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Get fucked Sacklers
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>Have you ever had a prescription painkiller?
Yes, I grew up in SE KY in the 90s. No one OD'd from OCs, they started dying after the methadone clinics opened since everyone who went to one was also taking Xanax daily

I've never known of anyone dying from OC
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Literally kill yourself and take a few of your daemonic tribe with you
We have known about opium for almost 4000 years, we know what is and isn't toxic, believe me we have tested almost everything.
>And also this. They DID know that their drugs were being illegally prescribed, but that really isn't their problem.
yet they still supplied pain clinics with their trademarked drug
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>Opium isn't harmful bro just shoot up with me bro

How are the Zionist States of America supposed to pay this debt?
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Why can't the debt be cancelled? Or just eliminate whoever you owe it to?
The US partially defaulted in 1934 with the Gold Reserve Act and again in 1971. Also, many of the US' so-called "sanctions" are de facto partial defaults,
Buy bitcoin
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they will try to print there way out.
the banks will just abandon the usa lol. soon another country (you know which one) will get a new central bank and that one will make a bunch of new money and destroy the old usa.

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Is a Tim Hortons job the equivalent of a programming career for pajeets? Why are brahmins so desperate to flip burgers and be cashiers for the Canadian version of McDonald's?

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You cannot refute this.

"What was not known until now was any case of an individual who had received help, even if they could not return the favor, which would prove the existence of true altruism among Neanderthals. That is precisely what the discovery of 'Tina' means..."

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Magnon had red hair
They got from taping Neanderthals faggot
that's one rough-looking neanderthal chick.
Magnon arrived first then spread his seed everywhere including north africa

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I'd rather die for Communism, Marxism, Islam and Chinese Supremacy than for KKKapitalism, Nazism, Fascism and white supremacy

Kill tiny white pecker cuckolds, glory to the socialist workers in Marx
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Anon, I think most people generally agree but you guys present these arguments terribly. Your post for instance, congrats, you just turned off most white dudes reading your post.

Perhaps you should try to slow roll it, and show examples of how capitalism causes most of our issues.
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I am the Pale God.

Welcome to the winning team.
>I'd rather die
ok anon. keep me posted.
>I'd rather die for Communism, Marxism, Islam and Chinese Supremacy than for KKKapitalism, Nazism, Fascism and white supremacy
All of these are fascist except for capitalism

What happened to respecting everyone's belief?
Only lesbians are allowed to play woman's sports.
Straights can go play hocky.
yeah you were talkin a lot of shit too kaho
i really shouldnt tolerate that from you

i shouldnt have to tolerate anything from anyone

that's why im me
i don't have to have you either
i dont watch soccer
i dont care about some tranny
dont make me stop caring about you too

once its gone its gone
women's sports are for social engineering and lesbian grooming. They want nothing to do with pretty White heterosexual girls. The mask has come off this year, but it's always been like that. Hetero chicks have talked about how they get bullied by the dykes.
I'm in love with her

you think she's still alive?
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I genuinely hope all of these people are dead
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>when the kike begging goes too far

"It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the Magyar began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Magyar began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Fuck Hungary, I stand with Ukraine.

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ITT: Memory holes
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yeah what was the vegas shooting about

One of you state department glowies who planned it all out must be on here. Just tell us.
thanks fren, some pics are very low res tho can't see anything but I'll check 4plebs if it's still working kek
I can’t believe there are people who still believe this guy did it. >>472355231
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They're gonna let the media hype die down a bit, then let this yid walk, aren't they?
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Not guilty the frat bros did it

why do British lads look so dysgenic?

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Ever since i got double moderna’d ive been absolutely fucking COOKED. I took it for my job and bc i didnt think it would be this bad. I really doubt i will make it past the next few years. My hurt hurts so bad and i have severe neuological issues. Its so fucking over for me
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Chlorine dioxide

dementia symptoms in what way, how did it start?

did you see that new paper from korea?

can you tell your story somewhere with more exposure?
I didn't take the jab but I got very fucked up as well, masks and PCR tests had graphene, not as bad as the vax but still fucked.

so who would be profiting from exposing the carnage a mandated medical product caused - and who would be profiting from you shills spreading doubt about the obvious?
you rocked in the mummy bro

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Race isn't real
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>gaining more power is... Le bad
at least they won't let in more immigrants.
This is the worst bait thread I've ever seen
It's not all bad.
Look on the bright side.
A communist memeflaggot is getting BTFO'd
>the sun is peering over the horizon today.
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/pol/ kiddies had a meltdown over the assertion of an obvious fact. new low, /pol/.

