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It is possible to be both anti-Z and pro Trump?
I say specifically anti-Z not pro Ukraine, because we know both Russia and Ukraine government are corrupt as fuck, but the ongoing Ruzzian invazion is even more fucked up.
Nah apparently if you aren't actively lying about the state of affairs you are a putin bot
Well it's certainly not possible to be anti-Israel and pro Trump, man that guy sure loves Jews.

Anyone who still equates Trump to Putin should just kill themselves

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The only poison they putting on you is this board filling your head full of stupid bullshit. take a rod and go fish, retard.
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I wanna start fishing, but purely as a sport thing. Eating mercury infused salmon doesn't sound great senpai
Killing innocent fish makes you feel good?
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thank you dr chud
>The only poison they putting on you
nigger hands typed this.
Learn to filter you idiot monkey.

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vaxxies will end the human race

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I just found out I am having a daughter, it took less than 1 week to get my wife pregnant back in March. I am unvaxxed though, wont be vaxxing my children either since the wife wants more.
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I know one person who's had a child since the vax. That's my vaxxed boss. The child was extremely premature. Would have died without medical intervention. That being said, one or a few people is not a good data pool unless that is, you are poorly educated and do not understand how statistics work. For more information on what constitutes a good sized sample, look at the video in the OP or any of the studies granddad cites in his vids for that matter.
chuckled at this frame.
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I laffed at this one
the black dog means depression

Remember that there were a shitload of saline shots in the mix not to make it too obvious that this shit was harmful.

What are yall doing?
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fake pic right. Trump's a teetotaller.
I disagree. It's all theatre.
Is that real?
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Doing laundry because electricity is cheaper after 11, eating a pan of brownies while watching the planet of the apes series. Might smoke a joint and have a cup of tea to let the thc and caffine fight it out.
Drinking, laughing (good threads tonight) probably more than I have in a long time. Pic is gonna make me smoke a bowl though

binged watched all my normal horror-channels on YT but yeah

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Do y'all support this?

Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...
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They tried to take everything from Germany as well. And largely they succeeded.
Yeah it's cheaper with Obombacare but the fucking mainstream Healthcare networks have become impossible to get an appointment and the quality of care is abysmal. See the doctor for five minutes, get some crazy pharma product. In our supposedly "free market" system.
Free healthcare, but only for brown people. Fuck democrats.
This is why I never vote democrat
They'll be used to round up all the treasonous draft dodging white men, and then given their empty houses and wives in return. You'll get a knock in your door and not even see the 4ft tall guatemalan soldier through the peep hole

Hello! Which Saints have you been reading lately? I'm reading the first and second apologies from Saint Justin Martyr. His words remind me that I (and you!) should always be defending and explaining the one true faith to everyone.
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Jesus chose His apostles to speak about HIM not about Jewish concentration camps 1950 years later
So who put this pope in as his mouthpiece?
God by divine providence chosen leaders of the church that would allow certain prophecies to be fulfilled including the message of Akita Fatima and la salette so that we could come closer to the end of time when there will only be confusion left.
Ok time to manually adjust the doomsday clock
>[pope cope intensifies]
It really is a retarded religion.
>begome cathlik, only troo church, please ignore pope

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Is LooksMaxxing the way to career & romantic success?
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That mouse utopia experiment was so prescient it's scary.
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Why's it called looksmaxxing if he became less attractive?
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It’s called look smaxxing where they look like the frog from sugar smacks

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>the whole thing is a race war between white people who come to america, eventually "had fallen into a state of unbelief and awful wickedness," and get slaughtered by dark skinned hordes
The Book of Mormon wasn't about the past, was it?
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oh yeah i remember copper cab talking about the redheads of america
It is a recurring story all throughout history. Whites advance the world and become powerful, then they're consumed by the useless brown hordes.

The brown hordes die off and then whites regain their control and dominance beginning the cycle anew. Only now there is no longer a home for the whites to regroup from. The world is on the verge of being plummeted into eternal darkness.
so the book of mormon is a prophecy
>Only now there is no longer a home for the whites to regroup from. The world is on the verge of being plummeted into eternal darkness.
niggers cannot survive in the north, but it doesn't matter. china won the species war without even trying because jews couldn't take the L and destroyed the west. the first and last cities on mars will be chinese
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even his detractors have to admit this is absurd holy shit
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He has "interns" that are constantly producing videos and shit for him to use on his streams. It isn't like playing music at an event is challenging.
Will the Juggalawyer come to the rescue and save the America First movement?
This is the devil, we collected all the are you the devil questions

Wake up and smell the coffe am chasing this
>sorry chud, they're a private company, they can do whatever they want
>private company is forced at gunpoint by the feds to hire niggers
If the government can force companies to hire niggers why can't the government force companies to uphold the principle of free speech? Quite curious.
So based on what they said in the second video and the look of the venue I'm assuming it wasn't a DJ hired by Fuentes that started playing music. It sounds like it was the venue staff who cancelled the event and decided to start playing the music and those two things happened more or less simultaneously.

