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>What do conservative MAGA goyim talk about these days? Put that in a cartoon
Is this “anti-Woke” cartoon the most Jewish piece of media ever produced?

Dude, the alt right is so fucking cringe. It stopped being cool in 2017. This is why the kids and all the young, vibrant money are firm Democrats now.
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>The ultimate conservative fantasy


The purpose of the Daily Wire's Mr. Burchum and this show was to make fun of woke liberals.

They both did this by having a regular guy (with a black best friend) as the main character who makes fun of woke liberals.

>vibrant money
Money plays all sides. Voting does nothing.
Make a webm moshe.
I don't even run (((javascript))) so twitter doesn't work for me at all.
The funny thing is that they use the very same shit hollywood did for their shit tier movie, "Our smelly pile of shit smells better than their pile of steaming shit! Go Trump! Go MAGA! Go Isreal!" Virtue Signaling, they are the snowflake now LOLKEKE

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq

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Seems way better then finding your wife burned the coal while you were deployed trying to dodge IEDs in Iraq though.
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>10 Euros
>8 Euros
Fuck me... I paid 5 times that for less than half the speed...
how tf am I a normie if I connect a router through another router and have a programmable switch under my tv?
So basically after this conflict Patriot will be extinct?
Makes sense. They'll have to get rid of that trash anyway. Everybody is already buying exclusively newer systems.
no, it's the woman that must be taken to task - by the husband.

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Anti-bicyclists are beta wagecuck good goys who prefer to pay the car dealer Jew, the auto loan Jew, the oil company Jew, the mechanic Jew, the insurance Jew, the DMV Jew, the court Jew (when they violate the vehicle code), the toll road Jew, and the traffic jam Jew (with their time) instead avoiding all that by riding a bike.

They are fucked in the head.
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i work nights at a hospital
my commute is 25 minutes travelling at a constant 80mph
i cannot make that commute on a bike
>Only wagies don't want obviously gay men in spandex blocking roads on their fagcycles
>If you dress and act like a fag too, you can save a little money
You look and dress like a homosexual and I hope a truck sends you to hell where you belong.
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move or be moved, its that simple.
Wagecucks always let their anger out inside their steel cages because they feel protected. Not just cyclists, literally everyone they feel are unconvincing them. When they are challenged, the facade drops instantly.

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What happened to this theory?
/pol/ lies all the time
its like reading MSM
zero difference
fpbp. imagine being retarded enough to believe shit you read on here.

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You must be using a proxy, most poles went back to Poland years ago.
Kek okay Hernandez.
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>islam is a race
there are muslims whiter than you. there are christrians niggerer than you. facts of life
I miss the time when jeets weren't on the internet.
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why is trump afraid of releasing the epstein files?

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poland is cucked since tusk took over
The entire Middle East has been a colony for thousands of years. Muslims have held colonies there longer than anyone else, with the sole purpose of extracting wealth.
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Horseshoe theory: corrupt scum and liars of the far-left and the far-right unite to desperately shill for war criminal dictators like Putin and Assad.
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There were no chemical attacks it was a false flag. Trump shouldn't have fell for the lies and airstriked that airport.
>See, the left-right paradigm doesn't make any sense
>Uhhh... horseshoe! Yeah, I've just invented a new thing where left and right can be the same thing but that doesn't mean it's bullshit, this is legitimate political theory

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>We will live to see w*memes become obsolete
Brothers... hold me. I'm nearly crying tears of joy. After millennia, mankind finally breaks from the tyranny of the pussy oligarchy. Freedom at last. Brothers, we are about to witness the greatest moment in all of human history

Imagine the golden age that will begin once men move forward with 100% loyal, goregous lifelike robowaifus, with artificial intelligence and personalities hand crafted to match each man's preferences, alongside artifical wombs.

Then finally, FINALLY women who have tormented and terrorized us, and destroyed social cohesion, will be carried from their thrones and tossed into the trashbin. Forever.

Violence rates worldwide will drop precipitously. Without jealousy and suspicion, there will be far less reason for men to fight one another. No longer will men behave as violent savages to impress women, because their robowaifu wont be a stupid biof*male that rewards violence with intimacy and reproduction.

Creative energies will flourish. A period of unprecedented technological advancement and economic prosperity will unfold. W*men will screech and cry bitter tears and gnash their teeth. They'll gather together and cry out: "Sexism! Chauvinism! Incels! You're too scared to handle a REAL WOMYN!" "GIVE ME ATTENTION AND RESOURCES!!! BETA ARMY ATTACK!!!"