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How will the globohomo jews cope with this?
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More like the Orbán is a kike slave faction.
sure sure
but still don't get why are you posting this fag's pic
are you in love with him?
No, but many brainwashed zsidó-keresztény hungarians are unfortunately.
then why are you posting his fag face if you are not in love with him?
I am conflicted by your words
Perhaps to provoke? Like with my first pic?

globohomo jews will do just fine because Orbán serves them at the end of the day. Plus Orbán would never want to leave EU/NATO

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How come Brazilians be so proud of their country?
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>sharty posting
memeflag D&C thread
That is 100% not accurate and Brazilians are probably the people to shit-talk brazil the absolute most .
>How come Brazilians be so proud of their country?
you only had conversation NPCs? any 100 IQ brazilian absolute hates this place. if I was swiss of course I would just chill and never know who's the fucking president when I can just enjoy a 1st world country with low crime, low corruption, etc
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Brazilians are literally monkeys.

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No Laney thread
Remember to pick your neighbor couch obese leftover as they surely make best of best in housewife territory.
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Not even if she came on to me. Reject vampiric whores.
yeah but you can restore a car you find in a dump
you can't restore a woman. we don't have the technology yet
like leftists, a lot of posters here refuse to look things up because it destroys the narrative they've created in their brains
>Citation: my own words
saved thank you anon you made my fucking day

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well... can someone be her white knight now she's DYING out here
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no one wants to hire an infamous whiner who records being fired to garner likes and fake sympathy

fuck around and find out bitch
no big name company is hiring her because she his just gonna record again and post it on YouTube if something doesnt work out
Cloudflare is in a shit position for months they need enterprise sales but if she didnt basically blackmail her customers its hard sell for Cloudflare currently because they want a couple grand a month if they can scam you out of business tier to enterprise
their stock is just really overvalued for the amount of paying customers they have
this anon gets it
Retard if paying off a very expensive mortgage, nearly maxed credit line from daily nessesity expenses and FUCKING car payments its not going to cut it. A respectable reputation requires a lifestyle. This is fucking horrible for her, I would kill myself than reduce myself and fail in front of all my coworkers I spent years trying to mog and outdo. To live like a poor is hell on earth. I could not do it, I grew up in the upper middle class and all I see is UP.
kek i hate linkedin so much
some faggot working for a "business talent acquisition firm" makes her a spreadsheet. probably only wants to get into her pants instead of giving her a job

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They might be distracted with kikes slaying sandniggers.
They don't even pretend to hide it. How are native Ukranians not absolutely livid?
Blackrock went on a shopping tour in ukraine too. And guesswhat: Just like in america they bought farming land..
From the US Pentagon.
That would be really nice. I just bought a house in Hamburg for an insanely low price because people are fleeing the country, afraid of Russian invasion. I'm not kidding.

I still need to sell my old house though, so it'd be nice if housing prices picked up again.

>I'm going to take all of my wealth and hard-earned assets and use them so that my kids are spoiled and don't have to learn any character-building life lessons
Why does literally every parent do this?
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this is fake bs. 99% about genes.
Due to Caucasian demographic death blows from WW1 and WW2 the wisdom of families and parenting has left society adrift in the wake of war profiteering and democide.
inheritance as money if fucked and stupid. Inheritance should be given as 100 forested acres of land and some hand tools. That's a fuckin inheritance
At least the boomers could leave a less jewed world behind since every detail of it is nonsensical and designed to give (((them))) more gibs, thrills, control, ...
Not all of them do, and some end up providing fuck all. If you got spoiled you're actually better off than the ones that got nothing. You can always get less from more, but getting more from less is always a hassel. You got lucky. The tree that is born crooked struggles towards the light, despite of, not because of it's crookedness. The other trees just reach it good.

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