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looks like lainey
brb working on it

>hello fellow goyim, are you ready for experimental booster every 2 weeks?
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vote for a kike you get a kike, who knew
I don't know. I'm gathering intelligence right now to form TKD-squads when the collapse happens.
Apprently a very high percentage of the most rich families (old money) are jews. Slim might be a jew for example, not sure but he's from middle east. Former President Gortari was a jew too.
Sorry Mexibro.
The parasite has sucked the USA dry and is looking for a new host.
Do people in Mexico really not notice this?
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Our planet needs to be liberated. Beaners and gringos unite.

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>when does it start
9pm Eastern Time
>where to watch
CNN.com or USA Today’s YouTube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs?si=pW6uuE7-lP1DMAyx

This is going to be a shit show.
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the goal is to control the message, and silence anyone who isn't spouting propaganda.
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let's hope both sides have fun
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I have a feeling this will be Joe's last public appearance for quite a while
Just cool it with the anti-Semitism.
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please let this debate be meme worthy

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Nigger accidently sets house on fire
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If only the masses knew how common it is for niggers to have schizophrenia. If only they knew how high narcissism rates are in the nigger population. If only they knew the sociopath rates are higher for niggers than any other race.
Wouldn’t work. It’s a mall with a high IDF you won’t have access unless you have a scissor lift. Next the hard hat will expose an idiot “electricians wear different types of hard hats” your high vis vest better have a company name on or badge and usually they have an access list to sign before you start work plus they require ID which will get verified by IT.

I would catch someone so fucking fast

>Have uBlock Origin extension installed
>Paste the following into the "my filters" section of the dashboard.





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shut up fag muffin, im trying to spread awareness to actual happenings

The niggers are the accident.

>hohol peace deal
Remember Ivan don't shoot the guys in cockhole uniforms who speak funnny gibberish instead of the usual slavic gibberish. They are conscripted Hungarians.
why did i laugh at this lol i think i remember orban bitching about that jew drafting hungarians
It will be entirely attributed to kikenskiy as well. Despite him being the one that utilized being invaded for his massive corruption as a means to kill as many ukrianians as possible so he could import jews to a green Isreal and niggers to wait on them.
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sorry sweaty, the jewkraine is transwinning
Take it, Crimea looks nice. Counter Strike and Dota is empty without you guys, come back.

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It gets truer by the day and they have no response to it.
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/uhg/ btfo yet again
Only a jew would say this. Ukraine wants to make Ukraine full of migrants and to be a new jewish homeland. You are just a mossad agent wanting to spread your message of Jewish propaganda.
Russian Z niggers are the same faggots who are still posting about covid. When everyone else got over it you're still talking about how great russia is when it's a shit hole state begging north korea of all people to help them. Russia lost the moment the west sent air defences, no airspace control = no control.
>You guys have to make Ukraine be about trans stuff
Ukraine made Ukraine about trans stuff when they made a troon their liaison to the West lmao.
My government says Ukrainians are a unique culture and have a right to exist.
But my government also says that native Irish people don't have a unique culture and don't have a right to exist.
My government says Ukraine should be able to protect it's borders from invaders but it also says Ireland should have open borders and welcome being invaded.
My government says that Irish people should go and fight the Russians but that Ukrainians don't have to fight the Russians they should come to Ireland instead.
My government says that Irish people who don't support the Ukrainian government in their war are bad but Ukrainian people who flee here and refuse to help their government to fight Russia are heroes.
I am very confused

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Why is this so common?
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wow those cartoon rebels!!

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I have gone 543 days without masturbating, not even a single stroke. I have a zero tolerance policy towards edging of anykind.
However I still watch porn all the time, and have done for almost all these 543 days. This has made me more kino and powerful. I am constantly generating masses of sexual energy which I am channeling into other endeavors. :)
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>Final form
Be the Alcoholic In A Bar. Nofap while watching porn daily. Become iron.
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Lol, maybe when I was 14-15.
so when do you come out of the closet? is that why you refrain? must be why you can look at regular porn ... kinda sus
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You at 15

I can save her.
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>high body count
what do you mean?
wtf is that migu? Why is that pos hurting migu?
that bitch probably burns more coal than coal-fed steam engine.
why save someone who doesn't want to save themselves?

Is this “Democracy” that’s chuds are so proud about.

Ireland just vote for EU migration pact which means millions more refugees will pour into Ireland. Enjoy your “democracy” bros

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The difference between me and you is that I'm not trying to keep brother wars alive for the rest of eternity
White solidarity against third world hordes is enough for me
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Remember these names, lads. Each and every one of them a traitor to Ireland and her people. These 79 overpaid, poisonous snakes voted 'Yes' to opt in to the EU migration pact, narrowly winning by just 7 votes. 9 TDs didn't vote at all and aren't named on this list, but make no mistake, they are also traitors to our country.
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Just to reiterate, instead of putting this to the Irish people in a referendum, 79 people decided the fate of this country and the death of Ireland culturally and demographically.

By 2050, 85% of population growth will be through inward migration. Unless we do something, we are fucked.
Oi! Connor! Bring out the C4, lad! Irish Space Agency got new heights to reach.

the corporate tax haven state is doing ZOG corpo shit - big surprise

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It would be the best country to live in Latin America.
what's your are gay
Every country that don't let Argentinians in is great in sudaca land.