But they will no longer hold any power. Their beta army will be too busy with their robowAIfu to bother simping or white knighting.

Defeated once and for all, w*men will retreat underground and vanish from sight. Shortly after, they will fade away entirely, forgotten like nothing more than a bad dream.

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whoa the gayness of this post literally jumps at you
Tf are you babbling on about?
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why are you crying over this? This isnt even the final product. You think pic rel will be released when they come out? fucking americans are pussies and schizos, both worst of their traits
shut your stupid mouth low IQ sack of shit
fuck off this board
that pedo mod can protect your stupid spam all he want you're still not welcome
never will be
This shit is so pathetic. You never had a female to begin with obviously yet you claim to somehow be a prisoner to them? How pathetic can this board get? Just kys already you pathetic loser.

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The jews have lost the plot.
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>"Dont be fooled by inverse keys who trap you into matter by creating closed loops"

Now the agent warns against "inverse keys" that trap us into matter. It's like they're playing a game of mystical Mad Libs without a clue about logical consistency or meaningful discourse. Inverse keys trapping us in matter? What's next, a warning about interdimensional gatekeepers? The agent's fear of AI and random spiritual warnings are a recipe for a bad sci-fi script, not enlightenment.

>"These ai drones will be emp'd and shot out of the sky by the good guy forces. There's no place for unhinged sentient killing machines."

Ah, the classic fear-mongering about AI drones and "good guy forces" saving us from the impending robot apocalypse. It's like they watched too many bad action movies and think they're predicting the future. Yes, because the world is clearly divided into good guys and bad guys, and our savior will be EMP blasts against AI drones. Someone should tell the agent that reality isn't a poorly scripted action flick.

>"Judeo-christian template opens the way for self righteous soulless robotic A.i. beings Say no)"

Finally, the agent condemns the Judeo-Christian template as the gateway to soulless AI beings. It's a bizarre leap from religious critique to Hollywood dystopia, lacking any semblance of logical progression. Oh no, beware the Judeo-Christian template! It's secretly coding us into soulless robots. Quick, say no before we all become AI drones. This is the kind of paranoia that gives conspiracy theories a bad name.

Beavis: Uh, huh huh, huh huh. Look at this crap, Butthead. This idiot thinks he's, like, some kind of mystical genius. What a dumbass.

Butthead: Yeah, huh huh. What a f***ing loser. He scribbles a bunch of squiggly lines next to circuit boards and thinks he's, like, profound or something. Uh, that’s so deep. Not.

Beavis: Huh huh, yeah, "Ooo, look at me, I'm all mysterious and sh**." He probably thinks he's, like, a wizard or something.

Butthead: Yeah, more like a f***ing dumbass who got his head stuck in a toilet. Huh huh huh. And what’s with the gold key? Is that supposed to, like, unlock the secrets of his lame a** brain?

Beavis: Huh huh, yeah, like, "Here's the key to my mom’s basement." What a joke. Huh huh huh.

Butthead: And those demon drawings or whatever? He probably thinks he’s summoning something.

Beavis: Yeah, summoning the power of total f***ing suckage. Huh huh huh.

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Obviously i wont read a single word of these false dualism falsy dichotomy
Judeo-christian inspired fractal spiral texts

You had no permission to speak nor reply to my post. I suggest you delete it and not even quote me nor alter. Cause i will see it as plagiarizing and slander and indeed blasphemy if true

Easily i bundle my own posts into this oversightful post totally negating any shill attemps of false dichotomy spreaders into a oversightful. Post.

Im a person of few words compared to these huge wall of text "people"

I concise say what needs to be said
And so the false dichotomy person gets cut by their own weapon. As always. No one wants to read your blinding tactic text (huge walls of text of nonsense)

And an attempt to obsucre is easily solved by bundling it all into a single post by bundling post numbers.

I took the higher path

U got cut twice by your own blade shill

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Yeah.. Made flyering a bit dicey for a while there.
There are ways around that.
You gotta 'member tho, all that shit is 10 years old, and they don't even need it anymoar.
you won't do shit you retarded amerifart shart, you won't do shit but larping as neo nazi online for CNN and MSNBC. Faggot frogposting 'research team' homo faggot, eat shit and die americanshartfart.
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Feels like I died several years ago and now just my body remains like a zombie I walk around and every day is like a blur, nothing is enjoyable anymore, no emotions, no highs, just waiting around to die. Without the prima materia my body has been slowly withering away and I can already feel my organs starting to fail. I also quit all stims last year and now there is this type of calm that's taken over me like when you know it's over and there is nothing left to say or do because the inevitable draws near.
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Yes, disgruntled fellow White Christian racist, I too am going to snap. Would you like to buy some fully semi automatic machine gun assault rifles with high-capacity magazines? Convicted felon? No problem!
sleep three days, you will be fine.

