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The official flag of fags, niggers, Jews and morbidly obese women
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i am sad to see our natural adversary fall, sad, truly.
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Suck my dick you jew loving traitor.
Always remember:
The closest place from Hell is Paris.

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A constitutional monarchy would be loads better than any sort of democracy

We're stuck in a schizophrenic zig zag of policy

One guy who was trained from birth to lead with limits on his power is ideal and I don't see any real reason this shouldn't be the system
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Thread is dead, so no will mind if dump some stuff I wrote for the wise posting thread.

The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the nation that fails to root out social parasites and morally cancerous individuals will shortly become degenerate and destitute. For cancer and parasites spread as long as a source of nourishment is available.

One seeks a doctor upon discomfort. So does a nation seek a saviour when degenerate and destitute.

The mosquito is felt after its act, it is swatted upon the perception of discomfort. So does a nation address discomfort by destroying the source.

To consider all as equal is to renounce your tribe. To consider every member of the tribe as equal is to disown your family. To consider the every family member as equal is to forsake yourself.

There is strength in numbers, efficiency from cooperation but without a strong identity and belonging there can be no collective.

On the path of life. The clown will only ever find you dead ends, for he aims to keep you within the circus. Panic he will should you stumble upon a real path. Discourage you he will upon entry.

For the most wretched slaves. A sacrifice for freedom is seen as shameful but death from gluttony as rational.

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>A constitutional monarchy would be loads better than any sort of democracy
absolutely based
The current king of England was best friends with one of the most disgusting pedophiles in history and his younger brother was best friends with Epstein, this is the result of inbreeding, isolation and abuse to them as children, royals eat their own.
Australia system works pretty well as a constitutional monarchy only because the British royal family are only used as a token, our governor general is in reality our head of state.
We are talking about having ethnic nationalists as royals not jews.
A constitutional """monarchy""" is just a democracy with a mascot.

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what happens now?
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But aren't we in a recession and a massive inflation crisis. So how in the fuck does this chart show the economy as blue.? Doesn't this show the author lives in a fantasy or am I completely retarded here?

>People on the streets don't vote.
Who votes then? Dead Democrats? Illegal immigrants?
By people on the streets I mean normal people you square.
Were doing great here in America. At least me me and most all my friends and family.
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>Key 5: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign
>Key 6: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms

>Officially it's not in a recession
Thats some literal pic related tier retardation.
So as long as you don't have some kike admitting that the economy is in shambles, 1929 would've been just another year.
As long as nobody actually steps out and admits "shit's on fire yo!" or "the emperor has no clothes!", and obviously truthful statement that everyone who has functioning eyes can observe and verify for themselfes, everything is doing fine, thats your logic?

The only one who's doing great in this economy are 0.1% rich jewish assholes, and maybe 60+yo boomers, because their McMansion (that they bought 40 years ago for 2 dimes, a sack of onions, and a warm handshake) went up another few thousand in value this moring while they were out golfing.
Inflation has been stuck at like 30%/year for the past 4 years.
I don't give a fuck what "official stats" say about that. Average Normie Joe doesn't notice inflation by looking at some statistic published by the government or some financial institution.
They notice inflation by... you know... looking at the actual price tags in the stores when he goes grocery shopping.
And there prices have literally 2-3x'ed in the last 4 years, while wages havent.

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>But aren't we in a recession
Officially the US is not in a recession
A recession is two quarters of negative GDP growth

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>Nafo-culture keys

reminder for everyone in this slide thread that /pol/ is COCONUT PILLED and will be voting for our Coconut Queen Kamala in November
Interesting that they are destroying all real greek and real roman culture.
And only showing faggots.

The question is - WHY???
What do they have to hide?
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All globohomo kikes, niggers and white whores WILL be genocided and you WILL like it!

