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Proving once again the west can't enforce anything
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I've heard of "cow tipping", but "plane tipping"?
You still cannot beat a Cessna 152 or 172 to learn to fly in: Plenty of parts still available and there is an aerobatic version of the 152 for things like spin and aerobatic training.
It's how they transport them
I mean same plane
yeah these are way better for killing children

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If you own your house but don't pay the annual property tax, the state kicks you out and sells your house for profit.

So who owned the house then?
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Land is not capital and should be treated as common property like it was for the majority of human history.
You should only be able own what you build/produce. No one produced the land so it should be held in commons. In order to compensate the community for whatever private enclosure you erect all taxes should come from ground rents; in doing so the people who benefit most from the existence of the community wind up paying the most in taxes.
over here in best dakota (north) we have an initiative to abolish property taxes on the ballot come november
feels good to be a north dakota chad
Shut up faggot.
All rights are property rights. If you don’t own your property you are a feudal slave. That’s it.

If you support government you support slavery and you’re a bad person.
Just a friendly remind to anyone here who might be eligible to vote in Michigan. There’s a petition going on right now to put a vote, for removing property tax, on the November ballot.
>the cheapest room in a shared house here is $220/week.
sucks to be a kiwi, I guess
>What do they give you when you finish renting your place?
No capital gains tax

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I am more worried about India than China. The constant street shitter mockery and AI generated images are being seen by too many of them. They're not handling it well and I think they're going to lash out. Like full on Hindu Hitler rabid nationalist insanity lash out, attempting to restore respect through fear. Its gonna get ugly.
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Its shit like that I'm talking about. They could've had that guy extradited through diplomatic channels but Modi wants India to be seen as a global superpower to the point they can assassinate enemies in other countries with impunity. He wants an Indian intelligence department that can do shit like that, Indian version of CIA and KGB but more ruthless. His psycho disrespected Hindu base loved it and demands even more egregious displays of power. Its scary.
The global humiliation of India is nothing more or less than shining a light on the things they actually do and the way they actually live. The truth will never yield to anyone, least of all a tribe of 70 IQ, shit eating, penis worshipping, world pollluting ratmen.
Indians were once aryans, tortured and mutilated into becoming jeets.
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>What would someone like that do if they feel they are not getting the respect they deserve?
Emotionally binge on cow poop, causing India to have a cow poop shortage.

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Here's your blonde-haired blue-eyed wife in the year 2024, bro
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What is she? Octoroon?
I will do anything to rough fuck a brown fuck doll/sex slave.
Simple as
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>>dyed blonde hair and blue contact lenses
She seems to have real blue eyes but her hair is dyed.
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This is what her kid looks like. Very strange...

Why does /pol/ not understand that Hamas is literally anti-White, that Palestine is literally the global symbol of anti-Whiteness, and that Israel is defending White civilization from colored savagery?
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I don't know, maybe they just don't like that their government is supporting genocide?
>Hamas is literally anti-White
I've never met a Hamas member but from what I've seen they behave themselves. What the fuck are Jews supposed to be, because they sure as fuck aren't pro-White and are the most systematically anti-White force I've ever seen. Jews can fuck off and die, preferably by having their throats slit by all the coloreds they brought into White countries.
The only reason college kids are pro "Palestine" is because they think Jews are white and therefore bad. It creates strange political bedfellows
>never met a Hamas member but from what I've seen they behave themselves.
They raped children.
I hope Palistine gets rid of the squatters soon. The fedayeen have been so brave. Oh, I love Trump
Maga is fedayeen
I'ts going to be so beutiful when we are all one people without sharp contrasts between. Not a mix, but diverse in beliefs values and norms and respectfull of one another.

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The smell.
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That's an American. Here's the video you screencapped, replete with American automobiles and domiciles.
>I'm Just Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine So I'll Shit Up /pol/ Worse Than It Already Is: The Post
There's an app for that.