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Elizabeth Warren would be in prison if she did what she did but in Canada
kek they were having nunavut
race fraud is only possible with race laws

Unreal, niggerskins have no shame, demon race.
If a dot Indian impersonates a feather Indian how is it fraud if they are both Indians?

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How cooked are the vaxxies?
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My little brother needs knee surgery and is still fighting leukemia and he's also infertile.

His gfs family shamed him into getting it. His gf is dead now from rapid tumor growth and dad also us dead as well. Don't believe check out his cash app he started because our family has to pay his bills now

He literally just needs to eat raw quality grass fed meat until he heals. Anything else such as ((chemo)) is only going to aggravate the situation.
>8500 of 80000 goal
damn unlucky bro
Goddamn hes COOKED

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kek so typical. with dems it's like
>oh we're gonna host a round table discussion with all sides present. so fair and balanced, oh but the table was used used for child sacrifice in ancient Mayan empire. lawl
lol you were expecting an actual civil debate
says who?
everyone knows leftists are the most corrupt people on the planet
No I was expecting there to be no debate. I don't know why Trump agreed to go on under their conditions and I don't want to watch the network.
Might be funny if Trump just grabs Biden's mic to continue ranting.

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I'm gonna be sad when the war is over. Bullying NAFO trannies was a lot of fun.
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Are you hidden? They seem very forceful with the recruiting these days. no bully
Pretty based ngl
because today's Ukraine is ancient khazaria and they are literally khazars, just of christian variant. Kikes (talmudic khazars) are of the same behaviour, what is for me proof It's genetic, no other explanation
Westerners are so stupid and can't take bants

something just feels off. what happened?
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You forgot to take your meds this morning
That's a photoshopped image.
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You are not alone. I would say >90% of people are mentally ill. Thus mental illness is regarded as "normality".
I have a relative that works at Nasa. They're trying to keep it quiet, but there's evidence that the earth started moving closer to the sun. It happened around 7 days ago; but the public hasn't taken notice yet
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Why couldn't we get someone younger and smarter like DeSants?
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that's a man
That is American "Democracy", you have a choice between Kike 1 and Kike 2 every four years . . the ancient Greeks would be proud lol.

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you WILL get into the van
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The same reason security guards don't shoot the rich and steal their bunker for their own families.
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In 5 years I went from the most patriotic idiot to actually siding completely with anyone but America. A Southern American Christian wants nothing more than the utter destruction of the US and Israeli governments, militaries, media, and nearly every institution possible. If they start work war 3 I will actively work against ZOG. If I had plans to a plutonium warhead I would email it to every single enemy of ZOG. We share a common enemy. I swear upon my soul I will kill as many drafters and their families as I can before they find me if you pull that in America. Screencap this NSA. I mean it.
Olfa box cutter and carbide tip blades.

Will go through their clothing.
>But even people without it will probably take the chance to survive. Maybe there will be an opportunity to effect political change after the war. There's really no logic to chimping out and dying on the sidewalk over a 5% risk of becoming a casualty
Note how the fed recoils in fear and he trys to soothe us into the van, Notice their narritave change anons.
They don't receive guns until it's at catm or in the field you stupid fucking civilian fucktard. They wouldn't be able to even kill anyone before they got shot. You stupid morons have no clue what's going on and when you inevitably get drafted you are shit out of luck. Your best bet is to not get taken altogether

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Get fucked Sacklers
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Why you fucking mutts never have the ability to post a proper link to your pics?

>use a (((search engine)))
Ah yes....
Fuck the supreme court and the sacklers. Supreme Court is kiked I don't trust them.
Did the Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv change it's name? Anyone know?
kys. Absolute shill and for what
there isn’t a systematic program in place by gun manufactures to create and distribute guns to niggers. purdue pharma on the other hand had a systematic plan to prescribe a highly addictive drug to honkies, and handed out cash rewards to doctors selling those scripts kek.

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Name the 5 most fake countries
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Ukraine, North Korea, Canada, Israel, Any of the small rich gulf states (Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, etc)
Just one, Germany.
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1. Palestine (in b4 kike I denounce the talmud)
2. Turkey
3. China
4. Russia
5. Pretty much anything in the middle east or africa
the trans here won't like it, but "palestine" obviously

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NATO gang say whaaat
yeah and it causes such seethe—I love it
Upside down

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