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Why do Americans hate Mormons so much?
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buB do they also fuck white incels to recruit? Or just niggers?
They recruit exclusively from internet bad boys with potty mouth
Invasive behaviour.
They won't take no for an answer.
You have to grab them by the pussy for them to go away and if you do that, the women will still hang out in front of your door.
Mormons also do a lot of sex trafficking but that's another problem.
devil shit propagates in our hell world, what a fucking surprise

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>so cool even racists like him

How did he do it ?
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which racists do you know like him? cause im the most racists man in the world and this nigger, i cant even distinguish between him and his subhuman brethren
Tax Evasion does something to a nigger. Snipes learned the hard way why no one fucked with the IRS.
That's because you've never left the house.
Nestle Pipes
>cause im the most racists man in the world
What are the chances you wear a star or david as well, Rabbi?

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it's real then. They definitely had reason to be happy about the 911 attack.
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get this is getting silly.
he supports nationalism, fuck off globohomo

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She has the Black vote. She has the woman vote. All she needs is the Jewish vote. They are the true king makers. No one gets power without their blessings.

The Zionists are clearly for Trump, so the only hope was to appoint THE FIRST JEWISH VICE PRESIDENT!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

But it turns out the Chosen Jew Josh Shapiro is a sexual deviant. Shocking I know.
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Found the one.
> The blatant CCP officials behind her
>bot detects the phrase "VICE PRESIDENT"
>starts spamming JDV propaganda
grim, amarican politics were a mistake
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My guess she will pick a white guy to match with the hat.
Maybe that is why she picked him - she wanted to get some BWC on the campaign trail.

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How do we solve the woman problem in our modern society? they are all mentally ill and have too much political power
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it will solve itself when the financial system goes tits up. they will go back to being whores and looking for men to take care fo them
>Get /fit/ and fuck and breed them into submission
You mean like Brad Pitt did?
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>they will go back to being whores and looking for men to take care fo them
They will.
>For eugenics to work, you have to stop the undesirables breeding.
You only need to stop subsidizing them. They will quickly die off from misadventure (overdose/killing each other) or get shot committing crimes against good people.

Prison is a form of government subsidy for otherwise undesirables. Stop paying for your own destruction. Stop paying taxes and go on assistance if you can.
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by impregnating them and ignoring everything else

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>The presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is essentially tied, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll that shows heightened support for her among nonwhite voters and dramatically increased enthusiasm about the campaign among Democrats.
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You missed.

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The left is afraid of JD Vance because he has a brown wife, even as doughy as he is he reinforces white male sexual power and the left knows this. For instance, every nonwhite celebrity tries to get a white trophy wife, but JD Vance turns that on its head.

Remember, there is a reason they only dislike white men doing it
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Idk he has kids with a foid
Wtf i want to breed indian women now
I can see the appeal, a crack baby race traitor white trash who sold his soul to the jew. He achieved everything a white American can dream for, he was a good addition for the Felon.
That's my boy, return to Aryan life!
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

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If it's Boeing, I'm not going.
Simple as.
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*if it's pooeing, I'm not going
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>one diversity hire
>one cuck
>one leaky spaceship held together with pink colored duct tape
>spaceship brake on ground
>put more duct tape on
>good enough
>yeet to space
>spaceship break again
>uh oh what do
>wail arms around in panic and limp to ISS
>run out of duct tape
>hold a pride event to boost morale
>it didn't work
>bitch and moan for 2 months while last 2 remaining middle aged white dudes at NASA try to remote fix shit that niggers and faggots fucked up

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Maybe they could ask Russia for help.
>jew male pajeeta female sex in orbit
I pity the crew of the ISS
I dont think T series turrets will hold up on reentry

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What is this phenotype?
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This, alot of these here in NE USA. Fucking wops breeding with potatoe niggers causes this. Shameful.
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slightly more european than trump's granddaughter
From 1 to 10 how would you rate her?

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what is their problem?
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Don't care still voting Trump.