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Why Indians are more hated than niggers this days, are really that bad?
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Well the true history of your country and religion is kind a sad
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imagine that + arrogance and poop smell and poop eating

Yeah it really sucks when your toilet backs up and it starts rising.
i would take Indians over niggers and muslims but I still don’t want them
They're a disgusting race.

They literally stink. They eat and wipe their asses with their bare hands. They shit in the streets. Their food is contaminated with bacteria and parasites. And they're also notorious sex pests obsessed with white skin.

The hate is well earned.

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"As a Black man who has experienced 400 years of slavery, if I see a White man, good looking, with a hot woman, out on the town spending money, I am taking the holy stick of Wakanda off my shoulder and knocking those White brains out. "

This is everyday America now.
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>Ian Miles Cheong
Why is this faggot always posting Jew-safe racial rage bait for whites? Is he funded by some Zionist organisation?
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This is why you don't relax around niggers.
Hate crime, since it's towards whitey that's ok and people seriously still ask me why I hate ALL niggers
>Nigger does crime
Quit being a faggot

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I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless shit nobody cares about and not getting ahead in life.
I worked there a lot over the past 12 years and the wagie community was a major factor in my decision to not work anymore. NEETs did it to an extent as well but WAGIES are far worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for me to even be able to one day buy a home and have a family and why working was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>economic collapse is coming
>stack metals the end is nigh
>keep waging faggot
>100% eoy silver will reach 5k an ounce
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the year billions will be unemployed because of the AI.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the jobs didn't disappear, the banks didn't collapse (unfortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not going to be Millennial's Economic Paradise, it will not be the Roaring 20's all over again. The world will not be descending into hyper deflation and prosperity (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major gains or rewards.
I will enjoy watching wagies burn every step along the way.

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>wages were designed to keep you as poor as possible
Thats not working then thats slavery or indentured servitude something your ancestors wouldve fought with their lives also literally everything is taxed and those taxes go to soft genociding me in my own birth place while also funding institutions that act against my interests. I will not participate in a society that wants me replaced or dead. I will continue to be self sufficient with hunting, gardening, and crafting. Ill just leech off the system and continue to be burden on the government that wants me gone
You should consider part time employment. That way you won't go crazy and will have some money for basic needs. Full time job is a fucking unbearable hell that I will never do again.
ayo, uh, checked
So how exactly are you sustaining and housing yourself?
You should be aware buck broken wagies have no way to know how to niggrify the system until it's too late and they're on either the street or lying to mental health facilities to have a bed to lie on.
Why not get a cool job? My wife and I talk about how we should have just gone into forestry. We make plenty of money, but I think I’m going to start a small business because these computer jobs can be pretty lame.

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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The next time before you post, THINK…

T - is it True?
H - is it Helpful?
I - is it Inspiring?
N - is it Necessary?
K - is it Kind?
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Good night
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>28.06.2024 6:00
Brace yourself.
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Behold, a Man!

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The Irish may have pale skin but they act like niggers. Their BLM chimp outs and their arson is just further proof of that. So of course they support Palestine like all the other brown countries. That has now come back to bite them. Who could've seen this coming?

If you don't support Israel, you're not white. It's that simple. The Irish were better off under British rule and they know it. If they love Paliniggers so much they should invite them to Ireland.
Dont worry anon, ireland is getting plenty of immigrants in the next few years.
Good. They deserve it.

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During the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the Pajeet army minister ordered the Leaf army to save Afghan jeets instead of Canadian citizens. This was after the guy already lied about being deployed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. He scammed Canada twice as a minister already (that we know of)
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Meh, if it was China they would have left them all to die. I'll give credit to Rahj for having a soul.
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Perhaps, but I always found it amusing

Unpopular opinion but leafs are based and shouldn't be replaced, least of all by jeets
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You don't fucking understand. Whites did vote for this, they love to destroy everything they know to prove how not racist they are. If Justin wasn't going to win it would be the NDP who are straight up communists who hate white people.
The goy deserve it.
Nothing makes me happier than the fall of Canada. Warned you cunts that even the 5 eyes dont trust you, its more like 4 eyes now.
Your economy is based upon fakery known as derivatives.
You have no gold reserves.
And you have no opposition political party.
Most of all, no canadian actually has any fucking balls to go against what his massa says.


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last attempt, last 2 threads died too soon.

/pol/ thread to discuss books what else is there to say?
also wondering about the following: 1.) what are the powers that be planning to do w regard to dissident right books in the next few years? Outright ban? Monitor people’s purchases to see if they buy them then come up with some excuse to act? Soft censorship (deleting domain names for books that sell it etc without doing the previous)

2.) what do we do about it? Is it too risky to buy stuff now? or should I be frugal for a bit and mass buy everything I want to eventually read before censorship kicks in?

not actually from Latvia am a burgerfag on vacation if that means anything

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Maybe it's time to stop
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Good Lord, Japanese messed up by allowing you shitty people in. Fortunately, they are far more racist than we are in the West, along with most East Asians. Your time there will be short once enough of the population experiences your presence with any of their five senses (smell especially). You'll be back in India before you know it, Ranjeet.
but moonkey tells the truth
Chinks are way better than jeets, id rather everybody on my street be a gook than have a single nest of indians living a block away.
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Leave Japan shitstain
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>Maybe it's time to stop
We're just getting started

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