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>one shot in life
>born hungarian
>in detroit michigan
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Hey, fixed that for you. Puskás is not not the most famous hungarian anymore
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o/ digits
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mijn is beter belge
Nope. Time to kill that mindset and destroy the American identity forever. It's anti-eugenic.
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>>one shot in life
>>born hungarian
>>in detroit michigan

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You cannot refute this.

"What was not known until now was any case of an individual who had received help, even if they could not return the favor, which would prove the existence of true altruism among Neanderthals. That is precisely what the discovery of 'Tina' means..."

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This reminds me of Ayn Rand's objectivism.
She argued that every altrustic act was fundamentally selfish.
And to those who don't know Ayn Rand (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum) was a Jew.
Jews keep coming up with unhuman philosiphies.
that neanderthal girl would smoke the strongest nigger with ease

apparently neanderthals are white according to this study.
There is enough reason to be antisemetic, neanderthals arent one of them
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I want to homosap-pee-in her butt
You're very wrong on this subject and it shows in what you said and the condfidence in which you said it. Stop larping you retard
Got him. When you guys gonna purge all the various kinds of niggers from you homeland? I kind of want to help

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Where was Yahweh during the destruction of the Second temple? Was he asleep? Or was he hiding and afraid of fighting the Romans?

Maybe Yahweh did send Rabbi Yeshua so he could tell you to not resist an evil man, turn the other cheek, and render unto Caesar the taxes he demanded.

If you had listened to Rabbi Yeshua maybe you wouldn't be so goddamned deformed from inbreeding after Titus and Hadrian nearly extincted kikerats.

He said pay taxes to Romans not kikes.
Currently kikes are the ones getting the taxes in the US.
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behind all misery there is a hooknose
swindlers deceivers thiefs

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I there a dumber place for white women to travel than to India?
I blame Eat Prey Love for this. Even women you get nearly gang raped by the hotel staff (like pic) have to pretend that Indai is this aazinbg thing at first. Then they upload the truth.
I think some mid and sub5 white women really like the Giga Stacy treatment they get while in India and tell other white women to visit for that reason. Other than that, I have no idea why anyone would go there.
based fiji
White women in general have a hardcore fetish for darkskinned men that look most opposite then. The lighter and blonder the white girl the more they crave that dark cock. Usually BBC but Indians are very dark too
Completely absurdly false.
Quit your pornography addiction and these kinds of thoughts that plague you, will subside, friend.
girls are so viscerally grossed out by jeets it's crazy. I'd kms and start over if I were a jeet.

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Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. - Gautama Buddha. Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy. Jews, negros, liberals, trannies, globohomo, the elites, all that hatred will never appease their hatred. Only non-hatred will appease it. This is a law eternal.
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Is it possible that the nazi's were actually jews ? trying to subvert through control of both victim and perpetrator. Sounds like something they would do
The Buddha is said to have rejected severe asceticism as profitless, in that it did not lead to enlightenment.
that's why it's the middle way

probably because he could, but self-defense can be allowed. just has to be without anger so as to not raise karmic burden.
might is right.
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The end goal is to stop the cycle of hate. Eye for an eye makes the world blind. The next evolution of man will be highly spiritual and the ones who Resist Not Evil will inherit the earth and pave the way for Christ's Return.
>Jesus coming
religion is a cult, get help.

Yeah. I hope they team up and slaughter you all

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Are Bulgarians white?
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>Are X white?
Chose whatever will make you not to come here. We are full.

Only if you have blond hair and blue/gray eyes you are white...rest are more and less niggers and should pack their things and go back to Africa...sorry.
I'll be getting drunk with cheap alcohol in golden sands next month
I consider bulgarians based and white.
t. mass tourism enjoyer

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EU shekels > dead vatnik meat cubes
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I believe it, with the shell shortage that was just had.

Someone’s pockets got lined with gold (quite literally).
>If Russia paid more for that ammo, they’d be receiving it.
Russia can't afford to provide boots or first aid kits for its mobiks.
option 3
>try not being a gypsy
Serfs were always just traitorous gypsies.