No seriously, women have apps for tracking their period. You can just download one and plug in the data when you get it, within a few years you'll always know exactly when she's either on it or about to go on it or just got off it.
they...they really just don't look at the moon when they're bleeding

have we really fallen so far

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Zoomer here. Youtube keeps pushing military videos into my feed.
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The war in Ukraine is more deadly and brutal than any way in history, boomer. It's the end of open infantry combat.
Nigger. Conflict in the middle east is over for the most part. It's shifting to Ukraine and Taiwan now. I never suggested anyone get jobs where they would be put in harms way.
I'm trying to help based peoppe not get drafted to the front lines to get slaughtered.
Join now and get a comfy job or get drafted and get fucked by snall CCP cock.
And no you will not go Rambo mode and live in the forest you fucking 4chan autist shut ins.
You are the truth, not I.
Learn how to use Firefox + block tube fag!
"Needs of the army", friendo. Read your contract. You aren't guaranteed an mos.

Here's the article.

Here is some commentary on the article.

Big banks are again upside down on all kinds of loan based securities. After the GFC banks are supposed to come up with plans to keep themselves out of bankruptcy. In the article it says that Citi Bank can't work their way out of a bankruptcy. They will probably need a bailout or be a sacrificial lamb.

All kinds of big banks have huge unrealized loses. They are hoping to make up for those loses with riskier derivatives. A great example of this is Norichunkin. It is a Japanese investment bank that works primarily with American and Euro bonds. They need to either sell off like $65 billon in bonds or get bailed out. Their big plan is to invest in riskier derivatives with possibly larger yields to make up for their unrealized losses on bonds. Go look up Exter's inverted pyramid. They want to go up the pyramid when they should be going down to gold.
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Does this have anything at all to do with Gamestop? I’d be surprised if it didn’t
Watching Eyes Wide Shut reading this.
Always pick up new Jew codes.

Let it all burn. Fuckem all.
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>to show how they could safely unwind their derivatives portfolios
that's the neat part, they can't
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Maybe I should take the $100k I have and just pay off my house

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Would you prefer to have a Gay son or a son that was Transexual? >inb4 Yes they are both gay. No shit.
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This first and above all
Technically everyone is at least 0.001% gay. The problem with this statement is that it's used to justify far more than it really means.

If someone is actually gay or bi, that is you're 51% or more attracted to same sex, then fine I understand that. But that doesn't mean it's a good thing. Or that we have to grant you the institution of marriage. Or that you should get special rights, protections, or moral status at the cost of stigmatizing everyone else who points out the real costs such as diseases and child abuse rates. Nor should who you want to fuck be considered an identity as profound as sex or race. And finally gays should not be permitted to organize as a permanent countercultural grievance group, a standing reserve of political capital for use by Jews to guilt normal white people into submission.
At least your gay son can be cured with ivermectin.
If you raise your kid away from all of this hyper-sexual faggotry, you will have neither. No one is born a faggot. I would have healthy children with standard inclinations towards reproduction. It’s that simple.
I agree with all of this. Visibility is suicide. Same-sex marriage was a mistake. State-regulated marriage should be abolished all together. All marriages should be arranged on a case-by-case contractual basis.

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Animals are rebelling in India. Habitat loss and overpopulation is creating conflict between species. How can it be resolved?
Trump will save India

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How will Trump overcome this commercial? Its airing all over and people are responding to it, Deniro is hurting Trump

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Having shill on the resume isn't going to be the plus you think it is come November
You heard me fagatroon
Robert de zero is a sad, deluded small man with a huge ego. His family life is a joke and his sell by date happened decade ago.
He is a sad, desperate “thespian” with loads on cash but the cash is irrelevant. Because he can never get what he really wants -Respect and attention - because he has never earned either.
and somehow less corrupt and a better father then biden. sad case.
People are willing to deal with this as opposed to the current border nightmare fueled by Biden. Those who live off of gibs are furious at this mess.

Imagine a world where every single time a woman tells you to do something, you just do it. No questions asked. No pushback. No "but why?" or "that's not fair". You just obey.

Would society collapse? Would women suddenly become more responsible and start making better decisions? Or would they just take advantage of us and turn us into their personal servants?

Would we see a rise in female leaders and politicians, or would they just get bored and start demanding more shoes and handbags?

Seriously though, what would happen if we just gave women everything they wanted? Would it be a utopia or a dystopia?

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Are you obeying properly?
Like your own? But imagine on a personal level, would it make you happy to be bossed around by a woman? Secretly even?
If you grew up with a sister older than you then you'd know the answer to this.
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>What happens if you just do what a toddler wants?
>Would it walk all over me?
>Throw Tantrums?
>Never stop complaining until it gets what it wants?
Totally not a disingenuous jewpost.
>stupid ass kike motherfucker.

