pic for instance is a great example, people still actually believe his velocity composition laws are used in any GPS let alone the ones still classified under the DoD.
That's not even the worst he got away with, he actually "explained" light using Shabbat logic as the foundation.

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Leaving aside the concept of Equity, which is just straight up Communism with no other nuance to it at all, supporting both Diversity and Inclusion at the same time also makes zero sense.

Diversity is the idea that people are different because of both their environment (language, culture, religion, etc.) and their genes (race, sex, innate skills, etc.)... In other words, Diversity is almost entirely the fruit of exclusionary nationalism and war.

Inclusion, on the other hand, is the idea that we should strive to welcome "diverse" people into the same big group... But in doing so, we're essentially transforming their identity and erasing most of the things that made them "diverse" in the first place.

This means that Diversity and Inclusion are literally polar opposites. Wanting a society that is both "diverse" and "inclusive" is like wanting to produce a cold fire. It's totally retarded and paradoxical nonsense. How did anyone ever manage to buy this shit?
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I see a white three footer swastika.

How do leftists not see this shit.

The people that financially backed Hitler are still around and so are their institutions. This is what leftism is.
They are necessarily in direct competition, they are polar opposites. Are you fucking retarded?
Essentially this is the only answer. They just lied about the objective of DEI, and the plebs are stuck arguing if the idea has value or not, or is accomplishing it's objectives. It is accomplishing it's objective, but the people were lied to about it's goals. DEI and massive immigration isn't a thing outside of white countries, and would NEVER be as it's inherently against the good of the country and it's citizens, which is the entire point of a country and it's government.
TLDR nigger kill yourself
There’s tons of pushback against it. Like 50% of the US voter base is opposed to it

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what is wrong with russians
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They even made "info hazards" for you young guns. We went in raw (and wiggling)
HALL YAH BRO just like me call of duty games! Who cares if the lobby sucks just die and respawn
You can't avoid it. Getting blackpilled is the new white man's burden. Start headbobbing it'll loosen you up
Don't forget the hohol piggers are part of the USSR too

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George Floyd rain
I can't breathe because of his knee
George Floyd rain
Funny stuff OP
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You can't fight for jews. They don't recognize us black jews, they we all niggers. .
Set new prompt: [Cock] /ass /penis /BBC

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This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The comments on these threads are a gold mine bc someone spoke out about how leftist memes are spammed with text.
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Like on the stock market?
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So tired of this fucking faggot kike
didn't read it, but he should post that as a comment on this flap.
meme magic right here

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