ACB has entered menopause and she was having heavy cramps when she made up her mind on Rahimi, and Murthy v. Missouri. She was confused because the law is so complicated and men don't want to explain it to her. You can be sure that she's is still a reliable conservative vote and the Federalist Society can be trusted for their judicial recommendations. God bless ACB's adopted black children and let's pray those cramps don't flare up again during another important decision. Go conservatives!
women can't be judges. if you disagree then you're a communist satan worshipper.
The cunt who killed America. I wonder how many times she fucked kids on camera while mossad watched? 12? More than 20?
How is this even physically possible for a woman? Take your meds.

Wake up goy, new science dropped.
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Coal is great for nuclear material
gas, no
and obviously not the rest
Part of the whole fun of nuuu climate change isnt real is the people not checking into any of the history
just abjectly going, yuppers its like las month
like forgetting that the 2nd largest crop in the US until WW1 was ice, and that many ice farms now cant make any
They dont realize the shift because to them ice isnt an essential item
these retards don't have a fucking clue about literally anything

it's all just lies
>her inbox unmanageable
Isn't that all women?
theoretically there's a risk of runaway photysntehsis in the oceans which would consume all the CO2 and turn the Earth into ice ball
but I don't think we're nowhere near that
there were times in Earth history (if you want to believe it) that atmosphere had 10x the CO2 it has now. Nothing bad happened and the flora was thriving. Though it wasn't conjoined with deforestation, so that might be a factor

either way, as much as I'm not convinced about global warming, I don't think we should pollute unnecessarily

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Shut up. White people are talking.
Because the people on the street were trying to order him around. If they had told him to kill the nigger he would have gotten him medical treatment right away.
EV fag
jews arent white
He was hot tired and sweaty, Pretty sure he had multiple run ins and thought of Floyd as an absolute monkey. He just ran out of fucks to give and when he got that dude under his knee he could get away with it since he knew Floyd was probably way over the lethal limit for hair-on.

Can I meet a nice trad wife if I start spelunking? I understand that there are no blacks down there.
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They're called "cavers" now. Why? Because like Trekkies vs Trekkers, it's people trying to pretend they're not some they really are.
don't look up that story of that dude who died upside down and they sealed his body in the cave for the luls
No! They are all loose leftist hippies that try to be macho and compete with men. They also sleep around a whole lot, sometimes even if they are married. The only hope in caving is to get one that only goes a few times and isnt really part of the main caving groups.
yeah buddy come on down nothing to worry about haha
>nintendo switch
i dont care for those but ill go down

A new TikTok trends exposes the degradation of food found in the supermarket. Watermelon, avocados, blueberries, bananas etc. are not like they used to be. They are rubbery, make weird noise, you can even bend them. They have a different texture. They look different.


Wtf is going on?
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They tested old canned produce and discovered that modern fruits contain about 1/10th the vitamins and minerals that they had 100 years ago. Even after the canning process.
this feels like china getting revenge for all the fake food in their country that everyone jokes about
Meats pumped full of water now too. Makes it gooey and the amount of water that comes out of my chicken or beef now is disgusting.
Idk whete these niggers live but the farmer's market is cheaper here

this explains to me why there are so many brown hair brown eyes types in Germany or Austria. They are heavily celtic.
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light hair/eyes aren't some ancient hyperborean northwest european trait. They appeared around the Black sea. "Cuman" means fair, they were named that because they stood out. Also, Thracians were consistently described as red/fair haired
Zeta is a name from Proxima Centauri, ayy lmaos btfo
Britain barely had a road network until the past century. Romans built some but they later fell out of use. Most people didn't travel more than a few miles from where they were born prior to the industrial revolution and even then...
I honestly wonder if the majority of the welsh are named Llewellyn Jones.
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People are just making stuff up

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Epstein was the good guy
>blackmailed Chink & Russian elites for US and Isreal
>this is somehow bad
He fought evil with evil to protect The West.
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Then elites kill'd him and after his death the whole world has gone into complete shit. Rich wild dogs are finally released from their lashes.