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According to this news report Oakland California's Lakefest at Merritt Lake was peaceful full of White People compared to the Mostly PoC of Juneteenth Festival at the same location 3 days ago.

Your url has a tracker at the end.
Don't be scared. you wont end up on a watchlist.. I Promise (as far as I know)

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Hamas lost
Palishitstainians lost

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What happens if the Philippines invokes their mutual defense treaty with the US? Does WW3 start?
Nothing ever happens.
>Breaking news at 6, the president has declared military operations to stop china's territorial expansion in the south china sea.

The US won't go to war until the media renames that body of water to the Kyiv straits
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China have been bullying phillipines and USA just pussies out.
they're about to run some cope drills

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Housing inventory in Austin, TX hits fresh all time high
The Fed is not printing the money
Blackrock is not buying them
Illegal aliens are not buying them either
Literally everything real estate shills have said is wrong
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It literally means "death pledge" in French. I think that's accurate.
>using austin as a metric
Only deranged faggots want to live there
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Problem with analyzing the real estate market by standard supply-demand metrics, is that we live in a post-1970s Financialized global economy and of all the major asset markets which directly comprise the Real Economy of goods-services-commodities, the megaoverinflated real estate market in the U.S. is the most dependent upon the banking industry remaining solvent as seen in the topic here >>471911492
We've been in total global economic collapse since mid-2019 and the covid never-before-in-human-history global lockdown was the 'pause' needed to provide trillions more in liquidity so that the investment banks could continue their blackbox hidden casino while continuing to boost its directly-dependent asset market gigabubbles like real estate >>471911751

(you're correct anon 'by the numbers' it *ought* to work that way but thanks to Financialization and all of present-day banking entirely dependent upon speculative deriviative "assets" to stay afloat, it simply does not)
Tesla reincorporated in Texas. They also got the land their factory is built on unincorporated from Austin. Now they don't have to pay city taxes or follow city environmental regulations. They're playing off the ironic antagonism between the city of Austin and the State of Texas, the state capital and the government headquartered there. Tesla has also laid off nearly 3,000 people in Austin. Elon Musk is a fucking parasite and he's playing these retards like a fiddle. The government thinks they can beat these leeches at their own game. They just end up getting raped for subsidies and then left with no tax income and barely any jobs.
>Prices in Austin
>Just buy a home in surrounded by wetbacks and niggers goy!
Go be a kike somewhere else.

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I want to build a right wing app. Maybe a 4chan app that lets you scroll through threads like facebook?
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I like that but make it where the jannies get paid nothing and they do it for free oh wait someone already made an app like that.
Gab already exists
A „Fact“ checking app. But you know… checked from us.
Kek. Semi doable

Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and two sketchy looking African dudes were hanging around outside near the entrance of the store. I kept walked further along to the opposite end of the store where there was another entrance just to avoid them. After doing my shopping, I went down the street to get something at 7-11, and an Indian clerk was working there. This was on the outskirts of a small town about 200 km north of Tokyo. Please pray for Nippon. 終わりだ
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In the Midwest there are more illegal south African immigrants now because they know how to work farms and don't look like illegals (obviously not a ton but more than you think)
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remember kids, when you see a flag promoting mass immigration it's either a jew, or as in this case, a pajeet
I’m not completely fucking my whole life just to fuck with niggers. Not your personal army retard. If anything whites here should stop other whites from doing BLM and pride protests and such. That’s the real problem.

If you want niggers heads to be beaten against each other you going to have to do it your self faggot.
You honestly think a Jeet has the mental capacity to suspect as such? lol, lmao even.
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Name bigger humiliation ritual and slave branding than this
kneeling to niggers
are you new here?
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maybe naming your children with jewish slave names and raising them to worship a degenerate jew rabbi on a stick?

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Who will it be?
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My niggas
Rollin for Jfk Jr.
I know only one man with the political acumen to serve as Trump's veep
an AI that only machine learned information from hitler.
Anything else would disappoint /pol/
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Ok so if no Barron. Then Melania for VP.
It would be like having Stan and Xev from Lexx as our rulers.

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