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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take a look who is the biggest, not one of the, biggest chem based meds corp. take a look who was the top corp (that binds them all) for covidian vatardation
and especially, do take a close look, at those that run it - do they have divine origin due to their perhaps "ancient", aristocratic, lineage

it is funny how in most of europe, 'aristocrats and kangs' are no more, yet they are still found in 'free world'...and have their fat little fingers in many disgusting pies

so, next time
do take a look who is not being mentioned and who is the top boss

glah. blaaaaaaaah
>take a look who is the biggest, not one of the, biggest chem based meds corp.
Astute observations, Australianon.
Plz keep posting.
Sean Hross aka. GIUREH might be interesting, although I'm not sure what to think of him yet:
I've been saying they should nuke Switzerland for a while now. Putin should wait for the next WEF meeting and then glass the whole place. Can you imagine waking up in a world without all the evil globalists who want to genocide the human race existing? Can you imagine how much better the world would be? It would be game changing to wipe out all of the leadership of the satanic cabal in one shot.

I sometimes see gypsies sleeping in the street. I see gypsies begging or collecting cans. But are gypsies really homeless or are they faking? Or are just some of them homeless? I thought about it today that gypsies normally look clean. As a matter of fact most homeless people look clean. Is it shelters or what gives?
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You probably didn’t even know where that was until I mentioned it kek
Don't know. A bunch of them sit in 24/7 fast food places, bus stations, ride buses and trains around and around etc from how it seems.
You didn't even fucking read before typing
Dumb post
The question is whether they are faking being homeless, not faking being gypsies. There, I spelled it out for you fuckface. Get tested for down syndrome.

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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What are da Jeux?




You ever bother actually like..umm..read the Bible? Ever?



IIRC there are many books and articles that suggest that Templars = Jesuits = Illuminati.

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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Based. The world is healing.
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Nobody likeds MonkeJew
I wonder where will Zelensky's plane land after he leaves Switzerland.
I guess in Poland and he takes a train to Kiev.
I don't think he will risk having his plane fly all the way to Kiev.
Putin is not there.

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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so you are the thought leader of /pol/ but you are anti-white?
I don't think so
It's impossible to get away from electricity in America unless you're rich or don't mind risking getting shot in a national park by the park ranger
Atheists are pushing hindu idols because they are afraid of Chadabraham

I forgot to mention Lao Tzu and Confucius were active at the same time in China. Mahavira and Buddha in India. Pythagoras in Greece/Italy. Imagine living at the same time as these men.
Pol is not right wing racist board in the beginning.
I am not take side with any sides.
No matter what i do . Anti or greeting. It's not much difference at the end . This is what i learn from Taoism

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Who was in the wrong here?
The Jews.

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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White Europeans found America first!!! Not redskins!!! Get it through your head!!!
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That looks awfully familiar.
not fair, when I have to fill out medical forms, my options were white, black, asian, hawaiian/pacific island, alaska native, or some other race.

They were elected on a mandate to reduce immigration from a level considered utterly unsustainable (~190,000 per year).
In 2023, after years of Tory rule, immigration was ~850,000 a year. The """conservatives""" elected to REDUCE immigration increased it by around 350% in 4 years.
The public were ready to swallow their pride and vote for Tories to deal with migrants. They haven't even tried - all we got was a little cruelty theatre about Rwanda or something, nothing real.
So now they're voting for the opposition. It's a protest vote.
Sad that democracy simply will never deliver to anti-migrant constituents. Same story with Meloni. There is no "right wing democratic party".
When are the Euros going to learn that Parties are what wreck representative governance?

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good russians need atleast one or two women to rape.
they literally spend all day in man ass the fucking faggots.
this just confirms my suspicions that, sadly, WW3 is going to be nothing other than a buttfuckers competition
Only women should be drafted since historically women have been the primary victims of war, according to the most popular presidential candidate with women in history. Men, it’s time we step things up and let women have it easy this time.
jews need their goy soldiers to fight their greater israel wars
get in the pine box, goy

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Do you watch modern television?
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I'm glad I dropped this shit after Season 2.
Last thing I sat down and watched was Fallout, and it just made me realize how shit modern TV is and that I wanted to just go back to vidya and replay New Vegas
TNG is rough to start out, but stick with it and you will be in for a really fucking good time
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>watch the new episodes
>they cut to a scene of a man eating another man's ass out
Why are jews so vile?
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Haven't watched tv in years. Don't even have one.

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Have you seen these four suspects?
Knife welding men just flew over my house
By "knife", they mean machete.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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The time has come?
>Japan itself is ridiculously overpopulated at the moment,
IN its urban environments. It's rurals are deader than disco. They could afford a 50% drop in the cities, though hard to say if they'll survive it
>didn't flash herself
it's pretty common for them to sleep with their boss for promotion and wage raise xD
and shit like that ain't even considered as cheating
Do you fuck literal monkeys too?
>Hong Kong/Taiwanese
They are all materialistic gold digger whores, I'd stay ten feet away. They are worse than mainlanders, but at least some mainlanders are okay.

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