You can't fuck kids and call yourself a good guy.
you sound like a pedo.
This is nonsensical.

You posit a scenario whereby Epstein and the israelis are the good guys. Go. Epstein is the good guy - and what? The American politicians and business leaders are still blackmailed, right? Are they acting on behalf of China and Russia now...or are they acting to benefit israel? What's your theory here?

The israelis bugged the Oval Office during Clinton. Is that the good guy move? Did China and Russia bug the Oval Office?

Which Chinese and Russian oligarchs did the Mossad blackmail? Name one.
Why are Russia and China supposed to be enemies of America?

The premise of your thesis is faulty.

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Two Russian soldiers were killed in an artillery attack today. but let me explain why this is a win for based and trad Russia and a loss for HATO!
One 122mm artillery shell is $5000 PER WHOLE UNIT! (that's like a brand new Lada wow!)
We all know how expendable Russian soldiers are for the all-mighty and trad Russian army, so HATO is actually experiencing a loss of $2500 per Russian death, and Grand Admiral Putin knows that a Russian warrior costs far less!
These warriors can peacefully rest knowing their deaths cost HATO 0.000000042735% of its budget!
>One 122mm artillery shell is $5000 PER WHOLE UNIT!
lmao! no it's not faggot. But it is true. Russia is definitelty "de-militarizing" NATO by intercepting all their weapons with their tanks and mobik bodies. They've gotten really good at it.
Russia will eventually triumph in this conflict.
Russia will wear down HATO and the jews.
Russia works like that. Takes a while, but always wins.
It's true. Russia always wins because for the reason OP noted: Russian lives are of the least possible value and the Russian state has always been maximally willing to sacrifice them in whatever numbers are necessary for their own purposes. It's why tactics and shit have no place in their army—the meatwave conquers all in the end, same as erosion and entropy.
Do you support NATO OP?
Man just walking along with you bro. talking about before the war. talking about what you're going to do after the war and then all of a sudden nothing more.

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Why can’t the corrupt Russian animals just accept that Ukraine chose a future with the EU and NATO.
Russia is a corrupt, criminal, warmongering shithole with nothing to offer.
Who would ever want to be a shithole like North Korea, Belarus, Venezuela, Nicaragua or any other of Russia’s “allies”?
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If Putin wants muslim-communism-Palestina why don't the left support him?
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why cant you accept that you will never be a woman
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This is true. Imagine going from LARPing as the world’s second army, getting blown the fuck out in Ukraine, and then desperately begging North Korea for table scraps to sustain a failed war.
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Not my problem and thank goodness for that.

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I don’t get it.
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>still fucking around with lithium
>instead of ammonia fuel cells
All those batteries will still be there in the landfill when we need them.
oh. then you are stupid and no nothing about geopolitics.
>I really don't understand the economics of lithium

Its all fake. Politicians respond to money and only money. So these other countries scrape up as much cash as possible to pay lobbyist and congress buys are bunch of hookers and tells you you can't mine lithium yada yada yada. This is the whole point of Washington DC. They do nothing else (besides virtue signal).
The truth is, there is enough lithium in the US to last a very very long time. Google it up of you don't believe me. Assuming they haven't deleted all the stories about the ginourmous lithium deposit they found out west.
steve jobs

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I love how laid back they are and I wish I could be like that
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You can't.
You need first of all the genes.
Then you need the sort of mother that you will also only find in slavic and muslim countries.

Having missed those 2 things it's impossible for you to become spanish/med in any form or way.

Only few will understand.

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Will porn be totally banned by the end of the decade, /pol/?

It seems like millennials were the trial generation for the mass distribution and consumption of pornography. And it looks like it ended up being way more effective than they originally expected.
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Sadly no
I think Mass Porn Distribution is a population control weapon when you think about it.
Maybe they'll try to find some excuse to paywall it
you ever heard of pee wee herman?
>physically meeting a person to buy porn from
He was an idiot and deserved what he got.

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