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Dirty stinky smelly sandniggers are literally polluting the world you dolt lol

My dream is to live in the Greater Romanian Empire.
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Anon like my Turkish friends you need to wake up
Ottoman Empire isn't coming or Gypsy Kingdom
Honestly when’s the last time you’ve seen a great power lose and rebuild their empire twice? Never happens that’s why the next big one will come from an unexpected place.
I'd like to impale every faggot on this board.
Greater Țigănia
That sounds very gay

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I was watching the 2004 Athens Olympics opening ceremony, and I was struck by how much better it was than the Paris one. The Greek ceremony was tasteful, creative, geometric, futuristic, experimental, and aesthetically more interesting.

Meanwhile, the French opening ceremony was banal, grotesque, relying on platitudes, and generally said nothing beside the usual neoliberal gestalt with a vaguely French veneer. There was no artistic or aesthetic value in it all.

The massive difference between the two, the 2004 ceremony seemingly full of artistic energy and boldly winking at futurism, and the 2024 ceremony which was basically a steaming pile of late-stage neoliberal shit. What changed between these two ceremonies that caused such a dramatic collapse in aesthetics and art?
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Concentration of power in the hands of a few megacorps and the eternal brown hordes have been a disaster for genuine civilization.
Meanwhile Sydney 2000
fags dominate showbiz, always have, its like jews in banking
Kek we need this added to the dictionary
>They want us rootless and broken
They accomplished that goal decades ago.

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The president of Turkey informs Greece that Turkey is monitoring Greece's every step and will intervene when necessary to protect the Muslim minority in Greece.
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tldr motherfucker stop reddit spacing
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>Still negotiating ascension
actually that's on hold at the moment
Lol, lmao even

Do it, Greece would humiliate your subhuman kind.
Proud Orthodox Greek from the Pontic region

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How can science be so mean when you are trying to be earth friendly and can someone explain what happened like I am semi retarded?
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Kazakhstan is a real country? I thought it was made up for Borat.
>Dont let your tesla sit in your garage if a hurricane is coming.
Or, don't buy one to begin with.
>wtf is in these batteries?

Destiny is really furious that Trump is still alive. During his sperging on Twitter, he mocked the guy who got his head blown off on the account of being another dumb Trump supporter and he implied that it would be better if Trump was dead. He also still seems really scared of the "insurrection" which happened years ago.
Yet, despite clearly thinking American democracy is in danger, and that if Trump gets another chance at leading the country, or republicans even, America will turn into a dictatorship, he is still talking. He is still streaming. He is still trying to bait people into his autistic debates. If what he believes is true, to the intensity that he is trying to sell, he should dissappear off the face of the earth. As a controversial public figure some kid out there is propably keeping tabs on every tasteless shit he's ever said, and when shit hits the fan, im assuming some terminally online lonewolf, or the newly formed King Trump's gestapo militia will be making some housecalls. He should be on his third appointment will his plastic surgeon and getting his visa ready before they shut the country down and he can't get on a plane. He seems really serious about this. Like, personally, if there was even a 10% chance a tsunami was going to drown my city I'd be packing and going up the mountains. According to the amount of soil in his pants he propably thinks the chances are much higher. He has a couple of months to shut the fuck up and dissappear before what he thinks will happen, happens. So why is he still active? Surely he doesn't think the rifle he has hung on the wall will save him, right?
Destiny, if you're serious about the shit you spew, your actions should really reflect that. According to you, you should have quit years ago.

Either you aren't as scared as you say you are, or you're a moron. Clearly this is a war to you, and you're currently giving away your position.
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Because you live under occupation. The rules are enforced on you, not on them. You'll either shoot your way out of this mess or die in prison.
I bet you have mocked countless people whove died over the years. Of all people /pol/ anons clutching their pearls about this is one of the most hypocritical ever
Yeah yeah we know but another man is fucking his wife... so he's the one who's living in Hell at this very moment
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Oh wow another destiny cuck thread. If he behaves himself maybe his wife will let him eat out Tyrone's semen after he inseminates her this time.
anons here don't present themselves as aloof enlightened centrists like this fag does. Why does people holding him to his own standards bother you so?

>the crusades were evil
Tell me you didn't fall for this, the most retarded psyop in the world, Anon...

the crusades were evil
because they FAILED
Failure is not a virtue

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